xref: /openbsd/gnu/usr.bin/perl/dist/Carp/lib/Carp.pm (revision e0680481)
1package Carp;
3{ use 5.006; }
4use strict;
5use warnings;
7    # Very old versions of warnings.pm load Carp.  This can go wrong due
8    # to the circular dependency.  If warnings is invoked before Carp,
9    # then warnings starts by loading Carp, then Carp (above) tries to
10    # invoke warnings, and gets nothing because warnings is in the process
11    # of loading and hasn't defined its import method yet.  If we were
12    # only turning on warnings ("use warnings" above) this wouldn't be too
13    # bad, because Carp would just gets the state of the -w switch and so
14    # might not get some warnings that it wanted.  The real problem is
15    # that we then want to turn off Unicode warnings, but "no warnings
16    # 'utf8'" won't be effective if we're in this circular-dependency
17    # situation.  So, if warnings.pm is an affected version, we turn
18    # off all warnings ourselves by directly setting ${^WARNING_BITS}.
19    # On unaffected versions, we turn off just Unicode warnings, via
20    # the proper API.
21    if(!defined($warnings::VERSION) || eval($warnings::VERSION) < 1.06) {
22	${^WARNING_BITS} = "";
23    } else {
24	"warnings"->unimport("utf8");
25    }
28sub _fetch_sub { # fetch sub without autovivifying
29    my($pack, $sub) = @_;
30    $pack .= '::';
31    # only works with top-level packages
32    return unless exists($::{$pack});
33    for ($::{$pack}) {
34	return unless ref \$_ eq 'GLOB' && *$_{HASH} && exists $$_{$sub};
35	for ($$_{$sub}) {
36	    return ref \$_ eq 'GLOB' ? *$_{CODE} : undef
37	}
38    }
41# UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM is a compile-time constant indicating whether Carp
42# must avoid applying a regular expression to an upgraded (is_utf8)
43# string.  There are multiple problems, on different Perl versions,
44# that require this to be avoided.  All versions prior to 5.13.8 will
45# load utf8_heavy.pl for the swash system, even if the regexp doesn't
46# use character classes.  Perl 5.6 and Perls [5.11.2, 5.13.11) exhibit
47# specific problems when Carp is being invoked in the aftermath of a
48# syntax error.
50    if("$]" < 5.013011) {
51	*UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM = sub () { 1 };
52    } else {
53	*UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM = sub () { 0 };
54    }
57# is_utf8() is essentially the utf8::is_utf8() function, which indicates
58# whether a string is represented in the upgraded form (using UTF-8
59# internally).  As utf8::is_utf8() is only available from Perl 5.8
60# onwards, extra effort is required here to make it work on Perl 5.6.
62    if(defined(my $sub = _fetch_sub utf8 => 'is_utf8')) {
63	*is_utf8 = $sub;
64    } else {
65	# black magic for perl 5.6
66	*is_utf8 = sub { unpack("C", "\xaa".$_[0]) != 170 };
67    }
70# The downgrade() function defined here is to be used for attempts to
71# downgrade where it is acceptable to fail.  It must be called with a
72# second argument that is a true value.
74    if(defined(my $sub = _fetch_sub utf8 => 'downgrade')) {
75	*downgrade = \&{"utf8::downgrade"};
76    } else {
77	*downgrade = sub {
78	    my $r = "";
79	    my $l = length($_[0]);
80	    for(my $i = 0; $i != $l; $i++) {
81		my $o = ord(substr($_[0], $i, 1));
82		return if $o > 255;
83		$r .= chr($o);
84	    }
85	    $_[0] = $r;
86	};
87    }
90# is_safe_printable_codepoint() indicates whether a character, specified
91# by integer codepoint, is OK to output literally in a trace.  Generally
92# this is if it is a printable character in the ancestral character set
93# (ASCII or EBCDIC).  This is used on some Perls in situations where a
94# regexp can't be used.
96    *is_safe_printable_codepoint =
97	"$]" >= 5.007_003 ?
98	    eval(q(sub ($) {
99		my $u = utf8::native_to_unicode($_[0]);
100		$u >= 0x20 && $u <= 0x7e;
101	    }))
102	: ord("A") == 65 ?
103	    sub ($) { $_[0] >= 0x20 && $_[0] <= 0x7e }
104	:
105	    sub ($) {
106		# Early EBCDIC
107		# 3 EBCDIC code pages supported then;  all controls but one
108		# are the code points below SPACE.  The other one is 0x5F on
109		# POSIX-BC; FF on the other two.
110		# FIXME: there are plenty of unprintable codepoints other
111		# than those that this code and the comment above identifies
112		# as "controls".
