1 #include "worker.h"
2 #include "util.h"
3 #include <sys/socket.h>
4 extern unsigned long gchaos;
5 extern unsigned long gchaoscounter;
chaos_fail()7 int chaos_fail() {
8 	// give up sometimes
9 	if (( gchaoscounter-- == 1) && gchaos )    {
10 		gchaoscounter = gchaos;
11 		whisper (1, "chaos inserted");
12 		return ( 1 );
13 	}
14 	return ( 0 );
15 }
bufferfill(int fd,u_char * __restrict dest,size_t size)17 ssize_t bufferfill ( int fd, u_char * __restrict dest, size_t size ) {
18 // forcefully read utill a bufffer completes or EOF
19 // XXX replace with kqueue - perhaps
20         int remainder=size;
21         u_char * dest_cursor = dest;
22         ssize_t accumulator=0;
23         ssize_t readsize;
24         int fuse=1055;  // don't spin  forever
25 	int sleep_thief =0;
26 	assert ( dest != NULL );
27         do      {
28                 checkperror ( "bufferfill nuiscance err");
29                 if ( errno !=0 ) {
30 			whisper (3, "ignoring sig %i\n", errno);
31 			errno = 0 ;
32 		}
33 		//reset nuiscances
34 		readsize = read( fd, dest_cursor, MIN( MAXBSIZE, remainder) );
35 		if ( errno != 0 ) {
36 			whisper ( 3, "erno: %i  readsize %ld requestedsiz: %d  fd:%i dest:%p \n", errno , readsize, MIN( MAXBSIZE, remainder), fd, dest_cursor );
37 		}
38                 checkperror( "bufferfill read err");
39 		/*
40                 whisper( 20, "txingest: read stdin size %ld offset:%i remaining %i \n",
41 			 readsize,
42 			(int) ((u_char*)dest_cursor - (u_char*)dest),
43 			remainder );
44 		*/
45                 if ( readsize < 0 ) {
46                         whisper (2, "negative read");
47                         perror ( "negread");
48                         break;
49                         }
50                 else {
51                         remainder -= readsize ;
52                         assert ( remainder >= 0);
53                         accumulator += readsize;
54                         dest_cursor += readsize;
55                         if ( readsize < MAXBSIZE) {
56                                 // discourage tinygrams - they just beat us up and chew the cpu
57                                 // XXX histgram the readsize and use ema to track optimal effort
58 				sleep_thief ++;
59                         } else {
60 				sleep_thief= 0;
61 			}
62                         usleep ( sleep_thief );
63                         if ( readsize < 1 )  { // short reads  are the end
64                                 break;
65                         }
66                 }
67         } while ( (remainder > 0) && ( fuse-- > 0 ) );
68         assert ( (fuse > 1 ) && "fuse blown" );
69         return (  (fuse < 1 )? -1 : accumulator );
70 }
stopwatch_start(struct timespec * t)71 void stopwatch_start (struct  timespec * t ) {
72         assert ( clock_gettime( CLOCK_UPTIME, t ) == 0);
73 }
stopwatch_stop(struct timespec * t,int whisper_channel)74 int stopwatch_stop ( struct  timespec * t  , int  whisper_channel) {
75         //  stop the timer started at t
76 	// returns usec resolution diff of time
77         struct timespec stoptime;
78         assert ( clock_gettime( CLOCK_UPTIME, &stoptime ) == 0 );
79         time_t secondsdiff =     stoptime.tv_sec   - t->tv_sec  ;
80         long nanoes =            stoptime.tv_nsec  - t->tv_nsec;
81         if ( nanoes < 0 ) {
82                 // borrow billions place nanoseconds to come up true
83                 nanoes += 1000000000;
84                 secondsdiff --;
85         }
86         u_long ret = MIN( ULONG_MAX,  (secondsdiff * 1000000 ) + (nanoes/1000)); //in usec
87         if ( whisper_channel > 0 ) { whisper ( whisper_channel, "%li.%03li", secondsdiff, nanoes/1000000); }
88         return  ret;
89 }
90 //return a connected socket fd
tcp_connect(char * host,int port)91 int tcp_connect ( char * host, int port )  {
92 	int ret_sockfd= -1;
93 	int retcode;
94 	struct hostent *lhostent;
95 	struct addrinfo  laddrinfo;
96 	struct sockaddr_in lsockaddr;
97 	//struct sockaddr lsockaddr;
98 	lhostent = gethostbyname ( host );
99 	if ( h_errno != 0 ) herror ( "gethostenterror" );
100 	assert ( h_errno == 0  && "hostname fishy");
101 	lsockaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
102 	lsockaddr.sin_port = htons( port );
103 	memcpy(&(lsockaddr.sin_addr), lhostent->h_addr_list [0], sizeof(struct in_addr)); //y u hate c?
