1 /* The Utility functions of REXX/imc       (C) Ian Collier 1992 */
3 #include<stdio.h>
4 #include<unistd.h>
5 #include<stdlib.h>
6 #include<dirent.h>
7 #include<errno.h>
8 #include<memory.h>
9 #include<string.h>
10 #include<setjmp.h>
11 #include<sys/types.h>
12 #include<sys/time.h>
13 #include<sys/stat.h>
14 #include<sys/file.h>
15 #include<sys/param.h>
16 #include"const.h"
17 #include"globals.h"
18 #include"functions.h"
19 #define INCL_REXXSAA
20 #include "rexxsaa.h"
21 #ifdef Solaris
22 # include<sys/uio.h>
23 # include<sys/filio.h>
24 # include<sys/fcntl.h>
25 #endif
27 char *words[]= /* Keywords in order of their values */
28        {"SAY", "SAYN", "DO", "END", "IF", "ELSE", "SELECT", "WHEN",
29         "OPTIONS", "PARSE", "PUSH", "QUEUE", "EXIT", "RETURN", "CALL",
31         "NOP", "PROCEDURE", "ADDRESS", "NUMERIC", "DROP", "THEN", "PULL",
32         "ARG", "SOURCE", "VAR", "VERSION", "LINEIN", "VALUE", "WITH",
33         "UPPER", "TO", "BY", "FOR", "FOREVER", "WHILE", "UNTIL", "ON", "OFF",
34         "DIGITS", "FUZZ", "FORM", "EXPOSE", "HIDE", "NAME"};
message(rc)36 char *message(rc)  /* Return errortext(rc) */
37 int rc;
38 {
39    char *sys_err;
40    if (rc== -3 && fname[0]!=0) perror(fname);
41    switch (rc){
42       case -3:        return "Error loading program";
43       case Einit:     return "Initialisation error";
44       case Ehalt:     return "Program interrupted";
45       case Emem:      return "Machine storage exhausted";
46       case Equote:    return "Unmatched \'/*\' or quote";
47       case Enowhen:   return "Expected WHEN/OTHERWISE";
48       case Ethen:     return "Unexpected THEN/ELSE";
49       case Ewhen:     return "Unexpected WHEN/OTHERWISE";
50       case Eend:      return "Unexpected or unmatched END";
51       case Echar:     return "Invalid character in program";
52       case Enoend:    return "Incomplete DO/SELECT/IF";
53       case Ehex:      return "Invalid binary or hexadecimal string";
54       case Elabel:    return "Label not found";
55       case Eprocedure:return "Unexpected PROCEDURE";
56       case Enothen:   return "Expected THEN";
57       case Enostring: return "String or symbol expected";
58       case Enosymbol: return "Symbol expected";
59       case Exend:     return "Invalid data on end of clause";
60       case Etrace:    return "Invalid TRACE request";
61       case Etrap:     return "Invalid subkeyword found";
62       case Erange:    return "Invalid whole number";
63       case Exdo:      return "Invalid DO syntax";
64       case Eleave:    return "Invalid LEAVE or ITERATE";
65       case Elong:     return "Symbol > 250 characters";
66       case Ename:     return "Name starts with number or \'.\'";
67       case Ebadexpr:  return "Invalid expression";
68       case Elpar:     return "Unmatched \'(\'";
69       case Ecomma:    return "Unexpected \',\' or \')\'";
70       case Eparse:    return "Invalid template";
71       case Eopstk:    return "Evaluation stack overflow (> 30 pending operations)";
72       case Ecall:     return "Incorrect call to routine";
73       case Enum:      return "Bad arithmetic conversion";
74       case Eoflow:    return "Arithmetic overflow or underflow";
75       case Eundef:    return "Routine not found";
76       case Enoresult: return "Function did not return data";
77       case Ereturn:   return "No data specified on function RETURN";
78       case Exlabel:   return "Unexpected label";
79       case Esys:      return "Failure in system service";
80       case Elost:     return "Implementation error";
81       case Eincalled: return "Error in called routine";
82       case Enovalue:  return "No-value error";
83       case Eexist:    return "Use of an un-implemented feature!";
84       case Esyntax:   return "Syntax error";
85       case Elabeldot: return "Label ends with \'.\'";
86       case Ercomm:    return "Unexpected \'*/\'";
87       case Emanyargs: return "Too many arguments (> 30)";
88       case Eerror:    return "ERROR condition occurred";
89       case Efailure:  return "FAILURE condition occurred";
90       case Eerrno:    return "Unknown error occurred during I/O";
91       case Ebounds:   return "File position was out of bounds";
92       case Eseek:     return "Reposition attempted on transient stream";
93       case Eaccess:   return "Write attempted on a read-only stream";
94       case Eread:     return "Read attempted on a write-only stream";
95       case Eeof+Eerrno:return"End of file";
96    }
97    if(rc>Eerrno && (sys_err=strerror(rc-Eerrno))) return sys_err;
98    return "";
99 }
rcset(rc,type,desc)101 void rcset(rc,type,desc)/* set rc on return from system call */
102 int rc;                 /* What to set rc to */
103 int type;               /* What error to die with if the error is trapped */
104 char *desc;             /* Description for condition(d) */
105 {
106    char rcbuf[20];        /* just turn rc into a string and call the */
107    sprintf(rcbuf,"%d",rc);/* next function... */
108    rcstringset(rc,rcbuf,strlen(rcbuf),type,desc);
109 }
rcstringset(rc,rcval,rclen,type,desc)111 void rcstringset(rc,rcval,rclen,type,desc)/* set rc on return from system call */
112 int rc;                 /* numeric value of rc if appropriate */
113 char *rcval;            /* Pointer to what to set rc to */
114 int rclen;              /* Length of what to set rc to */
115 int type;               /* What error to die with if the error is trapped */
116 char *desc;             /* Description for condition(d) */
117 {
118    int bit=type==Eerror?Ierror:type==Efailure?Ifailure:Inotready;
119    int catch=rc&&(sgstack[interplev].bits&(1<<bit));
120    int call=rc&&(sgstack[interplev].callon&(1<<bit));
121    if(interact>=0 && interact+1==interplev)
122       return;           /* no action for interactive commands */
123    if(rc && call==0 && catch==0 && (type==Efailure||type==Enotready&&setrcflag))
124       type=Eerror,
125       bit=Ierror,
126       catch=sgstack[interplev].bits&(1<<bit),
127       call=sgstack[interplev].callon&(1<<bit);
128    if(type!=Enotready || setrcflag) /* set rc after a command */
129       varset("RC",2,rcval,rclen);
130    if(rc && type==Enotready)lasterror=rc; /* save an I/O error */
131    if(call||catch){
132       if(sigdata[bit])free(sigdata[bit]);
133       strcpy(sigdata[bit]=allocm(1+strlen(desc)),desc);
134    }
135    if(call)delayed[bit]=1;
136    else if(catch)die(type);
137 }
printrc(i)139 void printrc(i) /* Print a trace line showing the return code */
140 int i;
141 {
142    tracestr("      +++ RC=");
143    tracenum(i,1);
144    tracestr(" +++\n");
145 }
147 /* An exit handling routine */
exitcall(main,sub,parm)148 int exitcall(main,sub,parm)
149 long main;
150 long sub;
151 PEXIT parm;
152 {   /* very simple. */
153    long exrc=exitlist[main](main,sub,parm);
154    if(exrc==RXEXIT_RAISE_ERROR)die(Esys);
155    return exrc;
156 }
158 /* Variable handling routines */
159 /* The following routines are low-level and serve to abstract from the
160    variables' actual representation. As long as the following routines
161    are correct, the representation may be changed without affecting
162    the rest of the program. */
164 /* These routines maintain a multiple-level variable table, containing
165    names and values of variables. The names of simple symbols and stems
166    are kept in a binary tree arrangement, in the format of a varent
167    structure followed by a name (padded to a multiple of 4 bytes) and a
168    value. Symbols which have been DROPped still exist, but have a value
169    length of -1. Symbols which are copies of variables in earlier levels
170    have a negative "valalloc" value indicating the level number (starting
171    at -1, which means level 0).
172    Stems have no trailing dot, but have bit 7 of the first character
173    inverted, and the value of a stem is a structure containing a default
174    value (an allocated,length,value triple) followed by a binary
175    tree of tails associated with values as in the main table
176    The binary tree structure should allow access in O(log n) time, except
177    when the value pointers need to be updated (when lengthening or
178    shortening a value). However no fancy balancing tricks are used, so
179    O(n) time is possible in the worst case. A special order is imposed
180    which should minimise the possibility of a very unbalanced tree. In
181    particular, assigning the letters a-i or the numbers 0-9 in order
182    should produce an optimal depth tree (whereas with the usual ordering
183    a linear depth tree results).
184    The less and grtr fields contain offsets from the start of the level, and
185    the next field contains the length of one variable entry. When a variable
186    is lengthened or shortened, its own next field is updated, and the less
187    and grtr fields of all variables in the same level are updated. All other
188    pointers, except for the pointers to each level, remain the same.
189 */
less(s1,s2,n1,n2)190 int less(s1,s2,n1,n2)/* the ordering - compare s1,len n1 with s2,len n2*/
191 char *s1,*s2;        /* return -ve (s1<s2), 0 (s1=s2) or +ve (s1>s2). */
192 int n1,n2;
193 {
194    static char xlate[]={4,7,3,11,1,5,9,13,0,2,6,8,10,12,15,14};
195            /* the translation table for ordering */
196    char x,y;
197    int r;
198    if(n1!=n2)return n1-n2;           /* Order on lengths first (it's faster) */
199    if(!n1)return 0;                  /* "" == "" */
200    while(n1--&&s1++[0]==s2++[0]);    /* find first non-match character */
201    x=s1[-1],y=s2[-1];
202    r=(x&0xf0)-(y&0xf0);              /* compare last characters */
203    if (r) return r;
204    return xlate[x&0xf]-xlate[y&0xf]; /* use translation for last 4 bits */
205 }
varsearch(name,len,level,exist)207 char *varsearch(name,len,level,exist)
208 char *name;
209 int len;
210 int *level;
211 int *exist;
212 /* search for name `name' of length `len' in the variable table for `level'.
213    The answer is the address of the entry which matches, with `exist'
214    non-zero, or, if the name does not exist, exist=0 and the answer
215    is the address of the slot where the new branch of the tree is to
216    be added. If there are no names in the table, 0 is returned.
