1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
3  *  All rights reserved.
4  *
5  *  This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
6  *  LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
7  */
9 #pragma once
11 #include <folly/Range.h>
12 #include <folly/io/Cursor.h>
13 #include <folly/io/IOBuf.h>
14 #include <algorithm>
16 namespace fizz {
18 /**
19  * Trims trimmed.size() bytes at the end of a chained IOBuf and fills in
20  * trimmed. The caller is responsible for making sure that buf has enough
21  * bytes to trim trimmed.size().
22  */
23 void trimBytes(folly::IOBuf& buf, folly::MutableByteRange trimmed);
25 /**
26  * Trim bytes from the start of an IOBuf potentially spanning multiple
27  * buffers in the chain.
28  */
29 void trimStart(folly::IOBuf& buf, size_t toTrim);
31 /**
32  * XOR first and second and store the result in second.
33  */
34 void XOR(folly::ByteRange first, folly::MutableByteRange second);
36 /**
37  * Useful when we need to run a function that performs some operation on
38  * an IOBuf and then stores the result in another IOBuf.
39  * We assume that the caller ensures that out size >= in size.
40  * Apart from that you can pass in chained buffers for output or input
41  * buffers or even the same buffer. In the case you pass the same buffer,
42  * the Func needs to make sure it can safely deal with this case.
43  */
44 template <typename Func>
transformBuffer(const folly::IOBuf & in,folly::IOBuf & out,Func func)45 void transformBuffer(const folly::IOBuf& in, folly::IOBuf& out, Func func) {
46   auto current = &in;
47   folly::IOBuf* currentOut = &out;
48   size_t offset = 0;
50   // Iterate using the buffers instead of iterating with
51   // the iobuf iterators.
52   do {
53     size_t currentLength = current->length();
55     while (currentLength != 0) {
56       size_t selected = std::min(
57           static_cast<size_t>(currentOut->length() - offset), currentLength);
58       func(
59           currentOut->writableData() + offset,
60           current->data() + (current->length() - currentLength),
61           selected);
62       currentLength -= selected;
63       offset += selected;
64       if (offset == currentOut->length()) {
65         offset = 0;
66         currentOut = currentOut->next();
67       }
68     }
69     current = current->next();
70   } while (current != &in);
71 }
73 /**
74  * Useful when we need to run a function that performs operations in chunks
75  * and transforms data from in -> out, regardless of whether in or out is
76  * chained.  We assume out size >= in size.
77  *
78  * func is expected to take data from some input buffer, do some operation on it
79  * and then place the result of the operation into an output buffer.  It only
80  * should write to output in blocks of size BlockSize.  Data from the input
81  * buffer must be internally buffered by func if it can not write a full block
82  * to output.
83  */
84 template <size_t BlockSize, typename Func>
85 folly::io::RWPrivateCursor
transformBufferBlocks(const folly::IOBuf & in,folly::IOBuf & out,Func func)86 transformBufferBlocks(const folly::IOBuf& in, folly::IOBuf& out, Func func) {
87   size_t internallyBuffered = 0;
88   folly::io::RWPrivateCursor output(&out);
89   folly::io::Cursor input(&in);
91   // block to handle writes along output buffer boundaries
92   std::array<uint8_t, BlockSize> blockBuffer = {};
94   // ensure buffers are fine
95   while (!input.isAtEnd()) {
96     auto inputRange = input.peekBytes();
97     auto inputLen = inputRange.size();
98     auto outputLen = output.peekBytes().size();
99     if (inputLen + internallyBuffered < BlockSize) {
100       // input doesn't have enough - we can call func and it should
101       // internally buffer.
102       // This should be safe to just internally buffer since we took into
103       // account what was existing in the internal buffer already
104       auto numWritten = func(blockBuffer.data(), inputRange.data(), inputLen);
105       DCHECK_EQ(numWritten, 0) << "expected buffering. wrote " << numWritten;
106       // only update input offsets
107       internallyBuffered += inputLen;
108       input.skip(inputLen);
109     } else if (outputLen < BlockSize) {
110       // we have at least a block to write from input + internal buffer, so
111       // output didn't have enough room in this case
112       // copy a block from input in temp and then push onto output
113       auto numWritten = func(
114           blockBuffer.data(),
115           inputRange.data(),
116           // only provide it the amount needed for one block
117           BlockSize - internallyBuffered);
118       DCHECK_EQ(numWritten, BlockSize)
119           << "did not write full block bs=" << BlockSize
120           << " wrote=" << numWritten;
122       // push the block onto output
123       output.push(blockBuffer.data(), BlockSize);
125       // advance input
126       input.skip(BlockSize - internallyBuffered);
127       internallyBuffered = 0;
128     } else {
129       // we have at least one block that can be written from input to output
130       // calculate shared bytes while taking into account internal buffer
131       auto numSharedBytes = std::min(outputLen, inputLen + internallyBuffered);
133       // this is the number we can safely (and expect) to write to output
134       auto numBlockBytes = numSharedBytes - (numSharedBytes % BlockSize);
136       // try to grab as much from input - we can grab up to BlockSize - 1 more
137       auto maxToTake = (numBlockBytes - internallyBuffered) + (BlockSize - 1);
138       auto numToTake = std::min(inputLen, maxToTake);
139       auto numWritten =
140           func(output.writableData(), inputRange.data(), numToTake);
142       DCHECK_EQ(numWritten, numBlockBytes);
144       // advance cursors
145       input.skip(numToTake);
146       output.skip(numWritten);
147       // recalculate internal buffer state
148       internallyBuffered = (internallyBuffered + numToTake) % BlockSize;
149     }
150   }
151   return output;
152 }
153 } // namespace fizz