1 //*******************************************************************
2 //
3 // License:  MIT
4 //
5 // See LICENSE.txt file in the top level directory for more details.
6 //
7 // Author: Garrett Potts
8 //
9 // Description:
10 //
11 // This class defines an abstract image handler which all loaders should
12 // derive from.
13 //
14 //********************************************************************
15 // $Id: ossimImageHandler.h 22960 2014-11-06 15:42:13Z okramer $
16 #ifndef ossimImageHandler_HEADER
17 #define ossimImageHandler_HEADER 1
19 #include <ossim/imaging/ossimImageSource.h>
20 #include <ossim/base/ossimConstants.h>
21 #include <ossim/base/ossimFilename.h>
22 #include <ossim/base/ossimIrect.h>
23 #include <ossim/base/ossimNBandLutDataObject.h>
24 #include <ossim/base/ossimRefPtr.h>
25 #include <ossim/imaging/ossimFilterResampler.h>
26 #include <ossim/support_data/ossimImageMetaData.h>
27 #include <ossim/support_data/ImageHandlerState.h>
29 class ossimMultiResLevelHistogram;
31 /**
32  *  This class defines an abstract Handler which all image handlers(loaders)
33  *  should derive from.
34  */
35 class OSSIMDLLEXPORT ossimImageHandler : public ossimImageSource
36 {
37 public:
39    enum ossimImageHandlerOverviewCompressionType
40    {
46    };
48    /** Constructor (default): */
49    ossimImageHandler();
51    /**
52     * Destructor:
53     * Derived classes should implement.
54     */
55    virtual ~ossimImageHandler();
57    /**
58     * initialize
59     * Does nothing in this class.  Implemented to satisfy pure virtual.
60     */
61    virtual void initialize();
63    /**
64     *  Searches for an overview.  Uses theImageFile as a key.
65     *  If theImageFile = "foo.tif" it will look for "foo.ovr" first,
66     *  then "foo_ovr.tif" next.
67     *  Calls openOverview(const ossimFilename& overview_file)
68     *  @return true on success, false on error.
69     *  @see openOverview(const ossimFilename& overview_file)
70     */
71    virtual bool openOverview();
73    /**
74     *  Calls closeOverview(), then attempts to open the overview_file.
75     *  On success, theOverviewFile will be set and theOverview will be
76     *  initialized.  On failure, theOverviewFile will be cleared and
77     *  theOverview deleted and set to NULL.
78     *  @param overview_file ossimFilename representing overview file.
79     *  @return true on success, false on error.
80     *  @see closeOverview()
81     */
82    virtual bool openOverview(const ossimFilename& overview_file);
84    /**
85     *  If theOverview is initialized it will be deleted and set to NULL. Also
86     *  clears theOverviewFile.
87     *  @return void
88     */
89    virtual void closeOverview();
91    /**
92     *  @return the image handler of the overview, if it has been
93     *  successfully opened.
94     */
95    virtual const ossimImageHandler* getOverview() const;
97    /**
98     *  @return true if getNumberOfReducedResSets > 1, false if not.
99     *  @see getNumberOfReducedResSets()
100     */
101    virtual bool hasOverviews() const;
103    /**
104     *  @return ossimFilename represents an external OSSIM overview filename.
105     */
106    virtual ossimFilename createDefaultOverviewFilename() const;
108    /**
109     *  @return ossimFilename represents an external OSSIM geometry filename.
110     */
111    virtual ossimFilename createDefaultGeometryFilename() const;
113    /**
114     *  @return ossimFilename represents an external OSSIM metadata filename.
115     */
116    virtual ossimFilename createDefaultMetadataFilename() const;
118    /**
119     *  @return ossimFilename represents an external OSSIM histogram filename.
120     */
121    virtual ossimFilename createDefaultHistogramFilename() const;
123    /**
124     *  @return ossimFilename represents an external OSSIM valid vertices filename.
125     */
126    virtual ossimFilename createDefaultValidVerticesFilename() const;
128    /**
129     *  Outputs vertices to file and updates the internal vertex
130     *  array variable "theValidImageVertices".
131     *  @param vertices Array of ossimIpts to write.
132     *  @param file Name of output file to write to.  If file is empty, the
133     *  output file will be the image file with no extension + _vertices.kwl.
