1 /* CC0 license (public domain) - see LICENSE file for details */
2 #ifndef CCAN_INTMAP_H
3 #define CCAN_INTMAP_H
4 #include "config.h"
5 #include <ccan/tcon/tcon.h>
6 #include <ccan/typesafe_cb/typesafe_cb.h>
7 #include <inttypes.h>
8 #include <stdlib.h>
9 #include <stdbool.h>
11 /* Must be an unsigned type. */
12 #ifndef intmap_index_t
13 #define intmap_index_t uint64_t
14 #define sintmap_index_t int64_t
15 #endif
17 /**
18  * struct intmap - representation of an integer map
19  *
20  * It's exposed here to allow you to embed it and so we can inline the
21  * trivial functions.
22  */
23 struct intmap {
24 	union {
25 		struct node *n;
26 		intmap_index_t i;
27 	} u;
28 	void *v;
29 };
31 /**
32  * UINTMAP - declare a type-specific intmap (for unsigned integers)
33  * @membertype: type for this map's values, or void * for any pointer.
34  *
35  * You use this to create your own typed intmap for a particular
36  * (non-NULL) pointer type.
37  *
38  * Example:
39  *	UINTMAP(int *) uint_intmap;
40  *	uintmap_init(&uint_intmap);
41  */
42 #define UINTMAP(membertype)					\
43 	TCON_WRAP(struct intmap, membertype uintmap_canary)
45 /**
46  * SINTMAP - declare a type-specific intmap (for signed integers)
47  * @membertype: type for this map's values, or void * for any pointer.
48  *
49  * You use this to create your own typed intmap for a particular type.
50  * You can use an integer type as membertype, *but* remember you can't
51  * use "0" as a value!
52  *
53  * This is different from UINTMAP because we want it to sort into
54  * least (most negative) to largest order.
55  *
56  * Example:
57  *	SINTMAP(int *) sint_intmap;
58  *	sintmap_init(&sint_intmap);
59  */
60 #define SINTMAP(membertype)					\
61 	TCON_WRAP(struct intmap, membertype sintmap_canary)
63 /**
64  * uintmap_init - initialize an unsigned integer map (empty)
65  * @umap: the typed intmap to initialize.
66  *
67  * For completeness; if you've arranged for it to be NULL already you don't
68  * need this.
69  *
70  * Example:
71  *	UINTMAP(int *) uint_intmap;
72  *
73  *	uintmap_init(&uint_intmap);
74  */
75 #define uintmap_init(umap) intmap_init_(uintmap_unwrap_(umap))
77 /**
78  * sintmap_init - initialize a signed integer map (empty)
79  * @smap: the typed intmap to initialize.
80  *
81  * For completeness; if you've arranged for it to be NULL already you don't
82  * need this.
83  *
84  * Example:
85  *	SINTMAP(int *) sint_intmap;
86  *
87  *	sintmap_init(&sint_intmap);
88  */
89 #define sintmap_init(smap) intmap_init_(sintmap_unwrap_(smap))
intmap_init_(struct intmap * map)91 static inline void intmap_init_(struct intmap *map)
92 {
93 	map->u.n = NULL;
94 	map->v = NULL;
95 }
97 /**
98  * uintmap_empty - is this unsigned integer map empty?
99  * @umap: the typed intmap to check.
100  *
101  * Example:
102  *	if (!uintmap_empty(&uint_intmap))
103  *		abort();
104  */
105 #define uintmap_empty(umap) intmap_empty_(uintmap_unwrap_(umap))
107 /**
108  * sintmap_empty - is this signed integer map empty?
109  * @smap: the typed intmap to check.
110  *
111  * Example:
112  *	if (!sintmap_empty(&sint_intmap))
113  *		abort();
114  */
115 #define sintmap_empty(smap) intmap_empty_(sintmap_unwrap_(smap))
intmap_empty_(const struct intmap * map)117 static inline bool intmap_empty_(const struct intmap *map)
118 {
119 	return map->v == NULL && map->u.n == NULL;
120 }
122 /**
123  * uintmap_get - get a value from an unsigned integer map
124  * @umap: the typed intmap to search.
