1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2import datetime as dt_module
3import re
4import sys
5from collections import namedtuple
6from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
7from numpy import (
8    array, concatenate, cos, float_, int64, isnan, isinf, linspace,
9    nan, ndarray, nonzero, pi, rollaxis, searchsorted, sin, where, zeros_like,
11from time import strftime, struct_time
12from ._compatibility import interp
13from .constants import ASEC2RAD, B1950, DAY_S, T0, tau
14from .curvelib import Splines, build_spline_given_ends
15from .descriptorlib import reify
16from .earthlib import sidereal_time, earth_rotation_angle
17from .framelib import ICRS_to_J2000 as B
18from .functions import (A, mxm, mxmxm, load_bundled_npy, rot_x, rot_y, rot_z,
19                        _to_array, _reconcile)
20from .nutationlib import (
21    build_nutation_matrix, equation_of_the_equinoxes_complimentary_terms,
22    iau2000a_radians, mean_obliquity,
24from .precessionlib import compute_precession
26DAY_US = 86400000000.0
29_OLD_PYTHON = sys.version_info < (2, 7)
30def _cat(*args): return concatenate(args, axis=1)
32CalendarTuple = namedtuple('CalendarTuple', 'year month day hour minute second')
34class CalendarArray(ndarray):
35    @property
36    def year(self): return self[0]
37    @property
38    def month(self): return self[1]
39    @property
40    def day(self): return self[2]
41    @property
42    def hour(self): return self[3]
43    @property
44    def minute(self): return self[4]
45    @property
46    def second(self): return self[5]
48if hasattr(dt_module, 'timezone'):
49    utc = dt_module.timezone.utc
51    class UTC(dt_module.tzinfo):
52        'UTC'
53        zero = timedelta(0)
54        def utcoffset(self, dt):
55            return self.zero
56        def tzname(self, dt):
57            return 'UTC'
58        def dst(self, dt):
59            return self.zero
61    utc = UTC()
63# Much of the following code is adapted from the USNO's "novas.c".
65_time_zero = dt_module.time(tzinfo=utc)
66MONTH_NAMES = A['0', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
67                'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
69tt_minus_tai = array(32.184 / DAY_S)
71class Timescale(object):
72    """The data necessary to express dates in different timescales.
74    A `Timescale` provides time objects with the data tables they need
75    to translate between different time scales: the schedule of UTC leap
76    seconds, and the value of ∆T over time.  Most programs create a
77    single `Timescale` which they use to build their `Time` objects:
79    >>> from skyfield.api import load
80    >>> ts = load.timescale()
81    >>> t = ts.utc(1980, 3, 1, 9, 30)
82    >>> t
83    <Time tt=2444299.896425741>
85    See :ref:`downloading-timescale-files` if you are interested in
86    checking how recent the data is in the files loaded by the
87    timescale.
89    """
90    _utcnow = datetime.utcnow
91    polar_motion_table = None
93    def __init__(self, delta_t_recent, leap_dates, leap_offsets):
94        if callable(delta_t_recent):
95            # Let a caller completely override our approach to ∆T by
96            # passing a function of their own.
97            self.delta_t_function = delta_t_recent
98        else:
99            self.delta_t_table = delta_t_recent  # so users can see it
100            self.delta_t_function = build_delta_t(delta_t_recent)
102        self.leap_dates, self.leap_offsets = leap_dates, leap_offsets
103        self.J2000 = Time(self, float_(T0))
104        self.B1950 = Time(self, float_(B1950))
105        self.julian_calendar_cutoff = None
107        # Our internal leap-second table has three columns:
108        #
109        # _leap_utc      Integer UTC seconds since JD 0 w/leap seconds missing.
110        # _leap_offsets  Integer offset between UTC and TAI.
111        # _leap_tai      Integer TAI seconds since JD 0.
113        is_legacy_table = isinf(leap_dates[-1])
114        if is_legacy_table:
115            leap_dates = leap_dates[2:-1]
116            leap_offsets = leap_offsets[3:]
118        one_zero = [[-1,0]]
119        self._leap_utc = (leap_dates[:,None] * DAY_S + one_zero).flatten()
120        self._leap_offsets = (leap_offsets[:,None] + one_zero).flatten()
121        self._leap_tai = self._leap_utc + self._leap_offsets
123    def now(self):
124        """Return the current date and time as a `Time` object.
126        For the return value to be correct, your operating system time
127        and timezone settings must be set so that the Python Standard
128        Library constructor ``datetime.datetime.utcnow()`` returns a
129        correct UTC date and time.
131        """
132        return self.from_datetime(self._utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc))
134    def from_datetime(self, datetime):
135        """Return a `Time` for a Python ``datetime``.
137        The ``datetime`` must be “timezone-aware”: it must have a time
138        zone object as its ``tzinfo`` attribute instead of ``None``.
140        .. versionadded:: 1.24
142        """
143        return self._utc(_datetime_to_utc_tuple(datetime))
145    def from_datetimes(self, datetime_list):
146        """Return a `Time` for a list of Python ``datetime`` objects.
148        The ``datetime`` objects must each be “timezone-aware”: they
149        must each have a time zone object as their ``tzinfo`` attribute
150        instead of ``None``.
152        .. versionadded:: 1.24
154        """
155        tuples = (_datetime_to_utc_tuple(d) for d in datetime_list)
156        return self._utc(array(value) for value in zip(*tuples))
158    def utc(self, year, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0.0):
159        """Build a `Time` from a UTC `calendar date`.
161        .. versionadded:: 1.24
162           Passing a Python ``datetime`` or a list of datetimes as the
163           first argument has been deprecated (and was never supported
164           for the other time scale methods).  Instead, use the methods
165           :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Timescale.from_datetime()` and
166           :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Timescale.from_datetimes()`.
168        """
169        # TODO: someday deprecate passing datetime objects here, as
170        # there are now separate constructors for them.
