1 /*
2  * Copyright © 2003-2019 Dynare Team
3  *
4  * This file is part of Dynare.
5  *
6  * Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9  * (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with Dynare.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18  */
23 #ifdef _MACRO_DRIVER_HH
24 # error Impossible to include both ParsingDriver.hh and macro/Driver.hh
25 #endif
27 #include <string>
28 #include <vector>
29 #include <istream>
30 #include <stack>
32 #include "ModFile.hh"
33 #include "SymbolList.hh"
35 class ParsingDriver;
36 #include "ExprNode.hh"
37 #include "DynareBison.hh"
39 #include "ComputingTasks.hh"
40 #include "Shocks.hh"
41 #include "SigmaeInitialization.hh"
42 #include "NumericalInitialization.hh"
43 #include "DynamicModel.hh"
45 using namespace std;
47 // Declare DynareFlexLexer class
48 #ifndef __FLEX_LEXER_H
49 # define yyFlexLexer DynareFlexLexer
50 # include <FlexLexer.h>
51 # undef yyFlexLexer
52 #endif
54 //! The lexer class
55 /*! Actually it was necessary to subclass the DynareFlexLexer class generated by Flex,
56   since the prototype for DynareFlexLexer::yylex() was not convenient.
57 */
58 class DynareFlex : public DynareFlexLexer
59 {
60 public:
61   DynareFlex(istream *in = nullptr, ostream *out = nullptr);
63   DynareFlex(const DynareFlex &) = delete;
64   DynareFlex(DynareFlex &&) = delete;
65   DynareFlex &operator=(const DynareFlex &) = delete;
66   DynareFlex &operator=(DynareFlex &&) = delete;
68   //! The main lexing function
69   Dynare::parser::token_type lex(Dynare::parser::semantic_type *yylval,
70                                  Dynare::parser::location_type *yylloc,
71                                  ParsingDriver &driver);
73   //! The filename being parsed
74   /*! The bison parser locations (begin and end) contain a pointer to that string */
75   string filename;
77   //! Increment the location counter given a token
78   void location_increment(Dynare::parser::location_type *yylloc, const char *yytext);
80   //! Count parens in dates statement
81   int dates_parens_nb;
82 };
84 //! Drives the scanning and parsing of the .mod file, and constructs its abstract representation
85 /*! It is built along the guidelines given in Bison 2.3 manual. */
86 class ParsingDriver
87 {
88 private:
89   //! Checks that a given symbol exists, and stops with an error message if it doesn't
90   void check_symbol_existence(const string &name);
92   //! Checks that a given symbol exists and is a parameter, and stops with an error message if it isn't
93   void check_symbol_is_parameter(const string &name);
95   //! Checks that a given symbol was assigned within a Statement
96   void check_symbol_is_statement_variable(const string &name);
98   //! Checks that a given symbol exists and is a endogenous or exogenous, and stops with an error message if it isn't
99   void check_symbol_is_endogenous_or_exogenous(const string &name);
101   //! Checks that a given symbol exists and is a endogenous, and stops with an error message if it isn't
102   void check_symbol_is_endogenous(const string &name);
104   //! Checks that a given symbol exists and is a exogenous, and stops with an error message if it isn't
105   void check_symbol_is_exogenous(const string &name);
107   //! Checks for symbol existence in model block. If it doesn't exist, an error message is stored to be printed at
108   //! the end of the model block
109   void check_symbol_existence_in_model_block(const string &name);
111   //! Helper to add a symbol declaration
112   void declare_symbol(const string &name, SymbolType type, const string &tex_name, const vector<pair<string, string>> &partition_value);
114   //! Creates option "optim_opt" in OptionsList if it doesn't exist, else add a comma, and adds the option name
115   void optim_options_helper(const string &name);
116   void sampling_options_helper(const string &name);
118   //! Stores temporary symbol table
119   SymbolList symbol_list;
121   //! Temporary store for the planner objective
122   unique_ptr<StaticModel> planner_objective;
124   //! The data tree in which to add expressions currently parsed
125   /*! The object pointed to is not owned by the parsing driver. It is essentially a
126       reference. */
127   DataTree *data_tree;
129   //! The model tree in which to add expressions currently parsed
130   /*! It is only a dynamic cast of data_tree pointer, and is therefore null if data_tree is not a ModelTree instance */
131   ModelTree *model_tree;
133   //! The dynamic model tree in which to add expressions currently parsed
134   /*! It is only a dynamic cast of data_tree pointer, and is therefore null if data_tree is not a DynamicModel instance */
135   DynamicModel *dynamic_model;
137   //! Sets data_tree and model_tree pointers
138   void set_current_data_tree(DataTree *data_tree_arg);
140   //! Stores options lists
141   OptionsList options_list;
142   //! Temporary storage for trend elements
143   ObservationTrendsStatement::trend_elements_t trend_elements;
144   //! Temporary storage for filename list of ModelComparison (contains weights)
145   ModelComparisonStatement::filename_list_t filename_list;
146   //! Temporary storage for list of EstimationParams (from estimated_params* statements)
147   vector<EstimationParams> estim_params_list;
148   //! Temporary storage for list of OsrParams (from osr_params_block statements)
149   vector<OsrParams> osr_params_list;
150   //! Temporary storage of variances from optim_weights
151   OptimWeightsStatement::var_weights_t var_weights;
152   //! Temporary storage of covariances from optim_weights
153   OptimWeightsStatement::covar_weights_t covar_weights;
