1 // Copyright 2014 Wouter van Oortmerssen. All rights reserved.
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 namespace lobster {
17 struct LValContext {
18     // For now, only: ident ( . field )*.
19     const SpecIdent *sid;
20     vector<SharedField *> derefs;
LValContextLValContext21     LValContext(const Node &n) {
22         auto t = &n;
23         while (auto dot = Is<Dot>(t)) {
24             derefs.insert(derefs.begin(), dot->fld);
25             t = dot->children[0];
26         }
27         auto idr = Is<IdentRef>(t);
28         sid = idr ? idr->sid : nullptr;
29     }
IsValidLValContext30     bool IsValid() { return sid; }
DerefsEqualLValContext31     bool DerefsEqual(const LValContext &o) {
32         if (derefs.size() != o.derefs.size()) return false;
33         for (auto &shf : derefs) if (shf != o.derefs[&shf - &derefs[0]]) return false;
34         return true;
35     }
IsPrefixLValContext36     bool IsPrefix(const LValContext &o) {
37         if (sid != o.sid || derefs.size() < o.derefs.size()) return false;
38         for (auto &shf : o.derefs) if (shf != derefs[&shf - &o.derefs[0]]) return false;
39         return true;
40     }
NameLValContext41     string Name() {
42         auto s = sid ? sid->id->name : "<invalid>";
43         for (auto &shf : derefs) {
44             s += ".";
45             s += shf->name;
46         }
47         return s;
48     }
49 };
51 struct FlowItem : LValContext {
52     TypeRef old, now;
FlowItemFlowItem53     FlowItem(const Node &n, TypeRef type) : LValContext(n), old(n.exptype), now(type) {}
54 };
56 struct Borrow : LValContext {
57     int refc = 1;  // Number of outstanding borrowed values. While >0 can't assign.
BorrowBorrow58     Borrow(const Node &n) : LValContext(n) {}
59 };
61 struct TypeChecker {
62     Parser &parser;
63     SymbolTable &st;
64     struct Scope { SubFunction *sf; const Node *call_context; };
65     vector<Scope> scopes, named_scopes;
66     vector<FlowItem> flowstack;
67     vector<Borrow> borrowstack;
TypeCheckerTypeChecker69     TypeChecker(Parser &_p, SymbolTable &_st, size_t retreq) : parser(_p), st(_st) {
70         // FIXME: this is unfriendly.
71         if (!st.RegisterDefaultTypes())
72             TypeError("cannot find standard types (from stdtype.lobster)", *parser.root);
73         for (auto &udt : st.udttable) {
74             if (udt->generics.empty()) {
75                 // NOTE: all users of sametype will only act on it if it is numeric, since
76                 // otherwise it would a scalar field to become any without boxing.
77                 // Much of the implementation relies on these being 2-4 component vectors, so
78                 // deny this functionality to any other structs.
79                 if (udt->fields.size() >= 2 && udt->fields.size() <= 4) {
80                     udt->sametype = udt->fields.v[0].type;
81                     for (size_t i = 1; i < udt->fields.size(); i++) {
82                         // Can't use Union here since it will bind variables, use simplified alternative:
83                         if (!ExactType(udt->fields.v[i].type, udt->sametype)) {
84                             udt->sametype = type_undefined;
85                             break;
86                         }
87                     }
88                 }
89                 // Update the type to the correct struct type.
90                 if (udt->is_struct) {
91                     for (auto &field : udt->fields.v) {
92                         if (IsRefNil(field.type->t)) {
93                             udt->hasref = true;
94                             break;
95                         }
96                     }
97                     const_cast<ValueType &>(udt->thistype.t) =
98                         udt->hasref ? V_STRUCT_R : V_STRUCT_S;
99                 }
100             }
101             if (udt->superclass) {
102                 // If this type has fields inherited from the superclass that refer to the
103                 // superclass, make it refer to this type instead. There may be corner cases where
104                 // this is not what you want, but generally you do.
105                 for (auto &field : make_span(udt->fields.v.data(),
106                                              udt->superclass->fields.v.size())) {
107                     PromoteStructIdx(field.type, udt->superclass, udt);
108                 }
109             }
110             for (auto u = udt; u; u = u->superclass) u->subudts.push_back(udt);
111         }
112         AssertIs<Call>(parser.root)->sf->reqret = retreq;
113         TT(parser.root, retreq, LT_KEEP);
114         AssertIs<Call>(parser.root);
115         CleanUpFlow(0);
116         assert(borrowstack.empty());
117         assert(scopes.empty());
118         assert(named_scopes.empty());
119         Stats();
120     }
122     // Needed for any sids in cloned code.
UpdateCurrentSidTypeChecker123     void UpdateCurrentSid(SpecIdent *&sid) { sid = sid->Current(); }
RevertCurrentSidTypeChecker124     void RevertCurrentSid(SpecIdent *&sid) { sid->Current() = sid; }
PromoteStructIdxTypeChecker126     void PromoteStructIdx(TypeRef &type, const UDT *olds, const UDT *news) {
127         auto u = type;
128         while (u->Wrapped()) u = u->Element();
129         if (IsUDT(u->t) && u->udt == olds) type = PromoteStructIdxRec(type, news);
130     }
PromoteStructIdxRecTypeChecker132     TypeRef PromoteStructIdxRec(TypeRef type, const UDT *news) {
133         return type->Wrapped()
134             ? st.Wrap(PromoteStructIdxRec(type->sub, news), type->t)
135             : &news->thistype;
136     }
138     string TypedArg(const GenericArgs &args, size_t i, bool withtype = true) {
139         string s;
140         s += args.GetName(i);
141         if (args.GetType(i)->t != V_ANY && withtype)
142             s += ":" + TypeName(args.GetType(i));
143         return s;
144     }
146     string Signature(const GenericArgs &args, bool withtype = true) {
147         string s = "(";
148         for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
149             if (i) s += ", ";
150             s += TypedArg(args, i, withtype);
151         }
152         return s + ")";
153     }
SignatureTypeChecker155     string Signature(const UDT &udt) {
156         return udt.name + Signature(udt.fields);
157     }
158     string Signature(const SubFunction &sf, bool withtype = true) {
159         return sf.parent->name + Signature(sf.args, withtype);
160     }
SignatureTypeChecker161     string Signature(const NativeFun &nf) {
162         return nf.name + Signature(nf.args);
163     }
165     string SignatureWithFreeVars(const SubFunction &sf, set<Ident *> *already_seen,
166                                  bool withtype = true) {
167         string s = Signature(sf, withtype) + " { ";
168         for (auto [i, freevar] : enumerate(sf.freevars.v)) {
169             if (freevar.type->t != V_FUNCTION &&
170                 !freevar.sid->id->static_constant &&
171                 (!already_seen || already_seen->find(freevar.sid->id) == already_seen->end())) {
172                 s += TypedArg(sf.freevars, i) + " ";
173                 if (already_seen) already_seen->insert(freevar.sid->id);
174             }
175         }
176         s += "}";
177         return s;
178     }
ArgNameTypeChecker180     string ArgName(size_t i) {
181         switch (i) {
182             case 0: return "1st";
183             case 1: return "2nd";
184             case 2: return "3rd";
185             default: return cat(i + 1, "th");
186         }
187     }
NiceNameTypeChecker189     string_view NiceName(const Node &n) {
190         if (auto call = Is<Call>(n))
191             if (!call->sf->parent->anonymous)
192                 return call->sf->parent->name;
193         if (auto idr = Is<IdentRef>(n))
194             return idr->sid->id->name;
195         return n.Name();
196     }
198     void TypeError(string_view required, TypeRef got, const Node &n, string_view argname = "",
199                    string_view context = "") {
200         TypeError(cat("\"", (context.size() ? context : NiceName(n)), "\" ",
201                       (argname.size() ? "(" + argname + " argument) " : ""),
202                       "requires type: ", required, ", got: ", TypeName(got)), n);
203     }
TypeErrorTypeChecker205     void TypeError(string err, const Node &n) {
206         set<Ident *> already_seen;
207         if (!scopes.empty())
208         for (auto scope : reverse(scopes)) {
209             if (scope.sf == st.toplevel) continue;
210             err += "\n  in " + parser.lex.Location(scope.call_context->line) + ": ";
211             err += SignatureWithFreeVars(*scope.sf, &already_seen);
212             for (auto dl : scope.sf->body->children) {
213                 if (auto def = Is<Define>(dl)) {
214                     for (auto p : def->sids) {
215                         err += ", " + p.first->id->name + ":" + TypeName(p.first->type);
216                     }
217                 }
218             }
219         }
220         parser.Error(err, &n);
221     }
NoStructTypeChecker223     void NoStruct(const Node &n, string_view context) {
224         if (IsStruct(n.exptype->t)) TypeError("struct value cannot be used in: " + context, n);
225     }
NatCallErrorTypeChecker227     void NatCallError(string_view errstr, const NativeFun *nf, const NativeCall &callnode) {
228         auto err = errstr + nf->name;
229         err += "\n  got:";
230         for (auto c : callnode.children) {
231             err += " " + TypeName(c->exptype);
232         }
233         for (auto cnf = nf->first; cnf; cnf = cnf->overloads) {
234             err += "\n  overload: " + Signature(*cnf);
235         }
236         TypeError(err, callnode);
237     }
NewTypeVarTypeChecker239     TypeRef NewTypeVar() {
240         auto var = st.NewType();
241         *var = Type(V_VAR);
242         // Vars store a cycle of all vars its been unified with, starting with itself.
243         var->sub = var;
244         return var;
245     }
NewNilTypeVarTypeChecker247     TypeRef NewNilTypeVar() {
248         auto nil = st.NewType();
249         *nil = Type(V_NIL);
250         nil->sub = &*NewTypeVar();
251         return nil;
252     }
NewTupleTypeChecker254     TypeRef NewTuple(size_t sz) {
255         auto type = st.NewType();
256         *type = Type(V_TUPLE);
257         type->tup = new vector<Type::TupleElem>(sz);
258         st.tuplelist.push_back(type->tup);
259         return type;
260     }
UnifyVarTypeChecker262     void UnifyVar(TypeRef type, TypeRef hasvar) {
263         // Typically Type is const, but this is the one place we overwrite them.
264         // Type objects that are V_VAR are seperate heap instances, so overwriting them has no
265         // side-effects on non-V_VAR Type instances.
266         assert(hasvar->t == V_VAR);
267         if (type->t == V_VAR) {
268             // Combine two cyclic linked lists.. elegant!
269             swap((Type *&)hasvar->sub, (Type *&)type->sub);
270         } else {
271             auto v = hasvar;
272             do { // Loop thru all vars in unification cycle.
273                 auto next = v->sub;
274                 *(Type *)&*v = *type;  // Overwrite Type struct!
275                 v = next;
276             } while (&*v != &*hasvar);  // Force TypeRef pointer comparison.
277         }
278     }
280     bool ConvertsTo(TypeRef type, TypeRef sub, bool coercions, bool unifications = true) {
281         if (sub == type) return true;
282         if (type->t == V_VAR) {
283             if (unifications) UnifyVar(sub, type);
284             return true;
285         }
286         switch (sub->t) {
287             case V_VOID:      return coercions;
288             case V_VAR:       UnifyVar(type, sub); return true;
289             case V_FLOAT:     return type->t == V_INT && coercions;
290             case V_INT:       return (type->t == V_TYPEID && coercions) ||
291                                      (type->t == V_INT && !sub->e);
292             case V_STRING:    return coercions && IsRuntimePrintable(type->t);
293             case V_FUNCTION:  return type->t == V_FUNCTION && !sub->sf;
294             case V_NIL:       return (type->t == V_NIL &&
295                                       ConvertsTo(type->Element(), sub->Element(), false,
296                                                  unifications)) ||
297                                      (!type->Numeric() && type->t != V_VOID && !IsStruct(type->t) &&
298                                       ConvertsTo(type, sub->Element(), false, unifications)) ||
299                                      (type->Numeric() &&  // For builtins.
300                                       ConvertsTo(type, sub->Element(), false, unifications));
301             case V_VECTOR:    return (type->t == V_VECTOR &&
302                                       ConvertsTo(type->Element(), sub->Element(), false,
303                                                  unifications));
304             case V_CLASS:     return type->t == V_CLASS &&
305                                      st.SuperDistance(sub->udt, type->udt) >= 0;
306             case V_STRUCT_R:
307             case V_STRUCT_S:  return type->t == sub->t && type->udt == sub->udt;
308             case V_COROUTINE: return type->t == V_COROUTINE &&
309                                      (sub->sf == type->sf ||
310                                       (!sub->sf && type->sf && ConvertsTo(type->sf->coresumetype,
311                                                               NewNilTypeVar(), false)));
312             case V_TUPLE:     return type->t == V_TUPLE && ConvertsToTuple(*type->tup, *sub->tup);
313             default:          return false;
314         }
315     }
ConvertsToTupleTypeChecker317     bool ConvertsToTuple(const vector<Type::TupleElem> &ttup, const vector<Type::TupleElem> &stup) {
318         if (ttup.size() != stup.size()) return false;
319         for (auto [i, te] : enumerate(ttup))
320             if (!ConvertsTo(te.type, stup[i].type, false))
321                 return false;
322         return true;
323     }
UnionTypeChecker325     TypeRef Union(TypeRef at, TypeRef bt, bool coercions, const Node *err) {
326         if (ConvertsTo(at, bt, coercions)) return bt;
327         if (ConvertsTo(bt, at, coercions)) return at;
328         if (at->t == V_VECTOR && bt->t == V_VECTOR) {
329             auto et = Union(at->Element(), bt->Element(), false, err);
330             return st.Wrap(et, V_VECTOR);
331         }
332         if (at->t == V_CLASS && bt->t == V_CLASS) {
333             auto sstruc = st.CommonSuperType(at->udt, bt->udt);
334             if (sstruc) return &sstruc->thistype;
335         }
336         if (err)
337             TypeError(cat(TypeName(at), " and ", TypeName(bt), " have no common supertype"), *err);
338         return type_undefined;
339     }
ExactTypeTypeChecker341     bool ExactType(TypeRef a, TypeRef b) {
342         return a == b;  // Not inlined for documentation purposes.
343     }
MakeStringTypeChecker345     void MakeString(Node *&a, Lifetime orig_recip) {
346         assert(a->exptype->t != V_STRING);
347         DecBorrowers(a->lt, *a);
348         a = new ToString(a->line, a);
349         a->exptype = type_string;
350         a->lt = LT_KEEP;
351         // Make sure whatever lifetime a was typechecked at is preserved.
352         AdjustLifetime(a, orig_recip);
353     }
MakeBoolTypeChecker355     void MakeBool(Node *&a) {
356         DecBorrowers(a->lt, *a);
357         if (a->exptype->t == V_INT) return;
358         a = new ToBool(a->line, a);
359         a->exptype = &st.default_bool_type->thistype;
360         a->lt = LT_ANY;
361     }
MakeIntTypeChecker363     void MakeInt(Node *&a) {
364         auto ti = new ToInt(a->line, a);
365         ti->exptype = type_int;
366         ti->lt = a->lt;
367         a = ti;
368     }
MakeFloatTypeChecker370     void MakeFloat(Node *&a) {
371         auto tf = new ToFloat(a->line, a);
372         tf->exptype = type_float;
373         tf->lt = a->lt;
374         a = tf;
375     }
MakeLifetimeTypeChecker377     void MakeLifetime(Node *&n, Lifetime lt, uint64_t incref, uint64_t decref) {
378         auto tlt = new ToLifetime(n->line, n, incref, decref);
379         tlt->exptype = n->exptype;
380         tlt->lt = lt;
381         n = tlt;
382     }
StorageTypeTypeChecker384     void StorageType(TypeRef type, const Node &context) {
385         if (type->HasValueType(V_VOID)) TypeError("cannot store value of type void", context);
386     }
SubTypeLRTypeChecker388     void SubTypeLR(TypeRef sub, BinOp &n) {
389         SubType(n.left, sub, "left", n);
390         SubType(n.right, sub, "right", n);
391     }
SubTypeTypeChecker393     void SubType(Node *&a, TypeRef sub, string_view argname, const Node &context) {
394         SubType(a, sub, argname, NiceName(context));
395     }
SubTypeTypeChecker396     void SubType(Node *&a, TypeRef sub, string_view argname, string_view context) {
397         if (ConvertsTo(a->exptype, sub, false)) return;
398         switch (sub->t) {
399             case V_FLOAT:
400                 if (a->exptype->t == V_INT) {
401                     MakeFloat(a);
402                     return;
403                 }
404                 break;
405             case V_INT:
406                 if (a->exptype->t == V_TYPEID) {
407                     MakeInt(a);
408                     return;
409                 }
410                 break;
411             case V_FUNCTION:
412                 if (a->exptype->IsFunction() && sub->sf) {
413                     // See if these functions can be made compatible. Specialize and typecheck if
414                     // needed.