134     *  So if the image is "foo.tif" you'll get "foo_vertices.kwl".
135     *  @return true on success, false on error.
136     */
137    virtual bool writeValidImageVertices(const std::vector<ossimIpt>& vertices,
138 					const ossimFilename& file=ossimFilename(""));
140    /**
141     *  Opens the valid image vertices file and sets theValidImageVerticesFile
142     *  variable.
143     *  @param vertices_file File name containing valid vertices for image.
144     *  @return true on success, false on error.
145     */
146    virtual bool openValidVertices(const ossimFilename& vertices_file);
148    /**
149     *  Creates vertices file name based on image, then tries to open.
150     *  If theImageFile = "foo.tif" it will look for "foo_vertices.kwl".
151     *  @return true on success, false on error.
152     */
153    virtual bool openValidVertices();
155    /**
156     *  Pure virtual open.  Derived classes must implement.
157     *
158     *  @return Returns true on success, false on error.
159     *
160     *  @note This method relies on the data member ossimImageData::theImageFile
161     *  being set.  Callers should do a "setFilename" prior to calling this
162     *  method or use the ossimImageHandler::open that takes a file name and an
163     *  entry index.
164     */
165    virtual bool open() = 0;
167    /**
168     *  Opens the image file.
169     *
170     *  @param imageFile File to open.
171     *
172     *  @param entryIndex
173     *  @return true on success, false on error.
174     */
175    virtual bool open(const ossimFilename& imageFile,
176                      ossim_uint32 entryIndex);
178    virtual bool open(const ossimFilename& imageFile);
180    virtual bool open(std::shared_ptr<ossim::ImageHandlerState> state);
181    /**
182     *  Deletes the overview and clears the valid image vertices.  Derived
183     *  classes should implement.
184     */
185    virtual void close();
187    /**
188     *  Derived classes must implement this method to be concrete.
189     *
190     *  @return true if open, false if not.
191     */
192    virtual bool isOpen()const=0;
194    /**
195     *  Build a histogram for image file.
196     *
197     *  @param numberOfRLevels sets the maximum number of reduced resolution
198     *  level to compute histogram for.
199     *
201     *
202     *  @return true on success, false if not open.
203     */
204    virtual bool buildHistogram(
205       int numberOfRLevels=0, ossimHistogramMode mode=OSSIM_HISTO_MODE_NORMAL );
207    /**
208     *  Build a histograms for all image entries.
209     *
210     *  @param numberOfRLevels sets the maximum number of reduced resolution
211     *  level to compute histogram for.
212     *
214     *
215     *  @return true on success, false if not open.
216     */
217    virtual bool buildAllHistograms(
218       int numberOfRLevels=0, ossimHistogramMode mode=OSSIM_HISTO_MODE_NORMAL );
220    /**
221     *  Will build over file for theImageFile.
222     *
223     *  @param includeFullResFlag if true the full resolution layer will also
224     *  be put in the overview format.  This is handly for inefficeint formats.
225     */
226    virtual bool buildOverview(ossimImageHandlerOverviewCompressionType compressionType = OSSIM_OVERVIEW_COMPRESSION_NONE,
227                               ossim_uint32 quality = 75,
228                               ossimFilterResampler::ossimFilterResamplerType resampleType = ossimFilterResampler::ossimFilterResampler_BOX,
229                               bool includeFullResFlag=false);
231    /**
232     *  Will build over file for all image entries.
233     *
234     *  @param includeFullResFlag if true the full resolution layer will also
235     *  be put in the overview format.  This is handly for inefficeint formats.
236     */
237    virtual bool buildAllOverviews(ossimImageHandlerOverviewCompressionType compressionType = OSSIM_OVERVIEW_COMPRESSION_NONE,
238                                   ossim_uint32 quality = 75,
239                                   ossimFilterResampler::ossimFilterResamplerType resampleType = ossimFilterResampler::ossimFilterResampler_BOX,
240                                   bool includeFullResFlag=false);
242    /**
243     *  Will build an over file for filename.
244     *  @param filename Name of image file.
245     *
246     *  @param includeFullResFlag if true the full resolution layer will also
247     *  be put in the overview format.  This is handly for inefficeint formats.