154   //! Temporary storage for deterministic shocks
155   ShocksStatement::det_shocks_t det_shocks;
156   //! Temporary storage for periods of deterministic shocks
157   vector<pair<int, int>> det_shocks_periods;
158   //! Temporary storage for values of deterministic shocks
159   vector<expr_t> det_shocks_values;
160   //! Temporary storage for variances of shocks
161   ShocksStatement::var_and_std_shocks_t var_shocks;
162   //! Temporary storage for standard errors of shocks
163   ShocksStatement::var_and_std_shocks_t std_shocks;
164   //! Temporary storage for covariances of shocks
165   ShocksStatement::covar_and_corr_shocks_t covar_shocks;
166   //! Temporary storage for correlations of shocks
167   ShocksStatement::covar_and_corr_shocks_t corr_shocks;
168   //! Temporary storage for Sigma_e rows
169   SigmaeStatement::row_t sigmae_row;
170   //! Temporary storage for Sigma_e matrix
171   SigmaeStatement::matrix_t sigmae_matrix;
172   //! Temporary storage for initval/endval blocks
173   InitOrEndValStatement::init_values_t init_values;
174   //! Temporary storage for histval blocks
175   HistValStatement::hist_values_t hist_values;
176   //! Temporary storage for homotopy_setup blocks
177   HomotopyStatement::homotopy_values_t homotopy_values;
178   //! Temporary storage for moment_calibration
179   MomentCalibration::constraints_t moment_calibration_constraints;
180   //! Temporary storage for irf_calibration
181   IrfCalibration::constraints_t irf_calibration_constraints;
182   //! Temporary storage for ramsey_constraints
183   RamseyConstraintsStatement::constraints_t ramsey_constraints;
184   //! Temporary storage for svar_identification blocks
185   SvarIdentificationStatement::svar_identification_restrictions_t svar_ident_restrictions;
186   //! Temporary storage for mapping the equation number to the restrictions within an svar_identification block
187   map<int, vector<int>> svar_equation_restrictions;
188   //! Temporary storage for restrictions in an equation within an svar_identification block
189   vector<int> svar_restriction_symbols;
190   //! Temporary storage for constants exculsion within an svar_identification
191   bool svar_constants_exclusion;
192   //! Temporary storage for upper cholesky within an svar_identification block
193   bool svar_upper_cholesky;
194   //! Temporary storage for lower cholesky within an svar_identification block
195   bool svar_lower_cholesky;
196   //! Temporary storage for equation number for a restriction within an svar_identification block
197   int svar_equation_nbr;
198   //! Temporary storage for left/right handside of a restriction equation within an svar_identificaton block
199   bool svar_left_handside;
200   //! Temporary storage for current restriction number in svar_identification block
201   map<int, int> svar_Qi_restriction_nbr;
202   map<int, int> svar_Ri_restriction_nbr;
203   //! Stores undeclared model variables
204   set<string> undeclared_model_vars;
205   //! Temporary storage for restriction type
206   enum class SvarRestrictionType
207     {
208      NOT_SET,
209      Qi_TYPE,
210      Ri_TYPE
211     };
212   SvarRestrictionType svar_restriction_type;
213   //! Temporary storage for generate_irfs
214   vector<string> generate_irf_names;
215   vector<map<string, double>> generate_irf_elements;
216   map<string, double> generate_irf_exos;
217   //! Temporary storage for argument list of external function
218   stack<vector<expr_t>> stack_external_function_args;
219   //! Temporary storage for parameters in joint prior statement
220   vector<string> joint_parameters;
221   //! Temporary storage for the symb_id associated with the "name" symbol of the current external_function statement
222   int current_external_function_id;
223   //! Temporary storage for option list provided to external_function()
224   ExternalFunctionsTable::external_function_options current_external_function_options;
225   //! Temporary storage for declaring trend variables
226   vector<int> declared_trend_vars;
227   //! Temporary storage for declaring nonstationary variables
228   vector<int> declared_nonstationary_vars;
229   //! Temporary storage for a variance declared in the prior statement
230   expr_t prior_variance;
231   SubsamplesStatement::subsample_declaration_map_t subsample_declaration_map;
232   //! Temporary storage for subsample statement: map<pair<var_name1, var_name2>>, subsample_declaration_map >
233   using subsample_declarations_t = map<pair<string, string >, SubsamplesStatement::subsample_declaration_map_t >;
234   subsample_declarations_t subsample_declarations;
235   //! Temporary storage for shock_groups
236   vector<string> shock_group;
237   vector<ShockGroupsStatement::Group> shock_groups;
238   //! Temporary storage for init2shocks
239   vector<pair<int, int>> init2shocks;
240   /* Temporary storage for planner_discount and planner_discount_latex_name
241      options of ramsey_model and ramsey_policy */
242   expr_t planner_discount{nullptr};
243   string planner_discount_latex_name;
244   //! reset the values for temporary storage
245   void reset_current_external_function_options();
246   //! Adds a model lagged variable to ModelTree and VariableTable
247   expr_t add_model_variable(int symb_id, int lag);
248   //! For parsing the graph_format option
249   SymbolList graph_formats;
250   //! Temporary storage for equation tags
251   vector<pair<string, string>> eq_tags;
253   //! Map Var name to variables
254   map<string, vector<string>> var_map;
256   //! The mod file representation constructed by this ParsingDriver
257   unique_ptr<ModFile> mod_file;
