2Utility classes and functions for the polynomial modules.
4This module provides: error and warning objects; a polynomial base class;
5and some routines used in both the `polynomial` and `chebyshev` modules.
7Error objects
10.. autosummary::
11   :toctree: generated/
13   PolyError            base class for this sub-package's errors.
14   PolyDomainError      raised when domains are mismatched.
16Warning objects
19.. autosummary::
20   :toctree: generated/
22   RankWarning  raised in least-squares fit for rank-deficient matrix.
24Base class
27.. autosummary::
28   :toctree: generated/
30   PolyBase Obsolete base class for the polynomial classes. Do not use.
35.. autosummary::
36   :toctree: generated/
38   as_series    convert list of array_likes into 1-D arrays of common type.
39   trimseq      remove trailing zeros.
40   trimcoef     remove small trailing coefficients.
41   getdomain    return the domain appropriate for a given set of abscissae.
42   mapdomain    maps points between domains.
43   mapparms     parameters of the linear map between domains.
46import operator
47import functools
48import warnings
50import numpy as np
52__all__ = [
53    'RankWarning', 'PolyError', 'PolyDomainError', 'as_series', 'trimseq',
54    'trimcoef', 'getdomain', 'mapdomain', 'mapparms', 'PolyBase']
57# Warnings and Exceptions
60class RankWarning(UserWarning):
61    """Issued by chebfit when the design matrix is rank deficient."""
62    pass
64class PolyError(Exception):
65    """Base class for errors in this module."""
66    pass
68class PolyDomainError(PolyError):
69    """Issued by the generic Poly class when two domains don't match.
71    This is raised when an binary operation is passed Poly objects with
72    different domains.
74    """
75    pass
78# Base class for all polynomial types
81class PolyBase:
82    """
83    Base class for all polynomial types.
85    Deprecated in numpy 1.9.0, use the abstract
86    ABCPolyBase class instead. Note that the latter
87    requires a number of virtual functions to be
88    implemented.
90    """
91    pass
94# Helper functions to convert inputs to 1-D arrays
96def trimseq(seq):
97    """Remove small Poly series coefficients.
99    Parameters
100    ----------
101    seq : sequence
102        Sequence of Poly series coefficients. This routine fails for
103        empty sequences.
105    Returns
106    -------
107    series : sequence
108        Subsequence with trailing zeros removed. If the resulting sequence
109        would be empty, return the first element. The returned sequence may
110        or may not be a view.
112    Notes
113    -----
114    Do not lose the type info if the sequence contains unknown objects.
116    """
117    if len(seq) == 0:
118        return seq
119    else:
120        for i in range(len(seq) - 1, -1, -1):
121            if seq[i] != 0:
122                break
123        return seq[:i+1]
126def as_series(alist, trim=True):
127    """
128    Return argument as a list of 1-d arrays.
130    The returned list contains array(s) of dtype double, complex double, or
131    object.  A 1-d argument of shape ``(N,)`` is parsed into ``N`` arrays of
132    size one; a 2-d argument of shape ``(M,N)`` is parsed into ``M`` arrays
133    of size ``N`` (i.e., is "parsed by row"); and a higher dimensional array
134    raises a Value Error if it is not first reshaped into either a 1-d or 2-d
135    array.
137    Parameters
138    ----------
139    alist : array_like
140        A 1- or 2-d array_like
141    trim : boolean, optional
142        When True, trailing zeros are removed from the inputs.
143        When False, the inputs are passed through intact.
145    Returns
146    -------
147    [a1, a2,...] : list of 1-D arrays
148        A copy of the input data as a list of 1-d arrays.
150    Raises
151    ------
152    ValueError
153        Raised when `as_series` cannot convert its input to 1-d arrays, or at
154        least one of the resulting arrays is empty.
156    Examples
157    --------
158    >>> from numpy.polynomial import polyutils as pu
159    >>> a = np.arange(4)
160    >>> pu.as_series(a)
161    [array([0.]), array([1.]), array([2.]), array([3.])]
162    >>> b = np.arange(6).reshape((2,3))
163    >>> pu.as_series(b)
164    [array([0., 1., 2.]), array([3., 4., 5.])]
166    >>> pu.as_series((1, np.arange(3), np.arange(2, dtype=np.float16)))
167    [array([1.]), array([0., 1., 2.]), array([0., 1.])]
