1 /*
2 OpenVR for PyMOL Copyright Notice
3 =====================================
5 The OpenVR for PyMOL source code is copyrighted, but you can freely use and
6 copy it as long as you don't change or remove any of the Copyright notices.
7 OpenVR for PyMOL is made available under the following open-source license
8 terms:
10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 Copyright (c) 2018 EPAM Systems, Inc.
13 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
14 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
15 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
16 to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
17 copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
18 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
20 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
21 copies or substantial portions of the Software.
30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 */
34 #ifndef _H_OpenVRStub
35 #define _H_OpenVRStub
37 // system headers
38 #include "openvr.h"
40 namespace vr {
41 namespace stub {
43 void VR_StubEnable(bool on = true);
44 bool VR_IsStubEnabled(void);
46 /** Finds the active installation of the VR API and initializes it. The provided path must be absolute
47 * or relative to the current working directory. These are the local install versions of the equivalent
48 * functions in steamvr.h and will work without a local Steam install.
49 *
50 * This path is to the "root" of the VR API install. That's the directory with
51 * the "drivers" directory and a platform (i.e. "win32") directory in it, not the directory with the DLL itself.
52 *
53 * pStartupInfo is reserved for future use.
54 */
55 IVRSystem *VR_Init(EVRInitError *peError, EVRApplicationType eApplicationType, const char *pStartupInfo = nullptr);
57 /** unloads vrclient.dll. Any interface pointers from the interface are
58 * invalid after this point */
59 void VR_Shutdown();
61 /** Returns true if there is an HMD attached. This check is as lightweight as possible and
62 * can be called outside of VR_Init/VR_Shutdown. It should be used when an application wants
63 * to know if initializing VR is a possibility but isn't ready to take that step yet.
64 */
65 bool VR_IsHmdPresent();
67 /** Returns an English string for an EVRInitError. Applications should call VR_GetVRInitErrorAsSymbol instead and
68 * use that as a key to look up their own localized error message. This function may be called outside of VR_Init()/VR_Shutdown(). */
69 const char *VR_GetVRInitErrorAsEnglishDescription(EVRInitError error);
71 IVRSystem *VRSystem();
72 IVRCompositor *VRCompositor();
73 IVRInput *VRInput();
76   throw __FUNCTION__; // " not implemented";
78 class VRSystemStub: public IVRSystem {
79 public:
80   // ------------------------------------
81   // Display Methods
82   // ------------------------------------
84   /** Suggested size for the intermediate render target that the distortion pulls from. */
85   virtual void GetRecommendedRenderTargetSize( uint32_t *pnWidth, uint32_t *pnHeight );
87   /** The projection matrix for the specified eye */
GetProjectionMatrix(EVREye eEye,float fNearZ,float fFarZ)88   virtual HmdMatrix44_t GetProjectionMatrix( EVREye eEye, float fNearZ, float fFarZ ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
90   /** The components necessary to build your own projection matrix in case your
91   * application is doing something fancy like infinite Z */
92   virtual void GetProjectionRaw( EVREye eEye, float *pfLeft, float *pfRight, float *pfTop, float *pfBottom );
94   /** Gets the result of the distortion function for the specified eye and input UVs. UVs go from 0,0 in
95   * the upper left of that eye's viewport and 1,1 in the lower right of that eye's viewport.
96   * Returns true for success. Otherwise, returns false, and distortion coordinates are not suitable. */
ComputeDistortion(EVREye eEye,float fU,float fV,DistortionCoordinates_t * pDistortionCoordinates)97   virtual bool ComputeDistortion( EVREye eEye, float fU, float fV, DistortionCoordinates_t *pDistortionCoordinates ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
99   /** Returns the transform from eye space to the head space. Eye space is the per-eye flavor of head
100   * space that provides stereo disparity. Instead of Model * View * Projection the sequence is Model * View * Eye^-1 * Projection.
101   * Normally View and Eye^-1 will be multiplied together and treated as View in your application.
102   */
103   virtual HmdMatrix34_t GetEyeToHeadTransform( EVREye eEye );
105   /** Returns the number of elapsed seconds since the last recorded vsync event. This
106   *	will come from a vsync timer event in the timer if possible or from the application-reported
107   *   time if that is not available. If no vsync times are available the function will
108   *   return zero for vsync time and frame counter and return false from the method. */
GetTimeSinceLastVsync(float * pfSecondsSinceLastVsync,uint64_t * pulFrameCounter)109   virtual bool GetTimeSinceLastVsync( float *pfSecondsSinceLastVsync, uint64_t *pulFrameCounter ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
111   /** [D3D9 Only]
112   * Returns the adapter index that the user should pass into CreateDevice to set up D3D9 in such
113   * a way that it can go full screen exclusive on the HMD. Returns -1 if there was an error.
114   */
GetD3D9AdapterIndex()115   virtual int32_t GetD3D9AdapterIndex() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
117   /** [D3D10/11 Only]
118   * Returns the adapter index that the user should pass into EnumAdapters to create the device
119   * and swap chain in DX10 and DX11. If an error occurs the index will be set to -1.
120   */
GetDXGIOutputInfo(int32_t * pnAdapterIndex)121   virtual void GetDXGIOutputInfo( int32_t *pnAdapterIndex ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
123   /**
124    * Returns platform- and texture-type specific adapter identification so that applications and the
125    * compositor are creating textures and swap chains on the same GPU. If an error occurs the device
126    * will be set to 0.
127    * pInstance is an optional parameter that is required only when textureType is TextureType_Vulkan.
128    * [D3D10/11/12 Only (D3D9 Not Supported)]
129    *  Returns the adapter LUID that identifies the GPU attached to the HMD. The user should
130    *  enumerate all adapters using IDXGIFactory::EnumAdapters and IDXGIAdapter::GetDesc to find
131    *  the adapter with the matching LUID, or use IDXGIFactory4::EnumAdapterByLuid.
132    *  The discovered IDXGIAdapter should be used to create the device and swap chain.
133    * [Vulkan Only]
134    *  Returns the VkPhysicalDevice that should be used by the application.
135    *  pInstance must be the instance the application will use to query for the VkPhysicalDevice.  The application
136    *  must create the VkInstance with extensions returned by IVRCompositor::GetVulkanInstanceExtensionsRequired enabled.