217    On exit, level contains the level number where the variable was actually
218    found, which may be different from the given level due to exposure */
219 {
220    char *data=varstk[*level]+vartab;
221    char *ans=data;
222    int *slot;
223    int c;
224    *exist=0;
225    if(varstk[*level]==varstk[*level+1])return cnull;
226    while((c=less(name,ans+sizeof(varent),len,((varent *)ans)->namelen))
227      &&  (*(slot= &(((varent *)ans)->less)+(c>0)))>=0)
228       ans=data+*slot;   /* Go down the tree */
229    if(!c){              /* Equality resulted from the compare */
230       *exist=1;
231       if((c=((varent *)ans)->valalloc)<0){  /* An exposed variable */
232          *level= -(c+1);
233          return varsearch(name,len,level,exist);
234       }
235       else return ans;
236    }
237    return (char *)slot;
238 }
tailsearch(stem,name,len,exist)240 char *tailsearch(stem,name,len,exist)/* like varsearch, but searches for the */
241 char *stem,*name;                    /* tail of a compound variable.         */
242 int len,*exist;
243 {
244    char *data=stem+sizeof(varent)+align(((varent *)stem)->namelen);
245    char *tails=data+2*four+*(int *)data; /* start of tail information */
246    char *ans=tails;
247    int *slot;
248    int c;
249    *exist=0;
250    if(((varent *)stem)->vallen==tails-data)return cnull;
251    while((c=less(name,ans+sizeof(varent),len,((varent *)ans)->namelen))
252      &&  (*(slot= &(((varent *)ans)->less)+(c>0)))>=0)
253       ans=tails+*slot;
254    if(c)return (char* )slot;
255    *exist=1;
256    return ans;
257 }
valuesearch(name,namelen,level,exist,stem)259 char *valuesearch(name,namelen,level,exist,stem) /* search for any variable */
260 char *name;              /* if a simple symbol, the result is like varsearch*/
261 int namelen;             /* and stem=0. If a compound symbol, level ends up */
262 int *level,*exist;       /* with the level containing the whole symbol and  */
263 char **stem;             /* stem points to the stem containing it. exist is */
264                          /* non-zero if the whole symbol was found; stem is */
265                          /* non-zero if a stem was found, even if it does   */
266                          /* not contain the required tail. The return value */
267                          /* is the variable entry (if exist), or a slot in  */
268                          /* which to put the new tail (if stem && !exist),  */
269                          /* or a slot in which to put the new stem (if      */
270                          /* !stem). The answer is zero if there are no      */
271                          /* entries in the stem (if stem) or if there are no*/
272                          /* entries in the vartable (if !stem).             */
273                          /* If the variable name is an existing stem, 0 is  */
274 {                        /* returned with exist=0 and stem pointing to it   */
275    char *ans;
276    char *tail;
277    int stemlen;
278    int taillen;
279    register int l;
280    if(!(name[0]&128))   /* if a simple symbol, the result is like varsearch */
281       return *stem=0,varsearch(name,namelen,level,exist);
282    stemlen=(tail=memchr(name,'.',namelen))-name;
283    if(!tail)stemlen=namelen,taillen=0;
284    else tail++,taillen=namelen-stemlen-1;
285    while(1){
286       if(!(*stem=varsearch(name,stemlen,level,exist))) return 0; /* no vars */
287       if(!*exist) return ans= *stem,*stem=0,ans;                 /* no stem */
288       if(!tail) return (*exist=0),cnull;                  /* name is a stem */
289       if(!(ans=tailsearch(*stem,tail,taillen,exist)))return 0;  /* no tails */
290       if(!*exist)return ans;                                    /* no tail  */
291       if((l=((varent *)ans)->valalloc)>=0)return ans;          /* it's here */
292       *level=-(l+1);                                      /* it's elsewhere */
293    }
294 }
printtree(lev)296 void printtree(lev) /* for testing */
297 int lev;
298 {
299    varent *v;
300    char *c,*d;
301    int level=lev;
302    int i;
303    if(level<0||level>varstkptr)level=varstkptr; /* guard against parameterless
304                                                    call */
305    v=(varent *)(vartab+varstk[level]),c=vartab+varstk[level+1];
306    while((char *)v<c){
307       printf("Offset:%d\n",((char *)v)-vartab-varstk[level]),
308       printf("   next=%d\n",v->next),
309       printf("   less=%d\n",v->less),
310       printf("   grtr=%d\n",v->grtr),
311       printf("   namelen=%d\n",v->namelen),
312       printf("   valalloc=%d\n",v->valalloc),
313       printf("   vallen=%d\n",v->vallen),
314       printf("   name="),
315       i=v->namelen,
316       d=sizeof(varent)+(char *)v;
317       while(i-->0)putchar(d++[0]&127);
318       putchar('\n');
319       v=(varent *)(v->next+(char *)v);
320    }
321 }
printtails(stem)323 void printtails(stem) /* for testing */
324 varent *stem;
325 {
326    varent *v;
327    char *c,*d,*e;
328    int i;
329    c=(char *)(stem+1)+align(stem->namelen);
330    printf("Default value alloc %d len %d value %s\n",*(int*)c,*((int *)c+1),
331       *((int *)c+1)<0?"":c+2*four);
332    d=c+*(int *)c+2*four,
333    v=(varent *)d,c+=stem->vallen;
334    while((char *)v<c){
335       printf("Offset:%d\n",((char *)v)-d),
336       printf("   next=%d\n",v->next),
337       printf("   less=%d\n",v->less),
338       printf("   grtr=%d\n",v->grtr),
339       printf("   namelen=%d\n",v->namelen),
340       printf("   valalloc=%d\n",v->valalloc),
341       printf("   vallen=%d\n",v->vallen),
342       printf("   name="),
343       i=v->namelen,
344       e=sizeof(varent)+(char *)v;
345       while(i-->0)putchar(e++[0]&127);
346       putchar('\n');
347       v=(varent *)(v->next+(char *)v);
348    }
349 }
update(value,amount,level)351 void update(value,amount,level)
352 int value,amount,level;
353 { /* update all the less/grtr fields of level `level' by `amount' if greater
354      than `value'; adjust the level pointers also. This routine is called
355      *after* the space has been created or reclaimed. */
356    register varent *ptr;
357    int l=level;
358    while(l++<=varstkptr)varstk[l]+=amount;
359    for(  ptr=(varent *)(vartab+varstk[level]);
360          (char *)ptr<vartab+varstk[level+1];
361          ptr=(varent *)((char *)ptr+ptr->next))
362    {
363       if(ptr->less>value)ptr->less+=amount;
364       if(ptr->grtr>value)ptr->grtr+=amount;
365    }
366 }
makeroom(var,amount,level)368 long makeroom(var,amount,level) /* var points to a (complete) variable entry */
369 int var,amount,level;           /* which is to be enlarged by amount. var is */
370 {                               /* an integer offset from the start of level */
371    register char *i;            /* the return is the difference from dtest   */
372    register char *j;
373    varent *k;
374    char *mtest_old;
375    long mtest_diff;
376    if(!dtest(vartab,vartablen,varstk[varstkptr+1]+amount+2,amount+512))
377       mtest_diff=0;
378    k=((varent *)(j=vartab+varstk[level]+var));  /* the variable's address */
379    j+=(k->next);                                /* the end of the variable */
380    for(i=vartab+varstk[varstkptr+1]-1;i>=j;i--)i[amount]=i[0]; /* make room */
381    k->next+=amount;
382    update(var,amount,level);
383    return mtest_diff;
384 }
reclaim(var,amount,level)386 void reclaim(var,amount,level)  /* var points to a (complete) variable entry */
387 int var,amount,level;           /* which is to be reduced by amount. var is  */
388 {                               /* an integer offset from the start of level */
389    register char *i;
390    register char *j=vartab+varstk[varstkptr+1]-amount;
391    varent *k=(varent *)(vartab+varstk[level]+var);
392    for(i=(char *)k+(k->next)-amount;i<j;i++)i[0]=i[amount];
393    k->next-=amount;
394    update(var,-amount,level);
395 }
tailupdate(stem,value,amount)397 void tailupdate(stem,value,amount)
398 varent *stem;     /* update all the grtr/less fields of the variable pointed */
399 int value,amount; /* to by stem by amount if greater than value. Updates the */
400 {                 /* vallen field of the stem also.                          */
401    register varent *ptr;
402    int len;
403    char *data=(char *)stem+sizeof(varent)+align(stem->namelen);
404    len=(stem->vallen+=amount);
405    for(  ptr=(varent *)(data+*(int *)data+2*four);
406          (char *)ptr<data+len;
407          ptr=(varent *)((char *)ptr+ptr->next))
408    {
409       if(ptr->less>value)ptr->less+=amount;
410       if(ptr->grtr>value)ptr->grtr+=amount;
411    }
412 }
tailroom(stem,var,amount,level)414 long tailroom(stem,var,amount,level) /* make room in the tail of a stem */
415 varent *stem;       /* var is a tail offset value, or -1 meaning the default */
416 int var,amount,level;
417 {
418    register char *i;
419    register char *j;
420    varent *k;
421    char *data;
422    char *def;
423    long diff=0;
424    int ext;
425    if(stem->vallen+amount>stem->valalloc)  /* Not enough space allocated */
426       ext=align(stem->vallen/3+amount*4/3),
427       diff=makeroom((char *)stem-vartab-varstk[level],ext,level),
428       stem=(varent *)((char *)stem+diff),
429       stem->valalloc+=ext;                 /* It is now!                 */
430    def=data=(char *)stem+sizeof(varent)+align(stem->namelen);
431    data+=*(int *)data+2*four;
432    if(var>=0)k=(varent *)(j=data+var),  /* find the tail, and its end */
433              j+=(k->next);
434    else k=(varent *)(j=data);           /* or use the default value */
435    for(i=def+stem->vallen-1;i>=j;i--)i[amount]=i[0];
436    if(var>=0)k->next+=amount,
437              tailupdate(stem,var,amount);
438    else *(int *)def +=amount;
439    return diff;
440 }
tailreclaim(stem,var,amount)442 void tailreclaim(stem,var,amount) /* Reduce the size of a tail element */
443 int var,amount;                   /* var is a tail offset value */
444 varent *stem;
445 {
446    register char *i;
447    register char *j;
448    varent *k;
449    char *data;
450    data=(char *)stem+sizeof(varent)+align(stem->namelen);
451    j=data+stem->vallen-amount;
452    data+=*(int *)data+2*four;
453    k=(varent *)(data+var);
454    for(i=(char *)k+(k->next)-amount;i<j;i++)i[0]=i[amount];
455    k->next-=amount;
456    tailupdate(stem,var,-amount);
457 }
tailhookup(stem)459 void tailhookup(stem)   /* hook up the tree structure within a stem */
460 varent *stem;           /* i.e. fill in the grtr & less fields in a list */
461 {                       /* of tail elements */
462    int *slot;
463    int exist;
464    register char *k;
465    char *data=(char *)(stem+1)+align(stem->namelen);/*address of stem's value*/
466    char *tails=data+*(int *)data+2*four;            /* address of first tail */
467    char *end=data+stem->vallen;                     /* end of last tail */
468    for(k=tails;k<end;k+=((varent *)k)->next){
469       if(k==tails)continue;
470       slot=(int *)tailsearch/* should always tell where to hook the new tail */
471          ((char*)stem,k+sizeof(varent),((varent *)k)->namelen,&exist);