415                     auto sf = a->exptype->sf;
416                     auto ss = sub->sf;
417                     if (!ss->parent->istype)
418                         TypeError("dynamic function value can only be passed to declared "
419                                   "function type", *a);
420                     if (sf->args.v.size() != ss->args.v.size()) break;
421                     for (auto [i, arg] : enumerate(sf->args.v)) {
422                         // Specialize to the function type, if requested.
423                         if (!sf->typechecked && arg.flags & AF_GENERIC) {
424                             arg.type = ss->args.v[i].type;
425                         }
426                         // Note this has the args in reverse: function args are contravariant.
427                         if (!ConvertsTo(ss->args.v[i].type, arg.type, false))
428                             goto error;
429                         // This function must be compatible with all other function values that
430                         // match this type, so we fix lifetimes to LT_BORROW.
431                         // See typechecking of istype calls.
432                         arg.sid->lt = LT_BORROW;
433                     }
434                     if (sf->typechecked) {
435                         if (sf->reqret != ss->reqret) goto error;
436                     } else {
437                         sf->reqret = ss->reqret;
438                     }
439                     sf->isdynamicfunctionvalue = true;
440                     TypeCheckFunctionDef(*sf, *sf->body);
441                     // Covariant again.
442                     if (sf->returntype->NumValues() != ss->returntype->NumValues() ||
443                         !ConvertsTo(sf->returntype, ss->returntype, false))
444                             break;
445                     // Parser only parses one ret type for function types.
446                     assert(ss->returntype->NumValues() <= 1);
447                     return;
448                 }
449                 break;
450             default:
451                 ;
452         }
453         error:
454         TypeError(TypeName(sub), a->exptype, *a, argname, context);
455     }
457     void SubTypeT(TypeRef type, TypeRef sub, const Node &n, string_view argname,
458                   string_view context = {}) {
459         if (!ConvertsTo(type, sub, false))
460             TypeError(TypeName(sub), type, n, argname, context);
461     }
MathCheckVectorTypeChecker463     bool MathCheckVector(TypeRef &type, Node *&left, Node *&right) {
464         TypeRef ltype = left->exptype;
465         TypeRef rtype = right->exptype;
466         // Special purpose check for vector * scalar etc.
467         if (ltype->t == V_STRUCT_S && rtype->Numeric()) {
468             auto etype = ltype->udt->sametype;
469             if (etype->Numeric()) {
470                 if (etype->t == V_INT) {
471                     // Don't implicitly convert int vectors to float.
472                     if (rtype->t == V_FLOAT) return false;
473                 } else {
474                     if (rtype->t == V_INT) SubType(right, type_float, "right", *right);
475                 }
476                 type = &ltype->udt->thistype;
477                 return true;
478             }
479         }
480         return false;
481     }
MathCheckTypeChecker483     const char *MathCheck(TypeRef &type, BinOp &n, bool &unionchecked,
484                           bool typechangeallowed) {
485         if (Is<Mod>(&n) || Is<ModEq>(&n)) {
486             if (type->t != V_INT) return "int";
487         } else {
488             if (!type->Numeric() && type->t != V_VECTOR && !IsUDT(type->t)) {
489                 if (MathCheckVector(type, n.left, n.right)) {
490                     unionchecked = true;
491                     return nullptr;
492                 }
493                 if (Is<Plus>(&n) || Is<PlusEq>(&n)) {
494                     auto ltype = n.left->exptype;
495                     auto rtype = n.right->exptype;
496                     if (ltype->t == V_STRING) {
497                         if (rtype->t != V_STRING) {
498                             // Anything can be added to a string on the right (because of +=).
499                             MakeString(n.right, LT_BORROW);
500                             // Make sure the overal type is string.
501                             type = type_string;
502                             unionchecked = true;
503                         }
504                     } else if (rtype->t == V_STRING && ltype->t != V_STRING && typechangeallowed) {
505                         // Only if not in a +=
506                         MakeString(n.left, LT_BORROW);
507                         type = type_string;
508                         unionchecked = true;
509                     } else {
510                         return "numeric/string/vector/struct";
511                     }
512                 } else {
513                     return "numeric/vector/struct";
514                 }
515             }
516         }
517         return nullptr;
518     }
MathErrorTypeChecker520     void MathError(TypeRef &type, BinOp &n, bool &unionchecked, bool typechangeallowed) {
521         auto err = MathCheck(type, n, unionchecked, typechangeallowed);
522         if (err) {
523             if (MathCheck(n.left->exptype, n, unionchecked, typechangeallowed))
524                 TypeError(err, n.left->exptype, n, "left");
525             if (MathCheck(n.right->exptype, n, unionchecked, typechangeallowed))
526                 TypeError(err, n.right->exptype, n, "right");
527             TypeError("can\'t use \"" +
528                       NiceName(n) +
529                       "\" on " +
530                       TypeName(n.left->exptype) +
531                       " and " +
532                       TypeName(n.right->exptype), n);
533         }
534     }
TypeCheckMathOpTypeChecker536     void TypeCheckMathOp(BinOp &n) {
537         TT(n.left, 1, LT_BORROW);
538         TT(n.right, 1, LT_BORROW);
539         n.exptype = Union(n.left->exptype, n.right->exptype, true, nullptr);
540         bool unionchecked = false;
541         MathError(n.exptype, n, unionchecked, true);
542         if (!unionchecked) SubTypeLR(n.exptype, n);
543         DecBorrowers(n.left->lt, n);
544         DecBorrowers(n.right->lt, n);
545         n.lt = LT_KEEP;
546     }
TypeCheckMathOpEqTypeChecker548     void TypeCheckMathOpEq(BinOp &n) {
549         TT(n.left, 1, LT_BORROW);
550         DecBorrowers(n.left->lt, n);
551         TT(n.right, 1, LT_BORROW);
552         CheckLval(n.left);
553         n.exptype = n.left->exptype;
554         if (!MathCheckVector(n.exptype, n.left, n.right)) {
555             bool unionchecked = false;
556             MathError(n.exptype, n, unionchecked, false);
557             if (!unionchecked) SubType(n.right, n.exptype, "right", n);
558         }
559         // This really does: "left = left op right" the result of op is LT_KEEP, which is
560         // implicit, so the left var must be LT_KEEP as well. This is ensured elsewhere because
561         // all !single_assignment vars are LT_KEEP.
562         assert(!Is<IdentRef>(n.left) || LifetimeType(Is<IdentRef>(n.left)->sid->lt) != LT_BORROW);
563         DecBorrowers(n.right->lt, n);
564         n.lt = PushBorrow(n.left);
565     }
TypeCheckCompTypeChecker567     void TypeCheckComp(BinOp &n) {
568         TT(n.left, 1, LT_BORROW);
569         TT(n.right, 1, LT_BORROW);
570         n.exptype = &st.default_bool_type->thistype;
571         auto u = Union(n.left->exptype, n.right->exptype, true, nullptr);
572         if (!u->Numeric() && u->t != V_STRING) {
573             if (Is<Equal>(&n) || Is<NotEqual>(&n)) {
574                 // Comparison with one result, but still by value for structs.
575                 if (u->t != V_VECTOR && !IsUDT(u->t) && u->t != V_NIL && u->t != V_FUNCTION)
576                     TypeError(TypeName(n.left->exptype), n.right->exptype, n, "right-hand side");
577             } else {
578                 // Comparison vector op: vector inputs, vector out.
579                 if (u->t == V_STRUCT_S && u->udt->sametype->Numeric()) {
580                     n.exptype = st.default_int_vector_types[0][u->udt->fields.size()];
581                 } else if (MathCheckVector(n.exptype, n.left, n.right)) {
582                     n.exptype = st.default_int_vector_types[0][n.exptype->udt->fields.size()];
583                     // Don't do SubTypeLR since type already verified and `u` not
584                     // appropriate anyway.
585                     goto out;
586                 } else {
587                     TypeError(n.Name() + " doesn\'t work on " + TypeName(n.left->exptype) +
588                               " and " + TypeName(n.right->exptype), n);
589                 }
590             }
591         }
592         SubTypeLR(u, n);
593         out:
594         DecBorrowers(n.left->lt, n);
595         DecBorrowers(n.right->lt, n);
596         n.lt = LT_KEEP;
597     }
TypeCheckBitOpTypeChecker599     void TypeCheckBitOp(BinOp &n) {
600         TT(n.left, 1, LT_BORROW);
601         TT(n.right, 1, LT_BORROW);
602         auto u = Union(n.left->exptype, n.right->exptype, true, nullptr);
603         if (u->t != V_INT) u = type_int;
604         SubTypeLR(u, n);
605         n.exptype = u;
606         DecBorrowers(n.left->lt, n);
607         DecBorrowers(n.right->lt, n);
608         n.lt = LT_ANY;
609     }
TypeCheckPlusPlusTypeChecker611     void TypeCheckPlusPlus(Unary &n) {
612         TT(n.child, 1, LT_BORROW);
613         CheckLval(n.child);
614         n.exptype = n.child->exptype;
615         if (!n.exptype->Numeric())
616             TypeError("numeric", n.exptype, n);
617         n.lt = n.child->lt;
618     }
TopScopeTypeChecker620     SubFunction *TopScope(vector<Scope> &_scopes) {
621         return _scopes.empty() ? nullptr : _scopes.back().sf;
622     }
624     void RetVal(TypeRef type, SubFunction *sf, const Node &err, bool register_return = true) {
625         if (register_return) {
626             for (auto isc : reverse(scopes)) {
627                 if (isc.sf->parent == sf->parent) break;
628                 // isc.sf is a function in the call chain between the return statement and the
629                 // function it is returning from. Since we're affecting the return type of the
630                 // function we're returning from, if it gets specialized but a function along the
631                 // call chain (isc.sf) does not, we must ensure that return type affects the second
632                 // specialization.
633                 // We do this by tracking return types, and replaying them when a function gets
634                 // reused.
635                 // A simple test case is in return_from unit test, and recursive_exception is also
636                 // affected.
637                 isc.sf->reuse_return_events.push_back({ sf, type });
638             }
639         }
640         sf->num_returns++;
641         if (sf->fixedreturntype.Null()) {
642             if (sf->reqret) {
643                 // If this is a recursive call we must be conservative because there may already
644                 // be callers dependent on the return type so far, so any others must be subtypes.
645                 if (!sf->isrecursivelycalled) {
646                     // We can safely generalize the type if needed, though not with coercions.
647                     sf->returntype = Union(type, sf->returntype, false, &err);
648                 }
649             } else {
650                 // The caller doesn't want return values.
651                 sf->returntype = type_void;
652             }
653         }
654     }
TypeCheckFunctionDefTypeChecker656     void TypeCheckFunctionDef(SubFunction &sf, const Node &call_context) {
657         if (sf.typechecked) return;
658         LOG_DEBUG("function start: ", SignatureWithFreeVars(sf, nullptr));
659         Scope scope;
660         scope.sf = &sf;
661         scope.call_context = &call_context;
662         scopes.push_back(scope);
663         //for (auto &ns : named_scopes) LOG_DEBUG("named scope: ", ns.sf->parent->name);
664         if (!sf.parent->anonymous) named_scopes.push_back(scope);
665         sf.typechecked = true;
666         for (auto &arg : sf.args.v) StorageType(arg.type, call_context);
667         for (auto &fv : sf.freevars.v) UpdateCurrentSid(fv.sid);
668         auto backup_vars = [&](ArgVector &in, ArgVector &backup) {
669             for (auto [i, arg] : enumerate(in.v)) {
670                 // Need to not overwrite nested/recursive calls. e.g. map(): map(): ..
671                 backup.v[i].sid = arg.sid->Current();
672                 arg.sid->type = arg.type;
673                 RevertCurrentSid(arg.sid);
674             }
675         };
676         auto backup_args = sf.args; backup_vars(sf.args, backup_args);
677         auto backup_locals = sf.locals; backup_vars(sf.locals, backup_locals);
678         auto enter_scope = [&](const Arg &var) {
679             IncBorrowers(var.sid->lt, call_context);
680         };
681         for (auto &arg : sf.args.v) enter_scope(arg);
682         for (auto &local : sf.locals.v) enter_scope(local);
683         sf.coresumetype = sf.iscoroutine ? NewNilTypeVar() : type_undefined;
684         sf.returntype = sf.reqret
685             ? (!sf.fixedreturntype.Null() ? sf.fixedreturntype : NewTypeVar())
686             : type_void;
687         auto start_borrowed_vars = borrowstack.size();
688         auto start_promoted_vars = flowstack.size();
689         TypeCheckList(sf.body, true, 0, LT_ANY);
690         CleanUpFlow(start_promoted_vars);
691         if (!sf.num_returns) {
692             if (!sf.fixedreturntype.Null() && sf.fixedreturntype->t != V_VOID)
693                 TypeError("missing return statement", *sf.body->children.back());
694             sf.returntype = type_void;
695         }
696         // Let variables go out of scope in reverse order of declaration.
697         auto exit_scope = [&](const Arg &var) {
698             DecBorrowers(var.sid->lt, call_context);
699         };
700         for (auto &local : reverse(sf.locals.v)) exit_scope(local);
701         for (auto &arg : sf.args.v) exit_scope(arg);  // No order.
702         while (borrowstack.size() > start_borrowed_vars) {
703             auto &b = borrowstack.back();
704             if (b.refc) {
705                 TypeError(cat("variable ", b.Name(), " still has ", b.refc,
706                               " borrowers"), *sf.body->children.back());
707             }
708             borrowstack.pop_back();
709         }
710         for (auto &back : backup_args.v)   RevertCurrentSid(back.sid);
711         for (auto &back : backup_locals.v) RevertCurrentSid(back.sid);
712         if (sf.returntype->HasValueType(V_VAR)) {
713             // If this function return something with a variable in it, then it likely will get
714             // bound by the caller. If the function then gets reused without specialization, it will
715             // get the wrong return type, so we force specialization for subsequent calls of this
716             // function. FIXME: check in which cases this is typically true, since its expensive
717             // if done without reason.
718             sf.mustspecialize = true;
719         }
720         if (!sf.parent->anonymous) named_scopes.pop_back();
721         scopes.pop_back();
722         LOG_DEBUG("function end ", Signature(sf), " returns ",
723                              TypeName(sf.returntype));
724     }
FindStructSpecializationTypeChecker726     UDT *FindStructSpecialization(UDT *given, const Constructor *cons) {
727         // This code is somewhat similar to function specialization, but not similar enough to
728         // share. If they're all typed, we bail out early:
729         if (given->generics.empty()) return given;
730         auto head = given->first;
731         assert(cons->Arity() == head->fields.size());
732         // Now find a match:
733         UDT *best = nullptr;
734         int bestmatch = 0;
735         for (auto udt = head->next; udt; udt = udt->next) {
736             int nmatches = 0;
737             for (auto [i, arg] : enumerate(cons->children)) {
738                 auto &field = udt->fields.v[i];
739                 if (field.genericref >= 0) {
740                     if (ExactType(arg->exptype, field.type)) nmatches++;
741                     else break;
742                 }
743             }
744             if (nmatches > bestmatch) {
745                 bestmatch = nmatches;
746                 best = udt;
747             }
748         }
749         if (best) return best;
750         string s;
751         for (auto &arg : cons->children) s += " " + TypeName(arg->exptype);
752         TypeError("no specialization of " + given->first->name + " matches these types:" + s,
753                   *cons);
754         return nullptr;
755     }
757     void CheckIfSpecialization(UDT *spec_struc, TypeRef given, const Node &n,
758                                string_view argname, string_view req = {},
759                                bool subtypeok = false, string_view context = {}) {
760         auto givenu = given->UnWrapped();
761         if (!IsUDT(given->t) ||
762             (!spec_struc->IsSpecialization(givenu->udt) &&
763              (!subtypeok || st.SuperDistance(spec_struc, givenu->udt) < 0))) {
764             TypeError(req.data() ? req : spec_struc->name, given, n, argname, context);
765         }
766     }
CheckGenericArgTypeChecker768     void CheckGenericArg(TypeRef otype, TypeRef argtype, string_view argname, const Node &n,
769                          string_view context) {
770         // Check if argument is a generic struct type, or wrapped in vector/nilable.