169    >>> pu.as_series([2, [1.1, 0.]])
170    [array([2.]), array([1.1])]
172    >>> pu.as_series([2, [1.1, 0.]], trim=False)
173    [array([2.]), array([1.1, 0. ])]
175    """
176    arrays = [np.array(a, ndmin=1, copy=False) for a in alist]
177    if min([a.size for a in arrays]) == 0:
178        raise ValueError("Coefficient array is empty")
179    if any(a.ndim != 1 for a in arrays):
180        raise ValueError("Coefficient array is not 1-d")
181    if trim:
182        arrays = [trimseq(a) for a in arrays]
184    if any(a.dtype == np.dtype(object) for a in arrays):
185        ret = []
186        for a in arrays:
187            if a.dtype != np.dtype(object):
188                tmp = np.empty(len(a), dtype=np.dtype(object))
189                tmp[:] = a[:]
190                ret.append(tmp)
191            else:
192                ret.append(a.copy())
193    else:
194        try:
195            dtype = np.common_type(*arrays)
196        except Exception as e:
197            raise ValueError("Coefficient arrays have no common type") from e
198        ret = [np.array(a, copy=True, dtype=dtype) for a in arrays]
199    return ret
202def trimcoef(c, tol=0):
203    """
204    Remove "small" "trailing" coefficients from a polynomial.
206    "Small" means "small in absolute value" and is controlled by the
207    parameter `tol`; "trailing" means highest order coefficient(s), e.g., in
208    ``[0, 1, 1, 0, 0]`` (which represents ``0 + x + x**2 + 0*x**3 + 0*x**4``)
209    both the 3-rd and 4-th order coefficients would be "trimmed."
211    Parameters
212    ----------
213    c : array_like
214        1-d array of coefficients, ordered from lowest order to highest.
215    tol : number, optional
216        Trailing (i.e., highest order) elements with absolute value less
217        than or equal to `tol` (default value is zero) are removed.
219    Returns
220    -------
221    trimmed : ndarray
222        1-d array with trailing zeros removed.  If the resulting series
223        would be empty, a series containing a single zero is returned.
225    Raises
226    ------
227    ValueError
228        If `tol` < 0
230    See Also
231    --------
232    trimseq
234    Examples
235    --------
236    >>> from numpy.polynomial import polyutils as pu
237    >>> pu.trimcoef((0,0,3,0,5,0,0))
238    array([0.,  0.,  3.,  0.,  5.])
239    >>> pu.trimcoef((0,0,1e-3,0,1e-5,0,0),1e-3) # item == tol is trimmed
240    array([0.])
241    >>> i = complex(0,1) # works for complex
242    >>> pu.trimcoef((3e-4,1e-3*(1-i),5e-4,2e-5*(1+i)), 1e-3)
243    array([0.0003+0.j   , 0.001 -0.001j])
245    """
246    if tol < 0:
247        raise ValueError("tol must be non-negative")
249    [c] = as_series([c])
250    [ind] = np.nonzero(np.abs(c) > tol)
251    if len(ind) == 0:
252        return c[:1]*0
253    else:
254        return c[:ind[-1] + 1].copy()
256def getdomain(x):
257    """
258    Return a domain suitable for given abscissae.
260    Find a domain suitable for a polynomial or Chebyshev series
261    defined at the values supplied.
263    Parameters
264    ----------
265    x : array_like
266        1-d array of abscissae whose domain will be determined.
268    Returns
269    -------
270    domain : ndarray
271        1-d array containing two values.  If the inputs are complex, then
272        the two returned points are the lower left and upper right corners
273        of the smallest rectangle (aligned with the axes) in the complex
274        plane containing the points `x`. If the inputs are real, then the
275        two points are the ends of the smallest interval containing the
276        points `x`.
278    See Also
279    --------
280    mapparms, mapdomain
282    Examples
283    --------
284    >>> from numpy.polynomial import polyutils as pu
285    >>> points = np.arange(4)**2 - 5; points
286    array([-5, -4, -1,  4])
287    >>> pu.getdomain(points)
288    array([-5.,  4.])
