1 // This file is part of BOINC.
2 // http://boinc.berkeley.edu
3 // Copyright (C) 2008 University of California
4 //
5 // BOINC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
7 // as published by the Free Software Foundation,
8 // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 //
10 // BOINC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 // See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14 //
15 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
16 // along with BOINC.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 // CPU scheduling logic.
19 //
20 //  - create an ordered "run list" (make_run_list()).
21 //      The ordering is roughly as follows:
22 //          - GPU jobs first, then CPU jobs
23 //          - for a given resource, jobs in deadline danger first
24 //          - jobs from projects with lower recent est. credit first
25 //      In principle, the run list could include all runnable jobs.
26 //      For efficiency, we stop adding:
27 //          - GPU jobs: when all GPU instances used
28 //          - CPU jobs: when the # of CPUs allocated to single-thread jobs,
29 //              OR the # allocated to multi-thread jobs, exceeds # CPUs
30 //              (ensure we have enough single-thread jobs
31 //              in case we can't run the multi-thread jobs)
32 //      NOTE: RAM usage is not taken into consideration
33 //          in the process of building this list.
34 //          It's possible that we include a bunch of jobs that can't run
35 //          because of memory limits,
36 //          even though there are other jobs that could run.
37 //      - add running jobs to the list
38 //          (in case they haven't finished time slice or checkpointed)
39 //      - sort the list according to "more_important()"
40 //      - shuffle the list to avoid starving multi-thread jobs
41 //
42 //  - scan through the resulting list, running the jobs and preempting
43 //      other jobs (enforce_run_list).
44 //      Don't run a job if
45 //      - its GPUs can't be assigned (possible if need >1 GPU)
46 //      - it's a multi-thread job, and CPU usage would be #CPUs+1 or more
47 //      - it's a single-thread job, don't oversaturate CPU
48 //          (details depend on whether a MT job is running)
49 //      - its memory usage would exceed RAM limits
50 //          If there's a running job using a given app version,
51 //          unstarted jobs using that app version
52 //          are assumed to have the same working set size.
54 #include "cpp.h"
56 #ifdef _WIN32
57 #include "boinc_win.h"
58 #include "sysmon_win.h"
59 #else
60 #include "config.h"
61 #include <string>
62 #include <cstring>
63 #include <list>
64 #endif
67 #include "coproc.h"
68 #include "error_numbers.h"
69 #include "filesys.h"
70 #include "str_util.h"
71 #include "util.h"
73 #include "app.h"
74 #include "app_config.h"
75 #include "client_msgs.h"
76 #include "client_state.h"
77 #include "coproc_sched.h"
78 #include "log_flags.h"
79 #include "project.h"
80 #include "result.h"
83 using std::vector;
84 using std::list;
86 static double rec_sum;
88 // used in make_run_list() to keep track of resources used
89 // by jobs tentatively scheduled so far
90 //
91 struct PROC_RESOURCES {
92     int ncpus;
93     double ncpus_used_st;   // #CPUs of GPU or single-thread jobs
94     double ncpus_used_mt;   // #CPUs of multi-thread jobs
95     COPROCS pr_coprocs;
initPROC_RESOURCES97     void init() {
98         ncpus = gstate.ncpus;
99         ncpus_used_st = 0;
100         ncpus_used_mt = 0;
101         pr_coprocs.clone(coprocs, false);
102         pr_coprocs.clear_usage();
103         if (have_max_concurrent) {
104             max_concurrent_init();
105         }
106     }
108     // should we stop scanning jobs?
109     //
stop_scan_cpuPROC_RESOURCES110     inline bool stop_scan_cpu() {
111         if (ncpus_used_st >= ncpus) return true;
112         if (ncpus_used_mt >= 2*ncpus) return true;
113             // kind of arbitrary, but need to have some limit
114             // in case there are only MT jobs, and lots of them
115         return false;
116     }
stop_scan_coprocPROC_RESOURCES118     inline bool stop_scan_coproc(int rsc_type) {
119         COPROC& cp = pr_coprocs.coprocs[rsc_type];
120         for (int i=0; i<cp.count; i++) {
121             if (cp.usage[i] < 1) return false;
122         }
123         return true;
124     }
126     // should we consider scheduling this job?
127     // (i.e add it to the runnable list; not actually run it)
128     //
can_schedulePROC_RESOURCES129     bool can_schedule(RESULT* rp, ACTIVE_TASK* atp) {
130         if (max_concurrent_exceeded(rp)) return false;
131         if (atp) {
132             // don't schedule if something's pending
133             //
134             switch (atp->task_state()) {
135             case PROCESS_ABORT_PENDING:
136             case PROCESS_QUIT_PENDING:
137                 return false;
138             }
139             if (gstate.retry_shmem_time > gstate.now) {
140                 if (atp->app_client_shm.shm == NULL) {
141                     if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) {
142                         msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO,
143                             "[cpu_sched_debug] waiting for shared mem: %s",
144                             rp->name
145                         );
146                     }
147                     atp->needs_shmem = true;
148                     return false;
149                 }
150                 atp->needs_shmem = false;
151             }
152         }
153         if (rp->schedule_backoff > gstate.now) return false;
154         if (rp->uses_gpu()) {
155             if (gpu_suspend_reason) return false;
156         }
157         if (rp->uses_coprocs()) {
158             if (sufficient_coprocs(*rp)) {
159                 return true;
160             } else {
161                 return false;
162             }
163         } else if (rp->avp->avg_ncpus > 1) {
164             if (ncpus_used_mt == 0) return true;
165             return (ncpus_used_mt + rp->avp->avg_ncpus <= ncpus);
166         } else {
167             return (ncpus_used_st < ncpus);
168         }
169     }
171     // we've decided to add this to the runnable list; update bookkeeping
172     //
schedulePROC_RESOURCES173     void schedule(RESULT* rp, ACTIVE_TASK* atp, bool is_edf) {
174         int rt = rp->avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type;
176         // see if it's possible this job will be ruled out
177         // when we try to actually run it
178         // (e.g. it won't fit in RAM, or it uses GPU type w/ exclusions)
179         // If so, don't reserve CPU/GPU for it, to avoid starvation scenario
180         //
181         bool may_not_run = false;
182         if (atp && atp->too_large) {
183             may_not_run = true;
184         }
185         if (rt && rsc_work_fetch[rt].has_exclusions) {
186             may_not_run = true;
187         }
189         if (!may_not_run) {
190             if (rt) {
191                 reserve_coprocs(*rp);
192                 // don't increment CPU usage.
