1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2011 - 2020 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
17 #ifndef dealii_matrix_free_shape_info_h
18 #define dealii_matrix_free_shape_info_h
21 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
23 #include <deal.II/base/aligned_vector.h>
24 #include <deal.II/base/exceptions.h>
25 #include <deal.II/base/quadrature_lib.h>
27 #include <deal.II/fe/fe.h>
32 namespace internal
33 {
34   namespace MatrixFreeFunctions
35   {
36     /**
37      * An enum that encodes the type of element detected during
38      * initialization. FEEvaluation will select the most efficient algorithm
39      * based on the given element type.
40      *
41      * There is an implied ordering in the type ElementType::tensor_symmetric
42      * in the sense that both ElementType::tensor_symmetric_collocation and
43      * ElementType::tensor_symmetric_hermite are also of type
44      * ElementType::tensor_symmetric. Likewise, a configuration of type
45      * ElementType::tensor_symmetric is also of type
46      * ElementType::tensor_general. As a consequence, we support `<=`
47      * operations between the types with this sorting, but not against the
48      * even higher indexed types such as ElementType::truncated_tensor.
49      *
50      * @ingroup matrixfree
51      */
52     enum ElementType
53     {
54       /**
55        * Tensor product shape function where the shape value evaluation in the
56        * quadrature point corresponds to the identity operation and no
57        * interpolation needs to be performed (collocation approach, also
58        * called spectral evaluation). This is for example the case for an
59        * element with nodes in the Gauss-Lobatto support points and
60        * integration in the Gauss-Lobatto quadrature points of the same order.
61        */
62       tensor_symmetric_collocation = 0,
64       /**
65        * Symmetric tensor product shape functions fulfilling a Hermite
66        * identity with values and first derivatives zero at the element end
67        * points in 1D.
68        */
69       tensor_symmetric_hermite = 1,
71       /**
72        * Usual tensor product shape functions whose shape values and
73        * quadrature points are symmetric about the midpoint of the unit
74        * interval 0.5
75        */
76       tensor_symmetric = 2,
78       /**
79        * Tensor product shape functions without further particular properties
80        */
81       tensor_general = 3,
83       /**
84        * Polynomials of complete degree rather than tensor degree which can be
85        * described by a truncated tensor product
86        */
87       truncated_tensor = 4,
89       /**
90        * Tensor product shape functions that are symmetric about the midpoint
91        * of the unit interval 0.5 that additionally add a constant shape
92        * function according to FE_Q_DG0.
93        */
94       tensor_symmetric_plus_dg0 = 5
95     };
99     /**
100      * This struct stores the shape functions, their gradients and Hessians
101      * evaluated for a one-dimensional section of a tensor product finite
102      * element and tensor product quadrature formula in reference
103      * coordinates. This data structure also includes the evaluation of
104      * quantities at the cell boundary and on the sub-interval $(0, 0.5)$ and
105      * $(0.5, 1)$ for face integrals.
106      */
107     template <typename Number>
108     struct UnivariateShapeData
109     {
110       /**
111        * Empty constructor. Sets default configuration.
112        */
113       UnivariateShapeData();
115       /**
116        * Return the memory consumption of this class in bytes.
117        */
118       std::size_t
119       memory_consumption() const;
121       /**
122        * Encodes the type of element detected at construction. FEEvaluation
123        * will select the most efficient algorithm based on the given element
124        * type.
125        */
126       ElementType element_type;
128       /**
129        * Stores the shape values of the 1D finite element evaluated on all 1D
130        * quadrature points in vectorized format, i.e., as an array of
131        * VectorizedArray<dim>::size equal elements. The length of
132        * this array is <tt>n_dofs_1d * n_q_points_1d</tt> and quadrature
133        * points are the index running fastest.
134        */
135       AlignedVector<Number> shape_values;
137       /**
138        * Stores the shape gradients of the 1D finite element evaluated on all
139        * 1D quadrature points in vectorized format, i.e., as an array of
140        * VectorizedArray<dim>::size equal elements. The length of
141        * this array is <tt>n_dofs_1d * n_q_points_1d</tt> and quadrature
142        * points are the index running fastest.
143        */
144       AlignedVector<Number> shape_gradients;
146       /**
147        * Stores the shape Hessians of the 1D finite element evaluated on all
148        * 1D quadrature points in vectorized format, i.e., as an array of
149        * VectorizedArray<dim>::size equal elements. The length of
150        * this array is <tt>n_dofs_1d * n_q_points_1d</tt> and quadrature
151        * points are the index running fastest.
152        */
153       AlignedVector<Number> shape_hessians;
155       /**
156        * Stores the shape gradients of the shape function space associated to
157        * the quadrature (collocation), given by FE_DGQ<1>(Quadrature<1>).