259   WarningConsolidation &warnings;
261   //! Temporary storage for growth declared in pac_model
262   expr_t pac_growth;
263   double pac_steady_state_growth_rate_number = -1;
264   int pac_steady_state_growth_rate_symb_id = -1;
266   bool nostrict;
268   vector<pair<string, string>> model_errors;
269   vector<pair<string, string>> undeclared_model_variable_errors;
271   //! Used by VAR restrictions
272   void clear_VAR_storage();
274   //! True when parsing the epilogue block
275   bool parsing_epilogue{false};
277   //! True when parsing pac_model statement
278   bool parsing_pac_model{false};
280 public:
ParsingDriver(WarningConsolidation & warnings_arg,bool nostrict_arg)281   ParsingDriver(WarningConsolidation &warnings_arg, bool nostrict_arg) :
282     warnings{warnings_arg}, nostrict{nostrict_arg}
283   {
284   };
286   ParsingDriver(const ParsingDriver &) = delete;
287   ParsingDriver(ParsingDriver &&) = delete;
288   ParsingDriver &operator=(const ParsingDriver &) = delete;
289   ParsingDriver &operator=(ParsingDriver &&) = delete;
291   //! Starts parsing, and constructs the MOD file representation
292   unique_ptr<ModFile> parse(istream &in, bool debug);
294   //! Reference to the lexer
295   unique_ptr<DynareFlex> lexer;
297   //! Copy of parsing location, maintained by YYLLOC_DEFAULT macro in DynareBison.yy
298   Dynare::parser::location_type location;
300   //! Estimation parameters
301   EstimationParams estim_params;
303   //! OSR parameters
304   OsrParams osr_params;
306   //! Temporary storage for the prior shape
307   PriorDistributions prior_shape;
309   //! VAR restrictions
310   //! > exclusion restrictions
311   map<int, SymbolList> exclusion_restriction;
312   map<int, map<int, SymbolList>> exclusion_restrictions;
313   //! > equation and crossequation restrictions
314   pair<int, pair<int, int>> var_restriction_coeff;
315   using var_restriction_eq_crosseq_t = pair<pair<int, pair<int, int>>, expr_t>;
316   vector<var_restriction_eq_crosseq_t> var_restriction_eq_or_crosseq;
317   pair<pair<var_restriction_eq_crosseq_t, var_restriction_eq_crosseq_t>, double> var_restriction_equation_or_crossequation;
318   map<int, pair<pair<var_restriction_eq_crosseq_t, var_restriction_eq_crosseq_t>, double>> equation_restrictions;
319   vector<pair<pair<var_restriction_eq_crosseq_t, var_restriction_eq_crosseq_t>, double>> crossequation_restrictions;
320   //! > covariance restrictions
321   map<pair<int, int>, double> covariance_number_restriction;
322   map<pair<int, int>, pair<int, int>> covariance_pair_restriction;
324   //! Temporary storage for "expression" option of VAR_EXPECTATION_MODEL
325   expr_t var_expectation_model_expression{nullptr};
326   //! Temporary storage for discount option of VAR_EXPECTATION_MODEL
327   expr_t var_expectation_model_discount{nullptr};
329   //! Error handler with explicit location
330   void error(const Dynare::parser::location_type &l, const string &m) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
331   //! Error handler using saved location
332   void error(const string &m) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
333   //! Warning handler using saved location
334   void warning(const string &m);
336   //! Error handler with explicit location (used in model block, accumulating error messages to be printed later)
337   void model_error(const string &m, const string &var);
338   void undeclared_model_variable_error(const string &m, const string &var);
340   //! Code shared between model_error() and error()
341   void create_error_string(const Dynare::parser::location_type &l, const string &m, const string &var);
342   void create_error_string(const Dynare::parser::location_type &l, const string &m, ostream &stream);
344   //! Check if a given symbol exists in the parsing context, and is not a mod file local variable
345   bool symbol_exists_and_is_not_modfile_local_or_external_function(const string &s);
346   //! Sets mode of ModelTree class to use C output
347   void use_dll();
348   //! the modelis block decomposed
349   void block();
350   //! the model is decomposed according to the linearity of its equations
351   void linear_decomposition();
353   //! the model is stored in a binary file
354   void byte_code();
355   //! the static model is not computed
356   void no_static();
357   //! the differentiate_forward_vars option is enabled (for all vars)
358   void differentiate_forward_vars_all();
359   //! the differentiate_forward_vars option is enabled (for a subset of vars)
360   void differentiate_forward_vars_some();
361   //! cutoff option of model block
362   void cutoff(const string &value);
363   //! mfs option of model block
364   void mfs(const string &value);
365   //! the flags to substitute for the default compiler flags used by `use_dll`
366   void compilation_setup_substitute_flags(const string &flags);
367   //! the flags to add to the default compiler flags used by `use_dll`
368   void compilation_setup_add_flags(const string &flags);
369   //! the libs to substitute for the default compiler libs used by `use_dll`
370   void compilation_setup_substitute_libs(const string &libs);
371   //! the libs to add to the default compiler libs used by `use_dll`
372   void compilation_setup_add_libs(const string &libs);
373   //! the compiler to replace the default compiler used by `use_dll`
374   void compilation_setup_compiler(const string &path);
375   //! balanced_growth_test_tol option of model block
376   void balanced_growth_test_tol(const string &value);
377   //! Sets the FILENAME for the initial value in initval
378   void initval_file(const string &filename);
379   //! Declares an endogenous variable
