1 /* The calculating routines of REXX/imc         (C) Ian Collier 1992 */
3 #include<stdio.h>
4 #include<memory.h>
5 #include<string.h>
6 #include<stdlib.h>
7 #include<setjmp.h>
8 #include<sys/types.h>
9 #include<sys/time.h>
10 #include"const.h"
11 #include"globals.h"
12 #include"functions.h"
13 #include"rexxsaa.h"
15 /* scanning() is the expression evaluator, called 30 times from various parts
16    of the interpreter to collect an expression from a program line.  The
17    program line is given as the "line" parameter, and the character pointer
18    as "ptr".  An expression will be evaluated and placed on the calculator
19    stack.  In addition its address on the stack will be returned and its
20    length will be placed in len.  On exit, ptr will point to the character
21    immediately following the expression (it will not point to a space). */
scanning(line,ptr,len)22 char *scanning(line,ptr,len)
23 char *line;
24 int *ptr,*len;
25 {
26 /* the following identifiers are arranged in order as defined by the
27    constants OPpower, OPmul, ... , OPggeq.  binops contains the character
28    codes of all the binary operators, and binpri contains their priorities. */
30    static char binops[]={POWER,'*','/','+','-',' ',CONCAT,'=',EQU,'<',LEQ,'>',GEQ,NEQ,'&',LXOR,'|','%',MOD,NNEQ,LESS,GRTR,LLEQ, GGEQ};
31    static char binpri[]={  10,  8,  8,  7,  7,  6,  6,     5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  5,  3,  2,   2,  8,  8,  5   ,5   ,5    ,5    ,5};
32    void binplus();
33    void binmin();
34    void binmul();
35    void bindiv();
36    void bincat();
37    void binexp();
38    void binbool();
39    void binrel();
40    void unnot();
41    void unmin();
42    void unplus();
43    static void (*binprg[])() ={binexp, /* This array contains the addresses */
44                                binmul, /* of all the functions which are    */
45                                bindiv, /* called to implement the various   */
46                                binplus,/* operators, in the order such that */
47                                binmin, /* binprg(OPxyz) is the routine to   */
48                                bincat, /* implement the xyz operator        */
49                                bincat,
50                                binrel,
51                                binrel,
52                                binrel,
53                                binrel,
54                                binrel,
55                                binrel,
56                                binrel,
57                                binbool,
58                                binbool,
59                                binbool,
60                                bindiv,
61                                bindiv,
62                                binrel,
63                                binrel,
64                                binrel,
65                                binrel,
66                                binrel,
67                                unmin,
68                                unplus,
69                                unnot};
70    struct {char op;char pri;} opstack[maxopstack]; /* an operation stack */
71    int opptr=1;              /* the operation stack pointer */
72    int lp;
73    char *exp;
74    int expn;
75    int explen;
76    int t;
77    int n;
78    int dot;
79    int endnum;
80    char quote;
81    char varname[maxvarname];
82    char *vg;
83    char op,pri;
84    char ch,c1;
85    int intermed=trcflag&Tintermed; /* whether to trace intermediate results */
86    static char what[4]=">>>";      /* the trace prefix to use */
88    opstack[0].pri=0;               /* The bottom of stack marker */
89    trcresult++; /* count levels - trace result only on outer level */
90    while(1){ /* loop until expression has finished */
91       lp=1;
92       while(lp){ /* loop until a value has been stacked */
93          if(opptr>=maxopstack-1)die(Eopstk);
94          switch(line[*ptr]){
95             case ')': die(Erpar);
96             case ',': die(Ecomma);
97             case '(':(*ptr)++, /* parenthesised expressions are stacked by */
98                scanning(line,ptr,&explen); /* calling scanning recursively */
99                if(line[(*ptr)++]!=')')die(Elpar);  /* it must end with ')' */
100                lp=0;
101                what[1]=0;      /* Prevent the value from being traced, since */
102                break;          /* scanning() already traced it               */
103             case '+':(*ptr)++,/* for unary '+' stack code OPplus, priority 11 */
104                opstack[opptr].op=OPplus,
105                opstack[opptr++].pri=11;
106                break;
107             case '-':(*ptr)++, /* for unary '-' stack code OPneg, priority 11 */
108                opstack[opptr].op=OPneg,
109                opstack[opptr++].pri=11;
110                break;
111             case '\\':(*ptr)++,      /* for '\' stack code OPnot, priority 11 */
112                opstack[opptr].op=OPnot,
113                opstack[opptr++].pri=11;
114                break;
115             case '\'':             /* Quoted expression... */
116             case '\"':quote=line[(*ptr)++],
117                expn= *ptr;
118                while(line[expn++]!=quote||line[expn]==quote)
119                   if(line[expn-1]==quote)expn++; /* search for close quote */
120                if(line[expn]=='X'&&!rexxsymboldot(line[expn+1]))
121                   stackx(line+*ptr,expn-*ptr-1),expn++;/* stack hex */
122                else if(line[expn]=='B'&&!rexxsymboldot(line[expn+1]))
123                   stackb(line+*ptr,expn-*ptr-1),expn++;/* stack bin */
124                else stackq(line+*ptr,expn-*ptr-1,quote); /* stack string */
125                    /* A string constant has been found, but if
126                       it is followed by '(' it is a function call which
127                       bypasses the internal label search. */
128                if(line[expn]=='('){
129                   (*ptr)=expn+1;
130                   exp=delete(&n);
131                   if(n>maxvarname-1)die(Elong); /* the function name is */
132                   memcpy(varname,exp,n);        /* stored in varname    */
133                   t=1;
134                   goto rxfncall;
135                }
136                (*ptr)=expn;          /* step past string constant in line. */
137                lp=0;                 /* signal "stacked a value" */
138                what[1]='L';
139                break;
140             default:                 /* stack a variable or literal or
141                                         call a function. */
142                if(line[*ptr]<0)die(Ebadexpr);
143                if(!(t=rexxsymbol(line[*ptr]))&&line[*ptr]!='.')die(Ebadexpr);
144                what[1]='L';
145                if(t!=1){             /* a constant symbol. Special processing
146                               is required to ensure that if the symbol is a
