2 /*
3  |
4  | Subroutines for reading JPL ephemerides.
5  | derived from testeph.f as contained in DE403 distribution July 1995.
6  | works with DE200, DE102, DE403, DE404, DE405, DE406, DE431
7  | (attention, these ephemerides do not have exactly the same reference frame)
9   Authors: Dieter Koch and Alois Treindl, Astrodienst Zurich
11 ************************************************************/
12 /* Copyright (C) 1997 - 2021 Astrodienst AG, Switzerland.  All rights reserved.
14   License conditions
15   ------------------
17   This file is part of Swiss Ephemeris.
19   Swiss Ephemeris is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.  No author
20   or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
21   or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he
22   or she says so in writing.
24   Swiss Ephemeris is made available by its authors under a dual licensing
25   system. The software developer, who uses any part of Swiss Ephemeris
26   in his or her software, must choose between one of the two license models,
27   which are
28   a) GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
29   b) Swiss Ephemeris Professional License
31   The choice must be made before the software developer distributes software
32   containing parts of Swiss Ephemeris to others, and before any public
33   service using the developed software is activated.
35   If the developer choses the AGPL software license, he or she must fulfill
36   the conditions of that license, which includes the obligation to place his
37   or her whole software project under the AGPL or a compatible license.
38   See https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
40   If the developer choses the Swiss Ephemeris Professional license,
41   he must follow the instructions as found in http://www.astro.com/swisseph/
42   and purchase the Swiss Ephemeris Professional Edition from Astrodienst
43   and sign the corresponding license contract.
45   The License grants you the right to use, copy, modify and redistribute
46   Swiss Ephemeris, but only under certain conditions described in the License.
47   Among other things, the License requires that the copyright notices and
48   this notice be preserved on all copies.
50   Authors of the Swiss Ephemeris: Dieter Koch and Alois Treindl
52   The authors of Swiss Ephemeris have no control or influence over any of
53   the derived works, i.e. over software or services created by other
54   programmers which use Swiss Ephemeris functions.
56   The names of the authors or of the copyright holder (Astrodienst) must not
57   be used for promoting any software, product or service which uses or contains
58   the Swiss Ephemeris. This copyright notice is the ONLY place where the
59   names of the authors can legally appear, except in cases where they have
60   given special permission in writing.
62   The trademarks 'Swiss Ephemeris' and 'Swiss Ephemeris inside' may be used
63   for promoting such software, products or services.
64 */
66 #if MSDOS
67 #else
68   #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
69 #endif
71 #include <string.h>
72 #include "swephexp.h"
73 #include "sweph.h"
74 #include "swejpl.h"
76 #if MSDOS
77   typedef __int64 off_t64;
78   #define FSEEK _fseeki64
79   #define FTELL _ftelli64
80 #else
81   typedef off_t off_t64;
82   #define FSEEK fseeko
83   #define FTELL ftello
84 #endif
88 /*
89  * local globals
90  */
91 struct jpl_save {
92   char *jplfname;
93   char *jplfpath;
94   FILE *jplfptr;
95   short do_reorder;
96   double eh_cval[400];
97   double eh_ss[3], eh_au, eh_emrat;
98   int32 eh_denum, eh_ncon, eh_ipt[39];
99   char ch_cnam[6*400];
100   double pv[78];
101   double pvsun[6];
102   double buf[1500];
103   double pc[18], vc[18], ac[18], jc[18];
104   short do_km;
105 };
107 static TLS struct jpl_save *js;
109 static int state (double et, int32 *list, int do_bary,
110 		  double *pv, double *pvsun, double *nut, char *serr);
111 static int interp(double *buf, double t, double intv, int32 ncfin,
112 		  int32 ncmin, int32 nain, int32 ifl, double *pv);
113 static int32 fsizer(char *serr);
114 static void reorder(char *x, int size, int number);
115 static int read_const_jpl(double *ss, char *serr);
117 /* information about eh_ipt[] and buf[]
118 DE200	DE102		  	DE403
119 3	3	  ipt[0] 	3	body 0 (mercury) starts at buf[2]
120 12	15	  ipt[1]	14	body 0, ncf = coefficients per component
121 4	2	  ipt[2]	4		na = nintervals, tot 14*4*3=168
122 147	93	  ipt[3]	171	body 1 (venus) starts at buf[170]
123 12	15	  ipt[4]	10		ncf = coefficients per component
124 1	1	  ipt[5]	2		total 10*2*3=60
125 183	138	  ipt[6]	231	body 2 (earth) starts at buf[230]
126 15	15	  ipt[7]	13		ncf = coefficients per component
127 2	2	  ipt[8]	2		total 13*2*3=78