113		$_[0] >= ord(" ") && $_[0] <= 0xff &&
114		    $_[0] != (ord ("^") == 106 ? 0x5f : 0xff);
115	    }
116	;
119sub _univ_mod_loaded {
120    return 0 unless exists($::{"UNIVERSAL::"});
121    for ($::{"UNIVERSAL::"}) {
122	return 0 unless ref \$_ eq "GLOB" && *$_{HASH} && exists $$_{"$_[0]::"};
123	for ($$_{"$_[0]::"}) {
124	    return 0 unless ref \$_ eq "GLOB" && *$_{HASH} && exists $$_{"VERSION"};
125	    for ($$_{"VERSION"}) {
126		return 0 unless ref \$_ eq "GLOB";
127		return ${*$_{SCALAR}};
128	    }
129	}
130    }
133# _maybe_isa() is usually the UNIVERSAL::isa function.  We have to avoid
134# the latter if the UNIVERSAL::isa module has been loaded, to avoid infi-
135# nite recursion; in that case _maybe_isa simply returns true.
136my $isa;
137BEGIN {
138    if (_univ_mod_loaded('isa')) {
139        *_maybe_isa = sub { 1 }
140    }
141    else {
142        # Since we have already done the check, record $isa for use below
143        # when defining _StrVal.
144        *_maybe_isa = $isa = _fetch_sub(UNIVERSAL => "isa");
145    }
149# We need an overload::StrVal or equivalent function, but we must avoid
150# loading any modules on demand, as Carp is used from __DIE__ handlers and
151# may be invoked after a syntax error.
152# We can copy recent implementations of overload::StrVal and use
153# overloading.pm, which is the fastest implementation, so long as
154# overloading is available.  If it is not available, we use our own pure-
155# Perl StrVal.  We never actually use overload::StrVal, for various rea-
156# sons described below.
157# overload versions are as follows:
158#     undef-1.00 (up to perl 5.8.0)   uses bless (avoid!)
159#     1.01-1.17  (perl 5.8.1 to 5.14) uses Scalar::Util
160#     1.18+      (perl 5.16+)         uses overloading
161# The ancient 'bless' implementation (that inspires our pure-Perl version)
162# blesses unblessed references and must be avoided.  Those using
163# Scalar::Util use refaddr, possibly the pure-Perl implementation, which
164# has the same blessing bug, and must be avoided.  Also, Scalar::Util is
165# loaded on demand.  Since we avoid the Scalar::Util implementations, we
166# end up having to implement our own overloading.pm-based version for perl
167# 5.10.1 to 5.14.  Since it also works just as well in more recent ver-
168# sions, we use it there, too.
169BEGIN {
170    if (eval { require "overloading.pm" }) {
171        *_StrVal = eval 'sub { no overloading; "$_[0]" }'
172    }
173    else {
174        # Work around the UNIVERSAL::can/isa modules to avoid recursion.
176        # _mycan is either UNIVERSAL::can, or, in the presence of an
177        # override, overload::mycan.
178        *_mycan = _univ_mod_loaded('can')
179            ? do { require "overload.pm"; _fetch_sub overload => 'mycan' }
180            : \&UNIVERSAL::can;
182        # _blessed is either UNIVERSAL::isa(...), or, in the presence of an
183        # override, a hideous, but fairly reliable, workaround.
184        *_blessed = $isa
185            ? sub { &$isa($_[0], "UNIVERSAL") }
186            : sub {
187                my $probe = "UNIVERSAL::Carp_probe_" . rand;
188                no strict 'refs';
189                local *$probe = sub { "unlikely string" };
190                local $@;
191                local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub{};
192                (eval { $_[0]->$probe } || '') eq 'unlikely string'
193              };
195        *_StrVal = sub {
196            my $pack = ref $_[0];
197            # Perl's overload mechanism uses the presence of a special
198            # "method" named "((" or "()" to signal it is in effect.
199            # This test seeks to see if it has been set up.  "((" post-
200            # dates overloading.pm, so we can skip it.
201            return "$_[0]" unless _mycan($pack, "()");
202            # Even at this point, the invocant may not be blessed, so
203            # check for that.
204            return "$_[0]" if not _blessed($_[0]);
205            bless $_[0], "Carp";
206            my $str = "$_[0]";
207            bless $_[0], $pack;
208            $pack . substr $str, index $str, "=";
209        }
210    }
214our $VERSION = '1.54';
215$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;
217our $MaxEvalLen = 0;
218our $Verbose    = 0;
219our $CarpLevel  = 0;
220our $MaxArgLen  = 64;    # How much of each argument to print. 0 = all.
221our $MaxArgNums = 8;     # How many arguments to print. 0 = all.
222our $RefArgFormatter = undef; # allow caller to format reference arguments
224require Exporter;
225our @ISA       = ('Exporter');
226our @EXPORT    = qw(confess croak carp);
227our @EXPORT_OK = qw(cluck verbose longmess shortmess);
228our @EXPORT_FAIL = qw(verbose);    # hook to enable verbose mode
230# The members of %Internal are packages that are internal to perl.