147                               number in exponential format then any "+" or "-"
148                               in the number is treated as part of it */
149                   n=1;dot=0;  /* dot is the count of dots in the number; n is
150                               a flag meaning: 0 an ordinary constant symbol,
151                               1 an exponent is allowed, 2 this is the
152                               character after "E". */
153                   endnum=0;   /* The position of any "+" or "-" in case the
154                               exponent is badly formed (e.g. in 1e+23.4) */
155                   for(expn= *ptr;;expn++){
156                      c1=line[expn];
157                      if(!n) /* stop whenever a non-symbol character is found */
158                         if(!rexxsymboldot(c1)){ /* But remove a "+" or "-" if
159                                                 the exponent was empty */
160                            if(endnum&&endnum+1==expn)expn=endnum;
161                            break;
162                         }
163                         else if(endnum&&(c1<'0'||c1>'9'))
164                            {expn=endnum;break;} /* Remove a non-numeric */
165                         else;                   /* exponent following a sign */
166                      else {
167                         if(alphanum(c1)<2){  /* not number or dot */
168                            if(n==2&&(c1=='-'||c1=='+')){
169                               n=0; /* OK to have + or - after an E */
170                               endnum=expn;
171                               continue;
172                            }
173                            if(n==1&&c1=='E')
174                               {n=2;continue;}/* Expect an optional sign next */
175                            n=0;              /* it's not a number any more */
176                            if(!rexxsymboldot(c1))
177                               break;         /* allow only symbol characters */
178                         }
179                         if(n==2)n=0;         /* No sign after the 'E' */
180                         else if(c1=='.'&&dot++>0)n=0; /* a second dot found */
181                      }
182                   }
183                   if(expn==*ptr)die(Ebadexpr); /* The symbol has zero length */
184                   stack(line+*ptr,expn-*ptr),  /* Stack the constant symbol */
185                   (*ptr)=expn;                 /* step past it. */
186                }else{ /* A symbol follows.  If a '(' follows the symbol, then
187                          it is a function call */
188                   n=0,t=0;           /* t=0 -> search internal definitions */
189                   for(expn= *ptr;rexxsymboldot(varname[n++]=line[expn++]);)
190                      if(n>=maxvarname-1)die(Elong);
191                      /* the symbol has been copied to varname */
192                   if(--n>0&&varname[n-1]!='.'&&varname[n]=='('){
193                      *ptr=expn;   /* Step past the symbol */
194 /* A function call has now been found. varname holds its name, and n holds
195    its length.  t!=0 if the name was in quotes, t=0 otherwise. */
196       rxfncall:      varname[n]=0; /* The name is nul-terminated (it cannot */
197                      n=0;          /* contain a nul character) */
198                      if(line[*ptr]!=')') /* Unless no arguments given... */
199                      while(1){           /* get each one by calling scanning */
200                         if((ch=line[*ptr])==','||ch==')')stacknull();
201                         else scanning(line,ptr,&explen);
202                         n++;
203                         if((ch=line[*ptr])==',')++*ptr;
204                         else if(ch!=')')die(Elpar);
205                         else break;
206                      }
207                      ++*ptr; /* Step past the ')'.  n contains the arg count.*/
208                      if(!rxcall(0,varname,n,t,RXFUNCTION))  /* This is where */
209                         die(Enoresult);          /* the function gets called */
210                      lp=0;
211                      what[1]='F';
212                      break;
213                   }
214                   /* else ignore the result of the search for a function name
215                   and try to get a variable instead */
216                   getvarname(line,ptr,varname,&explen,maxvarname),
217                   vg=varget(varname,explen,&expn);
218                   if(vg==cnull){ /* See if novalue errors are caught */
219                      if((varname[0]&128)&&!memchr(varname,'.',explen))
220                         varname[explen++]='.';/* Add a dot to undefined stem */
221                      varname[0]&=127;     /* if OK stack the variable's name */
222                      varname[explen]=0;
223                      if((sgstack[interplev].bits&(1<<Inovalue)) &&
224                           (interact<0 || interact+1!=interplev))
225                         errordata=varname,
226                         die(Enovalue);
227                      stack(varname,explen);
228                   }
229                   else what[1]='V',stack(vg,expn); /* it was found */
230                }
231                lp=0;
232          }
233       }
234       if(intermed&&what[1])tracelast(what);
235       /* at this point a (possibly null) list of operators and their priorities
236          have been stacked, and a value has just been placed on the calculator
237          stack. The next character will either be a terminator or an (explicit
238          or implicit) binary operator.  Special case: if it is a unary
239          operator (i.e. "logical not"), then it is a syntax error. */
240       ch=line[*ptr];
241       if(ch=='\\')die(Ebadexpr);
242       if((c1=line[*ptr])==-1||!c1||c1==')'||c1==','||c1<SYMBOL)pri=0;
243          /* terminators are ';', 'EOL', ')', ',' and all `words'.  Priority 0
244          signals that a terminator was found. */
245       else{
246          (*ptr)++;                                        /* Go past the op */
247          for(op=0;binops[op]!=ch&&op<24;op++);      /* "op" holds its index */
248          if(op<24)pri=binpri[op];               /* "pri" holds its priority */
249          else (*ptr)--, /* The char is not a binary operator, so it must be */
250               op=OPcat, /* an implicit concatenation, priority 6. */
251               pri=6;
252       }
253       /* Having found the next operator and its priority (priority 16 highest,
254         0 meaning no further operators), we now examine previous operations
255         to see whether they should be done now. If not, another value is
256         stacked unless the priorities of both the current operator and the
257         top stacked operator are zero, in which case evaluation has finished.*/
258       while(opstack[opptr-1].pri>=pri&&opstack[opptr-1].pri){
259          opptr--,
260          eworkptr=0,
261          binprg[opstack[opptr].op](opstack[opptr].op); /* This does the op */