137    * [macOS Only]
138    *  For TextureType_IOSurface returns the id<MTLDevice> that should be used by the application.
139    *  On 10.13+ for TextureType_OpenGL returns the 'registryId' of the renderer which should be used
140    *   by the application. See Apple Technical Q&A QA1168 for information on enumerating GL Renderers, and the
141    *   new kCGLRPRegistryIDLow and kCGLRPRegistryIDHigh CGLRendererProperty values in the 10.13 SDK.
142    *  Pre 10.13 for TextureType_OpenGL returns 0, as there is no dependable way to correlate the HMDs MTLDevice
143    *   with a GL Renderer.
144    */
145   virtual void GetOutputDevice( uint64_t *pnDevice, ETextureType textureType, VkInstance_T *pInstance = nullptr ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
147   // ------------------------------------
148   // Display Mode methods
149   // ------------------------------------
151   /** Use to determine if the headset display is part of the desktop (i.e. extended) or hidden (i.e. direct mode). */
IsDisplayOnDesktop()152   virtual bool IsDisplayOnDesktop() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
154   /** Set the display visibility (true = extended, false = direct mode).  Return value of true indicates that the change was successful. */
SetDisplayVisibility(bool bIsVisibleOnDesktop)155   virtual bool SetDisplayVisibility( bool bIsVisibleOnDesktop ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
157   // ------------------------------------
158   // Tracking Methods
159   // ------------------------------------
161   /** The pose that the tracker thinks that the HMD will be in at the specified number of seconds into the
162   * future. Pass 0 to get the state at the instant the method is called. Most of the time the application should
163   * calculate the time until the photons will be emitted from the display and pass that time into the method.
164   *
165   * This is roughly analogous to the inverse of the view matrix in most applications, though
166   * many games will need to do some additional rotation or translation on top of the rotation
167   * and translation provided by the head pose.
168   *
169   * For devices where bPoseIsValid is true the application can use the pose to position the device
170   * in question. The provided array can be any size up to k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount.
171   *
172   * Seated experiences should call this method with TrackingUniverseSeated and receive poses relative
173   * to the seated zero pose. Standing experiences should call this method with TrackingUniverseStanding
174   * and receive poses relative to the Chaperone Play Area. TrackingUniverseRawAndUncalibrated should
175   * probably not be used unless the application is the Chaperone calibration tool itself, but will provide
176   * poses relative to the hardware-specific coordinate system in the driver.
177   */
GetDeviceToAbsoluteTrackingPose(ETrackingUniverseOrigin eOrigin,float fPredictedSecondsToPhotonsFromNow,VR_ARRAY_COUNT (unTrackedDevicePoseArrayCount)TrackedDevicePose_t * pTrackedDevicePoseArray,uint32_t unTrackedDevicePoseArrayCount)178   virtual void GetDeviceToAbsoluteTrackingPose( ETrackingUniverseOrigin eOrigin, float fPredictedSecondsToPhotonsFromNow, VR_ARRAY_COUNT(unTrackedDevicePoseArrayCount) TrackedDevicePose_t *pTrackedDevicePoseArray, uint32_t unTrackedDevicePoseArrayCount ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
180   /** Sets the zero pose for the seated tracker coordinate system to the current position and yaw of the HMD. After
181   * ResetSeatedZeroPose all GetDeviceToAbsoluteTrackingPose calls that pass TrackingUniverseSeated as the origin
182   * will be relative to this new zero pose. The new zero coordinate system will not change the fact that the Y axis
183   * is up in the real world, so the next pose returned from GetDeviceToAbsoluteTrackingPose after a call to
184   * ResetSeatedZeroPose may not be exactly an identity matrix.
185   *
186   * NOTE: This function overrides the user's previously saved seated zero pose and should only be called as the result of a user action.
187   * Users are also able to set their seated zero pose via the OpenVR Dashboard.
188   **/
ResetSeatedZeroPose()189   virtual void ResetSeatedZeroPose() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
191   /** Returns the transform from the seated zero pose to the standing absolute tracking system. This allows
192   * applications to represent the seated origin to used or transform object positions from one coordinate
193   * system to the other.
194   *
195   * The seated origin may or may not be inside the Play Area or Collision Bounds returned by IVRChaperone. Its position
196   * depends on what the user has set from the Dashboard settings and previous calls to ResetSeatedZeroPose. */
GetSeatedZeroPoseToStandingAbsoluteTrackingPose()197   virtual HmdMatrix34_t GetSeatedZeroPoseToStandingAbsoluteTrackingPose() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
199   /** Returns the transform from the tracking origin to the standing absolute tracking system. This allows
200   * applications to convert from raw tracking space to the calibrated standing coordinate system. */
GetRawZeroPoseToStandingAbsoluteTrackingPose()201   virtual HmdMatrix34_t GetRawZeroPoseToStandingAbsoluteTrackingPose() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
203   /** Get a sorted array of device indices of a given class of tracked devices (e.g. controllers).  Devices are sorted right to left
204   * relative to the specified tracked device (default: hmd -- pass in -1 for absolute tracking space).  Returns the number of devices
205   * in the list, or the size of the array needed if not large enough. */
206   virtual uint32_t GetSortedTrackedDeviceIndicesOfClass( ETrackedDeviceClass eTrackedDeviceClass, VR_ARRAY_COUNT(unTrackedDeviceIndexArrayCount) vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t *punTrackedDeviceIndexArray, uint32_t unTrackedDeviceIndexArrayCount, vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unRelativeToTrackedDeviceIndex = k_unTrackedDeviceIndex_Hmd ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
208   /** Returns the level of activity on the device. */
GetTrackedDeviceActivityLevel(vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceId)209   virtual EDeviceActivityLevel GetTrackedDeviceActivityLevel( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceId ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
211   /** Convenience utility to apply the specified transform to the specified pose.