128 273	228	  ipt[9]	309	body 3 (mars) starts at buf[308]
129 10	10	  ipt[10]	11		ncf = coefficients per component
130 1	1	  ipt[11]	1		total 11*1*3=33
131 303	258	  ipt[12]	342	body 4 (jupiter) at buf[341]
132 9	9	  ipt[13]	8		total 8 * 1 * 3 = 24
133 1	1	  ipt[14]	1
134 330	285	  ipt[15]	366	body 5 (saturn) at buf[365]
135 8	8	  ipt[16]	7		total 7 * 1 * 3 = 21
136 1	1	  ipt[17]	1
137 354	309	  ipt[18]	387	body 6 (uranus) at buf[386]
138 8	8	  ipt[19]	6		total 6 * 1 * 3 = 18
139 1	1	  ipt[20]	1
140 378	333	  ipt[21]	405	body 7 (neptune) at buf[404]
141 6	6	  ipt[22]	6		total 18
142 1	1	  ipt[23]	1
143 396	351	  ipt[24]	423	body 8 (pluto) at buf[422]
144 6	6	  ipt[25]	6		total 18
145 1	1	  ipt[26]	1
146 414	369	  ipt[27]	441	body 9 (moon) at buf[440]
147 12	15	  ipt[28]	13		total 13 * 8 * 3 = 312
148 8	8	  ipt[29]	8
149 702	729	  ipt[30]	753	SBARY SUN, starts at buf[752]
150 15	15	  ipt[31]	11	SBARY SUN, ncf = coeff per component
151 1	1	  ipt[32]	2		   total 11*2*3=66
152 747	774	  ipt[33]	819	nutations, starts at buf[818]
153 10	0	  ipt[34]	10		total 10 * 4 * 2 = 80
154 4	0	  ipt[35]	4	(nutation only two coordinates)
155 0	0	  ipt[36]	899	librations, start at buf[898]
156 0	0	  ipt[37]	10		total 10 * 4 * 3 = 120
157 0	0	  ipt[38]	4
159 					last element of buf[1017]
160   buf[0] contains start jd and buf[1] end jd of segment;
161   each segment is 32 days in de403, 64 days in DE102, 32 days in  DE200
163   Length of blocks: DE406 = 1456*4=5824 bytes = 728 double
164                     DE405 = 2036*4=8144 bytes = 1018 double
165 		    DE404 = 1456*4=5824 bytes = 728 double
166                     DE403 = 2036*4=8144 bytes = 1018 double
167 		    DE200 = 1652*4=6608 bytes = 826 double
168 		    DE102 = 1546*4=6184 bytes = 773 double
169 		    each DE102 record has 53*8=424 fill bytes so that
170 		    the records have the same length as DE200.
171 */
173 /*
174  * This subroutine opens the file jplfname, with a phony record length,
175  * reads the first record, and uses the info to compute ksize,
176  * the number of single precision words in a record.
177  * RETURN: ksize (record size of ephemeris data)
178  * jplfptr is opened on return.
179  * note 26-aug-2008: now record size is computed by fsizer(), not
180  * set to a fixed value depending as in previous releases. The caller of
181  * fsizer() will verify by data comparison whether it computed correctly.
182  */
fsizer(char * serr)183 static int32 fsizer(char *serr)
184 {
185   /* Local variables */
186   int32 ncon;
187   double emrat;
188   int32 numde;
189   double au, ss[3];
190   int i, kmx, khi, nd;
191   int32 ksize, lpt[3];
192   char ttl[6*14*3];
193   size_t nrd; /* unused, removes compile warnings */
194   if ((js->jplfptr = swi_fopen(SEI_FILE_PLANET, js->jplfname, js->jplfpath, serr)) == NULL) {
195     return NOT_AVAILABLE;
196   }
197   /* ttl = ephemeris title, e.g.
198    * "JPL Planetary Ephemeris DE404/LE404
199    *  Start Epoch: JED=   625296.5-3001 DEC 21 00:00:00
200    *  Final Epoch: JED=  2817168.5 3001 JAN 17 00:00:00c */
201   nrd = fread((void *) &ttl[0], 1, 252, js->jplfptr);
202   if (nrd != 252) return NOT_AVAILABLE;
203   /* cnam = names of constants */
204   nrd = fread((void *) js->ch_cnam, 1, 6*400, js->jplfptr);
205   if (nrd != 6*400) return NOT_AVAILABLE;
206   /* ss[0] = start epoch of ephemeris
207    * ss[1] = end epoch
208    * ss[2] = segment size in days */
209   nrd = fread((void *) &ss[0], sizeof(double), 3, js->jplfptr);
210   if (nrd != 3) return NOT_AVAILABLE;
211   /* reorder ? */
212   if (ss[2] < 1 || ss[2] > 200)
213     js->do_reorder = TRUE;
214   else
215     js->do_reorder = 0;
216   for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
217     js->eh_ss[i] = ss[i];
218   if (js->do_reorder)
219     reorder((char *) &js->eh_ss[0], sizeof(double), 3);
220   /* plausibility test of these constants. Start and end date must be
221    * between -20000 and +20000, segment size >= 1 and <= 200 */
222   if (js->eh_ss[0] < -5583942 || js->eh_ss[1] > 9025909 || js->eh_ss[2] < 1 || js->eh_ss[2] > 200) {
223     if (serr != NULL) {
224       strcpy(serr, "alleged ephemeris file has invalid format.");
225       if (strlen(serr) + strlen(js->jplfname) + 3 < AS_MAXCH) {
226 	sprintf(serr, "alleged ephemeris file (%s) has invalid format.", js->jplfname);
227       }
228     }
229     return(NOT_AVAILABLE);
230   }
231   /* ncon = number of constants */
232   nrd = fread((void *) &ncon, sizeof(int32), 1, js->jplfptr);
233   if (nrd != 1) return NOT_AVAILABLE;
234   if (js->do_reorder)
235     reorder((char *) &ncon, sizeof(int32), 1);
236   /* au = astronomical unit */
237   nrd = fread((void *) &au, sizeof(double), 1, js->jplfptr);
238   if (nrd != 1) return NOT_AVAILABLE;