262          if(intermed)
263             what[1]=(opstack[opptr].op>23?'P':'O'), /* Trace the op's result */
264             tracelast(what);
265       }
266       if(!pri)break;
267       opstack[opptr].op=op,     /* The binary operator just encountered is */
268       opstack[opptr++].pri=pri; /* stacked before finding the next value.  */
269    } /* Evaluation has finished, so the top stack value is returned. */
270    (*len)= *((int *)(cstackptr+ecstackptr)-1);
271    if(!--trcresult &&(trcflag&Tresults))               /* trace the result */
272       tracelast(">>>");
273    if(!trcresult)timeflag&= (~2); /* clear timestamp after a result */
274    return cstackptr+ecstackptr-align(*len)-four;
275 }
tracelast(type)277 void tracelast(type) /* trace the last value on the stack */
278 char *type;          /* The trace prefix to use */
279 {
280    char *exp=cstackptr+ecstackptr-four;
281    int len= *(int *)exp;
282    exp -=align(len);
283    traceline(type,exp,len);
284 }
traceline(type,exp,len)286 void traceline(type,exp,len) /* trace a result or other string */
287 char *type;      /* the trace prefix to use */
288 char *exp;       /* the string to be traced */
289 int len;         /* the length of the string */
290 {
291    int i;
292    traceput("      ",6);
293    traceput(type,3);
294    traceput("   ",3);
295    for(i=0;i<traceindent*pstacklev;i++)tracechar(' ');
296    tracechar('"');
297    traceput(exp,len);
298    traceput("\"\n",2);
299 }
stack(exp,len)301 void stack(exp,len)  /* stack a copy of exp whose length is explen */
302 char *exp;
303 int len;
304 {
305    int alen=align(len);
306    mtest(cstackptr,cstacklen,ecstackptr+alen+2*four,len+256);
307    memcpy(cstackptr+ecstackptr,exp,len), /* The string goes on first */
308    ecstackptr+=alen,                     /* it is padded into alignment */
309    (*(int *)(cstackptr+ecstackptr))=len, /* The length is then appended. */
310    ecstackptr+=four;
311 }
stackq(exp,len,quote)313 void stackq(exp,len,quote)  /* stack a copy of exp whose length is explen, */
314 char *exp;                  /* reducing double quotes to single quotes */
315 int len;
316 char quote;  /* The type of quote mark to reduce from double to single */
317 {            /* It is guaranteed that this always occurs in pairs */
318    int i=0,l=0;
319    char *p;
320    char c;
321    mtest(cstackptr,cstacklen,ecstackptr+len+3*four,len+256);
322    for(p=cstackptr+ecstackptr;i<len;i++){ /* Copy the string */
323      p[l]=c=exp[i],
324      l++;
325      if(c==quote)i++;    /* Omit the next character after a quote. */
326    }
327    ecstackptr+=align(l), /* Pad the string */
328    (*(int *)(cstackptr+ecstackptr))=l, /* and append the length. */
329    ecstackptr+=four;
330 }
stackx(exp,len)332 void stackx(exp,len)  /* Interpret exp (whose length is len) as a hex
333                          constant and stack it */
334 char *exp;
335 int len;
336 {
337    int l=0,o;
338    unsigned char m,n;
339    char d;
340    mtest(cstackptr,cstacklen,ecstackptr+len/2+3*four,len/2+256);
341 /* while(exp[0]==' '&&len)exp++,len--; */ /* leading spaces OK if uncommented*/
342    if(len&&(exp[0]==' '||exp[0]=='\t'))die(Ehex);  /* leading spaces not OK */
343    for(o=0;o<len&&exp[o]!=' '&&exp[o]!='\t';o++);/* Find length of first chunk */
344    (o%2)?(o=1):(o=2); /* If odd, the first hex byte has 1 digit, otherwise 2 */
345    while(len){
346       while((exp[0]==' '||exp[0]=='\t')&&len)exp++,len--;  /* Skip spaces */
347 /*    if(len==0)break;  */         /* OK for trailing blanks if uncommented */
348       if(len<o)die(Ehex);          /* Error if less than a whole byte exists */
349       for(m=(n=0);m<o;m++){        /* for one byte... */
350          d=(*(exp++))-'0',         /* convert a digit to hex */
351          len--;
352          if(d<0)die(Ehex);
353          if(d>9)if((d-=7)<10)die(Ehex);
354          if(d>15)if((d-=32)<10)die(Ehex);
355          if(d>15)die(Ehex);
356          n=n*16+d;                 /* and accumulate */
357       }
358       o=2,                         /* Each byte except the first has 2 digits*/
359       cstackptr[ecstackptr++]=n,   /* Stack each byte */
360       l++;
361    }
362    ecstackptr+=toalign(l),         /* pad the string */
363    (*(int *)(cstackptr+ecstackptr))=l, /* and append the length. */
364    ecstackptr+=four;
365 }
stackb(exp,len)366 void stackb(exp,len)  /* Interpret exp as a binary constant and stack it */
367 char *exp;
368 int len;
369 {
370    int l;
371    int al=align(len/8+1); /* maximum amount of space needed */
372    unsigned char c=0,n,b,d;
373    if(!len){stack(exp,len);return;} /* ''b is allowed */
374    mtest(cstackptr,cstacklen,ecstackptr+al+2*four,al+256);
375    if(len && (exp[0]==' '||exp[0]=='\t'))
376       die(Ebin);                    /* leading spaces not OK */
377    for(l=b=0;l<len;l++)b+=(exp[l]!=' '&&exp[l]!='\t'); /* find number of digits (nonblanks)*/
378    l=0;
379    n=(((b-1)%8)>=4)+1;              /* number of nybbles in first byte */
380    b=(b-1)%4+1;                     /* number of bits in first nybble */
381    while(len){
382       while((exp[0]==' '||exp[0]=='\t')&&len)exp++,len--;  /* Skip spaces */
383       if(len<b)die(Ehex);           /* Error if less than one nybble exists */
384       while(b--){                   /* for each bit of the nybble... */
385          d=exp++[0]-'0';
386          if(d>1)die(Ebin);
387          c=(c<<1)|d;                /* add to the current character */
388          len--;
389       }
390       b=4;                          /* next nybble has 4 bits */
391       if(!--n){                     /* a byte was completed */
392          cstackptr[ecstackptr++]=c, /* Stack each byte */
393          l++;
394          n=2;                       /* next byte has 2 nybbles */
395       }
396    }
397    if(n!=2)die(Ebin);               /* half a byte was encountered */
398    ecstackptr+=toalign(l),          /* pad the string */
399    (*(int *)(cstackptr+ecstackptr))=l, /* and append the length. */
400    ecstackptr+=four;
401 }
stackint(i)402 void stackint(i) /* stack an integer i */
403 int i;
404 {
405    char num[20];
406    sprintf(num,"%d",i);
407    stack(num,strlen(num));
408 }
stacknull()410 void stacknull() /* Stack a null - i.e. a value with length -1 */
411 {
412    mtest(cstackptr,cstacklen,ecstackptr+2*four,256);
413    (*(int *)(cstackptr+ecstackptr))= -1,
414    ecstackptr+=four;
415 }
417 /* The various binary and unary operators follow.  Each one operates on the
418    top 1 or 2 values on the calculator stack, deletes them, and stacks a
419    result.  The single parameter to each routine is the operator number
420    (e.g. OPplus), which serves to distinguish between two or more operators
421    implemented by the same routine.  Some routines do not use the operator
422    number.  Formatting of the result of arithmetic operators, including
423    rounding to the required precision, is handled by stacknum(). */