212   *   This properly transforms all pose components, including velocity and angular velocity
213   */
ApplyTransform(TrackedDevicePose_t * pOutputPose,const TrackedDevicePose_t * pTrackedDevicePose,const HmdMatrix34_t * pTransform)214   virtual void ApplyTransform( TrackedDevicePose_t *pOutputPose, const TrackedDevicePose_t *pTrackedDevicePose, const HmdMatrix34_t *pTransform ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
216   /** Returns the device index associated with a specific role, for example the left hand or the right hand. */
GetTrackedDeviceIndexForControllerRole(vr::ETrackedControllerRole unDeviceType)217   virtual vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t GetTrackedDeviceIndexForControllerRole( vr::ETrackedControllerRole unDeviceType ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
219   /** Returns the controller type associated with a device index. */
GetControllerRoleForTrackedDeviceIndex(vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex)220   virtual vr::ETrackedControllerRole GetControllerRoleForTrackedDeviceIndex( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
222   // ------------------------------------
223   // Property methods
224   // ------------------------------------
226   /** Returns the device class of a tracked device. If there has not been a device connected in this slot
227   * since the application started this function will return TrackedDevice_Invalid. For previous detected
228   * devices the function will return the previously observed device class.
229   *
230   * To determine which devices exist on the system, just loop from 0 to k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount and check
231   * the device class. Every device with something other than TrackedDevice_Invalid is associated with an
232   * actual tracked device. */
233   virtual ETrackedDeviceClass GetTrackedDeviceClass( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex );
235   /** Returns true if there is a device connected in this slot. */
IsTrackedDeviceConnected(vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex)236   virtual bool IsTrackedDeviceConnected( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
238   /** Returns a bool property. If the device index is not valid or the property is not a bool type this function will return false. */
239   virtual bool GetBoolTrackedDeviceProperty( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError = 0L ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
241   /** Returns a float property. If the device index is not valid or the property is not a float type this function will return 0. */
242   virtual float GetFloatTrackedDeviceProperty( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError = 0L ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
244   /** Returns an int property. If the device index is not valid or the property is not a int type this function will return 0. */
245   virtual int32_t GetInt32TrackedDeviceProperty( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError = 0L ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
247   /** Returns a uint64 property. If the device index is not valid or the property is not a uint64 type this function will return 0. */
248   virtual uint64_t GetUint64TrackedDeviceProperty( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError = 0L ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
250   /** Returns a matrix property. If the device index is not valid or the property is not a matrix type, this function will return identity. */
251   virtual HmdMatrix34_t GetMatrix34TrackedDeviceProperty( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, ETrackedPropertyError *pError = 0L ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
253   /** Returns an array of one type of property. If the device index is not valid or the property is not a single value or an array of the specified type,
254   * this function will return 0. Otherwise it returns the number of bytes necessary to hold the array of properties. If unBufferSize is
255   * greater than the returned size and pBuffer is non-NULL, pBuffer is filled with the contents of array of properties. */
256   virtual uint32_t GetArrayTrackedDeviceProperty( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, PropertyTypeTag_t propType, void *pBuffer, uint32_t unBufferSize, ETrackedPropertyError *pError = 0L ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
258   /** Returns a string property. If the device index is not valid or the property is not a string type this function will
259   * return 0. Otherwise it returns the length of the number of bytes necessary to hold this string including the trailing
260   * null. Strings will always fit in buffers of k_unMaxPropertyStringSize characters. */
261   virtual uint32_t GetStringTrackedDeviceProperty( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex, ETrackedDeviceProperty prop, VR_OUT_STRING() char *pchValue, uint32_t unBufferSize, ETrackedPropertyError *pError = 0L );
263   /** returns a string that corresponds with the specified property error. The string will be the name
264   * of the error enum value for all valid error codes */
GetPropErrorNameFromEnum(ETrackedPropertyError error)265   virtual const char *GetPropErrorNameFromEnum( ETrackedPropertyError error ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
267   // ------------------------------------
268   // Event methods
269   // ------------------------------------
271   /** Returns true and fills the event with the next event on the queue if there is one. If there are no events
272   * this method returns false. uncbVREvent should be the size in bytes of the VREvent_t struct */
273   virtual bool PollNextEvent( VREvent_t *pEvent, uint32_t uncbVREvent );
275   /** Returns true and fills the event with the next event on the queue if there is one. If there are no events
276   * this method returns false. Fills in the pose of the associated tracked device in the provided pose struct.
277   * This pose will always be older than the call to this function and should not be used to render the device.
278   uncbVREvent should be the size in bytes of the VREvent_t struct */
PollNextEventWithPose(ETrackingUniverseOrigin eOrigin,VREvent_t * pEvent,uint32_t uncbVREvent,vr::TrackedDevicePose_t * pTrackedDevicePose)279   virtual bool PollNextEventWithPose( ETrackingUniverseOrigin eOrigin, VREvent_t *pEvent, uint32_t uncbVREvent, vr::TrackedDevicePose_t *pTrackedDevicePose ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
281   /** returns the name of an EVREvent enum value */
GetEventTypeNameFromEnum(EVREventType eType)282   virtual const char *GetEventTypeNameFromEnum( EVREventType eType ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
284   // ------------------------------------
285   // Rendering helper methods
286   // ------------------------------------
288   /** Returns the hidden area mesh for the current HMD. The pixels covered by this mesh will never be seen by the user after the lens distortion is
289   * applied based on visibility to the panels. If this HMD does not have a hidden area mesh, the vertex data and count will be NULL and 0 respectively.
290   * This mesh is meant to be rendered into the stencil buffer (or into the depth buffer setting nearz) before rendering each eye's view.
291   * This will improve performance by letting the GPU early-reject pixels the user will never see before running the pixel shader.
292   * NOTE: Render this mesh with backface culling disabled since the winding order of the vertices can be different per-HMD or per-eye.
293   * Setting the bInverse argument to true will produce the visible area mesh that is commonly used in place of full-screen quads. The visible area mesh covers all of the pixels the hidden area mesh does not cover.
294   * Setting the bLineLoop argument will return a line loop of vertices in HiddenAreaMesh_t->pVertexData with HiddenAreaMesh_t->unTriangleCount set to the number of vertices.
