1 /*========================== begin_copyright_notice ============================
3 Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Intel Corporation
5 SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
7 ============================= end_copyright_notice ===========================*/
12 #include "Parser.hpp"
13 #include "../IR/InstBuilder.hpp"
14 #include "../IR/Kernel.hpp"
15 #include "../IR/Loc.hpp"
16 #include "../IR/Types.hpp"
17 #include "../ErrorHandler.hpp"
19 // #include <functional>
20 #include <map>
21 #include <string>
23 namespace iga {
24     struct ParseOpts {
25         // Enables certain IsaAsm-era directives
26         //   .default_execution_size(...)
27         //   .default_register_type(...)
28         bool supportLegacyDirectives = false;
29         // emits warnings about deprecated syntax
30         bool deprecatedSyntaxWarnings = true;
31         SWSB_ENCODE_MODE swsbEncodeMode = SWSB_ENCODE_MODE::SWSBInvalidMode;
33         // sets the maximum number of fatal syntax errors allowable
34         // before we give up on the parse
35         size_t maxSyntaxErrors = 3;
ParseOptsiga::ParseOpts37         ParseOpts(const Model &model) {
38             swsbEncodeMode = model.getSWSBEncodeMode();
39         }
40     };
42     // The primary API for parsing GEN kernels
43     Kernel *ParseGenKernel(
44         const Model &model,
45         const char *inp,
46         ErrorHandler &e,
47         const ParseOpts &popts);
49     // using SymbolTableFunc =
50     //     std::function<bool(const std::string &, ImmVal &)>;
52     struct ExprParseOpts {
53         bool allowFloat = true; // (vs int)
54         std::map<std::string,ImmVal> symbols;
ExprParseOptsiga::ExprParseOpts56         ExprParseOpts(bool allowFlts = true)
57             : allowFloat(allowFlts)
58         {
59         }
60     };
62     // Generic GEN parser that can:
63     //   - parse constant expressions and knows it's model
64     //   - etc...
65     //
66     struct GenParser : public Parser
67     {
68         const Model&                   m_model;
69         InstBuilder&                   m_builder;
70         const ParseOpts                m_opts;
73         GenParser(
74             const Model &model,
75             InstBuilder &handler,
76             const std::string &inp,
77             ErrorHandler &eh,
78             const ParseOpts &pots);
platformiga::GenParser80         Platform platform() const {return m_model.platform;}
82         bool LookupReg(
83             const std::string &str,
84             const RegInfo *&regInfo,
85             int &regNum);
86         bool PeekReg(const RegInfo*& regInfo, int& regNum);
87         bool ConsumeReg(const RegInfo*& regInfo, int &regNum);
89         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
90         // expression parsing
91         // &,|
92         // <<,>>
93         // +,-
94         // *,/,%
95         // -(unary neg)
96         // literals
97         //
98         // attempts to parse;
99         //   * returns false if parsing failed with no progress was made
100         bool TryParseConstExpr(ImmVal &v);
101         bool TryParseConstExpr(const ExprParseOpts &pos, ImmVal &v);
102         //
103         // parses something, but requires it evaluate to an int
104         bool TryParseIntConstExpr(ImmVal &v,
105             const char *forWhat = nullptr);
106         bool TryParseIntConstExpr(
107             const ExprParseOpts &pos, ImmVal &v,
108             const char *forWhat = nullptr);
109         //
110         // same as above, but starts at additive level
111         bool TryParseIntConstExprAdd(ImmVal &v,
112             const char *forWhat = nullptr);
113         bool TryParseIntConstExprAdd(
114             const ExprParseOpts &pos, ImmVal &v,
115             const char *forWhat = nullptr);
116         // assumes you are here
117         //  X + E1 - E2
118         //    ^ (starts here with 0)
119         // don't want to negate the whole term
120         //  X - 1 - 1
121         //    ^^^^^^^ == -2
122         // if nothing showing then we return 0 and success (true)
123         bool TryParseIntConstExprAddChain(
124             const ExprParseOpts &pos, ImmVal &v,
125             const char *forWhat = nullptr);
126         bool TryParseIntConstExprAddChain(ImmVal &v,
127                 const char *forWhat = nullptr);
128         //
129         // same as above, but starts at the primary level
130         // so operators require grouping parentheses to start e.g. (1 + 2)
131         bool TryParseIntConstExprPrimary(ImmVal &v,
132             const char *forWhat = nullptr);
133         bool TryParseIntConstExprPrimary(
134             const ExprParseOpts &pos, ImmVal &v,
135             const char *forWhat = nullptr);
137     protected:
138         void ensureIntegral(const Token &t, const ImmVal &v);
139         void checkNumTypes(const ImmVal &v1, const Token &t, const ImmVal &v2);
140         void checkIntTypes(const ImmVal &v1, const Token &t, const ImmVal &v2);
142         ImmVal evalBinExpr(const ImmVal &v1, const Token &t, const ImmVal &v2);
143         bool parseBitwiseExpr(const ExprParseOpts &po, bool consumed, ImmVal &v);
144         bool parseBitwiseANDExpr(const ExprParseOpts &po, bool consumed, ImmVal &v);
145         bool parseBitwiseXORExpr(const ExprParseOpts &po, bool consumed, ImmVal &v);
146         bool parseBitwiseORExpr(const ExprParseOpts &po, bool consumed, ImmVal &v);
147         bool parseShiftExpr(const ExprParseOpts &po, bool consumed, ImmVal &v);
148         bool parseAddExpr(const ExprParseOpts &po, bool consumed, ImmVal &v);
149         bool parseMulExpr(const ExprParseOpts &po, bool consumed, ImmVal &v);
150         bool parseUnExpr(const ExprParseOpts &po, bool consumed, ImmVal &v);
151         bool parsePrimaryExpr(const ExprParseOpts &po, bool consumed, ImmVal &v);
152     private:
153         void initSymbolMaps();
154         std::map<std::string,const RegInfo*>  m_regmap;
155     }; // class GenParser
156 } // iga::
157 #endif