472       if(!exist) /* should always be true! */ slot[0]=k-tails;
473    }
474 }
varcreate(varptr,name,value,namelen,len,lev)476 void varcreate(varptr,name,value,namelen,len,lev)
477 char *varptr,*name,*value;         /* create a new variable (used in varset */
478 int namelen,len,lev;               /* and varcopy) with given value.        */
479                                    /* varptr is the result of a failed      */
480                                    /* search, i.e. if non-null points to an */
481                                    /* integer slot to store the address.    */
482                                    /* if lev=0, place in the top level. If  */
483                                    /* lev=1, place one level down.          */
484 {
485    int alloc=len/4;
486    int ext;
487    register char *i;
488    register char *v;
489    long mtest_diff;
490    char *mtest_old;
491    if(alloc<20)alloc=20;  /* The extra amount of space to allocate */
492    alloc+=len,
493    alloc=align(alloc);    /* The total amount of space to allocate */
494    if dtest(vartab,
495             vartablen,
496             varstk[varstkptr+1]+1+(ext=align(alloc+namelen+sizeof(varent))),
497             namelen+alloc+256)
498       if(varptr)varptr+=mtest_diff;
499    v=vartab+varstk[varstkptr+!lev];      /* where to put the new variable */
500    if(lev)  /* move up the entire top level to make room */
501       for(i=vartab+varstk[varstkptr+1];i>=v;i--)i[ext]=i[0];
502    memcpy(v+sizeof(varent),name,namelen),/* copy the variable's name  */
503    ((varent *)v)->next=ext,              /* now fill in the fields... */
504    ((varent *)v)->less= -1,
505    ((varent *)v)->grtr= -1,
506    ((varent *)v)->namelen=namelen,
507    ((varent *)v)->valalloc=alloc,
508    ((varent *)v)->vallen=len;
509    if(varptr)             /* make the new variable a part of the tree */
510       *(int *)varptr=varstk[varstkptr+!lev]-varstk[varstkptr-lev];
511    if(len>0)                       /* copy the new variable's value */
512       memcpy(v+sizeof(varent)+align(namelen),value,len);
513    varstk[varstkptr+1]+=ext;       /* and finally update the level pointers */
514    if(lev)varstk[varstkptr]+=ext;
515 }
stemcreate(varptr,name,value,namelen,len,lev)517 void stemcreate(varptr,name,value,namelen,len,lev)
518 char *varptr,*name,*value;         /* similar to varcreate(), but a whole   */
519 int namelen,len,lev;               /* stem is created with the given default*/
520                                    /* name does not include the dot */
521 {
522    int alloc=align(len*5/4+256);
523    int ext;
524    register char *i,*v;
525    long mtest_diff;
526    char *mtest_old;
527    if dtest(vartab,
528         vartablen,
529         varstk[varstkptr+1]+1+(ext=align(alloc+namelen+sizeof(varent)+2*four)),
530         namelen+alloc+256)
531       if(varptr)varptr+=mtest_diff;
532    v=vartab+varstk[varstkptr+!lev];
533    if(lev)for(i=vartab+varstk[varstkptr+1];i>=v;i--)i[ext]=i[0];
534    memcpy(v+sizeof(varent),name,namelen);
535    if(varptr) *(int *)varptr=varstk[varstkptr+!lev]-varstk[varstkptr-lev];
536    ((varent *)v)->next=ext,
537    ((varent *)v)->less= -1,
538    ((varent *)v)->grtr= -1,
539    ((varent *)v)->namelen=namelen,
540    ((varent *)v)->valalloc=alloc,
541    ((varent *)v)->vallen=(alloc=align(len))+2*four;
542    v+=sizeof(varent)+align(namelen),
543    ((int *)v)[0]=alloc,
544    ((int *)v)[1]=len;
545    if(len>0)memcpy(v+2*four,value,len);
546    varstk[varstkptr+1]+=ext;
547    if(lev)varstk[varstkptr]+=ext;
548 }
tailcreate(stem,tailptr,name,value,namelen,len,level)550 void tailcreate(stem,tailptr,name,value,namelen,len,level)
551 char *stem,*tailptr,*name,*value;  /* create new tail within a stem with */
552 int namelen,len,level;             /* a given value. Stem is the address */
553                                    /* of the stem structure, tailptr is  */
554                                    /* the equivalent of varptr in earlier*/
555                                    /* functions. Level is the actual     */
556                                    /* level number. */
557 {
558    long diff;
559    int alloc=len/4;
560    int ext;
561    char *v=stem+sizeof(varent)+align(((varent *)stem)->namelen);
562    char *e=v+((varent *)stem)->vallen;  /* end of last tail */
563    v+=*(int *)v+2*four;                 /* start of first tail */
564    if(len<0)alloc=0;
565    else {
566       if(alloc<20)alloc=20;
567       alloc=align(alloc+len);
568    }
569    if(   (ext=alloc+align(namelen)+sizeof(varent))
570        + ((varent *)stem)->vallen
571      >   ((varent *)stem)->valalloc){
572       if(diff=makeroom(stem-vartab-varstk[level],ext+256,level)){
573          if(tailptr)tailptr+=diff;
574          stem+=diff,e+=diff,v+=diff;
575       }
576       ((varent *)stem)->valalloc+=ext+256;
577    }
578    if(tailptr)*(int *)(tailptr)=e-v; /* Save the offset in the parent's slot */
579    memcpy(e+sizeof(varent),name,namelen), /* Make the new tail at e */
580    ((varent *)e)->next=ext,
581    ((varent *)e)->less= -1,
582    ((varent *)e)->grtr= -1,
583    ((varent *)e)->namelen=namelen,
584    ((varent *)e)->valalloc=alloc,
585    ((varent *)e)->vallen=len;
586    if(len>0)memcpy(e+sizeof(varent)+align(namelen),value,len);
587    ((varent *)stem)->vallen+=ext;
588 }
varset(name,varlen,value,len)590 void varset(name,varlen,value,len) /* set variable `name' of namelength   */
591 char *name,*value;                 /* `varlen' equal to the value `value' */
592 int len,varlen;                    /* which has length `len'              */
593 {
594    int varalloc,varoff,ext,newlen,exist;
595    register char *i;
596    register varent *v1,*v2;
597    int level=varstkptr;
598    char *valptr;
599    char *varptr;
600    char *oldptr;
601    char *stemptr;
602    long diff;
603    int compound=name[0]&128;
604    int isstem=compound&&!memchr(name,'.',varlen);/* stems do not contain dots*/
605    char varname[maxvarname];
606    if(isstem){ /* Set the default value of a whole stem. */
607       varptr=varsearch(name,varlen,&level,&exist);
608       if(exist){ /* stem exists. Set default and clear all non-exposed tails */
609          valptr=varptr+sizeof(varent)+align(((varent *)varptr)->namelen);
610             /* valptr points to the default value */
611          if((ext=align(len-*(int *)valptr))>0)/* extra mem needed for default*/
612             if(diff=tailroom((varent *)varptr,-1,ext,level))
613                varptr+=diff,
614                valptr+=diff;
615          ((int *)valptr)[1]=len;  /* now copy the default value */
616          if(len>0)memcpy(valptr+2*four,value,len);
617          ext= *(int *)valptr;
618          i=((varent *)varptr)->vallen+valptr; /* the end of the last tail */
619          v2=(varent *)(valptr+2*four+ext);    /* the start of the first tail */
620          oldptr=valptr;
621          valptr+= (*(int *)valptr=align(len))+2*four; /* new start of tails */
622          v1=(varent *)valptr;              /* pointer to "current" new tail */
623          /* now copy all exposed tails from v2 to v1. upper bound of v2 = i */
624          while((char *)v2<i){
625             if(v2->valalloc<0)  /* It is exposed */
626                memcpy((char*)v1,(char*)v2,v2->next),
627                v1->grtr= -1,
628                v1->less= -1,
629                v1=(varent *)((char *)v1+v1->next);
630             v2=(varent *)((char *)v2+v2->next);
631          }
632          ((varent *)varptr)->vallen=ext=((char *)v1)-oldptr; /* new length */
633          ext=align(ext);      /* The amount of space to leave in this stem */
634          if(len>=0)ext+=256;  /* Leave some extra space for future tails   */
635          if((ext-=((varent *)varptr)->valalloc)<0)      /* Shrink the stem */
636             reclaim(varptr-varstk[level]-vartab,-ext,level),
637             ((varent *)varptr)->valalloc+=ext;
638          /* hook up the tree of tails */
639          tailhookup((varent*)varptr);
640          /* assign the given string to each remaining tail */
641          memcpy(varname,name,varlen); /* varname holds each compund symbol */
642          varname[varlen]='.';
643          for(v2=(varent *)valptr;v2<v1;v2=(varent *)((char *)v2+v2->next))
644             memcpy(varname+varlen+1,(char*)(v2+1),v2->namelen),
645             varset(varname,1+varlen+v2->namelen,value,len);
646          return;
647       }
648       /* a stem which does not exist is being initialised */
649       if(len>=0)stemcreate(varptr,name,value,varlen,len,0);
650       return;
651    }
652    if(compound){  /* A compound symbol is being assigned to */
653       varptr=valuesearch(name,varlen,&level,&exist,&stemptr);
654       if(exist){ /* change an existing compound variable */
655          valptr=stemptr+sizeof(varent)+align(((varent *)stemptr)->namelen),
656          valptr+=*(int *)valptr+2*four;
657          varoff=varptr-valptr, /* now varoff contains the offset within stem */
658          varalloc= ((varent *)varptr)->valalloc;
659          if(len>varalloc){     /* need some more memory */
660             ext=len/4;
661             if(ext<20)ext=20;
662             newlen=align(len+ext), /* the total amount of memory */
663             ext=newlen-varalloc;   /* the extra amount */
664             varptr+=tailroom((varent*)stemptr,varoff,ext,level);
665             ((varent *)varptr)->valalloc=newlen;
666          }
667          else if(len<0&&varalloc>10)  /* variable is being dropped - reclaim */
668             tailreclaim((varent*)stemptr,varoff,varalloc),
669             ((varent *)varptr)->valalloc=0;
670          if(len>0) /* Copy the value */
671             memcpy(varptr+sizeof(varent)+align(((varent *)varptr)->namelen),
672                    value,len);
673          ((varent *)varptr)->vallen=len; /* and copy the length */
674          return;
675       }
676       if(!stemptr){/* the stem does not exist. Create then continue */
677          if(len<0)return; /* Do not bother to DROP from a nonexistent stem */
678          stemcreate(varptr,name,cnull,strchr(name,'.')-name,-1,0),
679             /* create stem with no default (the above line) */
680          level=varstkptr,
681          varptr=valuesearch(name,varlen,&level,&exist,&stemptr);
682             /* the search is guaranteed to find a stem with no tail */
683       }
684       /* the stem exists but the tail does not */
685       /* Even if the variable is being dropped, it is necessary to create it
686          in case of e.g. "a.=5; drop a.1; say a.1" (should say "A.1") */
687       oldptr=name,
688       varlen-=((name=1+strchr(name,'.'))-oldptr);
689       tailcreate(stemptr,varptr,name,value,varlen,len,level);
690       return;
691    } /* So now it is a simple symbol. */
692    varptr=varsearch(name,varlen,&level,&exist);
693    if(exist){ /* variable exists, so reset */
694       varoff= varptr-vartab-varstk[level],
695       varalloc= ((varent *)varptr)->valalloc;
696       if(len>varalloc){
697          ext=len/4;
698          if(ext<20)ext=20;
699          newlen=align(len+ext),
700          ext=newlen-varalloc;