239   if (js->do_reorder)
240     reorder((char *) &au, sizeof(double), 1);
241   /* emrat = earth moon mass ratio */
242   nrd = fread((void *) &emrat, sizeof(double), 1, js->jplfptr);
243   if (nrd != 1) return NOT_AVAILABLE;
244   if (js->do_reorder)
245     reorder((char *) &emrat, sizeof(double), 1);
246   /* ipt[i+0]: coefficients of planet i start at buf[ipt[i+0]-1]
247    * ipt[i+1]: number of coefficients (interpolation order - 1)
248    * ipt[i+2]: number of intervals in segment */
249   nrd = fread((void *) &js->eh_ipt[0], sizeof(int32), 36, js->jplfptr);
250   if (nrd != 36) return NOT_AVAILABLE;
251   if (js->do_reorder)
252     reorder((char *) &js->eh_ipt[0], sizeof(int32), 36);
253   /* numde = number of jpl ephemeris "404" with de404 */
254   nrd = fread((void *) &numde, sizeof(int32), 1, js->jplfptr);
255   if (nrd != 1) return NOT_AVAILABLE;
256   if (js->do_reorder)
257     reorder((char *) &numde, sizeof(int32), 1);
258   /* read librations */
259   nrd = fread(&lpt[0], sizeof(int32), 3, js->jplfptr);
260   if (nrd != 3) return NOT_AVAILABLE;
261   if (js->do_reorder)
262     reorder((char *) &lpt[0], sizeof(int32), 3);
263   /* fill librations into eh_ipt[36]..[38] */
264   for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
265     js->eh_ipt[i + 36] = lpt[i];
266   rewind(js->jplfptr);
267   /*  find the number of ephemeris coefficients from the pointers */
268   /* re-activated this code on 26-aug-2008 */
269   kmx = 0;
270   khi = 0;
271   for (i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
272     if (js->eh_ipt[i * 3] > kmx) {
273       kmx = js->eh_ipt[i * 3];
274       khi = i + 1;
275     }
276   }
277   if (khi == 12)
278     nd = 2;
279   else
280     nd = 3;
281   ksize = (js->eh_ipt[khi * 3 - 3] + nd * js->eh_ipt[khi * 3 - 2] * js->eh_ipt[khi * 3 - 1] - 1L) * 2L;
282   /*
283    * de102 files give wrong ksize, because they contain 424 empty bytes
284    * per record. Fixed by hand!
285    */
286   if (ksize == 1546)
287     ksize = 1652;
288 #if 0		/* we prefer to compute ksize to be comaptible
289                    with new DE releases */
290   switch (numde) {
291     case 403:
292     case 405:
293     case 410:
294     case 413:
295     case 414:
296     case 418:
297     case 421:
298       ksize = 2036;
299       break;
300     case 404:
301     case 406:
302       ksize = 1456;
303       break;
304     case 200:
305       ksize = 1652;
306       break;
307     case 102:
308       ksize = 1652;     /* de102 is filled with blanks to length of de200 */
309       break;
310     default:
311       if (serr != NULL)
312 	sprintf(serr,"unknown numde value %d;", numde);
313       return ERR;
314   }
315 #endif
316   if (ksize < 1000 || ksize > 5000) {
317     if (serr != NULL)
318       sprintf(serr, "JPL ephemeris file does not provide valid ksize (%d)", ksize);/**/
319     return NOT_AVAILABLE;
320   }
321   return ksize;
322 }
324 /*
325  *     This subroutine reads the jpl planetary ephemeris
326  *     and gives the position and velocity of the point 'ntarg'
327  *     with respect to 'ncent'.
328  *     calling sequence parameters:
329  *       et = d.p. julian ephemeris date at which interpolation
330  *            is wanted.
331  *       ** note the entry dpleph for a doubly-dimensioned time **
332  *          the reason for this option is discussed in the
333  *          subroutine state
334  *     ntarg = integer number of 'target' point.
335  *     ncent = integer number of center point.
336  *            the numbering convention for 'ntarg' and 'ncent' is:
337  *                0 = mercury           7 = neptune
338  *                1 = venus             8 = pluto
339  *                2 = earth             9 = moon
340  *                3 = mars             10 = sun
341  *                4 = jupiter          11 = solar-system barycenter
342  *                5 = saturn           12 = earth-moon barycenter
343  *                6 = uranus           13 = nutations (longitude and obliq)
344  *                                     14 = librations, if on eph file
345  *             (if nutations are wanted, set ntarg = 13. for librations,
346  *              set ntarg = 14. set ncent=0.)
347  *      rrd = output 6-word d.p. array containing position and velocity
348  *            of point 'ntarg' relative to 'ncent'. the units are au and
349  *            au/day. for librations the units are radians and radians
350  *            per day. in the case of nutations the first four words of
351  *            rrd will be set to nutations and rates, having units of
352  *            radians and radians/day.
353  *            The option is available to have the units in km and km/sec.
354  *            For this, set do_km=TRUE (default FALSE).