771         if (otype->t != V_ANY) {
772             auto u = otype->UnWrapped();
773             assert(IsUDT(u->t));
774             if (otype->EqNoIndex(*argtype)) {
775                 CheckIfSpecialization(u->udt, argtype, n, argname, TypeName(otype), true,
776                                       context);
777             } else {
778                 // This likely generates either an error, or contains an unbound var that will get
779                 // bound.
780                 SubTypeT(argtype, otype, n, argname, context);
781                 //TypeError(TypeName(otype), argtype, n, argname, context);
782             }
783         }
784     }
FreeVarsSameAsCurrentTypeChecker786     bool FreeVarsSameAsCurrent(const SubFunction &sf, bool prespecialize) {
787         for (auto &freevar : sf.freevars.v) {
788             //auto atype = Promote(freevar.id->type);
789             if (freevar.sid != freevar.sid->Current() ||
790                 !ExactType(freevar.type, freevar.sid->Current()->type)) {
791                 (void)prespecialize;
792                 assert(prespecialize ||
793                        freevar.sid == freevar.sid->Current() ||
794                        (freevar.sid && freevar.sid->Current()));
795                 return false;
796             }
797             //if (atype->t == V_FUNCTION) return false;
798         }
799         return true;
800     }
CloneFunctionTypeChecker802     SubFunction *CloneFunction(SubFunction *csf, int i) {
803         LOG_DEBUG("cloning: ", csf->parent->name);
804         auto sf = st.CreateSubFunction();
805         sf->SetParent(*csf->parent, csf->parent->overloads[i]);
806         // Any changes here make sure this corresponds what happens in Inline() in the optimizer.
807         st.CloneIds(*sf, *csf);
808         sf->body = (List *)csf->body->Clone();
809         sf->freevarchecked = true;
810         sf->fixedreturntype = csf->fixedreturntype;
811         sf->returntype = csf->returntype;
812         sf->logvarcallgraph = csf->logvarcallgraph;
813         sf->method_of = csf->method_of;
814         return sf;
815     }
817     // See if returns produced by an existing specialization are compatible with our current
818     // context of functions.
CompatibleReturnsTypeChecker819     bool CompatibleReturns(const SubFunction &ssf) {
820         for (auto re : ssf.reuse_return_events) {
821             auto sf = re.first;
822             for (auto isc : reverse(scopes)) {
823                 if (isc.sf->parent == sf->parent) {
824                     if (isc.sf->reqret != sf->reqret) return false;
825                     goto found;
826                 }
827             }
828             return false;  // Function not in context.
829             found:;
830         }
831         return true;
832     }
CheckReturnPastTypeChecker834     void CheckReturnPast(const SubFunction *sf, const SubFunction *sf_to, const Node &context) {
835         // Special case for returning out of top level, which is always allowed.
836         if (sf_to == st.toplevel) return;
837         if (sf->iscoroutine) {
838             TypeError("cannot return out of coroutine", context);
839         }
840         if (sf->isdynamicfunctionvalue) {
841             // This is because the function has been typechecked against one context, but
842             // can be called again in a different context that does not have the same callers.
843             TypeError("cannot return out of dynamic function value", context);
844         }
845     }
TypeCheckCallTypeChecker847     TypeRef TypeCheckCall(SubFunction *csf, List *call_args, SubFunction *&chosen,
848                           const Node &call_context, size_t reqret, int &vtable_idx) {
849         Function &f = *csf->parent;
850         UDT *dispatch_udt = nullptr;
851         vtable_idx = -1;
853         auto TypeCheckMatchingCall = [&](SubFunction *sf, bool static_dispatch, bool first_dynamic) {
854             // Here we have a SubFunction witch matching specialized types.
855             sf->numcallers++;
856             Function &f = *sf->parent;
857             if (!f.istype) TypeCheckFunctionDef(*sf, call_context);
858             // Finally check all the manually typed args. We do this after checking the function
859             // definition, since SubType below can cause specializations of the current function
860             // to be typechecked with strongly typed function value arguments.
861             for (auto [i, c] : enumerate(call_args->children)) {
862                 if (i < f.nargs()) /* see below */ {
863                     auto &arg = sf->args.v[i];
864                     if (static_dispatch || first_dynamic) {
865                         // Check a dynamic dispatch only for the first case, and then skip
866                         // checking the first arg.
867                         if (!(arg.flags & AF_GENERIC) && (static_dispatch || i))
868                             SubType(c, arg.type, ArgName(i), f.name);
869                         AdjustLifetime(c, arg.sid->lt);
870                     }
871                 }
872                 // This has to happen even to dead args:
873                 if (static_dispatch || first_dynamic) DecBorrowers(c->lt, call_context);
874             }
875             chosen = sf;
876             for (auto &freevar : sf->freevars.v) {
877                 // New freevars may have been added during the function def typecheck above.
878                 // In case their types differ from the flow-sensitive value at the callsite (here),
879                 // we want to override them.
880                 freevar.type = freevar.sid->Current()->type;
881             }
882             // See if this call is recursive:
883             for (auto &sc : scopes) if (sc.sf == sf) { sf->isrecursivelycalled = true; break; }
884             return sf->returntype;
885         };
887         auto SpecializationIsCompatible = [&](const SubFunction &sf) {
888             return reqret == sf.reqret &&
889                 FreeVarsSameAsCurrent(sf, false) &&
890                 CompatibleReturns(sf);
891         };
893         auto ReplayReturns = [&](const SubFunction *sf) {
894             // Apply effects of return statements for functions being reused, see
895             // RetVal above.
896             for (auto [isf, type] : sf->reuse_return_events) {
897                 for (auto isc : reverse(scopes)) {
898                     if (isc.sf->parent == isf->parent) {
899                         // NOTE: will have to re-apply lifetimes as well if we change
900                         // from default of LT_KEEP.
901                         RetVal(type, isc.sf, call_context, false);
902                         // This should in theory not cause an error, since the previous
903                         // specialization was also ok with this set of return types.
904                         // It could happen though if this specialization has an
905                         // additional return statement that was optimized
906                         // out in the previous one.
907                         SubTypeT(type, isc.sf->returntype, call_context, "",
908                             "reused return value");
909                         break;
910                     }
911                     CheckReturnPast(isc.sf, isf, call_context);
912                 }
913             }
914         };
916         auto TypeCheckCallStatic = [&](int overload_idx, bool static_dispatch, bool first_dynamic) {
917             Function &f = *csf->parent;
918             SubFunction *sf = f.overloads[overload_idx];
919             if (sf->logvarcallgraph) {
920                 // Mark call-graph up to here as using logvars, if it hasn't been already.
921                 for (auto sc : reverse(scopes)) {
922                     if (sc.sf->logvarcallgraph) break;
923                     sc.sf->logvarcallgraph = true;
924                 }
925             }
926             // Check if we need to specialize: generic args, free vars and need of retval
927             // must match previous calls.
928             auto AllowAnyLifetime = [&](const Arg & arg) {
929                 return arg.sid->id->single_assignment && !sf->iscoroutine;
930             };
931             // Check if any existing specializations match.
932             for (sf = f.overloads[overload_idx]; sf; sf = sf->next) {
933                 if (sf->typechecked && !sf->mustspecialize && !sf->logvarcallgraph) {
934                     // We check against f.nargs because HOFs are allowed to call a function
935                     // value with more arguments than it needs (if we're called from
936                     // TypeCheckDynCall). Optimizer always removes these.
937                     // Note: we compare only lt, since calling with other borrowed sid
938                     // should be ok to reuse.
939                     for (auto [i, c] : enumerate(call_args->children)) if (i < f.nargs()) {
940                         auto &arg = sf->args.v[i];
941                         if ((arg.flags & AF_GENERIC && !ExactType(c->exptype, arg.type)) ||
942                             (IsBorrow(c->lt) != IsBorrow(arg.sid->lt) &&
943                                 AllowAnyLifetime(arg))) goto fail;
944                     }
945                     if (SpecializationIsCompatible(*sf)) {
946                         // This function can be reused.
947                         // Make sure to add any freevars this call caused to be
948                         // added to its parents also to the current parents, just in case
949                         // they're different.
950                         LOG_DEBUG("re-using: ", Signature(*sf));
951                         for (auto &fv : sf->freevars.v) CheckFreeVariable(*fv.sid);
952                         ReplayReturns(sf);
953                         return TypeCheckMatchingCall(sf, static_dispatch, first_dynamic);
954                     }
955                     fail:;
956                 }
957             }
958             // No match.
959             sf = f.overloads[overload_idx];
960             // Specialize existing function, or its clone.
961             if (sf->typechecked) sf = CloneFunction(sf, overload_idx);
962             // Now specialize.
963             sf->reqret = reqret;
964             // See if this is going to be a coroutine.
965             for (auto [i, c] : enumerate(call_args->children)) if (i < f.nargs()) /* see above */ {
966                 if (Is<CoClosure>(c))
967                     sf->iscoroutine = true;
968             }
969             for (auto [i, c] : enumerate(call_args->children)) if (i < f.nargs()) /* see above */ {
970                 auto &arg = sf->args.v[i];
971                 arg.sid->lt = AllowAnyLifetime(arg) ? c->lt : LT_KEEP;
972                 if (arg.flags & AF_GENERIC) {
973                     arg.type = c->exptype;  // Specialized to arg.
974                     CheckGenericArg(f.orig_args.v[i].type, arg.type, arg.sid->id->name,
975                         *c, f.name);
976                     LOG_DEBUG("arg: ", arg.sid->id->name, ":", TypeName(arg.type));
977                 }
978             }
979             // This must be the correct freevar specialization.
980             assert(!f.anonymous || sf->freevarchecked);
981             assert(!sf->freevars.v.size());
982             LOG_DEBUG("specialization: ", Signature(*sf));
983             return TypeCheckMatchingCall(sf, static_dispatch, first_dynamic);
984         };
986         auto TypeCheckCallDispatch = [&]() {
987             // We must assume the instance may dynamically be different, so go thru vtable.
988             // See if we already have a vtable entry for this type of call.
989             for (auto [i, disp] : enumerate(dispatch_udt->dispatch)) {
990                 // FIXME: does this guarantee it find it in the recursive case?
991                 // TODO: we chould check for a superclass vtable entry also, but chances
992                 // two levels will be present are low.
993                 if (disp.sf && disp.sf->method_of == dispatch_udt && disp.is_dispatch_root &&
994                     &f == disp.sf->parent && SpecializationIsCompatible(*disp.sf)) {
995                     for (auto [i, c] : enumerate(call_args->children)) if (i < f.nargs()) {
996                         auto &arg = disp.sf->args.v[i];
997                         if (i && !ConvertsTo(c->exptype, arg.type, false, false))
998                             goto fail;
999                     }
1000                     for (auto udt : dispatch_udt->subudts) {
1001                         // Since all functions were specialized with the same args, they should
1002                         // all be compatible if the root is.
1003                         auto sf = udt->dispatch[i].sf;
1004                         LOG_DEBUG("re-using dyndispatch: ", Signature(*sf));
1005                         assert(SpecializationIsCompatible(*sf));
1006                         for (auto &fv : sf->freevars.v) CheckFreeVariable(*fv.sid);
1007                         ReplayReturns(sf);
1008                     }
1009                     // Type check this as if it is a static dispatch to just the root function.
1010                     TypeCheckMatchingCall(disp.sf, true, false);
1011                     vtable_idx = (int)i;
1012                     return dispatch_udt->dispatch[i].returntype;
1013                 }
1014                 fail:;
1015             }
1016             // Must create a new vtable entry.
1017             // TODO: would be good to search superclass if it has this method also.
1018             // Probably not super important since dispatching on the "middle" type in a
1019             // hierarchy will be rare.
1020             // Find subclasses and max vtable size.
1021             {
1022                 vector<int> overload_idxs;
1023                 for (auto sub : dispatch_udt->subudts) {
1024                     int best = -1;
1025                     int bestdist = 0;
1026                     for (auto [i, sf] : enumerate(csf->parent->overloads)) {
1027                         if (sf->method_of) {
1028                             auto sdist = st.SuperDistance(sf->method_of, sub);
1029                             if (sdist >= 0 && (best < 0 || bestdist > sdist)) {
1030                                 best = (int)i;
1031                                 bestdist = sdist;
1032                             }
1033                         }
1034                     }
1035                     if (best < 0) {
1036                         if (sub->constructed) {
1037                             TypeError("no implementation for " + sub->name + "." + csf->parent->name,
1038                                 call_context);
1039                         } else {
1040                             // This UDT is unused, so we're ok there not being an implementation
1041                             // for it.. like e.g. an abstract base class.
1042                         }
1043                     }
1044                     overload_idxs.push_back(best);
1045                     vtable_idx = max(vtable_idx, (int)sub->dispatch.size());
1046                 }
1047                 // Add functions to all vtables.
1048                 for (auto [i, udt] : enumerate(dispatch_udt->subudts)) {
1049                     auto &dt = udt->dispatch;
1050                     assert((int)dt.size() <= vtable_idx);  // Double entry.
1051                     // FIXME: this is not great, wasting space, but only way to do this
1052                     // on the fly without tracking lots of things.
1053                     while ((int)dt.size() < vtable_idx) dt.push_back({});
1054                     dt.push_back({ overload_idxs[i] < 0
1055                                     ? nullptr
1056                                     : csf->parent->overloads[overload_idxs[i]] });
1057                 }
1058                 // FIXME: if any of the overloads below contain recursive calls, it may run into
1059                 // issues finding an existing dispatch above? would be good to guarantee..
1060                 // The fact that in subudts the superclass comes first will help avoid problems
1061                 // in many cases.
1062                 auto de = &dispatch_udt->dispatch[vtable_idx];
1063                 de->is_dispatch_root = true;
1064                 de->returntype = NewTypeVar();
1065                 // Typecheck all the individual functions.
1066                 SubFunction *last_sf = nullptr;
1067                 for (auto [i, udt] : enumerate(dispatch_udt->subudts)) {
1068                     auto sf = udt->dispatch[vtable_idx].sf;
1069                     if (!sf) continue;  // Missing implementation for unused UDT.
1070                     // FIXME: this possible runs the code below multiple times for the same sf,
1071                     // we rely on it finding the same specialization.
1072                     if (last_sf) {
1073                         // FIXME: good to have this check here so it only occurs for functions
1074                         // participating in the dispatch, but error now appears at the call site!
1075                         for (auto [j, arg] : enumerate(sf->args.v)) {
1076                             if (j && arg.type != last_sf->args.v[j].type &&
1077                                 !(arg.flags & AF_GENERIC))
1078                                 TypeError("argument " + to_string(j + 1) + " of " + f.name +
1079                                           " overload type mismatch", call_context);
1080                         }
1081                     }
1082                     call_args->children[0]->exptype = &udt->thistype;
1083                     // FIXME: return value?
1084                     /*auto rtype =*/ TypeCheckCallStatic(overload_idxs[i], false, !last_sf);
1085                     de = &dispatch_udt->dispatch[vtable_idx];  // May have realloced.