104 	ret_sockfd =  socket ( AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
105 	assert ( ret_sockfd > 0  && "socket fishy");
106 	retcode = connect ( ret_sockfd, (struct sockaddr*) &(lsockaddr), sizeof (struct sockaddr) );
107 	if (  retcode != 0 ) {
108 		whisper (  1, "tx: connect failed to %s:%d fd: %i \n", host, port, ret_sockfd);
109 		//our only output is the socketfd, so trash it
110 		ret_sockfd = -1;
111 		whisper (  19, "trashing fd to fail  %s:%d fd: %i \n", host, port, ret_sockfd);
112 	} else {
113 		int sockerr;
114 		u_int sockerrsize = sizeof(sockerr); //uhg
115 		getsockopt ( ret_sockfd ,  SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &sockerr, &sockerrsize);
116 		checkperror ( "connect");
117 		assert ( sockerr ==  0);
118 		whisper (8,  "        connected to %s:%i\n", host, port);
119 	}
120 	return ( ret_sockfd );
121 }
tcp_recieve_prep(struct sockaddr_in * sa,int * socknum,int inport)122 int  tcp_recieve_prep (struct sockaddr_in * sa, int * socknum,  int inport) {
123         int one=1;
124         int retcode;
125         int lsock = -1;
126         *socknum = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
127         sa->sin_family= AF_INET;
128         sa->sin_addr.s_addr=  htons (INADDR_ANY);
129         sa->sin_port = htons (inport);
130         whisper (7, "bind sockid: %i\n",*socknum);
131         setsockopt(*socknum,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEPORT,(char *)&one,sizeof(one));
132         retcode = bind (*socknum, (struct sockaddr *) sa,sizeof (struct sockaddr_in) );
133         if ( retcode != 0 ) { perror ("bind failed"); assert (0); }
134 	checkperror("bindfail");
135         whisper (9, "      listen sockid: %i\n",*socknum);
136         retcode = listen ( *socknum, 6) ;
137         if ( retcode != 0) { perror ("listen fail:\n"); assert ( 0 );};
138 	return retcode ;
139 }
tcp_accept(struct sockaddr_in * sa,int socknum)141 int tcp_accept(struct sockaddr_in *  sa , int socknum ){
142         int out_sockfd;
143         socklen_t socklen = sizeof (struct  sockaddr_in ) ;
144         whisper (17, "   accept sockid: %i\n",socknum);
145         out_sockfd = accept (socknum,(struct sockaddr *)sa,&socklen);
146         whisper (13, "   socket %i accepted to fd:%i \n" , socknum,out_sockfd);
147 	checkperror  ("acceptor");
148         return (out_sockfd);
149 }
mix(unsigned int seed,void * data,unsigned long size)152 unsigned long  mix ( unsigned int seed, void * data, unsigned long size ) {
153 	unsigned acc = seed;
154 	for ( unsigned long cursor = 0 ; cursor <= size; cursor += sizeof ( unsigned long)  ) {  // XX we miss the tail for unaligned sizes
155 		acc += *( unsigned long * ) data + cursor;
156 	}
157 	return ( acc );
158 }