1#  ___________________________________________________________________________
3#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
4#  Copyright 2017 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
5#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
6#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
7#  rights in this software.
8#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
9#  ___________________________________________________________________________
12Cutting plane-based GDP reformulation.
14Implements a general cutting plane-based reformulation for linear and
15convex GDPs.
17from __future__ import division
19from pyomo.common.config import (ConfigBlock, ConfigValue,
20                                 NonNegativeFloat, PositiveInt, In)
21from pyomo.common.modeling import unique_component_name
22from pyomo.core import ( Any, Block, Constraint, Objective, Param, Var,
23                         SortComponents, Transformation, TransformationFactory,
24                         value, NonNegativeIntegers, Reals, NonNegativeReals,
25                         Suffix, ComponentMap )
26from pyomo.core.expr import differentiate
27from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentSet
28from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory
29from pyomo.repn import generate_standard_repn
31from pyomo.gdp import Disjunct, Disjunction, GDP_Error
32from pyomo.gdp.util import ( verify_successful_solve, NORMAL,
33                             clone_without_expression_components )
35from pyomo.contrib.fme.fourier_motzkin_elimination import \
36    Fourier_Motzkin_Elimination_Transformation
38import logging
40logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.gdp.cuttingplane')
44def do_not_tighten(m):
45    return m
47def _get_constraint_exprs(constraints, hull_to_bigm_map):
48    """Returns a list of expressions which are constrain.expr translated
49    into the bigm space, for each constraint in constraints.
50    """
51    cuts = []
52    for cons in constraints:
53        cuts.append(clone_without_expression_components(
54            cons.expr, substitute=hull_to_bigm_map))
55    return cuts
57def _constraint_tight(model, constraint, TOL):
58    """
59    Returns a list [a,b] where a is -1 if the lower bound is tight or
60    slightly violated, b is 1 if the upper bound is tight of slightly
61    violated, and [a,b]=[-1,1] if we have an exactly satisfied (or
62    slightly violated) equality.
63    """
64    val = value(constraint.body)
65    ans = [0, 0]
66    if constraint.lower is not None:
67        if val - value(constraint.lower) <= TOL:
68            # tight or in violation of LB
69            ans[0] -= 1
71    if constraint.upper is not None:
72        if value(constraint.upper) - val <= TOL:
73            # tight or in violation of UB
74            ans[1] += 1
76    return ans
78def _get_linear_approximation_expr(normal_vec, point):
79    """Returns constraint linearly approximating constraint normal to normal_vec
80    at point"""
81    body = 0
82    for coef, v in zip(point, normal_vec):
83        body -= coef*v
84    return body >= -sum(normal_vec[idx]*v.value for (idx, v) in
85                       enumerate(point))
87def _precompute_potentially_useful_constraints(transBlock_rHull,
88                                               disaggregated_vars):
89    instance_rHull = transBlock_rHull.model()
90    constraints = transBlock_rHull.constraints_for_FME = []
91    for constraint in instance_rHull.component_data_objects(
92            Constraint,
93            active=True,
94            descend_into=Block,
95            sort=SortComponents.deterministic):
96        # we don't care about anything that does not involve at least one
97        # disaggregated variable.
98        repn = generate_standard_repn(constraint.body)
99        for v in repn.linear_vars + repn.quadratic_vars + repn.nonlinear_vars:
100            # ESJ: This is why disaggregated_vars is a ComponentSet
101            if v in disaggregated_vars:
102                constraints.append(constraint)
103                break
105def create_cuts_fme(transBlock_rHull, var_info, hull_to_bigm_map,
106                    rBigM_linear_constraints, rHull_vars, disaggregated_vars,
107                    norm, cut_threshold, zero_tolerance, integer_arithmetic,
108                    constraint_tolerance):
109    """Returns a cut which removes x* from the relaxed bigm feasible region.
111    Finds all the constraints which are tight at xhat (assumed to be the
112    solution currently in instance_rHull), and calculates a composite normal
113    vector by summing the vectors normal to each of these constraints. Then
114    Fourier-Motzkin elimination is used to project the disaggregated variables
115    out of the polyhedron formed by the composite normal and the collection
116    of tight constraints. This results in multiple cuts, of which we select
117    one that cuts of x* by the greatest margin, as long as that margin is
118    more than cut_threshold. If no cut satisfies the margin specified by
119    cut_threshold, we return None.
121    Parameters
122    -----------
123    transBlock_rHull: transformation blcok on relaxed hull instance
124    var_info: List of tuples (rBigM_var, rHull_var, xstar_param)
125    hull_to_bigm_map: For expression substition, maps id(hull_var) to
126                      coresponding bigm var
127    rBigM_linear_constraints: list of linear constraints in relaxed bigM
128    rHull_vars: list of all variables in relaxed hull
129    disaggregated_vars: ComponentSet of disaggregated variables in hull
130                        reformulation
131    norm: norm used in the separation problem
132    cut_threshold: Amount x* needs to be infeasible in generated cut in order
133                   to consider the cut for addition to the bigM model.
134    zero_tolerance: Tolerance at which a float will be treated as 0 during
135                    Fourier-Motzkin elimination
136    integer_arithmetic: boolean, whether or not to require Fourier-Motzkin
137                        Elimination does integer arithmetic. Only possible
138                        when all data is integer.
139    constraint_tolerance: Tolerance at which we will consider a constraint
140                          tight.
141    """
142    instance_rHull = transBlock_rHull.model()
143    # In the first iteration, we will compute a list of constraints that could
144    # ever be interesting: Everything that involves at least one disaggregated
145    # variable.