125  * @index: the unsigned index to search for.
126  *
127  * Returns the value, or NULL if it isn't in the map (and sets errno = ENOENT).
128  *
129  * Example:
130  *	int *val = uintmap_get(&uint_intmap, 100);
131  *	if (val)
132  *		printf("100 => %i\n", *val);
133  */
134 #define uintmap_get(umap, index)					\
135 	tcon_cast((umap), uintmap_canary,				\
136 		      intmap_get_(uintmap_unwrap_(umap), (index)))
138 /**
139  * sintmap_get - get a value from a signed integer map
140  * @smap: the typed intmap to search.
141  * @index: the signed index to search for.
142  *
143  * Returns the value, or NULL if it isn't in the map (and sets errno = ENOENT).
144  *
145  * Example:
146  *	int *val2 = sintmap_get(&sint_intmap, -100);
147  *	if (val2)
148  *		printf("-100 => %i\n", *val2);
149  */
150 #define sintmap_get(smap, index)					\
151 	tcon_cast((smap), sintmap_canary,				\
152 		  intmap_get_(sintmap_unwrap_(smap), SINTMAP_OFF(index)))
154 void *intmap_get_(const struct intmap *map, intmap_index_t index);
156 /**
157  * uintmap_add - place a member in an unsigned integer map.
158  * @umap: the typed intmap to add to.
159  * @index: the unsigned index to place in the map.
160  * @value: the (non-NULL) value.
161  *
162  * This returns false if we run out of memory (errno = ENOMEM), or
163  * (more normally) if that index already appears in the map (EEXIST).
164  *
165  * Note that the value is not copied, just the pointer.
166  *
167  * Example:
168  *	val = malloc(sizeof *val);
169  *	*val = 17;
170  *	if (!uintmap_add(&uint_intmap, 100, val))
171  *		printf("100 was already in the map\n");
172  */
173 #define uintmap_add(umap, index, value)					\
174 	intmap_add_(uintmap_unwrap_(tcon_check((umap), uintmap_canary,	\
175 					       (value))),		\
176 		    (index), (void *)(value))
178 /**
179  * sintmap_add - place a member in a signed integer map.
180  * @smap: the typed intmap to add to.
181  * @index: the signed index to place in the map.
182  * @value: the (non-NULL) value.
183  *
184  * This returns false if we run out of memory (errno = ENOMEM), or
185  * (more normally) if that index already appears in the map (EEXIST).
186  *
187  * Note that the value is not copied, just the pointer.
188  *
189  * Example:
190  *	val = malloc(sizeof *val);
191  *	*val = 17;
192  *	if (!sintmap_add(&sint_intmap, -100, val))
193  *		printf("-100 was already in the map\n");
194  */
195 #define sintmap_add(smap, index, value)					\
196 	intmap_add_(sintmap_unwrap_(tcon_check((smap), sintmap_canary,	\
197 					       (value))),		\
198 		    SINTMAP_OFF(index), (void *)(value))
200 bool intmap_add_(struct intmap *map, intmap_index_t member, const void *value);
202 /**
203  * uintmap_del - remove a member from an unsigned integer map.
204  * @umap: the typed intmap to delete from.
205  * @index: the unsigned index to remove from the map.
206  *
207  * This returns the value, or NULL if there was no value at that
208  * index.
209  *
210  * Example:
211  *	if (uintmap_del(&uint_intmap, 100) == NULL)
212  *		printf("100 was not in the map?\n");
213  */
214 #define uintmap_del(umap, index)					\
215 	tcon_cast((umap), uintmap_canary,				\
216 		  intmap_del_(uintmap_unwrap_(umap), (index)))
218 /**
219  * sintmap_del - remove a member from a signed integer map.
