1 #include "mrilib.h"
3 /** To do:
4       allow output for a range of temporal subsets
5       allow censoring
6 **/
8 #ifdef USE_OMP
9 #include <omp.h>
10 #endif
12 #include "parser.h"
14 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
etime(struct timeval * t,int Report)15 static float etime (struct  timeval  *t, int Report  )
16 {/*etime*/
17    struct  timeval  tn;
18    float Time_Fact = 1000000.0;
19    float delta_t;
21    /* get time */
22    gettimeofday(&tn, NULL);
24    if (Report)
25       {
26          delta_t = ( ( (float)(tn.tv_sec - t->tv_sec)*Time_Fact) +
27                        (float)(tn.tv_usec - t->tv_usec) ) /Time_Fact;
28       }
29    else
30       {
31          t->tv_sec = tn.tv_sec;
32          t->tv_usec = tn.tv_usec;
33          delta_t = 0.0;
34       }
36    return (delta_t);
37 }
39 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
vstep_print(void)41 static void vstep_print(void)
42 {
43    static char xx[10] = "0123456789" ; static int vn=0 ;
44    fprintf(stderr , "%c" , xx[vn%10] ) ;
45    if( vn%10 == 9) fprintf(stderr,".") ;
46    vn++ ;
47 }
49 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
50 /* Binary search for tt in a sorted integer array. */
mybsearch_int(int tt,int nar,int * ar)52 static int mybsearch_int( int tt , int nar , int *ar )
53 {
54    int targ , ii , jj , kk , nn ;
56    if( nar <= 0 || ar == NULL ) return -1 ; /* bad inputs */
58    targ = tt ; ii = 0 ; jj = nar-1 ;      /* setup */
60         if( targ <  ar[0]  ) return -1 ;  /* not found */
61    else if( targ == ar[0]  ) return  0 ;  /* at start! */
63         if( targ >  ar[jj] ) return -1 ;  /* not found */
64    else if( targ == ar[jj] ) return jj ;  /* at end!   */
66    /* at the start of this loop, we've already checked
67       indexes ii and jj, so check the middle of them (kk),
68       and if that doesn't work, make the middle the
69       new ii or the new jj -- so again we will have
70       checked both ii and jj when the loop iterates back. */
72    while( jj-ii > 1 ){
73      kk = (ii+jj) / 2 ;         /* midpoint */
74      nn = ar[kk] - targ ;       /* sign of difference */
75      if( nn == 0 ) return kk ;  /* found it! */
76      if( nn <  0 ) ii = kk ;    /* must be above kk */
77      else          jj = kk ;    /* must be below kk */
78    }
80    return -1 ;
81 }
usage_3dTcorrMap(int detail)83 void usage_3dTcorrMap(int detail) {
84          printf(
85        "Usage: 3dTcorrMap [options]\n"
86        "For each voxel time series, computes the correlation between it\n"
87        "and all other voxels, and combines this set of values into the\n"
88        "output dataset(s) in some way.\n"
89        "\n"
90        "Supposed to give a measure of how 'connected' each voxel is\n"
91        "to the rest of the brain.  [[As if life were that simple.]]\n"
92        "\n"
93        "---------\n"
94        "WARNINGS:\n"
95        "---------\n"
96        "** This program takes a LONG time to run.\n"
97        "** This program will use a LOT of memory.\n"
98        "** Don't say I didn't warn you about these facts, and don't whine.\n"
99        "\n"
100        "--------------\n"
101        "Input Options:\n"
102        "--------------\n"
103        "  -input dd = Read 3D+time dataset 'dd' (a mandatory option).\n"
104        "               This provides the time series to be correlated\n"
105        "               en masse.\n"
106        "            ** This is a non-optional 'option': you MUST supply\n"
107        "               and input dataset!\n"
108        "\n"
109        "  -seed bb  = Read 3D+time dataset 'bb'.\n"
110        "            ** If you use this option, for each voxel in the\n"
111        "                -seed dataset, its time series is correlated\n"
112        "                with every voxel in the -input dataset, and\n"
113        "                then that collection of correlations is processed\n"
114        "                to produce the output for that voxel.\n"
115        "            ** If you don't use -seed, then the -input dataset\n"
116        "                is the -seed dataset [i.e., the normal usage].\n"
117        "            ** The -seed and -input datasets must have the\n"
118        "                same number of time points and the same number\n"
119        "                of voxels!\n"
120        "            ** Unlike the -input dataset, the -seed dataset is not\n"
121        "                preprocessed (i.e., no detrending/bandpass or blur).\n"
122        "                 (The main purpose of this -seed option is to)\n"
123        "                 (allow you to preprocess the seed voxel time)\n"
124        "                 (series in some personalized and unique way.)\n"
125        "\n"
126        "  -mask mmm = Read dataset 'mmm' as a voxel mask.\n"
127        "  -automask = Create a mask from the input dataset.\n"
128        "            ** -mask and -automask are mutually exclusive!\n"
129        "            ** If you don't use one of these masking options, then\n"