binplus(op)425 void binplus(op) /* Implements OPadd - the binary + operator */
426 char op;
427 {
428    int n1,n2,n3;
429    int m1,m2;
430    int z1,z2;
431    int e1,e2,e3;
432    int l1,l2,l3;
433    int i;
434    int c=0;
435    int d1,d2;
436    if((n2=num(&m2,&e2,&z2,&l2))<0)die(Enum); /* The two numbers are fetched */
437    delete(&l3);                              /* and deleted from the stack  */
438    if((n1=num(&m1,&e1,&z1,&l1))<0)die(Enum);
439    delete(&l3);
440    if(z1&&z2){stack("0",1);return;}
441    if(z1){stacknum(workptr+n2,l2,e2,m2);return;}
442    if(z2){stacknum(workptr+n1,l1,e1,m1);return;}
443    if(e1<e2)n3=n2,n2=n1,n1=n3,n3=m2,m2=m1,m1=n3,
444             e3=e2,e2=e1,e1=e3,l3=l2,l2=l1,l1=l3; /* now e1>=e2 always */
445    n3=eworkptr+1,e3=e1;                 /* Initialise a third number. */
446    if(m1==m2){ /* add two numbers; the sign of the result is m1 */
447       l3=(l1>l2+e1-e2)?l1:(l2+e1-e2);
448       if(l3>precision+2)l3=precision+2;
449       mtest(workptr,worklen,eworkptr+l3+2,l3+256); /* Make space for 3rd num */
450       for(i=l3-1;i>=0;i--){
451          if(i>=l1)d1=0;
452          else d1=workptr[n1+i]-'0';   /* Get each digit from n1 */
453          d2=i+e2-e1;                  /* this gives the position of the  */
454          if(d2<0||d2>=l2)d2=0;        /* corresponding digit in n2 */
455          else d2=workptr[n2+d2]-'0';  /* Get the digit from n2 */
456          d2+=d1+c;                    /* add with carry */
457          c=d2/10,d2%=10;
458          workptr[n3+i]=d2+'0';        /* Store the answer */
459       }
460       if(c)n3--,workptr[n3]='0'+c,l3++,e3++; /* carry to the left */
461    }
462    else{ /* subtract the smaller from the larger. The sign of n1-n2 is m1 */
463       if(e1==e2){ /* compare to see which is the largest */
464          for(i=0;i<l1&&i<l2;i++){
465             if(workptr[n1+i]<workptr[n2+i]){ /* swap numbers */
466                n3=n2,n2=n1,n1=n3,l3=l2,l2=l1,l1=l3,m1=m2;
467                break;
468             }
469             if(workptr[n1+i]>workptr[n2+i])break; /* order OK */
470          }
471          if((i==l1&&i==l2)||i>=precision){ /* numbers are equal; return zero */
472             stack("0",1);
473             return;
474          }
475          if(i==l1)n3=n2,n2=n1,n1=n3,l3=l2,l2=l1,l1=l3,m1=m2;
476             /* n1 is an initial segment of n2; swap since n1<n2 */
477       }/* at this point, n1>n2.  Now the subtraction goes exactly like the
478           earlier addition. */
479       l3=(l1>l2+e1-e2)?l1:(l2+e1-e2);
480       if(l3>precision+2)l3=precision+2;
481       mtest(workptr,worklen,eworkptr+precision,precision+256);
482       n3=eworkptr;
483       for(i=l3;i>=0;i--){
484          if(i>=l1)d1='0';
485          else d1=workptr[n1+i];
486          d2=i+e2-e1;
487          if(d2<0||d2>=l2)d2='0';
488          else d2=workptr[n2+d2];
489          d1-=d2+c;
490          if(d1<0)d1+=10,c=1;
491          else c=0;
492          if(i<precision)workptr[n3+i]=d1+'0';
493       }
494       if(l3>precision)l3=precision;
495       while(l3&&workptr[n3]=='0')l3--,n3++,e3--;
496    }
497    stacknum(workptr+n3,l3,e3,m1);/* After the operation the result is stacked*/
498 }
binmin(op)500 void binmin(op) /* OPsub, the binary - operator, is implemented by */
501 char op;        /* negating and adding. */
502 {
503    unmin(op),
504    binplus(op);
505 }
binmul(op)507 void binmul(op) /* OPmul, the binary * operator */
508 char op;
509 {
510    int n1,n2,m1,m2,e1,e2,z1,z2,l1,l2;
511    int n3,l3;
512    int i,j,k;
513    int c,d,d1;
514    if((n1=num(&m1,&e1,&z1,&l1))<0)die(Enum); /* Get each number and delete */
515    delete(&l3);                              /* from the stack */
516    if((n2=num(&m2,&e2,&z2,&l2))<0)die(Enum);
517    delete(&l3);
518    if(l1>precision+2)l1=precision+2;
519    if(l2>precision+2)l2=precision+2;
520    l3=l1+l2;
521    if(z1||z2){stack("0",1);return;}          /* zero times x is zero */
522    if(l1<l2)i=l2,l2=l1,l1=i,i=n2,n2=n1,n1=i; /* make sure n2 is the shorter */
523    mtest(workptr,worklen,eworkptr+l3,l3+256);/* Make room for the answer */
524    n3=eworkptr;                              /* this is where it goes */
525    for(i=0;i<l3;workptr[n3+(i++)]='0');      /* Initially it is zero */
526    for(i=l2-1;i>=0;i--){                     /* Now a long multiplication */
527       c=0,
528       d1=workptr[n2+i]-'0';
529       for(j=l1-1;j>=0;j--){
530          k=i+j+1,
531          d=(workptr[n1+j]-'0')*d1+c+workptr[n3+k]-'0',
532          c=d/10,
533          d%=10,
534          workptr[n3+k]=d+'0';
535       }
536       workptr[n3+i]+=c;
537    }
538    if(abs(e1+=e2+1)+2>maxexp)die(Eoflow);    /* Calculate the exponent */
539    for(;l3>0&&workptr[n3]=='0';e1--,n3++,l3--); /* Remove leading zeros */
540    stacknum(workptr+n3,l3,e1,m1^m2);         /* Stack the answer */
541 }
bindiv(op)543 void bindiv(op) /* OPdiv,  the binary /  operator;
544                    OPidiv, the binary %  operator, and
545                    OPmod,  the binary // operator  are all handled here */
546 char op;
547 {
548    int n1,n2,m1,m2,e1,e2,z1,z2,l1,l2;
549    int n3,l3;
550    int i,j;
551    int c,d,mul;
552    if((n2=num(&m2,&e2,&z2,&l2))<0)die(Enum);
553    delete(&l3);
554    if((n1=num(&m1,&e1,&z1,&l1))<0)die(Enum);
555    delete(&l3);
556    if(z2)die(Edivide);           /* anything divided by zero */
557    if(z1){stack("0",1);return;}  /* zero divided by anything */
558    if(l1>precision+2)l1=precision+2;
559    if(l2>precision+2)l2=precision+2;
560    l3=precision+2;               /* The number of digits in the quotient */
561    if(op!=OPdiv)l3=e1-e2+1;      /* For % and //, the number of digits in
562                                     the integer quotient. */
563    if(l3<=0){                    /* The integer result is a fraction */
564       if(op==OPidiv)stack("0",1);       /* integer quotient is zero */
565       else {
566          while(l1>0&&workptr[n1+l1-1]=='0')l1--; /* remove trailing zeros */
567          stacknum(workptr+n1,l1,e1,m1); /* remainder result is n1 */
568       }
569       return;
570    }
571    if(l3>precision+2)l3=precision+2;
572    if(op==OPmod&&l3>precision){
573       stack("0",1);
574       return;/* if l3>precision, return remainder 0 */
575    }
576    /* Now extend n1 to length l2+l3-1 with zeros */
577    mtest(workptr,worklen,eworkptr+l3+l3+l2,l3+l3+l2+256);
578    if(l1<l2+l3)n3=eworkptr+l2+l3-l1;
579    else n3=eworkptr;
580    for(i=l1;i<l2+l3-1;i++)workptr[n1+i]='0';
581    for(i=0;i<l3;i++){ /* loop for each digit of result */
582       workptr[n3+i]='0'; /* Start each result digit at zero */
583       while(1){
584          c=0;
585          z1=1;
586          if(i)d=workptr[n1+i-1]*10+workptr[n1+i]-'0'*11;
587             else d=workptr[n1+i]-'0';
588          mul=d/(workptr[n2]-'0'+1);/* The next digit can't be lower than this*/
589          if(mul==0)mul=1;          /* continue until subtraction fails */
