1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 1998 - 2019 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #ifndef dealii_fe_update_flags_h
17 #define dealii_fe_update_flags_h
20 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
22 #include <deal.II/base/derivative_form.h>
23 #include <deal.II/base/point.h>
24 #include <deal.II/base/table.h>
25 #include <deal.II/base/tensor.h>
27 #include <vector>
32 // Forward declaration
33 #ifndef DOXYGEN
34 template <int, int>
35 class FiniteElement;
36 #endif
38 /*!@addtogroup feaccess */
39 /*@{*/
41 /**
42  * The enum type given to the constructors of FEValues, FEFaceValues and
43  * FESubfaceValues, telling those objects which data will be needed on each
44  * mesh cell.
45  *
46  * Selecting these flags in a restrictive way is crucial for the efficiency of
47  * FEValues::reinit(), FEFaceValues::reinit() and FESubfaceValues::reinit().
48  * Therefore, only the flags actually needed should be selected. It is the
49  * responsibility of the involved Mapping and FiniteElement to add additional
50  * flags according to their own requirements. For instance, most finite
51  * elements will add #update_covariant_transformation if #update_gradients is
52  * selected.  By default, all flags are off, i.e. no reinitialization will be
53  * done.
54  *
55  * You can select more than one flag by concatenation using the bitwise or
56  * operator|(UpdateFlags,UpdateFlags).
57  *
58  * <h3>Use of these flags flags</h3>
59  *
60  * More information on the use of this type both in user code as well as
61  * internally can be found in the documentation modules on
62  * @ref UpdateFlags "The interplay of UpdateFlags, Mapping, and FiniteElement in FEValues"
63  * and
64  * @ref FE_vs_Mapping_vs_FEValues "How Mapping, FiniteElement, and FEValues work together".
65  */
66 enum UpdateFlags
67 {
68   //! No update
69   update_default = 0,
70   //! Shape function values
71   /**
72    * Compute the values of the shape functions at the quadrature points on the
73    * real space cell. For the usual Lagrange elements, these values are equal
74    * to the values of the shape functions at the quadrature points on the unit
75    * cell, but they are different for more complicated elements, such as
76    * FE_RaviartThomas elements.
77    */
78   update_values = 0x0001,
79   //! Shape function gradients
80   /**
81    * Compute the gradients of the shape functions in coordinates of the real
82    * cell.
83    */
84   update_gradients = 0x0002,
85   //! Second derivatives of shape functions
86   /**
87    * Compute the second derivatives of the shape functions in coordinates of
88    * the real cell.
89    */
90   update_hessians = 0x0004,
91   //! Third derivatives of shape functions
92   /**
93    * Compute the third derivatives of the shape functions in coordinates of
94    * the real cell
95    */
96   update_3rd_derivatives = 0x0008,
97   //! Outer normal vector, not normalized
98   /**
99    * Vector product of tangential vectors, yielding a normal vector with a
100    * length corresponding to the surface element; may be more efficient than
101    * computing both.
102    */
103   update_boundary_forms = 0x0010,
104   //! Transformed quadrature points
105   /**
106    * Compute the quadrature points location in real cell coordinates.
107    *
108    * FEValues objects take the quadrature point locations on the
109    * reference cell as an argument of the constructor (via the
110    * Quadrature object). For most finite elements, knowing the
111    * location of quadrature points on the reference cell is all that
112    * is necessary to evaluate shape functions, evaluate the mapping,
113    * and other things. On the other hand, if you want to evaluate a
114    * right hand side function $f(\mathbf x_q)$ at quadrature point
115    * locations $\mathbf x_q$ on the real cell, you need to pass this
116    * flag to the FEValues constructor to make sure you can later
117    * access them.
118    *
119    * In the context of DataPostprocessor,
120    * DataPostprocessorInputs::CommonInputs::evaluation_points will be updated.
121    */
122   update_quadrature_points = 0x0020,
123   //! Transformed quadrature weights
124   /**
125    * Compute the quadrature weights on the real cell, i.e. the weights of the
126    * quadrature rule multiplied with the determinant of the Jacobian of the
127    * transformation from reference to real cell.
128    */
129   update_JxW_values = 0x0040,
130   //! Normal vectors
131   /**
132    * Compute the normal vectors, either for a face or for a cell of
133    * codimension one. Setting this flag for any other object will raise an
134    * error.