193                 // This may seem odd; the reason is the following scenario:
194                 // - this job uses lots of CPU (say, a whole one)
195                 // - there's an uncheckpointed GPU job that uses little CPU
196                 // - we end up running the uncheckpointed job
197                 // - this causes all or part of a CPU to be idle
198                 //
199             } else if (rp->avp->avg_ncpus > 1) {
200                 ncpus_used_mt += rp->avp->avg_ncpus;
201             } else {
202                 ncpus_used_st += rp->avp->avg_ncpus;
203             }
204         }
205         if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) {
206             msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO,
207                 "[cpu_sched_debug] add to run list: %s (%s, %s) (prio %f)",
208                 rp->name,
209                 rsc_name_long(rt),
210                 is_edf?"EDF":"FIFO",
211                 rp->project->sched_priority
212             );
213         }
215         adjust_rec_sched(rp);
216         max_concurrent_inc(rp);
217     }
sufficient_coprocsPROC_RESOURCES219     bool sufficient_coprocs(RESULT& r) {
220         APP_VERSION& av = *r.avp;
221         int rt = av.gpu_usage.rsc_type;
222         if (!rt) return true;
223         double x = av.gpu_usage.usage;
224         COPROC& cp = pr_coprocs.coprocs[rt];
225         for (int i=0; i<cp.count; i++) {
226             if (gpu_excluded(r.app, cp, i)) continue;
227             double unused = 1 - cp.usage[i];
228             x -= unused;
229             if (x <= 0) return true;
230         }
231         if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) {
232             msg_printf(r.project, MSG_INFO,
233                 "[cpu_sched_debug] insufficient %s for %s",
234                 cp.type, r.name
235             );
236         }
237         return false;
238     }
reserve_coprocsPROC_RESOURCES240     void reserve_coprocs(RESULT& r) {
241         double x;
242         APP_VERSION& av = *r.avp;
243         int rt = av.gpu_usage.rsc_type;
244         COPROC& cp = pr_coprocs.coprocs[rt];
245         x = av.gpu_usage.usage;
246         for (int i=0; i<cp.count; i++) {
247             if (gpu_excluded(r.app, cp, i)) continue;
248             double unused = 1 - cp.usage[i];
249             if (unused >= x) {
250                 cp.usage[i] += x;
251                 break;
252             } else {
253                 cp.usage[i] = 1;
254                 x -= unused;
255             }
256         }
257         if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) {
258             msg_printf(r.project, MSG_INFO,
259                 "[cpu_sched_debug] reserving %f of coproc %s",
260                 av.gpu_usage.usage, cp.type
261             );
262         }
263     }
264 };
266 bool gpus_usable = true;
268 #ifndef SIM
269 // see whether there's been a change in coproc usability;
270 // if so set or clear "coproc_missing" flags and return true.
271 //
check_coprocs_usable()272 bool check_coprocs_usable() {
273 #ifdef _WIN32
274     unsigned int i;
275     bool new_usable = !is_remote_desktop();
276     if (gpus_usable) {
277         if (!new_usable) {
278             gpus_usable = false;
279             for (i=0; i<gstate.results.size(); i++) {
280                 RESULT* rp = gstate.results[i];
281                 if (rp->avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type) {
282                     rp->coproc_missing = true;
283                 }
284             }
285             msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO,
286                 "Remote desktop in use; disabling GPU tasks"
287             );
288             return true;
289         }
290     } else {
291         if (new_usable) {
292             gpus_usable = true;
293             for (i=0; i<gstate.results.size(); i++) {
294                 RESULT* rp = gstate.results[i];
295                 if (rp->avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type) {
296                     rp->coproc_missing = false;
297                 }
298             }
299             msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO,
300                 "Remote desktop not in use; enabling GPU tasks"
301             );
302             return true;
303         }
304     }
305 #endif
306     return false;
307 }
308 #endif
310 // return true if the task has finished its time slice
311 // and has checkpointed since the end of the time slice
312 // (called only for scheduled tasks)
313 //
finished_time_slice(ACTIVE_TASK * atp)314 static inline bool finished_time_slice(ACTIVE_TASK* atp) {
315     double time_slice_end = atp->run_interval_start_wall_time + gstate.global_prefs.cpu_scheduling_period();
316     bool running_beyond_sched_period = gstate.now > time_slice_end;
317     bool checkpointed = atp->checkpoint_wall_time > time_slice_end;
318     if (running_beyond_sched_period && !checkpointed) {
319         atp->overdue_checkpoint = true;
320     }
321     return (running_beyond_sched_period && checkpointed);
322 }
324 // Choose a "best" runnable CPU job for each project
325 //
326 // Values are returned in project->next_runnable_result
327 // (skip projects for which this is already non-NULL)
328 //
329 // Don't choose results with already_selected == true;
330 // mark chosen results as already_selected.
331 //
332 // The preference order:
333 // 1. results with active tasks that are running
334 // 2. results with active tasks that are preempted (but have a process)
335 // 3. results with active tasks that have no process
336 // 4. results with no active task
337 //
338 // TODO: this is called in a loop over NCPUs, which is silly.
339 // Should call it once, and have it make an ordered list per project.
340 //
assign_results_to_projects()341 void CLIENT_STATE::assign_results_to_projects() {
342     unsigned int i;
343     RESULT* rp;
344     PROJECT* project;
346     // scan results with an ACTIVE_TASK
347     //
348     for (i=0; i<active_tasks.active_tasks.size(); i++) {
349         ACTIVE_TASK *atp = active_tasks.active_tasks[i];
350         if (!atp->runnable()) continue;
351         rp = atp->result;
352         if (rp->already_selected) continue;
353         if (rp->uses_coprocs()) continue;
354         if (!rp->runnable()) continue;
355         project = rp->project;
356         if (!project->next_runnable_result) {
357             project->next_runnable_result = rp;
358             continue;
359         }
361         // see if this task is "better" than the one currently
362         // selected for this project
363         //
364         ACTIVE_TASK *next_atp = lookup_active_task_by_result(
365             project->next_runnable_result
366         );
368         if ((next_atp->task_state() == PROCESS_UNINITIALIZED && atp->process_exists())
369             || (next_atp->scheduler_state == CPU_SCHED_PREEMPTED
370             && atp->scheduler_state == CPU_SCHED_SCHEDULED)
371         ) {
372             project->next_runnable_result = atp->result;
373         }
374     }
376     // Now consider results that don't have an active task
377     //
378     for (i=0; i<results.size(); i++) {
379         rp = results[i];
380         if (rp->already_selected) continue;
381         if (rp->uses_coprocs()) continue;
382         if (lookup_active_task_by_result(rp)) continue;
383         if (!rp->runnable()) continue;
385         project = rp->project;
386         if (project->next_runnable_result) continue;
387         project->next_runnable_result = rp;
388     }
390     // mark selected results, so CPU scheduler won't try to consider
391     // a result more than once
392     //
393     for (i=0; i<projects.size(); i++) {
394         project = projects[i];
395         if (project->next_runnable_result) {
396             project->next_runnable_result->already_selected = true;
397         }
398     }
399 }
401 // Among projects with a "next runnable result",
402 // find the project P with the largest priority,
403 // and return its next runnable result
404 //
highest_prio_project_best_result()405 RESULT* CLIENT_STATE::highest_prio_project_best_result() {
406     PROJECT *best_project = NULL;
407     double best_prio = 0;
408     bool first = true;
409     unsigned int i;
411     for (i=0; i<projects.size(); i++) {
412         PROJECT* p = projects[i];
413         if (!p->next_runnable_result) continue;
414         if (p->non_cpu_intensive) continue;
415         if (first || p->sched_priority > best_prio) {
416             first = false;
417             best_project = p;
418             best_prio = p->sched_priority;
419         }
420     }
421     if (!best_project) return NULL;
423     RESULT* rp = best_project->next_runnable_result;
424     best_project->next_runnable_result = 0;
425     return rp;
426 }
428 // Return a job of the given type according to the following criteria
429 // (desc priority):
430 //  - from project with higher priority
431 //  - already-started job
432 //  - earlier received_time
433 //  - lexicographically earlier name
434 //
435 // Give priority to already-started jobs because of the following scenario:
436 // - client gets several jobs in a sched reply and starts downloading files
437 // - a later job finishes downloading and starts
438 // - an earlier finishes downloading and preempts
439 //
first_coproc_result(int rsc_type)440 RESULT* first_coproc_result(int rsc_type) {
441     unsigned int i;
442     RESULT* best = NULL;
443     double best_prio=0, prio;
444     for (i=0; i<gstate.results.size(); i++) {
445         RESULT* rp = gstate.results[i];
446         if (rp->resource_type() != rsc_type) continue;
447         if (!rp->runnable()) {
448             //msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO, "not runnable: %s", rp->name);
449             continue;
450         }
451         if (rp->non_cpu_intensive()) continue;
452         if (rp->already_selected) continue;
453         prio = rp->project->sched_priority;
454         if (!best) {
455             best = rp;
456             best_prio = prio;
457             continue;
458         }
460         if (prio < best_prio) {
461             continue;
462         }
463         if (prio > best_prio) {
464             best = rp;
465             best_prio = prio;
466             continue;
467         }
469         bool bs = !best->not_started;
470         bool rs = !rp->not_started;
471         if (rs && !bs) {
472             best = rp;
473             best_prio = prio;
474             continue;
475         }
476         if (!rs && bs) {
477             continue;
478         }
480         // else used "arrived first" order
481         //
482         if (rp->index < best->index) {
483             best = rp;
484             best_prio = prio;
485         }
486     }
487     return best;
488 }
490 // Return earliest-deadline result for given resource type;
491 // return only results projected to miss their deadline,
492 // or from projects with extreme DCF
493 //
earliest_deadline_result(int rsc_type)494 static RESULT* earliest_deadline_result(int rsc_type) {
495     RESULT *best_result = NULL;
496     ACTIVE_TASK* best_atp = NULL;
497     unsigned int i;
499     for (i=0; i<gstate.results.size(); i++) {
500         RESULT* rp = gstate.results[i];
501         if (rp->resource_type() != rsc_type) continue;
502         if (rp->already_selected) continue;
503         if (!rp->runnable()) continue;
504         if (rp->non_cpu_intensive()) continue;
505         PROJECT* p = rp->project;
507         // Skip this job if the project's deadline-miss count is zero.