701          varptr+=makeroom(varoff,ext,level);
702          ((varent *)varptr)->valalloc=newlen;
703       }
704       else if(len<0&&varalloc>10)  /* variable is being dropped - reclaim */
705          reclaim(varoff,varalloc,level),
706          ((varent *)varptr)->valalloc=0;
707       if(len>0)
708          memcpy(varptr+sizeof(varent)+align(((varent *)varptr)->namelen),
709          value,len);
710       ((varent *)varptr)->vallen=len;
711    }
712    else if(len>=0) /* variable does not exist, so create */
713       varcreate(varptr,name,value,varlen,len,0);
714 }
varget(name,varlen,len)716 char *varget(name,varlen,len)/* get value and length of variable `name'.     */
717 char *name;                  /* Value is returned, length is placed in `len' */
718 int varlen;
719 int *len;
720 {
721    int level=varstkptr;
722    char *stem;
723    char *varptr=valuesearch(name,varlen,&level,len,&stem);
724    if(!(*len||stem))return 0;    /* does not exist at all */
725    if(*len&&stem&&((varent *)varptr)->vallen<0)
726       return (*len=0),cnull;     /* compound symbol has "null" value */
727    if(!*len){
728       /* compound variable doesn't exist; try default value */
729       stem+=sizeof(varent)+align(((varent *)stem)->namelen);
730       if((*len= *((int *)stem+1))>=0) return stem+2*four;
731       else return (*len=0),cnull;
732    }
733    if((*len= ((varent *)varptr)->vallen)>=0) /* exists */
734       return varptr+align(((varent *)varptr)->namelen)+sizeof(varent);
735    else return (*len=0),cnull;
736 }
newlevel()738 void newlevel()    /* increment variable level, making a clean environment  */
739 {
740    char *charvarstk=(char *)varstk;
741    mtest(charvarstk,varstklen,four*(++varstkptr+2),four*25);
742    varstk=(int *)charvarstk;
743    varstk[varstkptr+1]=varstk[varstkptr];
744 }
varcopy(name,varlen)746 void varcopy(name,varlen) /* copy a variable (as in procedure expose)       */
747 int varlen;
748 char *name;        /* when this procedure is called, varstkptr has already  */
749 {                  /* been incremented to point to the level in which the new
750                       copy of the variable is required. The old copy of the
751                       variable will be in level varstkptr-1.                */
752    int ext,l;
753    register char *i;
754    char *oldptr;
755    int level=varstkptr-1;
756    int compound=name[0]&128;
757    int isstem=compound&&!memchr(name,'.',varlen);
758    char *varptr;
759    char *stemptr;
760    char *endvar;
761    char *mtest_old;
762    long mtest_diff;
763    if(compound&&!isstem){ /* An individual compound symbol */
764       varptr=valuesearch(name,varlen,&level,&l,&stemptr);
765       if(!l){ /* compound variable does not exist, so create before exposing */
766          if(!stemptr) /* stem does not exist, so create with no default */
767             stemcreate(varptr,name,cnull,strchr(name,'.')-name,-1,1),
768             level=varstkptr-1,
769             varptr=valuesearch(name,varlen,&level,&l,&stemptr);
770          oldptr=1+strchr(name,'.'),
771          tailcreate(stemptr,varptr,oldptr,cnull,varlen-(oldptr-name),-1,level);
772       }
773       /* now copy the variable, which is in level `level' */
774       ext=varstkptr;
775       varptr=valuesearch(name,varlen,&ext,&l,&stemptr);
776       if(!l){/* not already exposed, so go ahead */
777          /* make sure there is a stem to hold the new variable */
778          if(!stemptr)
779             stemcreate(varptr,name,cnull,strchr(name,'.')-name,-1,0),
780                /* create stem with no default */
781             ext=varstkptr,
782             varptr=valuesearch(name,varlen,&ext,&l,&stemptr);
783          if(ext==varstkptr&&((varent *)stemptr)->valalloc>=0){
784             /* stem is not already exposed, so go ahead */
785             oldptr=name,name=1+strchr(name,'.'),varlen-=name-oldptr,
786             ext=sizeof(varent)+align(varlen),
787             oldptr=vartab;
788             if(((varent *)stemptr)->valalloc<((varent *)stemptr)->vallen+ext){
789                if(mtest_diff
790                =makeroom(stemptr-vartab-varstk[varstkptr],ext+256,varstkptr)){
791                   if(varptr)varptr+=mtest_diff;
792                   stemptr+=mtest_diff;
793                }
794                ((varent *)stemptr)->valalloc+=ext+256;
795             } /* There is now enough room to place the new tail at the end
796               of the stem. */
797             i=stemptr+sizeof(varent)+align(((varent *)stemptr)->namelen),
798             endvar=i+((varent *)stemptr)->vallen,
799             i+= *(int*)i+2*four,
800             ((varent *)stemptr)->vallen+=ext;
801             if(varptr)*(int *)varptr=endvar-i;
802             memcpy(endvar+sizeof(varent),name,varlen),
803             ((varent *)endvar)->next=ext,
804             ((varent *)endvar)->less= -1,
805             ((varent *)endvar)->grtr= -1,
806             ((varent *)endvar)->namelen=varlen,
807             ((varent *)endvar)->valalloc= -(level+1),
808             ((varent *)endvar)->vallen=0;
809          }
810       }
811       return;
812    }
813    /* stems are like ordinary symbols; both are treated here. */
814    varptr=varsearch(name,varlen,&level,&l);
815    if(!l) /* create in old level before exposing to new level */
816       if(isstem) stemcreate(varptr,name,cnull,varlen,-1,1);
817       else        varcreate(varptr,name,cnull,varlen,-1,1);
818    ext=varstkptr;
819    varptr=varsearch(name,varlen,&ext,&l);
820    if(!l){ /* not already exposed, so go ahead */
821       if dtest(vartab,vartablen,varstk[varstkptr+1]+1+(ext=sizeof(varent)+align(varlen)),varlen+256)
822          if(varptr)varptr+=mtest_diff;
823       ((varent *)(i=vartab+varstk[varstkptr+1]))->less= -1,
824       ((varent *)i)->grtr= -1,
825       ((varent *)i)->next=ext,
826       ((varent *)i)->namelen=varlen,
827       ((varent *)i)->valalloc= -(level+1),
828       ((varent *)i)->vallen=0;
829       if(varptr)*(int *)varptr=varstk[varstkptr+1]-varstk[varstkptr];
830       varstk[varstkptr+1]+=ext;
831       memcpy(i+sizeof(varent),name,varlen);
832    }
833 }
vardup()835 void vardup() /* make an exact copy of the variables to pass into the
836                  next procedure */
837 {
838    int ext=varstk[varstkptr]-varstk[varstkptr-1];
839    int exist;
840    int *slot;
841    register char *i,*j,*k;
842    /* test for memory. The new level requires no more memory than the
843       previous one */
844    mtest(vartab,vartablen,varstk[varstkptr+1]+ext+1,ext+10);
845    /* Compress the old variables into the new level */
846    i=vartab+varstk[varstkptr-1],
847    j=k=vartab+varstk[varstkptr];
848    while(i<j){
849       memcpy(k,i,ext=sizeof(varent)+align(((varent *)i)->namelen));
850       if(((varent *)k)->valalloc>=0)((varent *)k)->valalloc= -varstkptr;
851       ((varent *)k)->next= ext,
852       ((varent *)k)->less= -1,
853       ((varent *)k)->grtr= -1,
854       ((varent *)k)->vallen= 0,
855       k+=ext;
856       i+=((varent *)i)->next;
857    }
858    varstk[varstkptr+1]=k-vartab;
859    /* hook up the tree structure */
860    for(i=k,k=j;k<i;k+=((varent *)k)->next){
861       if(k==j)continue;
862       ext=varstkptr;
863       slot=(int *)varsearch(k+sizeof(varent),((varent *)k)->namelen,&ext,&exist);
864       if(!exist) /* should always be true! */ slot[0]=k-j;
865    }
866 }
vardel(name,len)868 void vardel(name,len) /* delete name (as in procedure hide) */
869 int len;
870 char *name;       /* the name is not deleted, rather given a new */
871 {                 /* undefined value (to avoid massive restructuring)*/
872    int compound=name[0]&128;
873    int isstem=compound&&!memchr(name,'.',len);
874    int *slot;
875    int c;
876    char *ans=vartab+varstk[varstkptr];
877    if(compound&&!isstem)die(Ebadexpr);
878    while((c=less(name,ans+sizeof(varent),len,((varent *)ans)->namelen))&&(*(slot=(int *)ans+1+(c>0)))>=0)ans=vartab+varstk[varstkptr]+*slot;
879    if(!c){
880       ((varent *)ans)->valalloc=0;
881       if(isstem)
882          ans+=tailroom((varent*)ans,-1,2*four,varstkptr),
883          slot=(int *)(ans+sizeof(varent)+align(((varent *)ans)->namelen)),
884          slot++[0]=0,
885          slot[0]=-1,
886          ((varent *)ans)->vallen=2*four;
887       else ((varent *)ans)->vallen= -1;
888    }
889 }
uc(c)891 char uc(c)       /* return the upper case of c */
892 char c;
893 {
894    if(c<'a'||c>'z')return c;
895    return c&0xdf;
896 }
pstack(type,len)898 void *pstack(type,len) /* stack current position on the program stack,*/
899 int type,len;          /* returning the address of a stack item to be */
900 {                      /* filled in */
901    register int *answer,*ptr;
902    mtest(pstackptr,pstacklen,epstackptr+len+16,256+len);
903    *(ptr=answer=(int *)(pstackptr+epstackptr))=ppc, /* Store the first elmnt */
904    *(ptr=(int *)(pstackptr+(epstackptr+=len))-1)=type,/* Store the type, and */
905    *--ptr=len,                                      /* the length before it  */
906    pstacklev++;                                     /* Record the extra entry*/
907    return (void *)answer;
908 }
unpstack()910 int unpstack()      /* examine an entry from the program stack */
911                     /* without deleting it.  The type is returned.  */
912 {
913    int type;
914    register char *ptr=pstackptr+epstackptr;
915    type= *((int *)ptr-1);
916    ptr-= *((int *)ptr-2);  /* ptr points to the start of the entry */
917    newppc=((struct minstack *)ptr)->stmt;
918    return type;
919 }
delpstack()921 void *delpstack() /* Delete the top program stack entry; return its address */
922 {
923    if(!pstacklev)return (void *)(pstackptr+(epstackptr=0));
924    pstacklev--;
925    return (void *)(pstackptr+(epstackptr-=*((int *)(pstackptr+epstackptr)-2)));
926 }
strcmpi(s1,s2)928 int strcmpi(s1,s2)  /* compare s1 & s2 with case independence       */
929 char *s1,*s2;       /* return 1 if s2 is an initial substring of s2 */
930 {
931    int i;
932    for(i=0;s2[i]&&!((s1[i]^s2[i])&0xDF);i++);
933    return !s2[i];
934 }
935 #if 0
936 void printstmt(line,st,error)   /* print the source statement indicated */
937 int line,st,error;              /* if error=1 then precede with +++     */
938 {
939    int i=line; /* temporary */
940    char c;
941    int spc=0;
942    char quote=0;
943    char *st1=stmts(&line,st);   /* Find the start and end of the statemtent */
944    char *st2=stmts(&i,st+1);    /* in the source code */
945    char *st3;
946    static char *symwords[]=     /* the symbolic tokens */
947       {"||","&&","==","<=",">=","<>","\\==","//","<<",">>","<<=",">>=","**"};
948    char *what=error?"+++":"*-*"; /* The trace prefix */
949    if(!st)st++;
950    if(!line){ /* interpreted ... un-parse the line */
951       printf("  --- %s ",what);
952       for(i=0;i<traceindent*pstacklev;i++)putchar(' '); /* indent */
953       for(st1=interp;--st;){                            /* find statement */
954          while((c=st1[0])&&c!=THEN&&c!=-1)st1++;        /* (easy!) */
955          if(c&&st1[1]==THEN)st1++;
956          if(c)st1++;
957       }
