1 // Copyright 2014 Wouter van Oortmerssen. All rights reserved.
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
t_memcpy(T * dest,const T * src,S n)16 template<typename T, typename S> void t_memcpy(T *dest, const T *src, S n) {
17     memcpy(dest, src, n * sizeof(T));
18 }
t_memmove(T * dest,const T * src,S n)20 template<typename T, typename S> void t_memmove(T *dest, const T *src, S n) {
21     memmove(dest, src, n * sizeof(T));
22 }
ts_memcpy(T * dest,const T * src,S n)24 template<typename T, typename S> void ts_memcpy(T *dest, const T *src, S n) {
25     if (n) {
26         *dest++ = *src++;
27         if (n > 1) {
28             *dest++ = *src++;
29             if (n > 2) {
30                 *dest++ = *src++;
31                 if (n > 3) {
32                     *dest++ = *src++;
33                     for (S i = 4; i < n; i++) *dest++ = *src++;
34                 }
35             }
36         }
37     }
38 }
tsnz_memcpy(T * dest,const T * src,S n)40 template<typename T, typename S> void tsnz_memcpy(T *dest, const T *src, S n) {
41     assert(n);
42     *dest++ = *src++;
43     if (n > 1) {
44         *dest++ = *src++;
45         if (n > 2) {
46             *dest++ = *src++;
47             if (n > 3) {
48                 *dest++ = *src++;
49                 for (S i = 4; i < n; i++) *dest++ = *src++;
50             }
51         }
52     }
53 }
55 // Doubly linked list.
56 // DLNodeRaw does not initialize nor assumes initialization, so can be used in
57 // situations where memory is already allocated DLNodeBase is meant to be a base
58 // class for objects that want to be held in a DLList. Unlike DLNodeRaw it is always
59 // initialized and checks that it's being used sensibly.
60 // These are better than std::list which doesn't have a node to inherit from,
61 // so causes 2 allocations rather than 1 for object hierarchies.
63 struct DLNodeRaw {
64     DLNodeRaw *prev, *next;
RemoveDLNodeRaw66     void Remove() {
67         prev->next = next;
68         next->prev = prev;
69     }
InsertAfterThisDLNodeRaw71     void InsertAfterThis(DLNodeRaw *o) {
72         o->next = next;
73         o->prev = this;
74         next->prev = o;
75         next = o;
76     }
InsertBeforeThisDLNodeRaw78     void InsertBeforeThis(DLNodeRaw *o) {
79         o->prev = prev;
80         o->next = this;
81         prev->next = o;
82         prev = o;
83     }
84 };
86 struct DLNodeBase : DLNodeRaw {
DLNodeBaseDLNodeBase87     DLNodeBase() { prev = next = nullptr; }
ConnectedDLNodeBase89     bool Connected() { return next && prev; }
~DLNodeBaseDLNodeBase91     virtual ~DLNodeBase() {
92         if (Connected()) Remove();
93     }
RemoveDLNodeBase95     void Remove() {
96         assert(Connected());
97         DLNodeRaw::Remove();
98         next = prev = nullptr;
99     }
InsertAfterThisDLNodeBase101     void InsertAfterThis(DLNodeBase *o) {
102         assert(Connected() && !o->Connected());
103         DLNodeRaw::InsertAfterThis(o);
104     }
InsertBeforeThisDLNodeBase106     void InsertBeforeThis(DLNodeBase *o) {
107         assert(Connected() && !o->Connected());
108         DLNodeRaw::InsertBeforeThis(o);
109     }
110 };
112 template<typename T> struct DLList : DLNodeRaw {
113     typedef T nodetype;
DLListDLList115     DLList() { next = prev = this; }
EmptyDLList117     bool Empty() { return next==this; }
GetDLList119     T *Get() {
120         assert(!Empty());
121         DLNodeRaw *r = next;
122         r->Remove();
123         return (T *)r;
124     }
NextDLList126     T *Next() { return (T *)next; }
PrevDLList127     T *Prev() { return (T *)prev; }
128 };
Next(T * n)130 template<typename T> T *Next(T *n) { return (T *)n->next; }
Prev(T * n)131 template<typename T> T *Prev(T *n) { return (T *)n->prev; }
133 // Safe Remove on not self.