590          for(j=l2-1;j>= -i;j--){   /* do a subtraction */
591             if(j>=0)d=workptr[n2+j]-'0';
592             else d=0;
593             d=workptr[n1+i+j]-d*mul-c-'0';
594             if(d)z1=0;
595             c=0;
596             while(d<0)d+=10,c++;
597             workptr[n1+i+j]=d+'0';
598          }
599          if(z1){workptr[n3+i]+=mul;break;}    /* Exactly zero resulted */
600          if(!c){workptr[n3+i]+=mul;continue;} /* A positive value resulted */
601          c=0;
602          for(j=l2-1;j>= -i;j--){          /* add back a failed subtraction */
603             if(j>=0)d=workptr[n2+j]-'0';
604             else d=0;
605             d+=workptr[n1+i+j]+c;
606             if(d>'9')d-=10,c=1;
607             else c=0;
608             workptr[n1+i+j]=d;
609          }
610          break; /* This result digit is found */
611       }
612       if(z1&&i>=l1-l2) { /* exact division */
613          l3=i+1;
614          if(op==OPmod){stack("0",1);return;} /* zero remainder */
615          break; /* The entire result is found */
616       }
617    }/* End of division: the result can be stacked */
618    if(op==OPmod){ /* stack the remainder */
619       if(l1<l2+l3)l1=l2+l3-1;
620       for(;l1&&workptr[n1]=='0';l1--,e1--,n1++);
621       for(;l1>0&&workptr[n1+l1-1]=='0';l1--);
622       stacknum(workptr+n1,l1,e1,m1);
623    }
624    else { /* stack the quotient */
625       for(;l3>0&&workptr[n3]=='0';e2++,n3++,l3--);
626       while(l3>0&&workptr[n3+l3-1]=='0')l3--;
627       if(abs(e1-=e2)>maxexp)die(Eoflow);
628       stacknum(workptr+n3,l3,e1,m1^m2);
629    }
630 }
binexp(op)632 void binexp(op) /* OPpower, the binary ** operator */
633 char op;
634 {
635    int pow,n,m,e,z,l,pm=0,c=four*8-1; /* Ahem! 8 bits per byte here */
636    char *ptr;
637    pow=getint(1);           /* The exponent must be an integer. */
638    if(pow<0)pow= -pow,pm=1; /* find x**(abs(y)) first, then calculate x**y */
639    if((n=num(&m,&e,&z,&l))<0)die(Enum);  /* A copy of the first operand */
640    if(pow==0){
641       delete(&l);
642       stack("1",1);  /* x ** 0 is 1 */
643       return;
644    }
645    if(z)return;      /* 0 ** x is 0 - note the zero operand is still stacked */
646    while(pow>0)pow<<=1,c--;/* Get the MSB of the num into the MSB of the int */
647    precision+=2;           /* Temporarily increase precision for good result */
648    while((c--)>0){         /* For each bit of the exponent */
649       rxdup(),             /* Square the intermediate result */
650       binmul(op);
651       if((pow<<=1)<0)      /* If the next bit of the exponent is set,        */
652          stacknum(workptr+n,l,e,m),binmul(op);  /* multiply the number in    */
653    }
654    if(pm){ /* The exponent was negative, so invert the number */
655       mtest(cstackptr,cstacklen,ecstackptr+2*four,256);
656       ptr=cstackptr+ecstackptr-four,
657       l= align(*(int *)ptr),
658       ptr-=l,   /* ptr points to the stack entry containing the result */
659       l+=four,  /* l contains its whole length */
660       n=four+align(1);
661       for(c=l-1;c>=0;c--)ptr[c+n]=ptr[c]; /* Make two ints-worth of space */
662       ptr[0]='1',
663       *(int *)(ptr+align(1))=1, /* Store the stack entry "1" in the space */
664       ecstackptr+=n,
665       bindiv(2);            /* Now divide 1 by the result. */
666    }
667    precision-=2;            /* Restore the old precision */
668    n=num(&m,&e,&z,&l),      /* Prepare to reformat the number to the new */
669    delete(&c),              /* precision by unstacking and restacking */
670    eworkptr=0;
671    while(l>0&&workptr[n+l-1]=='0')l--;  /* first remove trailing zeros */
672    stacknum(workptr+n,l,e,m);
673 }
rxdup()675 void rxdup() /* Duplicate the top stack entry */
676 {
677    char *mtest_old;
678    long mtest_diff;
679    char *ptr=cstackptr+ecstackptr;
680    int len= align(*((int *)ptr-1))+four;
681    if dtest(cstackptr,cstacklen,ecstackptr+len,len+256)
682       ptr+=mtest_diff;
683    memcpy(ptr,ptr-len,len), /* Simple, really... */
684    ecstackptr+=len;
685 }
binrel(op)687 void binrel(op) /* Implements all the comparison operators. */
688 char op;
689 {
690    int len1,len2;
691    int i;
692    int ans=0;
693    unsigned char *ptr1,*ptr2;
694    int n,m,m2,e1,e2,z,l;
695    n=num(&m2,&e2,&z,&l),  /* Test to see whether the top value is a number */
696    ptr2=(unsigned char *)delete(&len2), /* Delete the top value */
697    n=(n<0||num(&m,&e1,&z,&l)<0);  /* Test to see whether both are numbers */
698    if(op==OPeequ||op>=OPnneq){    /* The strict comparison operators */
699       ptr1=(unsigned char *)delete(&len1);
700    /* Now see which one is greater, before calculating the required result */
701       if(op>OPnneq||len1==len2){
702          for(i=0;i<len1&&i<len2&&ptr1[i]==ptr2[i];i++);
703          if(i==len1)ans= -!(i==len2); /* string1 is a prefix of string2 */
704          else if(i==len2)ans=1;       /* string2 is a prefix of string1 */
705          else ans=ptr1[i]-ptr2[i];    /* strings differ at this character */
706       }
707       else ans=1; /* for == and \== with lengths different, report not equal */
708       switch(op){
709          case OPeequ: ans=!ans;    break;
710          case OPnneq: ans=(ans!=0);break;
711          case OPlless:ans=(ans<0); break;
712          case OPggrtr:ans=(ans>0); break;
713          case OPlleq: ans=(ans<=0);break;
714          case OPggeq: ans=(ans>=0);
715       }
716    }
717    else {
718       if (!n) {                       /* both numeric */
719          if (!n && (m^m2))            /* different signs: */
720             {z=0; delete(&l);}        /* sign of result = sign of num1 */
721          else {
722             ecstackptr+=align(len2)+four;/* restack string2 */
723             i=precision,precision=fuzz,  /* add fuzz */
724             binmin(op),                  /* compare using binary - */
725             precision=i,
726             n=num(&m,&i,&z,&l),          /* get flags, then discard the result */
727             delete(&l);
728          }
729       }
730       else { /* string comparison; first strip spaces */
731          ecstackptr+=align(len2)+four;/* restack string2 */
732          strip(),
733          ptr2=(unsigned char *)delete(&len2), /* Get pointers and lengths of */
734          strip(),                             /* the stripped strings and    */
735          ptr1=(unsigned char *)delete(&len1); /* delete them from the stack. */
736          for(i=0;i<len1&&i<len2&&ptr1[i]==ptr2[i];i++); /* Compare */
737          if(i==len1)while(i<len2&&ptr2[i]==' ')i++; /* Act as if the shorter */
738          if(i==len2)while(i<len1&&ptr1[i]==' ')i++; /* were padded wth spaces*/
739          if(i>=len1)           /* now set flags as for numeric comp. */
740             if(i>=len2)z=1,m=0;
741             else z=0,m=(ptr2[i]>' ');
742          else if(i>=len2)z=0,m=(ptr1[i]<' ');
743          else z=0,m=(ptr1[i]<ptr2[i]);
744       }