355  */
swi_pleph(double et,int ntarg,int ncent,double * rrd,char * serr)356 int swi_pleph(double et, int ntarg, int ncent, double *rrd, char *serr)
357 {
358   int i, retc;
359   int32 list[12];
360   double *pv = js->pv;
361   double *pvsun = js->pvsun;
362   for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
363     rrd[i] = 0.0;
364   if (ntarg == ncent)
365       return 0;
366   for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i)
367     list[i] = 0;
368   /*     check for nutation call */
369   if (ntarg == J_NUT) {
370     if (js->eh_ipt[34] > 0) {
371       list[10] = 2;
372       return(state(et, list, FALSE, pv, pvsun, rrd, serr));
373     } else {
374       if (serr != NULL)
375 	sprintf(serr,"No nutations on the JPL ephemeris file;");
376       return (NOT_AVAILABLE);
377     }
378   }
379   if (ntarg == J_LIB) {
380     if (js->eh_ipt[37] > 0) {
381       list[11] = 2;
382       if ((retc = state(et, list, FALSE, pv, pvsun, rrd, serr)) != OK)
383 	return (retc);
384       for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
385 	rrd[i] = pv[i + 60];
386       return 0;
387     } else {
388       if (serr != NULL)
389 	sprintf(serr,"No librations on the ephemeris file;");
390       return (NOT_AVAILABLE);
391     }
392   }
393   /* set up proper entries in 'list' array for state call */
394   if (ntarg < J_SUN)
395     list[ntarg] = 2;
396   if (ntarg == J_MOON) 	/* Mooon needs Earth */
397     list[J_EARTH] = 2;
398   if (ntarg == J_EARTH) 	/* Earth needs Moon */
399     list[J_MOON] = 2;
400   if (ntarg == J_EMB) 	/* EMB needs Earth */
401     list[J_EARTH] = 2;
402   if (ncent < J_SUN)
403     list[ncent] = 2;
404   if (ncent == J_MOON) 	/* Mooon needs Earth */
405     list[J_EARTH] = 2;
406   if (ncent == J_EARTH) 	/* Earth needs Moon */
407     list[J_MOON] = 2;
408   if (ncent == J_EMB) 	/* EMB needs Earth */
409     list[J_EARTH] = 2;
410   if ((retc = state(et, list, TRUE, pv, pvsun, rrd, serr)) != OK)
411     return (retc);
412   if (ntarg == J_SUN || ncent == J_SUN) {
413     for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
414       pv[i + 6*J_SUN] = pvsun[i];
415   }
416   if (ntarg == J_SBARY || ncent == J_SBARY) {
417     for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
418       pv[i + 6*J_SBARY] = 0.;
419     }
420   }
421   if (ntarg == J_EMB || ncent == J_EMB) {
422     for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
423       pv[i + 6*J_EMB] = pv[i + 6*J_EARTH];
424   }
425   if ((ntarg==J_EARTH && ncent==J_MOON) || (ntarg == J_MOON && ncent==J_EARTH)){
426     for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
427       pv[i + 6*J_EARTH] = 0.;
429   } else {
430     if (list[J_EARTH] == 2) {
431       for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
432 	pv[i + 6*J_EARTH] -= pv[i + 6*J_MOON] / (js->eh_emrat + 1.);
433     }
434     if (list[J_MOON] == 2) {
435       for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
436 	pv[i + 6*J_MOON] += pv[i + 6*J_EARTH];
437       }
438     }
439   }
440   for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
441     rrd[i] = pv[i + ntarg * 6] - pv[i + ncent * 6];
442   return OK;
443 }
445 /*
446  *  This subroutine differentiates and interpolates a
447  *  set of chebyshev coefficients to give pos, vel, acc, and jerk
448  *  calling sequence parameters:
449  *    input:
450  *     buf   1st location of array of d.p. chebyshev coefficients of position
451  *        t   is dp fractional time in interval covered by
452  *            coefficients at which interpolation is wanted, 0 <= t <= 1
453  *     intv   is dp length of whole interval in input time units.
454  *      ncf   number of coefficients per component
455  *      ncm   number of components per set of coefficients
456  *       na   number of sets of coefficients in full array
457  *            (i.e., number of sub-intervals in full interval)
458  *       ifl   int flag: =1 for positions only
459  *                      =2 for pos and vel
460  *                      =3 for pos, vel, and acc
461  *                      =4 for pos, vel, acc, and jerk
462  *    output:
463  *      pv   d.p. interpolated quantities requested.
464  *           assumed dimension is pv(ncm,fl).
465  */
interp(double * buf,double t,double intv,int32 ncfin,int32 ncmin,int32 nain,int32 ifl,double * pv)466 static int interp(double *buf, double t, double intv, int32 ncfin,
467 		  int32 ncmin, int32 nain, int32 ifl, double *pv)
468 {
469   /* Initialized data */
470   static TLS int np, nv;
471   static TLS int nac;
472   static TLS int njk;
473   static TLS double twot = 0.;
474   double *pc = js->pc;
475   double *vc = js->vc;
476   double *ac = js->ac;
477   double *jc = js->jc;
478   int ncf = (int) ncfin;
479   int ncm = (int) ncmin;
480   int na = (int) nain;
481   /* Local variables */
482   double temp;
483   int i, j, ni;
484   double tc;
485   double dt1, bma;
486   double bma2, bma3;
487   /*
488    | get correct sub-interval number for this set of coefficients and then
489    | get normalized chebyshev time within that subinterval.