134 #define loopdllistother(L, n) \
135     for (auto n = (L).Next(); n != (void *)&(L); n = Next(n))
136 // Safe Remove on self.
137 #define loopdllist(L, n) \
138     for (auto n = (L).Next(), p = Next(n); n != (void *)&(L); (n = p),(p = Next(n)))
139 // Safe Remove on self reverse.
140 #define loopdllistreverse(L, n) \
141     for (auto n = (L).Prev(), p = Prev(n); n != (void *)&(L); (n = p),(p = Prev(n)))
143 class MersenneTwister          {
144     const static uint N = 624;
145     const static uint M = 397;
146     const static uint K = 0x9908B0DFU;
hiBit(uint u)148     uint hiBit(uint u) { return u & 0x80000000U; }
loBit(uint u)149     uint loBit(uint u) { return u & 0x00000001U; }
loBits(uint u)150     uint loBits(uint u) { return u & 0x7FFFFFFFU; }
mixBits(uint u,uint v)152     uint mixBits(uint u, uint v) { return hiBit(u) | loBits(v); }
154     uint state[N + 1];
155     uint *next;
156     int left = -1;
158     public:
Seed(uint seed)160     void Seed(uint seed) {
161         uint x = (seed | 1U) & 0xFFFFFFFFU, *s = state;
162         int j;
163         for (left = 0, *s++ = x, j = N; --j; *s++ = (x *= 69069U) & 0xFFFFFFFFU)
164             ;
165     }
Reload()167     uint Reload() {
168         uint *p0 = state, *p2 = state + 2, *pM = state + M, s0, s1;
169         int j;
170         if (left < -1) Seed(4357U);
171         left = N - 1;
172         next = state + 1;
173         for (s0 = state[0], s1 = state[1], j = N - M + 1; --j; s0 = s1, s1 = *p2++)
174             *p0++ = *pM++ ^ (mixBits(s0, s1) >> 1) ^ (loBit(s1) ? K : 0U);
175         for (pM = state, j = M; --j; s0 = s1, s1 = *p2++)
176             *p0++ = *pM++ ^ (mixBits(s0, s1) >> 1) ^ (loBit(s1) ? K : 0U);
177         s1 = state[0];
178         *p0 = *pM ^ (mixBits(s0, s1) >> 1) ^ (loBit(s1) ? K : 0U);
179         s1 ^= (s1 >> 11);
180         s1 ^= (s1 << 7) & 0x9D2C5680U;
181         s1 ^= (s1 << 15) & 0xEFC60000U;
182         return (s1 ^ (s1 >> 18));
183     }
Random()185     uint Random() {
186         uint y;
187         if (--left < 0) return (Reload());
188         y = *next++;
189         y ^= (y >> 11);
190         y ^= (y << 7) & 0x9D2C5680U;
191         y ^= (y << 15) & 0xEFC60000U;
192         return (y ^ (y >> 18));
193     }
ReSeed(uint seed)195     void ReSeed(uint seed) {
196         Seed(seed);
197         left = 0;
198         Reload();
199     }
200 };
202 class PCG32 {
203     // This is apparently better than the Mersenne Twister, and its also smaller/faster!
204     // Adapted from *Really* minimal PCG32 code / (c) 2014 M.E. O'Neill / pcg-random.org
205     // Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (NO WARRANTY, etc. see website).
206     uint64_t state = 0xABADCAFEDEADBEEF;
207     uint64_t inc = 0xDEADBABEABADD00D;
209     public:
Random()211     uint32_t Random() {
212         uint64_t oldstate = state;
213         // Advance internal state.
214         state = oldstate * 6364136223846793005ULL + (inc | 1);
215         // Calculate output function (XSH RR), uses old state for max ILP.