231# Carp will not report errors from within these packages if it
232# can.  The members of %CarpInternal are internal to Perl's warning
233# system.  Carp will not report errors from within these packages
234# either, and will not report calls *to* these packages for carp and
235# croak.  They replace $CarpLevel, which is deprecated.    The
236# $Max(EvalLen|(Arg(Len|Nums)) variables are used to specify how the eval
237# text and function arguments should be formatted when printed.
239our %CarpInternal;
240our %Internal;
242# disable these by default, so they can live w/o require Carp
248# if the caller specifies verbose usage ("perl -MCarp=verbose script.pl")
249# then the following method will be called by the Exporter which knows
250# to do this thanks to @EXPORT_FAIL, above.  $_[1] will contain the word
251# 'verbose'.
253sub export_fail { shift; $Verbose = shift if $_[0] eq 'verbose'; @_ }
255sub _cgc {
256    no strict 'refs';
257    return \&{"CORE::GLOBAL::caller"} if defined &{"CORE::GLOBAL::caller"};
258    return;
261sub longmess {
262    local($!, $^E);
263    # Icky backwards compatibility wrapper. :-(
264    #
265    # The story is that the original implementation hard-coded the
266    # number of call levels to go back, so calls to longmess were off
267    # by one.  Other code began calling longmess and expecting this
268    # behaviour, so the replacement has to emulate that behaviour.
269    my $cgc = _cgc();
270    my $call_pack = $cgc ? $cgc->() : caller();
271    if ( $Internal{$call_pack} or $CarpInternal{$call_pack} ) {
272        return longmess_heavy(@_);
273    }
274    else {
275        local $CarpLevel = $CarpLevel + 1;
276        return longmess_heavy(@_);
277    }
280our @CARP_NOT;
282sub shortmess {
283    local($!, $^E);
284    my $cgc = _cgc();
286    # Icky backwards compatibility wrapper. :-(
287    local @CARP_NOT = scalar( $cgc ? $cgc->() : caller() );
288    shortmess_heavy(@_);
291sub croak   { die shortmess @_ }
292sub confess { die longmess @_ }
293sub carp    { warn shortmess @_ }
294sub cluck   { warn longmess @_ }
296BEGIN {
297    if("$]" >= 5.015002 || ("$]" >= 5.014002 && "$]" < 5.015) ||
298	    ("$]" >= 5.012005 && "$]" < 5.013)) {
299	*CALLER_OVERRIDE_CHECK_OK = sub () { 1 };
300    } else {
301	*CALLER_OVERRIDE_CHECK_OK = sub () { 0 };
302    }
305sub caller_info {
306    my $i = shift(@_) + 1;
307    my %call_info;
308    my $cgc = _cgc();
309    {
310	# Some things override caller() but forget to implement the
311	# @DB::args part of it, which we need.  We check for this by
312	# pre-populating @DB::args with a sentinel which no-one else
313	# has the address of, so that we can detect whether @DB::args
314	# has been properly populated.  However, on earlier versions
315	# of perl this check tickles a bug in CORE::caller() which
316	# leaks memory.  So we only check on fixed perls.
317        @DB::args = \$i if CALLER_OVERRIDE_CHECK_OK;
318        package DB;
319        @call_info{
320            qw(pack file line sub has_args wantarray evaltext is_require) }
321            = $cgc ? $cgc->($i) : caller($i);
322    }
324    unless ( defined $call_info{file} ) {
325        return ();
326    }
328    my $sub_name = Carp::get_subname( \%call_info );
329    if ( $call_info{has_args} ) {
330        # Guard our serialization of the stack from stack refcounting bugs
331        # NOTE this is NOT a complete solution, we cannot 100% guard against
332        # these bugs.  However in many cases Perl *is* capable of detecting
333        # them and throws an error when it does.  Unfortunately serializing
334        # the arguments on the stack is a perfect way of finding these bugs,
335        # even when they would not affect normal program flow that did not
336        # poke around inside the stack.  Inside of Carp.pm it makes little
337        # sense reporting these bugs, as Carp's job is to report the callers
338        # errors, not the ones it might happen to tickle while doing so.