146    if transBlock_rHull.component("constraints_for_FME") is None:
147        _precompute_potentially_useful_constraints( transBlock_rHull,
148                                                    disaggregated_vars)
150    tight_constraints = Block()
151    conslist = tight_constraints.constraints = Constraint(
152        NonNegativeIntegers)
153    conslist.construct()
154    something_interesting = False
155    for constraint in transBlock_rHull.constraints_for_FME:
156        multipliers = _constraint_tight(instance_rHull, constraint,
157                                        constraint_tolerance)
158        for multiplier in multipliers:
159            if multiplier:
160                something_interesting = True
161                f = constraint.body
162                firstDerivs = differentiate(f, wrt_list=rHull_vars)
163                normal_vec = [multiplier*value(_) for _ in firstDerivs]
164                # check if constraint is linear
165                if f.polynomial_degree() == 1:
166                    conslist[len(conslist)] = constraint.expr
167                else:
168                    # we will use the linear approximation of this constraint at
169                    # x_hat
170                    conslist[len(conslist)] = _get_linear_approximation_expr(
171                        normal_vec, rHull_vars)
173    # NOTE: we now have all the tight Constraints (in the pyomo sense of the
174    # word "Constraint"), but we are missing some variable bounds. The ones for
175    # the disaggregated variables will be added by FME
177    # It is possible that the separation problem returned a point in the
178    # interior of the convex hull. It is also possible that the only active
179    # constraints do not involve the disaggregated variables. In these
180    # situations, there are not constraints from which to create a valid cut.
181    if not something_interesting:
182        return None
184    tight_constraints.construct()
185    logger.info("Calling FME transformation on %s constraints to eliminate"
186                " %s variables" % (len(tight_constraints.constraints),
187                                   len(disaggregated_vars)))
188    TransformationFactory('contrib.fourier_motzkin_elimination').\
189        apply_to(tight_constraints, vars_to_eliminate=disaggregated_vars,
190                 zero_tolerance=zero_tolerance,
191                 do_integer_arithmetic=integer_arithmetic,
192                 projected_constraints_name="fme_constraints")
193    fme_results = tight_constraints.fme_constraints
194    projected_constraints = [cons for i, cons in fme_results.items()]
196    # we created these constraints with the variables from rHull. We
197    # actually need constraints for BigM and rBigM now!
198    cuts = _get_constraint_exprs(projected_constraints, hull_to_bigm_map)
200    # We likely have some cuts that duplicate other constraints now. We will
201    # filter them to make sure that they do in fact cut off x*. If that's the
202    # case, we know they are not already in the BigM relaxation. Because they
203    # came from FME, they are very likely redundant, so we'll keep the best one
204    # we find
205    best = 0
206    best_cut = None
207    cuts_to_keep = []
208    for i, cut in enumerate(cuts):
209        # x* is still in rBigM, so we can just remove this constraint if it
210        # is satisfied at x*
211        logger.info("FME: Post-processing cut %s" % cut)
212        if value(cut):
213            logger.info("FME:\t Doesn't cut off x*")
214            continue
215        # we have found a constraint which cuts of x* by some convincing amount
216        # and is not already in rBigM.
217        cuts_to_keep.append(i)
218        # We know cut is lb <= expr and that it's violated
219        assert len(cut.args) == 2
220        cut_off = value(cut.args[0]) - value(cut.args[1])
221        if cut_off > cut_threshold and cut_off > best:
222            best = cut_off
223            best_cut = cut
224            logger.info("FME:\t New best cut: Cuts off x* by %s." % best)
226    # NOTE: this is not used right now, but it's not hard to imagine a world in
227    # which we would want to keep multiple cuts from FME, so leaving it in for
228    # now.
229    cuts = [cuts[i] for i in cuts_to_keep]
231    if best_cut is not None:
232        return [best_cut]
234    return None
236def create_cuts_normal_vector(transBlock_rHull, var_info, hull_to_bigm_map,
237                              rBigM_linear_constraints, rHull_vars,
238                              disaggregated_vars, norm, cut_threshold,
239                              zero_tolerance, integer_arithmetic,
240                              constraint_tolerance):
241    """Returns a cut which removes x* from the relaxed bigm feasible region.
243    Ignores all parameters except var_info and cut_threshold, and constructs
244    a cut at x_hat, the projection of the relaxed bigM solution x* onto the hull,
245    which is perpendicular to the vector from x* to x_hat.
247    Note that this method will often lead to numerical difficulties since both
248    x* and x_hat are solutions to optimization problems. To mitigate this,
249    use some method of backing off the cut to make it a bit more conservative.
251    Parameters
252    -----------
253    transBlock_rHull: transformation blcok on relaxed hull instance. Ignored by
254                      this callback.
255    var_info: List of tuples (rBigM_var, rHull_var, xstar_param)
256    hull_to_bigm_map: For expression substition, maps id(hull_var) to
257                      coresponding bigm var. Ignored by this callback
258    rBigM_linear_constraints: list of linear constraints in relaxed bigM.
259                              Ignored by this callback.
260    rHull_vars: list of all variables in relaxed hull. Ignored by this callback.
261    disaggregated_vars: ComponentSet of disaggregated variables in hull
262                        reformulation. Ignored by this callback
263    norm: The norm used in the separation problem, will be used to calculate
264          the subgradient used to generate the cut
265    cut_threshold: Amount x* needs to be infeasible in generated cut in order
266                   to consider the cut for addition to the bigM model.
267    zero_tolerance: Tolerance at which a float will be treated as 0 during
268                    Fourier-Motzkin elimination. Ignored by this callback
269    integer_arithmetic: Ignored by this callback (specifies FME use integer
270                        arithmetic)
271    constraint_tolerance: Ignored by this callback (specifies when constraints
272                          are considered tight in FME)
273    """
274    cutexpr = 0
275    if norm == 2:
276        for x_rbigm, x_hull, x_star in var_info:
277            cutexpr += (x_hull.value - x_star.value)*(x_rbigm - x_hull.value)
278    elif norm == float('inf'):
279        duals = transBlock_rHull.model().dual
280        if len(duals) == 0:
281            raise GDP_Error("No dual information in the separation problem! "
282                            "To use the infinity norm and the "
283                            "create_cuts_normal_vector method, you must use "
284                            "a solver which provides dual information.")