508         // If the project's DCF is > 90 (and we're not ignoring it)
509         // treat all jobs as deadline misses
510         //
511         if (p->dont_use_dcf || p->duration_correction_factor < 90.0) {
512             if (p->rsc_pwf[rsc_type].deadlines_missed_copy <= 0) {
513                 continue;
514             }
515         }
517         bool new_best = false;
518         if (best_result) {
519             if (rp->report_deadline < best_result->report_deadline) {
520                 new_best = true;
521             }
522         } else {
523             new_best = true;
524         }
525         if (new_best) {
526             best_result = rp;
527             best_atp = gstate.lookup_active_task_by_result(rp);
528             continue;
529         }
530         if (rp->report_deadline > best_result->report_deadline) {
531             continue;
532         }
534         // If there's a tie, pick the job with the least remaining time
535         // (but don't pick an unstarted job over one that's started)
536         //
537         ACTIVE_TASK* atp = gstate.lookup_active_task_by_result(rp);
538         if (best_atp && !atp) continue;
539         if (rp->estimated_runtime_remaining() < best_result->estimated_runtime_remaining()
540             || (!best_atp && atp)
541         ) {
542             best_result = rp;
543             best_atp = atp;
544         }
545     }
546     if (!best_result) return NULL;
548     return best_result;
549 }
reset_rec_accounting()551 void CLIENT_STATE::reset_rec_accounting() {
552     unsigned int i;
553     for (i=0; i<projects.size(); i++) {
554         PROJECT* p = projects[i];
555         for (int j=0; j<coprocs.n_rsc; j++) {
556             p->rsc_pwf[j].reset_rec_accounting();
557         }
558     }
559     for (int j=0; j<coprocs.n_rsc; j++) {
560         rsc_work_fetch[j].reset_rec_accounting();
561     }
562     rec_interval_start = now;
563 }
565 // update per-project accounting:
566 //  - recent estimated credit (EC)
567 //  - total CPU and GPU EC
568 //  - total CPU and GPU time
569 //
update_rec()570 static void update_rec() {
571     double f = gstate.host_info.p_fpops;
572     double on_frac = gstate.global_prefs.cpu_usage_limit / 100;
574     for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) {
575         PROJECT* p = gstate.projects[i];
577         double x = 0;
578         for (int j=0; j<coprocs.n_rsc; j++) {
579             double dt = p->rsc_pwf[j].secs_this_rec_interval * on_frac;
580             double flops = dt * f * rsc_work_fetch[j].relative_speed;
581             x += flops;
582             if (j) {
583                 p->gpu_ec += flops*COBBLESTONE_SCALE;
584                 p->gpu_time += dt;
585             } else {
586                 p->cpu_ec += flops*COBBLESTONE_SCALE;
587                 p->cpu_time += dt;
588             }
589         }
590         x *= COBBLESTONE_SCALE;
591         double old = p->pwf.rec;
593         // start averages at zero
594         //
595         if (p->pwf.rec_time == 0) {
596             p->pwf.rec_time = gstate.rec_interval_start;
597         }
599         update_average(
600             gstate.now,
601             gstate.rec_interval_start,
602             x,
603             cc_config.rec_half_life,
604             p->pwf.rec,
605             p->pwf.rec_time
606         );
608         if (log_flags.priority_debug) {
609             double dt = gstate.now - gstate.rec_interval_start;
610             msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO,
611                 "[prio] recent est credit: %.2fG in %.2f sec, %f + %f ->%f",
612                 x, dt, old, p->pwf.rec-old, p->pwf.rec
613             );
614         }
615     }
616 }
peak_flops(APP_VERSION * avp)618 static double peak_flops(APP_VERSION* avp) {
619     double f = gstate.host_info.p_fpops;
620     double x = f * avp->avg_ncpus;
621     int rt = avp->gpu_usage.rsc_type;
622     if (rt) {
623         x += f * avp->gpu_usage.usage * rsc_work_fetch[rt].relative_speed;
624     }
625     return x;
626 }
total_peak_flops()628 double total_peak_flops() {
629     static bool first=true;
630     static double tpf;
631     if (first) {
632         first = false;
633         tpf = gstate.host_info.p_fpops * gstate.ncpus;
634         for (int i=1; i<coprocs.n_rsc; i++) {
635             COPROC& cp = coprocs.coprocs[i];
636             tpf += rsc_work_fetch[i].relative_speed * gstate.host_info.p_fpops * cp.count;
637         }
638     }
639     return tpf;
640 }
642 // Initialize project "priorities" based on REC:
643 // compute resource share and REC fractions
644 // among compute-intensive, non-suspended projects
645 //
project_priority_init(bool for_work_fetch)646 void project_priority_init(bool for_work_fetch) {
647     double rs_sum = 0;
648     rec_sum = 0;
649     for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) {
650         PROJECT* p = gstate.projects[i];
651         if (p->non_cpu_intensive) continue;
652         if (for_work_fetch) {
653             if (!p->can_request_work()) continue;
654         } else {
655             if (!p->runnable(RSC_TYPE_ANY)) continue;
656         }
657         p->pwf.rec_temp = p->pwf.rec;
658         rs_sum += p->resource_share;
659         rec_sum += p->pwf.rec_temp;
660     }
661     if (rec_sum == 0) {
662         rec_sum = 1;
663     }
664     for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.projects.size(); i++) {
665         PROJECT* p = gstate.projects[i];
666         if (p->non_cpu_intensive || p->suspended_via_gui || rs_sum==0) {
667             p->resource_share_frac = 0;
668             p->sched_priority = 0;
669         } else {
670             p->resource_share_frac = p->resource_share/rs_sum;
671             p->compute_sched_priority();
672             if (log_flags.priority_debug) {
673                 msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO, "[prio] %f rsf %f rt %f rs %f",
674                     p->sched_priority, p->resource_share_frac,
675                     p->pwf.rec_temp, rec_sum
676                 );
677             }
678         }
679     }
680 }
compute_sched_priority()682 void PROJECT::compute_sched_priority() {
683     double rec_frac = pwf.rec_temp/rec_sum;
685     // projects with zero resource share are always lower priority
686     // than those with positive resource share
687     //
688     if (resource_share == 0) {
689         sched_priority = -1e3 - rec_frac;
690     } else {
691         sched_priority = - rec_frac/resource_share_frac;
692     }
693 }
695 // called from the scheduler's job-selection loop;
696 // we plan to run this job;
697 // bump the project's temp REC by the estimated credit for 1 hour.
