1{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
4-- |
5-- Module      :  Distribution.Client.Sandbox.PackageEnvironment
6-- Maintainer  :  cabal-devel@haskell.org
7-- Portability :  portable
9-- Utilities for working with the package environment file. Patterned after
10-- Distribution.Client.Config.
13module Distribution.Client.Sandbox.PackageEnvironment (
14    PackageEnvironment(..)
15  , PackageEnvironmentType(..)
16  , classifyPackageEnvironment
17  , createPackageEnvironmentFile
18  , tryLoadSandboxPackageEnvironmentFile
19  , readPackageEnvironmentFile
20  , showPackageEnvironment
21  , showPackageEnvironmentWithComments
22  , setPackageDB
23  , sandboxPackageDBPath
24  , loadUserConfig
26  , basePackageEnvironment
27  , initialPackageEnvironment
28  , commentPackageEnvironment
29  , sandboxPackageEnvironmentFile
30  , userPackageEnvironmentFile
31  ) where
33import Distribution.Client.Config      ( SavedConfig(..), commentSavedConfig
34                                       , loadConfig, configFieldDescriptions
35                                       , haddockFlagsFields
36                                       , installDirsFields, withProgramsFields
37                                       , withProgramOptionsFields
38                                       , defaultCompiler )
39import Distribution.Client.ParseUtils  ( parseFields, ppFields, ppSection )
40import Distribution.Client.Setup       ( GlobalFlags(..), ConfigExFlags(..)
41                                       , InstallFlags(..)
42                                       , defaultSandboxLocation )
43import Distribution.Client.Targets     ( userConstraintPackageName )
44import Distribution.Utils.NubList      ( toNubList )
45import Distribution.Simple.Compiler    ( Compiler, PackageDB(..)
46                                       , compilerFlavor, showCompilerIdWithAbi )
47import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs ( InstallDirs(..), PathTemplate
48                                       , defaultInstallDirs, combineInstallDirs
49                                       , fromPathTemplate, toPathTemplate )
50import Distribution.Simple.Setup       ( Flag(..)
51                                       , ConfigFlags(..), HaddockFlags(..)
52                                       , fromFlagOrDefault, toFlag, flagToMaybe )
53import Distribution.Simple.Utils       ( die', info, notice, warn, debug )
54import Distribution.Solver.Types.ConstraintSource
55import Distribution.Deprecated.ParseUtils         ( FieldDescr(..), ParseResult(..)
56                                       , commaListField, commaNewLineListField
57                                       , liftField, lineNo, locatedErrorMsg
58                                       , parseFilePathQ, readFields
59                                       , showPWarning, simpleField
60                                       , syntaxError, warning )
61import Distribution.System             ( Platform )
62import Distribution.Verbosity          ( Verbosity, normal )
63import Control.Monad                   ( foldM, liftM2, unless )
64import Data.List                       ( partition, sortBy )
65import Data.Maybe                      ( isJust )
66import Data.Ord                        ( comparing )
67import Distribution.Compat.Exception   ( catchIO )
68import Distribution.Compat.Semigroup
69import System.Directory                ( doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist
70                                       , renameFile )
71import System.FilePath                 ( (<.>), (</>), takeDirectory )
72import System.IO.Error                 ( isDoesNotExistError )
73import Text.PrettyPrint                ( ($+$) )
75import qualified Text.PrettyPrint          as Disp
76import qualified Distribution.Deprecated.ReadP as Parse
77import qualified Distribution.Deprecated.ParseUtils   as ParseUtils ( Field(..) )
78import qualified Distribution.Deprecated.Text         as Text
79import GHC.Generics ( Generic )
83-- * Configuration saved in the package environment file
86-- TODO: would be nice to remove duplication between
87-- D.C.Sandbox.PackageEnvironment and D.C.Config.
88data PackageEnvironment = PackageEnvironment {
89  -- The 'inherit' feature is not used ATM, but could be useful in the future
90  -- for constructing nested sandboxes (see discussion in #1196).
91  pkgEnvInherit       :: Flag FilePath,
92  pkgEnvSavedConfig   :: SavedConfig
93} deriving Generic
95instance Monoid PackageEnvironment where
96  mempty = gmempty
97  mappend = (<>)
99instance Semigroup PackageEnvironment where
100  (<>) = gmappend
102-- | The automatically-created package environment file that should not be
103-- touched by the user.
104sandboxPackageEnvironmentFile :: FilePath
105sandboxPackageEnvironmentFile = "cabal.sandbox.config"
107-- | Optional package environment file that can be used to customize the default
108-- settings. Created by the user.
