1 //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //  MODULE    : PTile
3 //  LANGUAGE  : C
4 //  CREATOR   : Philippe BOSSUT
5 //  CREAT. DATE : Wednesday, March 13, 1996
7 //    SCCSID      : @(#)ptile.h 1.7 15:18:40 14 Apr 1997
8 //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 //  Copyright (c) 1999 Digital Imaging Group, Inc.
10 //  For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice
11 //  in Flashpix.h
12 //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
13   #ifndef PTile_h
14   #define PTile_h
15   #ifndef Commun_h
16     #include  "common.h"
17   #endif
18 //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
20 //  Includes
21 //  --------
22 #include <time.h>
24 #ifndef SystemIVUE_h
25   #include  "ri_sys.h"
26 #endif
27 #ifndef Compresseur_h
28   #include  "fpxcompress.h"    // for TLC_IdCodec
29 #endif
31 #ifndef FPXBaselineIO_h
32   #include "fpxlibio.h"
33 #endif
35 #ifdef _WINDOWS
36 #include <winbase.h>
37 #endif
39 //  Constants
40 //  ---------
42 //  Types Declarations
43 //  ------------------
45 //  Types Definitions
46 //  -----------------
48 //  Classes Declarations
49 //  --------------------
51   class PHierarchicalImage;
52   class PResolutionLevel;
53   class PTile;
55 //  Classes Definitions
56 //  -------------------
58   // PTile class. PTiles keep memory of the pixels themselves.
59   // BE CAREFULL : PResolutionLevel manipulates Arrays of PTile and uses arithmetic of pointers
60   // operations to compute tiles' addresses, consequently, DO NOT ADD SCALAR MEMBERS OR VIRTUAL
61   // FUNCTIONS TO CLASSES INHERITING FROM PTILE. In other words, anything which makes a modification
62   // of the size of PTile's derivate class defeats the arithmetic used in PResolutionLevel and
63   // crashes the application. If you want to add something to a derivate class, you should in fact
64   // add that here in the protected area (I know, it's ugly...). The only thing allowed in derivated
65   // classes is to refurbish some of the virtual methods of the public interface.
66   // Another better solution would be to use a chained list or to modify the code everywhere the pointer
67   // arithmetic is used using a virtual SizeOf() method... To be done in a future version...
69   class PTile : public PToolkitObject {
71     friend class PHierarchicalImage;
72     friend class PResolutionLevel;
74   public:
75               PTile();
76         virtual   ~PTile();
78         // Memory management: Used by the context to handle the tiles:
79         // -----------------------------------------------------------
80   static    Boolean Purge(long* size = NULL, Boolean purgeAll = FALSE); // Release used memory
81   static    long  GetPurgeableMemory();               // Compute the amount of memory which can be purged
82   static    void  ClearStaticArrays();  // clear all the static arrays still allocated
83         long  AllocatePixels();
84         long  AllocateRawPixels();
85         long  AllocatePixelMemory( Pixel **memAddress);
86         void  FreePixelsBuffer( );
87         void  FreeRawPixelsBuffer( );
88         void  TouchPixelsBuffer( );
89         void  TouchRawPixelsBuffer( );
90         long  Free (Boolean forced = FALSE, Boolean freeIncomplete = FALSE);  // Free memory allocated to the tile
92         // Memory management: Used by others to handle tiles which have pixels in memory:
93         // -----------------------------------------------------------
94 //  static    long    FindOldestTileBuffer( PTile **foundTile, long *isRawPixelsBuffer);  PTCH_101 rep
95   static    long    FindOldestTileBuffer( PTile **foundTile, long *isRawPixelsBuffer, long minSize = 16384);  // PTCH_101 new
96   static    void    FreeAncientBuffers( long numMinutesOld);
97   static    void    FreeAllRawPixels();
98   static    void    FlushModifiedTiles();
100         // Public interface: Methods used by a PResolutionLevel to access a tile:
101         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
102         // These methods should not be derived
104         // Read pixels methods:
105         FPXStatus ReadRectangleRawData (Pixel* pix, long width, long height, long rowOffset, long x0, long y0);
106         FPXStatus ReadRectangle  (Pixel* pix, long width, long height, long rowOffset, long x0, long y0);
107         long    InverseAlpha();     // Inverse alpha channel in tile
109         // Write pixels methods:
110         FPXStatus WriteTile();      // Advanced tile writing : manage automatic decimation
111         FPXStatus DecimateTile();     // Decimation itself
112         FPXStatus WriteRectangle (Pixel* pix, long width, long height, long rowOffset, long x0, long y0, short plan = -1);
113         FPXStatus Convolution    (Pixel* pix, long width, long height, long quadrant);
115         // Get information tools
116         Boolean GetInfo (long* width, long* height, Typ_Compression* compr);
117         long  GetposFic ();     // Give tile position in the file
118         long  GetTileSize ();     // Give tile size
119         Boolean HasFreshPixels ();    // Indicates tile is modified but not yet saved
121         // Public interface: Methods implementing the file specific tile description:
122         // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
123         // These methods must be derived in most of the cases
125         // Read and write a tile:
126         virtual FPXStatus Read();         // Read  pixels & rawPixels in file
127         virtual FPXStatus ReadRawPixels();    // Read  rawPixels in file
128         virtual FPXStatus Write();        // Write pixels in file
130         // Set information tools
131         virtual void  InitializeCreate (PResolutionLevel* father, long width, long height, long id);  // Init tile in write mode
132         virtual void  InitializeRead (PResolutionLevel* father, long offset, long sizetile, long id, long compression = 0, long nouse = 0); // Init tile in read mode
134         // Get compression option
135         virtual long  GetCompression ();
136         virtual long  GetCompressionSubtype ();
138         // Set compression option
139         virtual void  SetCompression (long theCompression);
140         virtual void  SetCompressionSubtype(long theCompressionSubType);
142         // Set quality factor
143         virtual void  SetQualityFactor (unsigned char theQualityFactor);
145         // Convert the FPX compression code to index of compressor
146         virtual TLC_IdCodec   ConvertCompressionOption ();
148   protected:
149         // Data of the PTile structure:
150         // ----------------------------
152         PResolutionLevel* fatherSubImage;   // Point to the father sub-image
154         short     height;         // Height of the tile in pixels
155         short     width;          // Width of the tile in pixels
156         long      freshPixels;      // Number of pixels recently written into 'rawPixels'
157                             //  If freshPixels is non-zero, then the tile in memory
158                             //  has been written to, but not saved in the file yet.