289    >>> c = np.exp(complex(0,1)*np.pi*np.arange(12)/6) # unit circle
290    >>> pu.getdomain(c)
291    array([-1.-1.j,  1.+1.j])
293    """
294    [x] = as_series([x], trim=False)
295    if x.dtype.char in np.typecodes['Complex']:
296        rmin, rmax = x.real.min(), x.real.max()
297        imin, imax = x.imag.min(), x.imag.max()
298        return np.array((complex(rmin, imin), complex(rmax, imax)))
299    else:
300        return np.array((x.min(), x.max()))
302def mapparms(old, new):
303    """
304    Linear map parameters between domains.
306    Return the parameters of the linear map ``offset + scale*x`` that maps
307    `old` to `new` such that ``old[i] -> new[i]``, ``i = 0, 1``.
309    Parameters
310    ----------
311    old, new : array_like
312        Domains. Each domain must (successfully) convert to a 1-d array
313        containing precisely two values.
315    Returns
316    -------
317    offset, scale : scalars
318        The map ``L(x) = offset + scale*x`` maps the first domain to the
319        second.
321    See Also
322    --------
323    getdomain, mapdomain
325    Notes
326    -----
327    Also works for complex numbers, and thus can be used to calculate the
328    parameters required to map any line in the complex plane to any other
329    line therein.
331    Examples
332    --------
333    >>> from numpy.polynomial import polyutils as pu
334    >>> pu.mapparms((-1,1),(-1,1))
335    (0.0, 1.0)
336    >>> pu.mapparms((1,-1),(-1,1))
337    (-0.0, -1.0)
338    >>> i = complex(0,1)
339    >>> pu.mapparms((-i,-1),(1,i))
340    ((1+1j), (1-0j))
342    """
343    oldlen = old[1] - old[0]
344    newlen = new[1] - new[0]
345    off = (old[1]*new[0] - old[0]*new[1])/oldlen
346    scl = newlen/oldlen
347    return off, scl
349def mapdomain(x, old, new):
350    """
351    Apply linear map to input points.
353    The linear map ``offset + scale*x`` that maps the domain `old` to
354    the domain `new` is applied to the points `x`.
356    Parameters
357    ----------
358    x : array_like
359        Points to be mapped. If `x` is a subtype of ndarray the subtype
360        will be preserved.
361    old, new : array_like
362        The two domains that determine the map.  Each must (successfully)
363        convert to 1-d arrays containing precisely two values.
365    Returns
366    -------
367    x_out : ndarray
368        Array of points of the same shape as `x`, after application of the
369        linear map between the two domains.
371    See Also
372    --------
373    getdomain, mapparms
375    Notes
376    -----
377    Effectively, this implements:
379    .. math ::
380        x\\_out = new[0] + m(x - old[0])
382    where
384    .. math ::
385        m = \\frac{new[1]-new[0]}{old[1]-old[0]}
387    Examples
388    --------
389    >>> from numpy.polynomial import polyutils as pu
390    >>> old_domain = (-1,1)
391    >>> new_domain = (0,2*np.pi)
392    >>> x = np.linspace(-1,1,6); x
393    array([-1. , -0.6, -0.2,  0.2,  0.6,  1. ])
394    >>> x_out = pu.mapdomain(x, old_domain, new_domain); x_out
395    array([ 0.        ,  1.25663706,  2.51327412,  3.76991118,  5.02654825, # may vary
396            6.28318531])
397    >>> x - pu.mapdomain(x_out, new_domain, old_domain)
398    array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
400    Also works for complex numbers (and thus can be used to map any line in
401    the complex plane to any other line therein).