248     */
249    virtual bool buildOverview(const ossimFilename& filename,
250                               ossimImageHandlerOverviewCompressionType compressionType = OSSIM_OVERVIEW_COMPRESSION_NONE,
251                               ossim_uint32 quality = 75,
252                               ossimFilterResampler::ossimFilterResamplerType resampleType = ossimFilterResampler::ossimFilterResampler_BOX,
253                               bool includeFullResFlag=false);
255    /**
256     * @brief Fetches the current entry image's histogram.
257     *
258     * @return Ref pointer to histogram or null if histogram does not exist.
259     *
260     * @note Old behaviour: "If none exists, it will be created." taken out.
261     *
262     * Do:
263     * ossimRefPtr<ossimMultiResLevelHistogram> his = ih->getImageHistogram();
264     * if ( ih.valid() )
265     * {
266     * }
267     * else
268     * {
269     *    ih->buildHistogram();
270     * }
271     *
272     */
273    ossimRefPtr<ossimMultiResLevelHistogram> getImageHistogram() const;
275    /**
276     * Returns the image geometry object associated with this tile source or
277     * NULL if non defined.  The geometry contains full-to-local image
278     * transform as well as projection (image-to-world).
279     */
280    virtual ossimRefPtr<ossimImageGeometry> getImageGeometry();
282    /**
283     * Sets the image geometry object.
284     *
285     * @note Callers should note that this will override any existing
286     *       geometry.
287     *
288     * @note This does not write the geometry to disk, to do so call
289     *       one of the saveImageGeometry methods.
290     */
291    virtual void setImageGeometry(ossimImageGeometry* geom);
293    /**
294     * Saves the image geometry to a file that will be made based on the image
295     * file name.
296     */
297    virtual void saveImageGeometry() const;
299    /**
300     * Saves the image geometry to a file that will be made based on the image
301     * file name.
302     */
303    virtual void saveImageGeometry(const ossimFilename& geometry_file) const;
305    /**
306     *  Pure virtual, derived classes must implement.
307     *
308     *  @param resLevel Reduced resolution level to return lines of.
309     *  Default = 0
310     *
311     *  @return The number of lines for specified reduced resolution level.
312     */
313    virtual ossim_uint32 getNumberOfLines(ossim_uint32 resLevel = 0) const = 0;
315    /**
316     *  Pure virtual, derived classes must implement.
317     *
318     *  @param resLevel Reduced resolution level to return samples of.
319     *  Default = 0
320     *
321     *  @return The number of samples for specified reduced resolution level.
322     */
323    virtual ossim_uint32 getNumberOfSamples(ossim_uint32 resLevel = 0) const = 0;
325    /**
326     * @brief Returns zero-based bounding rectangle of the image.
327     * Note sub-image offset now in ossimImageGeometry class.
328     *
329     * @param resLevel Reduced resolution level for rectangle.
330     *
331     * @return Rectangle of reduced resolution level.
332     */
333    virtual ossimIrect getImageRectangle(ossim_uint32 resLevel = 0) const;
335    /**
336     * @brief Returns zero-based bounding rectangle of the image.
337     * Same as getImageRectangle() call.  Note sub-image offset now
338     * in ossimImageGeometry class.
339     *
340     * @param resLevel Reduced resolution level for rectangle.
341     *
342     * @return Rectangle of reduced resolution level.
343     */
344    virtual ossimIrect getBoundingRect(ossim_uint32 resLevel = 0) const;
346    /**
347     * @param resLevel Reduced resolution set for requested decimation.
348     *
349     * @param result ossimDpt to initialize with requested decimation.
350     *
351     * @note Initialized "result" with the decimation factor for the passed in
352     * resLevel.
353     * Most of the time the returned factor is a square decimation along x
354     * and y indicated by result.x and .y  = 1.0/(resLevel^2) where ^
355     * means rasing to the power of.  If the resLevel is 1 then the return
356     * decimation .5, .5. this is not the decimation to each resolution
357     * level but the total decimation from res level 0.
358     * So if resLevel is 2 then the return is .25, .25.
359     *
360     * @note Derived classes should override if the decimation is anything other
361     * than a power of two change in each direction per res level.
362     */
363    virtual void getDecimationFactor(ossim_uint32 resLevel, ossimDpt& result) const;
365    /**
366     * This returns all decimation for all levels.