220  * @smap: the typed intmap to delete from.
221  * @index: the signed index to remove from the map.
222  *
223  * This returns the value, or NULL if there was no value at that
224  * index.
225  *
226  * Example:
227  *	if (sintmap_del(&sint_intmap, -100) == NULL)
228  *		printf("-100 was not in the map?\n");
229  */
230 #define sintmap_del(smap, index)					\
231 	tcon_cast((smap), sintmap_canary,				\
232 		  intmap_del_(sintmap_unwrap_(smap), SINTMAP_OFF(index)))
234 void *intmap_del_(struct intmap *map, intmap_index_t index);
236 /**
237  * uintmap_clear - remove every member from an unsigned integer map.
238  * @umap: the typed intmap to clear.
239  *
240  * The map will be empty after this.
241  *
242  * Example:
243  *	uintmap_clear(&uint_intmap);
244  */
245 #define uintmap_clear(umap) intmap_clear_(uintmap_unwrap_(umap))
247 /**
248  * sintmap_clear - remove every member from a signed integer map.
249  * @smap: the typed intmap to clear.
250  *
251  * The map will be empty after this.
252  *
253  * Example:
254  *	sintmap_clear(&sint_intmap);
255  */
256 #define sintmap_clear(smap) intmap_clear_(sintmap_unwrap_(smap))
258 void intmap_clear_(struct intmap *map);
260 /**
261  * uintmap_first - get first value in an unsigned intmap
262  * @umap: the typed intmap to iterate through.
263  * @indexp: a pointer to store the index.
264  *
265  * Returns NULL if the map is empty, otherwise populates *@indexp and
266  * returns the lowest entry.
267  */
268 #define uintmap_first(umap, indexp)					\
269 	tcon_cast((umap), uintmap_canary,				\
270 		  intmap_first_(uintmap_unwrap_(umap), (indexp)))
272 void *intmap_first_(const struct intmap *map, intmap_index_t *indexp);
274 /**
275  * sintmap_first - get first value in a signed intmap
276  * @smap: the typed intmap to iterate through.
277  * @indexp: a pointer to store the index.
278  *
279  * Returns NULL if the map is empty, otherwise populates *@indexp and
280  * returns the lowest entry.
281  */
282 #define sintmap_first(smap, indexp)					\
283 	tcon_cast((smap), sintmap_canary,				\
284 		  sintmap_first_(sintmap_unwrap_(smap), (indexp)))
286 /**
287  * uintmap_after - get the closest following index in an unsigned intmap
288  * @umap: the typed intmap to iterate through.
289  * @indexp: the preceding index (may not exist)
290  *
291  * Returns NULL if the there is no entry > @indexp, otherwise
292  * populates *@indexp and returns the lowest entry > @indexp.
293  */
294 #define uintmap_after(umap, indexp)					\
295 	tcon_cast((umap), uintmap_canary,				\
296 		  intmap_after_(uintmap_unwrap_(umap), (indexp)))
298 void *intmap_after_(const struct intmap *map, intmap_index_t *indexp);
300 /**
301  * sintmap_after - get the closest following index in a signed intmap
302  * @smap: the typed intmap to iterate through.
303  * @indexp: the preceding index (may not exist)
304  *
305  * Returns NULL if the there is no entry > @indexp, otherwise
306  * populates *@indexp and returns the lowest entry > @indexp.
307  */
308 #define sintmap_after(smap, indexp)					\
309 	tcon_cast((smap), sintmap_canary,				\
310 		  sintmap_after_(sintmap_unwrap_(smap), (indexp)))
312 /**
313  * uintmap_before - get the closest preceding index in an unsigned intmap
314  * @umap: the typed intmap to iterate through.
315  * @indexp: the succeeding index (may not exist)
316  *
317  * Returns NULL if the there is no entry < @indexp, otherwise
318  * populates *@indexp and returns the highest entry < @indexp.