130        "               all voxels will be processed, and the program will\n"
131        "               probably run for a VERY long time.\n"
132        "            ** Voxels with constant time series will be automatically\n"
133        "               excluded.\n"
134        "\n"
135        "----------------------------------\n"
136        "Time Series Preprocessing Options: (applied only to -input, not to -seed)\n"
137        "[[[[ In general, it would be better to pre-process with afni_proc.py ]]]]\n"
138        "----------------------------------\n"
139        "TEMPORAL FILTERING:\n"
140        "-------------------\n"
141        "  -polort m  = Remove polynomial trend of order 'm', for m=-1..19.\n"
142        "                [default is m=1; removal is by least squares].\n"
143        "             ** Using m=-1 means no detrending; this is only useful\n"
144        "                for data/information that has been pre-processed\n"
145        "                (e.g., using the 3dBandpass program).\n"
146        "\n"
147        "  -bpass L H = Bandpass the data between frequencies L and H (in Hz).\n"
148        "             ** If the input dataset does not have a time step defined,\n"
149        "                then TR = 1 s will be assumed for this purpose.\n"
150        "           **** -bpass and -polort are mutually exclusive!\n"
151        "\n"
152        "  -ort ref   = 1D file with other time series to be removed from -input\n"
153        "                (via least squares regression) before correlation.\n"
154        "             ** Each column in 'ref' will be regressed out of\n"
155        "                 each -input voxel time series.\n"
156        "             ** -ort can be used with -polort and/or -bandpass.\n"
157        "             ** You can use programs like 3dmaskave and 3dmaskSVD\n"
158        "                 to create reference files from regions of the\n"
159        "                 input dataset (e.g., white matter, CSF).\n"
160 #if 0
161        "\n"
162        "  -PCort n mmm = From the -input dataset, extract the time series\n"
163        "                  from the mask 'mmm', then detrend them (as in\n"
164        "                  -polort/-bpass + -ort), then compute the first\n"
165        "                  'n' principal components (SVD eigenvectors)\n"
166        "                  and regress these out of the -input data as well.\n"
167        "               ** 'mmm' might be a white matter mask, for example.\n"
168        "               ** Similar to using program '3dmaskSVD -sval n' and\n"
169        "                   using that output with '-ort' in this program.\n"
170        "             **** This is the last preprocessing step before the\n"
171        "                   long long all-voxel-pairs correlation begins.\n"
172 #endif
173        "\n"
174        "SPATIAL FILTERING: (only for volumetric input datasets) \n"
175        "-----------------\n"
176        "  -Gblur ff  = Gaussian blur the -input dataset (inside the mask)\n"
177        "                using a kernel width of 'ff' mm.\n"
178        "            ** Uses the same approach as program 3dBlurInMask.\n"
179        "\n"
180        "  -Mseed rr  = When extracting the seed voxel time series from the\n"
181        "                (preprocessed) -input dataset, average it over a radius\n"
182        "                of 'rr' mm prior to doing the correlations with all\n"
183        "                the voxel time series from the -input dataset.\n"
184        "            ** This extra smoothing is said by some mystics to\n"
185        "                improve and enhance the results.  YMMV.\n"
186        "            ** Only voxels inside the mask will be used.\n"
187        "            ** A negative value for 'rr' means to treat the voxel\n"
188        "                dimensions as all equal to 1.0 mm; thus, '-Mseed -1.0'\n"
189        "                means to average a voxel with its 6 nearest\n"
190        "                neighbors in the -input dataset 3D grid.\n"
191        "            ** -Mseed and -seed are mutually exclusive!\n"
192        "               (It makes NO sense to use both options.)\n"
193 #if 0
194        "\n"
195        "  -Pseed rr  = Similar to -Mseed, but instead of averaging, use the\n"
196        "                first principal component (first SVD eigenvector),\n"
197        "                instead of the mean vector.\n"
198        "          **** -Mseed and -Pseed are mutually exclusive!\n"
199 #endif
200        "\n"
201        "---------------\n"
202        "Output Options: (at least one of these must be given!)\n"
203        "---------------\n"
204        "  -Mean pp  = Save average correlations into dataset prefix 'pp'\n"
205        "            ** As pointed out to me by CC, '-Mean' is the same\n"
206        "               as computing the correlation map with the 1D file\n"
207        "               that is the mean of all the normalized time series\n"