367     */
368    virtual void getDecimationFactors(std::vector<ossimDpt>& decimations) const;
370    /**
371     * This returns the total number of decimation levels.  It is important to
372     * note that res level 0 or full resolution is included in the list and has
373     * decimation values 1.0, 1.0
374     */
375    virtual ossim_uint32 getNumberOfDecimationLevels() const;
377    /**
378     * This method is obsolete.  Please use getNumberOfDecimationLevels.
379     *
380     * For backwards compatibility this calls getNumberOfDecimationLevels.
381     */
382    virtual ossim_uint32 getNumberOfReducedResSets()const;
384    /**
385     * Sets the filename
386     */
387    virtual void setFilename(const ossimFilename& filename);
389    /**
390     * Returns the filename
391     */
392    virtual const ossimFilename& getFilename()const;
394    /**
395     * Method to save the state of an object to a keyword list.
396     * Return true if ok or false on error.
397     */
398    virtual bool saveState(ossimKeywordlist& kwl,
399                           const char* prefix=0)const;
401    /**
402     * Method to the load (recreate) the state of an object from a keyword
403     * list.  Return true if ok or false on error.
404     */
405    virtual bool loadState(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl,
406                           const char* prefix=0);
408    /**
409     * @brief Determines if the passed in reslution level is valid.
410     *
411     * If this reader is used as an overview the caller should pass in a
412     * resLevel relative to the full image.
413     *
414     * @param resLevel zero base resolution level.
415     * @return true on success, false on error.
416     */
417    virtual bool isValidRLevel(ossim_uint32 resLevel) const;
419    /**
420     * Connection rule.  Since image handler currently don't have any
421     * inputs this will just return false saying we can't connect anything
422     * to an image handler.
423     */
424    bool canConnectMyInputTo(ossim_int32 inputIndex,
425                             const ossimConnectableObject* object) const;
427    /**
428     * ordering specifies how the vertices should be arranged.
429     * valid image vertices is basically the tightly fit convex hull
430     * of the image.  Usually an image has NULL values and are
431     * internally not upright rectangular.  This can cause
432     * problems some spatial filters.
433     *
434     * The default implementation is to return the bounding rect.
435     */
436    virtual void getValidImageVertices(std::vector<ossimIpt>& validVertices,
437                                       ossimVertexOrdering ordering=OSSIM_CLOCKWISE_ORDER,
438                                       ossim_uint32 resLevel=0)const;
440    /**
441     * @brief Indicates whether or not the image handler can control output
442     * band selection via the setOutputBandList method.
443     * @return true if band selector; false, if not.
444     */
445    virtual bool isBandSelector() const;
447    /**
448     * @brief If the image handler "isBandSeletor()" then the band selection
449     * of the output chip can be controlled.
450     *
451     * This method returns false. Derived classes that are band selectors should
452     * override.
453     *
454     * @param band_list Requested bands.
455     *
456     * @return true on success, false on error.
457     */
458    virtual bool setOutputBandList(const std::vector<ossim_uint32>& band_list);
460    /**
461     * @brief If the image handler "isBandSeletor()" then the band selection
462     * of the output are set to input or identity.  Does nothing and returns
463     * false if not a band selector.
464     *
465     * @return If band selector, returns the output of setOutputBandList; if
466     * not, returns false.
467     */
468    virtual bool setOutputToInputBandList();
470    /**
471     * @brief Convenience method to see if band list is identity.
472     * @param bandList List to check.
473     * @return true if band selector; false, if not.
474     */
475    virtual bool isIdentityBandList( const std::vector<ossim_uint32>& bandList ) const;
477    /**
478     * Indicates whether or not the image is tiled internally.
479     * This implementation returns true if (getImageTileWidth() &&
480     * getImageTileHeight()) are both non zero.
481     * Override in the image handler if something else is desired.
482     * Returns true if tiled, false if not.
483     */
484    virtual bool isImageTiled() const;
486    /**
487     * Returns the tile width of the image or 0 if the image is not tiled.
488     * Note: this is not the same as the ossimImageSource::getTileWidth which
489     * returns the output tile width which can be different than the internal
490     * image tile width on disk.
491     */
492    virtual ossim_uint32 getImageTileWidth() const = 0;
494    /**
495     * Returns the tile width of the image or 0 if the image is not tiled.