216         uint32_t xorshifted = uint32_t(((oldstate >> 18u) ^ oldstate) >> 27u);
217         uint32_t rot = oldstate >> 59u;
218         return (xorshifted >> rot) | (xorshifted << ((-rot) & 31));
219     }
ReSeed(uint32_t s)221     void ReSeed(uint32_t s) {
222         state = s;
223         inc = 0xDEADBABEABADD00D;
224     }
225 };
227 template<typename T> struct RandomNumberGenerator {
228     T rnd;
seedRandomNumberGenerator230     void seed(uint s) { rnd.ReSeed(s); }
operatorRandomNumberGenerator232     int operator()(int max) { return rnd.Random() % max; }
operatorRandomNumberGenerator233     int operator()() { return rnd.Random(); }
rnddoubleRandomNumberGenerator235     double rnddouble() { return rnd.Random() * (1.0 / 4294967296.0); }
rnd_floatRandomNumberGenerator236     float rnd_float() { return (float)rnddouble(); } // FIXME: performance?
rndfloatsignedRandomNumberGenerator237     float rndfloatsigned() { return (float)(rnddouble() * 2 - 1); }
239     double n2 = 0.0;
240     bool n2_cached = false;
241     // Returns gaussian with stddev of 1 and mean of 0.
242     // Box Muller method.
rnd_gaussianRandomNumberGenerator243     double rnd_gaussian() {
244         n2_cached = !n2_cached;
245         if (n2_cached) {
246             double x, y, r;
247             do {
248                 x = 2.0 * rnddouble() - 1;
249                 y = 2.0 * rnddouble() - 1;
250                 r = x * x + y * y;
251             } while (r == 0.0 || r > 1.0);
252             double d = sqrt(-2.0 * log(r) / r);
253             double n1 = x * d;
254             n2 = y * d;
255             return n1;
256         } else {
257             return n2;
258         }
259     }
260 };
262 // Special case for to_string to get exact float formatting we need.
263 template<typename T> string to_string_float(T x, int decimals = -1) {
264     // ostringstream gives more consistent cross-platform results than to_string() for floats, and
265     // can at least be configured to turn scientific notation off.
266     ostringstream ss;
267     // Suppress scientific notation.
268     ss << std::fixed;
269     // There's no way to tell it to just output however many decimals are actually significant,
270     // sigh. Once you turn on fixed, it will default to 5 or 6, depending on platform, for both
271     // float and double. So we set our own more useful defaults:
272     int default_precision = sizeof(T) == sizeof(float) ? 6 : 12;
273     ss << std::setprecision(decimals <= 0 ? default_precision : decimals);
274     ss << x;
275     auto s = ss.str();
276     if (decimals <= 0) {
277         // First trim whatever lies beyond the precision to avoid garbage digits.
278         size_t max_significant = default_precision;
279         max_significant += 2;  // "0."
280         if (s[0] == '-') max_significant++;
281         while (s.length() > max_significant && s.back() != '.') s.pop_back();
282         // Now strip unnecessary trailing zeroes.
283         while (s.back() == '0') s.pop_back();
284         // If there were only zeroes, keep at least 1.
285         if (s.back() == '.') s.push_back('0');
286     }
287     return s;
288 }
to_string_hex(ostringstream & ss,size_t x)290 inline void to_string_hex(ostringstream &ss, size_t x) {
291     ss << "0x" << std::hex << x << std::dec;
292 }
294 /* Accumulator: a container that is great for accumulating data like std::vector,
295    but without the reallocation/copying and unused memory overhead.
296    Instead stores elements as a 2-way growing list of blocks.
297    Loses the O(1) random access time, but instead has fast block-wise iteration.
298    Optimized to append/prepend many of T at once.
299    Can specify a minimum growth (block size) such that small appends are also efficient
300 */
302 template <typename T> class Accumulator {
303     struct Buf {
304         Buf *next;
305         size_t size, unused;
ElemsBuf307         T *Elems() { return this + 1; }
308     };
310     Buf *first = nullptr, *last = nullptr, *iterator = nullptr;
311     size_t mingrowth;
312     size_t totalsize = 0;
NewBuf(size_t _size,size_t numelems,T * elems,Buf * _next)314     Buf *NewBuf(size_t _size, size_t numelems, T *elems, Buf *_next) {
315         Buf *buf = (Buf *)malloc(sizeof(Buf) + sizeof(T) * _size);
316         buf->size = _size;
317         buf->unused = _size - numelems;
318         buf->next = _next;
319         t_memcpy(buf->Elems(), elems, numelems);
320         return buf;
321     }
323     // Don't copy, create instances of this class with new preferably.