171        if isinstance(year, datetime):
172            return self.from_datetime(year)
173        if isinstance(year, date):
174            return self.from_datetime(datetime.combine(year, _time_zero))
175        if hasattr(year, '__len__') and isinstance(year[0], datetime):
176            return self.from_datetimes(year)
178        tup = year, month, day, hour, minute, second
179        return self._utc(tup)
181    def _utc(self, tup):
182        # Build a Time from a UTC tuple, carefully preserving its exact
183        # second number in the Time's hidden TAI seconds field.
184        year, month, day, hour, minute, second = tup
185        a = _to_array
186        cutoff = self.julian_calendar_cutoff
188        # Figure out exactly the TAI second number.
189        seconds = (julian_day(a(year), a(month), a(day), cutoff) - 0.5) * DAY_S
190        seconds, sfr = divmod(seconds, 1.0)  # in case there were any fractions
191        seconds += interp(seconds, self._leap_utc, self._leap_offsets)
192        more = a(hour) * 3600.0 + a(minute) * 60.0 + a(second)
193        seconds2, sfr = divmod(sfr + more, 1.0)
194        seconds += seconds2
196        # For the other timescales, use the usual Julian date + fraction.
197        whole, fraction = divmod(seconds, DAY_S)
198        fraction += sfr
199        fraction /= DAY_S
201        t = Time(self, whole, fraction + tt_minus_tai)
202        t.tai_fraction = fraction
203        t._tai_seconds = seconds, sfr
204        return t
206    def _jd(self, year, month, day, hour, minute, second):
207        a = _to_array
208        cutoff = self.julian_calendar_cutoff
209        whole = julian_day(a(year), a(month), a(day), cutoff) - 0.5
210        fraction = (a(second) + a(minute) * 60.0 + a(hour) * 3600.0) / DAY_S
211        return _reconcile(whole, fraction)
213    def _cal(self, whole, fraction):
214        return calendar_tuple(whole, fraction, self.julian_calendar_cutoff)
216    def _strftime(self, format, jd, fraction, seconds_bump=None):
217        # Python forces an unhappy choice upon us: either use the faster
218        # time.strftime() and lose support for '%f', or use the slower
219        # datetime.strftime() and crash if years are negative.  We take the
220        # first option, but then patch '%f' support back in by secretly
221        # passing the microseconds string as the time zone name.  After all,
222        # the routines supported by this function never use time zones.
223        # What could go wrong?
225        offset, ms = _strftime_offset_seconds(format)
226        fraction = fraction + offset / DAY_S
227        year, month, day, hour, minute, second = self._cal(jd, fraction)
228        z = year * 0
230        # TODO: will this always produce the same whole number that
231        # calendar_tuple() produces internally?  Or should we make a private
232        # version of calendar_tuple() that returns it to us for use here?
233        weekday = (fraction + 0.5 + _to_array(jd)).astype(int) % 7
235        if _format_uses_day_of_year(format):
236            start_of_year = julian_day(year, 1, 1, self.julian_calendar_cutoff)
237            yday = (jd + fraction + 1.5 - start_of_year).astype(int)
238        else:
239            yday = z
241        if ms:
242            format = format[:ms.start()] + '%Z' + format[ms.end():]
243            second = (second * 1e6).astype(int)
244            second, usec = divmod(second, 1000000)
245            if seconds_bump is not None:
246                second += seconds_bump
247            if getattr(jd, 'ndim', 0):
248                u = ['%06d' % u for u in usec]
249                tup = (year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
250                       weekday, yday, z, u)
251                return [strftime(format, struct_time(t)) for t in zip(*tup)]
252            u = '%06d' % usec
253            tup = year, month, day, hour, minute, second, weekday, yday, z, u
254            return strftime(format, struct_time(tup))
255        else:
256            second = second.astype(int)
257            if seconds_bump is not None:
258                second += seconds_bump
259            tup = year, month, day, hour, minute, second, weekday, yday, z
260            if getattr(jd, 'ndim', 0):
261                return [strftime(format, item) for item in zip(*tup)]
262            return strftime(format, tup)
264    def tai(self, year=None, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0.0,
265            jd=None):
266        """Build a `Time` from an International Atomic Time `calendar date`.
268        .. versionadded:: 1.6
269           Passing a Julian date with ``jd=`` has been deprecated;
270           instead, use :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Timescale.tai_jd()`.
272        """
273        if jd is not None:
274            return self.tai_jd(jd)  # deprecate someday
275        whole, fraction = self._jd(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
276        t = Time(self, whole, fraction + tt_minus_tai)
277        t.tai_fraction = fraction
278        return t
280    def tai_jd(self, jd, fraction=None):
281        """Build a `Time` from an International Atomic Time Julian date."""
282        jd, fraction = _normalize_jd_and_fraction(jd, fraction)
283        t = Time(self, jd, fraction + tt_minus_tai)
284        t.tai_fraction = fraction
285        return t
287    def tt(self, year=None, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0.0,
288           jd=None):
289        """Build a `Time` from a Terrestrial Time `calendar date`.
291        .. versionadded:: 1.6
292           Passing a Julian date with ``jd=`` has been deprecated;
293           instead, use :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Timescale.tt_jd()`.
295        """
296        if jd is not None:
297            return self.tt_jd(jd)  # deprecate someday
298        whole, fraction = self._jd(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
299        return Time(self, whole, fraction)
301    def tt_jd(self, jd, fraction=None):
302        """Build a `Time` from a Terrestrial Time Julian date."""
303        jd, fraction = _normalize_jd_and_fraction(jd, fraction)
304        return Time(self, jd, fraction)
306    def J(self, year):
307        """Build a `Time` from a Terrestrial Time Julian year or array.