295   */
296   virtual HiddenAreaMesh_t GetHiddenAreaMesh( EVREye eEye, EHiddenAreaMeshType type = k_eHiddenAreaMesh_Standard ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
298   // ------------------------------------
299   // Controller methods
300   // ------------------------------------
302   /** Fills the supplied struct with the current state of the controller. Returns false if the controller index
303   * is invalid. */
GetControllerState(vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unControllerDeviceIndex,vr::VRControllerState_t * pControllerState,uint32_t unControllerStateSize)304   virtual bool GetControllerState( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unControllerDeviceIndex, vr::VRControllerState_t *pControllerState, uint32_t unControllerStateSize ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
306   /** fills the supplied struct with the current state of the controller and the provided pose with the pose of
307   * the controller when the controller state was updated most recently. Use this form if you need a precise controller
308   * pose as input to your application when the user presses or releases a button. */
GetControllerStateWithPose(ETrackingUniverseOrigin eOrigin,vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unControllerDeviceIndex,vr::VRControllerState_t * pControllerState,uint32_t unControllerStateSize,TrackedDevicePose_t * pTrackedDevicePose)309   virtual bool GetControllerStateWithPose( ETrackingUniverseOrigin eOrigin, vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unControllerDeviceIndex, vr::VRControllerState_t *pControllerState, uint32_t unControllerStateSize, TrackedDevicePose_t *pTrackedDevicePose ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
311   /** Trigger a single haptic pulse on a controller. After this call the application may not trigger another haptic pulse on this controller
312   * and axis combination for 5ms. */
TriggerHapticPulse(vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unControllerDeviceIndex,uint32_t unAxisId,unsigned short usDurationMicroSec)313   virtual void TriggerHapticPulse( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unControllerDeviceIndex, uint32_t unAxisId, unsigned short usDurationMicroSec ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
315   /** returns the name of an EVRButtonId enum value */
GetButtonIdNameFromEnum(EVRButtonId eButtonId)316   virtual const char *GetButtonIdNameFromEnum( EVRButtonId eButtonId ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
318   /** returns the name of an EVRControllerAxisType enum value */
GetControllerAxisTypeNameFromEnum(EVRControllerAxisType eAxisType)319   virtual const char *GetControllerAxisTypeNameFromEnum( EVRControllerAxisType eAxisType ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
321   /** Returns true if this application is receiving input from the system. This would return false if
322   * system-related functionality is consuming the input stream. */
IsInputAvailable()323   virtual bool IsInputAvailable() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
325   /** Returns true SteamVR is drawing controllers on top of the application. Applications should consider
326   * not drawing anything attached to the user's hands in this case. */
IsSteamVRDrawingControllers()327   virtual bool IsSteamVRDrawingControllers() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
329   /** Returns true if the user has put SteamVR into a mode that is distracting them from the application.
330   * For applications where this is appropriate, the application should pause ongoing activity. */
ShouldApplicationPause()331   virtual bool ShouldApplicationPause() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
333   /** Returns true if SteamVR is doing significant rendering work and the game should do what it can to reduce
334   * its own workload. One common way to do this is to reduce the size of the render target provided for each eye. */
ShouldApplicationReduceRenderingWork()335   virtual bool ShouldApplicationReduceRenderingWork() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
337   // ------------------------------------
338   // Debug Methods
339   // ------------------------------------
341   /** Sends a request to the driver for the specified device and returns the response. The maximum response size is 32k,
342   * but this method can be called with a smaller buffer. If the response exceeds the size of the buffer, it is truncated.
343   * The size of the response including its terminating null is returned. */
DriverDebugRequest(vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex,const char * pchRequest,VR_OUT_STRING ()char * pchResponseBuffer,uint32_t unResponseBufferSize)344   virtual uint32_t DriverDebugRequest( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex, const char *pchRequest, VR_OUT_STRING() char *pchResponseBuffer, uint32_t unResponseBufferSize ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
346   // ------------------------------------
347   // Firmware methods
348   // ------------------------------------
350   /** Performs the actual firmware update if applicable.
351    * The following events will be sent, if VRFirmwareError_None was returned: VREvent_FirmwareUpdateStarted, VREvent_FirmwareUpdateFinished
352    * Use the properties Prop_Firmware_UpdateAvailable_Bool, Prop_Firmware_ManualUpdate_Bool, and Prop_Firmware_ManualUpdateURL_String
353    * to figure our whether a firmware update is available, and to figure out whether its a manual update
354    * Prop_Firmware_ManualUpdateURL_String should point to an URL describing the manual update process */
PerformFirmwareUpdate(vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex)355   virtual vr::EVRFirmwareError PerformFirmwareUpdate( vr::TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
357   // ------------------------------------
358   // Application life cycle methods
359   // ------------------------------------
361   /** Call this to acknowledge to the system that VREvent_Quit has been received and that the process is exiting.
362   * This extends the timeout until the process is killed. */
AcknowledgeQuit_Exiting()363   virtual void AcknowledgeQuit_Exiting() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
365   /** Call this to tell the system that the user is being prompted to save data. This
366   * halts the timeout and dismisses the dashboard (if it was up). Applications should be sure to actually
367   * prompt the user to save and then exit afterward, otherwise the user will be left in a confusing state. */
AcknowledgeQuit_UserPrompt()368   virtual void AcknowledgeQuit_UserPrompt() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
370 };
372 class VRCompositorStub: public IVRCompositor {
373 public:
374   /** Sets tracking space returned by WaitGetPoses */
SetTrackingSpace(ETrackingUniverseOrigin eOrigin)375   virtual void SetTrackingSpace( ETrackingUniverseOrigin eOrigin ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
377   /** Gets current tracking space returned by WaitGetPoses */
GetTrackingSpace()378   virtual ETrackingUniverseOrigin GetTrackingSpace() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
380   /** Scene applications should call this function to get poses to render with (and optionally poses predicted an additional frame out to use for gameplay).
381   * This function will block until "running start" milliseconds before the start of the frame, and should be called at the last moment before needing to
382   * start rendering.