285        i = 0
286        for x_rbigm, x_hull, x_star in var_info:
287            # ESJ: We wrote this so duals will be nonnegative
288            mu_plus = value(duals[transBlock_rHull.inf_norm_linearization[i]])
289            mu_minus = value(duals[transBlock_rHull.inf_norm_linearization[i+1]])
290            assert mu_plus >= 0
291            assert mu_minus >= 0
292            cutexpr += (mu_plus - mu_minus)*(x_rbigm - x_hull.value)
293            i += 2
295    # make sure we're cutting off x* by enough.
296    if value(cutexpr) < -cut_threshold:
297        return [cutexpr >= 0]
298    logger.warning("Generated cut did not remove relaxed BigM solution by more "
299                   "than the specified threshold of %s. Stopping cut "
300                   "generation." % cut_threshold)
301    return None
303def back_off_constraint_with_calculated_cut_violation(cut, transBlock_rHull,
304                                                      bigm_to_hull_map, opt,
305                                                      stream_solver, TOL):
306    """Calculates the maximum violation of cut subject to the relaxed hull
307    constraints. Increases this violation by TOL (to account for optimality
308    tolerance in solving the problem), and, if it finds that cut can be violated
309    up to this tolerance, makes it more conservative such that it no longer can.
311    Parameters
312    ----------
313    cut: The cut to be made more conservative, a Constraint
314    transBlock_rHull: the relaxed hull model's transformation Block
315    bigm_to_hull_map: Dictionary mapping ids of bigM variables to the
316                      corresponding variables on the relaxed hull instance
317    opt: SolverFactory object for solving the maximum violation problem
318    stream_solver: Whether or not to set tee=True while solving the maximum
319                   violation problem.
320    TOL: An absolute tolerance to be added to the calculated cut violation,
321         to account for optimality tolerance in the maximum violation problem
322         solve.
323    """
324    instance_rHull = transBlock_rHull.model()
325    logger.info("Post-processing cut: %s" % cut.expr)
326    # Take a constraint. We will solve a problem maximizing its violation
327    # subject to rHull. We will add some user-specified tolerance to that
328    # violation, and then add that much padding to it if it can be violated.
329    transBlock_rHull.separation_objective.deactivate()
331    transBlock_rHull.infeasibility_objective = Objective(
332        expr=clone_without_expression_components(cut.body,
333                                                 substitute=bigm_to_hull_map))
335    results = opt.solve(instance_rHull, tee=stream_solver, load_solutions=False)
336    if verify_successful_solve(results) is not NORMAL:
337        logger.warning("Problem to determine how much to "
338                       "back off the new cut "
339                       "did not solve normally. Leaving the constraint as is, "
340                       "which could lead to numerical trouble%s" % (results,))
341        # restore the objective
342        transBlock_rHull.del_component(transBlock_rHull.infeasibility_objective)
343        transBlock_rHull.separation_objective.activate()
344        return
345    instance_rHull.solutions.load_from(results)
347    # we're minimizing, val is <= 0
348    val = value(transBlock_rHull.infeasibility_objective) - TOL
349    if val <= 0:
350        logger.info("\tBacking off cut by %s" % val)
351        cut._body += abs(val)
352    # else there is nothing to do: restore the objective
353    transBlock_rHull.del_component(transBlock_rHull.infeasibility_objective)
354    transBlock_rHull.separation_objective.activate()
356def back_off_constraint_by_fixed_tolerance(cut, transBlock_rHull,
357                                           bigm_to_hull_map, opt, stream_solver,
358                                           TOL):
359    """Makes cut more conservative by absolute tolerance TOL
361    Parameters
362    ----------
363    cut: the cut to be made more conservative, a Constraint
364    transBlock_rHull: the relaxed hull model's transformation Block. Ignored by
365                      this callback
366    bigm_to_hull_map: Dictionary mapping ids of bigM variables to the
367                      corresponding variables on the relaxed hull instance.
368                      Ignored by this callback.
369    opt: SolverFactory object. Ignored by this callback
370    stream_solver: Whether or not to set tee=True while solving. Ignored by
371                   this callback
372    TOL: An absolute tolerance to be added to make cut more conservative.
373    """
374    cut._body += TOL
377                                doc="Relaxes a linear disjunctive model by "
378                                "adding cuts from convex hull to Big-M "
379                                "reformulation.")
380class CuttingPlane_Transformation(Transformation):
381    """Relax convex disjunctive model by forming the bigm relaxation and then
382    iteratively adding cuts from the hull relaxation (or the hull relaxation
383    after some basic steps) in order to strengthen the formulation.
385    Note that gdp.cuttingplane is not a structural transformation: If variables
386    on the model are fixed, they will be treated as data, and unfixing them
387    after transformation will very likely result in an invalid model.
389    This transformation accepts the following keyword arguments:
391    Parameters
392    ----------
393    solver : Solver name (as string) to use to solve relaxed BigM and separation
394             problems
395    solver_options : dictionary of options to pass to the solver
396    stream_solver : Whether or not to display solver output
397    verbose : Enable verbose output from cuttingplanes algorithm
398    cuts_name : Optional name for the IndexedConstraint containing the projected
399                cuts (must be a unique name with respect to the instance)
400    minimum_improvement_threshold : Stopping criterion based on improvement in
401                                    Big-M relaxation. This is the minimum
402                                    difference in relaxed BigM objective
403                                    values between consecutive iterations
404    separation_objective_threshold : Stopping criterion based on separation
405                                     objective. If separation objective is not
406                                     at least this large, cut generation will
407                                     terminate.