309        Julian years are convenient uniform periods of exactly 365.25
310        days of Terrestrial Time, centered on 2000 January 1 12h TT =
311        Julian year 2000.0.
313        """
314        tt = _to_array(year) * 365.25 + 1721045.0
315        return Time(self, tt, 0.0)
317    def tdb(self, year=None, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0.0,
318            jd=None):
319        """Build a `Time` from a Barycentric Dynamical Time `calendar date`.
321        .. versionadded:: 1.6
322           Passing a Julian date with ``jd=`` has been deprecated;
323           instead, use :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Timescale.tdb_jd()`.
325        """
326        if jd is not None:
327            return self.tdb_jd(jd)  # deprecate someday
328        whole, fraction = self._jd(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
329        jd = whole + fraction  # TODO: why do tests break if we pass separately
330        return Time(self, jd, - tdb_minus_tt(jd) / DAY_S)
332    def tdb_jd(self, jd, fraction=None):
333        """Build a `Time` from a Barycentric Dynamical Time Julian date."""
334        jd, fraction = _normalize_jd_and_fraction(jd, fraction)
335        t = Time(self, jd, fraction - tdb_minus_tt(jd, fraction) / DAY_S)
336        t.tdb_fraction = fraction
337        return t
339    def ut1(self, year=None, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0.0,
340            jd=None):
341        """Build a `Time` from a UT1 Universal Time `calendar date`.
343        .. versionadded:: 1.6
344           Passing a Julian date with ``jd=`` has been deprecated;
345           instead, use :meth:`~skyfield.timelib.Timescale.ut1_jd()`.
347        """
348        if jd is None:  # TODO: deprecate the jd parameter to this method
349            whole, fraction = self._jd(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
350            jd = whole + fraction  # TODO: can we pass high precision on?
351        return self.ut1_jd(jd)
353    def ut1_jd(self, jd):
354        """Build a `Time` from a UT1 Universal Time Julian date."""
355        ut1 = _to_array(jd)
357        # Estimate TT = UT1, to get a rough Delta T estimate.
358        tt_approx = ut1
359        delta_t_approx = self.delta_t_function(tt_approx)
361        # Use the rough Delta T to make a much better estimate of TT,
362        # then generate an even better Delta T.
363        tt_approx = ut1 + delta_t_approx / DAY_S
364        delta_t_approx = self.delta_t_function(tt_approx)
366        # We can now estimate TT with an error of < 1e-9 seconds within
367        # 10 centuries of either side of the present; for details, see:
368        # https://github.com/skyfielders/astronomy-notebooks
369        # and look for the notebook "error-in-timescale-ut1.ipynb".
370        delta_t_approx /= DAY_S
371        t = Time(self, ut1, delta_t_approx)
372        t.ut1_fraction = 0.0 * ut1
373        return t
375    def from_astropy(self, t):
376        """Build a Skyfield `Time` from an AstroPy time object."""
377        return self.tt(jd=t.tt.jd)
379    def linspace(self, t0, t1, num=50):
380        """Return ``num`` times spaced uniformly between ``t0`` to ``t1``.
382        This routine is named after, and powered by, the NumPy routine
383        `linspace()`_.
385        .. _linspace(): https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/generated/numpy.linspace.html
387        """
388        whole0 = t0.whole
389        frac0 = t0.tt_fraction
390        whole1 = t1.whole
391        frac1 = t1.tt_fraction
392        return Time(
393            self,
394            linspace(whole0, whole1, num),
395            linspace(frac0, frac1, num),
396        )
398class Time(object):
399    """A single moment in history, or an array of several moments.
401    Skyfield programs don’t usually instantiate this class directly, but
402    instead build time objects using one of the timescale methods listed
403    at `timescale-summary`.  If you do attempt the low-level operation
404    of building a time object yourself, either leave ``tt_fraction`` at
405    its default value of ``None`` — in which case Skyfield will assume
406    the fraction is zero — or provide a ``tt_fraction`` array that has
407    exactly the same dimensions as your ``tt`` array.
409    """
410    def __init__(self, ts, tt, tt_fraction=None):
411        if tt_fraction is None:
412            tt_fraction = zeros_like(tt)
413        self.ts = ts
414        self.whole = tt
415        self.tt_fraction = tt_fraction
416        self.shape = getattr(tt, 'shape', ())
418    def __len__(self):
419        return self.shape[0]
421    def __repr__(self):
422        size = getattr(self.tt, 'size', -1)
423        if size > 3:
424            rstr = '<Time tt=[{0} ... {1}] len={2}>'
425            return rstr.format(self.tt[0], self.tt[-1], size)
426        else:
427            return ('<Time tt={0}>'.format(self.tt)
428                    .replace('[ ', '[').replace('  ', ' '))
430    def __getitem__(self, index):
431        # TODO: also copy cached matrices?
432        # TODO: raise non-IndexError exception if this Time is not an array;
433        # otherwise, a `for` loop over it will not raise an error.
434        t = Time(self.ts, self.whole[index], self.tt_fraction[index])
435        d = self.__dict__
436        for name in 'tai_fraction', 'tdb_fraction', 'ut1_fraction':
437            value = d.get(name)
438            if value is not None:
439                setattr(t, name, value[index])
440        return t
442    def astimezone(self, tz):
443        """Convert to a Python ``datetime`` in a particular timezone ``tz``.
445        If this time is an array, then an array of datetimes is returned
446        instead of a single value.
448        """
449        dt, leap_second = self.astimezone_and_leap_second(tz)
450        return dt
452    def astimezone_and_leap_second(self, tz):
453        """Convert to a Python ``datetime`` and leap second in a timezone.
455        Convert this time to a Python ``datetime`` and a leap second::
457            dt, leap_second = t.astimezone_and_leap_second(tz)
459        The argument ``tz`` should be a ``datetime`` compatible
460        timezone.
462        The leap second value is provided because a Python ``datetime``
463        can only number seconds ``0`` through ``59``, but leap seconds
464        have a designation of at least ``60``.  The leap second return
465        value will normally be ``0``, but will instead be ``1`` if the
466        date and time are a UTC leap second.  Add the leap second value
467        to the ``second`` field of the ``datetime`` to learn the real
468        name of the second.
