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24 ****************************************************************************/
26 #pragma once
28 namespace LanguageServerProtocol {
30 constexpr char actionsKey[] = "actions";
31 constexpr char activeParameterKey[] = "activeParameter";
32 constexpr char activeSignatureKey[] = "activeSignature";
33 constexpr char addedKey[] = "added";
34 constexpr char additionalTextEditsKey[] = "additionalTextEdits";
35 constexpr char alphaKey[] = "alpha";
36 constexpr char appliedKey[] = "applied";
37 constexpr char applyEditKey[] = "applyEdit";
38 constexpr char argumentsKey[] = "arguments";
39 constexpr char blueKey[] = "blue";
40 constexpr char cancellableKey[] = "cancellable";
41 constexpr char capabilitiesKey[] = "capabilities";
42 constexpr char chKey[] = "ch";
43 constexpr char changeKey[] = "change";
44 constexpr char changeNotificationsKey[] = "changeNotifications";
45 constexpr char changesKey[] = "changes";
46 constexpr char characterKey[] = "character";
47 constexpr char childrenKey[] = "children";
48 constexpr char codeActionKey[] = "codeAction";
49 constexpr char codeActionKindKey[] = "codeActionKind";
50 constexpr char codeActionKindsKey[] = "codeActionKinds";
51 constexpr char codeActionLiteralSupportKey[] = "codeActionLiteralSupport";
52 constexpr char codeActionProviderKey[] = "codeActionProvider";
53 constexpr char codeKey[] = "code";
54 constexpr char codeLensKey[] = "codeLens";
55 constexpr char codeLensProviderKey[] = "codeLensProvider";
56 constexpr char colorInfoKey[] = "colorInfo";
57 constexpr char colorKey[] = "color";
58 constexpr char colorProviderKey[] = "colorProvider";
59 constexpr char commandKey[] = "command";
60 constexpr char commandsKey[] = "commands";
61 constexpr char commitCharacterSupportKey[] = "commitCharacterSupport";
62 constexpr char commitCharactersKey[] = "commitCharacters";
63 constexpr char completionItemKey[] = "completionItem";
64 constexpr char completionItemKindKey[] = "completionItemKind";
65 constexpr char completionKey[] = "completion";
66 constexpr char completionProviderKey[] = "completionProvider";
67 constexpr char configurationKey[] = "configuration";
68 constexpr char containerNameKey[] = "containerName";
69 constexpr char contentChangesKey[] = "contentChanges";
70 constexpr char contentCharsetName[] = "charset";
71 constexpr char contentFormatKey[] = "contentFormat";
72 constexpr char contentKey[] = "value";
73 constexpr char contentLengthFieldName[] = "Content-Length";
74 constexpr char contentTypeFieldName[] = "Content-Type";
75 constexpr char contentsKey[] = "contents";
76 constexpr char contextKey[] = "context";
77 constexpr char contextSupportKey[] = "contextSupport";
78 constexpr char dataKey[] = "data";
79 constexpr char defaultCharset[] = "utf-8";
80 constexpr char definitionKey[] = "definition";
81 constexpr char definitionProviderKey[] = "definitionProvider";
82 constexpr char deleteCountKey[] = "deleteCount";
83 constexpr char deltaKey[] = "delta";
84 constexpr char deprecatedKey[] = "deprecated";
85 constexpr char detailKey[] = "detail";
86 constexpr char diagnosticsKey[] = "diagnostics";
87 constexpr char didChangeConfigurationKey[] = "didChangeConfiguration";
88 constexpr char didChangeWatchedFilesKey[] = "didChangeWatchedFiles";
89 constexpr char didSaveKey[] = "didSave";
90 constexpr char documentChangesKey[] = "documentChanges";
91 constexpr char documentFormattingProviderKey[] = "documentFormattingProvider";
92 constexpr char documentHighlightKey[] = "documentHighlight";
93 constexpr char documentHighlightProviderKey[] = "documentHighlightProvider";
94 constexpr char documentLinkKey[] = "documentLink";
95 constexpr char documentLinkProviderKey[] = "documentLinkProvider";
96 constexpr char documentRangeFormattingProviderKey[] = "documentRangeFormattingProvider";
97 constexpr char documentSelectorKey[] = "documentSelector";