380   void declare_endogenous(const string &name, const string &tex_name = "", const vector<pair<string, string>> &partition_value = {});
381   //! Declares an exogenous variable
382   void declare_exogenous(const string &name, const string &tex_name = "", const vector<pair<string, string>> &partition_value = {});
383   //! Declares an exogenous deterministic variable
384   void declare_exogenous_det(const string &name, const string &tex_name = "", const vector<pair<string, string>> &partition_value = {});
385   //! Declares a parameter
386   void declare_parameter(const string &name, const string &tex_name = "", const vector<pair<string, string>> &partition_value = {});
387   //! Declares a VAR variable and adds to symbol_list
388   void declare_var_endogenous(const string &name);
389   //! Declares a model local variable
390   void declare_model_local_variable(const string &name, const string &tex_name = "");
391   //! Declares a statement local variable
392   void declare_statement_local_variable(const string &name);
393   //! Completes a subsample statement
394   void set_subsamples(string name1, string name2);
395   //! Declares a subsample, assigning the value to name
396   void set_subsample_name_equal_to_date_range(string name, string date1, string date2);
397   //! Checks that a subsample statement (and given name) were provided for the pair name1 & name2
398   void check_subsample_declaration_exists(const string &name1, const string &subsample_name);
399   void check_subsample_declaration_exists(const string &name1, const string &name2, const string &subsample_name);
400   //! Copies the set of subsamples from_name to_name
401   void copy_subsamples(string to_name1, string to_name2, string from_name1, string from_name2);
402   //! Sets the value of the planner_discount option of ramsey_{model,policy}
403   void set_planner_discount(expr_t value);
404   //! Sets the value of the planner_discount_latex_name option of ramsey_model
405   void set_planner_discount_latex_name(string tex_name);
406   //! Adds a predetermined_variable
407   void add_predetermined_variable(const string &name);
408   //! Declares and initializes a local parameter
409   void declare_and_init_model_local_variable(const string &name, expr_t rhs);
410   //! Changes type of a symbol
411   void change_type(SymbolType new_type, const vector<string> &var_list);
412   //! Adds a list of tags for the current equation
413   void add_equation_tags(string key, string value);
414   //! Adds a non-negative constant to DataTree
415   expr_t add_non_negative_constant(const string &constant);
416   //! Adds a NaN constant to DataTree
417   expr_t add_nan_constant();
418   //! Adds an Inf constant to DataTree
419   expr_t add_inf_constant();
420   //! Adds a model variable to ModelTree and VariableTable
421   expr_t add_model_variable(const string &name);
422   //! Declares a variable of type new_type OR changes a variable in the equations to type new_type
423   //! and removes any error messages that may have been issued in model_errors
424   expr_t declare_or_change_type(SymbolType new_type, const string &name);
425   //! Adds an Expression's variable
426   expr_t add_expression_variable(const string &name);
427   //! Adds a "periods" statement
428   void periods(const string &periods);
429   //! Adds a "dsample" statement
430   void dsample(const string &arg1);
431   //! Adds a "dsample" statement
432   void dsample(const string &arg1, const string &arg2);
433   //! Writes parameter intitialisation expression
434   void init_param(const string &name, expr_t rhs);
435   //! Writes an initval block
436   void init_val(const string &name, expr_t rhs);
437   //! Writes an histval block
438   void hist_val(const string &name, const string &lag, expr_t rhs);
439   //! Adds an entry in a homotopy_setup block
440   /*! Second argument "val1" can be NULL if no initial value provided */
441   void homotopy_val(const string &name, expr_t val1, expr_t val2);
442   //! Writes end of an initval block
443   void end_initval(bool all_values_required);
444   //! Writes end of an endval block
445   void end_endval(bool all_values_required);
446   //! Writes end of an histval block
447   void end_histval(bool all_values_required);
448   //! Writes end of an homotopy_setup block
449   void end_homotopy();
450   //! Begin epilogue block
451   void begin_epilogue();
452   //! End epilogue block
453   void end_epilogue();
454   //! Add epilogue variable
455   void add_epilogue_variable(const string &varname);
456   //! Add equation in epilogue block
457   void add_epilogue_equal(const string &varname, expr_t expr);
458   //! Begin a model block
459   void begin_model();
460   //! End a model block, printing errors that were encountered in parsing
461   void end_model();
462   //! Writes a shocks statement
463   void end_shocks(bool overwrite);
464   //! Writes a mshocks statement
465   void end_mshocks(bool overwrite);
466   //! Adds a deterministic shock or a path element inside a conditional_forecast_paths block
467   void add_det_shock(const string &var, bool conditional_forecast);
468   //! Adds a std error chock
469   void add_stderr_shock(const string &var, expr_t value);
470   //! Adds a variance chock
471   void add_var_shock(const string &var, expr_t value);
472   //! Adds a covariance chock
473   void add_covar_shock(const string &var1, const string &var2, expr_t value);
474   //! Adds a correlated chock
475   void add_correl_shock(const string &var1, const string &var2, expr_t value);
476   //! Adds a shock period range
477   void add_period(const string &p1, const string &p2);