339        # See: https://rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=131046
340        # and: https://rt.perl.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=52610
341        # for more details and discussion. - Yves
342        my @args = map {
343                my $arg;
344                local $@= $@;
345                eval {
346                    $arg = $_;
347                    1;
348                } or do {
349                    $arg = '** argument not available anymore **';
350                };
351                $arg;
352            } @DB::args;
353        if (CALLER_OVERRIDE_CHECK_OK && @args == 1
354            && ref $args[0] eq ref \$i
355            && $args[0] == \$i ) {
356            @args = ();    # Don't let anyone see the address of $i
357            local $@;
358            my $where = eval {
359                my $func    = $cgc or return '';
360                my $gv      =
361                    (_fetch_sub B => 'svref_2object' or return '')
362                        ->($func)->GV;
363                my $package = $gv->STASH->NAME;
364                my $subname = $gv->NAME;
365                return unless defined $package && defined $subname;
367                # returning CORE::GLOBAL::caller isn't useful for tracing the cause:
368                return if $package eq 'CORE::GLOBAL' && $subname eq 'caller';
369                " in &${package}::$subname";
370            } || '';
371            @args
372                = "** Incomplete caller override detected$where; \@DB::args were not set **";
373        }
374        else {
375            my $overflow;
376            if ( $MaxArgNums and @args > $MaxArgNums )
377            {    # More than we want to show?
378                $#args = $MaxArgNums - 1;
379                $overflow = 1;
380            }
382            @args = map { Carp::format_arg($_) } @args;
384            if ($overflow) {
385                push @args, '...';
386            }
387        }
389        # Push the args onto the subroutine
390        $sub_name .= '(' . join( ', ', @args ) . ')';
391    }
392    $call_info{sub_name} = $sub_name;
393    return wantarray() ? %call_info : \%call_info;
396# Transform an argument to a function into a string.
397our $in_recurse;
398sub format_arg {
399    my $arg = shift;
401    if ( my $pack= ref($arg) ) {
403         # legitimate, let's not leak it.
404        if (!$in_recurse && _maybe_isa( $arg, 'UNIVERSAL' ) &&
405	    do {
406                local $@;
407	        local $in_recurse = 1;
408		local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub{};
409                eval {$arg->can('CARP_TRACE') }
410            })
411        {
412            return $arg->CARP_TRACE();
413        }
414        elsif (!$in_recurse &&
415	       defined($RefArgFormatter) &&
416	       do {
417                local $@;
418	        local $in_recurse = 1;
419		local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub{};
420                eval {$arg = $RefArgFormatter->($arg); 1}
421                })
422        {
423            return $arg;
424        }
425        else
426        {
427            # Argument may be blessed into a class with overloading, and so
428            # might have an overloaded stringification.  We don't want to
429            # risk getting the overloaded stringification, so we need to
430            # use _StrVal, our overload::StrVal()-equivalent.
431            return _StrVal $arg;
432        }
433    }
434    return "undef" if !defined($arg);
435    downgrade($arg, 1);
436    return $arg if !(UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM && is_utf8($arg)) &&
437	    $arg =~ /\A-?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?\z/;
438    my $suffix = "";
439    if ( 2 < $MaxArgLen and $MaxArgLen < length($arg) ) {
440        substr ( $arg, $MaxArgLen - 3 ) = "";
441	$suffix = "...";
442    }
443    if(UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM && is_utf8($arg)) {
444	for(my $i = length($arg); $i--; ) {
445	    my $c = substr($arg, $i, 1);
446	    my $x = substr($arg, 0, 0);   # work around bug on Perl 5.8.{1,2}
447	    if($c eq "\"" || $c eq "\\" || $c eq "\$" || $c eq "\@") {
448		substr $arg, $i, 0, "\\";
449		next;
450	    }
451	    my $o = ord($c);
452	    substr $arg, $i, 1, sprintf("\\x{%x}", $o)
453		unless is_safe_printable_codepoint($o);
454	}
455    } else {
456	$arg =~ s/([\"\\\$\@])/\\$1/g;
457        # This is all the ASCII printables spelled-out.  It is portable to all
458        # Perl versions and platforms (such as EBCDIC).  There are other more
459        # compact ways to do this, but may not work everywhere every version.
460        $arg =~ s/([^ !"#\$\%\&'()*+,\-.\/0123456789:;<=>?\@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\[\\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\{|}~])/sprintf("\\x{%x}",ord($1))/eg;
461    }
462    downgrade($arg, 1);
463    return "\"".$arg."\"".$suffix;
466sub Regexp::CARP_TRACE {
467    my $arg = "$_[0]";
468    downgrade($arg, 1);
469    if(UTF8_REGEXP_PROBLEM && is_utf8($arg)) {
470	for(my $i = length($arg); $i--; ) {
471	    my $o = ord(substr($arg, $i, 1));
472	    my $x = substr($arg, 0, 0);   # work around bug on Perl 5.8.{1,2}
473	    substr $arg, $i, 1, sprintf("\\x{%x}", $o)
474		unless is_safe_printable_codepoint($o);
475	}
476    } else {
477        # See comment in format_arg() about this same regex.