158        */
159       AlignedVector<Number> shape_gradients_collocation;
161       /**
162        * Stores the shape hessians of the shape function space associated to
163        * the quadrature (collocation), given by FE_DGQ<1>(Quadrature<1>).
164        */
165       AlignedVector<Number> shape_hessians_collocation;
167       /**
168        * Stores the shape values in a different format, namely the so-called
169        * even-odd scheme where the symmetries in shape_values are used for
170        * faster evaluation.
171        */
172       AlignedVector<Number> shape_values_eo;
174       /**
175        * Stores the shape gradients in a different format, namely the so-
176        * called even-odd scheme where the symmetries in shape_gradients are
177        * used for faster evaluation.
178        */
179       AlignedVector<Number> shape_gradients_eo;
181       /**
182        * Stores the shape second derivatives in a different format, namely the
183        * so-called even-odd scheme where the symmetries in shape_hessians are
184        * used for faster evaluation.
185        */
186       AlignedVector<Number> shape_hessians_eo;
188       /**
189        * Stores the shape gradients of the shape function space associated to
190        * the quadrature (collocation), given by FE_DGQ<1>(Quadrature<1>). This
191        * array provides an alternative representation of the
192        * shape_gradients_collocation field in the even-odd format.
193        */
194       AlignedVector<Number> shape_gradients_collocation_eo;
196       /**
197        * Stores the shape hessians of the shape function space associated to
198        * the quadrature (collocation), given by FE_DGQ<1>(Quadrature<1>). This
199        * array provides an alternative representation of the
200        * shape_hessians_collocation field in the even-odd format.
201        */
202       AlignedVector<Number> shape_hessians_collocation_eo;
204       /**
205        * Stores the inverse transformation from the data at quadrature points
206        * to the basis defined by the shape_values fields. The data at
207        * quadrature points is interpreted either implicitly by its polynomial
208        * interpolation, or explicitly in terms of separate polynomials such as
209        * with the `_collocation` fields. The size of the array equals the
210        * layout of the `shape_values` array, and it is combined with the shape
211        * values array such that this matrix is the pseudo inverse of
212        * shape_values. In case the number of 1D quadrature points equals the
213        * size of the basis, this array is exactly the inverse of the
214        * shape_values array. The length of this array is <tt>n_dofs_1d *
215        * n_q_points_1d</tt> and quadrature points are the index running
216        * fastest.
217        */
218       AlignedVector<Number> inverse_shape_values;
220       /**
221        * Stores the even-odd variant of the `inverse_shape_values` field.
222        */
223       AlignedVector<Number> inverse_shape_values_eo;
225       /**
226        * Collects all data of 1D shape values evaluated at the point 0 and 1
227        * (the vertices) in one data structure. Sorting is first the values,
228        * then gradients, then second derivatives.
229        */
230       std::array<AlignedVector<Number>, 2> shape_data_on_face;
232       /**
233        * Collects all data of 1D nodal shape values (defined by the Lagrange
234        * polynomials in the points of the quadrature rule) evaluated at the
235        * point 0 and 1 (the vertices) in one data structure.
236        *
237        * This data structure can be used to interpolate from the cell to the
238        * face quadrature points.
239        *
240        * @note In contrast to shape_data_on_face, only the vales are evaluated.
241        */
242       std::array<AlignedVector<Number>, 2> quadrature_data_on_face;
244       /**
245        * Stores one-dimensional values of shape functions on subface. Since
246        * there are two subfaces, store two variants.
247        */
248       std::array<AlignedVector<Number>, 2> values_within_subface;
250       /**
251        * Stores one-dimensional gradients of shape functions on subface. Since
252        * there are two subfaces, store two variants.
253        */
254       std::array<AlignedVector<Number>, 2> gradients_within_subface;
256       /**
257        * Stores one-dimensional gradients of shape functions on subface. Since
258        * there are two subfaces, store two variants.
259        */
260       std::array<AlignedVector<Number>, 2> hessians_within_subface;
262       /**
263        * We store a copy of the one-dimensional quadrature formula
264        * used for initialization.
265        */
266       Quadrature<1> quadrature;
268       /**
269        * Stores the degree of the element.
270        */
271       unsigned int fe_degree;
273       /**
274        * Stores the number of quadrature points per dimension.
275        */
276       unsigned int n_q_points_1d;
278       /**
279        * Indicates whether the basis functions are nodal in 0 and 1, i.e., the
280        * end points of the unit cell.
281        */
282       bool nodal_at_cell_boundaries;
283     };
287     /**
288      * This struct stores a tensor (Kronecker) product view of the finite
289      * element and quadrature formula used for evaluation. It is based on a
290      * single or a collection of UnivariateShapeData object(s) that describe
291      * one-dimensional ingredients, plus some additional information about how
292      * these are combined and how indices are laid out in the multi-dimensional
293      * case such as the hierarchical -> lexicographic ordering of FE_Q.