159         Pixel*      rawPixels;        // An uncompressed version of data store in file
160         Pixel*      pixels;         // A copy of 'rawPixels' with colortwist, etc applied
161     FPXBaselineColorSpace rawPixelsSpace;     // Color space for the data currently in 'rawPixels'
162     FPXBaselineColorSpace pixelsSpace;      // Color space for the data currently in 'pixels'
163                             //  suitable for user display. Color space always
164                             //  the same as  'PFileFlashPixIO::usedSpace'
165         time_t      pixelsTime;       // Last time  'pixels'   was accessed
166         time_t      rawPixelsTime;      // Last time 'rawPixels' was accessed
168         short     nbChannels;       // Number of channels (1 to 4 in Baseline)
169         long      dirtyCount;       // Check for modification of contrast, colortwist, filtering, or aspect ratio
170         Boolean     viewingParamApplied;  // True if the viewing parameters have been applied to the cached tile values
171         Boolean     pixelsStale;      // True if 'pixels' does not reflect changes to 'rawPixels'
173         TLC_IdCodec   idCodec;        // Compressor/Decompressor identifier
174         Boolean     decompressorIsMissing;  // True if decompressor is missing
175         long      compression;      // Compression mode used in this image file
176         long      compressionSubtype;   // Special compression info
177         unsigned char qualityFactor;      // Quality factor
179         Boolean     tileInitialize;     // Flag of tile having been initialized
180         long      posPixelFic;      // Position in the file
181         long      tileSize;       // Size of the tile in the file
182         int32     identifier;       // Tile identifier (i.e. tile number)
184         // For fast computation in PTile methods
185         // -------------------------------------
187   static    unsigned char*  invertLUT;        // Inversion LUT
188         void      AllocInvertTable();   // Allocate and compute the inversion LUT
190         // For memory management purposes
191         // ------------------------------
193         PTile*      previous;       // Pointer to the previous tile allocated
194         PTile*      next;         // Pointer to the next tile allocated
196         void      Insert();       // Put the tile at the end of the list
197         void      Dispose();        // Delete the tile from the list
198         void      Lock();         // Disable delete of this tile
199         void      UnLock();       // Enable delete of this tile
200         Boolean     IsLocked();       // Check if this tile is locked
202         void      AllocDecompress (long size);  // Allocate buffer for decompression
203   static    long      PurgeDecompress ();       // Free decompression buffer
204         void      LockDecompress ();        // Disable the free of decompression buffer
205         void      UnLockDecompress ();      // Enable the free of decompression buffer
207   static    long      allocTiles;       // Number of allocated tiles
208   static    long      allocSize;        // Size allocated to the tiles
209   static    PTile*      first;          // Oldest tile allocated
210   static    PTile*      last;         // Most recent tile allocated
211   static    PTile**     locked;         // Locked tiles
212   static    long      indexLocked;
214   static    Ptr     decompressBuffer;   // Global buffer for decompression
215   static    long      decompressSize;     // Size of the decompression buffer
216   static    Boolean     decompressLock;     // true if buffer in use
218   };
222 //  'inline' Functions
223 //  ------------------
225 // Get Position of the tile in the file
GetposFic()227 inline long PTile::GetposFic() {
228   return (posPixelFic);
229 }
GetTileSize()231 inline long PTile::GetTileSize () {
232   return tileSize;
233 }
LockDecompress()235 inline void PTile::LockDecompress () {
236   decompressLock = TRUE;
237 }
UnLockDecompress()239 inline void PTile::UnLockDecompress () {
240   decompressLock = FALSE;
241 }
HasFreshPixels()243 inline Boolean PTile::HasFreshPixels () {
244   return ((freshPixels > 0)? true : false);
245 }
TouchPixelsBuffer()247 inline void PTile::TouchPixelsBuffer () {
248 #ifdef _WINDOWS
249     pixelsTime = GetCurrentTime();
250 #else
251     pixelsTime = clock();
252 #endif
253 }
TouchRawPixelsBuffer()255 inline void PTile::TouchRawPixelsBuffer () {
256 #ifdef _WINDOWS
257     pixelsTime = GetCurrentTime();
258 #else
259     rawPixelsTime = clock();
260 #endif
261 }
264 //  'extern' Functions
265 //  ------------------
267 //  'extern' Variables
268 //  ------------------
270 //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
271   #endif // PTile_h
272 //  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------