478        $arg =~ s/([^ !"#\$\%\&'()*+,\-.\/0123456789:;<=>?\@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\[\\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\{|}~])/sprintf("\\x{%x}",ord($1))/eg;
479    }
480    downgrade($arg, 1);
481    my $suffix = "";
482    if($arg =~ /\A\(\?\^?([a-z]*)(?:-[a-z]*)?:(.*)\)\z/s) {
483	($suffix, $arg) = ($1, $2);
484    }
485    if ( 2 < $MaxArgLen and $MaxArgLen < length($arg) ) {
486        substr ( $arg, $MaxArgLen - 3 ) = "";
487	$suffix = "...".$suffix;
488    }
489    return "qr($arg)$suffix";
492# Takes an inheritance cache and a package and returns
493# an anon hash of known inheritances and anon array of
494# inheritances which consequences have not been figured
495# for.
496sub get_status {
497    my $cache = shift;
498    my $pkg   = shift;
499    $cache->{$pkg} ||= [ { $pkg => $pkg }, [ trusts_directly($pkg) ] ];
500    return @{ $cache->{$pkg} };
503# Takes the info from caller() and figures out the name of
504# the sub/require/eval
505sub get_subname {
506    my $info = shift;
507    if ( defined( $info->{evaltext} ) ) {
508        my $eval = $info->{evaltext};
509        if ( $info->{is_require} ) {
510            return "require $eval";
511        }
512        else {
513            $eval =~ s/([\\\'])/\\$1/g;
514            return "eval '" . str_len_trim( $eval, $MaxEvalLen ) . "'";
515        }
516    }
518    # this can happen on older perls when the sub (or the stash containing it)
519    # has been deleted
520    if ( !defined( $info->{sub} ) ) {
521        return '__ANON__::__ANON__';
522    }
524    return ( $info->{sub} eq '(eval)' ) ? 'eval {...}' : $info->{sub};
527# Figures out what call (from the point of view of the caller)
528# the long error backtrace should start at.
529sub long_error_loc {
530    my $i;
531    my $lvl = $CarpLevel;
532    {
533        ++$i;
534        my $cgc = _cgc();
535        my @caller = $cgc ? $cgc->($i) : caller($i);
536        my $pkg = $caller[0];
537        unless ( defined($pkg) ) {
539            # This *shouldn't* happen.
540            if (%Internal) {
541                local %Internal;
542                $i = long_error_loc();
543                last;
544            }
545            elsif (defined $caller[2]) {
546                # this can happen when the stash has been deleted
547                # in that case, just assume that it's a reasonable place to
548                # stop (the file and line data will still be intact in any
549                # case) - the only issue is that we can't detect if the
550                # deleted package was internal (so don't do that then)
551                # -doy
552                redo unless 0 > --$lvl;
553                last;
554            }
555            else {
556                return 2;
557            }
558        }
559        redo if $CarpInternal{$pkg};
560        redo unless 0 > --$lvl;
561        redo if $Internal{$pkg};
562    }
563    return $i - 1;
566sub longmess_heavy {
567    if ( ref( $_[0] ) ) {   # don't break references as exceptions
568        return wantarray ? @_ : $_[0];
569    }
570    my $i = long_error_loc();
571    return ret_backtrace( $i, @_ );
574BEGIN {
575    if("$]" >= 5.017004) {
576        # The LAST_FH constant is a reference to the variable.
577        $Carp::{LAST_FH} = \eval '\${^LAST_FH}';
578    } else {
579        eval '*LAST_FH = sub () { 0 }';
580    }
583# Returns a full stack backtrace starting from where it is
584# told.
585sub ret_backtrace {
586    my ( $i, @error ) = @_;
587    my $mess;
588    my $err = join '', @error;
589    $i++;
591    my $tid_msg = '';
592    if ( defined &threads::tid ) {
593        my $tid = threads->tid;
594        $tid_msg = " thread $tid" if $tid;
595    }
597    my %i = caller_info($i);
598    $mess = "$err at $i{file} line $i{line}$tid_msg";
599    if( $. ) {
600      # Use ${^LAST_FH} if available.
601      if (LAST_FH) {
602        if (${+LAST_FH}) {
603            $mess .= sprintf ", <%s> %s %d",
604                              *${+LAST_FH}{NAME},
605                              ($/ eq "\n" ? "line" : "chunk"), $.
606        }
607      }
608      else {
609        local $@ = '';
610        local $SIG{__DIE__};
611        eval {
612            CORE::die;
613        };
614        if($@ =~ /^Died at .*(, <.*?> (?:line|chunk) \d+).$/ ) {
615            $mess .= $1;
616        }
617      }
618    }
619    $mess .= "\.\n";
621    while ( my %i = caller_info( ++$i ) ) {
622        $mess .= "\t$i{sub_name} called at $i{file} line $i{line}$tid_msg\n";
623    }
625    return $mess;
628sub ret_summary {
629    my ( $i, @error ) = @_;
630    my $err = join '', @error;
631    $i++;
633    my $tid_msg = '';
634    if ( defined &threads::tid ) {
635        my $tid = threads->tid;
636        $tid_msg = " thread $tid" if $tid;
637    }
639    my %i = caller_info($i);
640    return "$err at $i{file} line $i{line}$tid_msg\.\n";
643sub short_error_loc {
644    # You have to create your (hash)ref out here, rather than defaulting it
645    # inside trusts *on a lexical*, as you want it to persist across calls.