135    */
136   update_normal_vectors = 0x0080,
137   //! Volume element
138   /**
139    * Compute the Jacobian of the transformation from the reference cell to the
140    * real cell.
141    */
142   update_jacobians = 0x0100,
143   //! Gradient of volume element
144   /**
145    * Compute the derivatives of the Jacobian of the transformation.
146    */
147   update_jacobian_grads = 0x0200,
148   //! Volume element
149   /**
150    * Compute the inverse Jacobian of the transformation from the reference
151    * cell to the real cell.
152    */
153   update_inverse_jacobians = 0x0400,
154   //! Covariant transformation
155   /**
156    * Compute all values the Mapping needs to perform a contravariant
157    * transformation of vectors. For special mappings like MappingCartesian
158    * this may be simpler than #update_inverse_jacobians.
159    */
160   update_covariant_transformation = 0x0800,
161   //! Contravariant transformation
162   /**
163    * Compute all values the Mapping needs to perform a contravariant
164    * transformation of vectors. For special mappings like MappingCartesian
165    * this may be simpler than #update_jacobians.
166    */
167   update_contravariant_transformation = 0x1000,
168   //! Shape function values of transformation
169   /**
170    * Compute the shape function values of the transformation defined by the
171    * Mapping.
172    */
173   update_transformation_values = 0x2000,
174   //! Shape function gradients of transformation
175   /**
176    * Compute the shape function gradients of the transformation defined by the
177    * Mapping.
178    */
179   update_transformation_gradients = 0x4000,
180   //! Determinant of the Jacobian
181   /**
182    * Compute the volume element in each quadrature point.
183    */
184   update_volume_elements = 0x10000,
185   /**
186    * Compute the derivatives of the Jacobian of the transformation pushed
187    * forward to the real cell coordinates.
188    */
189   update_jacobian_pushed_forward_grads = 0x100000,
190   /**
191    * Compute the second derivatives of the Jacobian of the transformation.
192    */
193   update_jacobian_2nd_derivatives = 0x200000,
194   /**
195    * Compute the second derivatives of the Jacobian of the transformation
196    * pushed forward to the real cell coordinates.
197    */
198   update_jacobian_pushed_forward_2nd_derivatives = 0x400000,
199   /**
200    * Compute the third derivatives of the Jacobian of the transformation.
201    */
202   update_jacobian_3rd_derivatives = 0x800000,
203   /**
204    * Compute the third derivatives of the Jacobian of the transformation
205    * pushed forward to the real cell coordinates.
206    */
207   update_jacobian_pushed_forward_3rd_derivatives = 0x1000000,
208   //! Values needed for Piola transform
209   /**
210    * Combination of the flags needed for Piola transform of Hdiv elements.
211    */
212   update_piola = update_volume_elements | update_contravariant_transformation,
213   /**
214    * Combination of the flags that require a mapping calculation
215    */
216   update_mapping =
217     // Direct data
218   update_quadrature_points | update_JxW_values | update_jacobians |
219   update_jacobian_grads | update_jacobian_pushed_forward_grads |
220   update_jacobian_2nd_derivatives |
221   update_jacobian_pushed_forward_2nd_derivatives |
222   update_jacobian_3rd_derivatives |
223   update_jacobian_pushed_forward_3rd_derivatives | update_inverse_jacobians |
224   update_boundary_forms | update_normal_vectors |
225   // Transformation dependence
226   update_covariant_transformation | update_contravariant_transformation |
227   update_transformation_values | update_transformation_gradients |
228   // Volume data
229   update_volume_elements
230 };
233 /**
234  * Output operator which outputs update flags as a set of or'd text values.