403    >>> i = complex(0,1)
404    >>> old = (-1 - i, 1 + i)
405    >>> new = (-1 + i, 1 - i)
406    >>> z = np.linspace(old[0], old[1], 6); z
407    array([-1. -1.j , -0.6-0.6j, -0.2-0.2j,  0.2+0.2j,  0.6+0.6j,  1. +1.j ])
408    >>> new_z = pu.mapdomain(z, old, new); new_z
409    array([-1.0+1.j , -0.6+0.6j, -0.2+0.2j,  0.2-0.2j,  0.6-0.6j,  1.0-1.j ]) # may vary
411    """
412    x = np.asanyarray(x)
413    off, scl = mapparms(old, new)
414    return off + scl*x
417def _nth_slice(i, ndim):
418    sl = [np.newaxis] * ndim
419    sl[i] = slice(None)
420    return tuple(sl)
423def _vander_nd(vander_fs, points, degrees):
424    r"""
425    A generalization of the Vandermonde matrix for N dimensions
427    The result is built by combining the results of 1d Vandermonde matrices,
429    .. math::
430        W[i_0, \ldots, i_M, j_0, \ldots, j_N] = \prod_{k=0}^N{V_k(x_k)[i_0, \ldots, i_M, j_k]}
432    where
434    .. math::
435        N &= \texttt{len(points)} = \texttt{len(degrees)} = \texttt{len(vander\_fs)} \\
436        M &= \texttt{points[k].ndim} \\
437        V_k &= \texttt{vander\_fs[k]} \\
438        x_k &= \texttt{points[k]} \\
439        0 \le j_k &\le \texttt{degrees[k]}
441    Expanding the one-dimensional :math:`V_k` functions gives:
443    .. math::
444        W[i_0, \ldots, i_M, j_0, \ldots, j_N] = \prod_{k=0}^N{B_{k, j_k}(x_k[i_0, \ldots, i_M])}
446    where :math:`B_{k,m}` is the m'th basis of the polynomial construction used along
447    dimension :math:`k`. For a regular polynomial, :math:`B_{k, m}(x) = P_m(x) = x^m`.
449    Parameters
450    ----------
451    vander_fs : Sequence[function(array_like, int) -> ndarray]
452        The 1d vander function to use for each axis, such as ``polyvander``
453    points : Sequence[array_like]
454        Arrays of point coordinates, all of the same shape. The dtypes
455        will be converted to either float64 or complex128 depending on
456        whether any of the elements are complex. Scalars are converted to
457        1-D arrays.
458        This must be the same length as `vander_fs`.
459    degrees : Sequence[int]
460        The maximum degree (inclusive) to use for each axis.
461        This must be the same length as `vander_fs`.
463    Returns
464    -------
465    vander_nd : ndarray
466        An array of shape ``points[0].shape + tuple(d + 1 for d in degrees)``.
467    """
468    n_dims = len(vander_fs)
469    if n_dims != len(points):
470        raise ValueError(
471            f"Expected {n_dims} dimensions of sample points, got {len(points)}")
472    if n_dims != len(degrees):
473        raise ValueError(
474            f"Expected {n_dims} dimensions of degrees, got {len(degrees)}")
475    if n_dims == 0:
476        raise ValueError("Unable to guess a dtype or shape when no points are given")
478    # convert to the same shape and type
479    points = tuple(np.array(tuple(points), copy=False) + 0.0)
481    # produce the vandermonde matrix for each dimension, placing the last
482    # axis of each in an independent trailing axis of the output
483    vander_arrays = (
484        vander_fs[i](points[i], degrees[i])[(...,) + _nth_slice(i, n_dims)]
485        for i in range(n_dims)
486    )
488    # we checked this wasn't empty already, so no `initial` needed
489    return functools.reduce(operator.mul, vander_arrays)
492def _vander_nd_flat(vander_fs, points, degrees):
493    """
494    Like `_vander_nd`, but flattens the last ``len(degrees)`` axes into a single axis
496    Used to implement the public ``<type>vander<n>d`` functions.
497    """
498    v = _vander_nd(vander_fs, points, degrees)
499    return v.reshape(v.shape[:-len(degrees)] + (-1,))
502def _fromroots(line_f, mul_f, roots):
503    """
504    Helper function used to implement the ``<type>fromroots`` functions.
506    Parameters
507    ----------
508    line_f : function(float, float) -> ndarray
509        The ``<type>line`` function, such as ``polyline``
510    mul_f : function(array_like, array_like) -> ndarray
511        The ``<type>mul`` function, such as ``polymul``
512    roots :
513        See the ``<type>fromroots`` functions for more detail
514    """
515    if len(roots) == 0:
516        return np.ones(1)
517    else:
518        [roots] = as_series([roots], trim=False)
519        roots.sort()
520        p = [line_f(-r, 1) for r in roots]
521        n = len(p)
522        while n > 1:
523            m, r = divmod(n, 2)
524            tmp = [mul_f(p[i], p[i+m]) for i in range(m)]
525            if r:
526                tmp[0] = mul_f(tmp[0], p[-1])
527            p = tmp
528            n = m
529        return p[0]
532def _valnd(val_f, c, *args):
533    """