698 // This encourages a mixture jobs from different projects.
699 //
adjust_rec_sched(RESULT * rp)700 void adjust_rec_sched(RESULT* rp) {
701     PROJECT* p = rp->project;
702     p->pwf.rec_temp += peak_flops(rp->avp)/total_peak_flops() * rec_sum/24;
703     p->compute_sched_priority();
704 }
706 // make this a variable so simulator can change it
707 //
708 double rec_adjust_period = REC_ADJUST_PERIOD;
710 // adjust project REC
711 //
adjust_rec()712 void CLIENT_STATE::adjust_rec() {
713     unsigned int i;
714     double elapsed_time = now - rec_interval_start;
716     // If the elapsed time is negative or more than 2*REC_ADJUST_PERIOD
717     // it must be because either
718     // - the system clock was changed.
719     // - the host was suspended for a long time.
720     // In either case, ignore the last period
721     //
722     if (elapsed_time > 2*rec_adjust_period || elapsed_time < 0) {
723         if (log_flags.priority_debug) {
724             msg_printf(NULL, MSG_INFO,
725                 "[priority] adjust_rec: elapsed time (%.0f) negative or longer than sched enforce period(%.0f).  Ignoring this period.",
726                 elapsed_time, rec_adjust_period
727             );
728         }
729         reset_rec_accounting();
730         return;
731     }
733     // skip small intervals
734     //
735     if (elapsed_time < 1) {
736         return;
737     }
739     // total up how many instance-seconds projects got
740     //
741     for (i=0; i<active_tasks.active_tasks.size(); i++) {
742         ACTIVE_TASK* atp = active_tasks.active_tasks[i];
743         if (atp->scheduler_state != CPU_SCHED_SCHEDULED) continue;
744         PROJECT* p = atp->result->project;
745         if (p->non_cpu_intensive) continue;
746         work_fetch.accumulate_inst_sec(atp, elapsed_time);
747     }
749     update_rec();
751     reset_rec_accounting();
752 }
755 // Possibly do job scheduling.
756 // This is called periodically.
757 //
schedule_cpus()758 bool CLIENT_STATE::schedule_cpus() {
759     double elapsed_time;
760     static double last_reschedule=0;
761     vector<RESULT*> run_list;
763     if (projects.size() == 0) return false;
764     if (results.size() == 0) return false;
766     // Reschedule every CPU_SCHED_PERIOD seconds,
767     // or if must_schedule_cpus is set
768     // (meaning a new result is available, or a CPU has been freed).
769     //
770     elapsed_time = now - last_reschedule;
771     if (gstate.clock_change || elapsed_time >= CPU_SCHED_PERIOD) {
772         request_schedule_cpus("periodic CPU scheduling");
773     }
775     if (!must_schedule_cpus) return false;
776     last_reschedule = now;
777     must_schedule_cpus = false;
779     // NOTE: there's an assumption that REC is adjusted at
780     // least as often as the CPU sched period (see client_state.h).
781     // If you remove the following, make changes accordingly
782     //
783     adjust_rec();
785     make_run_list(run_list);
786     return enforce_run_list(run_list);
787 }
789 // Mark a job J as a deadline miss if either
790 // - it once ran in EDF, and its project has another job
791 //   of the same resource type marked as deadline miss.
792 //   This avoids domino-effect preemption
793 // - it was recently marked as a deadline miss by RR sim.
794 //   This avoids "thrashing" if a job oscillates between miss and not miss.
795 //
promote_once_ran_edf()796 static void promote_once_ran_edf() {
797     for (unsigned int i=0; i<gstate.active_tasks.active_tasks.size(); i++) {
798         ACTIVE_TASK* atp = gstate.active_tasks.active_tasks[i];
799         if (atp->result->rr_sim_misses_deadline) continue;
800         if (atp->once_ran_edf) {
801             RESULT* rp = atp->result;
802             PROJECT* p = rp->project;
803             if (p->deadlines_missed(rp->avp->rsc_type())) {
804                 if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) {
805                     msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO,
806                         "[cpu_sched_debug] domino prevention: mark %s as deadline miss",
807                         rp->name
808                     );
809                 }
810                 rp->rr_sim_misses_deadline = true;
811                 continue;
812             }
813         }
814         if (gstate.now - atp->last_deadline_miss_time < gstate.global_prefs.cpu_scheduling_period()) {
815             if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) {
816                 RESULT* rp = atp->result;
817                 PROJECT* p = rp->project;
818                 msg_printf(p, MSG_INFO,
819                     "[cpu_sched_debug] thrashing prevention: mark %s as deadline miss",
820                     rp->name
821                 );
822             }
823             atp->result->rr_sim_misses_deadline = true;
824         }
825     }
826 }
add_coproc_jobs(vector<RESULT * > & run_list,int rsc_type,PROC_RESOURCES & proc_rsc)828 void add_coproc_jobs(
829     vector<RESULT*>& run_list, int rsc_type, PROC_RESOURCES& proc_rsc
830 ) {
831     ACTIVE_TASK* atp;
832     RESULT* rp;
834 #ifdef SIM
835     if (!cpu_sched_rr_only) {
836 #endif
837     // choose coproc jobs from projects with coproc deadline misses
838     //
839     while (!proc_rsc.stop_scan_coproc(rsc_type)) {
840         rp = earliest_deadline_result(rsc_type);
841         if (!rp) break;
842         rp->already_selected = true;
843         atp = gstate.lookup_active_task_by_result(rp);
844         if (!proc_rsc.can_schedule(rp, atp)) continue;
845         proc_rsc.schedule(rp, atp, true);
846         rp->project->rsc_pwf[rsc_type].deadlines_missed_copy--;
847         rp->edf_scheduled = true;
848         run_list.push_back(rp);
849     }
850 #ifdef SIM
851     }
852 #endif
854     // then coproc jobs in FIFO order
855     //
856     while (!proc_rsc.stop_scan_coproc(rsc_type)) {
857         rp = first_coproc_result(rsc_type);
858         if (!rp) break;
859         rp->already_selected = true;
860         atp = gstate.lookup_active_task_by_result(rp);
861         if (!proc_rsc.can_schedule(rp, atp)) continue;
862         proc_rsc.schedule(rp, atp, false);
863         run_list.push_back(rp);
864     }
865 }
867 // Make an ordered list of jobs to run.