324     Accumulator(const Accumulator &);
325     Accumulator &operator=(const Accumulator &);
327     public:
mingrowth(_mingrowth)328     Accumulator(size_t _mingrowth = 1024) : mingrowth(_mingrowth) {}
~Accumulator()330     ~Accumulator() {
331         while (first) {
332             Buf *buf = first->next;
333             free(first);
334             first = buf;
335         }
336     }
Size()338     size_t Size() { return totalsize; }
Append(const T & elem)340     void Append(const T &elem) { Append(&elem, 1); }
Append(const T * newelems,size_t amount)342     void Append(const T *newelems, size_t amount) {
343         totalsize += amount;
344         // First fill up any unused space in the last block, this the common path for small appends.
345         if (last && last->unused) {
346             size_t fit = min(amount, last->unused);
347             // Note: copy constructor skipped, if any.
348             t_memcpy(last->Elems() + (last->size - last->unused), newelems, fit);
349             last->unused -= fit;
350             amount -= fit;
351         }
352         // If there are more elements left, create a new block of mingrowth or bigger size.
353         if (amount) {
354             size_t allocsize = max(mingrowth, amount);
355             Buf *buf = NewBuf(allocsize, min(amount, allocsize), newelems, nullptr);
356             if (last) last->next = buf;
357             else last = first = buf;
358         }
359     }
Prepend(const T * newelems,size_t amount)361     void Prepend(const T *newelems, size_t amount) {
362         totalsize += amount;
363         // Since Prepend is a less common operation, we don't respect mingrowth here and just
364         // allocate a single block every time we could support mingrowth if needed, at the cost of
365         // complicating tracking where the unused space lives.
366         first = NewBuf(amount, amount, newelems, first);
367         if (!last) last = first;
368     }
370     // Custom iterator, because it is more efficient to do this a block at a time for clients
371     // wishing to process multiple elements at once. limitation of one iterator at a time seems
372     // reasonable.
ResetIterator()373     void ResetIterator() { iterator = first; }
Iterate(T * & buf)375     size_t Iterate(T *&buf) {
376         if (!iterator) return 0;
377         size_t size = iterator->size - iterator->unused;
378         buf = iterator->Elems();
379         iterator = iterator->next;
380         return size;
381     }
383     // Example of iterator usage: Copy into a single linear buffer. The size of dest must equal
384     // what Size() returns.
CopyTo(T * dest)385     void CopyTo(T *dest) {
386         T *buf;
387         size_t size;
388         ResetIterator();
389         while((size = Iterate(buf))) {
390             t_memcpy(dest, buf, size);
391             dest += size;
392         }
393     }
394 };
396 typedef Accumulator<uchar> ByteAccumulator;
398 // Easy "dynamic scope" helper: replace any variable by a new value, and at the end of the scope
399 // put the old value back.
400 template <typename T> struct DS {
401     T temp;
402     T &dest;
DSDS404     DS(T &_dest, const T &val) : dest(_dest) {
405         temp = dest;
406         dest = val;
407     }
~DSDS409     ~DS() {
410         dest = temp;
411     }
412 };
414 // Container that turns pointers into integers, with O(1) add/delete/get.
415 // Robust: passing invalid integers will just return a nullptr pointer / ignore the delete
416 // Cannot store nullptr pointers (will assert on Add)
417 // conveniently, index 0 is never used, so can be used by the client to indicate invalid index.
419 // TODO: Can change IntResourceManager to takes T's instead of T* by making the next field have a
420 // special value for in-use (e.g. -2, or 0 if you skip the first field).