383   *
384   * Return codes:
385   *	- IsNotSceneApplication (make sure to call VR_Init with VRApplicaiton_Scene)
386   *	- DoNotHaveFocus (some other app has taken focus - this will throttle the call to 10hz to reduce the impact on that app)
387   */
388   virtual EVRCompositorError WaitGetPoses( VR_ARRAY_COUNT(unRenderPoseArrayCount) TrackedDevicePose_t* pRenderPoseArray, uint32_t unRenderPoseArrayCount,
389     VR_ARRAY_COUNT(unGamePoseArrayCount) TrackedDevicePose_t* pGamePoseArray, uint32_t unGamePoseArrayCount );
391   /** Get the last set of poses returned by WaitGetPoses. */
GetLastPoses(VR_ARRAY_COUNT (unRenderPoseArrayCount)TrackedDevicePose_t * pRenderPoseArray,uint32_t unRenderPoseArrayCount,VR_ARRAY_COUNT (unGamePoseArrayCount)TrackedDevicePose_t * pGamePoseArray,uint32_t unGamePoseArrayCount)392   virtual EVRCompositorError GetLastPoses( VR_ARRAY_COUNT( unRenderPoseArrayCount ) TrackedDevicePose_t* pRenderPoseArray, uint32_t unRenderPoseArrayCount,
393     VR_ARRAY_COUNT( unGamePoseArrayCount ) TrackedDevicePose_t* pGamePoseArray, uint32_t unGamePoseArrayCount ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
395   /** Interface for accessing last set of poses returned by WaitGetPoses one at a time.
396   * Returns VRCompositorError_IndexOutOfRange if unDeviceIndex not less than k_unMaxTrackedDeviceCount otherwise VRCompositorError_None.
397   * It is okay to pass NULL for either pose if you only want one of the values. */
GetLastPoseForTrackedDeviceIndex(TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex,TrackedDevicePose_t * pOutputPose,TrackedDevicePose_t * pOutputGamePose)398   virtual EVRCompositorError GetLastPoseForTrackedDeviceIndex( TrackedDeviceIndex_t unDeviceIndex, TrackedDevicePose_t *pOutputPose, TrackedDevicePose_t *pOutputGamePose ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
400   /** Updated scene texture to display. If pBounds is NULL the entire texture will be used.  If called from an OpenGL app, consider adding a glFlush after
401   * Submitting both frames to signal the driver to start processing, otherwise it may wait until the command buffer fills up, causing the app to miss frames.
402   *
403   * OpenGL dirty state:
404   *	glBindTexture
405   *
406   * Return codes:
407   *	- IsNotSceneApplication (make sure to call VR_Init with VRApplicaiton_Scene)
408   *	- DoNotHaveFocus (some other app has taken focus)
409   *	- TextureIsOnWrongDevice (application did not use proper AdapterIndex - see IVRSystem.GetDXGIOutputInfo)
410   *	- SharedTexturesNotSupported (application needs to call CreateDXGIFactory1 or later before creating DX device)
411   *	- TextureUsesUnsupportedFormat (scene textures must be compatible with DXGI sharing rules - e.g. uncompressed, no mips, etc.)
412   *	- InvalidTexture (usually means bad arguments passed in)
413   *	- AlreadySubmitted (app has submitted two left textures or two right textures in a single frame - i.e. before calling WaitGetPoses again)
414   */
415   virtual EVRCompositorError Submit( EVREye eEye, const Texture_t *pTexture, const VRTextureBounds_t* pBounds = 0, EVRSubmitFlags nSubmitFlags = Submit_Default );
417   /** Clears the frame that was sent with the last call to Submit. This will cause the
418   * compositor to show the grid until Submit is called again. */
ClearLastSubmittedFrame()419   virtual void ClearLastSubmittedFrame() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
421   /** Call immediately after presenting your app's window (i.e. companion window) to unblock the compositor.
422   * This is an optional call, which only needs to be used if you can't instead call WaitGetPoses immediately after Present.
423   * For example, if your engine's render and game loop are not on separate threads, or blocking the render thread until 3ms before the next vsync would
424   * introduce a deadlock of some sort.  This function tells the compositor that you have finished all rendering after having Submitted buffers for both
425   * eyes, and it is free to start its rendering work.  This should only be called from the same thread you are rendering on. */
PostPresentHandoff()426   virtual void PostPresentHandoff() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
428   /** Returns true if timing data is filled it.  Sets oldest timing info if nFramesAgo is larger than the stored history.
429   * Be sure to set timing.size = sizeof(Compositor_FrameTiming) on struct passed in before calling this function. */
430   virtual bool GetFrameTiming( Compositor_FrameTiming *pTiming, uint32_t unFramesAgo = 0 ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
432   /** Interface for copying a range of timing data.  Frames are returned in ascending order (oldest to newest) with the last being the most recent frame.
433   * Only the first entry's m_nSize needs to be set, as the rest will be inferred from that.  Returns total number of entries filled out. */
GetFrameTimings(Compositor_FrameTiming * pTiming,uint32_t nFrames)434   virtual uint32_t GetFrameTimings( Compositor_FrameTiming *pTiming, uint32_t nFrames ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
436   /** Returns the time in seconds left in the current (as identified by FrameTiming's frameIndex) frame.
437   * Due to "running start", this value may roll over to the next frame before ever reaching 0.0. */
GetFrameTimeRemaining()438   virtual float GetFrameTimeRemaining() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
440   /** Fills out stats accumulated for the last connected application.  Pass in sizeof( Compositor_CumulativeStats ) as second parameter. */
GetCumulativeStats(Compositor_CumulativeStats * pStats,uint32_t nStatsSizeInBytes)441   virtual void GetCumulativeStats( Compositor_CumulativeStats *pStats, uint32_t nStatsSizeInBytes ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
443   /** Fades the view on the HMD to the specified color. The fade will take fSeconds, and the color values are between
444   * 0.0 and 1.0. This color is faded on top of the scene based on the alpha parameter. Removing the fade color instantly
445   * would be FadeToColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ).  Values are in un-premultiplied alpha space. */
446   virtual void FadeToColor( float fSeconds, float fRed, float fGreen, float fBlue, float fAlpha, bool bBackground = false ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
448   /** Get current fade color value. */
449   virtual HmdColor_t GetCurrentFadeColor( bool bBackground = false ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
451   /** Fading the Grid in or out in fSeconds */
FadeGrid(float fSeconds,bool bFadeIn)452   virtual void FadeGrid( float fSeconds, bool bFadeIn ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
454   /** Get current alpha value of grid. */
GetCurrentGridAlpha()455   virtual float GetCurrentGridAlpha() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
457   /** Override the skybox used in the compositor (e.g. for during level loads when the app can't feed scene images fast enough)
458   * Order is Front, Back, Left, Right, Top, Bottom.  If only a single texture is passed, it is assumed in lat-long format.