868 //
make_run_list(vector<RESULT * > & run_list)869 void CLIENT_STATE::make_run_list(vector<RESULT*>& run_list) {
870     RESULT* rp;
871     PROJECT* p;
872     unsigned int i;
873     PROC_RESOURCES proc_rsc;
874     ACTIVE_TASK* atp;
876     if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) {
877         msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] schedule_cpus(): start");
878     }
880     proc_rsc.init();
882     // do round-robin simulation to find what results miss deadline
883     //
884     rr_simulation();
885     if (log_flags.rr_simulation) {
886         print_deadline_misses();
887     }
889     // avoid preemption of jobs that once ran EDF
890     //
891     promote_once_ran_edf();
893     // set temporary variables
894     //
895     project_priority_init(false);
896     for (i=0; i<results.size(); i++) {
897         rp = results[i];
898         rp->already_selected = false;
899         rp->edf_scheduled = false;
900         rp->not_started = !rp->computing_done();
901     }
902     for (i=0; i<projects.size(); i++) {
903         p = projects[i];
904         p->next_runnable_result = NULL;
905         for (int j=0; j<coprocs.n_rsc; j++) {
906             p->rsc_pwf[j].deadlines_missed_copy = p->rsc_pwf[j].deadlines_missed;
907         }
908     }
910     // compute max working set size for app versions
911     // (max of working sets of currently running jobs)
912     //
913     for (i=0; i<app_versions.size(); i++) {
914         app_versions[i]->max_working_set_size = 0;
915     }
916     for (i=0; i<active_tasks.active_tasks.size(); i++) {
917         atp = active_tasks.active_tasks[i];
918         atp->too_large = false;
919         double w = atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed;
920         APP_VERSION* avp = atp->app_version;
921         if (w > avp->max_working_set_size) {
922             avp->max_working_set_size = w;
923         }
924         atp->result->not_started = false;
925     }
927     // first, add GPU jobs
929     for (int j=1; j<coprocs.n_rsc; j++) {
930         add_coproc_jobs(run_list, j, proc_rsc);
931     }
933     // then add CPU jobs.
934     // Note: the jobs that actually get run are not necessarily
935     // an initial segment of this list;
936     // e.g. a multithread job may not get run because it has
937     // a high-priority single-thread job ahead of it.
939     // choose CPU jobs from projects with CPU deadline misses
940     //
941 #ifdef SIM
942     if (!cpu_sched_rr_only) {
943 #endif
944     while (!proc_rsc.stop_scan_cpu()) {
945         rp = earliest_deadline_result(RSC_TYPE_CPU);
946         if (!rp) break;
947         rp->already_selected = true;
948         atp = lookup_active_task_by_result(rp);
949         if (!proc_rsc.can_schedule(rp, atp)) continue;
950         proc_rsc.schedule(rp, atp, true);
951         rp->project->rsc_pwf[0].deadlines_missed_copy--;
952         rp->edf_scheduled = true;
953         run_list.push_back(rp);
954     }
955 #ifdef SIM
956     }
957 #endif
959     // Next, choose CPU jobs from highest priority projects
960     //
961     while (!proc_rsc.stop_scan_cpu()) {
962         assign_results_to_projects();
963         rp = highest_prio_project_best_result();
964         if (!rp) break;
965         atp = lookup_active_task_by_result(rp);
966         if (!proc_rsc.can_schedule(rp, atp)) continue;
967         proc_rsc.schedule(rp, atp, false);
968         run_list.push_back(rp);
969     }
971 }
in_run_list(vector<RESULT * > & run_list,ACTIVE_TASK * atp)973 static inline bool in_run_list(vector<RESULT*>& run_list, ACTIVE_TASK* atp) {
974     for (unsigned int i=0; i<run_list.size(); i++) {
975         if (atp->result == run_list[i]) return true;
976     }
977     return false;
978 }
980 #if 0
981 // scan the runnable list, keeping track of CPU usage X.
982 // if find a MT job J, and X < ncpus, move J before all non-MT jobs
983 // But don't promote a MT job ahead of a job in EDF
984 //
985 // This is needed because there may always be a 1-CPU job
986 // in the middle of its time-slice, and MT jobs could starve.
987 //
988 static void promote_multi_thread_jobs(vector<RESULT*>& runnable_jobs) {
989     double cpus_used = 0;
990     vector<RESULT*>::iterator first_non_mt = runnable_jobs.end();
991     vector<RESULT*>::iterator cur = runnable_jobs.begin();
992     while(1) {
993         if (cur == runnable_jobs.end()) break;
994         if (cpus_used >= gstate.ncpus) break;
995         RESULT* rp = *cur;
996         if (rp->rr_sim_misses_deadline) break;
997         double nc = rp->avp->avg_ncpus;
998         if (nc > 1) {
999             if (first_non_mt != runnable_jobs.end()) {
1000                 cur = runnable_jobs.erase(cur);
1001                 runnable_jobs.insert(first_non_mt, rp);
1002                 cpus_used = 0;
1003                 first_non_mt = runnable_jobs.end();
1004                 cur = runnable_jobs.begin();
1005                 continue;
1006             }
1007         } else {
1008             if (first_non_mt == runnable_jobs.end()) {
1009                 first_non_mt = cur;
1010             }
1011         }
1012         cpus_used += nc;
1013         cur++;
1014     }
1015 }
1016 #endif
1018 // return true if r0 is more important to run than r1
1019 //
more_important(RESULT * r0,RESULT * r1)1020 static inline bool more_important(RESULT* r0, RESULT* r1) {
1021     // favor jobs in danger of deadline miss
1022     //
1023     bool miss0 = r0->edf_scheduled;
1024     bool miss1 = r1->edf_scheduled;
1025     if (miss0 && !miss1) return true;
1026     if (!miss0 && miss1) return false;
1028     // favor coproc jobs, so that e.g. if we're RAM-limited
1029     // we'll use the GPU instead of the CPU
1030     //
1031     bool cp0 = r0->uses_coprocs();
1032     bool cp1 = r1->uses_coprocs();
1033     if (cp0 && !cp1) return true;
1034     if (!cp0 && cp1) return false;
1036     // favor jobs in the middle of time slice,
1037     // or that haven't checkpointed since start of time slice
1038     //
1039     bool unfin0 = r0->unfinished_time_slice;
1040     bool unfin1 = r1->unfinished_time_slice;
1041     if (unfin0 && !unfin1) return true;
1042     if (!unfin0 && unfin1) return false;
1044     // for CPU jobs, favor jobs that use more CPUs
1045     //
1046     if (!cp0) {
1047         if (r0->avp->avg_ncpus > r1->avp->avg_ncpus) return true;
1048         if (r1->avp->avg_ncpus > r0->avp->avg_ncpus) return false;
1049     }
1051     // favor jobs selected first by schedule_cpus()
1052     // (e.g., because their project has high sched priority)
1053     //
1054     if (r0->seqno < r1->seqno) return true;
1055     if (r0->seqno > r1->seqno) return false;
1057     // tie breaker
1058     return (r0 < r1);
1059 }
print_job_list(vector<RESULT * > & jobs)1061 static void print_job_list(vector<RESULT*>& jobs) {
1062     for (unsigned int i=0; i<jobs.size(); i++) {
1063         RESULT* rp = jobs[i];
1064         msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO,
1065             "[cpu_sched_debug] %d: %s (MD: %s; UTS: %s)",
1066             i, rp->name,
1067             rp->edf_scheduled?"yes":"no",
1068             rp->unfinished_time_slice?"yes":"no"
1069         );
1070     }
1071 }
1073 // find running jobs that haven't finished their time slice.