1086                     sf = chosen;
1087                     sf->method_of->dispatch[vtable_idx].sf = sf;
1088                     // FIXME: Lift these limits?
1089                     if (sf->returntype->NumValues() > 1)
1090                         TypeError("dynamic dispatch can currently return only 1 value.",
1091                             call_context);
1092                     auto u = sf->returntype;
1093                     if (de->returntype->IsBoundVar()) {
1094                         // Typically in recursive calls, but can happen otherwise also?
1095                         if (!ConvertsTo(u, de->returntype, false))
1096                             // FIXME: not a great error, but should be rare.
1097                             TypeError("dynamic dispatch for " + f.name +
1098                                 " return value type " +
1099                                 TypeName(sf->returntype) +
1100                                 " doesn\'t match other case returning " +
1101                                 TypeName(de->returntype), *sf->body);
1102                     } else {
1103                         if (i) {
1104                             // We have to be able to take the union of all retvals without
1105                             // coercion, since we're not fixing up any previously typechecked
1106                             // functions.
1107                             u = Union(u, de->returntype, false, &call_context);
1108                             // Ensure we didn't accidentally widen the type from a scalar.
1109                             assert(IsRef(de->returntype->t) || !IsRef(u->t));
1110                         }
1111                         de->returntype = u;
1112                     }
1113                     last_sf = sf;
1114                 }
1115                 call_args->children[0]->exptype = &dispatch_udt->thistype;
1116             }
1117             return dispatch_udt->dispatch[vtable_idx].returntype;
1118         };
1120         if (f.istype) {
1121             // Function types are always fully typed.
1122             // All calls thru this type must have same lifetimes, so we fix it to LT_BORROW.
1123             return TypeCheckMatchingCall(csf, true, false);
1124         }
1125         // Check if we need to do dynamic dispatch. We only do this for functions that have a
1126         // explicit first arg type of a class (not structs, since they can never dynamically be
1127         // different from their static type), and only when there is a sub-class that has a
1128         // method that can be called also.
1129         if (f.nargs()) {
1130             auto type = call_args->children[0]->exptype;
1131             if (type->t == V_CLASS) dispatch_udt = type->udt;
1132         }
1133         if (dispatch_udt) {
1134             size_t num_methods = 0;
1135             for (auto isf : csf->parent->overloads) if (isf->method_of) num_methods++;
1136             if (num_methods > 1) {
1137                 // Go thru all other overloads, and see if any of them have this one as superclass.
1138                 for (auto isf : csf->parent->overloads) {
1139                     if (isf->method_of && st.SuperDistance(dispatch_udt, isf->method_of) > 0) {
1140                         LOG_DEBUG("dynamic dispatch: ", Signature(*isf));
1141                         return TypeCheckCallDispatch();
1142                     }
1143                 }
1144                 // Yay there are no sub-class implementations, we can just statically dispatch.
1145             }
1146             // Yay only one method, we can statically dispatch.
1147         }
1148         // Do a static dispatch, if there are overloads, figure out from first arg which to pick,
1149         // much like dynamic dispatch. Unlike dynamic dispatch, we also include non-class types.
1150         // TODO: also involve the other arguments for more complex static overloads?
1151         int overload_idx = 0;
1152         if (f.nargs() && f.overloads.size() > 1) {
1153             overload_idx = -1;
1154             auto type0 = call_args->children[0]->exptype;
1155             // First see if there is an exact match.
1156             for (auto [i, isf] : enumerate(f.overloads)) {
1157                 if (ExactType(type0, isf->args.v[0].type)) {
1158                     if (overload_idx >= 0)
1159                         TypeError("multiple overloads have the same type: " + f.name +
1160                                   ", first arg: " + TypeName(type0), call_context);
1161                     overload_idx = (int)i;
1162                 }
1163             }
1164             // Then see if there's a match by subtyping.
1165             if (overload_idx < 0) {
1166                 for (auto [i, isf] : enumerate(f.overloads)) {
1167                     auto arg0 = isf->args.v[0].type;
1168                     if (ConvertsTo(type0, arg0, false, false)) {
1169                         if (overload_idx >= 0) {
1170                             if (type0->t == V_CLASS) {
1171                                 auto oarg0 = f.overloads[overload_idx]->args.v[0].type;
1172                                 // Prefer "closest" supertype.
1173                                 auto dist = st.SuperDistance(arg0->udt, type0->udt);
1174                                 auto odist = st.SuperDistance(oarg0->udt, type0->udt);
1175                                 if (dist < odist) overload_idx = (int)i;
1176                                 else if (odist < dist) { /* keep old one */ }
1177                                 else {
1178                                     TypeError("multiple overloads have the same class: " + f.name +
1179                                               ", first arg: " + TypeName(type0), call_context);
1180                                 }
1181                             } else {
1182                                 TypeError("multiple overloads apply: " + f.name + ", first arg: " +
1183                                     TypeName(type0), call_context);
1184                             }
1185                         } else {
1186                             overload_idx = (int)i;
1187                         }
1188                     }
1189                 }
1190             }
1191             // Then finally try with coercion.
1192             if (overload_idx < 0) {
1193                 for (auto [i, isf] : enumerate(f.overloads)) {
1194                     if (ConvertsTo(type0, isf->args.v[0].type, true, false)) {
1195                         if (overload_idx >= 0) {
1196                             TypeError("multiple overloads can coerce: " + f.name +
1197                                       ", first arg: " + TypeName(type0), call_context);
1198                         }
1199                         overload_idx = (int)i;
1200                     }
1201                 }
1202             }
1203             if (overload_idx < 0)
1204                 TypeError("no overloads apply: " + f.name + ", first arg: " + TypeName(type0),
1205                           call_context);
1206         }
1207         LOG_DEBUG("static dispatch: ", Signature(*f.overloads[overload_idx]));
1208         return TypeCheckCallStatic(overload_idx, true, false);
1209     }
PreSpecializeFunctionTypeChecker1211     SubFunction *PreSpecializeFunction(SubFunction *hsf) {
1212         // Don't pre-specialize named functions, because this is not their call-site.
1213         if (!hsf->parent->anonymous) return hsf;
1214         assert(hsf->parent->overloads.size() == 1);
1215         hsf = hsf->parent->overloads[0];
1216         auto sf = hsf;
1217         if (sf->freevarchecked) {
1218             // See if there's an existing match.
1219             for (; sf; sf = sf->next) if (sf->freevarchecked) {
1220                 if (FreeVarsSameAsCurrent(*sf, true)) return sf;
1221             }
1222             sf = CloneFunction(hsf, 0);
1223         } else {
1224             // First time this function has ever been touched.
1225             sf->freevarchecked = true;
1226         }
1227         assert(!sf->freevars.v.size());
1228         // Output without arg types, since those are yet to be overwritten.
1229         LOG_DEBUG("pre-specialization: ", SignatureWithFreeVars(*sf, nullptr, false));
1230         return sf;
1231     }
TypeCheckDynCallTypeChecker1233     pair<TypeRef, Lifetime> TypeCheckDynCall(SpecIdent *fval, List *args, SubFunction *&fspec,
1234                                              size_t reqret) {
1235         auto &ftype = fval->type;
1236         auto nargs = args->Arity();
1237         // FIXME: split this up in a Call, a Yield and a DynCall(istype = true) node, just like
1238         // GenericCall does.
1239         if (ftype->IsFunction()) {
1240             // We can statically typecheck this dynamic call. Happens for almost all non-escaping
1241             // closures.
1242             auto sf = ftype->sf;
1243             if (nargs < sf->parent->nargs())
1244                 TypeError("function value called with too few arguments", *args);
1245             // In the case of too many args, TypeCheckCall will ignore them (and optimizer will
1246             // remove them).
1247             int vtable_idx = -1;
1248             auto type = TypeCheckCall(sf, args, fspec, *args, reqret, vtable_idx);
1249             assert(vtable_idx < 0);
1250             ftype = &fspec->thistype;
1251             return { type, fspec->ltret };
1252         } else if (ftype->t == V_YIELD) {
1253             // V_YIELD must have perculated up from a coroutine call.
1254             if (nargs != 1)
1255                 TypeError("coroutine yield call must have exactly one argument", *args);
1256             NoStruct(*args->children[0], "yield");  // FIXME: implement.
1257             AdjustLifetime(args->children[0], LT_KEEP);
1258             for (auto scope : reverse(named_scopes)) {
1259                 auto sf = scope.sf;
1260                 if (!sf->iscoroutine) continue;
1261                 // What yield returns to return_value(). If no arg, then it will return nil.
1262                 auto type = args->children[0]->exptype;
1263                 RetVal(type, sf, *args);
1264                 SubTypeT(type, sf->returntype, *args, "", "yield value");
1265                 // Now collect all ids between coroutine and yield, so that we can save these in the
1266                 // VM.
1267                 bool foundstart = false;
1268                 for (auto savescope = scopes.begin(); savescope != scopes.end(); ++savescope) {
1269                     auto ssf = savescope->sf;
1270                     if (ssf == sf) foundstart = true;
1271                     if (!foundstart) continue;
1272                     for (auto &arg : ssf->args.v)
1273                         sf->coyieldsave.Add(arg);
1274                     for (auto &loc : ssf->locals.v)
1275                         sf->coyieldsave.Add(Arg(loc.sid, loc.sid->type, loc.flags & AF_WITHTYPE));
1276                 }
1277                 for (auto &cys : sf->coyieldsave.v) UpdateCurrentSid(cys.sid);
1278                 return { sf->coresumetype, LT_KEEP };
1279             }
1280             TypeError("yield function called outside scope of coroutine", *args);
1281             return { type_void, LT_ANY };
1282         } else {
1283             TypeError("dynamic function call value doesn\'t have a function type: " +
1284                       TypeName(ftype), *args);
1285             return { type_void, LT_ANY };
1286         }
1287     }
TypeCheckBranchTypeChecker1289     TypeRef TypeCheckBranch(bool iftrue, const Node *condition, Node *&bodycall,
1290                             bool reqret, Lifetime recip) {
1291         auto flowstart = CheckFlowTypeChanges(iftrue, condition);
1292         TT(bodycall, reqret, recip);
1293         CleanUpFlow(flowstart);
1294         return bodycall->exptype;
1295     }
CheckFlowTypeIdOrDotTypeChecker1297     void CheckFlowTypeIdOrDot(const Node &n, TypeRef type) {
1298         FlowItem fi(n, type);
1299         if (fi.IsValid()) flowstack.push_back(fi);
1300     }
CheckFlowTypeChangesSubTypeChecker1302     void CheckFlowTypeChangesSub(bool iftrue, const Node *condition) {
1303         condition = SkipCoercions(condition);
1304         auto type = condition->exptype;
1305         if (auto c = Is<IsType>(condition)) {
1306             if (iftrue) CheckFlowTypeIdOrDot(*c->child, c->giventype);
1307         } else if (auto c = Is<Not>(condition)) {
1308             CheckFlowTypeChangesSub(!iftrue, c->child);
1309         } else {
1310             if (iftrue && type->t == V_NIL) CheckFlowTypeIdOrDot(*condition, type->Element());
1311         }
1312     }
CheckFlowTypeChangesAndOrTypeChecker1314     void CheckFlowTypeChangesAndOr(bool iftrue, const BinOp *condition) {
1315         // AND only works for then, and OR only for else.
1316         if (iftrue == (Is<And>(condition) != nullptr)) {
1317             // This allows for a chain of and's without allowing mixed operators.
1318             auto cleft = SkipCoercions(condition->left);
1319             if (typeid(*cleft) == typeid(*condition)) {
1320                 CheckFlowTypeChanges(iftrue, condition->left);
1321             } else {
1322                 CheckFlowTypeChangesSub(iftrue, condition->left);
1323             }
1324             CheckFlowTypeChangesSub(iftrue, condition->right);
1325         }
1326     }
CheckFlowTypeChangesTypeChecker1328     size_t CheckFlowTypeChanges(bool iftrue, const Node *condition) {
1329         auto start = flowstack.size();
1330         condition = SkipCoercions(condition);
1331         if (auto c = Is<Or>(condition)) {
1332             CheckFlowTypeChangesAndOr(iftrue, c);
1333         } else if (auto c = Is<And>(condition)) {
1334             CheckFlowTypeChangesAndOr(iftrue, c);
1335         } else {
1336             CheckFlowTypeChangesSub(iftrue, condition);
1337         }
1338         return start;
1339     }
AssignFlowPromoteTypeChecker1341     void AssignFlowPromote(Node &left, TypeRef right) {
1342         if ((left.exptype->t == V_ANY && right->t != V_ANY) ||
1343             (left.exptype->t == V_NIL && right->t != V_NIL)) {
1344             CheckFlowTypeIdOrDot(left, right);
1345         }
1346     }
1348     // FIXME: this can in theory find the wrong node, if the same function nests, and the outer
1349     // one was specialized to a nilable and the inner one was not.
1350     // This would be very rare though, and benign.
AssignFlowDemoteTypeChecker1351     TypeRef AssignFlowDemote(FlowItem &left, TypeRef overwritetype, bool coercions) {
1352         // Early out, numeric types are not nillable, nor do they make any sense for "is"
1353         auto &type = left.now;
1354         if (type->Numeric()) return type;
1355         for (auto flow : reverse(flowstack)) {
1356             if (flow.sid == left.sid) {
1357                 if (left.derefs.empty()) {
1358                     if (flow.derefs.empty()) {
1359                         type = flow.old;
1360                         goto found;
1361                     } else {
1362                         // We're writing to var V and V.f is in the stack: invalidate regardless.
1363                         goto found;
1364                     }
1365                 } else {
1366                     if (flow.DerefsEqual(left)) {
1367                         type = flow.old;
1368                         goto found;
1369                     }
1370                 }
1371             }
1372             continue;
1373             found:
1374             if (!ConvertsTo(overwritetype, flow.now, coercions)) {
1375                 // FLow based promotion is invalidated.
1376                 flow.now = flow.old;
1377                 // TODO: It be cool to instead overwrite with whatever type is currently being
1378                 // assigned. That currently doesn't work, since our flow analysis is a
1379                 // conservative approximation, so if this assignment happens conditionally it
1380                 // wouldn't work.
1381             }
1382             // We continue with the loop here, since a single assignment may invalidate multiple
1383             // promotions
1384         }
1385         return type;
1386     }
UseFlowTypeChecker1388     TypeRef UseFlow(const FlowItem &left) {
1389         if (left.now->Numeric()) return left.now;  // Early out, same as above.
1390         for (auto flow : reverse(flowstack)) {
1391             if (flow.sid == left.sid &&	flow.DerefsEqual(left)) {
1392                 return flow.now;
1393             }
1394         }
1395         return left.now;
1396     }
CleanUpFlowTypeChecker1398     void CleanUpFlow(size_t start) {
1399         while (flowstack.size() > start) flowstack.pop_back();
1400     }
TypeCheckAndOrTypeChecker1402     void TypeCheckAndOr(BinOp &ao, bool only_true_type, bool reqret, TypeRef &promoted_type) {
1403         // only_true_type supports patterns like ((a & b) | c) where the type of a doesn't matter,
1404         // and the overal type should be the union of b and c.
1405         // Or a? | b, which should also be the union of a and b.
1406         TypeRef tleft, tright;
1407         TypeCheckAndOrSub(ao.left, Is<Or>(ao), true, tleft);
1408         auto flowstart = CheckFlowTypeChanges(Is<And>(ao), ao.left);
1409         TypeCheckAndOrSub(ao.right, only_true_type, reqret, tright);
1410         CleanUpFlow(flowstart);
1411         if (only_true_type && Is<And>(ao)) {
1412             ao.exptype = tright;
1413             ao.lt = ao.right->lt;
1414             DecBorrowers(ao.left->lt, ao);
1415         } else {
1416             ao.exptype = Union(tleft, tright, false, nullptr);
1417             if (ao.exptype->t == V_UNDEFINED) {
1418                 // Special case: unlike elsewhere, we allow merging scalar and reference types,
1419                 // since they are just tested and thrown away. To make this work, we force all
1420                 // values to bools.