958       if(!st1[0]){puts("<EOL>");return;}  /* statement doesn't exist */
959       while((c=st1[0])&&c!=-1&&c!=THEN){  /* Print up to next terminator */
960          if(c<SYMBOL){                    /* Print a word */
961             if(spc)putchar(' ');
962             for(st2=words[c+128];st2[0];st2++)putchar(st2[0]|0x20);
963             putchar(' ');
964             spc=0;
965          }
966          else if(c<0){  /* Print a symbolic token */
967             if(spc)putchar(' ');
968             printf("%s",symwords[c-(SYMBOL+1)]);
969             putchar(' ');
970             spc=0;
971          }
972          else {  /* Print a character; lowercase it if outside quotes */
973             if(quote&&c==quote)quote=0;
974             else if((c=='\''||c=='\"')&&!quote)quote=c;
975             if((c>='A'&&c<='Z')&&!quote)c|=0x20;
976             putchar(c);
977             spc=(c!=' ');
978          }
979          st1++;
980       }
981       if(c==THEN){  /* Print a terminating THEN */
982          if(spc)putchar(' ');
983          puts("then");
984       }
985       else putchar('\n');
986       return;
987    } /* Print a regular source line (or lines) */
988    if(st2)if(st2[-1]==';')st2--;      /* Remove a final semicolon */
989    if(st1&&st2) /* calculate column at which the stmt starts */
990       for(spc=0,st3=(*source)[line];
991             st3<st2&&(c=st3[0],st3<st1||c==' '||c=='\t');st3++)
992          if(c=='\t')spc=8+(spc&~7);
993          else spc++;
994    do{
995       printf("%5d %s ",line,what);
996       for(i=0;i<traceindent*pstacklev;i++)putchar(' '); /* indent */
997       if(st1&&st2){           /* Both ends of the statement found, so print */
998          for(i=0;i<spc&&st1<st2&&((c=st1[0])==' '||c=='\t');st1++)
999             if(c=='\t')i=8+(i&~7);     /* Remove leading spaces */
1000             else i++;
1001          while(i>spc)putchar(' '),i--; /* Print part of a tab if necessary */
1002          for(;st1<st2&&st1[0];st1++)
1003             printf("%c",st1[0]);  /* Print the statement, up to EOL */
1004          if(st1<st2&&line<lines)st1=(*source)[++line]; /* Go to next line */
1005       }
1006       else if(line>lines)fputs("<EOF>",stdout);  /* Line wasn't found */
1007       else fputs("<EOL>",stdout);                /* statement wasn't found */
1008       putchar('\n');
1009    } while(st1&&st2&&st1<st2&&line<=lines);
1010 }
1011 #endif
freestack(ptr,i)1013 void freestack(ptr,i)    /* free areas indicated by program stack type i */
1014 void *ptr;               /* stack entry starts at ptr */
1015 int i;
1016 {
1017    extern int address1,address2;
1018    register struct procstack2 *sptr=(struct procstack2 *)ptr;
1019    if(i==11||i==12) /* internal call */
1020       interplev--,
1021       free(cstackptr),
1022       cstackptr=sptr->csp,
1023       cstacklen=sptr->csl,
1024       ecstackptr=sptr->ecsp,
1025       prog=sptr->prg,
1026       stmts=sptr->stmts,
1027       timeflag=(timeflag&4)|(sptr->tim &1),
1028       trcflag=sptr->trc,
1029       microsecs=sptr->mic,
1030       secs=sptr->sec,
1031       address1=sptr->address1,
1032       address2=sptr->address2,
1033       numform=sptr->form,
1034       precision=sptr->digits,
1035       fuzz=sptr->fuzz;
1036    else if(i==14) /* interpret */
1037       interplev--,
1038       free(prog[0].source),  /* the interpreted string */
1039       free(prog[0].line),    /* the tokenised string */
1040       free((char*)prog),     /* the statement table */
1041       stmts=((struct interpstack *)sptr)->stmts,
1042       prog=((struct interpstack *)sptr)->prg;
1043    else if(i==16) /* interactive() stored calculator stack */
1044       free(cstackptr),
1045       cstackptr=sptr->csp,
1046       cstacklen=sptr->csl,
1047       ecstackptr=sptr->ecsp,
1048       interact=-1;
1049    else if(i==20) /* saved traceback line */
1050       prog=((struct errorstack *)sptr)->prg,
1051       stmts=((struct errorstack *)sptr)->stmts;
1052    if(i==12)      /* reclaim procedural variables */
1053       varstkptr--;
1054    if(i>=11&&i<=14 && sgstack[interplev+1].data) /* reclaim condition data */
1055       free(sgstack[interplev+1].data);
1056 }
1058 static char tracebuff[maxtracelen+1];
1059 static int tracepos=0;
tracestr(str)1061 void tracestr(str)     /* like traceput but length parameter is not needed */
1062 char *str;
1063 {
1064    traceput(str,strlen(str));
1065 }
traceput(str,len)1067 void traceput(str,len) /* like fputs to the trace output stream. */
1068 char *str;             /* The line is output if the last char is \n. */
1069 int len;
1070 {
1071    char c;
1072    static RXSIOTRC_PARM sio;
1073    int cr;
1074    if(!len)return;
1075    if((cr=str[len-1]=='\n'))len--;
1076    while(len--)
1077       if(tracepos<maxtracelen)
1078          tracebuff[tracepos++]=(((c=str++[0])&127)<' '||c==127)?'?':c;
1079    if(!cr)return;
1080    if(tracepos==maxtracelen)
1081       tracebuff[maxtracelen-1]='.',
1082       tracebuff[maxtracelen-2]='.',
1083       tracebuff[maxtracelen-3]='.';
1084    tracebuff[tracepos]=0;
1085    sio.rxsio_string.strptr=tracebuff;
1086    sio.rxsio_string.strlength=tracepos;
1087    tracepos=0;
1088    if(exitlist[RXSIO] && exitcall(RXSIO,RXSIOTRC,&sio)==RXEXIT_HANDLED)
1089       return;
1090    fputs(tracebuff,traceout);
1091    putc('\n',traceout);
1092 }
tracechar(ch)1094 void tracechar(ch)
1095 char ch;
1096 {
1097    if(ch=='\n')traceput("\n",1);
1098    else if(tracepos<maxtracelen)
1099       tracebuff[tracepos++]=(ch&=127)<' '||ch==127?'?':ch;
1100 }
tracenum(num,len)1102 void tracenum(num,len) /* print a number to the trace output stream. */
1103 int num,len;
1104 {
1105    static char buff[20];
1106    sprintf(buff,"%*d",len,num);
1107    traceput(buff,strlen(buff));
1108 }
traceprefix(num,prefix)1110 void traceprefix(num,prefix) /* print a trace prefix */
1111 int num;
1112 char *prefix;
1113 {
1114    static char buff[20];
1115    if(num)sprintf(buff,"%5d %s ",num,prefix);
1116    else sprintf(buff,"      %s ",prefix);
1117    traceput(buff,strlen(buff));
1118 }
traceget(len)1120 char *traceget(len)  /* get input for interactive trace */
1121 int *len;            /* space must be freed by caller */
1122 {
1123    char *inbuf=allocm(RXRESULTLEN);
1124    int inlen;
1125    RXSIODTR_PARM rxio;
1126    if(exitlist[RXSIO]){
1127       MAKERXSTRING(rxio.rxsiodtr_retc,inbuf,RXRESULTLEN);
1128       if(exitcall(RXSIO,RXSIODTR,&rxio)==RXEXIT_HANDLED){
1129          if(rxio.rxsiodtr_retc.strptr!=inbuf)free(inbuf);
1130          *len=rxio.rxsiodtr_retc.strlength;
1131          return rxio.rxsiodtr_retc.strptr;
1132       }
1133    }
1134    fputs(">trace>",ttyout),fflush(ttyout);
1135    clearerr(ttyin);
1136    if(!(fgets(inbuf,RXRESULTLEN,ttyin)))inlen=0;
1137    else inlen=strlen(inbuf)-1;
1138    *len=inlen;
1139    return inbuf;
1140 }
interactive()1142 void interactive() /* interactive tracing - called whenever the tracer might */
1143 {                  /* want to stop for input */
1144    char *inbuf;
1145    int inlen;
1146    char **ocurargs=curargs;   /* Save the arguments to the current procedure */
1147    int *ocurarglen=curarglen; /* in case of a trap from a lower procedure */
1148    int oppc=ppc;              /* save also the current position */
1149    int i;
1150    struct interactstack *entry;
1151    if((!(trcflag&0x80)) || interact>=0)
1152       return;                 /* Continue only in interactive mode */
1153    if(interactmsg)
1154       interactmsg=0,
1155       fputs("      +++ Interactive trace.  TRACE OFF to end debug, ENTER to continue. +++",ttyout),
1156       putc('\n',ttyout);
1157    entry=(struct interactstack *)pstack(16,sizeof(struct interactstack));
1158    entry->csp=cstackptr,      /* Now fill in a program stack entry for the */
1159    entry->csl=cstacklen,      /* commands typed in */
1160    entry->ecs=ecstackptr;
1161    otrcflag=trcflag;
1162    cstackptr=allocm(cstacklen=200); /* Make a new calculator stack. */
1163    ecstackptr=0;
1164    trclp=1;                   /* signal "do wait for more input" */
1165    while(trclp){              /* Until the user restarts the program ...*/
1166       returnlen=-1;           /* signal that a RETURN was not executed */
1167       inbuf=traceget(&inlen); /* input a line */
1168       returnval=0;
1169       if(!inlen)break;        /* No input -> continue with program */
1170       interact=interplev;     /* signal "interactive mode" */
1171       trcflag=Terrors;        /* turn tracing "off" while interpreting input */
1172       if(setjmp(interactbuf)) /* Save the context in case of an error */
1173          curargs=ocurargs,    /* error! restore the correct context */
1174          curarglen=ocurarglen,
1175          ppc=oppc,
1176          returnlen=-1;
1177       else returnval=rxinterp(inbuf,inlen,&returnlen, /* Interpret */
1178                               "TRACE",RXSUBROUTINE,curargs,curarglen);
1179       free(inbuf);
1180       if(trclp==1)trcflag=otrcflag; /* Unless the input contained a trace
1181                                        command, restore the old trace flag. */
1182       if(returnlen>=0)break;  /* Continue with program if a RETURN occurred */
1183    }
1184    interact= -1;              /* signal "not interactive mode" */
1185    if(returnval)returnfree=cstackptr; /* The result's user will free it */
1186    else free(cstackptr);      /* Nothing of value was on the stack */
1187    while(i=*((int *)(pstackptr+epstackptr)-1)!=16)/* Clear the program stack */
1188       freestack(delpstack(),i);
1189    entry=(struct interactstack *)delpstack();/* delete interactive()'s entry */
1190    cstackptr=entry->csp,                     /* and restore the old stack */
1191    ecstackptr=entry->ecs,
1192    cstacklen=entry->csl;
1193    if(returnlen>=0)      /* if a RETURN occurred, jump back to do the return */
1194       longjmp(sgstack[interplev].jmp,-1);
1195 }
1197 /* The following function loads a source file from disk and returns the
1198    block of memory allocated to hold it.  The return value is null if
1199    an error occurred. */
load(name,sourcelen)1200 char *load(name,sourcelen)
1201 char *name;          /* The path name of the program */
1202 int *sourcelen;      /* The length of the source (to be returned) */
1203 {
1204    struct stat buf;  /* For finding the size of the program */
1205    int f= -1;        /* A file descriptor */
1206    unsigned size;    /* The size of the program */
1207    char *store;      /* The memory allocated to hold the source */
1209 /* find size of file */
1210    if (stat(name,&buf)==-1)return 0;
1211    size=buf.st_size,
1212 /* get mem for the file */
1213    store=allocm(size+2);
1214 /* read file */
1215    if((f=open(name,O_RDONLY))==-1){
1216       free(store);
1217       return 0;
1218    }
1219    if(read(f,store,size)!=size){
1220       free(store);
1221       return 0;
1222    }
1223    close(f);
1224    if(store[size-1]!='\n')store[size++]='\n'; /* terminate last line */
1225    store[size]=0;
1226    *sourcelen=size;  /* Ahem! */
1227    return store;
1228 }
1230 /* The following function preprocesses a block of source passed to it.
