1 /*=========================================================================
2  *
3  *  Copyright Insight Software Consortium
4  *
5  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
10  *
11  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *  limitations under the License.
16  *
17  *=========================================================================*/
18 #ifndef itkBilateralImageFilter_hxx
19 #define itkBilateralImageFilter_hxx
21 #include "itkBilateralImageFilter.h"
22 #include "itkImageRegionIterator.h"
23 #include "itkGaussianImageSource.h"
24 #include "itkNeighborhoodAlgorithm.h"
25 #include "itkZeroFluxNeumannBoundaryCondition.h"
26 #include "itkProgressReporter.h"
27 #include "itkStatisticsImageFilter.h"
29 namespace itk
30 {
31 template< typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage >
32 BilateralImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
BilateralImageFilter()33 ::BilateralImageFilter()
34 {
35   this->m_Radius.Fill(1);
36   this->m_AutomaticKernelSize = true;
37   this->m_DomainSigma.Fill(4.0);
38   this->m_RangeSigma = 50.0;
39   this->m_FilterDimensionality = ImageDimension;
40   this->m_NumberOfRangeGaussianSamples = 100;
41   this->m_DynamicRange = 0.0;
42   this->m_DynamicRangeUsed = 0.0;
43   this->m_DomainMu = 2.5;  // keep small to keep kernels small
44   this->m_RangeMu = 4.0;   // can be bigger then DomainMu since we only
45                            // index into a single table
46   this->DynamicMultiThreadingOn();
47 }
49 template< typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage >
50 void
51 BilateralImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
SetRadius(const SizeValueType i)52 ::SetRadius(const SizeValueType i)
53 {
54   m_Radius.Fill(i);
55 }
57 template< typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage >
58 void
59 BilateralImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
GenerateInputRequestedRegion()60 ::GenerateInputRequestedRegion()
61 {
62   // call the superclass' implementation of this method. this should
63   // copy the output requested region to the input requested region
64   Superclass::GenerateInputRequestedRegion();
66   // get pointers to the input and output
67   typename Superclass::InputImagePointer inputPtr =
68     const_cast< TInputImage * >( this->GetInput() );
70   if ( !inputPtr )
71     {
72     return;
73     }
75   // Pad the image by 2.5*sigma in all directions
76   typename TInputImage::SizeType radius;
77   unsigned int i;
79   if ( m_AutomaticKernelSize )
80     {
81     for ( i = 0; i < ImageDimension; i++ )
82       {
83       radius[i] =
84         ( typename TInputImage::SizeType::SizeValueType )
85         std::ceil(m_DomainMu * m_DomainSigma[i] / this->GetInput()->GetSpacing()[i]);
86       }
87     }
88   else
89     {
90     for ( i = 0; i < ImageDimension; i++ )
91       {
92       radius[i] = m_Radius[i];
93       }
94     }
96   // get a copy of the input requested region (should equal the output
97   // requested region)
98   typename TInputImage::RegionType inputRequestedRegion;
99   inputRequestedRegion = inputPtr->GetRequestedRegion();
101   // pad the input requested region by the operator radius
102   inputRequestedRegion.PadByRadius(radius);
104   // crop the input requested region at the input's largest possible region
105   if ( inputRequestedRegion.Crop( inputPtr->GetLargestPossibleRegion() ) )
106     {
107     inputPtr->SetRequestedRegion(inputRequestedRegion);
108     return;
109     }
110   else
111     {
112     // Couldn't crop the region (requested region is outside the largest
113     // possible region).  Throw an exception.