408    cut_filtering_threshold : Stopping criterion based on effectiveness of the
409                              generated cut: This is the amount by which
410                              a cut must be violated at the relaxed bigM
411                              solution in order to be added to the bigM model
412    max_number_of_cuts : The maximum number of cuts to add to the big-M model
413    norm : norm to use in the objective of the separation problem
414    tighten_relaxation : callback to modify the GDP model before the hull
415                         relaxation is taken (e.g. could be used to perform
416                         basic steps)
417    create_cuts : callback to create cuts using the solved relaxed bigM and hull
418                  problems
419    post_process_cut : callback to perform post-processing on created cuts
420    back_off_problem_tolerance : tolerance to use while post-processing
421    zero_tolerance : Tolerance at which a float will be considered 0 when
422                     using Fourier-Motzkin elimination to create cuts.
423    do_integer_arithmetic : Whether or not to require Fourier-Motzkin elimination
424                            to do integer arithmetic. Only possible when all
425                            data is integer.
426    tight_constraint_tolerance : Tolerance at which a constraint is considered
427                                 tight for the Fourier-Motzkin cut generation
428                                 procedure
430    By default, the callbacks will be set such that the algorithm performed is
431    as presented in [1], but with an additional post-processing procedure to
432    reduce numerical error, which calculates the maximum violation of the cut
433    subject to the relaxed hull constraints, and then pads the constraint by
434    this violation plus an additional user-specified tolerance.
436    In addition, the create_cuts_fme function provides an (exponential time)
437    method of generating cuts which reduces numerical error (and can eliminate
438    it if all data is integer). It collects the hull constraints which are
439    tight at the solution of the separation problem. It creates a cut in the
440    extended space perpendicular to  a composite normal vector created by
441    summing the directions normal to these constraints. It then performs
442    fourier-motzkin elimination on the collection of constraints and the cut
443    to project out the disaggregated variables. The resulting constraint which
444    is most violated by the relaxed bigM solution is then returned.
446    References
447    ----------
448        [1] Sawaya, N. W., Grossmann, I. E. (2005). A cutting plane method for
449        solving linear generalized disjunctive programming problems. Computers
450        and Chemical Engineering, 29, 1891-1913
451    """
453    CONFIG = ConfigBlock("gdp.cuttingplane")
454    CONFIG.declare('solver', ConfigValue(
455        default='ipopt',
456        domain=str,
457        description="""Solver to use for relaxed BigM problem and the separation
458        problem""",
459        doc="""
460        This specifies the solver which will be used to solve LP relaxation
461        of the BigM problem and the separation problem. Note that this solver
462        must be able to handle a quadratic objective because of the separation
463        problem.
464        """
465    ))
466    CONFIG.declare('minimum_improvement_threshold', ConfigValue(
467        default=0.01,
468        domain=NonNegativeFloat,
469        description="Threshold value for difference in relaxed bigM problem "
470        "objectives used to decide when to stop adding cuts",
471        doc="""
472        If the difference between the objectives in two consecutive iterations is
473        less than this value, the algorithm terminates without adding the cut
474        generated in the last iteration.
475        """
476    ))
477    CONFIG.declare('separation_objective_threshold', ConfigValue(
478        default=0.01,
479        domain=NonNegativeFloat,
480        description="Threshold value used to decide when to stop adding cuts: "
481        "If separation problem objective is not at least this quantity, cut "
482        "generation will terminate.",
483        doc="""
484        If the separation problem objective (distance between relaxed bigM
485        solution and its projection onto the relaxed hull feasible region)
486        does not exceed this threshold, the algorithm will terminate.
487        """
488    ))
489    CONFIG.declare('max_number_of_cuts', ConfigValue(
490        default=100,
491        domain=PositiveInt,
492        description="The maximum number of cuts to add before the algorithm "
493        "terminates.",
494        doc="""
495        If the algorithm does not terminate due to another criterion first,
496        cut generation will stop after adding this many cuts.
497        """
498    ))
499    CONFIG.declare('norm', ConfigValue(
500        default=2,
501        domain=In([2, float('inf')]),
502        description="Norm to use in the separation problem: 2, or "
503        "float('inf')",
504        doc="""
505        Norm used to calculate distance in the objective of the separation
506        problem which finds the nearest point on the hull relaxation region
507        to the current solution of the relaxed bigm problem.
509        Supported norms are the Euclidean norm (specify 2) and the infinity
510        norm (specify float('inf')). Note that the first makes the separation
511        problem objective quadratic and the latter makes it linear.
512        """
513    ))
514    CONFIG.declare('verbose', ConfigValue(
515        default=False,
516        domain=bool,
517        description="Flag to enable verbose output",
518        doc="""
519        If True, prints subproblem solutions, as well as potential and added cuts
520        during algorithm.
522        If False, only the relaxed BigM objective and minimal information about
523        cuts is logged.
524        """
525    ))
526    CONFIG.declare('stream_solver', ConfigValue(
527        default=False,
528        domain=bool,
529        description="""If true, sets tee=True for every solve performed over
530        "the course of the algorithm"""
531    ))
532    CONFIG.declare('solver_options', ConfigBlock(
533        implicit=True,
534        description="Dictionary of solver options",
535        doc="""
536        Dictionary of solver options that will be set for the solver for both the
537        relaxed BigM and separation problem solves.