235  *
236  * @ref UpdateFlags
237  */
238 template <class StreamType>
239 inline StreamType &
240 operator<<(StreamType &s, const UpdateFlags u)
241 {
242   s << " UpdateFlags|";
243   if (u & update_values)
244     s << "values|";
245   if (u & update_gradients)
246     s << "gradients|";
247   if (u & update_hessians)
248     s << "hessians|";
249   if (u & update_3rd_derivatives)
250     s << "3rd_derivatives|";
251   if (u & update_quadrature_points)
252     s << "quadrature_points|";
253   if (u & update_JxW_values)
254     s << "JxW_values|";
255   if (u & update_normal_vectors)
256     s << "normal_vectors|";
257   if (u & update_jacobians)
258     s << "jacobians|";
259   if (u & update_inverse_jacobians)
260     s << "inverse_jacobians|";
261   if (u & update_jacobian_grads)
262     s << "jacobian_grads|";
263   if (u & update_covariant_transformation)
264     s << "covariant_transformation|";
265   if (u & update_contravariant_transformation)
266     s << "contravariant_transformation|";
267   if (u & update_transformation_values)
268     s << "transformation_values|";
269   if (u & update_transformation_gradients)
270     s << "transformation_gradients|";
271   if (u & update_jacobian_pushed_forward_grads)
272     s << "jacobian_pushed_forward_grads|";
273   if (u & update_jacobian_2nd_derivatives)
274     s << "jacobian_2nd_derivatives|";
275   if (u & update_jacobian_pushed_forward_2nd_derivatives)
276     s << "jacobian_pushed_forward_2nd_derivatives|";
277   if (u & update_jacobian_3rd_derivatives)
278     s << "jacobian_3rd_derivatives|";
279   if (u & update_jacobian_pushed_forward_3rd_derivatives)
280     s << "jacobian_pushed_forward_3rd_derivatives|";
282   // TODO: check that 'u' really only has the flags set that are handled above
283   return s;
284 }
287 /**
288  * Global operator which returns an object in which all bits are set which are
289  * either set in the first or the second argument. This operator exists since
290  * if it did not then the result of the bit-or <tt>operator |</tt> would be an
291  * integer which would in turn trigger a compiler warning when we tried to
292  * assign it to an object of type UpdateFlags.
293  *
294  * @ref UpdateFlags
295  */
296 inline UpdateFlags
297 operator|(const UpdateFlags f1, const UpdateFlags f2)
298 {
299   return static_cast<UpdateFlags>(static_cast<unsigned int>(f1) |
300                                   static_cast<unsigned int>(f2));
301 }
305 /**
306  * Global operator which sets the bits from the second argument also in the
307  * first one.
308  *
309  * @ref UpdateFlags
310  */
311 inline UpdateFlags &
312 operator|=(UpdateFlags &f1, const UpdateFlags f2)
313 {
314   f1 = f1 | f2;
315   return f1;
316 }
319 /**
320  * Global operator which returns an object in which all bits are set which are
321  * set in the first as well as the second argument. This operator exists since
322  * if it did not then the result of the bit-and <tt>operator &</tt> would be
323  * an integer which would in turn trigger a compiler warning when we tried to
324  * assign it to an object of type UpdateFlags.
325  *
326  * @ref UpdateFlags
327  */
328 inline UpdateFlags operator&(const UpdateFlags f1, const UpdateFlags f2)
329 {
330   return static_cast<UpdateFlags>(static_cast<unsigned int>(f1) &
331                                   static_cast<unsigned int>(f2));
332 }
335 /**
336  * Global operator which clears all the bits in the first argument if they are
337  * not also set in the second argument.
338  *
339  * @ref UpdateFlags
340  */
341 inline UpdateFlags &
342 operator&=(UpdateFlags &f1, const UpdateFlags f2)
343 {
344   f1 = f1 & f2;
345   return f1;
346 }
350 /**
351  * This enum definition is used for storing similarities of the current cell
352  * to the previously visited cell. This information is used for reusing data
353  * when calling the method FEValues::reinit() (like derivatives, which do not
354  * change if one cell is just a translation of the previous). Currently, this
355  * variable does only recognize a translation and an inverted translation (if
356  * dim<spacedim). However, this concept makes it easy to add additional states
357  * to be detected in FEValues/FEFaceValues for making use of these
358  * similarities as well.
359  */
360 namespace CellSimilarity
361 {
362   enum Similarity
363   {
364     /**
365      * The cells differ by something besides a translation or inverted
366      * translations.
367      */
368     none,
369     /**
370      * The cells differ by a translation.
371      */
372     translation,
373     /**
374      * The cells differ by an inverted translation.
375      */
376     inverted_translation,
377     /**
378      * The next cell is not valid.