496     * Note: this is not the same as the ossimImageSource::getTileWidth which
497     * returns the output tile width which can be different than the internal
498     * image tile width on disk.
499     */
500    virtual ossim_uint32 getImageTileHeight() const = 0;
502    virtual bool hasMetaData() const;
504    virtual ossimRefPtr<ossimNBandLutDataObject> getLut()const;
506    virtual bool hasLut() const;
508    /**
509     * There is an external file with an omd extension.  this file contains
510     * additional information about the image such as the null pixel, min and
511     * max values.
512     * For general raster it will contain much more than that.
513     */
514    virtual void loadMetaData();
516    /**
517     * Retuns the min pixel value.  If there was an external eta data file
518     * then use the meta data from that file.  If not given then we will
519     * return the default min
520     */
521    virtual double getMinPixelValue(ossim_uint32 band=0)const;
522    virtual double getMaxPixelValue(ossim_uint32 band=0)const;
523    virtual double getNullPixelValue(ossim_uint32 band=0)const;
525    /**
526     * @brief convenience method to set min pixel value.
527     *
528     * Added for overview readers so that the image handler that owns the
529     * overview reader can pass on it's min value.
530     *
531     * @param band Zero based band to set.
532     *
533     * @param pix Min pixel value.
534     */
535    virtual void setMinPixelValue(ossim_uint32 band, const ossim_float64& pix);
537    /**
538     * @brief convenience method to set max pixel value.
539     *
540     * Added for overview readers so that the image handler that owns the
541     * overview reader can pass on it's max value.
542     *
543     * @param band Zero based band to set.
544     *
545     * @param pix Max pixel value.
546     */
547    virtual void setMaxPixelValue(ossim_uint32 band, const ossim_float64& pix);
549    /**
550     * @brief convenience method to set null pixel value.
551     *
552     * Added for overview readers so that the image handler that owns the
553     * overview reader can pass on it's max value.
554     *
555     * @param band Zero based band to set.
556     *
557     * @param pix Null pixel value.
558     */
559    virtual void setNullPixelValue(ossim_uint32 band, const ossim_float64& pix);
561    /**
562     * @return The current entry number.
563     *
564     * @note This implementation returns 0.  Derived classes should override
565     * if of multiple entry image type.
566     */
567    virtual ossim_uint32 getCurrentEntry()const;
569    /**
570     * @return The number of entries (images) in the image file.
571     */
572    virtual ossim_uint32 getNumberOfEntries()const;
574    /**
575     * @brief Get the name of entry as a string.
576     *
577     * This implementation clears name. Derived classes that support multiple
578     * entries and have "named" entries should re-implement to provide entry
579     * names.  Example given from HDF5 file:
580     *
581     * entry_name: /All_Data/VIIRS-IMG-GTM-EDR-GEO_All/QF1_VIIRSGTMGEO
582     *
583     * @param entryIdx Zero based entry index. If out of range name will
584     * be cleared.
585     *
586     * @param name Initialized by this.
587     */
588    virtual void getEntryName( ossim_uint32 entryIdx,
589                               std::string& name ) const;
591    /**
592     * @param entryList This is the list to initialize with entry indexes.
593     *
594     * @note This implementation returns puts one entry "0" in the list.
595     */
596    virtual void getEntryList(std::vector<ossim_uint32>& entryList) const;
598    /**
599     * @param getEntryNames List to initialize with strings associated with
600     * entries.
601     *
602     * @note This implementation calls getEntryList and converts entries in
603     * the list to strings.  Derived classes that support multiple entries
604     * with associated strings should re-implement.
605     */
606    virtual void getEntryNames(std::vector<ossimString>& entryNames) const;
608    /**
609     * @brief Convenience method to determine if entry index should be used for
610     * support files, e.g. file.his or file_e1.his.
611     *
612     * @returns true if file is open, &&
613     * ( (entryList.size() > 1) || (entryList[0] != 0) )
614     * false otherwise.
615     *
616     * @note This is just a hint.  Put here as code was duplicated everywhere.
617     * Callers can do what they wish.
618     */
619    bool useEntryIndex() const;
621    ossimFilename getOverviewFile()const;
623    /**
624     * @param entryIdx Entry number to select.
625     *
626     * @note The implementation does nothing.  Derived classes that handle
627     * multiple images should override.