538        """
539    ))
540    CONFIG.declare('tighten_relaxation', ConfigValue(
541        default=do_not_tighten,
542        description="Callback which takes the GDP formulation and returns a "
543        "GDP formulation with a tighter hull relaxation",
544        doc="""
545        Function which accepts the GDP formulation of the problem and returns
546        a GDP formulation which the transformation will then take the hull
547        reformulation of.
549        Most typically, this callback would be used to apply basic steps before
550        taking the hull reformulation, but anything which tightens the GDP can
551        be performed here.
552        """
553    ))
554    CONFIG.declare('create_cuts', ConfigValue(
555        default=create_cuts_normal_vector,
556        description="Callback which generates a list of cuts, given the solved "
557        "relaxed bigM and relaxed hull solutions. If no cuts can be "
558        "generated, returns None",
559        doc="""
560        Callback to generate cuts to be added to the bigM problem based on
561        solutions to the relaxed bigM problem and the separation problem.
563        Arguments
564        ---------
565        transBlock_rBigm: transformation block on relaxed bigM instance
566        transBlock_rHull: transformation blcok on relaxed hull instance
567        var_info: List of tuples (rBigM_var, rHull_var, xstar_param)
568        hull_to_bigm_map: For expression substition, maps id(hull_var) to
569                          coresponding bigm var
570        rBigM_linear_constraints: list of linear constraints in relaxed bigM
571        rHull_vars: list of all variables in relaxed hull
572        disaggregated_vars: ComponentSet of disaggregated variables in hull
573                            reformulation
574        cut_threshold: Amount x* needs to be infeasible in generated cut in order
575                       to consider the cut for addition to the bigM model.
576        zero_tolerance: Tolerance at which a float will be treated as 0
578        Returns
579        -------
580        list of cuts to be added to bigM problem (and relaxed bigM problem),
581        represented as expressions using variables from the bigM model
582        """
583    ))
584    CONFIG.declare('post_process_cut', ConfigValue(
585        default=back_off_constraint_with_calculated_cut_violation,
586        description="Callback which takes a generated cut and post processes "
587        "it, presumably to back it off in the case of numerical error. Set to "
588        "None if not post-processing is desired.",
589        doc="""
590        Callback to adjust a cut returned from create_cuts before adding it to
591        the model, presumably to make it more conservative in case of numerical
592        error.
594        Arguments
595        ---------
596        cut: the cut to be made more conservative, a Constraint
597        transBlock_rHull: the relaxed hull model's transformation Block.
598        bigm_to_hull_map: Dictionary mapping ids of bigM variables to the
599                          corresponding variables on the relaxed hull instance.
600        opt: SolverFactory object for subproblem solves in this procedure
601        stream_solver: Whether or not to set tee=True while solving.
602        TOL: A tolerance
604        Returns
605        -------
606        None, modifies the cut in place
607        """
608    ))
609    # back off problem tolerance (on top of the solver's (sometimes))
610    CONFIG.declare('back_off_problem_tolerance', ConfigValue(
611        default=1e-8,
612        domain=NonNegativeFloat,
613        description="Tolerance to pass to the post_process_cut callback.",
614        doc="""
615        Tolerance passed to the post_process_cut callback.
617        Depending on the callback, different values could make sense, but
618        something on the order of the solver's optimality or constraint
619        tolerances is appropriate.
620        """
621    ))
622    CONFIG.declare('cut_filtering_threshold', ConfigValue(
623        default=0.001,
624        domain=NonNegativeFloat,
625        description="Tolerance used to decide if a cut removes x* from the "
626        "relaxed BigM problem by enough to be added to the bigM problem.",
627        doc="""
628        Absolute tolerance used to decide whether to keep a cut. We require
629        that, when evaluated at x* (the relaxed BigM optimal solution), the
630        cut be infeasible by at least this tolerance.
631        """
632    ))
633    CONFIG.declare('zero_tolerance', ConfigValue(
634        default=1e-9,
635        domain=NonNegativeFloat,
636        description="Tolerance at which floats are assumed to be 0 while "
637        "performing Fourier-Motzkin elimination",
638        doc="""
639        Only relevant when create_cuts=create_cuts_fme, this sets the
640        zero_tolerance option for the Fourier-Motzkin elimination transformation.
641        """
642    ))
643    CONFIG.declare('do_integer_arithmetic', ConfigValue(
644        default=False,
645        domain=bool,
646        description="Only relevant if using Fourier-Motzkin Elimination (FME) "
647        "and if all problem data is integer, requires FME transformation to "
648        "perform integer arithmetic to eliminate numerical error.",
649        doc="""
650        Only relevant when create_cuts=create_cuts_fme and if all problem data
651        is integer, this sets the do_integer_arithmetic flag to true for the
652        FME transformation, meaning that the projection to the big-M space
653        can be done with exact precision.
654        """
655    ))
656    CONFIG.declare('cuts_name', ConfigValue(
657        default=None,
658        domain=str,
659        description="Optional name for the IndexedConstraint containing the "
660        "projected cuts. Must be a unique name with respect to the "
661        "instance.",
662        doc="""
663        Optional name for the IndexedConstraint containing the projected
664        constraints. If not specified, the cuts will be stored on a
665        private block created by the transformation, so if you want access
666        to them after the transformation, use this argument.
668        Must be a string which is a unique component name with respect to the
669        Block on which the transformation is called.
670        """
671    ))
672    CONFIG.declare('tight_constraint_tolerance', ConfigValue(
673        default=1e-6, # Gurobi constraint tolerance
674        domain=NonNegativeFloat,
675        description="Tolerance at which a constraint is considered tight for "
676        "the Fourier-Motzkin cut generation procedure.",
677        doc="""
678        For a constraint a^Tx <= b, the Fourier-Motzkin cut generation procedure
679        will consider the constraint tight (and add it to the set of constraints
680        being projected) when a^Tx - b is less than this tolerance.