98 constexpr char documentSymbolKey[] = "documentSymbol";
99 constexpr char documentSymbolProviderKey[] = "documentSymbolProvider";
100 constexpr char documentationFormatKey[] = "documentationFormat";
101 constexpr char documentationKey[] = "documentation";
102 constexpr char dynamicRegistrationKey[] = "dynamicRegistration";
103 constexpr char editKey[] = "edit";
104 constexpr char editsKey[] = "edits";
105 constexpr char endKey[] = "end";
106 constexpr char errorKey[] = "error";
107 constexpr char eventKey[] = "event";
108 constexpr char executeCommandKey[] = "executeCommand";
109 constexpr char executeCommandProviderKey[] = "executeCommandProvider";
110 constexpr char experimentalKey[] = "experimental";
111 constexpr char filterTextKey[] = "filterText";
112 constexpr char firstTriggerCharacterKey[] = "firstTriggerCharacter";
113 constexpr char formatsKey[] = "formats";
114 constexpr char formattingKey[] = "formatting";
115 constexpr char fullKey[] = "full";
116 constexpr char greenKey[] = "green";
117 constexpr char headerFieldSeparator[] = ": ";
118 constexpr char headerSeparator[] = "\r\n";
119 constexpr char hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupportKey[] = "hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport";
120 constexpr char hoverKey[] = "hover";
121 constexpr char hoverProviderKey[] = "hoverProvider";
122 constexpr char idKey[] = "id";
123 constexpr char implementationKey[] = "implementation";
124 constexpr char implementationProviderKey[] = "implementationProvider";
125 constexpr char includeDeclarationKey[] = "includeDeclaration";
126 constexpr char includeTextKey[] = "includeText";
127 constexpr char initializationOptionsKey[] = "initializationOptions";
128 constexpr char insertFinalNewlineKey[] = "insertFinalNewline";
129 constexpr char insertSpaceKey[] = "insertSpace";
130 constexpr char insertTextFormatKey[] = "insertTextFormat";
131 constexpr char insertTextKey[] = "insertText";
132 constexpr char isIncompleteKey[] = "isIncomplete";
133 constexpr char itemsKey[] = "items";
134 constexpr char jsonRpcVersionKey[] = "jsonrpc";
135 constexpr char kindKey[] = "kind";
136 constexpr char labelKey[] = "label";
137 constexpr char languageIdKey[] = "languageId";
138 constexpr char languageKey[] = "language";
139 constexpr char legendKey[] = "legend";
140 constexpr char lineKey[] = "line";
141 constexpr char linesKey[] = "lines";
142 constexpr char locationKey[] = "location";
143 constexpr char messageKey[] = "message";
144 constexpr char methodKey[] = "method";
145 constexpr char moreTriggerCharacterKey[] = "moreTriggerCharacter";
146 constexpr char multiLineTokenSupportKey[] = "multiLineTokenSupport";
147 constexpr char nameKey[] = "name";
148 constexpr char newNameKey[] = "newName";
149 constexpr char newTextKey[] = "newText";
150 constexpr char onTypeFormattingKey[] = "onTypeFormatting";
151 constexpr char onlyKey[] = "only";
152 constexpr char openCloseKey[] = "openClose";
153 constexpr char optionsKey[] = "options";
154 constexpr char overlappingTokenSupportKey[] = "overlappingTokenSupport";
155 constexpr char parametersKey[] = "parameters";
156 constexpr char paramsKey[] = "params";
157 constexpr char patternKey[] = "pattern";
158 constexpr char percentageKey[] = "percentage";
159 constexpr char placeHolderKey[] = "placeHolder";
160 constexpr char positionKey[] = "position";
161 constexpr char prepareProviderKey[] = "prepareProvider";
162 constexpr char prepareSupportKey[] = "prepareSupport";
163 constexpr char previousResultIdKey[] = "previousResultId";
164 constexpr char processIdKey[] = "processId";
165 constexpr char queryKey[] = "query";
166 constexpr char rangeFormattingKey[] = "rangeFormatting";
167 constexpr char rangeKey[] = "range";
168 constexpr char rangeLengthKey[] = "rangeLength";
169 constexpr char reasonKey[] = "reason";
170 constexpr char redKey[] = "red";