470        If this time is an array, then an array of ``datetime`` objects
471        and an array of leap second integers is returned, instead of a
472        single value each.
474        """
475        dt, leap_second = self.utc_datetime_and_leap_second()
476        normalize = getattr(tz, 'normalize', None)
477        if self.shape and normalize is not None:
478            dt = array([normalize(d.astimezone(tz)) for d in dt])
479        elif self.shape:
480            dt = array([d.astimezone(tz) for d in dt])
481        elif normalize is not None:
482            dt = normalize(dt.astimezone(tz))
483        else:
484            dt = dt.astimezone(tz)
485        return dt, leap_second
487    def toordinal(self):
488        """Return the proleptic Gregorian ordinal of the UTC date.
490        This method makes Skyfield `Time` objects compatible with Python
491        `datetime`_ objects, which also provide a ``toordinal()``
492        method.  Thanks to this method, a `Time` can often be used
493        directly as a coordinate for a plot.
495        """
496        whole, fraction, is_leap_second = self._utc_seconds(0.0)
497        return (whole - 148731076800.0 + fraction) / DAY_S
499    def utc_datetime(self):
500        """Convert to a Python ``datetime`` in UTC.
502        If this time is an array, then a list of datetimes is returned
503        instead of a single value.
505        """
506        dt, leap_second = self.utc_datetime_and_leap_second()
507        return dt
509    def utc_datetime_and_leap_second(self):
510        """Convert to a Python ``datetime`` in UTC, plus a leap second value.
512        Convert this time to a `datetime`_ object and a leap second::
514            dt, leap_second = t.utc_datetime_and_leap_second()
516        The leap second value is provided because a Python ``datetime``
517        can only number seconds ``0`` through ``59``, but leap seconds
518        have a designation of at least ``60``.  The leap second return
519        value will normally be ``0``, but will instead be ``1`` if the
520        date and time are a UTC leap second.  Add the leap second value
521        to the ``second`` field of the ``datetime`` to learn the real
522        name of the second.
524        If this time is an array, then an array of ``datetime`` objects
525        and an array of leap second integers is returned, instead of a
526        single value each.
528        """
529        year, month, day, hour, minute, second = self._utc_tuple(0.5e-6)
530        micro = (second * 1e6).astype(int)
531        second, micro = divmod(micro, 1000000)
532        leap_second = second // 60
533        second -= leap_second  # fit within limited bounds of Python datetime
534        if self.shape:
535            zone = [utc] * self.shape[0]
536            argsets = zip(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, micro, zone)
537            dt = array([datetime(*args) for args in argsets])
538        else:
539            dt = datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, micro, utc)
540        return dt, leap_second
542    def utc_iso(self, delimiter='T', places=0):
543        """Convert to an ISO 8601 string like ``2014-01-18T01:35:38Z`` in UTC.
545        If this time is an array of dates, then a sequence of strings is
546        returned instead of a single string.
548        """
549        # "places" used to be the 1st argument, so continue to allow an
550        # integer in that spot.  TODO: deprecate this in Skyfield 2.0
551        # and remove it in 3.0.
552        if isinstance(delimiter, int):
553            places = delimiter
554            delimiter = 'T'
556        if places:
557            power_of_ten = 10 ** places
558            offset = 0.5 / power_of_ten
559            year, month, day, hour, minute, second = self._utc_tuple(offset)
560            second, fraction = divmod(second, 1.0)
561            fraction *= power_of_ten
562            format = '%04d-%02d-%02d{0}%02d:%02d:%02d.%0{1}dZ'.format(
563                delimiter, places)
564            args = (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction)
565        else:
566            format = '%04d-%02d-%02d{0}%02d:%02d:%02dZ'.format(delimiter)
567            args = self._utc_tuple(0.5)
569        if self.shape:
570            return [format % tup for tup in zip(*args)]
571        else:
572            return format % args
574    def utc_jpl(self):
575        """Convert to a string like ``A.D. 2014-Jan-18 01:35:37.5000 UTC``.
577        Returns a string for this date and time in UTC, in the format
578        used by the JPL HORIZONS system.  If this time is an array of
579        dates, then a sequence of strings is returned instead of a
580        single string.
582        """
583        year, month, day, hour, minute, second = self._utc_tuple(0.00005)
584        second, fraction = divmod(second, 1.0)
585        fraction *= 1e4
586        bc = year < 1
587        year = abs(year - bc)
588        era = where(bc, 'B.C.', 'A.D.')
589        format = '%s %04d-%s-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%04d UTC'
590        args = (era, year, MONTH_NAMES[month], day,
591                hour, minute, second, fraction)
593        if self.shape:
594            return [format % tup for tup in zip(*args)]
595        else:
596            return format % args
598    def utc_strftime(self, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC'):
599        """Format the UTC time using a Python datetime formatting string.
601        This calls Python’s ``time.strftime()`` to format the date and
602        time.  A single string is returned or else a whole array of
603        strings, depending on whether this time object is an array.
604        The most commonly used formats are:
606        * ``%Y`` four-digit year, ``%y`` two-digit year
607        * ``%m`` month number, ``%B`` name, ``%b`` abbreviation
608        * ``%d`` day of month
609        * ``%H`` hour
610        * ``%M`` minute
611        * ``%S`` second
612        * ``%A`` day of week, ``%a`` its abbreviation
614        You can find the full list, along with options that control
615        field widths and leading zeros, at:
617        https://docs.python.org/3/library/time.html#time.strftime
619        If the smallest time unit in your format is minutes or seconds,
620        then the time is rounded to the nearest minute or second.