109userPackageEnvironmentFile :: FilePath
110userPackageEnvironmentFile = "cabal.config"
112-- | Type of the current package environment.
113data PackageEnvironmentType =
114  SandboxPackageEnvironment   -- ^ './cabal.sandbox.config'
115  | UserPackageEnvironment    -- ^ './cabal.config'
116  | AmbientPackageEnvironment -- ^ '~/.cabal/config'
118-- | Is there a 'cabal.sandbox.config' or 'cabal.config' in this
119-- directory?
120classifyPackageEnvironment :: FilePath -> Flag FilePath -> Flag Bool
121                              -> IO PackageEnvironmentType
122classifyPackageEnvironment pkgEnvDir sandboxConfigFileFlag ignoreSandboxFlag =
123  do isSandbox <- liftM2 (||) (return forceSandboxConfig)
124                  (configExists sandboxPackageEnvironmentFile)
125     isUser    <- configExists userPackageEnvironmentFile
126     return (classify isSandbox isUser)
127  where
128    configExists fname   = doesFileExist (pkgEnvDir </> fname)
129    ignoreSandbox        = fromFlagOrDefault False ignoreSandboxFlag
130    forceSandboxConfig   = isJust . flagToMaybe $ sandboxConfigFileFlag
132    classify :: Bool -> Bool -> PackageEnvironmentType
133    classify True _
134      | not ignoreSandbox = SandboxPackageEnvironment
135    classify _    True    = UserPackageEnvironment
136    classify _    False   = AmbientPackageEnvironment
138-- | Defaults common to 'initialPackageEnvironment' and
139-- 'commentPackageEnvironment'.
140commonPackageEnvironmentConfig :: FilePath -> SavedConfig
141commonPackageEnvironmentConfig sandboxDir =
142  mempty {
143    savedConfigureFlags = mempty {
144       -- TODO: Currently, we follow cabal-dev and set 'user-install: False' in
145       -- the config file. In the future we may want to distinguish between
146       -- global, sandbox and user install types.
147       configUserInstall = toFlag False,
148       configInstallDirs = installDirs
149       },
150    savedUserInstallDirs   = installDirs,
151    savedGlobalInstallDirs = installDirs,
152    savedGlobalFlags = mempty {
153      globalLogsDir = toFlag $ sandboxDir </> "logs",
154      -- Is this right? cabal-dev uses the global world file.
155      globalWorldFile = toFlag $ sandboxDir </> "world"
156      }
157    }
158  where
159    installDirs = sandboxInstallDirs sandboxDir
161-- | 'commonPackageEnvironmentConfig' wrapped inside a 'PackageEnvironment'.
162commonPackageEnvironment :: FilePath -> PackageEnvironment
163commonPackageEnvironment sandboxDir = mempty {
164  pkgEnvSavedConfig = commonPackageEnvironmentConfig sandboxDir
165  }
167-- | Given a path to a sandbox, return the corresponding InstallDirs record.
168sandboxInstallDirs :: FilePath -> InstallDirs (Flag PathTemplate)
169sandboxInstallDirs sandboxDir = mempty {
170  prefix = toFlag (toPathTemplate sandboxDir)
171  }
173-- | These are the absolute basic defaults, the fields that must be
174-- initialised. When we load the package environment from the file we layer the
175-- loaded values over these ones.
176basePackageEnvironment :: PackageEnvironment
177basePackageEnvironment =
178    mempty {
179      pkgEnvSavedConfig = mempty {
180         savedConfigureFlags = mempty {
181            configHcFlavor    = toFlag defaultCompiler,
182            configVerbosity   = toFlag normal
183            }
184         }
185      }
187-- | Initial configuration that we write out to the package environment file if
188-- it does not exist. When the package environment gets loaded this
189-- configuration gets layered on top of 'basePackageEnvironment'.