646    # (You can default it on $_[2], but that gets messy)
647    my $cache = {};
648    my $i     = 1;
649    my $lvl   = $CarpLevel;
650    {
651        my $cgc = _cgc();
652        my $called = $cgc ? $cgc->($i) : caller($i);
653        $i++;
654        my $caller = $cgc ? $cgc->($i) : caller($i);
656        if (!defined($caller)) {
657            my @caller = $cgc ? $cgc->($i) : caller($i);
658            if (@caller) {
659                # if there's no package but there is other caller info, then
660                # the package has been deleted - treat this as a valid package
661                # in this case
662                redo if defined($called) && $CarpInternal{$called};
663                redo unless 0 > --$lvl;
664                last;
665            }
666            else {
667                return 0;
668            }
669        }
670        redo if $Internal{$caller};
671        redo if $CarpInternal{$caller};
672        redo if $CarpInternal{$called};
673        redo if trusts( $called, $caller, $cache );
674        redo if trusts( $caller, $called, $cache );
675        redo unless 0 > --$lvl;
676    }
677    return $i - 1;
680sub shortmess_heavy {
681    return longmess_heavy(@_) if $Verbose;
682    return @_ if ref( $_[0] );    # don't break references as exceptions
683    my $i = short_error_loc();
684    if ($i) {
685        ret_summary( $i, @_ );
686    }
687    else {
688        longmess_heavy(@_);
689    }
692# If a string is too long, trims it with ...
693sub str_len_trim {
694    my $str = shift;
695    my $max = shift || 0;
696    if ( 2 < $max and $max < length($str) ) {
697        substr( $str, $max - 3 ) = '...';
698    }
699    return $str;
702# Takes two packages and an optional cache.  Says whether the
703# first inherits from the second.
705# Recursive versions of this have to work to avoid certain
706# possible endless loops, and when following long chains of
707# inheritance are less efficient.
708sub trusts {
709    my $child  = shift;
710    my $parent = shift;
711    my $cache  = shift;
712    my ( $known, $partial ) = get_status( $cache, $child );
714    # Figure out consequences until we have an answer
715    while ( @$partial and not exists $known->{$parent} ) {
716        my $anc = shift @$partial;
717        next if exists $known->{$anc};
718        $known->{$anc}++;
719        my ( $anc_knows, $anc_partial ) = get_status( $cache, $anc );
720        my @found = keys %$anc_knows;
721        @$known{@found} = ();
722        push @$partial, @$anc_partial;
723    }
724    return exists $known->{$parent};
727# Takes a package and gives a list of those trusted directly
728sub trusts_directly {
729    my $class = shift;
730    no strict 'refs';
731    my $stash = \%{"$class\::"};
732    for my $var (qw/ CARP_NOT ISA /) {
733        # Don't try using the variable until we know it exists,
734        # to avoid polluting the caller's namespace.
735        if ( $stash->{$var} && ref \$stash->{$var} eq 'GLOB'
736          && *{$stash->{$var}}{ARRAY} && @{$stash->{$var}} ) {
737           return @{$stash->{$var}}
738        }
739    }
740    return;
743if(!defined($warnings::VERSION) ||
744	do { no warnings "numeric"; $warnings::VERSION < 1.03 }) {
745    # Very old versions of warnings.pm import from Carp.  This can go
746    # wrong due to the circular dependency.  If Carp is invoked before
747    # warnings, then Carp starts by loading warnings, then warnings
748    # tries to import from Carp, and gets nothing because Carp is in
749    # the process of loading and hasn't defined its import method yet.
750    # So we work around that by manually exporting to warnings here.
751    no strict "refs";
752    *{"warnings::$_"} = \&$_ foreach @EXPORT;
759=head1 NAME
761Carp - alternative warn and die for modules
763=head1 SYNOPSIS
765    use Carp;
767    # warn user (from perspective of caller)
768    carp "string trimmed to 80 chars";
770    # die of errors (from perspective of caller)
771    croak "We're outta here!";
773    # die of errors with stack backtrace
774    confess "not implemented";
776    # cluck, longmess and shortmess not exported by default
777    use Carp qw(cluck longmess shortmess);
778    cluck "This is how we got here!"; # warn with stack backtrace
779    my $long_message   = longmess( "message from cluck() or confess()" );
780    my $short_message  = shortmess( "message from carp() or croak()" );
784The Carp routines are useful in your own modules because
785they act like C<die()> or C<warn()>, but with a message which is more
786likely to be useful to a user of your module.  In the case of
787C<cluck()> and C<confess()>, that context is a summary of every
788call in the call-stack; C<longmess()> returns the contents of the error
791For a shorter message you can use C<carp()> or C<croak()> which report the
792error as being from where your module was called.  C<shortmess()> returns the
793contents of this error message.  There is no guarantee that that is where the
794error was, but it is a good educated guess.