171 constexpr char referencesKey[] = "references";
172 constexpr char referencesProviderKey[] = "referencesProvider";
173 constexpr char registerOptionsKey[] = "registerOptions";
174 constexpr char registrationsKey[] = "registrations";
175 constexpr char removedKey[] = "removed";
176 constexpr char renameKey[] = "rename";
177 constexpr char renameProviderKey[] = "renameProvider";
178 constexpr char requestsKey[] = "requests";
179 constexpr char resolveProviderKey[] = "resolveProvider";
180 constexpr char resultIdKey[] = "resultId";
181 constexpr char resultKey[] = "result";
182 constexpr char retryKey[] = "retry";
183 constexpr char rootPathKey[] = "rootPath";
184 constexpr char rootUriKey[] = "rootUri";
185 constexpr char saveKey[] = "save";
186 constexpr char schemeKey[] = "scheme";
187 constexpr char scopeUriKey[] = "scopeUri";
188 constexpr char scopesKey[] = "scopes";
189 constexpr char sectionKey[] = "section";
190 constexpr char selectionRangeKey[] = "selectionRange";
191 constexpr char semanticHighlightingCapabilitiesKey[] = "semanticHighlightingCapabilities";
192 constexpr char semanticHighlightingKey[] = "semanticHighlighting";
193 constexpr char semanticTokensKey[] = "semanticTokens";
194 constexpr char semanticTokensProviderKey[] = "semanticTokensProvider";
195 constexpr char serverInfoKey[] = "serverInfo";
196 constexpr char settingsKey[] = "settings";
197 constexpr char severityKey[] = "severity";
198 constexpr char signatureHelpKey[] = "signatureHelp";
199 constexpr char signatureHelpProviderKey[] = "signatureHelpProvider";
200 constexpr char signatureInformationKey[] = "signatureInformation";
201 constexpr char signaturesKey[] = "signatures";
202 constexpr char snippetSupportKey[] = "snippetSupport";
203 constexpr char sortTextKey[] = "sortText";
204 constexpr char sourceKey[] = "source";
205 constexpr char startKey[] = "start";
206 constexpr char supportedKey[] = "supported";
207 constexpr char symbolKey[] = "symbol";
208 constexpr char symbolKindKey[] = "symbolKind";
209 constexpr char syncKindKey[] = "syncKind";
210 constexpr char synchronizationKey[] = "synchronization";
211 constexpr char tabSizeKey[] = "tabSize";
212 constexpr char targetKey[] = "target";
213 constexpr char textDocumentKey[] = "textDocument";
214 constexpr char textDocumentSyncKey[] = "textDocumentSync";
215 constexpr char textEditKey[] = "textEdit";
216 constexpr char textKey[] = "text";
217 constexpr char titleKey[] = "title";
218 constexpr char tokenKey[] = "token";
219 constexpr char tokenModifiersKey[] = "tokenModifiers";
220 constexpr char tokenTypesKey[] = "tokenTypes";
221 constexpr char tokensKey[] = "tokens";
222 constexpr char traceKey[] = "trace";
223 constexpr char triggerCharacterKey[] = "triggerCharacter";
224 constexpr char triggerCharactersKey[] = "triggerCharacters";
225 constexpr char triggerKindKey[] = "triggerKind";
226 constexpr char trimFinalNewlinesKey[] = "trimFinalNewlines";
227 constexpr char trimTrailingWhitespaceKey[] = "trimTrailingWhitespace";
228 constexpr char typeDefinitionKey[] = "typeDefinition";
229 constexpr char typeDefinitionProviderKey[] = "typeDefinitionProvider";
230 constexpr char typeKey[] = "type";
231 constexpr char unregistrationsKey[] = "unregistrations";
232 constexpr char uriKey[] = "uri";
233 constexpr char valueKey[] = "value";
234 constexpr char valueSetKey[] = "valueSet";
235 constexpr char versionKey[] = "version";
236 constexpr char willSaveKey[] = "willSave";
237 constexpr char willSaveWaitUntilKey[] = "willSaveWaitUntil";
238 constexpr char windowKey[] = "window";
239 constexpr char workDoneProgressKey[] = "workDoneProgress";
240 constexpr char workspaceEditKey[] = "workspaceEdit";
241 constexpr char workspaceFoldersKey[] = "workspaceFolders";
242 constexpr char workspaceKey[] = "workspace";
243 constexpr char workspaceSymbolProviderKey[] = "workspaceSymbolProvider";
245 } // namespace LanguageServerProtocol