621        Otherwise the value is truncated rather than rounded.
623        """
624        offset, uses_ms = _strftime_offset_seconds(format)
625        year, month, day, hour, minute, second, jd = self._utc_tuple(offset, 1)
626        start_of_year = julian_day(year, 1, 1, self.ts.julian_calendar_cutoff)
627        weekday = jd % 7
628        yday = jd + 1 - start_of_year
629        return _strftime(format, year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
630                         weekday, yday, uses_ms)
632    def _utc_tuple(self, offset, return_jd=False):
633        """Return UTC as (year, month, day, hour, minute, second.fraction).
635        The `offset` in seconds is added to the UTC time before it is
636        split into its components.  This is useful if the user is going
637        to round the result before displaying it.  If the result is
638        going to be displayed as seconds, for example, set `offset` to
639        0.5 and then throw away the fraction; if the result is going to
640        be displayed as minutes, set `offset` to 30.0 and then throw
641        away the seconds; and so forth.
643        """
644        second, sfr, is_leap_second = self._utc_seconds(offset)
645        second = second.astype(int64)
646        second -= is_leap_second
647        jd, second = divmod(second + 43200, 86400)
648        cutoff = self.ts.julian_calendar_cutoff
649        year, month, day = compute_calendar_date(jd, cutoff)
650        minute, second = divmod(second, 60)
651        hour, minute = divmod(minute, 60)
652        second += is_leap_second
653        if not return_jd:
654            return year, month, day, hour, minute, second + sfr
655        return year, month, day, hour, minute, second + sfr, jd
657    def _utc_seconds(self, offset):
658        """Return integer seconds since JD 0.0, plus a 0 ≤ fraction < 1."""
659        seconds, fr = self._tai_seconds
660        seconds2, fr = divmod(fr + offset, 1.0)
661        seconds = seconds + seconds2  # not +=, which would modify cached array
662        ts = self.ts
663        tai_minus_utc = interp(seconds, ts._leap_tai, ts._leap_offsets)
664        tai_minus_utc, is_leap_second = divmod(tai_minus_utc, 1.0)
665        is_leap_second = is_leap_second > 0.0
666        return seconds - tai_minus_utc, fr, is_leap_second
668    @reify
669    def _tai_seconds(self):
670        # If UTC was supplied, this will already hold an exact value; otherwise:
671        seconds, fr = divmod(self.whole * DAY_S, 1.0)
672        seconds2, fr = divmod(fr + self.tai_fraction * DAY_S, 1.0)
673        seconds += seconds2
674        return seconds, fr
676    def _leap_seconds(self):
677        # TODO: should this be reified?
678        ts = self.ts
679        seconds, fr = self._tai_seconds
680        return interp(seconds, ts._leap_tai, ts._leap_offsets)
682    # Calendar tuples.
684    def tai_calendar(self):
685        """TAI as a (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) `calendar date`."""
686        return self.ts._cal(self.whole, self.tai_fraction)
688    def tt_calendar(self):
689        """TT as a (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) `calendar date`."""
690        return self.ts._cal(self.whole, self.tt_fraction)
692    def tdb_calendar(self):
693        """TDB as a (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) `calendar date`."""
694        return self.ts._cal(self.whole, self.tdb_fraction)
696    def ut1_calendar(self):
697        """UT1 as a (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) `calendar date`."""
698        return self.ts._cal(self.whole, self.ut1_fraction)
700    # Date formatting.
702    def tai_strftime(self, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S TAI'):
703        """Format TAI with a datetime strftime() format string."""
704        return self.ts._strftime(format, self.whole, self.tai_fraction)
706    def tt_strftime(self, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S TT'):
707        """Format TT with a datetime strftime() format string."""
708        return self.ts._strftime(format, self.whole, self.tt_fraction)
710    def tdb_strftime(self, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S TDB'):
711        """Format TDB with a datetime strftime() format string."""
712        return self.ts._strftime(format, self.whole, self.tdb_fraction)
714    def ut1_strftime(self, format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UT1'):
715        """Format UT1 with a datetime strftime() format string."""
716        return self.ts._strftime(format, self.whole, self.ut1_fraction)
718    # Convenient caching of several expensive functions of time.
720    @reify
721    def M(self):
722        """3×3 rotation matrix: ICRS → equinox of this date."""
724        # Compute N and P instead of asking for self.N and self.P to
725        # avoid keeping copies of them, since Skyfield itself never uses
726        # them again once M has been computed.  But we do check in case
727        # a user has forced them to be built already.
729        d = self.__dict__
731        P = d.get('P')
732        if P is None:
733            P = self.precession_matrix()
735        N = d.get('N')
736        if N is None:
737            N = self.nutation_matrix()
739        return mxmxm(N, P, B)
741    @reify
742    def MT(self):
743        """3×3 rotation matrix: equinox of this date → ICRS."""
744        return rollaxis(self.M, 1)
746    @reify
747    def C(self):
748        # Calculate the Equation of Origins in cycles
749        eq_origins = (earth_rotation_angle(self.ut1) - self.gast / 24.0)
750        R = rot_z(2 * pi * eq_origins)
751        return mxm(R, self.M)
753    @reify
754    def CT(self):
755        return rollaxis(self.C, 1)
757    @reify
758    def _nutation_angles_radians(self):
759        # TODO: add psi and eps corrections support back in here, rather
760        # than at points of use.
761        return iau2000a_radians(self)
763    def _nutation_angles(self, angles):
764        # Sample code shared with early adopters suggested that setting
765        # this attribute manually could avoid the expense of IAU 2000A,
766        # so this setter continues to support the pattern.
768        d_psi, d_eps = angles
769        self._nutation_angles_radians = (
770            d_psi / 1e7 * ASEC2RAD,
771            d_eps / 1e7 * ASEC2RAD,
772        )
774    _nutation_angles = property(None, _nutation_angles)
776    @reify
777    def _mean_obliquity_radians(self):
778        # Cached because it is used to compute both gast and N.