422 template <typename T> class IntResourceManager {
423     struct Elem {
424         T *t;
425         size_t nextfree;
ElemElem427         Elem() : t(nullptr), nextfree(size_t(-1)) {}
428     };
430     vector<Elem> elems;
431     size_t firstfree = size_t(-1);
433     public:
IntResourceManager()435     IntResourceManager() {
436         // A nullptr item at index 0 that can never be allocated/deleted.
437         elems.push_back(Elem());
438     }
~IntResourceManager()440     ~IntResourceManager() {
441         for (auto &e : elems)
442             if (e.t)
443                 delete e.t;
444     }
Add(T * t)446     size_t Add(T *t) {
447         // We can't store nullptr pointers as elements, because we wouldn't be able to distinguish
448         // them from unallocated slots.
449         assert(t);
450         size_t i = elems.size();
451         if (firstfree < i) {
452             i = firstfree;
453             firstfree = elems[i].nextfree;
454         } else {
455             elems.push_back(Elem());
456         }
457         elems[i].t = t;
458         return i;
459     }
Get(size_t i)461     T *Get(size_t i) {
462         return i < elems.size() ? elems[i].t : nullptr;
463     }
Delete(size_t i)465     void Delete(size_t i) {
466         T *e = Get(i);
467         if (e) {
468             delete e;
469             elems[i].t = nullptr;
470             elems[i].nextfree = firstfree;
471             firstfree = i;
472         }
473     }
Range()475     size_t Range() { return elems.size(); }     // If you wanted to iterate over all elements.
476 };
478 // Same as IntResourceManager, but now uses pointer tagging to store the free list in-place.
479 // Uses half the memory. Access is slightly slower, but if memory bound could still be faster
480 // overall. Can store nullptr pointers, but not pointers with the lowest bit set (e.g. char *
481 // pointing inside of another allocation, will assert on Add).
482 template <typename T> class IntResourceManagerCompact {
483     vector<T *> elems;
484     size_t firstfree = SIZE_MAX;
485     const function<void(T *e)> deletefun;
487     // Free slots have their lowest bit set, and represent an index (shifted by 1).
IsFree(T * e)488     bool IsFree(T *e) { return ((size_t)e) & 1; }
GetIndex(T * e)489     size_t GetIndex(T *e) { return ((size_t)e) >> 1; }
CreateIndex(size_t i)490     T *CreateIndex(size_t i) { return (T *)((i << 1) | 1); }
ValidSlot(size_t i)491     bool ValidSlot(size_t i) { return i < elems.size() && !IsFree(elems[i]); }
493     public:
IntResourceManagerCompact(const function<void (T * e)> & _df)495     IntResourceManagerCompact(const function<void(T *e)> &_df)
496         : deletefun(_df) {
497         // Slot 0 is permanently blocked, so can be used to denote illegal index.
498         elems.push_back(nullptr);
499     }
~IntResourceManagerCompact()501     ~IntResourceManagerCompact() {
502         ForEach(deletefun);
503     }
ForEach(const function<void (T * e)> & f)505     void ForEach(const function<void(T *e)> &f) {
506         for (auto e : elems)
507             if (!IsFree(e) && e)
508                 f(e);
509     }
Add(T * e)511     size_t Add(T *e) {
512         assert(!IsFree(e)); // Can't store pointers with their lowest bit set.
514         size_t i = elems.size();
515         if (firstfree < i) {
516             i = firstfree;
517             firstfree = GetIndex(elems[i]);
518             elems[i] = e;
519         } else {
520             elems.push_back(e);
521         }
522         return i;
523     }
Get(size_t i)525     T *Get(size_t i) {
526         return ValidSlot(i) ? elems[i] : nullptr;
527     }
Delete(size_t i)529     void Delete(size_t i) {
530         if (ValidSlot(i) && i) {
531             T *&e = elems[i];
532             if (e) deletefun(e);
533             e = CreateIndex(firstfree);
534             firstfree = i;
535         }
536     }
Range()538     size_t Range() { return elems.size(); }     // If you wanted to iterate over all elements.