1421                 MakeBool(ao.left);
1422                 MakeBool(ao.right);
1423                 ao.exptype = &st.default_bool_type->thistype;
1424                 ao.lt = LT_ANY;
1425             } else {
1426                 ao.lt = LifetimeUnion(ao.left, ao.right, Is<And>(ao));
1427             }
1428         }
1429         promoted_type = ao.exptype;
1430     }
TypeCheckAndOrSubTypeChecker1432     void TypeCheckAndOrSub(Node *&n, bool only_true_type, bool reqret, TypeRef &promoted_type) {
1433         // only_true_type supports patterns like ((a & b) | c) where the type of a doesn't matter,
1434         // and the overal type should be the union of b and c.
1435         // Or a? | b, which should also be the union of a and b.
1436         n = RemoveCoercions(n);
1437         if (!Is<And>(n) && !Is<Or>(n)) {
1438             TT(n, reqret, LT_ANY);
1439             NoStruct(*n, "and / or");
1440             promoted_type = n->exptype;
1441             if (promoted_type->t == V_NIL && only_true_type)
1442                 promoted_type = promoted_type->Element();
1443         } else {
1444             auto ao = dynamic_cast<BinOp *>(n);
1445             assert(ao);
1446             TypeCheckAndOr(*ao, only_true_type, reqret, promoted_type);
1447         }
1448     }
CheckLvalTypeChecker1450     void CheckLval(Node *n) {
1451         if (auto dot = Is<Dot>(n)) {
1452             auto type = dot->children[0]->exptype;
1453             if (IsStruct(type->t))
1454                 TypeError("cannot write to field of value: " + type->udt->name, *n);
1455         }
1456         // This can happen due to late specialization of GenericCall.
1457         if (Is<Call>(n) || Is<NativeCall>(n))
1458             TypeError("function-call cannot be an l-value", *n);
1459         Borrow lv(*n);
1460         if (!lv.IsValid()) return;  // FIXME: force these to LT_KEEP?
1461         if (lv.derefs.empty() && LifetimeType(lv.sid->lt) == LT_BORROW) {
1462             // This should only happen for multimethods and anonymous functions used with istype
1463             // where we can't avoid arguments being LT_BORROW.
1464             // All others should have been specialized to LT_KEEP when a var is not
1465             // single_assignment.
1466             // This is not particularly elegant but should be rare.
1467             TypeError(cat("cannot assign to borrowed argument: ", lv.sid->id->name), *n);
1468         }
1469         // FIXME: make this faster.
1470         for (auto &b : reverse(borrowstack)) {
1471             if (!b.IsPrefix(lv)) continue;  // Not overwriting this one.
1472             if (!b.refc) continue;          // Lval is not borowed, writing is ok.
1473             TypeError(cat("cannot assign to ", lv.Name(), " while borrowed"), *n);
1474         }
1475     }
PushBorrowTypeChecker1477     Lifetime PushBorrow(Node *n) {
1478         if (!IsRefNilVar(n->exptype->t)) return LT_ANY;
1479         Borrow lv(*n);
1480         // FIXME: if this is an exp we don't know how to borrow from (like a[i].b) we
1481         // return a generic borrow, but this disables lock checks so is unsafe.
1482         if (!lv.IsValid()) return LT_BORROW;
1483         for (auto &b : reverse(borrowstack)) {
1484             if (b.sid == lv.sid && b.DerefsEqual(lv)) {
1485                 b.refc++;
1486                 return (Lifetime)(&b - &borrowstack[0]);
1487             }
1488         }
1489         // FIXME: this path is slow, should not have to scan all of borrowstack.
1490         auto lt = (Lifetime)borrowstack.size();
1491         borrowstack.push_back(lv);
1492         return lt;
1493     }
CheckFreeVariableTypeChecker1495     void CheckFreeVariable(SpecIdent &sid) {
1496         // If this is a free variable, record it in all parents up to the definition point.
1497         // FIXME: this is technically not the same as a "free variable" in the literature,
1498         // since HOFs get marked with freevars of their functionvalue this way.
1499         // This is benign, since the HOF will be specialized to the function value anyway,
1500         // but would be good to clean up.
1501         // We currently don't have an easy way to test for lexically enclosing functions.
1502         for (int i = (int)scopes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
1503             auto sf = scopes[i].sf;
1504             // Check if we arrived at the definition point.
1505             if (sid.sf_def == sf)
1506                 break;
1507             // We use the id's type, not the flow sensitive type, just in case there's multiple uses
1508             // of the var. This will get corrected after the call this is part of.
1509             if (sf->freevars.Add(Arg(&sid, sid.type, AF_GENERIC))) {
1510                 //LOG_DEBUG("freevar added: ", id.name, " (", TypeName(id.type),
1511                 //                     ") in ", sf->parent->name);
1512             }
1513         }
1514     }
NeverReturnsTypeChecker1516     bool NeverReturns(const Node *n) {
1517         if (auto call = Is<Call>(n)) {
1518             // Have to be conservative for recursive calls since we're not done typechecking it.
1519             if (call->sf->isrecursivelycalled ||
1520                 call->sf->method_of ||
1521                 call->sf->iscoroutine ||
1522                 call->sf->parent->istype) return false;
1523             if (!call->sf->num_returns) return true;
1524             if (call->sf->num_returns == 1) {
1525                 auto ret = AssertIs<Return>(call->sf->body->children.back());
1526                 assert(ret->sf == call->sf);
1527                 return NeverReturns(ret->child);
1528             }
1529             // TODO: could also check num_returns > 1, but then have to scan all children.
1530         } else if (auto ifthen = Is<If>(n)) {
1531             auto tp = Is<Call>(ifthen->truepart);
1532             auto fp = Is<Call>(ifthen->falsepart);
1533             return tp && fp && NeverReturns(tp) && NeverReturns(fp);
1534         } else if (auto sw = Is<Switch>(n)) {
1535             auto have_default = false;
1536             for (auto c : sw->cases->children) {
1537                 auto cas = AssertIs<Case>(c);
1538                 if (cas->pattern->children.empty()) have_default = true;
1539                 if (!NeverReturns(cas->body)) return false;
1540             }
1541             return have_default;
1542         } else if (auto nc = Is<NativeCall>(n)) {
1543             // A function may end in "assert false" and have only its previous return statements
1544             // taken into account.
1545             Value cval;
1546             if (nc->nf->IsAssert() && nc->children[0]->ConstVal(*this, cval) && !cval.True())
1547                 return true;
1548         }
1549         // TODO: Other situations?
1550         return false;
1551     }
TypeCheckListTypeChecker1553     void TypeCheckList(List *n, bool onlylast, size_t reqret, Lifetime lt) {
1554         for (auto &c : n->children) {
1555             auto tovoid = onlylast && c != n->children.back();
1556             TT(c, tovoid ? 0 : reqret,
1557                   tovoid ? LT_ANY : lt);
1558         }
1559     }
TypeCheckIdTypeChecker1561     TypeRef TypeCheckId(SpecIdent *sid) {
1562         auto type = sid->type;
1563         CheckFreeVariable(*sid);
1564         return type;
1565     }
IsCoercionTypeChecker1567     const Coercion *IsCoercion(const Node *n) {
1568         return dynamic_cast<const Coercion *>(n);
1569     }
SkipCoercionsTypeChecker1571     const Node *SkipCoercions(const Node *n) {
1572         auto c = IsCoercion(n);
1573         return c ? SkipCoercions(c->child) : n;
1574     }
RemoveCoercionsTypeChecker1576     Node *RemoveCoercions(Node *n) {
1577         auto c = IsCoercion(n);
1578         return c ? RemoveCoercions(DeleteCoercion((Coercion *)c)) : n;
1579     }
DeleteCoercionTypeChecker1581     Node *DeleteCoercion(Coercion *c) {
1582         auto ch = c->child;
1583         c->child = nullptr;
1584         delete c;
1585         return ch;
1586     }
LvalueLifetimeTypeChecker1588     Lifetime LvalueLifetime(const Node &lval, bool deref) {
1589         if (auto idr = Is<IdentRef>(lval)) return idr->sid->lt;
1590         if (deref) {
1591             if (auto dot = Is<Dot>(lval)) return LvalueLifetime(*dot->children[0], deref);
1592             if (auto idx = Is<Indexing>(lval)) return LvalueLifetime(*idx->object, deref);
1593         }
1594         if (auto cod = Is<CoDot>(lval)) return AssertIs<IdentRef>(cod->variable)->sid->lt;
1595         return LT_KEEP;
1596     }
LifetimeUnionTypeChecker1598     Lifetime LifetimeUnion(Node *&a, Node *&b, bool is_and) {
1599         if (a->lt == b->lt) {
1600             DecBorrowers(b->lt, *b);
1601             return a->lt;
1602         } else if (a->lt == LT_ANY && b->lt >= LT_BORROW) {
1603             // This case may apply in an if-then between a var and nil, or an and/or between
1604             // a var and a scalar.
1605             return b->lt;
1606         } else if (b->lt == LT_ANY && a->lt >= LT_BORROW) {
1607             // Same.
1608             return a->lt;
1609         } else if (is_and && a->lt >= LT_BORROW && b->lt >= LT_BORROW) {
1610             // var_a and var_b never results in var_a.
1611             DecBorrowers(a->lt, *a);
1612             return b->lt;
1613         } else {
1614             // If it is an and we want to borrow the lhs since it will never be used.
1615             // Otherwise default to LT_KEEP for everything.
1616             // FIXME: for cases where both sides are >= LT_BORROW (in an if-then) we'd like to
1617             // combine both lifetimes into one, but we currently can't represent that.
1618             AdjustLifetime(a, is_and ? LT_BORROW : LT_KEEP);
1619             if (is_and) DecBorrowers(a->lt, *a);
1620             AdjustLifetime(b, LT_KEEP);
1621             return LT_KEEP;
1622         }
1623     }
BorrowersTypeChecker1625     void Borrowers(Lifetime lt, int change, const Node &context) {
1626         if (lt < 0) return;
1627         auto &b = borrowstack[lt];
1628         assert(IsRefNilVar(b.sid->type->t));
1629         b.refc += change;
1630         LOG_DEBUG("borrow ", change, ": ", b.sid->id->name, " in ", NiceName(context),
1631                ", ", b.refc, " remain");
1632         // FIXME: this should really just not be possible, but hard to guarantee.
1633         if (b.refc < 0)
1634             TypeError(cat(b.sid->id->name, " used in ", NiceName(context),
1635                           " without being borrowed"), context);
1636         assert(b.refc >= 0);
1637         (void)context;
1638     }
IncBorrowersTypeChecker1640     void IncBorrowers(Lifetime lt, const Node &context) { Borrowers(lt, 1, context); }
DecBorrowersTypeChecker1641     void DecBorrowers(Lifetime lt, const Node &context) { Borrowers(lt, -1, context); }
ModifyLifetimeTypeChecker1643     void ModifyLifetime(Node *n, size_t i, Lifetime lt) {
1644         if (n->lt == LT_MULTIPLE) {
1645             n->exptype->Set(i, n->exptype->Get(i), lt);
1646         } else {
1647             n->lt = lt;
1648         }
1649     }
1651     void AdjustLifetime(Node *&n, Lifetime recip, const vector<Node *> *idents = nullptr) {
1652         assert(n->lt != LT_UNDEF && recip != LT_UNDEF);
1653         if (recip == LT_ANY) return;
1654         uint64_t incref = 0, decref = 0;
1655         auto rt = n->exptype;
1656         for (size_t i = 0; i < rt->NumValues(); i++) {
1657             assert (n->lt != LT_MULTIPLE || rt->t == V_TUPLE);
1658             auto givenlt = rt->GetLifetime(i, n->lt);
1659             auto given = LifetimeType(givenlt);
1660             if (idents) recip = LvalueLifetime(*(*idents)[i], false);  // FIXME: overwrite var?
1661             recip = LifetimeType(recip);
1662             if (given != recip) {
1663                 auto rtt = rt->Get(i)->t;
1664                 // Sadly, if it a V_VAR we have to be conservate and assume it may become a ref.
1665                 if (IsRefNilVar(rtt)) {
1666                     // Special action required.
1667                     if (i >= sizeof(incref) * 8) TypeError("too many return values", *n);
1668                     if (given == LT_BORROW && recip == LT_KEEP) {
1669                         incref |= 1LL << i;
1670                         DecBorrowers(givenlt, *n);
1671                     } else if (given == LT_KEEP && recip == LT_BORROW) {
1672                         decref |= 1LL << i;
1673                     } else if (given == LT_ANY) {
1674                         // These are compatible with whatever recip wants.
1675                     } else {
1676                         assert(false);
1677                     }
1678                 } else {
1679                     if (given == LT_BORROW) {
1680                         // This is a scalar that depends on a borrowed value, but the recipient
1681                         // doesn't care.
1682                         ModifyLifetime(n, i, LT_ANY);  // Avoid it travelling any further.
1683                         DecBorrowers(givenlt, *n);
1684                     }
1685                 }
1686                 if (given == LT_ANY) {
1687                     // Fill in desired lifetime, for consistency.
1688                     ModifyLifetime(n, i, recip);
1689                 }
1690             }
1691         }
1692         if (incref || decref) {
1693             LOG_DEBUG("lifetime adjust for ", NiceName(*n), " to ", incref, "/",
1694                                  decref);
1695             MakeLifetime(n, idents ? LT_MULTIPLE: recip, incref, decref);
1696         }
1697     }
1699     // This is the central function thru which all typechecking flows, so we can conveniently
1700     // match up what the node produces and what the recipient expects.
1701     void TT(Node *&n, size_t reqret, Lifetime recip, const vector<Node *> *idents = nullptr) {
1702         // Central point from which each node is typechecked.
1703         n = n->TypeCheck(*this, reqret);
1704         // Check if we need to do any type adjustmenst.
1705         auto &rt = n->exptype;
1706         n->exptype = rt;
1707         auto nret = rt->NumValues();
1708         if (nret < reqret) {
1709             TypeError(cat(NiceName(*n), " returns ", nret, " values, ", reqret, " needed"), *n);
1710         } else if (nret > reqret) {
1711             for (size_t i = reqret; i < nret; i++) {
1712                 // This value will be dropped.
1713                 DecBorrowers(rt->GetLifetime(i, n->lt), *n);
1714                 // If this is a LT_KEEP value, codegen will make sure to throw it away.
1715             }
1716             switch (reqret) {
1717                 case 0:
1718                     n->lt = LT_ANY;
1719                     rt = type_void;
1720                     break;
1721                 case 1: {
1722                     auto typelt = TypeLT { *n, 0 };  // Get from tuple.
1723                     n->lt = typelt.lt;
1724                     rt = typelt.type;
1725                     break;
1726                 }
1727                 default: {
1728                     auto nt = NewTuple(reqret);
1729                     nt->tup->assign(rt->tup->begin(), rt->tup->begin() + reqret);
1730                     rt = nt;
1731                 }
1732             }
1733         }
1734         // Check if we need to do any lifetime adjustments.
1735         AdjustLifetime(n, recip, idents);
1736     }
1738     // TODO: Can't do this transform ahead of time, since it often depends upon the input args.
ActualBuiltinTypeTypeChecker1739     TypeRef ActualBuiltinType(int flen, TypeRef type, ArgFlags flags, Node *exp,
1740                               const NativeFun *nf, bool test_overloads, size_t argn,
1741                               const Node &errorn) {
1742         if (flags & NF_BOOL) {
1743             type = type->ElementIfNil();
1744             assert(type->t == V_INT);
1745             return &st.default_bool_type->thistype;
1746         }
1747         // See if we can promote the type to one of the standard vector types
1748         // (xy/xyz/xyzw).
1749         if (!flen) return type;
1750         type = type->ElementIfNil();
1751         auto etype = exp ? exp->exptype : nullptr;
1752         auto e = etype;
1753         size_t i = 0;
1754         for (auto vt = type; vt->t == V_VECTOR && i < SymbolTable::NUM_VECTOR_TYPE_WRAPPINGS;
1755             vt = vt->sub) {
1756             if (vt->sub->Numeric()) {
1757                 // Check if we allow any vector length.