779        return mean_obliquity(self.tdb) * ASEC2RAD
781    # Conversion between timescales.
783    @reify
784    def J(self):
785        """Return a floating point Julian year or array of years for this date.
787        Julian years are convenient uniform periods of exactly 365.25
788        days of Terrestrial Time, centered on 2000 January 1 12h TT =
789        Julian year 2000.0.
791        """
792        return (self.whole - 1721045.0 + self.tt_fraction) / 365.25
794    @reify
795    def utc(self):
796        """A tuple ``(year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds)`` in UTC."""
797        utc = self._utc_tuple(0.0)
798        return (array(utc).view(CalendarArray) if self.shape
799                else CalendarTuple(*utc))
801    @reify
802    def tai_fraction(self):
803        return self.tt_fraction - tt_minus_tai
805    @reify
806    def tdb_fraction(self):
807        fr = self.tt_fraction
808        return fr + tdb_minus_tt(self.whole, fr) / DAY_S
810    @reify
811    def ut1_fraction(self):
812        return self.tt_fraction - self.delta_t / DAY_S
814    @reify
815    def delta_t(self):
816        return self.ts.delta_t_function(self.tt)
818    @reify
819    def dut1(self):
820        return 32.184 + self._leap_seconds() - self.delta_t
822    @reify
823    def gmst(self):
824        """Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time (GMST) in hours."""
825        return sidereal_time(self)
827    @reify
828    def gast(self):
829        """Greenwich Apparent Sidereal Time (GAST) in hours."""
830        d_psi, _ = self._nutation_angles_radians
831        tt = self.tt
832        # TODO: move this into an eqeq function?
833        c_terms = equation_of_the_equinoxes_complimentary_terms(tt)
834        eq_eq = d_psi * cos(self._mean_obliquity_radians) + c_terms
835        return (self.gmst + eq_eq / tau * 24.0) % 24.0
837    # Low-precision floats generated from internal float pairs.
839    @property
840    def tai(self):
841        return self.whole + self.tai_fraction
843    @property
844    def tt(self):
845        return self.whole + self.tt_fraction
847    @property
848    def tdb(self):
849        return self.whole + self.tdb_fraction
851    @property
852    def ut1(self):
853        return self.whole + self.ut1_fraction
855    # Earth position as a function of time.
857    def polar_motion_angles(self):
858        table = self.ts.polar_motion_table
859        if table is None:
860            return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
861        sprime = -47.0e-6 * (self.tdb - T0) / 36525.0
862        tt, x, y = table
863        return sprime, interp(self.tt, tt, x), interp(self.tt, tt, y)
865    def polar_motion_matrix(self):
866        sprime, x, y = self.polar_motion_angles()
867        return mxmxm(
868            rot_x(y * ASEC2RAD),
869            rot_y(x * ASEC2RAD),
870            rot_z(-sprime * ASEC2RAD),
871        )
873    def nutation_matrix(self):
874        """Compute the 3×3 nutation matrix N for this date."""
875        d_psi, d_eps = self._nutation_angles_radians
876        mean_obliquity = self._mean_obliquity_radians
877        true_obliquity = mean_obliquity + d_eps
878        return build_nutation_matrix(mean_obliquity, true_obliquity, d_psi)
880    def precession_matrix(self):
881        """Compute the 3×3 precession matrix P for this date."""
882        return compute_precession(self.tdb)
884    # Various dunders.
886    def __eq__(self, other_time):
887        if isinstance(other_time, Time):
888            return self.__sub__(other_time) == 0.0
889        return False
891    def __add__(self, other_time):
892        if isinstance(other_time, timedelta):
893            w = other_time.days
894            f = other_time.seconds / DAY_S + other_time.microseconds / DAY_US
895        elif isinstance(other_time, (int, float)):
896            w, f = divmod(other_time, 1.0)
897        else:
898            return NotImplemented
900        return self.ts.tt_jd(self.whole + w, self.tt_fraction + f)
902    def __sub__(self, other_time):
903        if isinstance(other_time, Time):
904            return self.whole - other_time.whole + (
905                self.tt_fraction - other_time.tt_fraction
906            )
907        elif isinstance(other_time, timedelta):
908            w = other_time.days
909            f = other_time.seconds / DAY_S + other_time.microseconds / DAY_US
910        elif isinstance(other_time, (int, float)):
911            w, f = divmod(other_time, 1.0)
912        else:
913            return NotImplemented
915        return self.ts.tt_jd(self.whole - w, self.tt_fraction - f)
917    def __hash__(self):
918        # Someone wanted to use Time objects with functools.lru_cache so
919        # we make this attempt to support hashability; beware that it
920        # will return the same hash for very closely spaced times that
921        # all round to the same floating point TT.
922        return hash(self.tt)
924    # Deprecated attributes that were once used internally, consuming
925    # memory with matrices that are never used again by Skyfield once
926    # t.M has been computed.
928    P = reify(precession_matrix)
929    N = reify(nutation_matrix)
930    P.__doc__ = N.__doc__ = None  # omit from Sphinx documentation
932    @reify
933    def PT(self): return rollaxis(self.P, 1)
934    @reify
935    def NT(self): return rollaxis(self.N, 1)
937def julian_day(year, month=1, day=1, julian_before=None):
938    """Given a calendar date, return a Julian day integer.
940    Uses the proleptic Gregorian calendar unless ``julian_before`` is
941    set to a specific Julian day, in which case the Julian calendar is
942    used for dates older than that.
944    """
945    # Support months <1 and >12 by overflowing cleanly into adjacent years.
946    y, month = divmod(month - 1, 12)
947    year = year + y
948    month += 1
950    # See the Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac 15.11.