745       if(z){if(op==OPequ||op==OPleq||op==OPgeq)ans=1;} /* This gives the     */
746       else if(op==OPgrtr&&!m || op==OPneq)ans=1;       /* correct result for */
747       if(m){if(op==OPless||op==OPleq)ans=1;}           /* the required op    */
748       else if(op==OPgeq)ans=1;
749    }
750    ptr1=(unsigned char *)(cstackptr+ecstackptr), /* The result is stacked */
751    ecstackptr+=align(1)+four;
752    (*ptr1)='0'+ans,
753    (*(int *)(ptr1+align(1)))=1;
754 }
binbool(op)755 void binbool(op)  /* OPand, OPxor, OPor - binary &, |, && operators */
756 char op;
757 {
758    int z1;
759    int minus,exp,zero,len;
760    if(num(&minus,&exp,&z1,&len)<0)die(Enum);  /* Get the two numbers and */
761    delete(&len);                              /* delete the second */
762    if(num(&minus,&exp,&zero,&len)<0)die(Enum);
763    switch(op){
764       case OPand:if(z1)delete(&len),stack("0",1);
765          break;
766       case OPxor:if(!z1)unnot(op);
767          break;
768       case OPor:if(!z1)delete(&len),stack("1",1);
769    }
770 }
bincat(op)771 void bincat(op) /* OPcat, OPspc - concatenation without/with a space */
772 char op;
773 {
774    int len1,len2,alen1,alen2,count;
775    char *ptr=cstackptr+ecstackptr-four;
776    char *aptr;
777    char *ptr1,*ptr2;
778    alen1=align(len1= *(int *)ptr);
779    ptr1=ptr-alen1;
780    ptr2=ptr1-four;
781    alen2=align(len2= *(int*)ptr2);
782    ptr2-=alen2;
783    aptr=ptr2+len2;
784    if(op==OPspc)*(aptr++)=' ',len2++;
785    for(count=len1;count--;aptr++[0]=ptr1++[0]);
786    ptr2+=align(len1+len2);
787    *(int *)ptr2=len1+len2;
788    ecstackptr=ptr2-cstackptr+four;
789 }
unnot(op)791 void unnot(op) /* OPnot, unary \ operator */
792 char op;
793 {
794    int minus,exp,zero,len;
795    if(num(&minus,&exp,&zero,&len)<0)die(Enum);
796    delete(&len);
797    if(zero)stack("1",1);
798    else stack("0",1);
799 }
unmin(op)800 void unmin(op) /* OPneg, unary - */
801 char op;
802 {
803    int a,b;
804    int minus,exp,zero,len;
805    if((a=num(&minus,&exp,&zero,&len))<0)die(Enum);
806    delete(&b);
807    if(zero)stack("0",1);
808    else stacknum(workptr+a,len,exp,!minus); /* restack with opposite sign */
809 }
unplus(op)810 void unplus(op) /* OPplus, unary +  -just unstack and restack, thus checking */
811 char op;       /*                  that it is numeric and reformatting it   */
812 {
813    int a,b;
814    int minus,exp,zero,len;
815    if((a=num(&minus,&exp,&zero,&len))<0)die(Enum);
816    delete(&b);
817    if(zero)stack("0",1);
818    else stacknum(workptr+a,len,exp,minus);
819 }
strip()821 void strip() /* Strip leading and trailing spaces from the top stack value */
822 {
823    char *ptr=cstackptr+ecstackptr-four;
824    char *ptr1;
825    int len= *(int *)ptr;
826    int i;
827    ptr-=align(len),        /* Point to the value */
828    ptr1=ptr,               /* save the original pointer */
829    ecstackptr-=align(len); /* discount the original length */
830    for(;len>0&&ptr[0]==' ';len--,ptr++);  /* Skip leading spaces */
831    for(;len>0&&ptr[len-1]==' ';len--);    /* Remove trailing spaces */
832    if(ptr==ptr1)ptr1+=len;  /* If no leading spaces leave the value in place */
833    else for(i=0;i<len;i++,(*(ptr1++))=(*(ptr++)));   /* else move it back */
834    (*(int *)(ptr1+toalign(len)))=len,
835    ecstackptr+=align(len);
836 }
num(minus,exp,zero,len)838 int num(minus,exp,zero,len)
839 int *minus,*exp,*zero,*len;
840 { /* examines the `last value' on the calculator stack to determine whether
841      it is numeric (always leaves the number stacked). If not, then the answer
842      is -1, otherwise the answer is an offset within the workspace where a
843      sequence of digits is to be found. In this case, the sequence of digits,
844      when a decimal point is added between the 1st and 2nd digits and the
845      result is multiplied by 10**exp, is equal to the magnitude of the number.
846      `minus' is 1 if the number is negative; `zero' is 1 if the number is zero,
847      and `len' is the length of the sequence of digits. */
848    register char *ptr1=cstackptr+ecstackptr-four;
849    register int ptr2=eworkptr;
850    int ans=ptr2;
851    register int len1= *(int *)ptr1;
852    int dot=0;
853    int etmp,emin;
854    register int myzero=1; /* fast-access copy of "*zero" */
855    register int myexp=-1; /* and of *exp */
856    register int ch;
857    if(len1<0)die(Ecall); /* doing any numeric operation whatsoever on a 'null'
858                          is strictly forbidden! */
859    ptr1-=align(len1);    /* ptr1 points to the value, len1 holds its length */
860    mtest(workptr,worklen,ptr2+len1,len1+256);
861    (*minus)=0;           /* Assume positive; set negative if '-' found */
862    for(;ptr1[0]==' '&&len1>0;len1--,ptr1++); /* Skip leading spaces */
863    for(;len1>0&&ptr1[len1-1]==' ';len1--);   /* and trailing spaces */
864    if((ch=ptr1[0])=='-')ptr1++,len1--,(*minus)=1; /* Deal with leading sign */
865    else if(ch=='+')ptr1++,len1--;
866    for(;ptr1[0]==' '&&len1>0;len1--,ptr1++); /* and spaces after it */
867    if(len1<=0||(ch=ptr1[0])>'9'||ch=='.'&&(len1==1||ptr1[1]>'9'))
868       return -1;  /* initial check for validity */
869    for(;len1>0;ptr1++,len1--){ /* Now, examine each character of the number */
870       if((ch=ptr1[0])=='0'&&myzero){
871          if(dot)myexp--;       /* Each leading 0 after the dot divides by 10 */
872          continue;
873       }
874       if(ch>='0'&&ch<='9'){
875          myzero=0;  /* Either zero was false already, or a non-zero digit was
876                        found. */
877          if(!dot)myexp++;  /* Each figure before the dot multiplies by 10 */
878          workptr[ptr2++]=ch;
879       }
880       else if(ch=='.'){
881          if(dot)return -1;     /* Count the number of dots */
882          dot=1;
883       }
884       else if((ch&0xdf)=='E'){ /* Now deal with an exponent */
885          ptr1++,len1--;
886          emin=etmp=0;
887          if((ch=ptr1[0])=='-')emin=1,ptr1++,len1--;
888          else if(ch=='+')ptr1++,len1--;
889          if(len1<=0)return -1;
890          for(;len1>0;ptr1++,len1--){
891             if((ch=ptr1[0]-'0')<0||ch>9)return -1; /* Must contain digits */
892             etmp=etmp*10+ch;
893             if(etmp>maxexp)die(Eoflow);
894          }
895          *len=ptr2-ans;
896          eworkptr=ptr2;
897          if(*zero=myzero) return *exp=*minus=0,ans; /* No exponent if zero */
898          if(emin)etmp= -etmp;    /* Otherwise set the exponent and return. */
899          (*exp)=myexp+etmp;
900          return ans;
901       }
902       else return -1; /* Each character must be a digit or "E" or "." */
903    }
904    *len=ptr2-ans;
905    if(*zero=myzero) *exp=*minus=0; /* no exponent or sign if zero */
906    else *exp=myexp;
907    eworkptr=ptr2;  /* Protect this number from being overwritten, */
908    return ans;     /* and return it. */
909 }
getint(flg)911 int getint(flg)
912 int flg;
913 { /* get an integer from the calculator stack. Error if overflow.