478   //! Adds a shock period
479   void add_period(const string &p1);
480   //! Adds a deterministic shock value
481   void add_value(expr_t value);
482   //! Adds a deterministic shock value
483   /*! \param v a string containing a (possibly negative) numeric constant */
484   void add_value(const string &v);
485   //! Writes a Sigma_e block
486   void do_sigma_e();
487   //! Ends row of Sigma_e block
488   void end_of_row();
489   //! Adds a constant element to current row of Sigma_e
490   void add_to_row_const(const string &v);
491   //! Adds an expression element to current row of Sigma_e
492   void add_to_row(expr_t v);
493   //! Write a steady command
494   void steady();
495   //! Sets an option to a numerical value
496   void option_num(string name_option, string opt);
497   //! Sets an option to a numerical value
498   void option_num(string name_option, string opt1, string opt2);
499   //! Sets an option to a string value
500   void option_str(string name_option, string opt);
501   //! Sets an option to a date value
502   void option_date(string name_option, string opt);
503   //! Sets an option to a list of symbols (used in conjunction with add_in_symbol_list())
504   void option_symbol_list(string name_option);
505   //! Sets an option to a vector of integers
506   void option_vec_int(string name_option, vector<int> opt);
507   //! Sets an option to a vector of strings
508   void option_vec_str(string name_option, vector<string> opt);
509   //! Indicates that the model is linear
510   void linear();
511   //! Adds a variable to temporary symbol list
512   void add_in_symbol_list(const string &tmp_var);
513   //! Writes a rplot() command
514   void rplot();
515   //! Writes a stock_simul command
516   void stoch_simul();
517   //! Writes a trend component command
518   void trend_component_model();
519   //! Writes a var (vector autoregression) command
520   void var_model();
521   //! Writes a simul command
522   void simul();
523   //! Writes check command
524   void check();
525   //! Writes model_info command
526   void model_info();
527   //! Writes estimated params command
528   void estimated_params();
529   //! Writes estimated params init command
530   void estimated_params_init(bool use_calibration = false);
531   //! Writes estimated params bound command
532   void estimated_params_bounds();
533   //! Adds a declaration for a user-defined external function
534   void external_function();
535   //! Sets an external_function option to a string value
536   void external_function_option(const string &name_option, const string &opt);
537   //! Add a line in an estimated params block
538   void add_estimated_params_element();
539   //! Writes osr params bounds command
540   void osr_params_bounds();
541   //! Add a line in an osr params block
542   void add_osr_params_element();
543   //! Sets the frequency of the data
544   void set_time(const string &arg);
545   //! Estimation Data
546   void estimation_data();
547   //! Sets the prior for a parameter
548   void set_prior(const string &name, const string &subsample_name);
549   //! Sets the joint prior for a set of parameters
550   void set_joint_prior(const vector<string> &symbol_vec);
551   //! Adds a parameters to the list of joint parameters
552   void add_joint_parameter(string name);
553   //! Adds the variance option to its temporary holding place
554   void set_prior_variance(expr_t variance = nullptr);
555   //! Copies the prior from_name to_name
556   void copy_prior(const string &to_declaration_type, const string &to_name1, const string &to_name2, const string &to_subsample_name,
557                   const string &from_declaration_type, const string &from_name1, const string &from_name2, const string &from_subsample_name);
558   //! Sets the options for a parameter
559   void set_options(const string &name, const string &subsample_name);
560   //! Copies the options from_name to_name
561   void copy_options(const string &to_declaration_type, const string &to_name1, const string &to_name2, const string &to_subsample_name,
562                     const string &from_declaration_type, const string &from_name1, const string &from_name2, const string &from_subsample_name);
563   //! Sets the prior for estimated std dev
564   void set_std_prior(const string &name, const string &subsample_name);
565   //! Sets the options for estimated std dev
566   void set_std_options(const string &name, const string &subsample_name);
567   //! Sets the prior for estimated correlation
568   void set_corr_prior(const string &name1, const string &name2, const string &subsample_name);
569   //! Sets the options for estimated correlation
570   void set_corr_options(const string &name1, const string &name2, const string &subsample_name);
571   //! Runs estimation process
572   void run_estimation();
573   //! Runs dynare_sensitivy()
574   void dynare_sensitivity();
575   //! Adds an optimization option (string value)
576   void optim_options_string(const string &name, const string &value);
577   //! Adds an optimization option (numeric value)
578   void optim_options_num(const string &name, const string &value);
579   //! Adds an sampling option (string value)
580   void sampling_options_string(const string &name, const string &value);
581   //! Adds an sampling option (numeric value)
582   void sampling_options_num(const string &name, const string &value);
583   //! Adds an sampling option (vec_str value)
584   void sampling_options_vec_str(const string &name, vector<string> value);
585   //! Check that no observed variable has yet be defined
586   void check_varobs();
587   //! Add a new observed variable