951    janfeb = month <= 2
952    g = year + 4716 - janfeb
953    f = (month + 9) % 12
954    e = 1461 * g // 4 + day - 1402
955    J = e + (153 * f + 2) // 5
957    mask = 1 if (julian_before is None) else (J >= julian_before)
958    J += (38 - (g + 184) // 100 * 3 // 4) * mask
959    return J
961def julian_date(year, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0.0):
962    """Given a proleptic Gregorian calendar date and time, build a Julian date.
964    The difference between a “Julian day” and a “Julian date” is that
965    the “day” is the integer part, while the “date” includes a fraction
966    indicating the time.
968    """
969    return julian_day(year, month, day) - 0.5 + (
970        second + minute * 60.0 + hour * 3600.0) / DAY_S
972def julian_date_of_besselian_epoch(b):
973    return 2415020.31352 + (b - 1900.0) * 365.242198781
975def compute_calendar_date(jd_integer, julian_before=None):
976    """Convert Julian day ``jd_integer`` into a calendar (year, month, day).
978    Uses the proleptic Gregorian calendar unless ``julian_before`` is
979    set to a specific Julian day, in which case the Julian calendar is
980    used for dates older than that.
982    """
983    use_gregorian = (julian_before is None) or (jd_integer >= julian_before)
985    # See the Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac 15.11.
986    f = jd_integer + 1401
987    f += use_gregorian * ((4 * jd_integer + 274277) // 146097 * 3 // 4 - 38)
988    e = 4 * f + 3
989    g = e % 1461 // 4
990    h = 5 * g + 2
991    day = h % 153 // 5 + 1
992    month = (h // 153 + 2) % 12 + 1
993    year = e // 1461 - 4716 + (12 + 2 - month) // 12
994    return year, month, day
996calendar_date = compute_calendar_date  # old name, in case anyone used it
998def calendar_tuple(jd_float, fraction=0.0, julian_before=None):
999    """Return a (year, month, day, hour, minute, second.fraction) tuple."""
1000    jd_float = _to_array(jd_float)
1001    whole1, fraction1 = divmod(jd_float, 1.0)
1002    whole2, fraction = divmod(fraction1 + fraction + 0.5, 1.0)
1003    whole = (whole1 + whole2).astype(int)
1004    year, month, day = compute_calendar_date(whole, julian_before)
1005    second = fraction * 86400.0
1006    minute, second = divmod(second, 60.0)
1007    minute = minute.astype(int)
1008    hour, minute = divmod(minute, 60)
1009    return year, month, day, hour, minute, second
1011def tdb_minus_tt(jd_tdb, fraction_tdb=0.0):
1012    """Computes how far TDB is in advance of TT, given TDB.
1014    Given that the two time scales never diverge by more than 2ms, TT
1015    can also be given as the argument to perform the conversion in the
1016    other direction.
1018    """
1019    t = (jd_tdb - T0 + fraction_tdb) / 36525.0
1021    # USNO Circular 179, eq. 2.6.
1022    return (0.001657 * sin ( 628.3076 * t + 6.2401)
1023          + 0.000022 * sin ( 575.3385 * t + 4.2970)
1024          + 0.000014 * sin (1256.6152 * t + 6.1969)
1025          + 0.000005 * sin ( 606.9777 * t + 4.0212)
1026          + 0.000005 * sin (  52.9691 * t + 0.4444)
1027          + 0.000002 * sin (  21.3299 * t + 5.5431)
1028          + 0.000010 * t * sin ( 628.3076 * t + 4.2490))
1030class DeltaT(object):
1031    def __init__(self, table_tt, table_delta_t, long_term_function):
1032        self.table_tt = table_tt
1033        self.table_delta_t = table_delta_t
1034        self.long_term_function = long_term_function
1036    def __call__(self, tt):
1037        delta_t = interp(tt, self.table_tt, self.table_delta_t, nan, nan)
1038        if getattr(delta_t, 'shape', None):
1039            nan_indexes = nonzero(isnan(delta_t))
1040            if nan_indexes:
1041                J = (tt[nan_indexes] - 1721045.0) / 365.25
1042                delta_t[nan_indexes] = self.long_term_function(J)
1043        else:
1044            if isnan(delta_t):
1045                J = (tt - 1721045.0) / 365.25
1046                delta_t = self.long_term_function(J)
1047        return delta_t
1049delta_t_parabola_stephenson_morrison_hohenkerk_2016 = Splines(
1050    [1825.0, 1925.0, 0.0, 32.5, 0.0, -320.0])
1052delta_t_parabola_morrison_stephenson_2004 = Splines(
1053    [1820.0, 1920.0, 0.0, 32.0, 0.0, -20.0])
1055def build_delta_t(delta_t_recent):
1056    parabola = delta_t_parabola_stephenson_morrison_hohenkerk_2016
1057    s15_table = load_bundled_npy('delta_t.npz')['Table-S15.2020.txt']
1058    table_tt, table_delta_t = delta_t_recent
1060    p = parabola
1061    pd = parabola.derivative
1062    s = Splines(s15_table)
1063    sd = s.derivative
1065    long_term_parabola_width = p.upper[0] - p.lower[0]
1067    # How many years wide we make the splines that connect the tables to
1068    # the long-term parabola; tuned by hand until the derivative graphed
1069    # by `work_on_delta_t_discontinuities()` in `design/delta_t.py`
1070    # doesn't look too terrible.
1071    patch_width = 800.0
1073    # To the left of the Table-S15 splines, design a spline connecting
1074    # them to the long-term parabola.
1076    x1 = s.lower[0]  # For the current table, this = -720.0.
1077    x0 = x1 - patch_width
1078    left = build_spline_given_ends(x0, p(x0), pd(x0), x1, s(x1), sd(x1))
1080    # And to the left of that, put the pure long-term parabola.
1082    x1 = x0
1083    x0 = x1 - long_term_parabola_width
1084    far_left = build_spline_given_ends(x0, p(x0), pd(x0), x1, p(x1), pd(x1))
1086    # Truncate the splines table where the daily table starts, and
1087    # adjust the final spline to remove any discontinuity.