490    */
491   if (t >= 0)
492     dt1 = floor(t);
493   else
494     dt1 = -floor(-t);
495   temp = na * t;
496   ni = (int) (temp - dt1);
497   /* tc is the normalized chebyshev time (-1 <= tc <= 1) */
498   tc = (fmod(temp, 1.0) + dt1) * 2. - 1.;
499   /*
500    *  check to see whether chebyshev time has changed,
501    *  and compute new polynomial values if it has.
502    *  (the element pc(2) is the value of t1(tc) and hence
503    *  contains the value of tc on the previous call.)
504    */
505   if (tc != pc[1]) {
506     np = 2;
507     nv = 3;
508     nac = 4;
509     njk = 5;
510     pc[1] = tc;
511     twot = tc + tc;
512   }
513   /*
514    *  be sure that at least 'ncf' polynomials have been evaluated
515    *  and are stored in the array 'pc'.
516    */
517   if (np < ncf) {
518     for (i = np; i < ncf; ++i)
519       pc[i] = twot * pc[i - 1] - pc[i - 2];
520     np = ncf;
521   }
522   /*  interpolate to get position for each component */
523   for (i = 0; i < ncm; ++i) {
524     pv[i] = 0.;
525     for (j = ncf-1; j >= 0; --j)
526       pv[i] += pc[j] * buf[j + (i + ni * ncm) * ncf];
527   }
528   if (ifl <= 1)
529     return 0;
530   /*
531    *       if velocity interpolation is wanted, be sure enough
532    *       derivative polynomials have been generated and stored.
533    */
534   bma = (na + na) / intv;
535   vc[2] = twot + twot;
536   if (nv < ncf) {
537     for (i = nv; i < ncf; ++i)
538       vc[i] = twot * vc[i - 1] + pc[i - 1] + pc[i - 1] - vc[i - 2];
539     nv = ncf;
540   }
541   /*       interpolate to get velocity for each component */
542   for (i = 0; i < ncm; ++i) {
543     pv[i + ncm] = 0.;
544     for (j = ncf-1; j >= 1; --j)
545       pv[i + ncm] += vc[j] * buf[j + (i + ni * ncm) * ncf];
546     pv[i + ncm] *= bma;
547   }
548   if (ifl == 2)
549     return 0;
550   /*       check acceleration polynomial values, and */
551   /*       re-do if necessary */
552   bma2 = bma * bma;
553   ac[3] = pc[1] * 24.;
554   if (nac < ncf) {
555     nac = ncf;
556     for (i = nac; i < ncf; ++i)
557       ac[i] = twot * ac[i - 1] + vc[i - 1] * 4. - ac[i - 2];
558   }
559   /*       get acceleration for each component */
560   for (i = 0; i < ncm; ++i) {
561     pv[i + ncm * 2] = 0.;
562     for (j = ncf-1; j >= 2; --j)
563       pv[i + ncm * 2] += ac[j] * buf[j + (i + ni * ncm) * ncf];
564     pv[i + ncm * 2] *= bma2;
565   }
566   if (ifl == 3)
567       return 0;
568   /*       check jerk polynomial values, and */
569   /*       re-do if necessary */
570   bma3 = bma * bma2;
571   jc[4] = pc[1] * 192.;
572   if (njk < ncf) {
573     njk = ncf;
574     for (i = njk; i < ncf; ++i)
575       jc[i] = twot * jc[i - 1] + ac[i - 1] * 6. - jc[i - 2];
576   }
577   /*       get jerk for each component */
578   for (i = 0; i < ncm; ++i) {
579     pv[i + ncm * 3] = 0.;
580     for (j = ncf-1; j >= 3; --j)
581       pv[i + ncm * 3] += jc[j] * buf[j + (i + ni * ncm) * ncf];
582     pv[i + ncm * 3] *= bma3;
583   }
584   return 0;
585 }
587 /*
588  | ********** state ********************
589  | this subroutine reads and interpolates the jpl planetary ephemeris file
590  |  calling sequence parameters:
591  |  input:
592  |     et    dp julian ephemeris epoch at which interpolation is wanted.
593  |     list  12-word integer array specifying what interpolation
594  |           is wanted for each of the bodies on the file.
595  |                      list(i)=0, no interpolation for body i
596  |                             =1, position only
597  |                             =2, position and velocity
598  |            the designation of the astronomical bodies by i is:
599  |                      i = 0: mercury
600  |                        = 1: venus
601  |                        = 2: earth-moon barycenter, NOT earth!
602  |                        = 3: mars
603  |                        = 4: jupiter
604  |                        = 5: saturn
605  |                        = 6: uranus
606  |                        = 7: neptune
607  |                        = 8: pluto
608  |                        = 9: geocentric moon
609  |                        =10: nutations in longitude and obliquity
610  |                        =11: lunar librations (if on file)
611  |            If called with list = NULL, only the header records are read and
612  |            stored in the global areas.
613  |  do_bary   short, if true, barycentric, if false, heliocentric.
614  |              only the 9 planets 0..8 are affected by it.
615  |  output:
616  |       pv   dp 6 x 11 array that will contain requested interpolated
617  |            quantities.  the body specified by list(i) will have its
618  |            state in the array starting at pv(1,i).  (on any given
619  |            call, only those words in 'pv' which are affected by the
620  |            first 10 'list' entries (and by list(11) if librations are
621  |            on the file) are set.  the rest of the 'pv' array
622  |            is untouched.)  the order of components starting in
623  |            pv is: x,y,z,dx,dy,dz.