190initialPackageEnvironment :: FilePath -> Compiler -> Platform
191                             -> IO PackageEnvironment
192initialPackageEnvironment sandboxDir compiler platform = do
193  defInstallDirs <- defaultInstallDirs (compilerFlavor compiler)
194                    {- userInstall= -} False {- _hasLibs= -} False
195  let initialConfig = commonPackageEnvironmentConfig sandboxDir
196      installDirs   = combineInstallDirs (\d f -> Flag $ fromFlagOrDefault d f)
197                      defInstallDirs (savedUserInstallDirs initialConfig)
198  return $ mempty {
199    pkgEnvSavedConfig = initialConfig {
200       savedUserInstallDirs   = installDirs,
201       savedGlobalInstallDirs = installDirs,
202       savedGlobalFlags = (savedGlobalFlags initialConfig) {
203          globalLocalRepos = toNubList [sandboxDir </> "packages"]
204          },
205       savedConfigureFlags = setPackageDB sandboxDir compiler platform
206                             (savedConfigureFlags initialConfig),
207       savedInstallFlags = (savedInstallFlags initialConfig) {
208         installSummaryFile = toNubList [toPathTemplate (sandboxDir </>
209                                               "logs" </> "build.log")]
210         }
211       }
212    }
214-- | Return the path to the sandbox package database.
215sandboxPackageDBPath :: FilePath -> Compiler -> Platform -> String
216sandboxPackageDBPath sandboxDir compiler platform =
217    sandboxDir
218         </> (Text.display platform ++ "-"
219             ++ showCompilerIdWithAbi compiler
220             ++ "-packages.conf.d")
221-- The path in sandboxPackageDBPath should be kept in sync with the
222-- path in the bootstrap.sh which is used to bootstrap cabal-install
223-- into a sandbox.
225-- | Use the package DB location specific for this compiler.
226setPackageDB :: FilePath -> Compiler -> Platform -> ConfigFlags -> ConfigFlags
227setPackageDB sandboxDir compiler platform configFlags =
228  configFlags {
229    configPackageDBs = [Just (SpecificPackageDB $ sandboxPackageDBPath
230                                                      sandboxDir
231                                                      compiler
232                                                      platform)]
233    }
235-- | Almost the same as 'savedConf `mappend` pkgEnv', but some settings are
236-- overridden instead of mappend'ed.
237overrideSandboxSettings :: PackageEnvironment -> PackageEnvironment ->
238                           PackageEnvironment
239overrideSandboxSettings pkgEnv0 pkgEnv =
240  pkgEnv {
241    pkgEnvSavedConfig = mappendedConf {
242         savedConfigureFlags = (savedConfigureFlags mappendedConf) {
243          configPackageDBs = configPackageDBs pkgEnvConfigureFlags
244          }
245       , savedInstallFlags = (savedInstallFlags mappendedConf) {
246          installSummaryFile = installSummaryFile pkgEnvInstallFlags
247          }
248       },
249    pkgEnvInherit = pkgEnvInherit pkgEnv0
250    }
251  where
252    pkgEnvConf           = pkgEnvSavedConfig pkgEnv
253    mappendedConf        = (pkgEnvSavedConfig pkgEnv0) `mappend` pkgEnvConf
254    pkgEnvConfigureFlags = savedConfigureFlags pkgEnvConf
255    pkgEnvInstallFlags   = savedInstallFlags pkgEnvConf
257-- | Default values that get used if no value is given. Used here to include in
258-- comments when we write out the initial package environment.
259commentPackageEnvironment :: FilePath -> IO PackageEnvironment
260commentPackageEnvironment sandboxDir = do
261  commentConf  <- commentSavedConfig
262  let baseConf =  commonPackageEnvironmentConfig sandboxDir
263  return $ mempty {
264    pkgEnvSavedConfig = commentConf `mappend` baseConf
265    }
267-- | If this package environment inherits from some other package environment,
268-- return that package environment; otherwise return mempty.
269inheritedPackageEnvironment :: Verbosity -> PackageEnvironment
270                               -> IO PackageEnvironment
271inheritedPackageEnvironment verbosity pkgEnv = do
272  case (pkgEnvInherit pkgEnv) of
273    NoFlag                -> return mempty
274    confPathFlag@(Flag _) -> do
275      conf <- loadConfig verbosity confPathFlag
276      return $ mempty { pkgEnvSavedConfig = conf }
278-- | Load the user package environment if it exists (the optional "cabal.config"
279-- file). If it does not exist locally, attempt to load an optional global one.