796C<Carp> takes care not to clobber the status variables C<$!> and C<$^E>
797in the course of assembling its error messages.  This means that a
798C<$SIG{__DIE__}> or C<$SIG{__WARN__}> handler can capture the error
799information held in those variables, if it is required to augment the
800error message, and if the code calling C<Carp> left useful values there.
801Of course, C<Carp> can't guarantee the latter.
803You can also alter the way the output and logic of C<Carp> works, by
804changing some global variables in the C<Carp> namespace. See the
805section on L</GLOBAL VARIABLES> below.
807Here is a more complete description of how C<carp> and C<croak> work.
808What they do is search the call-stack for a function call stack where
809they have not been told that there shouldn't be an error.  If every
810call is marked safe, they give up and give a full stack backtrace
811instead.  In other words they presume that the first likely looking
812potential suspect is guilty.  Their rules for telling whether
813a call shouldn't generate errors work as follows:
815=over 4
817=item 1.
819Any call from a package to itself is safe.
821=item 2.
823Packages claim that there won't be errors on calls to or from
824packages explicitly marked as safe by inclusion in C<@CARP_NOT>, or
825(if that array is empty) C<@ISA>.  The ability to override what
826@ISA says is new in 5.8.
828=item 3.
830The trust in item 2 is transitive.  If A trusts B, and B
831trusts C, then A trusts C.  So if you do not override C<@ISA>
832with C<@CARP_NOT>, then this trust relationship is identical to,
833"inherits from".
835=item 4.
837Any call from an internal Perl module is safe.  (Nothing keeps
838user modules from marking themselves as internal to Perl, but
839this practice is discouraged.)
841=item 5.
843Any call to Perl's warning system (eg Carp itself) is safe.
844(This rule is what keeps it from reporting the error at the
845point where you call C<carp> or C<croak>.)
847=item 6.
849C<$Carp::CarpLevel> can be set to skip a fixed number of additional
850call levels.  Using this is not recommended because it is very
851difficult to get it to behave correctly.
855=head2 Forcing a Stack Trace
857As a debugging aid, you can force Carp to treat a croak as a confess
858and a carp as a cluck across I<all> modules. In other words, force a
859detailed stack trace to be given.  This can be very helpful when trying
860to understand why, or from where, a warning or error is being generated.
862This feature is enabled by 'importing' the non-existent symbol
863'verbose'. You would typically enable it by saying
865    perl -MCarp=verbose script.pl
867or by including the string C<-MCarp=verbose> in the PERL5OPT
868environment variable.
870Alternately, you can set the global variable C<$Carp::Verbose> to true.
871See the L</GLOBAL VARIABLES> section below.
873=head2 Stack Trace formatting
875At each stack level, the subroutine's name is displayed along with
876its parameters.  For simple scalars, this is sufficient.  For complex
877data types, such as objects and other references, this can simply
878display C<'HASH(0x1ab36d8)'>.
880Carp gives two ways to control this.
882=over 4
884=item 1.
886For objects, a method, C<CARP_TRACE>, will be called, if it exists.  If
887this method doesn't exist, or it recurses into C<Carp>, or it otherwise
888throws an exception, this is skipped, and Carp moves on to the next option,
889otherwise checking stops and the string returned is used.  It is recommended
890that the object's type is part of the string to make debugging easier.
892=item 2.
894For any type of reference, C<$Carp::RefArgFormatter> is checked (see below).
895This variable is expected to be a code reference, and the current parameter
896is passed in.  If this function doesn't exist (the variable is undef), or
897it recurses into C<Carp>, or it otherwise throws an exception, this is
898skipped, and Carp moves on to the next option, otherwise checking stops
899and the string returned is used.
901=item 3.
903Otherwise, if neither C<CARP_TRACE> nor C<$Carp::RefArgFormatter> is
904available, stringify the value ignoring any overloading.
910=head2 $Carp::MaxEvalLen
912This variable determines how many characters of a string-eval are to
913be shown in the output. Use a value of C<0> to show all text.
915Defaults to C<0>.
917=head2 $Carp::MaxArgLen
919This variable determines how many characters of each argument to a
920function to print. Use a value of C<0> to show the full length of the
923Defaults to C<64>.
925=head2 $Carp::MaxArgNums
927This variable determines how many arguments to each function to show.
928Use a false value to show all arguments to a function call.  To suppress all
929arguments, use C<-1> or C<'0 but true'>.