1089    x = (table_tt[0] - 1721045.0) / 365.25  # TT to J centuries
1091    i = searchsorted(s15_table[0], x)
1092    s15_table = s15_table[:,:i]
1094    desired_y = table_delta_t[0]
1095    current_y = s(x)
1096    x0, x1, a3, a2, a1, a0 = s15_table[:,-1]
1097    t = (x - x0) / (x1 - x0)
1098    a1 = a1 + (desired_y - current_y) / t  # adjust linear term
1099    s15_table[:,-1] = x0, x1, a3, a2, a1, a0
1101    # To the right of the recent ∆T table, design a spline connecting
1102    # smoothly to the long-term parabola.
1104    x0 = (table_tt[-1] - 1721045.0) / 365.25  # TT to J centuries
1105    x1 = (x0 + patch_width) // 100.0 * 100.0  # Choose multiple of 100 years
1106    y0 = table_delta_t[-1]
1108    lookback = min(366, len(table_delta_t))       # Slope of last year of ∆T.
1109    slope = (table_delta_t[-1] - table_delta_t[-lookback]) * lookback / 365.0
1110    right = build_spline_given_ends(x0, y0, slope, x1, p(x1), pd(x1))
1112    # At the far right, finish with the pure long-term parabola.
1114    x0 = x1
1115    x1 = x0 + long_term_parabola_width
1116    far_right = build_spline_given_ends(x0, p(x0), pd(x0), x1, p(x1), pd(x1))
1118    curve = Splines(_cat(
1119        array([far_left]).T,
1120        array([left]).T,
1121        s15_table,
1122        array([right]).T,
1123        array([far_right]).T,
1124    ))
1126    return DeltaT(table_tt, table_delta_t, curve)
1128def build_delta_t_table(delta_t_recent):
1129    """Deprecated: the Delta T interpolation table used in Skyfield <= 1.37."""
1130    bundled = _cat(
1131        load_bundled_npy('morrison_stephenson_deltat.npy')[:,:22],
1132        load_bundled_npy('historic_deltat.npy'),
1133    )
1134    recent_start_time = delta_t_recent[0,0]
1135    i = searchsorted(bundled[0], recent_start_time)
1136    century = 36524.0
1137    start_tt = bundled[0,0] - century
1138    start_J = Time(None, start_tt).J
1139    end_tt = delta_t_recent[0,-1] + century
1140    end_J = Time(None, end_tt).J
1141    return _cat(
1142        [[start_tt], [delta_t_parabola_morrison_stephenson_2004(start_J)]],
1143        bundled[:,:i],
1144        delta_t_recent,
1145        [[end_tt], [delta_t_parabola_morrison_stephenson_2004(end_J)]],
1146    )
1148_format_uses_milliseconds = re.compile(r'%[-_0^#EO]*f').search
1149_format_uses_seconds = re.compile(r'%[-_0^#EO]*[STXc]').search
1150_format_uses_minutes = re.compile(r'%[-_0^#EO]*[MR]').search
1151_format_uses_day_of_year = re.compile(r'%[-_0^#EO]*j').search
1153def _datetime_to_utc_tuple(dt):
1154    z = dt.tzinfo
1155    if z is None:
1156        raise ValueError(_naive_complaint)
1157    if z is not utc:
1158        dt = dt.astimezone(utc)
1159    return (dt.year, dt.month, dt.day,
1160            dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second + dt.microsecond / 1e6)
1162def _normalize_jd_and_fraction(jd, fraction):
1163    jd = _to_array(jd)
1164    if fraction is None:
1165        jd, fraction = divmod(jd, 1.0)
1166    else:
1167        jd, fraction = _reconcile(jd, _to_array(fraction))
1168    return jd, fraction
1170def _strftime_offset_seconds(format):
1171    uses_ms = _format_uses_milliseconds(format)
1172    if uses_ms:
1173        if _OLD_PYTHON:
1174            raise ValueError('strftime() "%f" not supported under Python 2')
1175        offset = 1e-16  # encourage .0 to not turn into .999999
1176    elif _format_uses_seconds(format):
1177        offset = 0.5
1178    elif _format_uses_minutes(format):
1179        offset = 30.0
1180    else:
1181        offset = 0.0
1182    return offset, uses_ms
1184def _strftime(format, year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
1185              weekday, yday, uses_ms):
1186    zero = year * 0
1188    # TODO: avoid computing yday if this is false:
1189    #_format_uses_day_of_year(format)
1191    if uses_ms:
1192        format = format[:uses_ms.start()] + '%Z' + format[uses_ms.end():]
1193        second = (second * 1e6).astype(int)
1194        second, usec = divmod(second, 1000000)
1195        if getattr(year, 'ndim', 0):
1196            u = ['%06d' % u for u in usec]
1197            tup = (year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
1198                   weekday, yday, zero, u)
1199            return [strftime(format, struct_time(t)) for t in zip(*tup)]
1200        u = '%06d' % usec
1201        tup = year, month, day, hour, minute, second, weekday, yday, zero, u
1202        return strftime(format, struct_time(tup))
1203    else:
1204        second = second.astype(int)
1205        tup = year, month, day, hour, minute, second, weekday, yday, zero
1206        if getattr(year, 'ndim', 0):
1207            return [strftime(format, item) for item in zip(*tup)]
1208        return strftime(format, tup)
1210_naive_complaint = """cannot interpret a datetime that lacks a timezone
1212You must either specify that your datetime is in UTC:
1214    from skyfield.api import utc
1215    d = datetime(..., tzinfo=utc)  # to build a new datetime
1216    d = d.replace(tzinfo=utc)      # to fix an existing datetime
1218Or use a timezone object like those provided by the third-party `pytz` library:
1220    from pytz import timezone
1221    eastern = timezone('US/Eastern')
1222    d = eastern.localize(datetime(2014, 1, 16, 1, 32, 9))"""