459   * If two are passed, it is assumed a lat-long stereo pair. */
SetSkyboxOverride(VR_ARRAY_COUNT (unTextureCount)const Texture_t * pTextures,uint32_t unTextureCount)460   virtual EVRCompositorError SetSkyboxOverride( VR_ARRAY_COUNT( unTextureCount ) const Texture_t *pTextures, uint32_t unTextureCount ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
462   /** Resets compositor skybox back to defaults. */
ClearSkyboxOverride()463   virtual void ClearSkyboxOverride() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
465   /** Brings the compositor window to the front. This is useful for covering any other window that may be on the HMD
466   * and is obscuring the compositor window. */
CompositorBringToFront()467   virtual void CompositorBringToFront() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
469   /** Pushes the compositor window to the back. This is useful for allowing other applications to draw directly to the HMD. */
CompositorGoToBack()470   virtual void CompositorGoToBack() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
472   /** Tells the compositor process to clean up and exit. You do not need to call this function at shutdown. Under normal
473   * circumstances the compositor will manage its own life cycle based on what applications are running. */
CompositorQuit()474   virtual void CompositorQuit() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
476   /** Return whether the compositor is fullscreen */
IsFullscreen()477   virtual bool IsFullscreen() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
479   /** Returns the process ID of the process that is currently rendering the scene */
GetCurrentSceneFocusProcess()480   virtual uint32_t GetCurrentSceneFocusProcess() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
482   /** Returns the process ID of the process that rendered the last frame (or 0 if the compositor itself rendered the frame.)
483   * Returns 0 when fading out from an app and the app's process Id when fading into an app. */
GetLastFrameRenderer()484   virtual uint32_t GetLastFrameRenderer() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
486   /** Returns true if the current process has the scene focus */
CanRenderScene()487   virtual bool CanRenderScene() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
489   /** Creates a window on the primary monitor to display what is being shown in the headset. */
ShowMirrorWindow()490   virtual void ShowMirrorWindow() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
492   /** Closes the mirror window. */
HideMirrorWindow()493   virtual void HideMirrorWindow() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
495   /** Returns true if the mirror window is shown. */
IsMirrorWindowVisible()496   virtual bool IsMirrorWindowVisible() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
498   /** Writes all images that the compositor knows about (including overlays) to a 'screenshots' folder in the SteamVR runtime root. */
CompositorDumpImages()499   virtual void CompositorDumpImages() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
501   /** Let an app know it should be rendering with low resources. */
ShouldAppRenderWithLowResources()502   virtual bool ShouldAppRenderWithLowResources() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
504   /** Override interleaved reprojection logic to force on. */
ForceInterleavedReprojectionOn(bool bOverride)505   virtual void ForceInterleavedReprojectionOn( bool bOverride ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
507   /** Force reconnecting to the compositor process. */
ForceReconnectProcess()508   virtual void ForceReconnectProcess() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
510   /** Temporarily suspends rendering (useful for finer control over scene transitions). */
SuspendRendering(bool bSuspend)511   virtual void SuspendRendering( bool bSuspend ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
513   /** Opens a shared D3D11 texture with the undistorted composited image for each eye.  Use ReleaseMirrorTextureD3D11 when finished
514   * instead of calling Release on the resource itself. */
GetMirrorTextureD3D11(vr::EVREye eEye,void * pD3D11DeviceOrResource,void ** ppD3D11ShaderResourceView)515   virtual vr::EVRCompositorError GetMirrorTextureD3D11( vr::EVREye eEye, void *pD3D11DeviceOrResource, void **ppD3D11ShaderResourceView ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
ReleaseMirrorTextureD3D11(void * pD3D11ShaderResourceView)516   virtual void ReleaseMirrorTextureD3D11( void *pD3D11ShaderResourceView ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
518   /** Access to mirror textures from OpenGL. */
GetMirrorTextureGL(vr::EVREye eEye,vr::glUInt_t * pglTextureId,vr::glSharedTextureHandle_t * pglSharedTextureHandle)519   virtual vr::EVRCompositorError GetMirrorTextureGL( vr::EVREye eEye, vr::glUInt_t *pglTextureId, vr::glSharedTextureHandle_t *pglSharedTextureHandle ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
ReleaseSharedGLTexture(vr::glUInt_t glTextureId,vr::glSharedTextureHandle_t glSharedTextureHandle)520   virtual bool ReleaseSharedGLTexture( vr::glUInt_t glTextureId, vr::glSharedTextureHandle_t glSharedTextureHandle ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
LockGLSharedTextureForAccess(vr::glSharedTextureHandle_t glSharedTextureHandle)521   virtual void LockGLSharedTextureForAccess( vr::glSharedTextureHandle_t glSharedTextureHandle ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
UnlockGLSharedTextureForAccess(vr::glSharedTextureHandle_t glSharedTextureHandle)522   virtual void UnlockGLSharedTextureForAccess( vr::glSharedTextureHandle_t glSharedTextureHandle ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
524   /** [Vulkan Only]
525   * return 0. Otherwise it returns the length of the number of bytes necessary to hold this string including the trailing
526   * null.  The string will be a space separated list of-required instance extensions to enable in VkCreateInstance */
GetVulkanInstanceExtensionsRequired(VR_OUT_STRING ()char * pchValue,uint32_t unBufferSize)527   virtual uint32_t GetVulkanInstanceExtensionsRequired( VR_OUT_STRING() char *pchValue, uint32_t unBufferSize ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
529   /** [Vulkan only]
530   * return 0. Otherwise it returns the length of the number of bytes necessary to hold this string including the trailing
531   * null.  The string will be a space separated list of required device extensions to enable in VkCreateDevice */
GetVulkanDeviceExtensionsRequired(VkPhysicalDevice_T * pPhysicalDevice,VR_OUT_STRING ()char * pchValue,uint32_t unBufferSize)532   virtual uint32_t GetVulkanDeviceExtensionsRequired( VkPhysicalDevice_T *pPhysicalDevice, VR_OUT_STRING() char *pchValue, uint32_t unBufferSize ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
534   /** [ Vulkan/D3D12 Only ]
535   * There are two purposes for SetExplicitTimingMode:
536   *	1. To get a more accurate GPU timestamp for when the frame begins in Vulkan/D3D12 applications.