588   void add_varobs(const string &name);
589   //! Check that no observed exogenous variable has yet be defined
590   void check_varexobs();
591   //! Add a new observed exogenous variable
592   void add_varexobs(const string &name);
593   //! Svar_Identification Statement
594   void begin_svar_identification();
595   void end_svar_identification();
596   //! Svar_Identification Statement: match list of restrictions and equation number with lag
597   void combine_lag_and_restriction(const string &lag);
598   //! Svar_Identification Statement: match list of restrictions with equation number
599   void add_restriction_in_equation(const string &equation);
600   //! Svar_Identification Statement: add list of restriction symbol ids
601   void add_in_svar_restriction_symbols(const string &tmp_var);
602   //! Svar_Identification Statement: add exclusions of constants
603   void add_constants_exclusion();
604   //! Svar_Identification Statement: add equation number for following restriction equations
605   void add_restriction_equation_nbr(const string &eq_nbr);
606   //! Svar_Identification Statement: record presence of equal sign
607   void add_restriction_equal();
608   //! Svar_Idenditification Statement: add coefficient of a linear restriction (positive value)
609   void add_positive_restriction_element(expr_t value, const string &variable, const string &lag);
610   //! Svar_Idenditification Statement: add unit coefficient of a linear restriction
611   void add_positive_restriction_element(const string &variable, const string &lag);
612   //! Svar_Idenditification Statement: add coefficient of a linear restriction (negative value)
613   void add_negative_restriction_element(expr_t value, const string &variable, const string &lag);
614   //! Svar_Idenditification Statement: add negative unit coefficient of a linear restriction
615   void add_negative_restriction_element(const string &variable, const string &lag);
616   //! Svar_Idenditification Statement: add restriction element
617   void add_restriction_element(expr_t value, const string &variable, const string &lag);
618   //! Svar_Identification Statement: check that restriction is homogenous
619   void check_restriction_expression_constant(expr_t value);
620   //! Svar_Identification Statement: restriction of form upper cholesky
621   void add_upper_cholesky();
622   //! Svar_Identification Statement: restriction of form lower cholesky
623   void add_lower_cholesky();
624   //! Svar_Global_Identification_Check Statement
625   void add_svar_global_identification_check();
626   //! generate_irfs Block
627   void end_generate_irfs();
628   void add_generate_irfs_element(string name);
629   void add_generate_irfs_exog_element(string exo, const string &value);
630   //! Forecast Statement
631   void forecast();
632   void set_trends();
633   void set_trend_element(string arg1, expr_t arg2);
634   void set_unit_root_vars();
635   void optim_weights();
636   void set_optim_weights(string name, expr_t value);
637   void set_optim_weights(const string &name1, const string &name2, expr_t value);
638   void set_osr_params();
639   void run_osr();
640   void run_dynasave(const string &filename);
641   void run_dynatype(const string &filename);
642   void run_load_params_and_steady_state(const string &filename);
643   void run_save_params_and_steady_state(const string &filename);
644   void run_identification();
645   void add_mc_filename(string filename, string prior = "1");
646   void run_model_comparison();
647   //! Begin a planner_objective statement
648   void begin_planner_objective();
649   //! End a planner objective statement
650   void end_planner_objective(expr_t expr);
651   //! Ramsey model statement
652   void ramsey_model();
653   //! Ramsey constraints statement
654   void add_ramsey_constraints_statement();
655   //! Ramsey less constraint
656   void ramsey_constraint_add_less(const string &name, const expr_t rhs);
657   //! Ramsey greater constraint
658   void ramsey_constraint_add_greater(const string &name, const expr_t rhs);
659   //! Ramsey less or equal constraint
660   void ramsey_constraint_add_less_equal(const string &name, const expr_t rhs);
661   //! Ramsey greater or equal constraint
662   void ramsey_constraint_add_greater_equal(const string &name, const expr_t rhs);
663   //! Ramsey constraint helper function
664   void add_ramsey_constraint(const string &name, BinaryOpcode op_code, const expr_t rhs);
665   //! Ramsey policy statement
666   void ramsey_policy();
667   //! Evaluate Planner Objective
668   void evaluate_planner_objective();
669   //! Discretionary policy statement
670   void discretionary_policy();
671   //! Adds a write_latex_dynamic_model statement
672   void write_latex_dynamic_model(bool write_equation_tags);
673   //! Adds a write_latex_static_model statement
674   void write_latex_static_model(bool write_equation_tags);
675   //! Adds a write_latex_original_model statement
676   void write_latex_original_model(bool write_equation_tags);
677   //! Adds a write_latex_steady_state_model statement
678   void write_latex_steady_state_model();
679   //! BVAR marginal density
680   void bvar_density(const string &maxnlags);
681   //! BVAR forecast
682   void bvar_forecast(const string &nlags);
683   //! SBVAR statement
684   void sbvar();
685   //! Markov Switching Statement: Estimation
686   void ms_estimation();
687   //! Markov Switching Statement: Simulation
688   void ms_simulation();
689   //! Markov Switching Statement: MDD
690   void ms_compute_mdd();
691   //! Markov Switching Statement: Probabilities
692   void ms_compute_probabilities();