534    Helper function used to implement the ``<type>val<n>d`` functions.
536    Parameters
537    ----------
538    val_f : function(array_like, array_like, tensor: bool) -> array_like
539        The ``<type>val`` function, such as ``polyval``
540    c, args :
541        See the ``<type>val<n>d`` functions for more detail
542    """
543    args = [np.asanyarray(a) for a in args]
544    shape0 = args[0].shape
545    if not all((a.shape == shape0 for a in args[1:])):
546        if len(args) == 3:
547            raise ValueError('x, y, z are incompatible')
548        elif len(args) == 2:
549            raise ValueError('x, y are incompatible')
550        else:
551            raise ValueError('ordinates are incompatible')
552    it = iter(args)
553    x0 = next(it)
555    # use tensor on only the first
556    c = val_f(x0, c)
557    for xi in it:
558        c = val_f(xi, c, tensor=False)
559    return c
562def _gridnd(val_f, c, *args):
563    """
564    Helper function used to implement the ``<type>grid<n>d`` functions.
566    Parameters
567    ----------
568    val_f : function(array_like, array_like, tensor: bool) -> array_like
569        The ``<type>val`` function, such as ``polyval``
570    c, args :
571        See the ``<type>grid<n>d`` functions for more detail
572    """
573    for xi in args:
574        c = val_f(xi, c)
575    return c
578def _div(mul_f, c1, c2):
579    """
580    Helper function used to implement the ``<type>div`` functions.
582    Implementation uses repeated subtraction of c2 multiplied by the nth basis.
583    For some polynomial types, a more efficient approach may be possible.
585    Parameters
586    ----------
587    mul_f : function(array_like, array_like) -> array_like
588        The ``<type>mul`` function, such as ``polymul``
589    c1, c2 :
590        See the ``<type>div`` functions for more detail
591    """
592    # c1, c2 are trimmed copies
593    [c1, c2] = as_series([c1, c2])
594    if c2[-1] == 0:
595        raise ZeroDivisionError()
597    lc1 = len(c1)
598    lc2 = len(c2)
599    if lc1 < lc2:
600        return c1[:1]*0, c1
601    elif lc2 == 1:
602        return c1/c2[-1], c1[:1]*0
603    else:
604        quo = np.empty(lc1 - lc2 + 1, dtype=c1.dtype)
605        rem = c1
606        for i in range(lc1 - lc2, - 1, -1):
607            p = mul_f([0]*i + [1], c2)
608            q = rem[-1]/p[-1]
609            rem = rem[:-1] - q*p[:-1]
610            quo[i] = q
611        return quo, trimseq(rem)
614def _add(c1, c2):
615    """ Helper function used to implement the ``<type>add`` functions. """
616    # c1, c2 are trimmed copies
617    [c1, c2] = as_series([c1, c2])
618    if len(c1) > len(c2):
619        c1[:c2.size] += c2
620        ret = c1
621    else:
622        c2[:c1.size] += c1
623        ret = c2
624    return trimseq(ret)
627def _sub(c1, c2):
628    """ Helper function used to implement the ``<type>sub`` functions. """
629    # c1, c2 are trimmed copies
630    [c1, c2] = as_series([c1, c2])
631    if len(c1) > len(c2):
632        c1[:c2.size] -= c2
633        ret = c1
634    else:
635        c2 = -c2
636        c2[:c1.size] += c1
637        ret = c2
638    return trimseq(ret)
641def _fit(vander_f, x, y, deg, rcond=None, full=False, w=None):
642    """
643    Helper function used to implement the ``<type>fit`` functions.
645    Parameters
646    ----------
647    vander_f : function(array_like, int) -> ndarray
648        The 1d vander function, such as ``polyvander``
649    c1, c2 :
650        See the ``<type>fit`` functions for more detail
651    """
652    x = np.asarray(x) + 0.0
653    y = np.asarray(y) + 0.0
654    deg = np.asarray(deg)
656    # check arguments.
