1 /*
2  * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
3  * Copyright (C) 2005-2015, Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org>
4  *
5  * Version: MPL 1.1
6  *
7  * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
8  * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
9  * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
11  *
12  * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
14  * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
15  * License.
16  *
17  * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
18  *
19  * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
20  * Anthony Minessale II <anthm@freeswitch.org>
21  * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
22  * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
23  *
24  * Contributor(s):
25  *
26  * Dragos Oancea <droancea@yahoo.com>
27  *
28  * switch_estimators.c -- Estimators and Detectors (try to read into the future: packet loss, jitter, RTT, etc)
29  *
30  */
32 #include <switch.h>
34 #ifndef _MSC_VER
35 #include <switch_private.h>
36 #endif
37 #undef PACKAGE_NAME
42 #undef VERSION
43 #undef PACKAGE
44 #undef inline
45 #include <switch_types.h>
47 #define KALMAN_SYSTEM_MODELS 3 /*loss, jitter, rtt*/
48 #define EST_LOSS 0
49 #define EST_JITTER 1
50 #define EST_RTT 2
52 /* This function initializes the Kalman System Model
53  *
54  * xk+1 = A*xk + wk
55  * zk = H*xk + vk
56  * xk = state variable (must exist in physical world - measurable )
57  * zk = measurment
58  * wk,vk - white noise
59  * A = state trasition matrix , (n x n )  matrix
60  * H = state-to-measurment matrix , ( n x n ) matrix
61  * Noise covariance:
62  * Q:  Covariance matrix of wk, ( n x n ) diagonal matrix
63  * R:  Covariance matrix of vk , ( m x m ) diagonal matrix
64  * R: if you want to be affected less by the measurement and get the estimate with less variation, increase R
65  * Q: if you want to be affected more by the measurement and get the estimate with more variation, decrease Q
66  *
67  * (Phil Kim book)
68  *
69  */
switch_kalman_init(kalman_estimator_t * est,float Q,float R)70 SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_kalman_init(kalman_estimator_t *est, float Q, float R)
71 {
72 	est -> val_estimate_last = 0 ;
73 	est -> P_last = 0;
74 	est -> Q = Q; /*accuracy of system model */ /* SYSTEM MODEL: TO BE DEDUCTED */
75 	est -> R = R; /*accuracy of measurement*/ /* SYSTEM MODEL: TO BE DEDUCTED */
76 	est -> K = 0;
77 	est -> val_estimate = 0 ;
78 	est -> val_measured = 0 ; // [0-100 %] or [0-5000] or [0-2sec]
79 }
81 /*
82 CUSUM Kalman functions to detect sudden change over a predefined thereshold.
84 y(t) = sampled RTT
85 x(t)= desired RTT
87 Model:
88 x(t+1) = x(t) + delta(t)*v(t)
89 y(t) = x(t) + e(t)
91 Noisy characteristic of RTT captured by measurment noise e(t) with variance Re.
92 The step changes in the desired RTT x(t) is modeled as the process noise v(t)
93 with variance Rv and the discrete variable delta(t) .
94 If a change occurs at time t, then delta(t) = 1 otherwise delta(t) = 0.
96 avg(x(t)) = avg(x(t-1)) + K(t)(y(t) - avg(x(t-1)))
97 K(t) = P(t-1)/(P(t-1) + Re))
98 P(t) = (1-K(t))P(t-1)  + delta(t-1)* Rv
99 e(t) = y(t) - avg(x(t))
100 g(t) = max(g(t-1) + e(t) - epsilon,0)
101 if g(t) > 0 then
102 	delta(t) = 1 // alarm
103 	g(t) = 0
104 else
105 	delta(t) = 0
106 endif
108 constants:
110 epsilon = 0.005
111 h = 0.05
112 */
switch_kalman_cusum_init(cusum_kalman_detector_t * detect_change,float epsilon,float h)113 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_bool_t) switch_kalman_cusum_init(cusum_kalman_detector_t *detect_change, float epsilon,float h)
114 {
115 	cusum_kalman_detector_t *detector_change = detect_change;
118 	if (epsilon < 0 || h < 0) {
119 		return FALSE;
120 	}
122 	detector_change -> val_estimate_last = 0;
123 	detector_change -> val_desired_last = 0;
124 	detector_change -> P_last = 0;
125 	detector_change -> K_last = 0;
126 	detector_change -> delta = 0;
127 	detector_change -> measurement_noise_e = 0;
128 	detector_change -> variance_Re = 0;
129 	detector_change -> measurement_noise_v = 0;
130 	detector_change -> variance_Rv = 0;
131 	detector_change -> g_last = 0;
132 	/*per system model*/
133 	detector_change -> epsilon = epsilon;