280userPackageEnvironment :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> Maybe FilePath
281                       -> IO PackageEnvironment
282userPackageEnvironment verbosity pkgEnvDir globalConfigLocation = do
283    let path = pkgEnvDir </> userPackageEnvironmentFile
284    minp <- readPackageEnvironmentFile (ConstraintSourceUserConfig path)
285            mempty path
286    case (minp, globalConfigLocation) of
287      (Just parseRes, _)  -> processConfigParse path parseRes
288      (_, Just globalLoc) -> do
289        minp' <- readPackageEnvironmentFile (ConstraintSourceUserConfig globalLoc)
290                 mempty globalLoc
291        maybe (warn verbosity ("no constraints file found at " ++ globalLoc)
292               >> return mempty)
293          (processConfigParse globalLoc)
294          minp'
295      _ -> do
296        debug verbosity ("no user package environment file found at " ++ pkgEnvDir)
297        return mempty
298  where
299    processConfigParse path (ParseOk warns parseResult) = do
300      unless (null warns) $ warn verbosity $
301        unlines (map (showPWarning path) warns)
302      return parseResult
303    processConfigParse path (ParseFailed err) = do
304      let (line, msg) = locatedErrorMsg err
305      warn verbosity $ "Error parsing package environment file " ++ path
306        ++ maybe "" (\n -> ":" ++ show n) line ++ ":\n" ++ msg
307      return mempty
309-- | Same as @userPackageEnvironmentFile@, but returns a SavedConfig.
310loadUserConfig :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> IO SavedConfig
311loadUserConfig verbosity pkgEnvDir globalConfigLocation =
312    fmap pkgEnvSavedConfig $
313    userPackageEnvironment verbosity pkgEnvDir globalConfigLocation
315-- | Common error handling code used by 'tryLoadSandboxPackageEnvironment' and
316-- 'updatePackageEnvironment'.
317handleParseResult :: Verbosity -> FilePath
318                     -> Maybe (ParseResult PackageEnvironment)
319                     -> IO PackageEnvironment
320handleParseResult verbosity path minp =
321  case minp of
322    Nothing -> die' verbosity $
323      "The package environment file '" ++ path ++ "' doesn't exist"
324    Just (ParseOk warns parseResult) -> do
325      unless (null warns) $ warn verbosity $
326        unlines (map (showPWarning path) warns)
327      return parseResult
328    Just (ParseFailed err) -> do
329      let (line, msg) = locatedErrorMsg err
330      die' verbosity $ "Error parsing package environment file " ++ path
331        ++ maybe "" (\n -> ":" ++ show n) line ++ ":\n" ++ msg
333-- | Try to load the given package environment file, exiting with error if it
334-- doesn't exist. Also returns the path to the sandbox directory. The path
335-- parameter should refer to an existing file.
336tryLoadSandboxPackageEnvironmentFile :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> (Flag FilePath)
337                                        -> IO (FilePath, PackageEnvironment)
338tryLoadSandboxPackageEnvironmentFile verbosity pkgEnvFile configFileFlag = do
339  let pkgEnvDir = takeDirectory pkgEnvFile
340  minp   <- readPackageEnvironmentFile
341            (ConstraintSourceSandboxConfig pkgEnvFile) mempty pkgEnvFile
342  pkgEnv <- handleParseResult verbosity pkgEnvFile minp
344  -- Get the saved sandbox directory.
345  -- TODO: Use substPathTemplate with
346  -- compilerTemplateEnv ++ platformTemplateEnv ++ abiTemplateEnv.
347  let sandboxDir = fromFlagOrDefault defaultSandboxLocation
348                   . fmap fromPathTemplate . prefix . savedUserInstallDirs
349                   . pkgEnvSavedConfig $ pkgEnv
351  -- Do some sanity checks
352  dirExists            <- doesDirectoryExist sandboxDir
353  -- TODO: Also check for an initialised package DB?
354  unless dirExists $
355    die' verbosity ("No sandbox exists at " ++ sandboxDir)
356  info verbosity $ "Using a sandbox located at " ++ sandboxDir
358  let base   = basePackageEnvironment
359  let common = commonPackageEnvironment sandboxDir
360  user      <- userPackageEnvironment verbosity pkgEnvDir Nothing --TODO
361  inherited <- inheritedPackageEnvironment verbosity user
363  -- Layer the package environment settings over settings from ~/.cabal/config.
364  cabalConfig <- fmap unsetSymlinkBinDir $ loadConfig verbosity configFileFlag
365  return (sandboxDir,
366          updateInstallDirs $
367          (base `mappend` (toPkgEnv cabalConfig) `mappend`
368           common `mappend` inherited `mappend` user)
369          `overrideSandboxSettings` pkgEnv)
370    where
371      toPkgEnv config = mempty { pkgEnvSavedConfig = config }
373      updateInstallDirs pkgEnv =
374        let config         = pkgEnvSavedConfig    pkgEnv
375            configureFlags = savedConfigureFlags  config
376            installDirs    = savedUserInstallDirs config
377        in pkgEnv {
378          pkgEnvSavedConfig = config {
379             savedConfigureFlags = configureFlags {
380                configInstallDirs = installDirs
381                }
382             }
383          }
385      -- We don't want to inherit the value of 'symlink-bindir' from
386      -- '~/.cabal/config'. See #1514.