537   *	2. (Optional) To avoid having WaitGetPoses access the Vulkan queue so that the queue can be accessed from
538   *	another thread while WaitGetPoses is executing.
539   *
540   * More accurate GPU timestamp for the start of the frame is achieved by the application calling
541   * SubmitExplicitTimingData immediately before its first submission to the Vulkan/D3D12 queue.
542   * This is more accurate because normally this GPU timestamp is recorded during WaitGetPoses.  In D3D11,
543   * WaitGetPoses queues a GPU timestamp write, but it does not actually get submitted to the GPU until the
544   * application flushes.  By using SubmitExplicitTimingData, the timestamp is recorded at the same place for
545   * Vulkan/D3D12 as it is for D3D11, resulting in a more accurate GPU time measurement for the frame.
546   *
547   * Avoiding WaitGetPoses accessing the Vulkan queue can be achieved using SetExplicitTimingMode as well.  If this is desired,
548   * the application should set the timing mode to Explicit_ApplicationPerformsPostPresentHandoff and *MUST* call PostPresentHandoff
549   * itself. If these conditions are met, then WaitGetPoses is guaranteed not to access the queue.  Note that PostPresentHandoff
550   * and SubmitExplicitTimingData will access the queue, so only WaitGetPoses becomes safe for accessing the queue from another
551   * thread. */
SetExplicitTimingMode(EVRCompositorTimingMode eTimingMode)552   virtual void SetExplicitTimingMode( EVRCompositorTimingMode eTimingMode ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
554   /** [ Vulkan/D3D12 Only ]
555   * Submit explicit timing data.  When SetExplicitTimingMode is true, this must be called immediately before
556   * the application's first vkQueueSubmit (Vulkan) or ID3D12CommandQueue::ExecuteCommandLists (D3D12) of each frame.
557   * This function will insert a GPU timestamp write just before the application starts its rendering.  This function
558   * will perform a vkQueueSubmit on Vulkan so must not be done simultaneously with VkQueue operations on another thread.
559   * Returns VRCompositorError_RequestFailed if SetExplicitTimingMode is not enabled. */
SubmitExplicitTimingData()560   virtual EVRCompositorError SubmitExplicitTimingData() { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
561 };
563 class VRInputStub: public IVRInput {
564 public:
566   // ---------------  Handle management   --------------- //
568   /** Sets the path to the action manifest JSON file that is used by this application. If this information
569   * was set on the Steam partner site, calls to this function are ignored. If the Steam partner site
570   * setting and the path provided by this call are different, VRInputError_MismatchedActionManifest is returned.
571   * This call must be made before the first call to UpdateActionState or IVRSystem::PollNextEvent. */
SetActionManifestPath(const char * pchActionManifestPath)572   virtual EVRInputError SetActionManifestPath( const char *pchActionManifestPath ) { return VRInputError_None; }
574   /** Returns a handle for an action set. This handle is used for all performance-sensitive calls. */
GetActionSetHandle(const char * pchActionSetName,VRActionSetHandle_t * pHandle)575   virtual EVRInputError GetActionSetHandle( const char *pchActionSetName, VRActionSetHandle_t *pHandle ) { *pHandle = (VRActionSetHandle_t)0xFACEFACE; return VRInputError_None; }
577   /** Returns a handle for an action. This handle is used for all performance-sensitive calls. */
GetActionHandle(const char * pchActionName,VRActionHandle_t * pHandle)578   virtual EVRInputError GetActionHandle( const char *pchActionName, VRActionHandle_t *pHandle ) { *pHandle = (VRActionHandle_t)0xFACEFACE; return VRInputError_None; }
580   /** Returns a handle for any path in the input system. E.g. /user/hand/right */
GetInputSourceHandle(const char * pchInputSourcePath,VRInputValueHandle_t * pHandle)581   virtual EVRInputError GetInputSourceHandle( const char *pchInputSourcePath, VRInputValueHandle_t  *pHandle ) { *pHandle = (VRInputValueHandle_t)0xFACEFACE; return VRInputError_None; }
583   // --------------- Reading action state ------------------- //
585   /** Reads the current state into all actions. After this call, the results of Get*Action calls
586   * will be the same until the next call to UpdateActionState. */
UpdateActionState(VR_ARRAY_COUNT (unSetCount)VRActiveActionSet_t * pSets,uint32_t unSizeOfVRSelectedActionSet_t,uint32_t unSetCount)587   virtual EVRInputError UpdateActionState( VR_ARRAY_COUNT( unSetCount ) VRActiveActionSet_t *pSets, uint32_t unSizeOfVRSelectedActionSet_t, uint32_t unSetCount ) { return VRInputError_None; }
589   /** Reads the state of a digital action given its handle. This will return VRInputError_WrongType if the type of
590   * action is something other than digital */
591   virtual EVRInputError GetDigitalActionData( VRActionHandle_t action, InputDigitalActionData_t *pActionData, uint32_t unActionDataSize, VRInputValueHandle_t ulRestrictToDevice );
593   /** Reads the state of an analog action given its handle. This will return VRInputError_WrongType if the type of
594   * action is something other than analog */
595   virtual EVRInputError GetAnalogActionData( VRActionHandle_t action, InputAnalogActionData_t *pActionData, uint32_t unActionDataSize, VRInputValueHandle_t ulRestrictToDevice );
597   /** Reads the state of a pose action given its handle. */
598   virtual EVRInputError GetPoseActionData( VRActionHandle_t action, ETrackingUniverseOrigin eOrigin, float fPredictedSecondsFromNow, InputPoseActionData_t *pActionData, uint32_t unActionDataSize, VRInputValueHandle_t ulRestrictToDevice );
600   /** Reads the state of a skeletal action given its handle. */
GetSkeletalActionData(VRActionHandle_t action,InputSkeletalActionData_t * pActionData,uint32_t unActionDataSize,VRInputValueHandle_t ulRestrictToDevice)601   virtual EVRInputError GetSkeletalActionData( VRActionHandle_t action, InputSkeletalActionData_t *pActionData, uint32_t unActionDataSize, VRInputValueHandle_t ulRestrictToDevice ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
603   // --------------- Skeletal Bone Data ------------------- //
605   /** Reads the state of the skeletal bone data associated with this action and copies it into the given buffer. */
GetSkeletalBoneData(VRActionHandle_t action,EVRSkeletalTransformSpace eTransformSpace,EVRSkeletalMotionRange eMotionRange,VR_ARRAY_COUNT (unTransformArrayCount)VRBoneTransform_t * pTransformArray,uint32_t unTransformArrayCount,VRInputValueHandle_t ulRestrictToDevice)606   virtual EVRInputError GetSkeletalBoneData( VRActionHandle_t action, EVRSkeletalTransformSpace eTransformSpace, EVRSkeletalMotionRange eMotionRange, VR_ARRAY_COUNT( unTransformArrayCount ) VRBoneTransform_t *pTransformArray, uint32_t unTransformArrayCount, VRInputValueHandle_t ulRestrictToDevice ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
608   /** Reads the state of the skeletal bone data in a compressed form that is suitable for
609   * sending over the network. The required buffer size will never exceed ( sizeof(VR_BoneTransform_t)*boneCount + 2).