657    if deg.ndim > 1 or deg.dtype.kind not in 'iu' or deg.size == 0:
658        raise TypeError("deg must be an int or non-empty 1-D array of int")
659    if deg.min() < 0:
660        raise ValueError("expected deg >= 0")
661    if x.ndim != 1:
662        raise TypeError("expected 1D vector for x")
663    if x.size == 0:
664        raise TypeError("expected non-empty vector for x")
665    if y.ndim < 1 or y.ndim > 2:
666        raise TypeError("expected 1D or 2D array for y")
667    if len(x) != len(y):
668        raise TypeError("expected x and y to have same length")
670    if deg.ndim == 0:
671        lmax = deg
672        order = lmax + 1
673        van = vander_f(x, lmax)
674    else:
675        deg = np.sort(deg)
676        lmax = deg[-1]
677        order = len(deg)
678        van = vander_f(x, lmax)[:, deg]
680    # set up the least squares matrices in transposed form
681    lhs = van.T
682    rhs = y.T
683    if w is not None:
684        w = np.asarray(w) + 0.0
685        if w.ndim != 1:
686            raise TypeError("expected 1D vector for w")
687        if len(x) != len(w):
688            raise TypeError("expected x and w to have same length")
689        # apply weights. Don't use inplace operations as they
690        # can cause problems with NA.
691        lhs = lhs * w
692        rhs = rhs * w
694    # set rcond
695    if rcond is None:
696        rcond = len(x)*np.finfo(x.dtype).eps
698    # Determine the norms of the design matrix columns.
699    if issubclass(lhs.dtype.type, np.complexfloating):
700        scl = np.sqrt((np.square(lhs.real) + np.square(lhs.imag)).sum(1))
701    else:
702        scl = np.sqrt(np.square(lhs).sum(1))
703    scl[scl == 0] = 1
705    # Solve the least squares problem.
706    c, resids, rank, s = np.linalg.lstsq(lhs.T/scl, rhs.T, rcond)
707    c = (c.T/scl).T
709    # Expand c to include non-fitted coefficients which are set to zero
710    if deg.ndim > 0:
711        if c.ndim == 2:
712            cc = np.zeros((lmax+1, c.shape[1]), dtype=c.dtype)
713        else:
714            cc = np.zeros(lmax+1, dtype=c.dtype)
715        cc[deg] = c
716        c = cc
718    # warn on rank reduction
719    if rank != order and not full:
720        msg = "The fit may be poorly conditioned"
721        warnings.warn(msg, RankWarning, stacklevel=2)
723    if full:
724        return c, [resids, rank, s, rcond]
725    else:
726        return c
729def _pow(mul_f, c, pow, maxpower):
730    """
731    Helper function used to implement the ``<type>pow`` functions.
733    Parameters
734    ----------
735    vander_f : function(array_like, int) -> ndarray
736        The 1d vander function, such as ``polyvander``
737    pow, maxpower :
738        See the ``<type>pow`` functions for more detail
739    mul_f : function(array_like, array_like) -> ndarray
740        The ``<type>mul`` function, such as ``polymul``
741    """
742    # c is a trimmed copy
743    [c] = as_series([c])
744    power = int(pow)
745    if power != pow or power < 0:
746        raise ValueError("Power must be a non-negative integer.")
747    elif maxpower is not None and power > maxpower:
748        raise ValueError("Power is too large")
749    elif power == 0:
750        return np.array([1], dtype=c.dtype)
751    elif power == 1:
752        return c
753    else:
754        # This can be made more efficient by using powers of two
755        # in the usual way.
756        prd = c
757        for i in range(2, power + 1):
758            prd = mul_f(prd, c)
759        return prd
762def _deprecate_as_int(x, desc):
763    """
764    Like `operator.index`, but emits a deprecation warning when passed a float
766    Parameters
767    ----------
768    x : int-like, or float with integral value
769        Value to interpret as an integer
770    desc : str
771        description to include in any error message
773    Raises
774    ------
775    TypeError : if x is a non-integral float or non-numeric
776    DeprecationWarning : if x is an integral float
777    """
778    try:
779        return operator.index(x)
780    except TypeError as e:
781        # Numpy 1.17.0, 2019-03-11
782        try:
783            ix = int(x)
784        except TypeError:
785            pass
786        else:
787            if ix == x:
788                warnings.warn(
789                    f"In future, this will raise TypeError, as {desc} will "
790                    "need to be an integer not just an integral float.",
791                    DeprecationWarning,
792                    stacklevel=3
793                )
794                return ix
796        raise TypeError(f"{desc} must be an integer") from e