624  |            all output vectors are referenced to the earth mean
625  |            equator and equinox of epoch. the moon state is always
626  |            geocentric; the other nine states are either heliocentric
627  |            or solar-system barycentric, depending on the setting of
628  |            common flags (see below).
629  |            lunar librations, if on file, are put into pv(k,10) if
630  |            list(11) is 1 or 2.
631  |    pvsun   dp 6-word array containing the barycentric position and
632  |            velocity of the sun.
633  |      nut   dp 4-word array that will contain nutations and rates,
634  |            depending on the setting of list(10).  the order of
635  |            quantities in nut is:
636  |                     d psi  (nutation in longitude)
637  |                     d epsilon (nutation in obliquity)
638  |                     d psi dot
639  |                     d epsilon dot
640  |  globals used:
641  |    do_km   logical flag defining physical units of the output states.
642  |            TRUE = return km and km/sec, FALSE = return au and au/day
643  |            default value = FALSE  (km determines time unit
644  |            for nutations and librations.  angle unit is always radians.)
645  */
state(double et,int32 * list,int do_bary,double * pv,double * pvsun,double * nut,char * serr)646 static int state(double et, int32 *list, int do_bary,
647 	  double *pv, double *pvsun, double *nut, char *serr)
648 {
649   int i, j, k;
650   int32 nseg;
651   off_t64 flen, nb;
652   double *buf = js->buf;
653   double aufac, s, t, intv, ts[4];
654   int32 nrecl, ksize;
655   int32 nr;
656   double et_mn, et_fr;
657   int32 *ipt = js->eh_ipt;
658   char ch_ttl[252];
659   static TLS int32 irecsz;
660   static TLS int32 nrl, lpt[3], ncoeffs;
661   size_t nrd; /* unused, removes compile warnings */
662   if (js->jplfptr == NULL) {
663     ksize = fsizer(serr); /* the number of single precision words in a record */
664     nrecl = 4;
665     if (ksize == NOT_AVAILABLE)
666       return NOT_AVAILABLE;
667     irecsz = nrecl * ksize; 	/* record size in bytes */
668     ncoeffs = ksize / 2;	/* # of coefficients, doubles */
669     /* ttl = ephemeris title, e.g.
670      * "JPL Planetary Ephemeris DE404/LE404
671      *  Start Epoch: JED=   625296.5-3001 DEC 21 00:00:00
672      *  Final Epoch: JED=  2817168.5 3001 JAN 17 00:00:00c */
673     nrd = fread((void *) ch_ttl, 1, 252, js->jplfptr);
674     if (nrd != 252) return NOT_AVAILABLE;
675     /* cnam = names of constants */
676     nrd = fread((void *) js->ch_cnam, 1, 2400, js->jplfptr);
677     if (nrd != 2400) return NOT_AVAILABLE;
678     /* ss[0] = start epoch of ephemeris
679      * ss[1] = end epoch
680      * ss[2] = segment size in days */
681     nrd = fread((void *) &js->eh_ss[0], sizeof(double), 3, js->jplfptr);
682     if (nrd != 3) return NOT_AVAILABLE;
683     if (js->do_reorder)
684       reorder((char *) &js->eh_ss[0], sizeof(double), 3);
685     /* ncon = number of constants */
686     nrd = fread((void *) &js->eh_ncon, sizeof(int32), 1, js->jplfptr);
687     if (nrd != 1) return NOT_AVAILABLE;
688     if (js->do_reorder)
689       reorder((char *) &js->eh_ncon, sizeof(int32), 1);
690     /* au = astronomical unit */
691     nrd = fread((void *) &js->eh_au, sizeof(double), 1, js->jplfptr);
692     if (nrd != 1) return NOT_AVAILABLE;
693     if (js->do_reorder)
694       reorder((char *) &js->eh_au, sizeof(double), 1);
695     /* emrat = earth moon mass ratio */
696     nrd = fread((void *) &js->eh_emrat, sizeof(double), 1, js->jplfptr);
697     if (nrd != 1) return NOT_AVAILABLE;
698     if (js->do_reorder)
699       reorder((char *) &js->eh_emrat, sizeof(double), 1);
700     /* ipt[i+0]: coefficients of planet i start at buf[ipt[i+0]-1]
701      * ipt[i+1]: number of coefficients (interpolation order - 1)
702      * ipt[i+2]: number of intervals in segment */
703     nrd = fread((void *) &ipt[0], sizeof(int32), 36, js->jplfptr);
704     if (nrd != 36) return NOT_AVAILABLE;
705     if (js->do_reorder)
706       reorder((char *) &ipt[0], sizeof(int32), 36);
707     /* numde = number of jpl ephemeris "404" with de404 */
708     nrd = fread((void *) &js->eh_denum, sizeof(int32), 1, js->jplfptr);
709     if (nrd != 1) return NOT_AVAILABLE;
710     if (js->do_reorder)
711       reorder((char *) &js->eh_denum, sizeof(int32), 1);
712     nrd = fread((void *) &lpt[0], sizeof(int32), 3, js->jplfptr);