693   //! Markov Switching Statement: IRF
694   void ms_irf();
695   //! Markov Switching Statement: Forecast
696   void ms_forecast();
697   //! Markov Switching Statement: Variance Decomposition
698   void ms_variance_decomposition();
699   //! Svar statement
700   void svar();
701   //! MarkovSwitching statement
702   void markov_switching();
703   //! Shock decomposition
704   void shock_decomposition();
705   //! Realtime Shock decomposition
706   void realtime_shock_decomposition();
707   //! Plot Shock decomposition
708   void plot_shock_decomposition();
709   //! Initial Condition decomposition
710   void initial_condition_decomposition();
711   //! squeeze_shock_decomposition statement
712   void squeeze_shock_decomposition();
713   //! Conditional forecast statement
714   void conditional_forecast();
715   //! Conditional forecast paths block
716   void conditional_forecast_paths();
717   //! Plot conditional forecast statement
718   void plot_conditional_forecast(const string &periods = "");
719   //! Smoother on calibrated models
720   void calib_smoother();
721   //! Extended path
722   void extended_path();
723   //! Writes token "arg1=arg2" to model tree
724   expr_t add_model_equal(expr_t arg1, expr_t arg2);
725   //! Writes token "arg=0" to model tree
726   expr_t add_model_equal_with_zero_rhs(expr_t arg);
727   //! Writes token "arg1+arg2" to model tree
728   expr_t add_plus(expr_t arg1, expr_t arg2);
729   //! Writes token "arg1-arg2" to model tree
730   expr_t add_minus(expr_t arg1, expr_t arg2);
731   //! Writes token "-arg1" to model tree
732   expr_t add_uminus(expr_t arg1);
733   //! Writes token "arg1*arg2" to model tree
734   expr_t add_times(expr_t arg1, expr_t arg2);
735   //! Writes token "arg1/arg2" to model tree
736   expr_t add_divide(expr_t arg1, expr_t arg2);
737   //! Writes token "arg1<arg2" to model tree
738   expr_t add_less(expr_t arg1, expr_t arg2);
739   //! Writes token "arg1>arg2" to model treeexpr_t
740   expr_t add_greater(expr_t arg1, expr_t arg2);
741   //! Writes token "arg1<=arg2" to model treeexpr_t
742   expr_t add_less_equal(expr_t arg1, expr_t arg2);
743   //! Writes token "arg1>=arg2" to model treeexpr_t
744   expr_t add_greater_equal(expr_t arg1, expr_t arg2);
745   //! Writes token "arg1==arg2" to model treeexpr_texpr_t
746   expr_t add_equal_equal(expr_t arg1, expr_t arg2);
747   //! Writes token "arg1!=arg2" to model treeexpr_texpr_t
748   expr_t add_different(expr_t arg1, expr_t arg2);
749   //! Writes token "arg1^arg2" to model tree
750   expr_t add_power(expr_t arg1, expr_t arg2);
751   //! Writes token "E(arg1)(arg2)" to model tree
752   expr_t add_expectation(const string &arg1, expr_t arg2);
753   //! Writes token "VAR_EXPECTATION(model_name)" to model tree
754   expr_t add_var_expectation(const string &model_name);
755   //! Writes token "PAC_EXPECTATION(model_name, discount, growth)" to model tree
756   expr_t add_pac_expectation(const string &var_model_name);
757   //! Creates pac_model statement
758   void begin_pac_growth();
759   void begin_pac_model();
760   void pac_model();
761   //! Adds growth for pac
762   void set_pac_growth(expr_t pac_growth_arg);
763   //! Adds steady state growth for pac
764   void set_pac_steady_state_growth(const string &name_or_number);
765   //! Writes token "diff(arg1)" to model tree
766   expr_t add_diff(expr_t arg1);
767   //! Writes token "adl(arg1, lag)" to model tree
768   expr_t add_adl(expr_t arg1, const string &name, const string &lag);
769   expr_t add_adl(expr_t arg1, const string &name, const vector<int> &lags);
770   //! Writes token "exp(arg1)" to model tree
771   expr_t add_exp(expr_t arg1);
772   //! Writes token "log(arg1)" to model tree
773   expr_t add_log(expr_t arg1);
774   //! Writes token "log10(arg1)" to model tree
775   expr_t add_log10(expr_t arg1);
776   //! Writes token "cos(arg1)" to model tree
777   expr_t add_cos(expr_t arg1);
778   //! Writes token "sin(arg1)" to model tree
779   expr_t add_sin(expr_t arg1);
780   //! Writes token "tan(arg1)" to model tree
781   expr_t add_tan(expr_t arg1);
782   //! Writes token "acos(arg1)" to model tree
783   expr_t add_acos(expr_t arg1);
784   //! Writes token "asin(arg1)" to model tree
785   expr_t add_asin(expr_t arg1);
786   //! Writes token "atan(arg1)" to model tree
787   expr_t add_atan(expr_t arg1);
788   //! Writes token "cosh(arg1)" to model tree
789   expr_t add_cosh(expr_t arg1);
790   //! Writes token "sinh(arg1)" to model tree
791   expr_t add_sinh(expr_t arg1);
792   //! Writes token "tanh(arg1)" to model tree
793   expr_t add_tanh(expr_t arg1);
794   //! Writes token "acosh(arg1)" to model tree
795   expr_t add_acosh(expr_t arg1);
796   //! Writes token "asin(arg1)" to model tree
797   expr_t add_asinh(expr_t arg1);
798   //! Writes token "atanh(arg1)" to model tree
799   expr_t add_atanh(expr_t arg1);
800   //! Writes token "sqrt(arg1)" to model tree
801   expr_t add_sqrt(expr_t arg1);
802   //! Writes token "cbrt(arg1)" to model tree
803   expr_t add_cbrt(expr_t arg1);
804   //! Writes token "abs(arg1)" to model tree
805   expr_t add_abs(expr_t arg1);
806   //! Writes token "sign(arg1)" to model tree
807   expr_t add_sign(expr_t arg1);
808   //! Writes token "max(arg1,arg2)" to model tree
809   expr_t add_max(expr_t arg1, expr_t arg2);
810   //! Writes token "min(arg1,arg2)" to model tree
811   expr_t add_min(expr_t arg1, expr_t arg2);
812   //! Writes token "normcdf(arg1,arg2,arg3)" to model tree
813   expr_t add_normcdf(expr_t arg1, expr_t arg2, expr_t arg3);
814   //! Writes token "normcdf(arg,0,1)" to model tree
815   expr_t add_normcdf(expr_t arg);
816   //! Writes token "normpdf(arg1,arg2,arg3)" to model tree