628     *
629     * @return true if it was able to set the current entry and false otherwise.
630     */
631    virtual bool setCurrentEntry(ossim_uint32 entryIdx);
633    virtual void setProperty(ossimRefPtr<ossimProperty> property);
634    virtual ossimRefPtr<ossimProperty> getProperty(const ossimString& name)const;
635    virtual void getPropertyNames(std::vector<ossimString>& propertyNames)const;
637    /**
638     * @brief Returns the image file with extension set using supplentary
639     * directory for dirname if set.
640     *
641     * Default behaviour is to add the "_en.ext" only if the file is
642     * multi-entry. Use set_e0_prefix to override this.
643     *
644     * Examples:
645     *
646     * - theImageFile          = "foo.hdf"
647     * - The number of entries = 1
648     * - ext parameter         = "geom"
649     * - return of method will = "foo.geom"
650     *
651     * - theImageFile          = "foo.hdf"
652     * - The number of entries = 12
653     * - The current entry     = 3
654     * - ext parameter         = "geom"
655     * - return of method will = "foo_e3.geom"
656     *
657     * @param ext Extension to tack onto file.  Can have or have not ".", it
658     * will be added if "." is not the first character.
659     *
660     * @param set_e0_prefix If true and the number of entries = 1 then
661     * "foo.geom" would come out "foo_e0.geom" instead. Default = false.
662     *
663     * @return theImageFile with the extension replaced with ext.
664     */
665    ossimFilename getFilenameWithThisExtension(const ossimString& ext,
666                                               bool set_e0_prefix=false) const;
668    /**
669     * Returns the image file with extension set using supplentary directory
670     * for dirname if set. This is like the getFilenameWithThisExtension(...)
671     * method except it does NOT add the "_en" if image is multi entry.
672     *
673     * Examples:
674     *
675     * - theImageFile          = "foo.tif"
676     * - ext parameter         = "geom"
677     * - return of method will = "foo.geom"
678     *
679     * @param ext Extension to tack onto file.  Can have or have not ".", it
680     * will be added if "." is not the first character.
681     *
682     * @param f Initialized by this.
683     */
684    void getFilenameWithThisExt( const ossimString& ext,
685                                 ossimFilename& f ) const;
687    ossim_uint32 getStartingResLevel() const;
689    void setStartingResLevel(ossim_uint32 level);
691    /** @return theOpenOverviewFlag */
692    bool getOpenOverviewFlag() const;
694    /**
695     * @brief Sets theOpenOverviewFlag.
696     *
697     * If true opening of overviews will be attempted on normal open.  If
698     * false only the base image will be opened (shallow open).
699     * Defaulted to true in constructor.
700     */
701    void setOpenOverviewFlag(bool flag);
703    /**
704     * Sets the supplementary directory
705     */
706    virtual void setSupplementaryDirectory(const ossimFilename& dir);
708    /**
709     * Returns the supplementary directory
710     */
711    virtual const ossimFilename& getSupplementaryDirectory()const;
713    //! Fetches the image ID. This is initialized to -1 in the constructor but is searched for in
714    //! loadState():
getImageID()715    const ossimString& getImageID() const { return theImageID; }
717    //! Sets the image ID in case it is externally generated
setImageID(const ossimString & id)718    void setImageID(const ossimString&  id) { theImageID = id; }
720    //! Returns the raster pixel alignment type. OSSIM treats all alignments internally as
721    //! pixel-is-point. This is only a flag to identify the source's alignment type.
getPixelType()722    ossimPixelType getPixelType() const { return thePixelType; }
724    /**
725     * @brief Convenience method to get the zero based rgb output band list.
726     *
727     * This method returns false and is here only so derived classes can
728     * override.
729     *
730     * @param bandList
731     * @return false
732     */
733    virtual bool getRgbBandList(std::vector<ossim_uint32>& bandList) const;
736    template <class T>
getStateAs()737    std::shared_ptr<T> getStateAs(){return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<T> (m_state);}
738    template <class T>
getStateAs()739    std::shared_ptr<const T> getStateAs()const{return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const T> (m_state);}
getState()740    std::shared_ptr<ossim::ImageHandlerState> getState(){return m_state;}
getState()741    std::shared_ptr<const ossim::ImageHandlerState> getState()const{return m_state;}
setState(std::shared_ptr<ossim::ImageHandlerState> state)742    void setState(std::shared_ptr<ossim::ImageHandlerState> state){m_state = state;}
743 protected:
745    /**
746     * Returns the image geometry object associated with this tile source or
747     * NULL if non defined.  The geometry contains full-to-local image
748     * transform as well as projection (image-to-world).