914      if flg=1 and the number was non-integral an error is raised */
915    int n,minus,exp,zero,len,d;
916    unsigned ans=0;
917    if((n=num(&minus,&exp,&zero,&len))<0)die(Enum); /* First get the number  */
918    delete(&d);                                     /* and delete it         */
919    if(zero)return 0;
920    for(;len>0&&workptr[n+len-1]=='0';len--);       /* remove trailing zeros */
921    if(flg&&len>exp+1)die(Enonint);                 /* not an integer        */
922    for(;len>0&&exp>=0;exp--,len--,n++){       /* now collect all the digits */
923       ans=ans*10+workptr[n]-'0';
924       if((int)ans<0)die(Erange);
925    }                                       /* Take account of the exponent. */
926    for(;exp>=0;exp--,ans*=10)if((int)ans<0)die(Erange);
927    if(minus)ans= -ans;               /* and finally, give the correct sign. */
928    return ans;
929 }
isint(num,len,exp)931 int isint(num,len,exp) /* Given components of a number obtained by num(), */
932 int num,len,exp;       /* tell whether it represents an integer.          */
933 {
934    for(;len>0&&workptr[num+len-1]=='0';len--);
935    return len<=exp+1&&exp<precision&&(exp<9||exp==9&&workptr[num]<'2');
936 }
delete(len)938 char *delete(len)  /* Delete an item from the calculator stack, returning */
939 int *len;          /* its position and setting "len" to its length.  The  */
940 {                  /* item is not actually deleted from memory, so it can */
941                    /* still be examined, but it will probably soon be     */
942                    /* overwritten by new values on the stack.             */
943    char *ptr=cstackptr+ecstackptr-four;
944    (*len)= *(int *)ptr;
945    if(*len>=0)ptr-= align(*len),
946               ecstackptr-= align(*len);
947    else ptr=(char *)-1;     /* I don't think this value is ever used */
948    ecstackptr-=four;
949    return ptr;
950 }
isnull()952 int isnull() /* Tell whether the top value on the stack is null, i.e. */
953 {            /* has length = -1                                       */
954    char *ptr=cstackptr+ecstackptr-four;
955    return (*(int *)ptr)<0;
956 }
stacknum(num,len,exp,minus)958 void stacknum(num,len,exp,minus)
959 char *num;
960 int exp,len,minus;
961 { /* stack the number given by sequence of digits `num' of length `len'
962      and exponent `exp'. minus=0 if the number is positive, 1 if negative. */
963    char *ptr1;
964    int len1=0;
965    int i;
966    mtest(cstackptr,cstacklen,ecstackptr+len+30,len+256);
967    ptr1=cstackptr+ecstackptr;
968    if(len<=0)num="0",len=1,exp=0,minus=0;
969    if(len>precision)   /* Round to the correct number of digits */
970       if(num[len=precision]>='5'){
971          for(i=len-1;i>=0;i--){
972             if(++num[i]<='9')break;
973             num[i]='0';
974          }
975          if(i<0){      /* change 999995 to 10000E+1 (or whatever) */
976             for(i=len-2;i>=0;i--)num[i+1]=num[i];
977             num[0]='1',
978             exp++;
979          }
980       }  /* Now stack the digits, starting with a sign if negative */
981    if(minus)ptr1[len1++]='-';
982    if(len-exp-1<=2*precision&&exp<precision){ /* stack with no exponent */
983       if(exp<0){                       /* begin with 0.00...0    */
984          ptr1[len1++]='0',
985          ptr1[len1++]='.';
986          for(i= -1;i>exp;i--)ptr1[len1++]='0';
987       }
988       while(len>0){                    /* stack the digits */
989          ptr1[len1++]=num[0],
990          num++,
991          len--,
992          exp--;
993          if(len&&exp==-1)ptr1[len1++]='.'; /* remembering the decimal point  */
994       }
995       while(exp>-1)ptr1[len1++]='0',exp--; /* Add zeros up to the decimal pt */
996    }
997    else{       /* stack floating point in appropriate form with exponent */
998       ptr1[len1++]=num++[0],len--;   /* The (first) digit before the "." */
999       if(numform)while(exp%3)        /* For engineering, up to two more  */
1000             exp--,                   /* digits are required before "."   */
1001             ptr1[len1++]=(len-->0 ? (num++)[0] : '0');
1002       if(len>0){                     /* Now the "." and the rest of the  */
1003          ptr1[len1++]='.';           /* digits.                          */
1004          while(len--)ptr1[len1++]=(num++)[0];
1005       }
1006       if(exp){                       /* Add the exponent                 */
1007          ptr1[len1++]='E',
1008          ptr1[len1++]= exp<0 ? '-' : '+',
1009          exp=abs(exp);
1010          if(exp>maxexp)die(Eoflow);
1011          for(i=1;i<=exp;i*=10);
1012          i/=10;
1013          for(;i>=1;i/=10)
1014             ptr1[len1++]=exp/i+'0',
1015             exp%=i;
1016       }
1017    }
1018    *(int *)(ptr1+align(len1))=len1; /* Finish off the stack entry.       */
1019    ecstackptr+=align(len1)+four;
1020 }
getvarname(line,ptr,varname,namelen,maxlen)1022 void getvarname(line,ptr,varname,namelen,maxlen) /* Go along a program line,
1023                          accumulating characters to form a variable name.  If
1024                          it is a compound symbol, the substitution in the tail
1025                          is performed here also.  If the character pointer
1026                          does not point to a valid symbol, then on exit
1027                          varname[0]=namelen=0. */
1028 char *line;     /* the program line */
1029 int *ptr;       /* the current character pointer */
1030 char *varname;  /* where to put the variable name */
1031 int *namelen;   /* the length of the returned variable name */
1032 int maxlen;     /* the amount of space allocated to varname */
1033 {
1034    char *exp,*exp1,*vg;
1035    char c;
1036    int expn;
1037    int explen;
1038    int disp=trcflag&Tintermed; /* whether to trace compound symbols */
1039    char quote;
1040    maxlen-=2;                  /* a safety margin :-) */
1041    if(rexxsymbol(line[*ptr])<1) /* Test the starting character */
1042       {varname[0]=0;(*namelen)=0;return;}
1043    for(exp=varname;rexxsymbol(line[*ptr]);exp++,(*ptr)++){
1044       if(exp-varname>maxlen)die(Elong);  /* Copy the stem or simple symbol */
1045       (*exp)=line[*ptr];
1046    }
1047    if(line[*ptr]=='.'){
1048       varname[0]|=128;                   /* flag: not a simple symbol */