1758                 if (!e.Null() && flen == -1 && e->t == V_STRUCT_S) {
1759                     flen = (int)e->udt->fields.size();
1760                 }
1761                 if (!etype.Null() && flen == -1 && etype->t == V_VAR) {
1762                     // Special case for "F}?" style types that can be matched against a
1763                     // DefaultArg, would be good to solve this more elegantly..
1764                     // FIXME: don't know arity, but it doesn't matter, so we pick 2..
1765                     return st.VectorType(vt, i, 2);
1766                 }
1767                 if (flen >= 2 && flen <= 4) {
1768                     if (!e.Null() && e->t == V_STRUCT_S && (int)e->udt->fields.size() == flen &&
1769                         e->udt->sametype == vt->sub) {
1770                         // Allow any similar vector type, like "color".
1771                         return etype;
1772                     }
1773                     else {
1774                         // Require xy/xyz/xyzw
1775                         return st.VectorType(vt, i, flen);
1776                     }
1777                 }
1778             }
1779             e = !e.Null() && e->t == V_VECTOR ? e->sub : nullptr;
1780             i++;
1781         }
1782         // We arrive here typically if flen == -1 but we weren't able to derive a length.
1783         // Sadly, we can't allow to return a vector type instead of a struct, so we error out,
1784         // and rely on the user to specify more precise types.
1785         // Not sure if there is a better solution.
1786         if (!test_overloads)
1787             TypeError("cannot deduce struct type for " +
1788             (argn ? cat("argument ", argn) : "return value") +
1789                 " of " + nf->name + (!etype.Null() ? ", got: " + TypeName(etype) : ""),
1790                 errorn);
1791         return type;
1792     };
StatsTypeChecker1794     void Stats() {
1795         if (min_output_level > OUTPUT_INFO) return;
1796         int origsf = 0, clonesf = 0;
1797         size_t orignodes = 0, clonenodes = 0;
1798         typedef pair<size_t, Function *> Pair;
1799         vector<Pair> funstats;
1800         for (auto f : st.functiontable) funstats.push_back({ 0, f });
1801         for (auto sf : st.subfunctiontable) {
1802             auto count = sf->body ? sf->body->Count() : 0;
1803             if (!sf->next)        {
1804                 origsf++;
1805                 orignodes += count;
1806             } else {
1807                 clonesf++;
1808                 clonenodes += count;
1809                 funstats[sf->parent->idx].first += count;
1810             }
1811         }
1812         LOG_INFO("SF count: orig: ", origsf, ", cloned: ", clonesf);
1813         LOG_INFO("Node count: orig: ", orignodes, ", cloned: ", clonenodes);
1814         sort(funstats.begin(), funstats.end(),
1815             [](const Pair &a, const Pair &b) { return a.first > b.first; });
1816         for (auto &[fsize, f] : funstats) if (fsize > orignodes / 100) {
1817             auto &pos = f->overloads.back()->body->line;
1818             LOG_INFO("Most clones: ", f->name, " (", st.filenames[pos.fileidx], ":", pos.line,
1819                      ") -> ", fsize, " nodes accross ", f->NumSubf() - f->overloads.size(),
1820                      " clones (+", f->overloads.size(), " orig)");
1821         }
1822     }
1823 };
TypeCheck(TypeChecker &,size_t)1825 Node *List::TypeCheck(TypeChecker & /*tc*/, size_t /*reqret*/) {
1826     assert(false);  // Parent calls TypeCheckList.
1827     return this;
1828 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker &,size_t)1830 Node *Unary::TypeCheck(TypeChecker & /*tc*/, size_t /*reqret*/) {
1831     assert(false);
1832     return this;
1833 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker &,size_t)1835 Node *BinOp::TypeCheck(TypeChecker & /*tc*/, size_t /*reqret*/) {
1836     assert(false);
1837     return this;
1838 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker &,size_t)1840 Node *Inlined::TypeCheck(TypeChecker & /*tc*/, size_t /*reqret*/) {
1841     assert(false);  // Generated after type-checker in optimizer.
1842     return this;
1843 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t reqret)1845 Node *Or::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t reqret) {
1846     TypeRef dummy;
1847     tc.TypeCheckAndOr(*this, false, reqret, dummy);
1848     return this;
1849 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t reqret)1851 Node *And::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t reqret) {
1852     TypeRef dummy;
1853     tc.TypeCheckAndOr(*this, false, reqret, dummy);
1854     return this;
1855 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t reqret)1857 Node *If::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t reqret) {
1858     tc.TT(condition, 1, LT_BORROW);
1859     tc.NoStruct(*condition, "if");
1860     tc.DecBorrowers(condition->lt, *this);
1861     Value cval;
1862     bool isconst = condition->ConstVal(tc, cval);
1863     if (!Is<DefaultVal>(falsepart)) {
1864         if (!isconst) {
1865             auto tleft = tc.TypeCheckBranch(true, condition, truepart, reqret, LT_ANY);
1866             auto tright = tc.TypeCheckBranch(false, condition, falsepart, reqret, LT_ANY);
1867             // FIXME: this is a bit of a hack. Much better if we had an actual type
1868             // to signify NORETURN, to be taken into account in more places.
1869             auto truec = AssertIs<Call>(truepart);
1870             auto falsec = AssertIs<Call>(falsepart);
1871             if (tc.NeverReturns(truec)) {
1872                 exptype = tright;
1873                 lt = falsepart->lt;
1874             } else if (tc.NeverReturns(falsec)) {
1875                 exptype = tleft;
1876                 lt = truepart->lt;
1877             } else {
1878                 exptype = tc.Union(tleft, tright, true, this);
1879                 // These will potentially make either body from T_CALL into some
1880                 // coercion.
1881                 tc.SubType(truepart, exptype, "then branch", *this);
1882                 tc.SubType(falsepart, exptype, "else branch", *this);
1883                 lt = tc.LifetimeUnion(truepart, falsepart, false);
1884             }
1885         } else if (cval.True()) {
1886             // Ignore the else part, optimizer guaranteed to cull it.
1887             exptype = tc.TypeCheckBranch(true, condition, truepart, reqret, LT_ANY);
1888             lt = truepart->lt;
1889         } else {
1890             // Ignore the then part, optimizer guaranteed to cull it.
1891             exptype = tc.TypeCheckBranch(false, condition, falsepart, reqret, LT_ANY);
1892             lt = falsepart->lt;
1893         }
1894     } else {
1895         // No else: this always returns void.
1896         if (!isconst || cval.True()) {
1897             tc.TypeCheckBranch(true, condition, truepart, 0, LT_ANY);
1898             truepart->exptype = type_void;
1899         } else {
1900             // constant == false: this if-then will get optimized out entirely, ignore it.
1901         }
1902         falsepart->exptype = type_void;
1903         exptype = type_void;
1904         lt = LT_ANY;
1905     }
1906     return this;
1907 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)1909 Node *While::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
1910     tc.TT(condition, 1, LT_BORROW);
1911     tc.NoStruct(*condition, "while");
1912     tc.DecBorrowers(condition->lt, *this);
1913     // FIXME: this is caused by call forced to LT_KEEP.
1914     auto condc = AssertIs<Call>(Forward<ToLifetime>(condition));
1915     auto condexp = AssertIs<Return>(condc->sf->body->children.back());
1916     tc.TypeCheckBranch(true, condexp->child, body, 0, LT_ANY);
1917     exptype = type_void;
1918     lt = LT_ANY;
1919     return this;
1920 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)1922 Node *For::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
1923     // FIXME: would be good to detect when iter is not written to, so ForLoopElem can be LT_BORROW.
1924     // Alternatively we could IncBorrowers on iter, but that would be very restrictive.
1925     tc.TT(iter, 1, LT_BORROW);
1926     auto itertype = iter->exptype;
1927     if (itertype->t == V_INT) {}
1928     else if (itertype->t == V_STRING)
1929         itertype = type_int;
1930     else if (itertype->t == V_VECTOR)
1931         itertype = itertype->Element();
1932     else tc.TypeError("for can only iterate over int / string / vector, not: " +
1933         TypeName(itertype), *this);
1934     auto bodyc = AssertIs<Call>(body);
1935     auto &args = bodyc->children;
1936     if (args.size()) {
1937         args[0]->exptype = itertype;  // ForLoopElem
1938     }
1939     tc.TT(body, 0, LT_ANY);
1940     tc.DecBorrowers(iter->lt, *this);
1941     // Currently always return V_NIL
1942     exptype = type_void;
1943     lt = LT_ANY;
1944     return this;
1945 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker &,size_t)1947 Node *ForLoopElem::TypeCheck(TypeChecker & /*tc*/, size_t /*reqret*/) {
1948     // Already been assigned a type in For.
1949     lt = LT_KEEP;
1950     return this;
1951 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker &,size_t)1953 Node *ForLoopCounter::TypeCheck(TypeChecker & /*tc*/, size_t /*reqret*/) {
1954     exptype = type_int;
1955     lt = LT_ANY;
1956     return this;
1957 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t reqret)1959 Node *Switch::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t reqret) {
1960     // TODO: much like If, should only typecheck one case if the value is constant, and do
1961     // the corresponding work in the optimizer.
1962     tc.TT(value, 1, LT_BORROW);
1963     auto ptype = value->exptype;
1964     if (!ptype->Numeric() && ptype->t != V_STRING)
1965         tc.TypeError("switch value must be int / float / string", *this);
1966     exptype = nullptr;
1967     bool have_default = false;
1968     vector<bool> enum_cases;
1969     if (ptype->IsEnum()) enum_cases.resize(ptype->e->vals.size());
1970     for (auto &n : cases->children) {
1971         tc.TT(n, reqret, LT_KEEP);
1972         auto cas = AssertIs<Case>(n);
1973         if (cas->pattern->children.empty()) have_default = true;
1974         for (auto c : cas->pattern->children) {
1975             tc.SubTypeT(c->exptype, ptype, *c, "", "case");
1976             tc.DecBorrowers(c->lt, *cas);
1977             if (ptype->IsEnum()) {
1978                 assert(c->exptype->IsEnum());
1979                 Value v;
1980                 if (c->ConstVal(tc, v)) {
1981                     for (auto [i, ev] : enumerate(ptype->e->vals)) if (ev->val == v.ival()) {
1982                         enum_cases[i] = true;
1983                         break;
1984                     }
1985                 }
1986             }
1987         }
1988         auto body = AssertIs<Call>(cas->body);
1989         if (!tc.NeverReturns(body)) {
1990             exptype = exptype.Null() ? body->exptype
1991                                      : tc.Union(exptype, body->exptype, true, cas);
1992         }
1993     }
1994     for (auto n : cases->children) {
1995         auto cas = AssertIs<Case>(n);
1996         auto body = AssertIs<Call>(cas->body);
1997         if (!tc.NeverReturns(body)) {
1998             assert(!exptype.Null());
1999             tc.SubType(cas->body, exptype, "", "case block");
2000         }
2001     }
2002     if (exptype.Null()) exptype = type_void;  // Empty switch or all return statements.
2003     if (!have_default) {
2004         if (reqret) tc.TypeError("switch that returns a value must have a default case", *this);
2005         if (ptype->IsEnum()) {
2006             for (auto [i, ev] : enumerate(ptype->e->vals)) if (!enum_cases[i])
2007                 tc.TypeError("enum value not tested in switch: " + ev->name, *value);
2008         }
2009     }
2010     tc.DecBorrowers(value->lt, *this);
2011     lt = LT_KEEP;
2012     return this;
2013 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t reqret)2015 Node *Case::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t reqret) {
2016     // FIXME: Since string constants are the real use case, LT_KEEP would be more
2017     // natural here, as this will introduce a lot of keeprefs. Alternatively make sure
2018     // string consts don't introduce keeprefs.
2019     tc.TypeCheckList(pattern, false, 1, LT_BORROW);
2020     tc.TT(body, reqret, LT_KEEP);
2021     exptype = body->exptype;
2022     lt = LT_KEEP;
2023     return this;
2024 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2026 Node *Range::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2027     tc.TT(start, 1, LT_KEEP);
2028     tc.TT(end, 1, LT_KEEP);
2029     exptype = start->exptype;
2030     if (exptype->t != end->exptype->t || !exptype->Numeric())
2031         tc.TypeError("range can only be two equal numeric types", *this);
2032     lt = LT_ANY;
2033     return this;
2034 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2036 Node *CoDot::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2037     tc.TT(coroutine, 1, LT_BORROW);
2038     // Leave right ident untypechecked.
2039     tc.SubType(coroutine, type_coroutine, "coroutine", *this);
2040     auto sf = coroutine->exptype->sf;
2041     Arg *uarg = nullptr;
2042     // This ident is not necessarily the right one.
2043     auto var = AssertIs<IdentRef>(variable);
2044     auto &name = var->sid->id->name;
2045     for (auto &arg : sf->coyieldsave.v) if (arg.sid->id->name == name) {
2046         if (uarg) tc.TypeError("multiple coroutine variables named: " + name, *this);
2047         uarg = &arg;
2048     }
2049     if (!uarg) tc.TypeError("no coroutine variables named: " + name, *this);
2050     var->sid = uarg->sid;
2051     var->exptype = exptype = uarg->type;
2052     // FIXME: this really also borrows from the actual variable, in case the coroutine is run
2053     // again?
2054     lt = coroutine->lt;
2055     return this;
2056 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2058 Node *Define::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2059     for (auto &p : sids) {
2060         tc.UpdateCurrentSid(p.first);
2061         // We have to set these here just in case the init exp is a function/coroutine call that
2062         // tries use/assign this variable, type_undefined will force that to be an error.
2063         // TODO: could make this a specialized error, but probably not worth it because it is rare.
2064         p.first->type = type_undefined;
2065         p.first->lt = LT_UNDEF;
2066     }
2067     // We default to LT_KEEP here.
2068     // There are case where we could allow borrow, but in practise this runs into trouble easily:
2069     // - Variables that later get assigned (!sid->id->single_assignment) where taking ownership
2070     //   was really what was intended (since the lval being assigned from may go away).
2071     // - old := cur cases, where old is meant to hang on to the previous value as cur gets updated,
2072     //   which then runs into borrowing errors.
2073     tc.TT(child, sids.size(), LT_KEEP);
2074     for (auto [i, p] : enumerate(sids)) {
2075         auto var = TypeLT(*child, i);
2076         if (!p.second.Null()) {
2077             var.type = p.second;
2078             // Have to subtype the initializer value, as that node may contain
2079             // unbound vars (a:[int] = []) or values that that need to be coerced
2080             // (a:float = 1)
2081             tc.SubType(child, var.type, "initializer", "definition");
2082         }
2083         auto sid = p.first;
2084         sid->type = var.type;
2085         tc.StorageType(var.type, *this);
2086         sid->type = var.type;
2087         sid->lt = var.lt;
2088         LOG_DEBUG("var: ", sid->id->name, ":", TypeName(var.type));
2089         if (sid->id->logvar) {
2090             for (auto &sc : tc.scopes)
2091                 if (sc.sf->iscoroutine)
2092                     tc.TypeError("can\'t use log variable inside coroutine", *this);
2093         }
2094     }
2095     exptype = type_void;
2096     lt = LT_ANY;
2097     return this;
2098 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2100 Node *AssignList::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2101     for (auto &c : children) {
2102         if (c != children.back()) {
2103             tc.TT(c, 1, LT_BORROW);
2104             tc.DecBorrowers(c->lt, *this);
2105         } else {
2106             tc.TT(c, children.size() - 1, LT_MULTIPLE /*unused*/, &children);
2107         }
2108     }
2109     for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size() - 1; i++) {
2110         auto left = children[i];
2111         tc.CheckLval(left);
2112         TypeRef righttype = children.back()->exptype->Get(i);
2113         FlowItem fi(*left, left->exptype);
2114         assert(fi.IsValid());
2115         tc.AssignFlowDemote(fi, righttype, false);
2116         tc.SubTypeT(righttype, left->exptype, *this, "right");
2117         tc.StorageType(left->exptype, *left);
2118         // TODO: should call tc.AssignFlowPromote(*left, vartype) here?