1231    Space for the preprocessed program and the label tabel is allocated
1232    and assigned to global variables.  Also, the source is broken into
1233    lines and a source line table is allocated.  The 0th line of source
1234    is usually its file name.  However this will be inserted by the caller. */
tokenise(input,ilen,interpret,line1)1235 void tokenise(input,ilen,interpret,line1)
1236 char *input;         /* the source code */
1237 int ilen;            /* length of the source code */
1238 int interpret;       /* if nonzero, ignore labels and do not make a source
1239                         line table */
1240 int line1;           /* if nonzero, the first line is a comment */
1241 {
1242    static char msg[20];/* For reporting invalid chars */
1243    int type;         /* Type of a character */
1244    int comment=0;    /* Comment nesting level */
1245    int commentstart; /* Start stmt number of a comment */
1246    int comma=0;      /* Continuation character is in force */
1247    int start=1;      /* the start of a statement */
1248    char first=0;     /* the first word in this statement */
1249    char last=0;      /* the most recent word in this statement */
1250    char token=0;     /* candidate token number */
1251    int spc=0;        /* a space just occurred */
1252    int wordlen=0;    /* length of a stored word */
1253 #define word varnamebuf /* "word" seems a better name just now */
1254    int spcbefore=0;  /* Put a space before the word */
1255    int gobble=1;     /* whether a character gobbles spaces */
1256    int sourcelen=100;/* lines allocated in source line table */
1257    int proglen=100;  /* statements allocated in program line table */
1258    int plen=ilen+2;  /* length allocated for program */
1259    char*srcptr=input;/* pointer into the source */
1260    char *prgptr;     /* pointer into the program */
1261    char *prevptr;    /* source address for the stored word */
1262    int lablen;       /* Length allocated to labels */
1263    int elabptr;      /* Length of labels so far */
1264    char c;
1265    char *ptr;
1266    int i;
1267    int ch;
1269    if(!interpret)source=(char**)allocm(sourcelen*sizeof(char*));
1270    prog=(program*)allocm(proglen*sizeof(program));
1271    prgptr=prog[0].line=allocm(plen);/* plen=ilen+2 is a guaranteed upper
1272           bound (the 2 extra are a line terminator and program terminator) */
1273    prog[0].source=input;
1274    prog[0].num=!interpret;
1275    if(!interpret)
1276       source[0]=cnull,
1277       labelptr=allocm(lablen=200),
1278       elabptr=0;
1279    stmts=0;
1280    if(!interpret)lines=0;
1281    if(!interpret && (line1 || ilen>2&&srcptr[0]=='#'&&srcptr[1]=='!')){
1282       source[++lines]=srcptr;
1283       while(ilen--&&srcptr++[0]!='\n');
1284       if(ilen<0)ilen++;
1285       else srcptr[-1]=0;
1286    }
1287    prog[0].sourcend=srcptr;
1288    if(ilen){
1289       if(!interpret)source[++lines]=srcptr;
1290       prog[++stmts].line=prgptr,
1291       prog[stmts].num=(interpret?0:lines),
1292       prog[stmts].source=srcptr,
1293       prog[stmts].sourcend=0,
1294       prog[stmts].related=0;
1295    }
1296    ppc=0;                 /* this must be a signal that no ppc is available */
1297    while(ilen-- || !interpret&&srcptr>source[lines] || wordlen || !start){
1298       if(ilen<0){         /* we repeat the loop to finish off the source */
1299          ilen++;          /* This happens when the last line is unterminated */
1300                           /* The last byte of source will be overwritten with
1301                           \0.  This only fails if input was an empty string. */
1302          c='\n';
1303          if(comment)die(Elcomm);
1304       }
1305       else c=srcptr++[0];
1306       if(c=='\n'){
1307          srcptr[-1]=0;
1308          if(!interpret){
1309             if(sourcelen-1<=++lines)
1310                if(ptr=(char*)realloc((char*)source,(sourcelen+=50)*sizeof(char*)))
1311                   source=(char**)ptr;
1312                else die(Emem);
1313             source[lines]=srcptr;
1314             if(comma){
1315                if(!ilen)die(Ecomma); /* Last line ended with comma */
1316                prgptr--,
1317                gobble--,     /* restore gobble to previous val */
1318                comma=0,
1319                c=' ';
1320             }
1321             else c=';';      /* line ends terminate statements.  Note:
1322                                 this is ineffective within comments */
1323          }
1324          else
1325             if(!ilen)
1326                if(comma)die(Ecomma); /* interpreted line ends with comma */
1327                else c=';';           /* terminate the interpreted line */
1328             else /* do nothing.  \n will be rejected later. */ ;
1329       }
1330       if(c=='^')c='\\';   /* Translate "^" into the real "not" character */
1331       if(c=='*'&&ilen&&srcptr[0]=='/'){
1332                 /* if(--comment<0)die(Ercomm);  Not an error really. */
1333          if(--comment<0)comment=0;
1334          else srcptr++,ilen--,
1335               c=' ';      /* Comment equals space.  This should be changed. */
1336       }
1337       if(c=='/'&&ilen&&srcptr[0]=='*'){
1338          if(comment++==0)commentstart=stmts;
1339          srcptr++,ilen--;
1340       }
1341       if(comment)continue;/* all characters within comments are ignored. */
1342       if((type=whattype(c))==-2){           /* Invalid character */
1343          if(c<127&&c>' ')sprintf(errordata=msg,": \'%c\'",c);
1344          else sprintf(errordata=msg,": \'%02x\'x",(int)(unsigned char)c);
1345          die(Echar);
1346       }
1347       if(c==' '||c=='\t'||c=='\r'){
1348          spc=1;
1349          continue;
1350       }
1351       /* A non-blank source character has been found within a line */
1352       /* Time to emit the stored word (if any) */
1353       comma=0;
1354       if(c==':'&&start&&wordlen){             /* the stored word is a label */
1355          if(word[wordlen-1]=='.')die(Elabeldot); /* Ends with dot */
1356          if(interpret)die(Exlabel);
1357          /* Add the label to the label table */
1358          mtest(labelptr,lablen,elabptr+wordlen+4*four,256+wordlen);
1359          *((int *)(labelptr+elabptr))=wordlen,
1360          *((int *)(labelptr+elabptr)+1)=stmts,
1361          memcpy(labelptr+(elabptr+=2*four),word,wordlen),
1362          *(labelptr+elabptr+wordlen)=0,
1363          elabptr+=align(wordlen+1);
1364          /* Add a LABEL clause to the program */
1365          if(stmts+2>proglen)
1366             if(ptr=(char*)realloc((char*)prog,(proglen+=50)*sizeof(program)))
1367                prog=(program*)ptr;
1368             else die(Emem);
1369          prgptr++[0]=LABEL;
1370          prgptr++[0]=0;
1371          prog[stmts].source=prevptr;
1372          prog[stmts].sourcend=srcptr;
1373          prog[stmts].num=lines;
1374          prog[++stmts].line=prgptr;
1375          prog[stmts].num=lines;
1376          prog[stmts].source=srcptr;
1377          prog[stmts].sourcend=0;
1378          prog[stmts].related=0;
1379          wordlen=spcbefore=spc=0;
1380          gobble=1;
1381          continue;
1382       }
1383       /* as it is not a label, the word is uppercased */
1384       for(i=wordlen,ptr=word;i--;ptr++)ptr[0]=uc(ptr[0]);
1385       if(c=='='&&wordlen&&(start||last==DO)){ /* the stored word is a symbol */
1386          if(rexxsymbol(word[0])<1)die(Ename); /* Starts with number or dot */
1387          memcpy(prgptr,word,wordlen),
1388          prgptr+=wordlen,
1389          prgptr++[0]=c,
1390          wordlen=spcbefore=spc=0;
1391          gobble=1;
1392          start=0;
1393          last=0;
1394          continue;
1395       }
1396       /* the word may now be a token. */
1397       if(wordlen){
1398          for(i=0;i<numwords&&strcmp(word,words[i]);i++);
1399          if(i<numwords)token=(i-128);
1400          else token=0;
1401          if(token<Command&&!start){ /* "Commands" must be at the start, */
1402             if(token==NUMERIC&&last==PARSE);  /* except NUMERIC & SELECT */
1403             else if(token==SELECT&&first==last&&last==END);
1404             else token=0;
1405          }
1406          else if(token>=Command&&start){ /* at the start must be a "command" */
1407             if(token==THEN||token==UPPER); /* except THEN, UPPER, PULL and ARG */
1408             else if(token==ARG||token==PULL)
1409                prgptr++[0]=PARSE,
1410                prgptr++[0]=UPPER,
1411                first=last=PARSE,
1412                start=0;
1413             else token=0;
1414          } /* Now some special case checking... */
1415          if(!token); /* no need to check if there is no token */
1416          else if(token==VALUE)if(last==ADDRESS||last==FORM||last==TRACE
1417                                ||last==PARSE||last==SIGNAL);else token=0;
1418          else if(token==UPPER)if(start||last==PARSE);else token=0;
1419          else if(token>=PULL&&token<=LINEIN)if(last==PARSE);else token=0;
1420          else if(token==WITH)if(first==VALUE);else token=0;
1421          else if(token==ON||token==OFF)if(last==SIGNAL||last==CALL)
1422                         first=token;/* allow NAME */ else token=0;
1423          else if(token==NAME)if(first==ON)first=token;else token=0;
1424          else if(token>=TO&&token<=FOR)if(first==DO);else token=0;
1425          else if(token==FOREVER)if(last==DO);else token=0;
1426          else if(token==WHILE||token==UNTIL)if(first==DO||first==WHILE)
1427                         first=WHILE; /* disable TO, BY, FOR */ else token=0;
1428          else if(token==EXPOSE||token==HIDE)if(last==PROCEDURE);else token=0;
1429          else if(token>=DIGITS&&token<=FORM)if(first==last&&last==NUMERIC);
1430                         else token=0;
1431          else if(token==THEN)if(start||first==IF||first==WHEN);else token=0;
1432          if(start)first=token;       /* Save first token in each line */
1433          if(token!=UPPER)last=token; /* Save the previous token */
1434          if(token==VALUE&&first==PARSE)first=token; /* allow WITH */
1435          if(token==WITH)first=token;                /* disallow WITH */
1436          if(token)wordlen=0;
1437       }
1438       else token=0;
1439       if(wordlen){   /* If there is still a word, it is a symbol */
1440          if(spcbefore)prgptr++[0]=' ';
1441          memcpy(prgptr,word,wordlen),
1442          prgptr+=wordlen,
1443          wordlen=0,
1444          start=0,
1445          gobble=0;
1446       }
1447       /* Check for space in case we add a new statement or two */
1448       if(token==THEN || token==ELSE || token==OTHERWISE || c== ';')
1449          if(stmts+3>=proglen)
1450            if(ptr=(char*)realloc((char*)prog,(proglen+=50)*sizeof(program)))
1451               prog=(program*)ptr;
1452            else die(Emem);
1453       if(token==THEN || token==ELSE || token==OTHERWISE){
1454          /* these tokens start new statements */
1455          if(!start){
1456             prgptr++[0]=0;
1457             prog[stmts].sourcend=prevptr,
1458             prog[++stmts].line=prgptr,
1459             prog[stmts].source=prevptr,
1460             prog[stmts].num=(interpret?0:lines),
1461             prog[stmts].related=0;
1462          }
1463          prgptr++[0]=token,
1464          prgptr++[0]=0;
1465          prog[stmts].sourcend=srcptr-1;
1466          prog[++stmts].line=prgptr,
1467          prog[stmts].num=(interpret?0:lines),
1468          prog[stmts].source=srcptr-1,
1469          prog[stmts].sourcend=0,
1470          prog[stmts].related=0;
1471          token=0;
1472          start=gobble=1;
1473          first=last=0;
1474       }
1475       else if(token){
1476          prgptr++[0]=token;
1477          gobble=1;
1478          start=0;
1479       }
1480       if(c==';'){
1481          if(start){
1482             prog[stmts].source=srcptr,        /* delete the source of the */
1483             prog[stmts].num=(interpret?0:lines);   /* null statement, but */
1484             continue;                         /* don't make an extra line */
1485          }
1486          prgptr++[0]=0;
1487          prog[stmts].sourcend=srcptr-1,
1488          prog[++stmts].line=prgptr,
1489          prog[stmts].source=srcptr,
1490          prog[stmts].sourcend=0,
1491          prog[stmts].num=(interpret?0:lines),
1492          prog[stmts].related=0;
1493          start=gobble=1;
1494          first=last=0;
1495          continue;
1496       }
1497       if(c==','){
1498          comma=1,
1499          gobble++,        /* this saves the previous value of gobble */
1500          spc=0,           /* and also makes gobble true */
1501          prgptr++[0]=c;
1502          continue;
1503       }
1504       /* Proceed to insert some non-blank characters.  Gobble any previous
1505          spaces if necessary. */
1506       if(gobble)gobble=spc=0;
1507       if(type<=0 && c!='\'' && c!='\"'){ /* non-alpha and non-quote char */
1508          if(c!='(')spc=0;                /* all except "(" gobble on left */
1509          if(c!=')')gobble=1;             /* all except ")" gobble on right */
1510       }
1511       if(c=='\"'||c=='\''){
1512          if(spc)prgptr++[0]=' ',spc=0;
1513          prgptr++[0]=c;
1514          while(ilen--&&srcptr[0]!=c&&srcptr[0]!='\n')prgptr++[0]=srcptr++[0];
1515          if(srcptr++[0]!=c)die(Equote);
1516       }
1517       if(!type){                         /* Can't be a token. Just insert it */
1518          if(spc)prgptr++[0]=' ',spc=0;
1519          prgptr++[0]=c;
1520          start=last=0;
1521          continue;
1522       }
1523       if(type<0){                        /* might be a multi-char operator */
1524          ptr=srcptr;
1525          i=ilen;
1526          wordlen=0;
1527          ch=c;
1528          while(wordlen<3){
1529             while(i&&(ptr[0]==' '||ptr[0]=='\t'))i--,ptr++;
1530             if(whattype(ptr[0])!=-1)break;
1531             ch=(ch<<8)+ptr[0];
1532             ptr++,i--,wordlen++;
1533          }
1534          token=0;
1535          while(!token&&wordlen)
1536             switch(ch){
1537                case Cconcat: token=CONCAT; break; /* || */
1538                case Cxor:    token=LXOR;   break; /* && */
1539                case Cequ:    token=EQU;    break; /* == */
1540                case Cleq1:                        /* <= */
1541                case Cleq2:   token=LEQ;    break; /* \> */
1542                case Cgeq1:                        /* >= */
1543                case Cgeq2:   token=GEQ;    break; /* \> */
1544                case Cneq1:                        /* \= */
1545                case Cneq2:                        /* <> */
1546                case Cneq3:   token=NEQ;    break; /* >< */
1547                case Cnneq:   token=NNEQ;   break; /* \== */
1548                case Cmod:    token=MOD;    break; /* // */
1549                case Cless:   token=LESS;   break; /* << */
1550                case Cgrtr:   token=GRTR;   break; /* >> */
1551                case Clleq1:                       /* <<= */
1552                case Clleq2:  token=LLEQ;   break; /* \>> */
1553                case Cggeq1:                       /* >>= */
1554                case Cggeq2:  token=GGEQ;   break; /* \<< */
1555                case Cpower:  token=POWER;  break; /* ** */
1556                default: ch>>=8,wordlen--;
1557             }
1558          if(token)ch=token;
1559          prgptr++[0]=ch;
1560          while(wordlen){
1561             while(ptr[0]==' '||ptr[0]=='\t')ilen--,srcptr++;
1562             ilen--,srcptr++,wordlen--;
1563          }
1564          gobble=1;
1565          start=0;
1566          continue;
1567       }
1568       /* We have an alphanumeric character.  Store a word. */
1569       prevptr=srcptr-1;
1570       spcbefore=spc;
1571       spc=gobble=0;
1572       ptr=srcptr-1;
1573       while(ilen--&&rexxsymboldot(srcptr++[0]));
1574       if(++ilen>0)srcptr--;
1575       wordlen=srcptr-ptr;
1576       mtest(word,varnamelen,wordlen+1,wordlen+1-varnamelen);
1577       memcpy(word,ptr,wordlen),
1578       word[wordlen]=0;
1579    }
1580    /* All characters considered; ilen was zero and the source was terminated */
1581    prgptr++[0]=0;
1582    prog[stmts].sourcend=srcptr-1;
1583    if(!interpret)lines--;  /* Discount the new line started at the last '\n' */
1584                            /* It will remain in the line table, however. */
1585    /* Now shrink all areas to their correct sizes */
1586    if(ptr=realloc((char*)prog,(1+stmts)*sizeof(program)))
1587       prog=(program*)ptr;
1588    if(!interpret && (ptr=realloc((char*)source,(2+lines)*sizeof(char*))))
1589       source=(char**)ptr;
1590    if(ptr=realloc(prog[0].line,prgptr-prog[0].line))
1591       if(ptr!=prog[0].line)
1592          /* Oops, the program moved! */
1593          for(i=stmts;i--;prog[i].line+=ptr-prog[0].line);
1594    if(!interpret){
1595       if(ptr=realloc(labelptr,elabptr+four))
1596          labelptr=ptr;
1597       (*(int *)(labelptr+elabptr))=0;
1598    }
1599    if(comment)stmts=commentstart,die(Elcomm);
1600 }
1601 #undef word
1603 /* This function prints the source associated with a particular statement.