539 };
542 /*
544 // From: http://average-coder.blogspot.com/2012/07/python-style-range-loops-in-c.html
546 template<class T>
547 class range_iterator : public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, T>{
548 public:
549     range_iterator(const T &item) : item(item) {}
551     // Dereference, returns the current item.
552     const T &operator*() {
553         return item;
554     }
556     // Prefix.
557     range_iterator<T> &operator++() {
558         ++item;
559         return *this;
560     }
562     // Postfix.
563     range_iterator<T> &operator++(int) {
564         range_iterator<T> range_copy(*this);
565         ++item;
566         return range_copy;
567     }
569     // Compare internal item
570     bool operator==(const range_iterator<T> &rhs) {
571         return item == rhs.item;
572     }
574     // Same as above
575     bool operator!=(const range_iterator<T> &rhs) {
576         return !(*this == rhs);
577     }
578 private:
579     T item;
580 };
582 template<class T>
583 class range_wrapper {
584 public:
585     range_wrapper(const T &r_start, const T &r_end)
586     : r_start(r_start), r_end(r_end) {}
588     range_iterator<T> begin() {
589         return range_iterator<T>(r_start);
590     }
592     range_iterator<T> end() {
593         return range_iterator<T>(r_end);
594     }
595 private:
596     T r_start, r_end;
597 };
599 // Returns a range_wrapper<T> containing the range [start, end)
600 template<class T>
601 range_wrapper<T> range(const T &start, const T &end) {
602     return range_wrapper<T>(start, end);
603 }
605 // Returns a range_wrapper<T> containing the range [T(), end)
606 template<class T>
607 range_wrapper<T> range(const T &end) {
608     return range_wrapper<T>(T(), end);
609 }
611 */
613 // From: http://reedbeta.com/blog/python-like-enumerate-in-cpp17/
615 template <typename T,
616           typename TIter = decltype(std::begin(std::declval<T>())),
617           typename = decltype(std::end(std::declval<T>()))>
enumerate(T && iterable)618           constexpr auto enumerate(T && iterable) {
619     struct iterator {
620         size_t i;
621         TIter iter;
622         bool operator != (const iterator & other) const { return iter != other.iter; }
623         void operator ++ () { ++i; ++iter; }
624         auto operator * () const { return std::tie(i, *iter); }
625     };
626     struct iterable_wrapper {
627         T iterable;
628         auto begin() { return iterator{ 0, std::begin(iterable) }; }
629         auto end() { return iterator{ 0, std::end(iterable) }; }
630     };
631     return iterable_wrapper{ std::forward<T>(iterable) };
632 }
634 // --- Reversed iterable
636 template<typename T> struct reversion_wrapper { T& iterable; };
begin(reversion_wrapper<T> w)637 template<typename T> auto begin(reversion_wrapper<T> w) { return rbegin(w.iterable); }
end(reversion_wrapper<T> w)638 template<typename T> auto end(reversion_wrapper<T> w) { return rend(w.iterable); }
reverse(T && iterable)639 template<typename T> reversion_wrapper<T> reverse(T &&iterable) { return { iterable }; }
641 // Stops a class from being accidental victim to default copy + destruct twice problem.
643 class NonCopyable        {
644     NonCopyable(const NonCopyable&);
645     const NonCopyable& operator=(const NonCopyable&);
647 protected:
NonCopyable()648     NonCopyable() {}
649     //virtual ~NonCopyable() {}
650 };
652 // This turns a sequence of booleans (the current value, and the values it had before) into a
653 // single number:
654 //   0: "became false": false, but it was true before.
655 //   1: "became true": true, but it was false before.
656 //  >1: "still true": true, and was already true. Number indicates how many times it has been true
657 //      in sequence.
658 //  <0: "still false": false, and false before it. Negative number indicates how many times it has
659 //      been false.
660 // >=1: "true": currently true, regardless of history.
661 // <=0: "false": currently false, regardless of history.
663 // This is useful for detecting state changes and acting on them, such as for input device buttons.
665 // T must be a signed integer type. Bigger types means more history before it clamps.