294      *
295      * @ingroup matrixfree
296      */
297     template <typename Number>
298     struct ShapeInfo
299     {
300       /**
301        * Encodes the type of element detected at construction. FEEvaluation
302        * will select the most efficient algorithm based on the given element
303        * type.
304        */
305       ElementType element_type;
307       /**
308        * Empty constructor. Does nothing.
309        */
310       ShapeInfo();
312       /**
313        * Constructor that initializes the data fields using the reinit method.
314        */
315       template <int dim>
316       ShapeInfo(const Quadrature<1> &     quad,
317                 const FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
318                 const unsigned int        base_element = 0);
320       /**
321        * Initializes the data fields. Takes a one-dimensional quadrature
322        * formula and a finite element as arguments and evaluates the shape
323        * functions, gradients and Hessians on the one-dimensional unit cell.
324        * This function assumes that the finite element is derived from a one-
325        * dimensional element by a tensor product and that the zeroth shape
326        * function in zero evaluates to one.
327        */
328       template <int dim>
329       void
330       reinit(const Quadrature<1> &     quad,
331              const FiniteElement<dim> &fe_dim,
332              const unsigned int        base_element = 0);
334       /**
335        * Return data of univariate shape functions which defines the
336        * dimension @p dimension of tensor product shape functions
337        * regarding vector component @p component of the underlying
338        * finite element.
339        */
340       const UnivariateShapeData<Number> &
341       get_shape_data(const unsigned int dimension = 0,
342                      const unsigned int component = 0) const;
344       /**
345        * Return the memory consumption of this class in bytes.
346        */
347       std::size_t
348       memory_consumption() const;
350       /**
351        * Renumbering from deal.II's numbering of cell degrees of freedom to
352        * lexicographic numbering used inside the FEEvaluation schemes of the
353        * underlying element in the DoFHandler. For vector-valued elements, the
354        * renumbering starts with a lexicographic numbering of the first
355        * component, then everything of the second component, and so on.
356        */
357       std::vector<unsigned int> lexicographic_numbering;
359       /**
360        * Stores data of univariate shape functions defining the
361        * underlying tensor product finite element.
362        */
363       std::vector<UnivariateShapeData<Number>> data;
365       /**
366        * Grants access to univariate shape function data of given
367        * dimension and vector component. Rows identify dimensions and
368        * columns identify vector components.
369        */
370       dealii::Table<2, UnivariateShapeData<Number> *> data_access;
372       /**
373        * Stores the number of space dimensions.
374        */
375       unsigned int n_dimensions;
377       /**
378        * Stores the number of vector components of the underlying
379        * vector-valued finite element.
380        */
381       unsigned int n_components;
383       /**
384        * Stores the number of quadrature points in @p dim dimensions for a
385        * cell.
386        */
387       unsigned int n_q_points;
389       /**
390        * Stores the number of DoFs per cell of the scalar element in @p dim
391        * dimensions.
392        */
393       unsigned int dofs_per_component_on_cell;
395       /**
396        * Stores the number of quadrature points per face in @p dim dimensions.
397        */
398       unsigned int n_q_points_face;
400       /**
401        * Stores the number of DoFs per face in @p dim dimensions.
402        */
403       unsigned int dofs_per_component_on_face;
405       /**
406        * For nodal basis functions with nodes located at the boundary of the
407        * unit cell, face integrals that involve only the values of the shape
408        * functions (approximations of first derivatives in DG) do not need to
409        * load all degrees of freedom of the cell but rather only the degrees
410        * of freedom located on the face. While it would also be possible to
411        * compute these indices on the fly, we choose to simplify the code and
412        * store the indirect addressing in this class.
413        *
414        * The first table index runs through the faces of a cell, and the
415        * second runs through the nodal degrees of freedom of the face, using
416        * @p dofs_per_face entries.
417        *
418        * The indices stored in this member variable are as follows. Consider
419        * for example a 2D element of degree 3 with the following degrees of
420        * freedom in lexicographic numbering:
421        * @code
422        * 12   13   14   15
423        * 8    9    10   11
424        * 4    5     6    7
425        * 0    1     2    3
426        * @endcode
427        *
428        * The first row stores the indices on the face with index 0, i.e., the
429        * numbers <code>0, 4, 8, 12</code>, the second row holds the indices
430        * <code>3, 7, 11, 15</code> for face 1, the third row holds the indices
431        * <code>0, 1, 2, 3</code> for face 2, and the last (fourth) row holds
432        * the indices <code>12, 13, 14, 15</code>. Similarly, the indices are
433        * stored in 3D. (Note that the y faces in 3D use indices reversed in
434        * terms of the lexicographic numbers due to the orientation of the
435        * coordinate system.)