1604    If "after" is non-zero, it prints the source (if any) occurring between
1605    this statement and the next.  It prefixes the source with "*-*" unless
1606    "error" is non-zero, in which case the prefix is "+++". */
printstmt(stmt,after,error)1607 void printstmt(stmt,after,error)
1608 int stmt,after,error;
1609 {
1610    int line=prog[stmt].num;      /* source line number */
1611    char *start,*end;             /* start and end of the source */
1612    char *what=error?"+++":"*-*"; /* The trace prefix */
1613    int spc;                      /* How much indentation there is */
1614    char *ptr;
1615    int i;
1616    if(stmt>stmts){               /* This never happens, I hope... */
1617       traceprefix(lines+1,what);
1618       tracestr("<EOF>\n");
1619       return;
1620    }
1621    else if(after){
1622       for(start=prog[stmt].source;start<prog[stmt].sourcend;start++)
1623          if(line&&start+1==source[line+1])
1624             ++line;     /* find the line number of the source end */
1625       end=prog[stmt+1].source;
1626    }
1627    else start=prog[stmt].source,end=prog[stmt].sourcend;
1628    if(!end){                     /* This never happens, I hope... */
1629       traceprefix(line,what);
1630       tracestr("<EOL>\n");
1631       return;
1632    }
1633    while(start<end&&
1634         (start[0]==0||start[0]==';'||start[0]==' '|start[0]=='\t')){
1635       if(line&&start+1==source[line+1])
1636          ++line;
1637       start++;                   /* step past uninteresting chars */
1638    }
1639    while(start<end&&
1640         (end[-1]==0||end[-1]==';'||end[-1]==' '|end[-1]=='\t'))
1641       end--;                     /* delete uninteresting trailing chars */
1642    if(start>=end)return;         /* Nothing to print. */
1643    if(line)
1644       for(spc=0,ptr=source[line];ptr<start;ptr++)
1645          if(ptr[0]=='\t')spc=8+(spc&~7);/* This calculates the column within */
1646          else spc++;             /* the line in which the statement starts   */
1647    else spc=0;
1648    do{
1649       traceprefix(line,what);
1650       for(i=0;i<traceindent*pstacklev;i++)tracechar(' ');  /* indent */
1651       for(i=0;i<spc&&start<end&&(start[0]==' '||start[0]=='\t');start++)
1652          if(start[0]=='\t')i=8+(i&~7);            /* Remove leading spaces */
1653          else i++;
1654       while(i>spc)tracechar(' '),i--;/* Print part of a tab if necessary */
1655       for(;start<end&&(!line||start<source[line+1]-1);start++)
1656          if((i=start[0]&127)<' '||i==127)tracechar('?');
1657          else tracechar(i);                             /* Print statement */
1658       if(start<end&&line<lines)start=source[++line];    /* Go to next line */
1659       tracechar('\n');
1660       if(!error)what="*,*";           /* new ANSI prefix for continuations */
1661    } while(start<end&&line<=lines);
1662 }
1663 #if 0
1664 void expand(c)   /* this is an old test routine. */
1665 char c;
1666 {
1667    static char *symwords[]={"||","&&","==","<=",">=","<>","\\==","//","<<",">>","<<=",">>=","**"};
1668    static char invvideo[]={27,'[','1','m',0};
1669    static char truevideo[]={27,'[','m',0};
1670    if(c==-1){printf("%s;%s",invvideo,truevideo);return;}
1671    printf("%s ",invvideo);
1672    if(c>SYMBOL)printf("%s",symwords[c-(SYMBOL+1)]);
1673    if(c<numwords-128)printf(words[c+128]);
1674    printf(" %s",truevideo);
1675 }
1677 void display(line,ptr) /* so is this */
1678 int line,ptr;
1679 {
1680    char *s=((*prog)[line]);
1681    char c;
1682    int i=0;
1683    printf("      +++ %d +++ ",ppc);
1684    if(s==cnull)puts("(null)");
1685    while(c=s[i++]){
1686       if(c<0)expand(c);
1687       else putchar(c);
1688       if(i==ptr)printf("[*]");
1689    }
1690    putchar('\n');
1691 }
1692 #endif /* end of the old tokenisation routines which are commented out */
1694 /* Return the default file extension (e.g., ".rexx") by checking the
1695    environment and then returning the system default. */
rexxext()1696 char *rexxext() {
1697    static char answer[maxextension];
1698    char *getenv();
1699    char *env=getenv("REXXEXT");
1700    if (env) {
1701       if (env[0]=='.' && env[1]) return env;
1702       if (!env[0] || strlen(env)>sizeof answer-2) return filetype;
1703       answer[0]='.';
1704       strcpy(answer+1,env);
1705       return answer;
1706    }
1707    else return filetype;
1708 }
which(gn,opt,fn)1710 int which(gn,opt,fn)/* finds a file given name `gn'; puts path name in `fn'.
1711                      opt<0 indicates that we are looking for a Unix
1712                            program (namely, rxque).
1713                      opt=0 indicates that the default extension should be
1714                            appended, unless it is already at the end of gn.
1715                            If not found then try without extension.
1716                      opt=1 indicates that it is not to be appended.
1717                      opt=2 means do a full search for a REXX function.
1718                      opt=3 means search for a dll (.rxfn or exact name).*/
1719 char *fn,*gn;
1720 int opt;            /* returns 0 if not found, 1 if rexx found, */
1721 {                   /*         2 if .rxfn found, 3 if Unix program found.  */
1722    char *getenv();
1723    char *path;      /* an element of the path */
1724    char *pathend;   /* end of this element */
1725    char *basename;  /* basename of the file to search for */
1726    int baselen;     /* length of basename */
1727    int pathlen;     /* length of path */
1728    int gpathlen;    /* length of path component in given name */
1729    int tmplen;      /* length of temporary filename buffer */
1730    char *defaultext=0; /* default extension */
1731    static char tmp[MAXPATHLEN];  /* temporary filename buffer */
1732    DIR *dp;
1733    struct dirent *dir;
1734    int found=0;     /* 0->nothing found, 1->unix prog found, 2->.rexx found
1735                        3->default filetype found, 4->.rxfn found  */
1736    int copy;
1737    int go=1;
1738    int doexec=1;    /* 0 -> don't search for default extension */
1739    int dot=0;
1741    if (opt!=1 && opt!=3) {
1742       /* get system default extension and see if it is the same as the
1743          current default */
1744       defaultext=rexxext();
1745       doexec=strcmp(extension,defaultext);
1746    }
1748 /* split name into pathname and basename */
1749    if((basename=strrchr(gn,'/')))gpathlen=basename++-gn;
1750    else gpathlen=0,basename=gn;
1751    baselen=strlen(basename);
1752    if(opt==0 && baselen>extlen && !strcmp(basename+baselen-extlen,extension))
1753       opt=1;
1754 /* find out where to look. */
1755    if(gn[0]=='.' && gn[1]=='/'){             /* special case for files in ./ */
1756       path=".";                              /* make path="." and remove the */
1757       gn+=2;                                 /* "." from the name.  This     */
1758       if((gpathlen-=2)<0)gpathlen=0;         /* causes "." to be expanded.   */
1759    }
1760    else if(gn[0]=='.' && gn[1]=='.' && gn[2]=='/') /* for files in ../ */
1761       path=".";                              /* prepend current dir name */
1762    else if(gn[0]=='/'){
1763       path="";                               /* path given; prepend nothing */
1764       dot=1;                                 /* don't search "." either */
1765       if(opt==1){                            /* whole name given - no search*/
1766          strcpy(fn,gn);
1767          return !access(fn,0);
1768       }
1769    }
1770    else {
1771       path=0;
1772       if(opt==3)path=getenv("REXXLIB");      /* DLLs in REXXLIB */
1773       if(opt>=2&&!(path && path[0]))
1774          path=getenv("REXXFUNC");            /* functions in REXXFUNC */
1775       if(opt==3&&!(path && path[0]))
1776          path=rxpath;                        /* default for DLLs is my libpath */
1777       if(opt>=0&&!(path && path[0]))
1778          path=getenv("REXXPATH");            /* REXX programs in REXXPATH */
1779       if(!(path && path[0]))path=getenv("PATH"); /* or in PATH */
1780       if(!(path && path[0]))path=".";            /* or in "." */
1781    }
1782    if(opt<0)opt=1;
1783 /* scan each directory in the path */
1784    while(go && path){
1785       if((pathend=strchr(path,':')))pathlen=pathend++-path;
1786       else pathlen=strlen(path);
1787       if(pathlen==1 && path[0]=='.'){
1788          dot=1;
1789          if(!getcwd(tmp,sizeof tmp) || tmp[0]!='/') strcpy(tmp,".");
1790          tmplen=strlen(tmp);
1791       }
1792       else memcpy(tmp,path,tmplen=pathlen);
1793       if(gpathlen && gn[0]!='/' && pathlen)tmp[tmplen++]='/';
1794       memcpy(tmp+tmplen,gn,gpathlen);
1795       tmp[tmplen+=gpathlen]=0;
1796       if((dp=opendir(tmp))){
1797          while(go && (dir=readdir(dp))){/* for each file in the directory */
1798             if(memcmp(dir->d_name,basename,baselen))
1799                continue;       /* check that it starts with basename */
1800             copy=0;            /* if "copy" gets set then the current */
1801                                /* name will be saved. */
1802             switch(opt){       /* validate the name according to opt */
1803                case 0: if (!strcmp(dir->d_name+baselen,extension))
1804                      copy=found=1,go=0;
1805                   else if (!found && !dir->d_name[baselen])copy=found=1;
1806                   break;
1807                case 1: go=dir->d_name[baselen];
1808                   if(!go)copy=found=1;
1809                   break;
1810                case 2:
1811                   if(!strcmp(dir->d_name+baselen,".rxfn"))copy=found=4,go=0;
1812                   else if(found<3 && !strcmp(dir->d_name+baselen,extension))
1813                      copy=found=3;
1814                   else if(doexec &&
1815                         found<2 && !strcmp(dir->d_name+baselen,defaultext))
1816                      copy=found=2;
1817                   else if(found<1 && !dir->d_name[baselen])copy=found=1;
1818                   break;
1819                case 3:
1820                   if(!dir->d_name[baselen])copy=found=1,go=0;
1821                   else if(!strcmp(dir->d_name+baselen,".rxfn"))copy=found=4;
1822             }
1823             if(copy)
1824                strcpy(fn,tmp),
1825                fn[tmplen]='/',
1826                strcpy(fn+tmplen+1,dir->d_name);
1827          }
1828          closedir(dp);
1829       }
1830       else if (!access(tmp,X_OK)) {
1831          /* opendir failed - probably an unreadable directory. Try access().*/
1832          tmp[tmplen]='/';
1833          memcpy(tmp+tmplen+1,basename,baselen);
1834          tmp[tmplen+=baselen+1]=0;
1835          copy=0;
1836          switch(opt) {
1837             case 0:
1838                strcpy(tmp+tmplen,extension);
1839                if (!access(tmp,0)) {copy=found=1;go=0;break;}
1840                tmp[tmplen]=0;
1841                if (!found && !access(tmp,0)) copy=found=1;
1842                break;
1843             case 1:
1844                if (!access(tmp,0)) {copy=found=1;go=0;}
1845                break;
1846             case 2:
1847                strcpy(tmp+tmplen,".rxfn");
1848                if (!access(tmp,0)) {copy=found=4;go=0;break;}
1849                if (found==3) break;
1850                strcpy(tmp+tmplen,extension);
1851                if (!access(tmp,0)) {copy=found=3;break;}
1852                if (doexec && found<2) {
1853                   strcpy(tmp+tmplen,defaultext);
1854                   if (!access(tmp,0)) {copy=found=2;break;}
1855                }
1856                if (found>0) break;
1857                tmp[tmplen]=0;
1858                if (!access(tmp,0)) copy=found=1;
1859                break;
1860             case 3:
1861                if (!access(tmp,0)) {copy=found=1;go=0;break;}
1862                if (found) break;
1863                strcpy(tmp+tmplen,".rxfn");
1864                if (!access(tmp,0)) copy=found=1;
1865          }
1866          if (copy) strcpy(fn,tmp);
1867       }
1868       path=pathend;
1869       if(!path && !dot)path=".";
1870    }
1871    if(!found){
1872       strcpy(fn,gn);
1873       if(opt!=1)strcat(fn,extension);
1874       errno=ENOENT;
1875       return 0;
1876    }
1877    if(opt<2)return 1;
1878    if(found==1)return 3;
1879    if(found==4)return 2;
1880    return 1;
1881 }
1883 /* Hash table routines */
1884 /* These routines maintain several tables (not actually hash tables, but
1885    never mind) in the style of the above variable handling routines, except
1886    that each table is single-level.