682        It is recommended to set this tolerance to the constraint tolerance of
683        the solver being used.
684        """
685    ))
686    def __init__(self):
687        super(CuttingPlane_Transformation, self).__init__()
689    def _apply_to(self, instance, bigM=None, **kwds):
690        original_log_level = logger.level
691        log_level = logger.getEffectiveLevel()
692        try:
693            assert not NAME_BUFFER
694            self._config = self.CONFIG(kwds.pop('options', {}))
695            self._config.set_value(kwds)
697            if self._config.verbose and log_level > logging.INFO:
698                logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
699                self.verbose = True
700            elif log_level <= logging.INFO:
701                self.verbose = True
702            else:
703                self.verbose = False
705            (instance_rBigM, cuts_obj, instance_rHull, var_info,
706             transBlockName) = self._setup_subproblems( instance, bigM,
707                                                        self._config.\
708                                                        tighten_relaxation)
710            self._generate_cuttingplanes( instance_rBigM, cuts_obj,
711                                          instance_rHull, var_info,
712                                          transBlockName)
714            # restore integrality
715            TransformationFactory('core.relax_integer_vars').apply_to(instance,
716                                                                      undo=True)
717        finally:
718            del self._config
719            del self.verbose
720            # clear the global name buffer
721            NAME_BUFFER.clear()
722            # restore logging level
723            logger.setLevel(original_log_level)
725    def _setup_subproblems(self, instance, bigM, tighten_relaxation_callback):
726        # create transformation block
727        transBlockName, transBlock = self._add_transformation_block(instance)
729        # We store a list of all vars so that we can efficiently
730        # generate maps among the subproblems
732        transBlock.all_vars = list(v for v in instance.component_data_objects(
733            Var,
734            descend_into=(Block, Disjunct),
735            sort=SortComponents.deterministic) if not v.is_fixed())
737        # we'll store all the cuts we add together
738        nm = self._config.cuts_name
739        if nm is None:
740            cuts_obj = transBlock.cuts = Constraint(NonNegativeIntegers)
741        else:
742            # check that this really is an available name
743            if instance.component(nm) is not None:
744                raise GDP_Error("cuts_name was specified as '%s', but this is "
745                                "already a component on the instance! Please "
746                                "specify a unique name." % nm)
747            instance.add_component(nm, Constraint(NonNegativeIntegers))
748            cuts_obj = instance.component(nm)
750        # get bigM and hull relaxations
751        bigMRelaxation = TransformationFactory('gdp.bigm')
752        hullRelaxation = TransformationFactory('gdp.hull')
753        relaxIntegrality = TransformationFactory('core.relax_integer_vars')
755        #
756        # Generate the Hull relaxation (used for the separation
757        # problem to generate cutting planes)
758        #
759        tighter_instance = tighten_relaxation_callback(instance)
760        instance_rHull = hullRelaxation.create_using(tighter_instance)
761        relaxIntegrality.apply_to(instance_rHull,
762                                  transform_deactivated_blocks=True)
764        #
765        # Reformulate the instance using the BigM relaxation (this will
766        # be the final instance returned to the user)
767        #
768        bigMRelaxation.apply_to(instance, bigM=bigM)
770        #
771        # Generate the continuous relaxation of the BigM transformation. We'll
772        # restore it at the end.
773        #
774        relaxIntegrality.apply_to(instance, transform_deactivated_blocks=True)
776        #
777        # Add the xstar parameter for the Hull problem
778        #
779        transBlock_rHull = instance_rHull.component(transBlockName)
780        #
781        # this will hold the solution to rbigm each time we solve it. We
782        # add it to the transformation block so that we don't have to
783        # worry about name conflicts.
784        transBlock_rHull.xstar = Param( range(len(transBlock.all_vars)),
785                                        mutable=True, default=0, within=Reals)
787        # we will add a block that we will deactivate to use to store the
788        # extended space cuts. We never need to solve these, but we need them to
789        # be constructed for the sake of Fourier-Motzkin Elimination
790        extendedSpaceCuts = transBlock_rHull.extendedSpaceCuts = Block()
791        extendedSpaceCuts.deactivate()
792        extendedSpaceCuts.cuts = Constraint(Any)
794        #
795        # Generate the mapping between the variables on all the
796        # instances and the xstar parameter.
797        #
798        var_info = [
799            (v, # this is the bigM variable
800             transBlock_rHull.all_vars[i],
801             transBlock_rHull.xstar[i])
802            for i,v in enumerate(transBlock.all_vars)]
804        # NOTE: we wait to add the separation objective to the rHull problem
805        # because it is best to do it in the first iteration, so that we can
806        # skip stale variables.
808        return (instance, cuts_obj, instance_rHull, var_info, transBlockName)
810    # this is the map that I need to translate my projected cuts and add
811    # them to bigM
812    def _create_hull_to_bigm_substitution_map(self, var_info):
813        return dict((id(var_info[i][1]), var_info[i][0]) for i in
814                    range(len(var_info)))
816    # this map is needed to solve the back-off problem for post-processing
817    def _create_bigm_to_hull_substition_map(self, var_info):
818        return dict((id(var_info[i][0]), var_info[i][1]) for i in
819                    range(len(var_info)))
821    def _get_disaggregated_vars(self, hull):
822        disaggregatedVars = ComponentSet()
823        hull_xform = TransformationFactory('gdp.hull')
824        for disjunction in hull.component_data_objects( Disjunction,
825                                                        descend_into=(Disjunct,
826                                                                      Block)):
827            for disjunct in disjunction.disjuncts:
828                if disjunct.transformation_block is not None:
829                    transBlock = disjunct.transformation_block()
830                    for v in transBlock.disaggregatedVars.\
831                        component_data_objects(Var):
832                        disaggregatedVars.add(v)
834        return disaggregatedVars
836    def _get_rBigM_obj_and_constraints(self, instance_rBigM):
837        # We try to grab the first active objective. If there is more
838        # than one, the writer will yell when we try to solve below. If
839        # there are 0, we will yell here.