319  */
320 #define uintmap_before(umap, indexp)					\
321 	tcon_cast((umap), uintmap_canary,				\
322 		  intmap_before_(uintmap_unwrap_(umap), (indexp)))
324 void *intmap_before_(const struct intmap *map, intmap_index_t *indexp);
326 /**
327  * sintmap_before - get the closest preceding index in a signed intmap
328  * @smap: the typed intmap to iterate through.
329  * @indexp: the succeeding index (may not exist)
330  *
331  * Returns NULL if the there is no entry < @indexp, otherwise
332  * populates *@indexp and returns the highest entry < @indexp.
333  */
334 #define sintmap_before(smap, indexp)					\
335 	tcon_cast((smap), sintmap_canary,				\
336 		  sintmap_before_(sintmap_unwrap_(smap), (indexp)))
338 /**
339  * uintmap_last - get last value in an unsigned intmap
340  * @umap: the typed intmap to iterate through.
341  * @indexp: a pointer to store the index.
342  *
343  * Returns NULL if the map is empty, otherwise populates *@indexp and
344  * returns the highest entry.
345  */
346 #define uintmap_last(umap, indexp)					\
347 	tcon_cast((umap), uintmap_canary,				\
348 		  intmap_last_(uintmap_unwrap_(umap), (indexp)))
350 void *intmap_last_(const struct intmap *map, intmap_index_t *indexp);
352 /**
353  * sintmap_last - get last value in a signed intmap
354  * @smap: the typed intmap to iterate through.
355  * @indexp: a pointer to store the index.
356  *
357  * Returns NULL if the map is empty, otherwise populates *@indexp and
358  * returns the highest entry.
359  */
360 #define sintmap_last(smap, indexp)					\
361 	tcon_cast((smap), sintmap_canary,				\
362 		  sintmap_last_(sintmap_unwrap_(smap), (indexp)))
364 /**
365  * uintmap_iterate - ordered iteration over an unsigned intmap
366  * @umap: the typed intmap to iterate through.
367  * @handle: the function to call.
368  * @arg: the argument for the function (types should match).
369  *
370  * @handle's prototype should be:
371  *	bool @handle(intmap_index_t index, type value, typeof(arg) arg)
372  *
373  * If @handle returns false, the iteration will stop and uintmap_iterate will
374  * return false, otherwise uintmap_iterate will return true.
375  * You should not alter the map within the @handle function!
376  *
377  * Example:
378  *	typedef UINTMAP(int *) umap_intp;
379  *	static bool dump_some(intmap_index_t index, int *value, int *num)
380  *	{
381  *		// Only dump out num nodes.
382  *		if (*(num--) == 0)
383  *			return false;
384  *		printf("%lu=>%i\n", (unsigned long)index, *value);
385  *		return true;
386  *	}
387  *
388  *	static void dump_map(const umap_intp *map)
389  *	{
390  *		int max = 100;
391  *		uintmap_iterate(map, dump_some, &max);
392  *		if (max < 0)
393  *			printf("... (truncated to 100 entries)\n");
394  *	}
395  */
396 #define uintmap_iterate(map, handle, arg)				\
397 	intmap_iterate_(tcon_unwrap(map),				\
398 			typesafe_cb_cast(bool (*)(intmap_index_t,	\
399 						  void *, void *),	\
400 					 bool (*)(intmap_index_t,	\
401 						  tcon_type((map),	\
402 							    uintmap_canary), \
403 						  __typeof__(arg)), (handle)), \
404 			(arg), 0)
406 /**
407  * sintmap_iterate - ordered iteration over a signed intmap
408  * @smap: the typed intmap to iterate through.
409  * @handle: the function to call.
410  * @arg: the argument for the function (types should match).
411  *
412  * @handle's prototype should be:
413  *	bool @handle(sintmap_index_t index, type value, typeof(arg) arg)
414  *
415  * If @handle returns false, the iteration will stop and sintmap_iterate will
416  * return false, otherwise sintmap_iterate will return true.