379      */
380     invalid_next_cell
381   };
382 }
385 namespace internal
386 {
387   namespace FEValuesImplementation
388   {
389     /**
390      * A class that stores all of the mapping related data used in
391      * dealii::FEValues, dealii::FEFaceValues, and dealii::FESubfaceValues
392      * objects. Objects of this kind will be given as <i>output</i> argument
393      * when dealii::FEValues::reinit() calls Mapping::fill_fe_values() for a
394      * given cell, face, or subface.
395      *
396      * The data herein will then be provided as <i>input</i> argument in the
397      * following call to FiniteElement::fill_fe_values().
398      *
399      * @ingroup feaccess
400      */
401     template <int dim, int spacedim = dim>
402     class MappingRelatedData
403     {
404     public:
405       /**
406        * Initialize all vectors to correct size.
407        */
408       void
409       initialize(const unsigned int n_quadrature_points,
410                  const UpdateFlags  flags);
412       /**
413        * Compute and return an estimate for the memory consumption (in bytes)
414        * of this object.
415        */
416       std::size_t
417       memory_consumption() const;
419       /**
420        * Store an array of weights times the Jacobi determinant at the
421        * quadrature points. This function is reset each time reinit() is
422        * called. The Jacobi determinant is actually the reciprocal value of
423        * the Jacobi matrices stored in this class, see the general
424        * documentation of this class for more information.
425        *
426        * However, if this object refers to an FEFaceValues or FESubfaceValues
427        * object, then the JxW_values correspond to the Jacobian of the
428        * transformation of the face, not the cell, i.e. the dimensionality is
429        * that of a surface measure, not of a volume measure. In this case, it
430        * is computed from the boundary forms, rather than the Jacobian matrix.
431        */
432       std::vector<double> JxW_values;
434       /**
435        * Array of the Jacobian matrices at the quadrature points.
436        */
437       std::vector<DerivativeForm<1, dim, spacedim>> jacobians;
439       /**
440        * Array of the derivatives of the Jacobian matrices at the quadrature
441        * points.
442        */
443       std::vector<DerivativeForm<2, dim, spacedim>> jacobian_grads;
445       /**
446        * Array of the inverse Jacobian matrices at the quadrature points.
447        */
448       std::vector<DerivativeForm<1, spacedim, dim>> inverse_jacobians;
450       /**
451        * Array of the derivatives of the Jacobian matrices at the quadrature
452        * points, pushed forward to the real cell coordinates.
453        */
454       std::vector<Tensor<3, spacedim>> jacobian_pushed_forward_grads;
456       /**
457        * Array of the second derivatives of the Jacobian matrices at the
458        * quadrature points.
459        */
460       std::vector<DerivativeForm<3, dim, spacedim>> jacobian_2nd_derivatives;
462       /**
463        * Array of the  second derivatives of the Jacobian matrices at the
464        * quadrature points, pushed forward to the real cell coordinates.
465        */
466       std::vector<Tensor<4, spacedim>> jacobian_pushed_forward_2nd_derivatives;
468       /**
469        * Array of the  third derivatives of the Jacobian matrices at the
470        * quadrature points.
471        */
472       std::vector<DerivativeForm<4, dim, spacedim>> jacobian_3rd_derivatives;
474       /**
475        * Array of the  third derivatives of the Jacobian matrices at the
476        * quadrature points, pushed forward to the real cell coordinates.
477        */
478       std::vector<Tensor<5, spacedim>> jacobian_pushed_forward_3rd_derivatives;
480       /**
481        * Array of quadrature points. This array is set up upon calling
482        * reinit() and contains the quadrature points on the real element,
483        * rather than on the reference element.
484        */
485       std::vector<Point<spacedim>> quadrature_points;
487       /**
488        * List of outward normal vectors at the quadrature points.
489        */
490       std::vector<Tensor<1, spacedim>> normal_vectors;
492       /**
493        * List of boundary forms at the quadrature points.
494        */
495       std::vector<Tensor<1, spacedim>> boundary_forms;
496     };
499     /**
500      * A class that stores all of the shape function related data used in
501      * dealii::FEValues, dealii::FEFaceValues, and dealii::FESubfaceValues
502      * objects. Objects of this kind will be given as <i>output</i> argument
503      * when dealii::FEValues::reinit() calls FiniteElement::fill_fe_values().