1049       if((c=line[*ptr+1])<=' '||!(rexxsymboldot(c)||c=='('||c=='\''||c=='\"'))
1050          (*ptr)++;                       /* stem - step past the final dot */
1051       else disp|=4;                      /* compound symbol (so display it) */
1052    }
1053    while(line[*ptr]=='.'){/* Loop to interpret the qualifiers of a comp.symb.*/
1054       (*ptr)++,
1055       (*(exp++))='.';     /* Step past and copy the dot */
1056       if(line[*ptr]<=' ')break; /* Stop if at a space, terminator, or token */
1057       switch(line[*ptr]){ /* What kind of qualifier is it? */
1058          case '.':break;  /* null qualifier */
1059          case '(':(*ptr)++, /* parenthesised expression e.g. stem.(a+b) */
1060             exp1=scanning(line,ptr,&explen),  /* Get the expression    */
1061             ecstackptr=exp1-cstackptr;        /* delete the expression */
1062             if(exp+explen-varname>maxlen)die(Elong);
1063             memcpy(exp,exp1,explen),          /* Copy to the varname */
1064             exp+=explen;
1065             if(line[(*ptr)++]!=')')die(Elpar);/* Expect ')' */
1066             break;
1067          case '\'': /* Quoted expression e.g. stem.'tail' */
1068          case '\"':quote=line[(*ptr)++];
1069             for(expn= *ptr;(line[expn++])!=quote;);/*Find the matching quote */
1070             if(exp+expn-*ptr-varname>maxlen)die(Elong);
1071             memcpy(exp,line+*ptr,expn-*ptr-1),     /* Copy the string */
1072             exp+=expn-*ptr-1,
1073             (*ptr)=expn;
1074             break;
1075          default: exp1=exp; /* The usual qualifier - a symbol */
1076             while(rexxsymbol(line[*ptr])){  /* append the symbol to the name */
1077                if(exp-varname>maxlen)die(Elong);
1078                (*(exp++))=line[(*ptr)++];
1079             }
1080             if(exp1!=exp&&rexxsymbol(exp1[0])==1){/* non-null non-constant */
1081                (*exp)=0,
1082                vg=varget(exp1,exp-exp1,&explen); /* See if the sym has a val */
1083                if(vg!=cnull){                    /* if so, substitute */
1084                   exp=exp1;
1085                   if(exp+explen-varname>maxlen)die(Elong);
1086                   memcpy(exp,vg,explen),
1087                   exp+=explen;
1088                }
1089             }
1090       }
1091    }
1092    if(disp==12){                           /* tracing compound symbols */
1093       c=varname[0];
1094       varname[0]&=0x7f;                    /* Don't print the "stem" flag */
1095       traceline(">C>",varname,exp-varname);
1096       varname[0]=c;
1097    }
1098    (*exp)=0,
1099    (*namelen)=exp-varname;
1100 }
skipvarname(line,ptr)1102 void skipvarname(line,ptr) /* Skip a variable name in a program line */
1103                            /* It is guaranteed to start with a valid char */
1104 char *line;                /* the program line */
1105 int *ptr;                  /* the current character pointer */
1106 {
1107    char quote;
1108    int paren;
1109    while(rexxsymbol(line[*ptr])) (*ptr)++;
1110    while(line[*ptr]=='.'){/* Loop to skip the qualifiers of a compound symbol*/
1111       (*ptr)++;           /* step past the dot */
1112       if(line[*ptr]<=' ')break; /* Stop if at a space, terminator, or token */
1113       switch(line[*ptr]){ /* What kind of qualifier is it? */
1114          case '.':break;  /* null qualifier */
1115          case '(':(*ptr)++; /* parenthesised expression e.g. stem.(a+b) */
1116             for(paren=1;paren&&line[*ptr]&&line[*ptr]!=-1;(*ptr)++)
1117                if(line[*ptr]=='(')paren++;       /* Find matching ')' */
1118                else if(line[*ptr]==')')paren--;
1119             if(paren)die(Elpar);
1120             break;
1121          case '\'': /* Quoted expression e.g. stem.'tail' */
1122          case '\"':quote=line[(*ptr)++];
1123             while((line[(*ptr)++])!=quote); /* Find the matching quote */
1124             break;
1125          default: /* The usual qualifier - a symbol */
1126             while(rexxsymbol(line[*ptr]))(*ptr)++;
1127       }
1128    }
1129 }
gettoken(line,ptr,varname,maxlen,ex)1131 int gettoken(line,ptr,varname,maxlen,ex) /* Go along a program line and form
1132     a token, i.e. a sequence of characters which are valid in symbols - such
1133     as the word coming after SIGNAL. The token may be quoted, in which case
1134     the return value is 2, or a symbol, in which case 1 is returned.  If ex
1135     is non-zero and the token is obviously not a symbol or a quoted string,
1136     then it may be an entire expression, perhaps preceded by VALUE - as in
1137     SIGNAL VALUE x.  In that case 0 is returned.  The token is terminated
1138     with a null after it has been collected. */
1139 char *line;    /* the program line */
1140 int *ptr;      /* the character pointer */
1141 char *varname; /* where to put the token */
1142 int maxlen;    /* the amount of space available in varname */
1143 int ex;        /* whether or not an entire expression is allowed */
1144 {
1145    char *exp;
1146    int i;
1147    int explen;
1148    char quote;
1149    if(rexxsymboldot(line[*ptr])){ /* it's just a simple symbol */
1150       for(i=0;rexxsymboldot(line[*ptr]);varname[i++]=line[(*ptr)++])
1151          if(i>=maxlen-2)die(Elong);
1152       varname[i]=0;
1153       return 1;
1154    }
1155    if((quote=line[(*ptr)++])=='\''||quote=='\"'){ /* it's a string constant */
1156       for(i=0;(varname[i++]=line[(*ptr)++])!=quote;) if(i>=maxlen-1)die(Elong);
1157       varname[--i]=0;
1158 /*    if(!i)die(Enostring);   We allow null strings except where checked individually */
1159       return 2;
1160    }
1161    if(!ex)die(Enostring);  /* it must be an expression; is that allowed? */
1162    if(line[--*ptr]==VALUE)(*ptr)++;  /* VALUE is optional here */
1163    if(!line[*ptr])die(Enostring);
1164    scanning(line,ptr,&explen);     /* get the expression */
1165    exp=delete(&explen);
1166    if(explen>maxlen-1)die(Elong);
1167    memcpy(varname,exp,explen);     /* and copy it */
1168    varname[explen]=0;
1169    if(line[*ptr]==')')die(Erpar);  /* save some work by flagging extra ')'s
1170                                    now.  This must be the end of a clause. */
1171    return 0;
1172 }