1074 // Mark them as such, and add to list if not already there
1075 //
append_unfinished_time_slice(vector<RESULT * > & run_list)1076 void CLIENT_STATE::append_unfinished_time_slice(vector<RESULT*> &run_list) {
1077     unsigned int i;
1078     int seqno = (int)run_list.size();
1080     for (i=0; i<active_tasks.active_tasks.size(); i++) {
1081         ACTIVE_TASK* atp = active_tasks.active_tasks[i];
1082         atp->overdue_checkpoint = false;
1083         if (!atp->result->runnable()) continue;
1084         if (atp->result->uses_gpu() && gpu_suspend_reason) continue;
1085         if (atp->result->non_cpu_intensive()) continue;
1086         if (atp->scheduler_state != CPU_SCHED_SCHEDULED) continue;
1087         if (finished_time_slice(atp)) continue;
1088         atp->result->unfinished_time_slice = true;
1089         if (in_run_list(run_list, atp)) continue;
1090         run_list.push_back(atp->result);
1091         atp->result->seqno = seqno;
1092     }
1093 }
1095 // Enforce the CPU schedule.
1096 // Inputs:
1097 //   ordered_scheduled_results
1098 //      List of tasks that should (ideally) run, set by schedule_cpus().
1099 //      Most important tasks (e.g. early deadline) are first.
1100 // The set of tasks that actually run may be different:
1101 // - if a task hasn't checkpointed recently we avoid preempting it
1102 // - we don't run tasks that would exceed working-set limits
1103 // Details:
1104 //   Initially, each task's scheduler_state is PREEMPTED or SCHEDULED
1105 //     depending on whether or not it is running.
1106 //     This function sets each task's next_scheduler_state,
1107 //     and at the end it starts/resumes and preempts tasks
1108 //     based on scheduler_state and next_scheduler_state.
1109 //
enforce_run_list(vector<RESULT * > & run_list)1110 bool CLIENT_STATE::enforce_run_list(vector<RESULT*>& run_list) {
1111     unsigned int i;
1112     int retval;
1113     double ncpus_used=0;
1114     ACTIVE_TASK* atp;
1116     bool action = false;
1118     if (have_max_concurrent) max_concurrent_init();
1120 #ifndef SIM
1121     // check whether GPUs are usable
1122     //
1123     if (check_coprocs_usable()) {
1124         request_schedule_cpus("GPU usability change");
1125         return true;
1126     }
1127 #endif
1129     if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) {
1130         msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list(): start");
1131         msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] preliminary job list:");
1132         print_job_list(run_list);
1133     }
1135     // Set next_scheduler_state to PREEMPT for all tasks
1136     //
1137     for (i=0; i< active_tasks.active_tasks.size(); i++) {
1138         atp = active_tasks.active_tasks[i];
1139         atp->next_scheduler_state = CPU_SCHED_PREEMPTED;
1140     }
1142     for (i=0; i<run_list.size(); i++) {
1143         RESULT* rp = run_list[i];
1144         rp->seqno = i;
1145         rp->unfinished_time_slice = false;
1146     }
1148     // append running jobs not done with time slice to the to-run list
1149     //
1150     append_unfinished_time_slice(run_list);
1152     // sort to-run list by decreasing importance
1153     //
1154     std::sort(
1155         run_list.begin(),
1156         run_list.end(),
1157         more_important
1158     );
1160 #if 0
1161     promote_multi_thread_jobs(run_list);
1162 #endif
1164     if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) {
1165         msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] final job list:");
1166         print_job_list(run_list);
1167     }
1169     double ram_left = available_ram();
1170     double swap_left = (global_prefs.vm_max_used_frac)*host_info.m_swap;
1172     if (log_flags.mem_usage_debug) {
1173         msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO,
1174             "[mem_usage] enforce: available RAM %.2fMB swap %.2fMB",
1175             ram_left/MEGA, swap_left/MEGA
1176         );
1177     }
1179     // schedule non-CPU-intensive tasks,
1180     // and look for backed-off GPU jobs
1181     //
1182     for (i=0; i<results.size(); i++) {
1183         RESULT* rp = results[i];
1184         if (rp->non_cpu_intensive() && rp->runnable()) {
1185             atp = get_task(rp);
1186             if (!atp) {
1187                 msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,
1188                     "Can't create task for %s", rp->name
1189                 );
1190                 continue;
1191             }
1192             atp->next_scheduler_state = CPU_SCHED_SCHEDULED;
1194             // don't count RAM usage because it's used sporadically,
1195             // and doing so can starve other jobs
1196             //
1197             //ram_left -= atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed;
1198             swap_left -= atp->procinfo.swap_size;
1199         }
1200     }
1202     // assign coprocessors to coproc jobs,
1203     // and prune those that can't be assigned
1204     //
1205     assign_coprocs(run_list);
1206     bool scheduled_mt = false;
1208     // prune jobs that don't fit in RAM or that exceed CPU usage limits.
1209     // Mark the rest as SCHEDULED
1210     //
1211     for (i=0; i<run_list.size(); i++) {
1212         RESULT* rp = run_list[i];
1214         if (max_concurrent_exceeded(rp)) {
1215             if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) {
1216                 msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO,
1217                     "[cpu_sched_debug] skipping %s; max concurrent limit %d reached",
1218                     rp->name, rp->app->max_concurrent
1219                 );
1220             }
1221             continue;
1222         }
1224         atp = lookup_active_task_by_result(rp);
1226         // if we're already using all the CPUs,
1227         // don't allow additional CPU jobs;
1228         // allow coproc jobs if the resulting CPU load is at most ncpus+1
1229         //
1230         if (ncpus_used >= ncpus) {
1231             if (rp->uses_coprocs()) {
1232                 if (ncpus_used + rp->avp->avg_ncpus > ncpus+1) {
1233                     if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) {
1234                         msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO,
1235                             "[cpu_sched_debug] skipping GPU job %s; CPU committed",
1236                             rp->name
1237                         );
1238                     }
1239                     continue;
1240                 }
1241             } else {
1242                 if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) {
1243                     msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO,
1244                         "[cpu_sched_debug] all CPUs used (%.2f >= %d), skipping %s",
1245                         ncpus_used, ncpus,
1246                         rp->name
1247                     );
1248                 }
1249                 continue;
1250             }
1251         }
1253 #if 0
1254         // Don't overcommit CPUs by > 1 if a MT job is scheduled.
1255         // Skip this check for coproc jobs.