387      unsetSymlinkBinDir config =
388        let installFlags = savedInstallFlags config
389        in config {
390          savedInstallFlags = installFlags {
391             installSymlinkBinDir = NoFlag
392             }
393          }
395-- | Create a new package environment file, replacing the existing one if it
396-- exists. Note that the path parameters should point to existing directories.
397createPackageEnvironmentFile :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath
398                                -> Compiler
399                                -> Platform
400                                -> IO ()
401createPackageEnvironmentFile verbosity sandboxDir pkgEnvFile compiler platform = do
402  notice verbosity $ "Writing a default package environment file to " ++ pkgEnvFile
403  initialPkgEnv <- initialPackageEnvironment sandboxDir compiler platform
404  writePackageEnvironmentFile pkgEnvFile initialPkgEnv
406-- | Descriptions of all fields in the package environment file.
407pkgEnvFieldDescrs :: ConstraintSource -> [FieldDescr PackageEnvironment]
408pkgEnvFieldDescrs src = [
409  simpleField "inherit"
410    (fromFlagOrDefault Disp.empty . fmap Disp.text) (optional parseFilePathQ)
411    pkgEnvInherit (\v pkgEnv -> pkgEnv { pkgEnvInherit = v })
413  , commaNewLineListField "constraints"
414    (Text.disp . fst) ((\pc -> (pc, src)) `fmap` Text.parse)
415    (sortConstraints . configExConstraints
416     . savedConfigureExFlags . pkgEnvSavedConfig)
417    (\v pkgEnv -> updateConfigureExFlags pkgEnv
418                  (\flags -> flags { configExConstraints = v }))
420  , commaListField "preferences"
421    Text.disp Text.parse
422    (configPreferences . savedConfigureExFlags . pkgEnvSavedConfig)
423    (\v pkgEnv -> updateConfigureExFlags pkgEnv
424                  (\flags -> flags { configPreferences = v }))
425  ]
426  ++ map toPkgEnv configFieldDescriptions'
427  where
428    optional = Parse.option mempty . fmap toFlag
430    configFieldDescriptions' :: [FieldDescr SavedConfig]
431    configFieldDescriptions' = filter
432      (\(FieldDescr name _ _) -> name /= "preference" && name /= "constraint")
433      (configFieldDescriptions src)
435    toPkgEnv :: FieldDescr SavedConfig -> FieldDescr PackageEnvironment
436    toPkgEnv fieldDescr =
437      liftField pkgEnvSavedConfig
438      (\savedConfig pkgEnv -> pkgEnv { pkgEnvSavedConfig = savedConfig})
439      fieldDescr
441    updateConfigureExFlags :: PackageEnvironment
442                              -> (ConfigExFlags -> ConfigExFlags)
443                              -> PackageEnvironment
444    updateConfigureExFlags pkgEnv f = pkgEnv {
445      pkgEnvSavedConfig = (pkgEnvSavedConfig pkgEnv) {
446         savedConfigureExFlags = f . savedConfigureExFlags . pkgEnvSavedConfig
447                                 $ pkgEnv
448         }
449      }
451    sortConstraints = sortBy (comparing $ userConstraintPackageName . fst)
453-- | Read the package environment file.
454readPackageEnvironmentFile :: ConstraintSource -> PackageEnvironment -> FilePath
455                              -> IO (Maybe (ParseResult PackageEnvironment))
456readPackageEnvironmentFile src initial file =
457  handleNotExists $
458  fmap (Just . parsePackageEnvironment src initial) (readFile file)
459  where
460    handleNotExists action = catchIO action $ \ioe ->
461      if isDoesNotExistError ioe
462        then return Nothing
463        else ioError ioe
465-- | Parse the package environment file.