749     *
750     * This method just looks for external .geom style override only.
751     * If you want to go through a registry then call getImageGeometry().
752     */
753    virtual ossimRefPtr<ossimImageGeometry> getExternalImageGeometry() const;
755    virtual ossimRefPtr<ossimImageGeometry> getInternalImageGeometry() const;
757    /**
758     * @brief Method to get an overview tile.  Derived classes should override if
759     * they have built in overviews or something different than the standard
760     * external overview file.  Image handlers can call this method from getTile
761     * in place of inlining code or if derived class needs to override this
762     * method.
763     *
764     * @param resLevel The resolution level to pull from with resLevel 0 being
765     * full res.
766     *
767     * @param result The tile to stuff.
768     * passing.
769     *
770     * @return true on success false on error.  Typically this will return false
771     * if resLevel==0 unless the overview has r0.  If return is false, result
772     * is undefined so caller should handle appropriately with makeBlank or
773     * whatever.
774     */
775    virtual bool getOverviewTile(ossim_uint32 resLevel, ossimImageData* result);
777    /**
778     *  Opens file and attempts to initialize the valid image vertices.
779     *  Returns true on success, false on error.
780     */
781    bool initVertices(const char* file);
783    /**
784     * Will complete the opening process.
785     * If there are overviews it will open them.
786     * If there is meta data it will open that and if there
787     * is valid vertices it will open that.
788     */
789    virtual void completeOpen();
791    /**
792     * @brief Convenience method to set things needed in the image geometry from
793     * the image handler.  At time of writing sets the decimation and image size.
794     * @param geom ossimImageGeometry to initiale.
795     */
796    void initImageParameters(ossimImageGeometry* geom) const;
798    /**
799     * @brief Virtual method determines the decimation factors at each resolution level. This
800     * base class implementation computes the decimation by considering the ratios in image size
801     * between resolution levels, with fuzzy logic for rounding ratios to the nearest power of 2
802     * if possible. Derived classes need to override this method if the decimations are provided
803     * as part of the image metadata.
804     */
805    virtual void establishDecimationFactors();
807    /**
808     * @brief Convenience method to set output band list.
809     *
810     * This performs range checking and calls theOverview->setOutputBandList
811     * on success.
812     *
813     * @param inBandList The new band list.
814     * @param outBandList Band list to initialize.
815     * @return true on success, false on error.
816     */
817    virtual bool setOutputBandList(const std::vector<ossim_uint32>& inBandList,
818                                   std::vector<ossim_uint32>& outBandList);
821    /**
822     * @brief Get filename with no extension, using supplentary directory for
823     * dirname if set.
824     *
825     * Examples:
826     *
827     * f = "foo.tif"
828     * f = "foo"
829     */
830    void getFilenameWithNoExtension( ossimFilename& f ) const;
832    ossimFilename theImageFile;
833    ossimFilename theOverviewFile;
834    ossimFilename theSupplementaryDirectory;
835    ossimRefPtr<ossimImageHandler> theOverview;
836    std::vector<ossimIpt> theValidImageVertices;
837    ossimImageMetaData theMetaData;
838    mutable ossimRefPtr<ossimImageGeometry> theGeometry;
839    ossimRefPtr<ossimNBandLutDataObject> theLut;
840    std::vector<ossimDpt> theDecimationFactors;
841    ossimString theImageID;
843    /**
844     * theStartingResLevel If set to something other than zero(default) this is
845     * indicative that the reader is an overview.
846     */
847    ossim_uint32 theStartingResLevel; // 0 being full or highest res.
849    /**
850     * If true opening of overviews will be attempted.  If false only the base
851     * image will be opened (shallow open). Defaulted to true in constructor.
852     */
853    bool theOpenOverviewFlag;
854    mutable ossimPixelType thePixelType; // pixel-is-point or pixel-is-area
856   std::shared_ptr<ossim::ImageHandlerState> m_state;
858 };
860 #endif /* #ifndef ossimImageHandler_HEADER */