840        rBigM_obj = next(instance_rBigM.component_data_objects(
841            Objective, active=True), None)
842        if rBigM_obj is None:
843            raise GDP_Error("Cannot apply cutting planes transformation "
844                            "without an active objective in the model!")
846        #
847        # Collect all of the linear constraints that are in the rBigM
848        # instance. We will need these so that we can compare what we get from
849        # FME to them and make sure we aren't adding redundant constraints to
850        # the model. For convenience, we will make sure they are all in the form
851        # lb <= expr (so we will break equality constraints)
852        #
853        fme = TransformationFactory('contrib.fourier_motzkin_elimination')
854        rBigM_linear_constraints = []
855        for cons in instance_rBigM.component_data_objects(
856                Constraint,
857                descend_into=Block,
858                sort=SortComponents.deterministic,
859                active=True):
860            body = cons.body
861            if body.polynomial_degree() != 1:
862                # We will never get a nonlinear constraint out of FME, so we
863                # don't risk it being identical to this one.
864                continue
866            # TODO: Guess this shouldn't have been private...
867            rBigM_linear_constraints.extend(fme._process_constraint(cons))
869        # [ESJ Aug 13 2020] NOTE: We actually don't need to worry about variable
870        # bounds here because the FME transformation will take care of them
871        # (i.e. convert those of the disaggregated variables to constraints for
872        # the purposes of the projection.)
874        return rBigM_obj, rBigM_linear_constraints
876    def _generate_cuttingplanes( self, instance_rBigM, cuts_obj, instance_rHull,
877                                 var_info, transBlockName):
879        opt = SolverFactory(self._config.solver)
880        stream_solver = self._config.stream_solver
881        opt.options = dict(self._config.solver_options)
883        improving = True
884        prev_obj = None
885        epsilon = self._config.minimum_improvement_threshold
886        cuts = None
888        transBlock_rHull = instance_rHull.component(transBlockName)
890        rBigM_obj, rBigM_linear_constraints = self.\
891                                              _get_rBigM_obj_and_constraints(
892                                                  instance_rBigM)
894        # Get list of all variables in the rHull model which we will use when
895        # calculating the composite normal vector.
896        rHull_vars = [i for i in instance_rHull.component_data_objects(
897            Var,
898            descend_into=Block,
899            sort=SortComponents.deterministic)]
901        # collect a list of disaggregated variables.
902        disaggregated_vars = self._get_disaggregated_vars( instance_rHull)
904        hull_to_bigm_map = self._create_hull_to_bigm_substitution_map(var_info)
905        bigm_to_hull_map = self._create_bigm_to_hull_substition_map(var_info)
906        xhat = ComponentMap()
908        while (improving):
909            # solve rBigM, solution is xstar
910            results = opt.solve(instance_rBigM, tee=stream_solver,
911                                load_solutions=False)
912            if verify_successful_solve(results) is not NORMAL:
913                logger.warning("Relaxed BigM subproblem "
914                               "did not solve normally. Stopping cutting "
915                               "plane generation.\n\n%s" % (results,))
916                return
917            instance_rBigM.solutions.load_from(results)
919            rBigM_objVal = value(rBigM_obj)
920            logger.warning("rBigM objective = %s" % (rBigM_objVal,))
922            #
923            # Add the separation objective to the hull subproblem if it's not
924            # there already (so in the first iteration). We're waiting until now
925            # to avoid it including variables that came back stale from the
926            # rbigm solve.
927            #
928            if transBlock_rHull.component("separation_objective") is None:
929                self._add_separation_objective(var_info, transBlock_rHull)
931            # copy over xstar
932            logger.info("x* is:")
933            for x_rbigm, x_hull, x_star in var_info:
934                if not x_rbigm.stale:
935                    x_star.value = x_rbigm.value
936                    # initialize the X values
937                    x_hull.value = x_rbigm.value
938                if self.verbose:
939                    logger.info("\t%s = %s" %
940                                (x_rbigm.getname(fully_qualified=True,
941                                                 name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER),
942                                 x_rbigm.value))
944            # compare objectives: check absolute difference close to 0, relative
945            # difference further from 0.
946            if prev_obj is None:
947                improving = True
948            else:
949                obj_diff = prev_obj - rBigM_objVal
950                improving = ( abs(obj_diff) > epsilon if abs(rBigM_objVal) < 1
951                             else abs(obj_diff/prev_obj) > epsilon )
953            # solve separation problem to get xhat.
954            results = opt.solve(instance_rHull, tee=stream_solver,
955                                load_solutions=False)
956            if verify_successful_solve(results) is not NORMAL:
957                logger.warning("Hull separation subproblem "
958                               "did not solve normally. Stopping cutting "
959                               "plane generation.\n\n%s" % (results,))
960                return
961            instance_rHull.solutions.load_from(results)
962            logger.warning("separation problem objective value: %s" %
963                           value(transBlock_rHull.separation_objective))
965            # save xhat to initialize rBigM with in the next iteration
966            if self.verbose:
967                logger.info("xhat is: ")
968            for x_rbigm, x_hull, x_star in var_info:
969                xhat[x_rbigm] = value(x_hull)
970                if self.verbose:
971                    logger.info("\t%s = %s" %
972                                (x_hull.getname(fully_qualified=True,
973                                                name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER),
974                                 x_hull.value))
976            # [JDS 19 Dec 18] Note: we check that the separation objective was
977            # significantly nonzero.  If it is too close to zero, either the
978            # rBigM solution was in the convex hull, or the separation vector is
979            # so close to zero that the resulting cut is likely to have
980            # numerical issues.