466parsePackageEnvironment :: ConstraintSource -> PackageEnvironment -> String
467                           -> ParseResult PackageEnvironment
468parsePackageEnvironment src initial str = do
469  fields <- readFields str
470  let (knownSections, others) = partition isKnownSection fields
471  pkgEnv <- parse others
472  let config       = pkgEnvSavedConfig pkgEnv
473      installDirs0 = savedUserInstallDirs config
474  (haddockFlags, installDirs, paths, args) <-
475    foldM parseSections
476    (savedHaddockFlags config, installDirs0, [], [])
477    knownSections
478  return pkgEnv {
479    pkgEnvSavedConfig = config {
480       savedConfigureFlags    = (savedConfigureFlags config) {
481          configProgramPaths  = paths,
482          configProgramArgs   = args
483          },
484       savedHaddockFlags      = haddockFlags,
485       savedUserInstallDirs   = installDirs,
486       savedGlobalInstallDirs = installDirs
487       }
488    }
490  where
491    isKnownSection :: ParseUtils.Field -> Bool
492    isKnownSection (ParseUtils.Section _ "haddock" _ _)                 = True
493    isKnownSection (ParseUtils.Section _ "install-dirs" _ _)            = True
494    isKnownSection (ParseUtils.Section _ "program-locations" _ _)       = True
495    isKnownSection (ParseUtils.Section _ "program-default-options" _ _) = True
496    isKnownSection _                                                    = False
498    parse :: [ParseUtils.Field] -> ParseResult PackageEnvironment
499    parse = parseFields (pkgEnvFieldDescrs src) initial
501    parseSections :: SectionsAccum -> ParseUtils.Field
502                     -> ParseResult SectionsAccum
503    parseSections accum@(h,d,p,a)
504                 (ParseUtils.Section _ "haddock" name fs)
505      | name == "" = do h' <- parseFields haddockFlagsFields h fs
506                        return (h', d, p, a)
507      | otherwise  = do
508          warning "The 'haddock' section should be unnamed"
509          return accum
510    parseSections (h,d,p,a)
511                  (ParseUtils.Section line "install-dirs" name fs)
512      | name == "" = do d' <- parseFields installDirsFields d fs
513                        return (h, d',p,a)
514      | otherwise  =
515        syntaxError line $
516        "Named 'install-dirs' section: '" ++ name
517        ++ "'. Note that named 'install-dirs' sections are not allowed in the '"
518        ++ userPackageEnvironmentFile ++ "' file."
519    parseSections accum@(h, d,p,a)
520                  (ParseUtils.Section _ "program-locations" name fs)
521      | name == "" = do p' <- parseFields withProgramsFields p fs
522                        return (h, d, p', a)
523      | otherwise  = do
524          warning "The 'program-locations' section should be unnamed"
525          return accum
526    parseSections accum@(h, d, p, a)
527                  (ParseUtils.Section _ "program-default-options" name fs)
528      | name == "" = do a' <- parseFields withProgramOptionsFields a fs
529                        return (h, d, p, a')
530      | otherwise  = do
531          warning "The 'program-default-options' section should be unnamed"
532          return accum
533    parseSections accum f = do
534      warning $ "Unrecognized stanza on line " ++ show (lineNo f)
535      return accum
537-- | Accumulator type for 'parseSections'.
538type SectionsAccum = (HaddockFlags, InstallDirs (Flag PathTemplate)
539                     , [(String, FilePath)], [(String, [String])])
541-- | Write out the package environment file.
542writePackageEnvironmentFile :: FilePath -> PackageEnvironment -> IO ()
543writePackageEnvironmentFile path pkgEnv = do
544  let tmpPath = (path <.> "tmp")
545  writeFile tmpPath $ explanation ++ pkgEnvStr ++ "\n"
546  renameFile tmpPath path
547  where
548    pkgEnvStr = showPackageEnvironment pkgEnv
549    explanation = unlines
550      ["-- This is a Cabal package environment file."
552      ,"-- Please create a 'cabal.config' file in the same directory"
553      ,"-- if you want to change the default settings for this sandbox."
554      ,"",""
555      ]
557-- | Pretty-print the package environment.
558showPackageEnvironment :: PackageEnvironment -> String
559showPackageEnvironment pkgEnv = showPackageEnvironmentWithComments Nothing pkgEnv
561-- | Pretty-print the package environment with default values for empty fields
562-- commented out (just like the default ~/.cabal/config).
563showPackageEnvironmentWithComments :: (Maybe PackageEnvironment)
564                                      -> PackageEnvironment
565                                      -> String
566showPackageEnvironmentWithComments mdefPkgEnv pkgEnv = Disp.render $
567      ppFields (pkgEnvFieldDescrs ConstraintSourceUnknown)
568               mdefPkgEnv pkgEnv
569  $+$ Disp.text ""
570  $+$ ppSection "install-dirs" "" installDirsFields
571                (fmap installDirsSection mdefPkgEnv) (installDirsSection pkgEnv)
572  where
573    installDirsSection = savedUserInstallDirs . pkgEnvSavedConfig