1256         //
1257         if (!rp->uses_coprocs()
1258             && (scheduled_mt || (rp->avp->avg_ncpus > 1))
1259             && (ncpus_used + rp->avp->avg_ncpus > ncpus + 1)
1260         ) {
1261             if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) {
1262                 msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO,
1263                     "[cpu_sched_debug] avoid MT overcommit: skipping %s",
1264                     rp->name
1265                 );
1266             }
1267             continue;
1268         }
1269 #endif
1271         // skip jobs whose working set is too large to fit in available RAM
1272         //
1273         double wss = 0;
1274         if (atp) {
1275             atp->too_large = false;
1276             wss = atp->procinfo.working_set_size_smoothed;
1277         } else {
1278             wss = rp->avp->max_working_set_size;
1279         }
1280         if (wss == 0) {
1281             wss = rp->wup->rsc_memory_bound;
1282         }
1283         if (wss > ram_left) {
1284             if (atp) {
1285                 atp->too_large = true;
1286             }
1287             if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug || log_flags.mem_usage_debug) {
1288                 msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO,
1289                     "[cpu_sched_debug] enforce: task %s can't run, too big %.2fMB > %.2fMB",
1290                     rp->name,  wss/MEGA, ram_left/MEGA
1291                 );
1292             }
1293             continue;
1294         }
1296         if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) {
1297             msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INFO,
1298                 "[cpu_sched_debug] scheduling %s%s",
1299                 rp->name,
1300                 rp->edf_scheduled?" (high priority)":""
1301             );
1302         }
1304         // We've decided to run this job; create an ACTIVE_TASK if needed.
1305         //
1306         if (!atp) {
1307             atp = get_task(rp);
1308         }
1309         if (!atp) {
1310             msg_printf(rp->project, MSG_INTERNAL_ERROR,
1311                 "Can't create task for %s", rp->name
1312             );
1313             continue;
1314         }
1316         if (rp->avp->avg_ncpus > 1) {
1317             scheduled_mt = true;
1318         }
1319         ncpus_used += rp->avp->avg_ncpus;
1320         atp->next_scheduler_state = CPU_SCHED_SCHEDULED;
1321         ram_left -= wss;
1322         max_concurrent_inc(rp);
1323     }
1325     if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug && ncpus_used < ncpus) {
1326         msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] using %.2f out of %d CPUs",
1327             ncpus_used, ncpus
1328         );
1329         if (ncpus_used < ncpus) {
1330             request_work_fetch("CPUs idle");
1331         }
1332     }
1334     bool check_swap = (host_info.m_swap != 0);
1335         // in case couldn't measure swap on this host
1337     // TODO: enforcement of swap space is broken right now
1339     // preempt tasks as needed, and note whether there are any coproc jobs
1340     // in QUIT_PENDING state (in which case we won't start new coproc jobs)
1341     //
1342     bool coproc_quit_pending = false;
1343     for (i=0; i<active_tasks.active_tasks.size(); i++) {
1344         atp = active_tasks.active_tasks[i];
1345 #if 0
1346         if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) {
1347             msg_printf(atp->result->project, MSG_INFO,
1348                 "[cpu_sched_debug] %s sched state %d next %d task state %d",
1349                 atp->result->name, atp->scheduler_state,
1350                 atp->next_scheduler_state, atp->task_state()
1351             );
1352         }
1353 #endif
1354         int preempt_type = REMOVE_MAYBE_SCHED;
1355         switch (atp->next_scheduler_state) {
1356         case CPU_SCHED_PREEMPTED:
1357             switch (atp->task_state()) {
1358             case PROCESS_EXECUTING:
1359                 action = true;
1360                 if (check_swap && swap_left < 0) {
1361                     if (log_flags.mem_usage_debug) {
1362                         msg_printf(atp->result->project, MSG_INFO,
1363                             "[mem_usage] out of swap space, will preempt by quit"
1364                         );
1365                     }
1366                     preempt_type = REMOVE_ALWAYS;
1367                 }
1368                 if (atp->too_large) {
1369                     if (log_flags.mem_usage_debug) {
1370                         msg_printf(atp->result->project, MSG_INFO,
1371                             "[mem_usage] job using too much memory, will preempt by quit"
1372                         );
1373                     }
1374                     preempt_type = REMOVE_ALWAYS;
1375                 }
1376                 atp->preempt(preempt_type);
1377                 break;
1378             case PROCESS_SUSPENDED:
1379                 // remove from memory GPU jobs that were suspended by CPU throttling
1380                 // and are now unscheduled.
1381                 //
1382                 if (atp->result->uses_gpu()) {
1383                     atp->preempt(REMOVE_ALWAYS);
1384                     request_schedule_cpus("removed suspended GPU task");
1385                     break;
1386                 }
1388                 // Handle the case where user changes prefs from
1389                 // "leave in memory" to "remove from memory";
1390                 // need to quit suspended tasks.
1391                 //
1392                 if (atp->checkpoint_cpu_time && !global_prefs.leave_apps_in_memory) {
1393                     atp->preempt(REMOVE_ALWAYS);
1394                 }
1395                 break;
1396             }
1397             atp->scheduler_state = CPU_SCHED_PREEMPTED;
1398             break;
1399         }
1400         if (atp->result->uses_coprocs() && atp->task_state() == PROCESS_QUIT_PENDING) {
1401             coproc_quit_pending = true;
1402         }
1403     }
1405     bool coproc_start_deferred = false;
1406     for (i=0; i<active_tasks.active_tasks.size(); i++) {
1407         atp = active_tasks.active_tasks[i];
1408         if (atp->next_scheduler_state != CPU_SCHED_SCHEDULED) continue;
1409         int ts = atp->task_state();
1410         if (ts == PROCESS_UNINITIALIZED || ts == PROCESS_SUSPENDED) {
1411             // If there's a quit pending for a coproc job,
1412             // don't start new ones since they may bomb out
1413             // on memory allocation.  Instead, trigger a retry
1414             //
1415             if (atp->result->uses_coprocs() && coproc_quit_pending) {
1416                 coproc_start_deferred = true;
1417                 continue;
1418             }
1419             action = true;
1421             bool first_time;
1422             // GPU tasks can get suspended before they're ever run,
1423             // so the only safe way of telling whether this is the
1424             // first time the app is run is to check
1425             // whether the slot dir is empty
1426             //
1427 #ifdef SIM
1428             first_time = atp->scheduler_state == CPU_SCHED_UNINITIALIZED;
1429 #else
1430             first_time = is_dir_empty(atp->slot_dir);
1431 #endif
1432             retval = atp->resume_or_start(first_time);
1433             if ((retval == ERR_SHMGET) || (retval == ERR_SHMAT)) {
1434                 // Assume no additional shared memory segs
1435                 // will be available in the next 10 seconds
1436                 // (run only tasks which are already attached to shared memory).
1437                 //
1438                 if (gstate.retry_shmem_time < gstate.now) {
1439                     request_schedule_cpus("no more shared memory");
1440                 }
1441                 gstate.retry_shmem_time = gstate.now + 10.0;
1442                 continue;
1443             }
1444             if (retval) {
1445                 char err_msg[4096];
1446                 sprintf(err_msg, "Couldn't start or resume: %d", retval);
1447                 report_result_error(*(atp->result), err_msg);
1448                 request_schedule_cpus("start failed");
1449                 continue;
1450             }
1451             if (atp->result->rr_sim_misses_deadline) {
1452                 atp->once_ran_edf = true;
1453             }
1454             atp->run_interval_start_wall_time = now;
1455             app_started = now;
1456         }
1457         if (log_flags.cpu_sched_status) {
1458             msg_printf(atp->result->project, MSG_INFO,
1459                 "[css] running %s (%s)",
1460                 atp->result->name, atp->result->resources
1461             );
1462         }
1463         atp->scheduler_state = CPU_SCHED_SCHEDULED;
1464         swap_left -= atp->procinfo.swap_size;
1466 #ifndef SIM
1467         // if we've been in this loop for > 10 secs,
1468         // break out of it and arrange for another schedule()
1469         // so that we don't miss GUI RPCs, heartbeats etc.