2119     }
2120     exptype = type_void;
2121     lt = LT_ANY;
2122     return this;
2123 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker &,size_t)2125 Node *IntConstant::TypeCheck(TypeChecker & /*tc*/, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2126     exptype = from ? &from->e->thistype : type_int;
2127     lt = LT_ANY;
2128     return this;
2129 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker &,size_t)2131 Node *FloatConstant::TypeCheck(TypeChecker & /*tc*/, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2132     exptype = type_float;
2133     lt = LT_ANY;
2134     return this;
2135 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker &,size_t)2137 Node *StringConstant::TypeCheck(TypeChecker & /*tc*/, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2138     exptype = type_string;
2139     // The VM keeps all the constant strings for the length of the program,
2140     // so these can be borrow, avoiding a ton of keepvars when used in + and
2141     // builtin functions etc (at the cost of some increfs when stored in vars
2142     // and data structures).
2144     return this;
2145 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2147 Node *Nil::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2148     exptype = !giventype.Null() ? giventype : tc.st.Wrap(tc.NewTypeVar(), V_NIL);
2149     lt = LT_ANY;
2150     return this;
2151 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2153 Node *Plus::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2154     tc.TypeCheckMathOp(*this);
2155     return this;
2156 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2158 Node *Minus::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2159     tc.TypeCheckMathOp(*this);
2160     return this;
2161 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2163 Node *Multiply::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2164     tc.TypeCheckMathOp(*this);
2165     return this;
2166 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2168 Node *Divide::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2169     tc.TypeCheckMathOp(*this);
2170     return this;
2171 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2173 Node *Mod::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2174     tc.TypeCheckMathOp(*this);
2175     return this;
2176 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2178 Node *PlusEq::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2179     tc.TypeCheckMathOpEq(*this);
2180     return this;
2181 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2183 Node *MultiplyEq::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2184     tc.TypeCheckMathOpEq(*this);
2185     return this;
2186 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2188 Node *MinusEq::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2189     tc.TypeCheckMathOpEq(*this);
2190     return this;
2191 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2193 Node *DivideEq::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2194     tc.TypeCheckMathOpEq(*this);
2195     return this;
2196 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2198 Node *ModEq::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2199     tc.TypeCheckMathOpEq(*this);
2200     return this;
2201 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2203 Node *NotEqual::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2204     tc.TypeCheckComp(*this);
2205     return this;
2206 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2208 Node *Equal::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2209     tc.TypeCheckComp(*this);
2210     return this;
2211 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2213 Node *GreaterThanEq::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2214     tc.TypeCheckComp(*this);
2215     return this;
2216 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2218 Node *LessThanEq::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2219     tc.TypeCheckComp(*this);
2220     return this;
2221 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2223 Node *GreaterThan::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2224     tc.TypeCheckComp(*this);
2225     return this;
2226 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2228 Node *LessThan::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2229     tc.TypeCheckComp(*this);
2230     return this;
2231 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2233 Node *Not::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2234     tc.TT(child, 1, LT_BORROW);
2235     tc.DecBorrowers(child->lt, *this);
2236     tc.NoStruct(*child, "not");
2237     exptype = &tc.st.default_bool_type->thistype;
2238     lt = LT_ANY;
2239     return this;
2240 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2242 Node *BitAnd::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2243     tc.TypeCheckBitOp(*this);
2244     return this;
2245 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2247 Node *BitOr::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2248     tc.TypeCheckBitOp(*this);
2249     return this;
2250 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2252 Node *Xor::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2253     tc.TypeCheckBitOp(*this);
2254     return this;
2255 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2257 Node *ShiftLeft::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2258     tc.TypeCheckBitOp(*this);
2259     return this;
2260 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2262 Node *ShiftRight::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2263     tc.TypeCheckBitOp(*this);
2264     return this;
2265 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2267 Node *Negate::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2268     tc.TT(child, 1, LT_BORROW);
2269     tc.SubType(child, type_int, "negated value", *this);
2270     tc.DecBorrowers(child->lt, *this);
2271     exptype = child->exptype;
2272     lt = LT_ANY;
2273     return this;
2274 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2276 Node *PostDecr::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2277     tc.TypeCheckPlusPlus(*this);
2278     return this;
2279 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2281 Node *PostIncr::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2282     tc.TypeCheckPlusPlus(*this);
2283     return this;
2284 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2286 Node *PreDecr::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2287     tc.TypeCheckPlusPlus(*this);
2288     return this;
2289 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2291 Node *PreIncr::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2292     tc.TypeCheckPlusPlus(*this);
2293     return this;
2294 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2296 Node *UnaryMinus::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2297     tc.TT(child, 1, LT_BORROW);
2298     exptype = child->exptype;
2299     if (!exptype->Numeric() &&
2300         (exptype->t != V_STRUCT_S || !exptype->udt->sametype->Numeric()))
2301         tc.TypeError("numeric / numeric struct", exptype, *this);
2302     tc.DecBorrowers(child->lt, *this);
2303     lt = LT_KEEP;
2304     return this;
2305 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2307 Node *IdentRef::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2308     tc.UpdateCurrentSid(sid);
2309     for (auto &sc : reverse(tc.scopes)) if (sc.sf == sid->sf_def) goto in_scope;
2310     tc.TypeError("free variable not in scope: " + sid->id->name, *this);
2311     in_scope:
2312     exptype = tc.TypeCheckId(sid);
2313     FlowItem fi(*this, exptype);
2314     assert(fi.IsValid());
2315     exptype = tc.UseFlow(fi);
2316     lt = tc.PushBorrow(this);
2317     return this;
2318 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2320 Node *Assign::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2321     tc.TT(left, 1, LT_BORROW);
2322     tc.DecBorrowers(left->lt, *this);
2323     tc.TT(right, 1, tc.LvalueLifetime(*left, false));
2324     tc.CheckLval(left);
2325     FlowItem fi(*left, left->exptype);
2326     if (fi.IsValid()) {
2327         left->exptype = tc.AssignFlowDemote(fi, right->exptype, true);
2328     }
2329     tc.SubType(right, left->exptype, "right", *this);
2330     if (fi.IsValid()) tc.AssignFlowPromote(*left, right->exptype);
2331     exptype = left->exptype;
2332     if (fi.IsValid()) exptype = tc.UseFlow(fi);
2333     lt = tc.PushBorrow(left);
2334     return this;
2335 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t reqret)2337 Node *DefaultVal::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t reqret) {
2338     // This is used as a default value for native call arguments. The variable
2339     // makes it equal to whatever the function expects, then codegen can use that type
2340     // to generate a correct value.
2341     // Also used as an empty else branch.
2342     exptype = reqret ? tc.NewTypeVar() : type_void;
2343     lt = LT_ANY;
2344     return this;
2345 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t reqret)2347 Node *GenericCall::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t reqret) {
2348     // Here we decide which of Dot / Call / NativeCall this call should be transformed into.
2349     tc.TypeCheckList(this, false, 1, LT_ANY);
2350     auto nf = tc.parser.natreg.FindNative(name);
2351     auto fld = tc.st.FieldUse(name);
2352     TypeRef type;
2353     UDT *udt = nullptr;
2354     if (children.size()) {
2355         type = children[0]->exptype;
2356         if (IsUDT(type->t)) udt = type->udt;
2357     }
2358     Node *r = nullptr;
2359     if (fld && dotnoparens && udt && udt->Has(fld) >= 0) {
2360         auto dot = new Dot(fld, *this);
2361         dot->children = children;
2362         dot->TypeCheckSpecialized(tc, reqret);
2363         r = dot;
2364     } else {
2365         // See if any of sf's specializations matches type exactly, then it overrides nf.
2366         bool prefer_sf = false;
2367         if (sf && udt && sf->parent->nargs()) {
2368             for (auto sfi : sf->parent->overloads) {
2369                 if (sfi->args.v[0].type->udt == udt) {
2370                     prefer_sf = true;
2371                     break;
2372                 }
2373             }
2374         }
2375         if (nf && !prefer_sf) {
2376             auto nc = new NativeCall(nf, *this);
2377             nc->children = children;
2378             nc->TypeCheckSpecialized(tc, reqret);
2379             r = nc;
2380         } else if (sf) {
2381             auto fc = new Call(*this);
2382             fc->children = children;
2383             fc->TypeCheckSpecialized(tc, reqret);
2384             r = fc;
2385         } else {
2386             if (fld && dotnoparens)
2387                 tc.TypeError("type " + TypeName(type) + " does not have field: " + fld->name, *this);
2388             tc.TypeError("unknown field/function reference: " + name, *this);
2389         }
2390     }
2391     children.clear();
2392     delete this;
2393     return r;
2394 }
TypeCheckSpecialized(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2396 void NativeCall::TypeCheckSpecialized(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2397     if (nf->first->overloads) {
2398         // Multiple overloads available, figure out which we want to call.
2399         auto cnf = nf->first;
2400         auto nargs = Arity();
2401         for (; cnf; cnf = cnf->overloads) {
2402             if (cnf->args.v.size() != nargs) continue;
2403             for (auto [i, arg] : enumerate(cnf->args.v)) {
2404                 // Special purpose treatment of V_ANY to allow generic vectors in overloaded
2405                 // length() etc.
2406                 if (arg.type->t != V_ANY &&
2407                     (arg.type->t != V_VECTOR ||
2408                      children[i]->exptype->t != V_VECTOR ||
2409                      arg.type->sub->t != V_ANY) &&
2410                     !tc.ConvertsTo(children[i]->exptype,
2411                                    tc.ActualBuiltinType(arg.fixed_len, arg.type, arg.flags,
2412                                                         children[i], nf, true, i + 1, *this),
2413                                    arg.type->t != V_STRING, false)) goto nomatch;
2414             }
2415             nf = cnf;
2416             break;
2417             nomatch:;
2418         }
2419         if (!cnf)
2420             tc.NatCallError("arguments match no overloads of ", nf, *this);
2421     }
2422     vector<TypeRef> argtypes(children.size());
2423     for (auto [i, c] : enumerate(children)) {
2424         auto &arg = nf->args.v[i];
2425         auto argtype = tc.ActualBuiltinType(arg.fixed_len, arg.type, arg.flags, children[i], nf, false, i + 1, *this);
2426         // Filter out functions that are not struct aware.
2427         bool typed = false;
2428         if (argtype->t == V_NIL && argtype->sub->Numeric() && !Is<DefaultVal>(c)) {
2429             // This is somewhat of a hack, because we conflate V_NIL with being optional
2430             // for native functions, but we don't want numeric types to be nilable.
2431             // Codegen has a special case for T_DEFAULTVAL however.
2432             argtype = argtype->sub;
2433         }
2434         if (arg.flags & NF_CONVERTANYTOSTRING && c->exptype->t != V_STRING) {
2435             tc.AdjustLifetime(c, LT_BORROW);  // MakeString wants to borrow.
2436             tc.MakeString(c, arg.lt);
2437             argtype = type_string;
2438             typed = true;
2439         }
2440         int flag = NF_SUBARG1;
2441         for (int sa = 0; sa < 3; sa++) {
2442             if (arg.flags & flag) {
2443                 tc.SubType(c,
2444                         nf->args.v[sa].type->t == V_VECTOR && argtype->t != V_VECTOR
2445                             ? argtypes[sa]->sub
2446                             : argtypes[sa],
2447                         tc.ArgName(i),
2448                         nf->name);
2449                 // Stop these generic params being turned into any by SubType below.
2450                 typed = true;
2451             }
2452             flag *= 2;
2453         }
2454         if (arg.flags & NF_ANYVAR) {
2455             if (argtype->t == V_VECTOR)
2456                 argtype = tc.st.Wrap(tc.NewTypeVar(), V_VECTOR);
2457             else if (argtype->t == V_ANY) argtype = tc.NewTypeVar();
2458             else assert(0);
2459         }
2460         if (arg.flags & NF_CORESUME) {
2461             // Specialized typechecking for resume()
2462             assert(argtypes[0]->t == V_COROUTINE);
2463             auto csf = argtypes[0]->sf;
2464             if (csf) {
2465                 tc.SubType(c, csf->coresumetype, "resume value", *c);
2466             } else {
2467                 if (!Is<DefaultVal>(c))
2468                     tc.TypeError("cannot resume a generic coroutine type with an argument",
2469                                  *this);
2470             }
2471             if (c->exptype->t == V_VAR) {
2472                 // No value supplied to resume, and none expected at yield either.
2473                 // nil will be supplied, so make type reflect that.
2474                 tc.UnifyVar(tc.NewNilTypeVar(), c->exptype);
2475             }
2476             typed = true;
2477         }
2478         if (argtype->t == V_ANY) {
2479             if (!arg.flags) {
2480                 // Special purpose type checking to allow any reference type for functions like
2481                 // copy/equal/hash etc. Note that this is the only place in the language where
2482                 // we allow this!
2483                 if (!IsRefNilNoStruct(c->exptype->t))
2484                     tc.TypeError("reference type", c->exptype, *c, nf->args.GetName(i), nf->name);
2485                 typed = true;
2486             } else if (IsStruct(c->exptype->t) &&
2487                        !(arg.flags & NF_PUSHVALUEWIDTH) &&
2488                        c->exptype->udt->numslots > 1) {
2489                 // Avoid unsuspecting generic functions taking values as args.
2490                 // TODO: ideally this does not trigger for any functions.
2491                 tc.TypeError("function does not support this struct type", *this);
2492             }
2493         }
2494         if (nf->fun.fnargs >= 0 && !arg.fixed_len && !(arg.flags & NF_PUSHVALUEWIDTH))
2495             tc.NoStruct(*c, nf->name);
2496         if (!typed)
2497             tc.SubType(c, argtype, tc.ArgName(i), nf->name);
2498         auto actualtype = c->exptype;
2499         if (actualtype->IsFunction()) {
2500             // We must assume this is going to get called and type-check it
2501             auto fsf = actualtype->sf;
2502             if (fsf->args.v.size()) {
2503                 // we have no idea what args.
2504                 tc.TypeError("function passed to " + nf->name +
2505                              " cannot take any arguments", *this);
2506             }
2507             auto chosen = fsf;
2508             List args(tc.parser.lex);
2509             int vtable_idx = -1;
2510             tc.TypeCheckCall(fsf, &args, chosen, *c, false, vtable_idx);
2511             assert(vtable_idx < 0);
2512             assert(fsf == chosen);
2513         }
2514         argtypes[i] = actualtype;
2515         tc.StorageType(actualtype, *this);
2516         tc.AdjustLifetime(c, arg.lt);
2517         tc.DecBorrowers(c->lt, *this);
2518     }
2520     exptype = type_void;  // no retvals
2521     lt = LT_ANY;
2522     if (nf->retvals.v.size() > 1) exptype = tc.NewTuple(nf->retvals.v.size());
2523     for (auto [i, ret] : enumerate(nf->retvals.v)) {
2524         int sa = 0;
2525         auto type = ret.type;
2526         auto rlt = ret.lt;
2527         switch (ret.flags) {
2528             case NF_SUBARG3: sa++;
2529             case NF_SUBARG2: sa++;
2530             case NF_SUBARG1: {
2531                 type = argtypes[sa];
2532                 auto nftype = nf->args.v[sa].type;
2534                 if (nftype->t == V_TYPEID) {
2535                     assert(!sa);  // assumes always first.
2536                     auto tin = AssertIs<TypeOf>(children[0]);
2537                     if (!Is<DefaultVal>(tin->child)) type = tin->child->exptype;
2538                 }
2540                 if (ret.type->t == V_NIL) {
2541                     if (!IsNillable(type->t))
2542                         tc.TypeError(cat("argument ", sa + 1, " to ", nf->name,
2543                                     " has to be a reference type"), *this);
2544                     type = tc.st.Wrap(type, V_NIL);
2545                 } else if (nftype->t == V_VECTOR && ret.type->t != V_VECTOR) {
2546                     if (type->t == V_VECTOR) type = type->sub;
2547                 } else if (nftype->t == V_COROUTINE || nftype->t == V_FUNCTION) {
2548                     auto csf = type->sf;
2549                     if (csf) {
2550                         // In theory it is possible this hasn't been generated yet..