713     if (nrd != 3) return NOT_AVAILABLE;
714     if (js->do_reorder)
715       reorder((char *) &lpt[0], sizeof(int32), 3);
716     /* cval[]:  other constants in next record */
717     FSEEK(js->jplfptr, (off_t64) (1L * irecsz), 0);
718     nrd = fread((void *) &js->eh_cval[0], sizeof(double), 400, js->jplfptr);
719     if (nrd != 400) return NOT_AVAILABLE;
720     if (js->do_reorder)
721       reorder((char *) &js->eh_cval[0], sizeof(double), 400);
722     /* new 26-aug-2008: verify correct block size */
723     for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
724       ipt[i + 36] = lpt[i];
725     nrl = 0;
726     /* is file length correct? */
727     /* file length */
728     FSEEK(js->jplfptr, (off_t64) 0L, SEEK_END);
729     flen = FTELL(js->jplfptr);
730     /* # of segments in file */
731     nseg = (int32) ((js->eh_ss[1] - js->eh_ss[0]) / js->eh_ss[2]);
732     /* sum of all cheby coeffs of all planets and segments */
733     for(i = 0, nb = 0; i < 13; i++) {
734       k = 3;
735       if (i == 11)
736 	k = 2;
737       nb += (ipt[i*3+1] * ipt[i*3+2]) * k * nseg;
738     }
739     /* add start and end epochs of segments */
740     nb += 2 * nseg;
741     /* doubles to bytes */
742     nb *= 8;
743     /* add size of header and constants section */
744     nb += 2 * ksize * nrecl;
745     if (flen != nb
746       /* some of our files are one record too long */
747       && flen - nb != ksize * nrecl
748       ) {
749       if (serr != NULL) {
750 	sprintf(serr, "JPL ephemeris file is mutilated; length = %d instead of %d.", (unsigned int) flen, (unsigned int) nb);
751 	if (strlen(serr) + strlen(js->jplfname) < AS_MAXCH - 1) {
752 	  sprintf(serr, "JPL ephemeris file %s is mutilated; length = %d instead of %d.", js->jplfname, (unsigned int) flen, (unsigned int) nb);
753 	}
754       }
755       return(NOT_AVAILABLE);
756     }
757     /* check if start and end dates in segments are the same as in
758      * file header */
759     FSEEK(js->jplfptr, (off_t64) (2L * irecsz), 0);
760     nrd = fread((void *) &ts[0], sizeof(double), 2, js->jplfptr);
761     if (nrd != 2) return NOT_AVAILABLE;
762     if (js->do_reorder)
763       reorder((char *) &ts[0], sizeof(double), 2);
764     FSEEK(js->jplfptr, (off_t64) ((nseg + 2 - 1) * ((off_t64) irecsz)), 0);
765     nrd = fread((void *) &ts[2], sizeof(double), 2, js->jplfptr);
766     if (nrd != 2) return NOT_AVAILABLE;
767     if (js->do_reorder)
768       reorder((char *) &ts[2], sizeof(double), 2);
769     if (ts[0] != js->eh_ss[0] || ts[3] != js->eh_ss[1]) {
770       if (serr != NULL)
771 	sprintf(serr, "JPL ephemeris file is corrupt; start/end date check failed. %.1f != %.1f || %.1f != %.1f", ts[0],js->eh_ss[0],ts[3],js->eh_ss[1]);
772       return NOT_AVAILABLE;
773     }
774   }
775   if (list == NULL)
776     return 0;
777   s = et - .5;
778   et_mn = floor(s);
779   et_fr = s - et_mn;	/* fraction of days since previous midnight */
780   et_mn += .5;	/* midnight before epoch */
781   /*       error return for epoch out of range */
782   if (et < js->eh_ss[0] || et > js->eh_ss[1]) {
783     if (serr != NULL)
784       sprintf(serr,"jd %f outside JPL eph. range %.2f .. %.2f;", et, js->eh_ss[0], js->eh_ss[1]);
785     return BEYOND_EPH_LIMITS;
786   }
787   /*       calculate record # and relative time in interval */
788   nr = (int32) ((et_mn - js->eh_ss[0]) / js->eh_ss[2]) + 2;
789   if (et_mn == js->eh_ss[1])
790     --nr;	/* end point of ephemeris, use last record */
791   t = (et_mn - ((nr - 2) * js->eh_ss[2] + js->eh_ss[0]) + et_fr) / js->eh_ss[2];
792   /* read correct record if not in core */
793   if (nr != nrl) {
794     nrl = nr;
795     if (FSEEK(js->jplfptr, (off_t64) (nr * ((off_t64) irecsz)), 0) != 0) {
796       if (serr != NULL)
797 	sprintf(serr, "Read error in JPL eph. at %f\n", et);
798       return NOT_AVAILABLE;
799     }
800     for (k = 1; k <= ncoeffs; ++k) {
801       if ( fread((void *) &buf[k - 1], sizeof(double), 1, js->jplfptr) != 1) {
802 	if (serr != NULL)
803 	  sprintf(serr, "Read error in JPL eph. at %f\n", et);
804 	return NOT_AVAILABLE;
805       }
806       if (js->do_reorder)
807 	reorder((char *) &buf[k-1], sizeof(double), 1);
808     }
809   }
810   if (js->do_km) {
811     intv = js->eh_ss[2] * 86400.;
812     aufac = 1.;
813   } else {
814     intv = js->eh_ss[2];
815     aufac = 1. / js->eh_au;
816   }
817   /*   interpolate ssbary sun */