417  * You should not alter the map within the @handle function!
418  *
419  * Example:
420  *	typedef SINTMAP(int *) smap_intp;
421  *	static bool dump_some(sintmap_index_t index, int *value, int *num)
422  *	{
423  *		// Only dump out num nodes.
424  *		if (*(num--) == 0)
425  *			return false;
426  *		printf("%li=>%i\n", (long)index, *value);
427  *		return true;
428  *	}
429  *
430  *	static void dump_map(const smap_intp *map)
431  *	{
432  *		int max = 100;
433  *		sintmap_iterate(map, dump_some, &max);
434  *		if (max < 0)
435  *			printf("... (truncated to 100 entries)\n");
436  *	}
437  */
438 #define sintmap_iterate(map, handle, arg)				\
439 	intmap_iterate_(tcon_unwrap(map),				\
440 			typesafe_cb_cast(bool (*)(intmap_index_t,	\
441 						  void *, void *),	\
442 					 bool (*)(sintmap_index_t,	\
443 						  tcon_type((map),	\
444 							    sintmap_canary), \
445 						  __typeof__(arg)), (handle)), \
446 			(arg), SINTMAP_OFFSET)
448 bool intmap_iterate_(const struct intmap *map,
449 		     bool (*handle)(intmap_index_t, void *, void *),
450 		     void *data,
451 		     intmap_index_t offset);
453 /* TODO: We could implement intmap_prefix. */
455 /* These make sure it really is a uintmap/sintmap */
456 #define uintmap_unwrap_(u) (tcon_unwrap(u) + 0*tcon_sizeof((u), uintmap_canary))
457 #define sintmap_unwrap_(s) (tcon_unwrap(s) + 0*tcon_sizeof((s), sintmap_canary))
459 /* We have to offset indices if they're signed, so ordering works. */
460 #define SINTMAP_OFFSET		((intmap_index_t)1 << (sizeof(intmap_index_t)*8-1))
461 #define SINTMAP_OFF(index)	((intmap_index_t)(index) + SINTMAP_OFFSET)
462 #define SINTMAP_UNOFF(index)	((intmap_index_t)(index) - SINTMAP_OFFSET)
464 /* Due to multi-evaluation, these can't be macros */
sintmap_first_(const struct intmap * map,sintmap_index_t * indexp)465 static inline void *sintmap_first_(const struct intmap *map,
466 				   sintmap_index_t *indexp)
467 {
468 	intmap_index_t i;
469 	void *ret = intmap_first_(map, &i);
470 	*indexp = SINTMAP_UNOFF(i);
471 	return ret;
473 }
sintmap_after_(const struct intmap * map,sintmap_index_t * indexp)475 static inline void *sintmap_after_(const struct intmap *map,
476 				   sintmap_index_t *indexp)
477 {
478 	intmap_index_t i = SINTMAP_OFF(*indexp);
479 	void *ret = intmap_after_(map, &i);
480 	*indexp = SINTMAP_UNOFF(i);
481 	return ret;
482 }
sintmap_before_(const struct intmap * map,sintmap_index_t * indexp)484 static inline void *sintmap_before_(const struct intmap *map,
485 				   sintmap_index_t *indexp)
486 {
487 	intmap_index_t i = SINTMAP_OFF(*indexp);
488 	void *ret = intmap_before_(map, &i);
489 	*indexp = SINTMAP_UNOFF(i);
490 	return ret;
491 }
sintmap_last_(const struct intmap * map,sintmap_index_t * indexp)493 static inline void *sintmap_last_(const struct intmap *map,
494 				  sintmap_index_t *indexp)
495 {
496 	intmap_index_t i;
497 	void *ret = intmap_last_(map, &i);
498 	*indexp = SINTMAP_UNOFF(i);
499 	return ret;
501 }
502 #endif /* CCAN_INTMAP_H */