2551                         type = csf->returntype;
2552                     } else {
2553                         // This can happen when typechecking a multimethod with a coroutine arg.
2554                         tc.TypeError(cat("cannot call ", nf->name, " on generic coroutine type"),
2555                                          *this);
2556                     }
2557                 }
2558                 if (rlt == LT_BORROW) {
2559                     auto alt = nf->args.v[sa].lt;
2560                     assert(alt >= LT_BORROW);
2561                     rlt = alt;
2562                 }
2563                 break;
2564             }
2565             case NF_ANYVAR:
2566                 type = ret.type->t == V_VECTOR ? tc.st.Wrap(tc.NewTypeVar(), V_VECTOR)
2567                                                   : tc.NewTypeVar();
2568                 assert(rlt == LT_KEEP);
2569                 break;
2570         }
2571         type = tc.ActualBuiltinType(ret.fixed_len, type, ret.flags,
2572                                     !i && Arity() ? children[0] : nullptr, nf, false,
2573                                     0, *this);
2574         if (!IsRefNilVar(type->t)) rlt = LT_ANY;
2575         if (nf->retvals.v.size() > 1) {
2576             exptype->Set(i, type.get(), rlt);
2577             lt = LT_MULTIPLE;
2578         } else {
2579             exptype = type;
2580             lt = rlt;
2581         }
2582     }
2584     if (nf->IsAssert()) {
2585         // Special case, add to flow:
2586         tc.CheckFlowTypeChanges(true, children[0]);
2587         // Also make result non-nil, if it was.
2588         if (exptype->t == V_NIL) exptype = exptype->Element();
2589     }
2591     nattype = exptype;
2592     natlt = lt;
2593 }
TypeCheckSpecialized(TypeChecker & tc,size_t reqret)2595 void Call::TypeCheckSpecialized(TypeChecker &tc, size_t reqret) {
2596     sf = tc.PreSpecializeFunction(sf);
2597     exptype = tc.TypeCheckCall(sf, this, sf, *this, reqret, vtable_idx);
2598     lt = sf->ltret;
2599 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2601 Node *FunRef::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2602     sf = tc.PreSpecializeFunction(sf);
2603     exptype = &sf->thistype;
2604     lt = LT_ANY;
2605     return this;
2606 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t reqret)2608 Node *DynCall::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t reqret) {
2609     tc.UpdateCurrentSid(sid);
2610     tc.TypeCheckId(sid);
2611     //if (sid->type->IsFunction()) sid->type = &tc.PreSpecializeFunction(sid->type->sf)->thistype;
2612     tc.TypeCheckList(this, false, 1, LT_ANY);
2613     tie(exptype, lt) = tc.TypeCheckDynCall(sid, this, sf, reqret);
2614     return this;
2615 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2617 Node *Return::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2618     exptype = type_void;
2619     lt = LT_ANY;
2620     for (auto isc : reverse(tc.scopes)) {
2621         if (isc.sf->parent == sf->parent) {
2622             sf = isc.sf;  // Take specialized version.
2623             break;
2624         }
2625         tc.CheckReturnPast(isc.sf, sf, *this);
2626     }
2627     // TODO: LT_KEEP here is to keep it simple for now, since ideally we want to also allow
2628     // LT_BORROW, but then we have to prove that we don't outlive the owner.
2629     // Additionally, we have to do this for reused specializations on new SpecIdents.
2630     auto reqlt = LT_KEEP;
2631     auto reqret = make_void ? 0 : sf->reqret;
2632     // Special (but very common) case: optimize lifetime for "return var" case, where var owns
2633     // and this is the only return statement. Without this we'd get an inc on the var that's
2634     // immediately undone as the scope ends.
2635     auto ir = Is<IdentRef>(child);
2636     if (ir) {
2637         tc.UpdateCurrentSid(ir->sid);  // Ahead of time, because ir not typechecked yet.
2638         if (ir->sid->lt == LT_KEEP &&
2639             ir->sid->sf_def == sf &&
2640             sf->num_returns == 0 &&
2641             reqret &&
2642             sf->body->children.back() == this) {
2643             reqlt = LT_BORROW;  // Fake that we're cool borrowing this.
2644             ir->sid->consume_on_last_use = true;  // Don't decref this one when going out of scope.
2645         }
2646     }
2647     tc.TT(child, reqret, reqlt);
2648     tc.DecBorrowers(child->lt, *this);
2649     if (sf == tc.st.toplevel) {
2650         // return from program
2651         if (child->exptype->NumValues() > 1)
2652             tc.TypeError("cannot return multiple values from top level", *this);
2653     }
2654     auto nsf = tc.TopScope(tc.named_scopes);
2655     if (nsf != sf) {
2656         // This is a non-local "return from".
2657         if (!sf->typechecked)
2658             tc.parser.Error("return from " + sf->parent->name +
2659                             " called out of context", this);
2660     }
2661     auto never_returns = tc.NeverReturns(child);
2662     if (never_returns && make_void && sf->num_returns) {
2663         // A return with other returns inside of it that always bypass this return,
2664         // so should not contribute to return types.
2665         assert(child->exptype->t == V_VOID || child->exptype->t == V_VAR);
2666         return this;
2667     }
2668     if (never_returns && sf->reqret && sf->parent->anonymous) {
2669         // A return to the immediately enclosing anonymous function that needs to return a value
2670         // but is bypassed.
2671         tc.RetVal(child->exptype, sf, *this);  // If it's a variable, bind it.
2672         return this;
2673     }
2674     if (!Is<DefaultVal>(child)) {
2675         if (auto mrs = Is<MultipleReturn>(child)) {
2676             tc.RetVal(mrs->exptype, sf, *this);
2677             for (auto [i, mr] : enumerate(mrs->children)) {
2678                 if (i < sf->reqret)
2679                     tc.SubType(mr, sf->returntype->Get(i), tc.ArgName(i), *this);
2680             }
2681         } else {
2682             tc.RetVal(child->exptype, sf, *this);
2683             tc.SubType(child, sf->returntype, "", *this);
2684         }
2685     } else {
2686         tc.RetVal(type_void, sf, *this);
2687         tc.SubType(child, sf->returntype, "", *this);
2688     }
2689     return this;
2690 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker &,size_t)2692 Node *TypeAnnotation::TypeCheck(TypeChecker & /*tc*/, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2693     exptype = giventype;
2694     lt = LT_ANY;
2695     return this;
2696 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2698 Node *IsType::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2699     tc.TT(child, 1, LT_BORROW);
2700     tc.NoStruct(*child, "is");  // FIXME
2701     tc.DecBorrowers(child->lt, *this);
2702     exptype = &tc.st.default_bool_type->thistype;
2703     lt = LT_ANY;
2704     return this;
2705 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2707 Node *Constructor::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2708     tc.TypeCheckList(this, false, 1, LT_KEEP);
2709     exptype = giventype;
2710     if (exptype.Null()) {
2711         if (Arity()) {
2712             // No type was specified.. first find union of all elements.
2713             TypeRef u(nullptr);
2714             for (auto c : children) {
2715                 u = u.Null() ? c->exptype : tc.Union(u, c->exptype, true, c);
2716             }
2717             exptype = tc.st.Wrap(u, V_VECTOR);
2718             tc.StorageType(exptype, *this);
2719         } else {
2720             // special case for empty vectors
2721             exptype = tc.st.Wrap(tc.NewTypeVar(), V_VECTOR);
2722         }
2723     }
2724     if (IsUDT(exptype->t)) {
2725         // We have to check this here, since the parser couldn't check this yet.
2726         if (exptype->udt->fields.v.size() < children.size())
2727             tc.TypeError("too many initializers for: " + exptype->udt->name, *this);
2728         auto udt = tc.FindStructSpecialization(exptype->udt, this);
2729         exptype = &udt->thistype;
2730     }
2731     for (auto [i, c] : enumerate(children)) {
2732         TypeRef elemtype = IsUDT(exptype->t) ? exptype->udt->fields.v[i].type
2733                                              : exptype->Element();
2734         tc.SubType(c, elemtype, tc.ArgName(i), *this);
2735     }
2736     lt = LT_KEEP;
2737     return this;
2738 }
TypeCheckSpecialized(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2740 void Dot::TypeCheckSpecialized(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2741     tc.AdjustLifetime(children[0], LT_BORROW);
2742     tc.DecBorrowers(children[0]->lt, *this);  // New borrow created below.
2743     auto stype = children[0]->exptype;
2744     if (!IsUDT(stype->t))
2745         tc.TypeError("class/struct", stype, *this, "object");
2746     auto udt = stype->udt;
2747     auto fieldidx = udt->Has(fld);
2748     if (fieldidx < 0)
2749         tc.TypeError("type " + udt->name + " has no field named " + fld->name, *this);
2750     exptype = udt->fields.v[fieldidx].type;
2751     FlowItem fi(*this, exptype);
2752     if (fi.IsValid()) exptype = tc.UseFlow(fi);
2753     lt = tc.PushBorrow(this);
2754     //lt = children[0]->lt;  // Also LT_BORROW, also depending on the same variable.
2755 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2757 Node *Indexing::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2758     tc.TT(object, 1, LT_BORROW);
2759     tc.TT(index, 1, LT_BORROW);
2760     tc.DecBorrowers(index->lt, *this);
2761     auto vtype = object->exptype;
2762     if (vtype->t != V_VECTOR &&
2763         vtype->t != V_STRING &&
2764         (!IsStruct(vtype->t) || !vtype->udt->sametype->Numeric()))
2765         tc.TypeError("vector/string/numeric struct", vtype, *this, "container");
2766     auto itype = index->exptype;
2767     switch (itype->t) {
2768         case V_INT:
2769             exptype = vtype->t == V_VECTOR
2770                 ? vtype->Element()
2771                 : (IsUDT(vtype->t) ? vtype->udt->sametype : type_int);
2772             break;
2773         case V_STRUCT_S: {
2774             if (vtype->t != V_VECTOR)
2775                 tc.TypeError("multi-dimensional indexing on non-vector", *this);
2776             auto &udt = *itype->udt;
2777             exptype = vtype;
2778             for (auto &field : udt.fields.v) {
2779                 if (field.type->t != V_INT)
2780                     tc.TypeError("int field", field.type, *this, "index");
2781                 if (exptype->t != V_VECTOR)
2782                     tc.TypeError("nested vector", exptype, *this, "container");
2783                 exptype = exptype->Element();
2784             }
2785             break;
2786         }
2787         default: tc.TypeError("int/struct of int", itype, *this, "index");
2788     }
2789     lt = object->lt;  // Also LT_BORROW, also depending on the same variable.
2790     return this;
2791 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t reqret)2793 Node *Seq::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t reqret) {
2794     tc.TT(head, 0, LT_ANY);
2795     tc.TT(tail, reqret, LT_ANY);
2796     exptype = tail->exptype;
2797     lt = tail->lt;
2798     return this;
2799 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker &,size_t)2801 Node *CoClosure::TypeCheck(TypeChecker & /*tc*/, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2802     exptype = type_function_cocl;
2803     lt = LT_ANY;
2804     return this;
2805 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2807 Node *CoRoutine::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2808     tc.TT(call, 1, LT_KEEP);
2809     tc.NoStruct(*call, "coroutine call return value");  // FIXME
2810     if (auto fc = Is<Call>(call)) {
2811         auto sf = fc->sf;
2812         assert(sf->iscoroutine);
2813         auto ct = tc.st.NewType();
2814         *ct = Type(V_COROUTINE, sf);
2815         exptype = ct;
2816     } else {
2817         tc.TypeError("coroutine constructor must be regular function call", *call);
2818     }
2819     lt = LT_KEEP;
2820     return this;
2821 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2823 Node *TypeOf::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2824     tc.TT(child, 1, LT_BORROW);
2825     tc.DecBorrowers(child->lt, *this);
2826     exptype = type_typeid;
2827     lt = LT_ANY;
2828     return this;
2829 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2831 Node *EnumCoercion::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2832     tc.TT(child, 1, LT_BORROW);
2833     tc.SubType(child, type_int, "coerced value", *this);
2834     tc.DecBorrowers(child->lt, *this);
2835     exptype = &e->thistype;
2836     lt = LT_ANY;
2837     return this;
2838 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2840 Node *MultipleReturn::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2841     tc.TypeCheckList(this, false, 1, LT_ANY);
2842     exptype = tc.NewTuple(children.size());
2843     for (auto [i, mrc] : enumerate(children))
2844         exptype->Set(i, mrc->exptype.get(), mrc->lt);
2845     lt = LT_MULTIPLE;
2846     return this;
2847 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker &,size_t)2849 Node *EnumRef::TypeCheck(TypeChecker & /*tc*/, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2850     return this;
2851 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t)2853 Node *UDTRef::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t /*reqret*/) {
2854     for (auto [i, f] : enumerate(udt->fields.v)) {
2855         if (f.defaultval && f.type->t == V_ANY) {
2856             // FIXME: would be good to not call TT here generically but instead have some
2857             // specialized checking, just in case TT has a side effect.
2858             tc.TT(f.defaultval, 1, LT_ANY);
2859             tc.DecBorrowers(f.defaultval->lt, *this);
2860             f.defaultval->lt = LT_UNDEF;
2861             f.type = f.defaultval->exptype;
2862         }
2863         // FIXME: this is a temp limitation, remove.
2864         if (udt->thistype.t == V_STRUCT_R && i &&
2865             IsRefNil(f.type->t) != IsRefNil(udt->fields.v[0].type->t))
2866             tc.TypeError("structs fields must be either all scalar or all references: " +
2867                          udt->name, *this);
2868     }
2869     if (!udt->ComputeSizes())
2870         tc.TypeError("structs cannot be self-referential: " + udt->name, *this);
2871     exptype = type_void;
2872     lt = LT_ANY;
2873     return this;
2874 }
TypeCheck(TypeChecker & tc,size_t reqret)2876 Node *Coercion::TypeCheck(TypeChecker &tc, size_t reqret) {
2877     // These have been added by another specialization. We could check if they still apply, but
2878     // even more robust is just to remove them, and let them be regenerated if need be.
2879     tc.TT(child, reqret, LT_ANY);
2880     return tc.DeleteCoercion(this);
2881 }
ConstVal(TypeChecker & tc,Value & val)2883 bool And::ConstVal(TypeChecker &tc, Value &val) const {
2884     return left->ConstVal(tc, val) && (!val.True() || right->ConstVal(tc, val));
2885 }
ConstVal(TypeChecker & tc,Value & val)2887 bool Or::ConstVal(TypeChecker &tc, Value &val) const {
2888     return left->ConstVal(tc, val) && (val.True() || right->ConstVal(tc, val));
2889 }
ConstVal(TypeChecker & tc,Value & val)2891 bool Not::ConstVal(TypeChecker &tc, Value &val) const {
2892     auto isconst = child->ConstVal(tc, val);
2893     val = Value(!val.True());
2894     return isconst;
2895 }
ConstVal(TypeChecker & tc,Value & val)2897 bool IsType::ConstVal(TypeChecker &tc, Value &val) const {
2898     if (child->exptype == giventype || giventype->t == V_ANY) {
2899         val = Value(true);
2900         return true;
2901     }
2902     if (!tc.ConvertsTo(giventype, child->exptype, false)) {
2903         val = Value(false);
2904         return true;
2905     }
2906     // This means it is always a reference type, since int/float/function don't convert
2907     // into anything without coercion.
2908     return false;
2909 }
ConstVal(TypeChecker & tc,Value & val)2911 bool EnumCoercion::ConstVal(TypeChecker &tc, Value &val) const {
2912     return child->ConstVal(tc, val);
2913 }
2915 }  // namespace lobster