667 // This is nicer than a bitfield, because basic checks like "became true" are simpler, it encodes
668 // the history in a more human readable way, and it can encode a way longer history in the same
669 // bits.
670 template<typename T> class TimeBool {
671     T step;
673     enum {
674         SIGN_BIT = 1 << ((sizeof(T) * 8) - 1),
675         HIGHEST_VALUE_BIT = SIGN_BIT >> 1
676     };
678     // This encodes 2 booleans into 1 number.
Step(bool current,bool before)679     static T Step(bool current, bool before) {
680         return T(current) * 2 - T(!before);
681     }
TimeBool(T _step)683     TimeBool(T _step) : step(_step) {}
685     public:
TimeBool()687     TimeBool() : step(-HIGHEST_VALUE_BIT) {}
TimeBool(bool current,bool before)688     TimeBool(bool current, bool before) : step(Step(current, before)) {}
True()690     bool True() { return step >= 1; }
False()691     bool False() { return step <= 0; }
BecameTrue()692     bool BecameTrue() { return step == 1; }
BecameFalse()693     bool BecameFalse() { return step == 0; }
StillTrue()694     bool StillTrue() { return step > 1; }
StillFalse()695     bool StillFalse() { return step < 0; }
Step()697     T Step() { return step; }
Sign()699     T Sign() { return True() * 2 - 1; }
701     // This makes one time step, retaining the current value.
702     // It increases the counter, i.e. 2 -> 3 or -1 -> -2, indicating the amount of steps it has
703     // been true. Only allows this to increase to the largest power of 2 that fits inside T, e.g.
704     // 64 and -64 for a char.
Advance()705     void Advance() {
706         // Increase away from 0 if highest 2 bits are equal.
707         if ((step & HIGHEST_VALUE_BIT) == (step & SIGN_BIT))
708             step += Sign();
709     }
711     // Sets new value, assumes its different from the one before (wipes history).
Set(bool newcurrent)712     void Set(bool newcurrent) { step = Step(newcurrent, True()); }
Update(bool newcurrent)713     void Update(bool newcurrent) { Advance(); Set(newcurrent); }
715     // Previous state.
716     // This gives accurate history for the "still true/false" values, but for "became true/false"
717     // it assumes the history is "still false/true" as opposed to "became false/true" (which is
718     // also possible). This is typically desirable, and usually the difference doesn't matter.
Back()719     TimeBool Back() { return TimeBool(step - Sign() * (step & ~1 ? 1 : HIGHEST_VALUE_BIT)); }
720 };
722 typedef TimeBool<char> TimeBool8;
FNV1A(string_view s)724 inline uint FNV1A(string_view s) {
725     uint hash = 0x811C9DC5;
726     for (auto c : s) {
727         hash ^= (uchar)c;
728         hash *= 0x01000193;
729     }
730     return hash;
731 }
733 // dynamic_cast succeeds on both the given type and any derived types, which is frequently
734 // undesirable. "is" only succeeds on the exact type given, and is cheaper. It also defaults
735 // to pointer arguments.
Is(U * o)736 template<typename T, typename U> T *Is(U *o) {
737     return typeid(T) == typeid(*o) ? static_cast<T *>(o) : nullptr;
738 }
Is(const U * o)740 template<typename T, typename U> const T *Is(const U *o) {
741     return typeid(T) == typeid(*o) ? static_cast<const T *>(o) : nullptr;
742 }
Is(U & o)744 template<typename T, typename U> T *Is(U &o) {
745     return typeid(T) == typeid(o) ? static_cast<T *>(&o) : nullptr;
746 }
Is(const U & o)748 template<typename T, typename U> const T *Is(const U &o) {
749     return typeid(T) == typeid(o) ? static_cast<const T *>(&o) : nullptr;
750 }
AssertIs(U * o)752 template<typename T, typename U> T *AssertIs(U *o) {
753     assert(typeid(T) == typeid(*o));
754     return static_cast<T *>(o);
755 }
AssertIs(const U * o)757 template<typename T, typename U> const T *AssertIs(const U *o) {
758     assert(typeid(T) == typeid(*o));
759     return static_cast<const T *>(o);
760 }
PopCount(uint32_t val)763 inline int PopCount(uint32_t val) {
764     #ifdef _WIN32
765         return (int)__popcnt(val);
766     #else
767         return __builtin_popcount(val);
768     #endif
769 }
PopCount(uint64_t val)771 inline int PopCount(uint64_t val) {
772     #ifdef _WIN32
773         #ifdef _WIN64
774             return (int)__popcnt64(val);
775         #else
776             return (int)(__popcnt((uint)val) + __popcnt((uint)(val >> 32)));
777         #endif
778     #else
779         return __builtin_popcountll(val);
780     #endif
781 }
784 // string & string_view helpers.