504      *
505      * @ingroup feaccess
506      */
507     template <int dim, int spacedim = dim>
508     class FiniteElementRelatedData
509     {
510     public:
511       /**
512        * Initialize all vectors to correct size.
513        */
514       void
515       initialize(const unsigned int                  n_quadrature_points,
516                  const FiniteElement<dim, spacedim> &fe,
517                  const UpdateFlags                   flags);
519       /**
520        * Compute and return an estimate for the memory consumption (in bytes)
521        * of this object.
522        */
523       std::size_t
524       memory_consumption() const;
526       /**
527        * Storage type for shape values. Each row in the matrix denotes the
528        * values of a single shape function at the different points, columns
529        * are for a single point with the different shape functions.
530        *
531        * If a shape function has more than one non-zero component (in deal.II
532        * diction: it is non-primitive), then we allocate one row per non-zero
533        * component, and shift subsequent rows backward.  Lookup of the correct
534        * row for a shape function is thus simple in case the entire finite
535        * element is primitive (i.e. all shape functions are primitive), since
536        * then the shape function number equals the row number. Otherwise, use
537        * the #shape_function_to_row_table array to get at the first row that
538        * belongs to this particular shape function, and navigate among all the
539        * rows for this shape function using the
540        * FiniteElement::get_nonzero_components() function which tells us which
541        * components are non-zero and thus have a row in the array presently
542        * under discussion.
543        */
544       using ShapeVector = dealii::Table<2, double>;
546       /**
547        * Storage type for gradients. The layout of data is the same as for the
548        * #ShapeVector data type.
549        */
550       using GradientVector = dealii::Table<2, Tensor<1, spacedim>>;
552       /**
553        * Likewise for second order derivatives.
554        */
555       using HessianVector = dealii::Table<2, Tensor<2, spacedim>>;
557       /**
558        * And the same also applies to the third order derivatives.
559        */
560       using ThirdDerivativeVector = dealii::Table<2, Tensor<3, spacedim>>;
562       /**
563        * Store the values of the shape functions at the quadrature points. See
564        * the description of the data type for the layout of the data in this
565        * field.
566        */
567       ShapeVector shape_values;
569       /**
570        * Store the gradients of the shape functions at the quadrature points.
571        * See the description of the data type for the layout of the data in
572        * this field.
573        */
574       GradientVector shape_gradients;
576       /**
577        * Store the 2nd derivatives of the shape functions at the quadrature
578        * points.  See the description of the data type for the layout of the
579        * data in this field.
580        */
581       HessianVector shape_hessians;
583       /**
584        * Store the 3nd derivatives of the shape functions at the quadrature
585        * points.  See the description of the data type for the layout of the
586        * data in this field.
587        */
588       ThirdDerivativeVector shape_3rd_derivatives;
590       /**
591        * When asked for the value (or gradient, or Hessian) of shape function
592        * i's c-th vector component, we need to look it up in the
593        * #shape_values, #shape_gradients and #shape_hessians arrays.  The
594        * question is where in this array does the data for shape function i,
595        * component c reside. This is what this table answers.
596        *
597        * The format of the table is as follows: - It has dofs_per_cell times
598        * n_components entries. - The entry that corresponds to shape function
599        * i, component c is <code>i * n_components + c</code>. - The value
600        * stored at this position indicates the row in #shape_values and the
601        * other tables where the corresponding datum is stored for all the
602        * quadrature points.
603        *
604        * In the general, vector-valued context, the number of components is
605        * larger than one, but for a given shape function, not all vector
606        * components may be nonzero (e.g., if a shape function is primitive,
607        * then exactly one vector component is non-zero, while the others are
608        * all zero). For such zero components, #shape_values and friends do not
609        * have a row. Consequently, for vector components for which shape
610        * function i is zero, the entry in the current table is
611        * numbers::invalid_unsigned_int.
612        *
613        * On the other hand, the table is guaranteed to have at least one valid
614        * index for each shape function. In particular, for a primitive finite
615        * element, each shape function has exactly one nonzero component and so
616        * for each i, there is exactly one valid index within the range
617        * <code>[i*n_components, (i+1)*n_components)</code>.
618        */
619       std::vector<unsigned int> shape_function_to_row_table;
620     };
621   } // namespace FEValuesImplementation
622 } // namespace internal
625 /*@}*/
631 #endif