1887    Each table entry contains a hashent structure containing the following
1888    fields: next (length), grtr, less (tree pointer fields), value (the void*
1889    value associated with the name), and name. The name is a NUL-
1890    terminated sequence of characters followed by pad bytes to make up a
1891    multiple of 4 bytes.
1892    The hash tables maintained are:
1893    0. environment variable names => address of storage for their values
1894    1. file names => address of a structure containing their details
1895    2. function names => address of structure containing their details
1897    Each hash table is characterised by three values: hashptr[x] is the
1898    address of hash table x, hashlen[x] is the amount of storage allocated,
1899    and ehashptr[x] is the actual length of the table.
1900 */
hashsearch(hash,name,exist)1902 char *hashsearch(hash,name,exist)
1903 int hash;
1904 char *name;
1905 int *exist;
1906 /* search for name `name' of length `len' in hash table `hash'.
1907    The answer is the address of the entry which matches, with `exist'
1908    non-zero, or, if the name does not exist, exist=0 and the answer
1909    is the address of the slot where the new branch of the tree is to
1910    be added. If there are no names in the table, 0 is returned. */
1911 {
1912    char *data=hashptr[hash];
1913    char *ans=data;
1914    int *slot;
1915    int c;
1916    *exist=0;
1917    if(!ehashptr[hash])return cnull;
1918    while((c=strcmp(name,ans+sizeof(hashent)))
1919      &&  (*(slot= &(((hashent *)ans)->less)+(c>0)))>=0)
1920    ans=data+*slot;
1921    if(!c)return *exist=1,ans;
1922    return(char*)slot;
1923 }
hashget(hash,name,exist)1925 void *hashget(hash,name,exist) /* like hashsearch, but the value is returned */
1926 int hash;                      /* (if any) */
1927 char *name;
1928 int *exist;
1929 {
1930    char *ptr=hashsearch(hash,name,exist);
1931    if(*exist)return((hashent *)ptr)->value;
1932    else return 0;
1933 }
hashfind(hash,name,exist)1935 void **hashfind(hash,name,exist)
1936 int hash;
1937 char *name;
1938 int *exist;
1939 {  /* like hashsearch, but the address of the value is returned. If no
1940       value is present, one is created. */
1941    char *ptr=hashsearch(hash,name,exist);
1942    int len;
1943    if(*exist)return &(((hashent *)ptr)->value);
1944    if(ptr)*(int *)ptr=ehashptr[hash];
1945    len=align(strlen(name)+1)+sizeof(hashent);
1946    mtest(hashptr[hash],hashlen[hash],ehashptr[hash]+len,len+256);
1947    ptr=hashptr[hash]+ehashptr[hash],
1948    ehashptr[hash]+=len,
1949    ((hashent *)ptr)->next=len,
1950    ((hashent *)ptr)->less=-1,
1951    ((hashent *)ptr)->grtr=-1,
1952    strcpy(ptr+sizeof(hashent),name);
1953    return &(((hashent *)ptr)->value);
1954 }
fileinit(name,filename,fp)1956 struct fileinfo *fileinit(name,filename,fp)
1957 char *name,*filename;          /* associate "name" with the file "filename" */
1958 FILE *fp;                      /* which has just been opened on fp          */
1959 {                              /* return the fileinfo structure created     */
1960    int exist;
1961    struct stat buf;            /* For finding the file's details */
1962    void **entry=hashfind(1,name,&exist);
1963    unsigned len=align(filename?strlen(filename)+1:1);
1964    struct fileinfo *info=
1965       (struct fileinfo *)allocm(sizeof(struct fileinfo)+len);
1966    if(exist&&*entry)           /* What if the name is already used? */
1967       fclose(((struct fileinfo *)(*entry))->fp),
1968       free((char*)(*entry));
1969    *entry=(void *)info;
1970    if(filename)strcpy((char*)(info+1),filename);
1971    else *(char*)(info+1)=0;
1972    if(fp && fstat(fileno(fp),&buf)==0)    /* Make the file persistent if and */
1973       info->persist=S_ISREG(buf.st_mode); /* only if it can be determined    */
1974    else info->persist=0;                  /* that it is a regular file       */
1975    info->fp=fp,                /* fill in the structure with suitable */
1976    info->wr=0,                 /* defaults */
1977    info->lastwr=1,             /* lastwr=1 so that the first read does seek */
1978    info->rdpos=0,              /* usually read from beginning of file */
1979    info->rdline=1,
1980    info->rdchars=0,
1981    info->wrpos=fp?ftell(fp):0, /* Usually write to end of file */
1982    info->wrline=!info->wrpos,
1983    info->wrchars=0,
1984    info->errnum=0;
1985    if(info->wrpos<0)info->wrpos=0; /* In case ftell failed */
1986    return info;
1987 }
funcinit(name,handle,address,saa)1989 void funcinit(name,handle,address,saa) /* Associate "name" with a function */
1990 char *name;      /* The REXX name of the function */
1991 void *handle;    /* The handle from dlopen(), if this is the "main" function */
1992 int (*address)();/* The address of the function's implementation */
1993 int saa;         /* calling sequence of the function */
1994 {
1995    funcinfo *info;
1996    int exist;
1997    void **slot=hashfind(2,name,&exist);
1998    if(!(exist&&*slot)) /* if it exists, a dl handle might be lost. */
1999       info=(funcinfo *)allocm(sizeof(funcinfo)),
2000       *slot=(void *)info;
2001    else info=(funcinfo*)*slot;
2002    info->dlhandle=handle;
2003    info->dlfunc=address;
2004    info->saa=saa;
2005    if(!address){   /* if the func has no address, just register its name. */
2006       info->dlhandle=0;
2007       info->name=allocm(1+strlen((char*)handle));
2008       strcpy(info->name,(char*)handle);
2009    }
2010 }
libsearch()2012 void libsearch(){    /* search for *.rxlib files */
2013    char *getenv();   /* and hash the functions they contain. */
2014    char *path=getenv("REXXLIB");
2015    char *pathend;
2016    char *file;
2017    int l;
2018    int namelen;
2019    int ch;
2020    DIR *dp;
2021    FILE *fp;
2022    struct dirent *dir;
2023    int type;
2024    if(!(path&&path[0]))path=rxpath;
2025    while(path){
2026       if((pathend=strchr(path,':'))) /* temporarily change the next ':' */
2027          pathend[0]=0;               /* into a 0 */
2028       if((dp=opendir(path))){
2029          while((dir=readdir(dp))){   /* for each file in the directory */
2030                                      /* matching *.rxlib ... */
2031 #if defined(sgi) || defined(Solaris) || defined(linux)
2032             namelen=strlen(dir->d_name);
2033 #else
2034             namelen=dir->d_namlen;
2035 #endif
2036             if(namelen>6 &&
2037             !memcmp(dir->d_name+namelen-6,".rxlib",6)){
2038                l=strlen(path);
2039                file=allocm(l+namelen+2);
2040                strcpy(file,path);
2041                file[l++]='/';
2042                strcpy(file+l,dir->d_name);
2043                l+=namelen;
2044                if((fp=fopen(file,"r"))){ /* read the file */
2045                   file[l-6]=0;           /* knock off the ".rxlib" */
2046                   type=0;
2047                   while((ch=getc(fp))!=EOF){
2048                      if(ch==' ' || ch=='\t' || ch=='\r' || ch=='\n')
2049                         continue;
2050                      pull[0]=ch;
2051                      l=1;
2052                      while((ch=getc(fp))!=EOF &&
2053                      !(ch==' ' || ch=='\t' || ch=='\r' || ch=='\n')){
2054                         mtest(pull,pulllen,l+2,256);
2055                         pull[l++]=ch;
2056                      }
2057                      pull[l]=0;
2058                      if(!strcmp(pull,"rxmathfn:"))
2059                         type=RXDIGITS;  /* kludge for math functions */
2060                      else if(!strcmp(pull,"rxsaa:"))
2061                         type=1;         /* kludge for SAA functions */
2062                      else funcinit(pull,(void*)file,(int(*)())0,type);
2063                   }
2064                   fclose(fp);
2065                }
2066                free(file);
2067             }
2068          }
2069          closedir(dp);
2070       }
2071       if(pathend)pathend++[0]=':';
2072       path=pathend;
2073    }
2074 }
fileclose(name)2076 int fileclose(name)  /* close and free the file associated with "name" */
2077 char *name;          /* return the code from close */
2078 {
2079    int exist;
2080    int ans=0;
2081    char *ptr=hashsearch(1,name,&exist);
2082    struct fileinfo *info;
2083    if(!exist)return 0;
2084    info=(struct fileinfo *)(((hashent *)ptr)->value);
2085    if(info){
2086       if(info->fp)ans=fclose(info->fp),
2087       free((char*)info);
2088    }
2089    ((hashent *)ptr)->value=0;
2090    return ans;
2091 }
2093 #ifdef NO_LDL /* Define dummy versions of the dynamic load functions */
dlopen(path,mode)2094 void *dlopen(path, mode)
2095 char *path; int mode;
2096 {die(Eexist);/*NOTREACHED*/}
dlsym(handle,sym)2098 void *dlsym(handle,sym)
2099 void *handle; char *sym;
2100 {die(Eexist);/*NOTREACHED*/}
dlerror()2102 char *dlerror()
2103 {die(Eexist);/*NOTREACHED*/}
dlclose(handle)2105 int dlclose(handle)
2106 void *handle;
2107 {die(Eexist);/*NOTREACHED*/}
2109 #endif