115     // store what we tried to request (prior to trying to crop)
116     inputPtr->SetRequestedRegion(inputRequestedRegion);
118     // build an exception
119     InvalidRequestedRegionError e(__FILE__, __LINE__);
120     e.SetLocation(ITK_LOCATION);
121     e.SetDescription("Requested region is (at least partially) outside the largest possible region.");
122     e.SetDataObject(inputPtr);
123     throw e;
124     }
125 }
127 template< typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage >
128 void
129 BilateralImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
BeforeThreadedGenerateData()130 ::BeforeThreadedGenerateData()
131 {
132   // Build a small image of the N-dimensional Gaussian used for domain filter
133   //
134   // Gaussian image size will be (2*std::ceil(2.5*sigma)+1) x
135   // (2*std::ceil(2.5*sigma)+1)
136   unsigned int i;
138   typename InputImageType::SizeType radius;
139   typename InputImageType::SizeType domainKernelSize;
141   const InputImageType *inputImage = this->GetInput();
143   const typename InputImageType::SpacingType inputSpacing = inputImage->GetSpacing();
144   const typename InputImageType::PointType inputOrigin  = inputImage->GetOrigin();
146   if ( m_AutomaticKernelSize )
147     {
148     for ( i = 0; i < ImageDimension; i++ )
149       {
150       radius[i] =
151         ( typename TInputImage::SizeType::SizeValueType )
152         std::ceil(m_DomainMu * m_DomainSigma[i] / inputSpacing[i]);
153       domainKernelSize[i] = 2 * radius[i] + 1;
154       }
155     }
156   else
157     {
158     for ( i = 0; i < ImageDimension; i++ )
159       {
160       radius[i] = m_Radius[i];
161       domainKernelSize[i] = 2 * radius[i] + 1;
162       }
163     }
165   typename GaussianImageSource< GaussianImageType >::Pointer gaussianImage;
166   typename GaussianImageSource< GaussianImageType >::ArrayType mean;
167   typename GaussianImageSource< GaussianImageType >::ArrayType sigma;
169   gaussianImage = GaussianImageSource< GaussianImageType >::New();
170   gaussianImage->SetSize( domainKernelSize );
171   gaussianImage->SetSpacing(inputSpacing);
172   gaussianImage->SetOrigin(inputOrigin);
173   gaussianImage->SetScale(1.0);
174   gaussianImage->SetNormalized(true);
176   for ( i = 0; i < ImageDimension; i++ )
177     {
178     mean[i] = inputSpacing[i] * radius[i] + inputOrigin[i]; // center pixel pos
179     sigma[i] = m_DomainSigma[i];
180     }
181   gaussianImage->SetSigma(sigma);
182   gaussianImage->SetMean(mean);
184   gaussianImage->Update();
186   // copy this small Gaussian image into a neighborhood
187   m_GaussianKernel.SetRadius(radius);
189   KernelIteratorType                       kernel_it;
190   ImageRegionIterator< GaussianImageType > git =
191     ImageRegionIterator< GaussianImageType >( gaussianImage->GetOutput(),
192                                               gaussianImage->GetOutput()
193                                               ->GetBufferedRegion() );
194   double norm = 0.0;
195   for ( git.GoToBegin(); !git.IsAtEnd(); ++git )
196     {
197     norm += git.Get();
198     }
199   for ( git.GoToBegin(), kernel_it = m_GaussianKernel.Begin(); !git.IsAtEnd();
200         ++git, ++kernel_it )
201     {
202     *kernel_it = git.Get() / norm;
203     }
205   // Build a lookup table for the range gaussian
207   auto localInput = TInputImage::New();
208   localInput->Graft( this->GetInput() );
210   // First, determine the min and max intensity range
211   typename StatisticsImageFilter< TInputImage >::Pointer statistics =
212     StatisticsImageFilter< TInputImage >::New();
214   statistics->SetInput(localInput);
215   statistics->Update();
217   // Now create the lookup table whose domain runs from 0.0 to
218   // (max-min) and range is gaussian evaluated at
219   // that point
220   double rangeVariance = m_RangeSigma * m_RangeSigma;
222   // denominator (normalization factor) for Gaussian used for range
223   double rangeGaussianDenom;
224   rangeGaussianDenom = m_RangeSigma * std::sqrt(2.0 * itk::Math::pi);
226   // Maximum delta for the dynamic range
227   double tableDelta;
228   double v;
230   m_DynamicRange = ( static_cast< double >( statistics->GetMaximum() )
231                      - static_cast< double >( statistics->GetMinimum() ) );
233   m_DynamicRangeUsed = m_RangeMu * m_RangeSigma;
235   tableDelta = m_DynamicRangeUsed
236                / static_cast< double >( m_NumberOfRangeGaussianSamples );
238   // Finally, build the table
239   m_RangeGaussianTable.resize(m_NumberOfRangeGaussianSamples);
240   for ( i = 0, v = 0.0; i < m_NumberOfRangeGaussianSamples;
241         ++i, v += tableDelta )
242     {
243     m_RangeGaussianTable[i] = std::exp(-0.5 * v * v / rangeVariance) / rangeGaussianDenom;
244     }
245 }
247 template< typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage >
248 void
249 BilateralImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
DynamicThreadedGenerateData(const OutputImageRegionType & outputRegionForThread)250 ::DynamicThreadedGenerateData(const OutputImageRegionType & outputRegionForThread)
251 {
252   typename TInputImage::ConstPointer input = this->GetInput();
253   typename TOutputImage::Pointer output = this->GetOutput();
254   typename TInputImage::IndexValueType i;
255   const double  rangeDistanceThreshold = m_DynamicRangeUsed;
257   ZeroFluxNeumannBoundaryCondition< TInputImage > BC;
259   // Find the boundary "faces"
260   typename NeighborhoodAlgorithm::ImageBoundaryFacesCalculator< InputImageType >::FaceListType faceList;
261   NeighborhoodAlgorithm::ImageBoundaryFacesCalculator< InputImageType > fC;
262   faceList = fC( this->GetInput(), outputRegionForThread,
263                  m_GaussianKernel.GetRadius() );
265   typename NeighborhoodAlgorithm::ImageBoundaryFacesCalculator< InputImageType >::FaceListType::iterator fit;
267   OutputPixelRealType centerPixel;
268   OutputPixelRealType val, tableArg, normFactor, rangeGaussian,
269                       rangeDistance, pixel, gaussianProduct;
271   const double distanceToTableIndex =
272     static_cast< double >( m_NumberOfRangeGaussianSamples ) / m_DynamicRangeUsed;
274   // Process all the faces, the NeighborhoodIterator will deteremine
275   // whether a specified region needs to use the boundary conditions or
276   // not.