817   expr_t add_normpdf(expr_t arg1, expr_t arg2, expr_t arg3);
818   //! Writes token "normpdf(arg,0,1)" to model tree
819   expr_t add_normpdf(expr_t arg);
820   //! Writes token "erf(arg)" to model tree
821   expr_t add_erf(expr_t arg);
822   //! Writes token "steadyState(arg1)" to model tree
823   expr_t add_steady_state(expr_t arg1);
824   //! Pushes empty vector onto stack when a symbol is encountered (mod_var or ext_fun)
825   void push_external_function_arg_vector_onto_stack();
826   //! Adds an external function argument
827   void add_external_function_arg(expr_t arg);
828   //! Test to see if model/external function has exactly one integer argument
829   pair<bool, double> is_there_one_integer_argument() const;
830   //! Adds an external function call node
831   expr_t add_model_var_or_external_function(const string &function_name, bool in_model_block);
832   //! Adds a native statement
833   void add_native(const string &s);
834   //! Adds a native statement, first removing the set of characters passed in token (and everything after)
835   void add_native_remove_charset(string str, const string &token);
836   //! Adds a verbatim statement
837   void add_verbatim(const string &s);
838   //! Adds a verbatim statement, first removing the set of characters passed in token (and everything after)
839   void add_verbatim_remove_charset(string str, const string &token);
840   //! Resets data_tree and model_tree pointers to default (i.e. mod_file->expressions_tree)
841   void reset_data_tree();
842   //! Begin a steady_state_model block
843   void begin_steady_state_model();
844   //! Add an assignment equation in steady_state_model block
845   void add_steady_state_model_equal(const string &varname, expr_t expr);
846   //! Add a multiple assignment equation in steady_state_model block
847   void add_steady_state_model_equal_multiple(expr_t expr);
848   //! Switches datatree
849   void begin_trend();
850   //! Declares a trend variable with its growth factor
851   void declare_trend_var(bool log_trend, const string &name, const string &tex_name = "");
852   //! Ends declaration of trend variable
853   void end_trend_var(expr_t growth_factor);
854   //! Declares a nonstationary variable with its deflator
855   void declare_nonstationary_var(const string &name, const string &tex_name = "", const vector<pair<string, string>> &partition_value = {});
856   //! Ends declaration of nonstationary variable
857   void end_nonstationary_var(bool log_deflator, expr_t deflator);
858   //! Add a graph format to the list of formats requested
859   void add_graph_format(const string &name);
860   //! Add the graph_format option to the OptionsList structure
861   void process_graph_format_option();
862   //! Add the graph_format option to the initial_condition_decomp substructure of the OptionsList structure
863   void initial_condition_decomp_process_graph_format_option();
864   //! Add the graph_format option to the plot_shock_decomp substructure of the OptionsList structure
865   void plot_shock_decomp_process_graph_format_option();
866   //! Model diagnostics
867   void model_diagnostics();
868   //! Processing the parallel_local_files option
869   void add_parallel_local_file(string filename);
870   //! Add an item of a moment_calibration statement
871   void add_moment_calibration_item(const string &endo1, const string &endo2, string lags, const pair<expr_t, expr_t> &range);
872   //! End a moment_calibration statement
873   void end_moment_calibration();
874   //! Add an item of an irf_calibration statement
875   void add_irf_calibration_item(const string &endo, string periods, const string &exo, const pair<expr_t, expr_t> &range);
876   //! End a moment_calibration statement
877   void end_irf_calibration();
878   //! Add a shock to a group
879   void add_shock_group_element(string name);
880   //! Add a set of shock groups
881   void add_shock_group(string name);
882   //! End shock groups declaration
883   void end_shock_groups(const string &name);
884   //! Add a set of init2shocks
885   void add_init2shocks(const string &endo_name, const string &exo_name);
886   //! End init2shocks declaration
887   void end_init2shocks(const string &name);
888   void smoother2histval();
889   void histval_file(const string &filename);
890   void perfect_foresight_setup();
891   void perfect_foresight_solver();
892   void prior_posterior_function(bool prior_func);
893   //! VAR Restrictions
894   void begin_VAR_restrictions();
895   void end_VAR_restrictions(const string &var_model_name);
896   void add_VAR_exclusion_restriction(const string &lagstr);
897   void add_VAR_restriction_exclusion_equation(const string &name);
898   void add_VAR_restriction_coeff(const string &name1, const string &name2, const string &lagstr);
899   void add_VAR_restriction_eq_or_crosseq(expr_t expr);
900   void add_VAR_restriction_equation_or_crossequation(const string &numberstr);
901   void multiply_arg2_by_neg_one();
902   void add_VAR_restriction_equation_or_crossequation_final(const string &name);
903   void add_VAR_covariance_number_restriction(const string &name1, const string &name2, const string &valuestr);
904   void add_VAR_covariance_pair_restriction(const string &name11, const string &name12, const string &name21, const string &name22);
905   //! Runs VAR estimation process
906   void run_var_estimation();
907   //! GMM Estimation statement
908   void gmm_estimation();
909   //! SMM Estimation statement
910   void smm_estimation();
911   //! Add a var_expectation_model statement
912   void var_expectation_model();
913 };
915 #endif // ! PARSING_DRIVER_HH