436        *
437        * @note This object is only filled in case @p nodal_at_cell_boundaries
438        * evaluates to @p true.
439        */
440       dealii::Table<2, unsigned int> face_to_cell_index_nodal;
442       /**
443        * The @p face_to_cell_index_nodal provides a shortcut for the
444        * evaluation of values on the faces. For Hermite-type basis functions,
445        * one can go one step further and also use shortcuts to get derivatives
446        * more cheaply where only two layers of degrees of freedom contribute
447        * to the derivative on the face. In the lexicographic ordering, the
448        * respective indices is in the next "layer" of degrees of freedom as
449        * compared to the nodal values. This array stores the indirect
450        * addressing of both the values and the gradient.
451        *
452        * The first table index runs through the faces of a cell, and the
453        * second runs through the pairs of the nodal degrees of freedom of the
454        * face and the derivatives, using <code>2*dofs_per_face</code> entries.
455        *
456        * The indices stored in this member variable are as follows. Consider
457        * for example a 2D element of degree 3 with the following degrees of
458        * freedom in lexicographic numbering:
459        * @code
460        * 20   21   22   23   24
461        * 15   16   17   18   19
462        * 10   11   12   13   14
463        * 5    6     7    8    9
464        * 0    1     2    3    4
465        * @endcode
466        *
467        * The first row stores the indices for values and gradients on the face
468        * with index 0, i.e., the numbers <code>0, 1, 5, 6, 10, 11, 15, 16, 20,
469        * 21</code>, the second row holds the indices <code>4, 3, 9, 8, 14, 13,
470        * 19, 18, 24, 23</code> for face 1, the third row holds the indices
471        * <code>0, 5, 1, 6, 2, 7, 3, 8, 4, 9</code> for face 2, and the last
472        * (fourth) row holds the indices <code>20, 15, 21, 16, 22, 17, 23, 18,
473        * 24, 19</code>. Similarly, the indices are stored in 3D. (Note that
474        * the y faces in 3D use indices reversed in terms of the lexicographic
475        * numbers due to the orientation of the coordinate system.)
476        *
477        * @note This object is only filled in case @p element_type evaluates to
478        * @p tensor_symmetric_hermite.
479        */
480       dealii::Table<2, unsigned int> face_to_cell_index_hermite;
482       /**
483        * For degrees on faces, the basis functions are not
484        * in the correct order if a face is not in the standard orientation
485        * to a given element. This data structure is used to re-order the
486        * basis functions to represent the correct order.
487        */
488       dealii::Table<2, unsigned int> face_orientations;
490     private:
491       /**
492        * Check whether we have symmetries in the shape values. In that case,
493        * also fill the shape_???_eo fields.
494        */
495       bool
496       check_1d_shapes_symmetric(
497         UnivariateShapeData<Number> &univariate_shape_data);
499       /**
500        * Check whether symmetric 1D basis functions are such that the shape
501        * values form a diagonal matrix, i.e., the nodal points are collocated
502        * with the quadrature points. This allows for specialized algorithms
503        * that save some operations in the evaluation.
504        */
505       bool
506       check_1d_shapes_collocation(
507         const UnivariateShapeData<Number> &univariate_shape_data) const;
508     };
512     // ------------------------------------------ inline functions
514     template <typename Number>
515     template <int dim>
ShapeInfo(const Quadrature<1> & quad,const FiniteElement<dim> & fe_in,const unsigned int base_element_number)516     inline ShapeInfo<Number>::ShapeInfo(const Quadrature<1> &     quad,
517                                         const FiniteElement<dim> &fe_in,
518                                         const unsigned int base_element_number)
519       : element_type(tensor_general)
520       , n_dimensions(0)
521       , n_components(0)
522       , n_q_points(0)
523       , dofs_per_component_on_cell(0)
524       , n_q_points_face(0)
525       , dofs_per_component_on_face(0)
526     {
527       reinit(quad, fe_in, base_element_number);
528     }
530     template <typename Number>
531     inline const UnivariateShapeData<Number> &
get_shape_data(const unsigned int dimension,const unsigned int component)532     ShapeInfo<Number>::get_shape_data(const unsigned int dimension,
533                                       const unsigned int component) const
534     {
535       AssertDimension(n_dimensions, data_access.size(0));
536       AssertDimension(n_components, data_access.size(1));
537       AssertIndexRange(dimension, n_dimensions);
538       AssertIndexRange(component, n_components);
539       return *(data_access(dimension, component));
540     }
542   } // end of namespace MatrixFreeFunctions
544 } // end of namespace internal
548 #endif