818   interp(&buf[(int) ipt[30] - 1], t, intv, ipt[31], 3L, ipt[32], 2L, pvsun);
819   for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
820     pvsun[i] *= aufac;
821   }
822   /*   check and interpolate whichever bodies are requested */
823   for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
824     if (list[i] > 0) {
825       interp(&buf[(int) ipt[i * 3] - 1], t, intv, ipt[i * 3 + 1], 3L,
826 	     ipt[i * 3 + 2], list[i], &pv[i * 6]);
827       for (j = 0; j < 6; ++j) {
828 	if (i < 9 && ! do_bary) {
829 	  pv[j + i * 6] = pv[j + i * 6] * aufac - pvsun[j];
830 	} else {
831 	  pv[j + i * 6] *= aufac;
832 	}
833       }
834     }
835   }
836   /*       do nutations if requested (and if on file) */
837   if (list[10] > 0 && ipt[34] > 0) {
838     interp(&buf[(int) ipt[33] - 1], t, intv, ipt[34], 2L, ipt[35],
839 	     list[10], nut);
840   }
841   /*       get librations if requested (and if on file) */
842   if (list[11] > 0 && ipt[37] > 0) {
843     interp(&buf[(int) ipt[36] - 1], t, intv, ipt[37], 3L, ipt[38], list[1],
844 	    &pv[60]);
845   }
846   return OK;
847 }
849 /*
850  *  this entry obtains the constants from the ephemeris file
851  *  call state to initialize the ephemeris and read in the constants
852  */
read_const_jpl(double * ss,char * serr)853 static int read_const_jpl(double *ss,  char *serr)
854 {
855   int i, retc;
856   retc = state(0.0, NULL, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, serr);
857   if (retc != OK)
858     return (retc);
859   for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
860     ss[i] = js->eh_ss[i];
862   {
863     static const char *bname[] = {
864 	"Mercury", "Venus", "EMB", "Mars", "Jupiter", "Saturn",
865 	"Uranus", "Neptune", "Pluto", "Moon", "SunBary", "Nut", "Libr"};
866     int j, k;
867     int32 nb, nc;
868     printf(" JPL TEST-EPHEMERIS program.  Version October 1995.\n");
869     for (i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
870       j = i * 3;
871       k = 3;
872       if (i == 11) k = 2;
873       nb = js->eh_ipt[j+1] * js->eh_ipt[j+2] * k;
874       nc = (int32) (nb * 36525L / js->eh_ss[2] * 8L);
875       printf("%s\t%d\tipt[%d]\t%3ld %2ld %2ld,\t",
876 	bname[i], i, j, js->eh_ipt[j], js->eh_ipt[j+1], js->eh_ipt[j+2]);
877       printf("%3ld double, bytes per century = %6ld\n", nb, nc);
878       fflush(stdout);
879     }
880     printf("%16.2f %16.2f %16.2f\n", js->eh_ss[0], js->eh_ss[1], js->eh_ss[2]);
881     for (i = 0; i < js->eh_ncon; ++i)
882       printf("%.6s\t%24.16f\n", js->ch_cnam + i * 6, js->eh_cval[i]);
883     fflush(stdout);
884   }
885 #endif
886   return OK;
887 }
reorder(char * x,int size,int number)889 static void reorder(char *x, int size, int number)
890 {
891   int i, j;
892   char s[8];
893   char *sp1 = x;
894   char *sp2 = &s[0];
895   for (i = 0; i < number; i++) {
896     for (j = 0; j < size; j++)
897       *(sp2 + j) = *(sp1 + size - j - 1);
898     for (j = 0; j < size; j++)
899       *(sp1 + j) = *(sp2 + j);
900     sp1 += size;
901   }
902 }
swi_close_jpl_file(void)904 void swi_close_jpl_file(void)
905 {
906   if (js != NULL) {
907     if (js->jplfptr != NULL)
908       fclose(js->jplfptr);
909     if (js->jplfname != NULL)
910       FREE((void *) js->jplfname);
911     if (js->jplfpath != NULL)
912       FREE((void *) js->jplfpath);
913     FREE((void *) js);
914     js = NULL;
915   }
916 }
swi_open_jpl_file(double * ss,char * fname,char * fpath,char * serr)918 int swi_open_jpl_file(double *ss, char *fname, char *fpath, char *serr)
919 {
920   int retc = OK;
921   /* if open, return */
922   if (js != NULL && js->jplfptr != NULL)
923     return OK;
924   if ((js = (struct jpl_save *) CALLOC(1, sizeof(struct jpl_save))) == NULL
925     || (js->jplfname = (char *) MALLOC(strlen(fname)+1)) == NULL
926     || (js->jplfpath = (char *) MALLOC(strlen(fpath)+1)) == NULL
927     ) {
928     if (serr != NULL)
929       strcpy(serr, "error in malloc() with JPL ephemeris.");
930     return ERR;
931   }
932   strcpy(js->jplfname, fname);
933   strcpy(js->jplfpath, fpath);
934   retc = read_const_jpl(ss, serr);
935   if (retc != OK)
936     swi_close_jpl_file();
937   else {
938     /* intializations for function interpol() */
939     js->pc[0] = 1;
940     js->pc[1] = 2;
941     js->vc[1] = 1;
942     js->ac[2] = 4;
943     js->jc[3] = 24;
944   }
945   return retc;
946 }
swi_get_jpl_denum()948 int32 swi_get_jpl_denum()
949 {
950   return js->eh_denum;
951 }