931Defaults to C<8>.
933=head2 $Carp::Verbose
935This variable makes C<carp()> and C<croak()> generate stack backtraces
936just like C<cluck()> and C<confess()>.  This is how C<use Carp 'verbose'>
937is implemented internally.
939Defaults to C<0>.
941=head2 $Carp::RefArgFormatter
943This variable sets a general argument formatter to display references.
944Plain scalars and objects that implement C<CARP_TRACE> will not go through
945this formatter.  Calling C<Carp> from within this function is not supported.
947    local $Carp::RefArgFormatter = sub {
948        require Data::Dumper;
949        Data::Dumper->Dump($_[0]); # not necessarily safe
950    };
952=head2 @CARP_NOT
954This variable, I<in your package>, says which packages are I<not> to be
955considered as the location of an error. The C<carp()> and C<cluck()>
956functions will skip over callers when reporting where an error occurred.
958NB: This variable must be in the package's symbol table, thus:
960    # These work
961    our @CARP_NOT; # file scope
962    use vars qw(@CARP_NOT); # package scope
963    @My::Package::CARP_NOT = ... ; # explicit package variable
965    # These don't work
966    sub xyz { ... @CARP_NOT = ... } # w/o declarations above
967    my @CARP_NOT; # even at top-level
969Example of use:
971    package My::Carping::Package;
972    use Carp;
973    our @CARP_NOT;
974    sub bar     { .... or _error('Wrong input') }
975    sub _error  {
976        # temporary control of where'ness, __PACKAGE__ is implicit
977        local @CARP_NOT = qw(My::Friendly::Caller);
978        carp(@_)
979    }
981This would make C<Carp> report the error as coming from a caller not
982in C<My::Carping::Package>, nor from C<My::Friendly::Caller>.
984Also read the L</DESCRIPTION> section above, about how C<Carp> decides
985where the error is reported from.
987Use C<@CARP_NOT>, instead of C<$Carp::CarpLevel>.
989Overrides C<Carp>'s use of C<@ISA>.
991=head2 %Carp::Internal
993This says what packages are internal to Perl.  C<Carp> will never
994report an error as being from a line in a package that is internal to
995Perl.  For example:
997    $Carp::Internal{ (__PACKAGE__) }++;
998    # time passes...
999    sub foo { ... or confess("whatever") };
1001would give a full stack backtrace starting from the first caller
1002outside of __PACKAGE__.  (Unless that package was also internal to
1005=head2 %Carp::CarpInternal
1007This says which packages are internal to Perl's warning system.  For
1008generating a full stack backtrace this is the same as being internal
1009to Perl, the stack backtrace will not start inside packages that are
1010listed in C<%Carp::CarpInternal>.  But it is slightly different for
1011the summary message generated by C<carp> or C<croak>.  There errors
1012will not be reported on any lines that are calling packages in
1015For example C<Carp> itself is listed in C<%Carp::CarpInternal>.
1016Therefore the full stack backtrace from C<confess> will not start
1017inside of C<Carp>, and the short message from calling C<croak> is
1018not placed on the line where C<croak> was called.
1020=head2 $Carp::CarpLevel
1022This variable determines how many additional call frames are to be
1023skipped that would not otherwise be when reporting where an error
1024occurred on a call to one of C<Carp>'s functions.  It is fairly easy
1025to count these call frames on calls that generate a full stack
1026backtrace.  However it is much harder to do this accounting for calls
1027that generate a short message.  Usually people skip too many call
1028frames.  If they are lucky they skip enough that C<Carp> goes all of
1029the way through the call stack, realizes that something is wrong, and
1030then generates a full stack backtrace.  If they are unlucky then the
1031error is reported from somewhere misleading very high in the call
1034Therefore it is best to avoid C<$Carp::CarpLevel>.  Instead use
1035C<@CARP_NOT>, C<%Carp::Internal> and C<%Carp::CarpInternal>.
1037Defaults to C<0>.
1039=head1 BUGS
1041The Carp routines don't handle exception objects currently.
1042If called with a first argument that is a reference, they simply
1043call die() or warn(), as appropriate.
1045=head1 SEE ALSO
1052L<Carp> is maintained by the perl 5 porters as part of the core perl 5
1053version control repository. Please see the L<perlhack> perldoc for how to
1054submit patches and contribute to it.
1056=head1 AUTHOR
1058The Carp module first appeared in Larry Wall's perl 5.000 distribution.
1059Since then it has been modified by several of the perl 5 porters.
1060Andrew Main (Zefram) <zefram@fysh.org> divested Carp into an independent
1063=head1 COPYRIGHT
1065Copyright (C) 1994-2013 Larry Wall
1067Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013 Andrew Main (Zefram) <zefram@fysh.org>
1069=head1 LICENSE
1071This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
1072under the same terms as Perl itself.