1470         //
1471         if (dtime() - now > MAX_STARTUP_TIME) {
1472             if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) {
1473                 msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO,
1474                     "[cpu_sched_debug] app startup took %f secs", dtime() - now
1475                 );
1476             }
1477             request_schedule_cpus("slow app startup");
1478             break;
1479         }
1480 #endif
1482     }
1483     if (action) {
1484         set_client_state_dirty("enforce_cpu_schedule");
1485     }
1486     if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) {
1487         msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] enforce_run_list: end");
1488     }
1489     if (coproc_start_deferred) {
1490         if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) {
1491             msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO,
1492                 "[cpu_sched_debug] coproc quit pending, deferring start"
1493             );
1494         }
1495         request_schedule_cpus("coproc quit retry");
1496     }
1497     return action;
1498 }
1500 // trigger CPU scheduling.
1501 // Called when a result is completed,
1502 // when new results become runnable,
1503 // or when the user performs a UI interaction
1504 // (e.g. suspending or resuming a project or result).
1505 //
request_schedule_cpus(const char * where)1506 void CLIENT_STATE::request_schedule_cpus(const char* where) {
1507     if (log_flags.cpu_sched_debug) {
1508         msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO, "[cpu_sched_debug] Request CPU reschedule: %s", where);
1509     }
1510     must_schedule_cpus = true;
1511 }
1513 // Find the active task for a given result
1514 //
lookup_active_task_by_result(RESULT * rep)1515 ACTIVE_TASK* CLIENT_STATE::lookup_active_task_by_result(RESULT* rep) {
1516     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < active_tasks.active_tasks.size(); i ++) {
1517         if (active_tasks.active_tasks[i]->result == rep) {
1518             return active_tasks.active_tasks[i];
1519         }
1520     }
1521     return NULL;
1522 }
1524 // find total resource shares of all CPU-intensive projects
1525 //
total_resource_share()1526 double CLIENT_STATE::total_resource_share() {
1527     double x = 0;
1528     for (unsigned int i=0; i<projects.size(); i++) {
1529         if (!projects[i]->non_cpu_intensive ) {
1530             x += projects[i]->resource_share;
1531         }
1532     }
1533     return x;
1534 }
1536 // same, but only runnable projects (can use CPU right now)
1537 //
runnable_resource_share(int rsc_type)1538 double CLIENT_STATE::runnable_resource_share(int rsc_type) {
1539     double x = 0;
1540     for (unsigned int i=0; i<projects.size(); i++) {
1541         PROJECT* p = projects[i];
1542         if (p->non_cpu_intensive) continue;
1543         if (p->runnable(rsc_type)) {
1544             x += p->resource_share;
1545         }
1546     }
1547     return x;
1548 }
1550 // same, but potentially runnable (could ask for work right now)
1551 //
potentially_runnable_resource_share()1552 double CLIENT_STATE::potentially_runnable_resource_share() {
1553     double x = 0;
1554     for (unsigned int i=0; i<projects.size(); i++) {
1555         PROJECT* p = projects[i];
1556         if (p->non_cpu_intensive) continue;
1557         if (p->potentially_runnable()) {
1558             x += p->resource_share;
1559         }
1560     }
1561     return x;
1562 }
1564 // same, but nearly runnable (could be downloading work right now)
1565 //
nearly_runnable_resource_share()1566 double CLIENT_STATE::nearly_runnable_resource_share() {
1567     double x = 0;
1568     for (unsigned int i=0; i<projects.size(); i++) {
1569         PROJECT* p = projects[i];
1570         if (p->non_cpu_intensive) continue;
1571         if (p->nearly_runnable()) {
1572             x += p->resource_share;
1573         }
1574     }
1575     return x;
1576 }
1578 // if there's not an active task for the result, make one
1579 //
get_task(RESULT * rp)1580 ACTIVE_TASK* CLIENT_STATE::get_task(RESULT* rp) {
1581     ACTIVE_TASK *atp = lookup_active_task_by_result(rp);
1582     if (!atp) {
1583         atp = new ACTIVE_TASK;
1584         int retval = atp->get_free_slot(rp);
1585         if (retval) {
1586             delete atp;
1587             return NULL;
1588         }
1589         atp->init(rp);
1590         active_tasks.active_tasks.push_back(atp);
1591     }
1592     return atp;
1593 }
1595 // called at startup (after get_host_info())
1596 // and when general prefs have been parsed.
1598 //
set_ncpus()1599 void CLIENT_STATE::set_ncpus() {
1600     int ncpus_old = ncpus;
1602     if (cc_config.ncpus>0) {
1603         ncpus = cc_config.ncpus;
1604         host_info.p_ncpus = ncpus;
1605     } else if (host_info.p_ncpus>0) {
1606         ncpus = host_info.p_ncpus;
1607     } else {
1608         ncpus = 1;
1609     }
1611     if (global_prefs.max_ncpus_pct) {
1612         ncpus = (int)((ncpus * global_prefs.max_ncpus_pct)/100);
1613         if (ncpus == 0) ncpus = 1;
1614     }
1616     if (initialized && ncpus != ncpus_old) {
1617         msg_printf(0, MSG_INFO,
1618             "Number of usable CPUs has changed from %d to %d.",
1619             ncpus_old, ncpus
1620         );
1621         request_schedule_cpus("Number of usable CPUs has changed");
1622         request_work_fetch("Number of usable CPUs has changed");
1623         work_fetch.init();
1624     }
1625 }
1627 // The given result has just completed successfully.
1628 // Update the correction factor used to predict
1629 // completion time for this project's results
1630 //
update_duration_correction_factor(ACTIVE_TASK * atp)1631 void PROJECT::update_duration_correction_factor(ACTIVE_TASK* atp) {
1632     if (dont_use_dcf) return;
1633     RESULT* rp = atp->result;
1634     double raw_ratio = atp->elapsed_time/rp->estimated_runtime_uncorrected();
1635     double adj_ratio = atp->elapsed_time/rp->estimated_runtime();
1636     double old_dcf = duration_correction_factor;
1638     // it's OK to overestimate completion time,
1639     // but bad to underestimate it.
1640     // So make it easy for the factor to increase,
1641     // but decrease it with caution
1642     //
1643     if (adj_ratio > 1.1) {
1644         duration_correction_factor = raw_ratio;
1645     } else {
1646         // in particular, don't give much weight to results
1647         // that completed a lot earlier than expected
1648         //
1649         if (adj_ratio < 0.1) {
1650             duration_correction_factor = duration_correction_factor*0.99 + 0.01*raw_ratio;
1651         } else {
1652             duration_correction_factor = duration_correction_factor*0.9 + 0.1*raw_ratio;
1653         }
1654     }
1655     // limit to [.01 .. 100]
1656     //
1657     if (duration_correction_factor > 100) duration_correction_factor = 100;
1658     if (duration_correction_factor < 0.01) duration_correction_factor = 0.01;
1660     if (log_flags.dcf_debug) {
1661         msg_printf(this, MSG_INFO,
1662             "[dcf] DCF: %f->%f, raw_ratio %f, adj_ratio %f",
1663             old_dcf, duration_correction_factor, raw_ratio, adj_ratio
1664         );
1665     }
1666 }