786 inline string operator+(string_view a, string_view b) {
787     string r;
788     r.reserve(a.size() + b.size());
789     r += a;
790     r += b;
791     return r;
792 }
cat_helper(stringstream &)794 inline void cat_helper(stringstream &) {}
cat_helper(stringstream & ss,const T & t,const Ts &...args)795 template<typename T, typename ...Ts> void cat_helper(stringstream &ss, const T &t, const Ts&... args) {
796     ss << t;
797     cat_helper(ss, args...);
798 }
cat(const Ts &...args)799 template<typename ...Ts> string cat(const Ts&... args) {
800     stringstream ss;
801     cat_helper(ss, args...);
802     return ss.str();
803 }
805 // This method is in C++20, but quite essential.
starts_with(string_view sv,string_view start)806 inline bool starts_with(string_view sv, string_view start) {
807     return start.size() <= sv.size() && sv.substr(0, start.size()) == start;
808 }
810 // Efficient passing of string_view to old APIs wanting a null-terminated
811 // const char *: only go thru a string if not null-terminated already, which is
812 // often the case.
813 // NOTE: uses static string, so to call twice inside the same statement supply
814 // template args <0>, <1> etc.
null_terminated(string_view sv)815 template<int I = 0> const char *null_terminated(string_view sv) {
816   if (!sv.data()[sv.size()]) return sv.data();
817   static string temp;
818   temp = sv;
819   return temp.data();
820 }
822 template<typename T> T parse_int(string_view sv, int base = 10, char **end = nullptr) {
823   // This should be using from_chars(), which apparently is not supported by
824   // gcc/clang yet :(
825   return (T)strtoll(null_terminated(sv), end, base);
826 }
829 // Strict aliasing safe memory reading and writing.
830 // memcpy with a constant size is replaced by a single instruction in VS release mode, and for
831 // clang/gcc always.
ReadMem(const void * p)833 template<typename T> T ReadMem(const void *p) {
834     T dest;
835     memcpy(&dest, p, sizeof(T));
836     return dest;
837 }
ReadMemInc(const uchar * & p)839 template<typename T> T ReadMemInc(const uchar *&p) {
840     T dest = ReadMem<T>(p);
841     p += sizeof(T);
842     return dest;
843 }
WriteMemInc(uchar * & dest,const T & src)845 template<typename T> void WriteMemInc(uchar *&dest, const T &src) {
846     memcpy(dest, &src, sizeof(T));
847     dest += sizeof(T);
848 }
850 // Enum operators.
853     inline T operator~ (T a) { return (T)~(int)a; } \
854     inline T operator| (T a, T b) { return (T)((int)a | (int)b); } \
855     inline T operator& (T a, T b) { return (T)((int)a & (int)b); } \
856     inline T &operator|= (T &a, T b) { return (T &)((int &)a |= (int)b); } \
857     inline T &operator&= (T &a, T b) { return (T &)((int &)a &= (int)b); }
861 #endif
864     #define THROW_OR_ABORT(X) { throw (X); }
865 #else
866     #define THROW_OR_ABORT(X) { printf("%s\n", (X).c_str()); abort(); }
867 #endif
unit_test_tools()870 inline void unit_test_tools() {
871     assert(strcmp(null_terminated<0>(string_view("aa", 1)),
872                   null_terminated<1>(string_view("bb", 1))) != 0);
873 }