610   * Usually the size will be much smaller. */
GetSkeletalBoneDataCompressed(VRActionHandle_t action,EVRSkeletalTransformSpace eTransformSpace,EVRSkeletalMotionRange eMotionRange,VR_OUT_BUFFER_COUNT (unCompressedSize)void * pvCompressedData,uint32_t unCompressedSize,uint32_t * punRequiredCompressedSize,VRInputValueHandle_t ulRestrictToDevice)611   virtual EVRInputError GetSkeletalBoneDataCompressed( VRActionHandle_t action, EVRSkeletalTransformSpace eTransformSpace, EVRSkeletalMotionRange eMotionRange, VR_OUT_BUFFER_COUNT( unCompressedSize ) void *pvCompressedData, uint32_t unCompressedSize, uint32_t *punRequiredCompressedSize, VRInputValueHandle_t ulRestrictToDevice ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
613   /** Turns a compressed buffer from GetSkeletalBoneDataCompressed and turns it back into a bone transform array. */
DecompressSkeletalBoneData(void * pvCompressedBuffer,uint32_t unCompressedBufferSize,EVRSkeletalTransformSpace * peTransformSpace,VR_ARRAY_COUNT (unTransformArrayCount)VRBoneTransform_t * pTransformArray,uint32_t unTransformArrayCount)614   virtual EVRInputError DecompressSkeletalBoneData( void *pvCompressedBuffer, uint32_t unCompressedBufferSize, EVRSkeletalTransformSpace *peTransformSpace, VR_ARRAY_COUNT( unTransformArrayCount ) VRBoneTransform_t *pTransformArray, uint32_t unTransformArrayCount ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
616   // --------------- Haptics ------------------- //
618   /** Triggers a haptic event as described by the specified action */
TriggerHapticVibrationAction(VRActionHandle_t action,float fStartSecondsFromNow,float fDurationSeconds,float fFrequency,float fAmplitude,VRInputValueHandle_t ulRestrictToDevice)619   virtual EVRInputError TriggerHapticVibrationAction( VRActionHandle_t action, float fStartSecondsFromNow, float fDurationSeconds, float fFrequency, float fAmplitude, VRInputValueHandle_t ulRestrictToDevice ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
621   // --------------- Action Origins ---------------- //
623   /** Retrieve origin handles for an action */
GetActionOrigins(VRActionSetHandle_t actionSetHandle,VRActionHandle_t digitalActionHandle,VR_ARRAY_COUNT (originOutCount)VRInputValueHandle_t * originsOut,uint32_t originOutCount)624   virtual EVRInputError GetActionOrigins( VRActionSetHandle_t actionSetHandle, VRActionHandle_t digitalActionHandle, VR_ARRAY_COUNT( originOutCount ) VRInputValueHandle_t *originsOut, uint32_t originOutCount ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
626   /** Retrieves the name of the origin in the current language */
GetOriginLocalizedName(VRInputValueHandle_t origin,VR_OUT_STRING ()char * pchNameArray,uint32_t unNameArraySize)627   virtual EVRInputError GetOriginLocalizedName( VRInputValueHandle_t origin, VR_OUT_STRING() char *pchNameArray, uint32_t unNameArraySize ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
629   /** Retrieves useful information for the origin of this action */
GetOriginTrackedDeviceInfo(VRInputValueHandle_t origin,InputOriginInfo_t * pOriginInfo,uint32_t unOriginInfoSize)630   virtual EVRInputError GetOriginTrackedDeviceInfo( VRInputValueHandle_t origin, InputOriginInfo_t *pOriginInfo, uint32_t unOriginInfoSize ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
632   /** Shows the current binding for the action in-headset */
ShowActionOrigins(VRActionSetHandle_t actionSetHandle,VRActionHandle_t ulActionHandle)633   virtual EVRInputError ShowActionOrigins( VRActionSetHandle_t actionSetHandle, VRActionHandle_t ulActionHandle ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
635   /** Shows the current binding all the actions in the specified action sets */
ShowBindingsForActionSet(VR_ARRAY_COUNT (unSetCount)VRActiveActionSet_t * pSets,uint32_t unSizeOfVRSelectedActionSet_t,uint32_t unSetCount,VRInputValueHandle_t originToHighlight)636   virtual EVRInputError ShowBindingsForActionSet( VR_ARRAY_COUNT( unSetCount ) VRActiveActionSet_t *pSets, uint32_t unSizeOfVRSelectedActionSet_t, uint32_t unSetCount, VRInputValueHandle_t originToHighlight ) { VRSTUB_NOT_IMPLEMENTED }
637 };
640 } // stub
641 } // vr
643 #endif /* _H_OpenVRStub */