277   NeighborhoodIteratorType               b_iter;
278   ImageRegionIterator< OutputImageType > o_iter;
279   KernelConstIteratorType                k_it;
280   KernelConstIteratorType                kernelEnd = m_GaussianKernel.End();
282   for ( fit = faceList.begin(); fit != faceList.end(); ++fit )
283     {
284     // walk the boundary face and the corresponding section of the output
285     b_iter = NeighborhoodIteratorType(m_GaussianKernel.GetRadius(),
286                                       this->GetInput(), *fit);
287     b_iter.OverrideBoundaryCondition(&BC);
288     o_iter = ImageRegionIterator< OutputImageType >(this->GetOutput(), *fit);
290     while ( !b_iter.IsAtEnd() )
291       {
292       // Setup
293       centerPixel = static_cast< OutputPixelRealType >( b_iter.GetCenterPixel() );
294       val = 0.0;
295       normFactor = 0.0;
297       // Walk the neighborhood of the input and the kernel
298       for ( i = 0, k_it = m_GaussianKernel.Begin(); k_it < kernelEnd;
299             ++k_it, ++i )
300         {
301         // range distance between neighborhood pixel and neighborhood center
302         pixel = static_cast< OutputPixelRealType >( b_iter.GetPixel(i) );
303         rangeDistance = pixel - centerPixel;
304         // flip sign if needed
305         if ( rangeDistance < 0.0 )
306           {
307           rangeDistance *= -1.0;
308           }
310         // if the range distance is close enough, then use the pixel
311         if ( rangeDistance < rangeDistanceThreshold )
312           {
313           // look up the range gaussian in a table
314           tableArg = rangeDistance * distanceToTableIndex;
315           rangeGaussian = m_RangeGaussianTable[Math::Floor < SizeValueType > ( tableArg )];
317           // normalization factor so filter integrates to one
318           // (product of the domain and the range gaussian)
319           gaussianProduct = ( *k_it ) * rangeGaussian;
320           normFactor += gaussianProduct;
322           // Input Image * Domain Gaussian * Range Gaussian
323           val += pixel * gaussianProduct;
324           }
325         }
326       // normalize the value
327       val /= normFactor;
329       // store the filtered value
330       o_iter.Set( static_cast< OutputPixelType >( val ) );
332       ++b_iter;
333       ++o_iter;
334       }
335     }
336 }
338 template< typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage >
339 void
340 BilateralImageFilter< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
PrintSelf(std::ostream & os,Indent indent) const341 ::PrintSelf(std::ostream & os, Indent indent) const
342 {
343   Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
345   os << indent << "DomainSigma: " << m_DomainSigma << std::endl;
346   os << indent << "RangeSigma: " << m_RangeSigma << std::endl;
347   os << indent << "FilterDimensionality: " << m_FilterDimensionality << std::endl;
348   os << indent << "NumberOfRangeGaussianSamples: " << m_NumberOfRangeGaussianSamples << std::endl;
349   os << indent << "Input dynamic range: " << m_DynamicRange << std::endl;
350   os << indent << "Amount of dynamic range used: " << m_DynamicRangeUsed << std::endl;
351   os << indent << "AutomaticKernelSize: " << m_AutomaticKernelSize << std::endl;
352   os << indent << "Radius: " << m_Radius << std::endl;
353 }
354 } // end namespace itk
356 #endif