981            if value(transBlock_rHull.separation_objective) < \
982               self._config.separation_objective_threshold:
983                logger.warning("Separation problem objective below threshold of"
984                               " %s: Stopping cut generation." %
985                               self._config.separation_objective_threshold)
986                break
988            cuts = self._config.create_cuts(transBlock_rHull, var_info,
989                                            hull_to_bigm_map,
990                                            rBigM_linear_constraints,
991                                            rHull_vars, disaggregated_vars,
992                                            self._config.norm,
993                                            self._config.cut_filtering_threshold,
994                                            self._config.zero_tolerance,
995                                            self._config.do_integer_arithmetic,
996                                            self._config.\
997                                            tight_constraint_tolerance)
999            # We are done if the cut generator couldn't return a valid cut
1000            if cuts is None:
1001                logger.warning("Did not generate a valid cut, stopping cut "
1002                               "generation.")
1003                break
1004            if not improving:
1005                logger.warning("Difference in relaxed BigM problem objective "
1006                               "values from past two iterations is below "
1007                               "threshold of %s: Stopping cut generation." %
1008                               epsilon)
1009                break
1011            for cut in cuts:
1012                # we add the cut to the model and then post-process it in place.
1013                cut_number = len(cuts_obj)
1014                logger.warning("Adding cut %s to BigM model." % (cut_number,))
1015                cuts_obj.add(cut_number, cut)
1016                if self._config.post_process_cut is not None:
1017                    self._config.post_process_cut(
1018                        cuts_obj[cut_number], transBlock_rHull,
1019                        bigm_to_hull_map, opt, stream_solver,
1020                        self._config.back_off_problem_tolerance)
1022            if cut_number + 1 == self._config.max_number_of_cuts:
1023                logger.warning("Reached maximum number of cuts.")
1024                break
1026            prev_obj = rBigM_objVal
1028            # Initialize rbigm with xhat (for the next iteration)
1029            for x_rbigm, x_hull, x_star in var_info:
1030                x_rbigm.value = xhat[x_rbigm]
1032    def _add_transformation_block(self, instance):
1033        # creates transformation block with a unique name based on name, adds it
1034        # to instance, and returns it.
1035        transBlockName = unique_component_name(
1036            instance,
1037            '_pyomo_gdp_cuttingplane_transformation')
1038        transBlock = Block()
1039        instance.add_component(transBlockName, transBlock)
1040        return transBlockName, transBlock
1043    def _add_separation_objective(self, var_info, transBlock_rHull):
1044        # creates the separation objective. That is just adding an objective for
1045        # Euclidean norm, it means adding an auxilary variable to linearize the
1046        # L-infinity norm. We do this assuming that rBigM has been solved, and
1047        # if any variables come back stale, we leave them out of the separation
1048        # problem, as they aren't doing anything and they could cause numerical
1049        # issues later.
1051        # Deactivate any/all other objectives
1052        for o in transBlock_rHull.model().component_data_objects(Objective):
1053            o.deactivate()
1054        norm = self._config.norm
1055        to_delete = []
1057        if norm == 2:
1058            obj_expr = 0
1059            for i, (x_rbigm, x_hull, x_star) in enumerate(var_info):
1060                if not x_rbigm.stale:
1061                    obj_expr += (x_hull - x_star)**2
1062                else:
1063                    if self.verbose:
1064                        logger.info("The variable %s will not be included in "
1065                                    "the separation problem: It was stale in "
1066                                    "the rBigM solve." % x_rbigm.getname(
1067                                        fully_qualified=True,
1068                                        name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER))
1069                    to_delete.append(i)
1070        elif norm == float('inf'):
1071            u = transBlock_rHull.u = Var(domain=NonNegativeReals)
1072            inf_cons = transBlock_rHull.inf_norm_linearization = Constraint(
1073                NonNegativeIntegers)
1074            i = 0
1075            for j, (x_rbigm, x_hull, x_star) in enumerate(var_info):
1076                if not x_rbigm.stale:
1077                    # NOTE: these are written as >= constraints so that we know
1078                    # the duals will come back nonnegative.
1079                    inf_cons[i] = u  - x_hull >= - x_star
1080                    inf_cons[i+1] = u + x_hull >= x_star
1081                    i += 2
1082                else:
1083                    if self.verbose:
1084                        logger.info("The variable %s will not be included in "
1085                                    "the separation problem: It was stale in "
1086                                    "the rBigM solve." % x_rbigm.getname(
1087                                        fully_qualified=True,
1088                                        name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER))
1089                    to_delete.append(j)
1090            # we'll need the duals of these to get the subgradient
1091            self._add_dual_suffix(transBlock_rHull.model())
1092            obj_expr = u
1094        # delete the unneeded x_stars so that we don't add cuts involving
1095        # useless variables later.
1096        for i in sorted(to_delete, reverse=True):
1097            del var_info[i]
1099        # add separation objective to transformation block
1100        transBlock_rHull.separation_objective = Objective(expr=obj_expr)
1102    def _add_dual_suffix(self, rHull):
1103        # rHull is our model and we aren't giving it back (unless in the future
1104        # we we add a callback to do basic steps to it...), so we just check if
1105        # dual is there. If it's a Suffix, we'll borrow it. If it's something
1106        # else we'll rename it and add the Suffix.
1107        dual = rHull.component("dual")
1108        if dual is None:
1109            rHull.dual = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
1110        else:
1111            if dual.ctype is Suffix:
1112                return
1113            rHull.del_component(dual)
1114            rHull.dual = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
1115            rHull.add_component(unique_component_name(rHull, "dual"), dual)