134 	detector_change -> h = h;
135 	/*variance*/
136 	detector_change -> last_average = 0;
137 	detector_change -> last_q = 0;
138 	detector_change -> N = 0;
139 	return TRUE;
140 }
switch_kalman_cusum_detect_change(cusum_kalman_detector_t * detector,float measurement,float rtt_avg)142 SWITCH_DECLARE (switch_bool_t) switch_kalman_cusum_detect_change(cusum_kalman_detector_t * detector, float measurement, float rtt_avg)
143 {
144 	float K=0;
145 	float P=0;
146 	float g=0;
147 	float desired_val;
148 	float current_average;
149 	float current_q;
150 	float sample_variance_Re = 0;
152 	/*variance*/
154 	detector->N++;
155 	current_average = detector->last_average + (measurement - detector->last_average)/detector->N ;
156 	if (rtt_avg > current_average) {
157 		current_average = rtt_avg;
158 	}
159 	current_q =  detector-> last_q +  (measurement - detector->last_average) * (measurement - current_average);
160 	if (detector->N != 0)
161 	sample_variance_Re = sqrt(current_q/detector->N);
163 	detector->variance_Re = sample_variance_Re;
164 	detector->variance_Rv = sample_variance_Re;
166 	if (sample_variance_Re != 0) {
167 		K = detector->P_last / (detector->P_last + detector->variance_Re);
168 		desired_val = detector->val_desired_last + K * (measurement - detector->variance_Re);
169 		P = (1 - K) * detector->P_last + detector->delta * detector->variance_Rv;
170 		detector->measurement_noise_e = measurement - desired_val;
171 		g = detector->g_last + detector->measurement_noise_e - detector->epsilon;
172 		if (g > detector->h) {
173 			detector->delta = 1;
174 			g = 0;
175 		} else {
176 			detector->delta = 0;
177 		}
179 		/* update last vals for calculating variance */
180 		detector->last_average = current_average;
181 		/* update lasts (cusum)*/
182 		detector -> g_last = g;
183 		detector -> P_last = P;
184 		detector -> val_desired_last = desired_val;
185 	}
186 	if (detector->delta == 1) {
187 		return TRUE;
188 	}
189 	return FALSE;
190 }
192 /* Kalman filter abstract ( measure and estimate 1 single value per system model )
193  * Given the measurment and the system model  together with the current state ,
194  * the function puts an estimate in the estimator struct */
switch_kalman_estimate(kalman_estimator_t * est,float measurement,int system_model)195 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_bool_t) switch_kalman_estimate(kalman_estimator_t * est, float measurement, int system_model)
196 {
197 	/*system model can be about: loss, jitter, rtt*/
198 	float val_estimate;
199 	float val_temp_est = est->val_estimate_last;
200 	float P_temp = est->P_last + est->Q;
202 	if (system_model >= KALMAN_SYSTEM_MODELS) {
203 		return SWITCH_FALSE ;
204 	}
206 	/*sanitize input a little bit, just in case */
207 	if (system_model == EST_LOSS )  {
208 		if ((measurement > 100) || (measurement < 0)) {
209 			return SWITCH_FALSE ;
210 		}
211 	}
213 	if (system_model == EST_JITTER)  {
214 		if ((measurement > 10000) || (measurement < 0)) {
215 			return SWITCH_FALSE;
216 		}
217 	}
219 	if (system_model == EST_RTT)  {
220 		if ((measurement > 2 ) || (measurement < 0)) {
221 			return SWITCH_FALSE;
222 		}
223 	}
225 	/* calculate the Kalman gain */
226 	est->K = P_temp * (1.0/(P_temp + est->R));
227 	/* real life measurement */
228 	est->val_measured = measurement ;
229 	val_estimate = val_temp_est + est->K * (est->val_measured - val_temp_est);
230 	est->P = (1 - est->K) * P_temp;
231 	/*update lasts*/
232 	est->P_last = est->P;
233 	/* save the estimated value (future) */
234 	est->val_estimate_last = val_estimate;
235 	return SWITCH_TRUE;
236 }
switch_kalman_is_slow_link(kalman_estimator_t * est_loss,kalman_estimator_t * est_rtt)238 SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_bool_t) switch_kalman_is_slow_link(kalman_estimator_t * est_loss, kalman_estimator_t * est_rtt)
239 {
240 	float thresh_packet_loss = 5; /* % */
241 	float thresh_rtt = 0.8 ; /*seconds*/
243 	if ((est_loss->val_estimate_last > thresh_packet_loss) &&
244 				(est_rtt->val_estimate_last > thresh_rtt )) {
245 		return SWITCH_TRUE;
246 	}
248 	return SWITCH_FALSE;
249 }
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252  * Local Variables:
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