208        "               in the mask -- that is, a form of the global signal.\n"
209        "               Such a calculation could be done much faster with\n"
210        "               program 3dTcorr1D.\n"
211        "            ** Nonlinear combinations of the correlations, as done by\n"
212        "               the options below, can't be done in such a simple way.\n"
213        "  -Zmean pp = Save tanh of mean arctanh(correlation) into 'pp'\n"
214        "  -Qmean pp = Save RMS(correlation) into 'pp'\n"
215        "  -Pmean pp = Save average of squared positive correlations into 'pp'\n"
216        "              (negative correlations don't count in this calculation)\n"
217        "  -Thresh tt pp\n"
218        "            = Save the COUNT of how many voxels survived thresholding\n"
219        "              at level abs(correlation) >= tt (for some tt > 0).\n"
220        "\n"
221        "  -VarThresh t0 t1 dt pp\n"
222        "            = Save the COUNT of how many voxels survive thresholding\n"
223        "              at several levels abs(correlation) >= tt, for\n"
224        "              tt = t0, t0+dt, ..., t1.  This option produces\n"
225        "              a multi-volume dataset, with prefix 'pp'.\n"
226        "  -VarThreshN t0 t1 dt pp\n"
227        "            = Like '-VarThresh', but the output counts are\n"
228        "              'Normalized' (divided) by the expected number\n"
229        "              of such supra-threshold voxels that would occur\n"
230        "              from white noise timeseries.\n"
231        "           ** N.B.: You can't use '-VarThresh' and '-VarThreshN'\n"
232        "                    in the same run of the program!\n"
233        "  -CorrMap pp\n"
234        "         Output at each voxel the entire correlation map, into\n"
235        "         a dataset with prefix 'pp'.\n"
236        "       **  Essentially this does what 3dAutoTcorrelate would,\n"
237        "           with some of the additional options offered here.\n"
238        "       ** N.B.: Output dataset will be HUGE and BIG in most cases.\n"
239        "  -CorrMask\n"
240        "         By default, -CorrMap outputs a sub-brick for EACH\n"
241        "         input dataset voxel, even those that are NOT in\n"
242        "         the mask (such sub-bricks will be all zero).\n"
243        "         If you want to eliminate these sub-bricks, use\n"
244        "         this option.\n"
245        "       ** N.B.: The label for the sub-brick that was seeded\n"
246        "                from voxel (i,j,k) will be of the form\n"
247        "                v032.021.003 (when i=32, j=21, k=3).\n"
248        "\n"
249        "  --** The following 3 options let you create a customized **--\n"
250        "  --** method of combining the correlations, if the above  **--\n"
251        "  --** techniques do not meet your needs.  (Of course, you **--\n"
252        "  --** could also use '-CorrMap' and then process the big  **--\n"
253        "  --** output dataset yourself later, in some clever way.) **--\n"
254        "\n"
255        "  -Aexpr expr ppp\n"
256        "            = For each correlation 'r', compute the calc-style\n"
257        "              expression 'expr', and average these values to get\n"
258        "              the output that goes into dataset 'ppp'.\n"
259        "  -Cexpr expr ppp\n"
260        "            = As in '-Aexpr', but only average together nonzero\n"
261        "              values computed by 'expr'.  Example:\n"
262        "                -Cexpr 'step(r-0.3)*r' TCa03\n"
263        "              would compute (for each voxel) the average of all\n"
264        "              correlation coefficients larger than 0.3.\n"
265        "  -Sexpr expr ppp\n"
266        "            = As above, but the sum of the expressions is computed\n"
267        "              rather than the average.  Example:\n"
268        "                -Sexpr 'step(r-0.3)' TCn03\n"
269        "              would compute the number of voxels with correlation\n"
270        "              coefficients larger than 0.3.\n"
271        "           ** N.B.: At most one '-?expr' option can be used in\n"
272        "                    the same run of the program!\n"
273        "           ** N.B.: Only the symbols 'r' and 'z' [=atanh(r)] have any\n"
274        "                    meaning in the expression; all other symbols will\n"
275        "                    be treated as zeroes.\n"
276        "\n"
277        "  -Hist N ppp\n"
278        "            = For each voxel, save a histogram of the correlation\n"
279        "              coefficients into dataset ppp.\n"
280        "           ** N values will be saved per voxel, with the i'th\n"
281        "              sub-brick containing the count for the range\n"
282        "                -1+i*D <= r < -1+(i+1)*D  with D=2/N and i=0..N-1\n"
283        "           ** N must be at least 20, and at most 1000.\n"
284        "            * N=200 is good; then D=0.01, yielding a decent resolution.\n"
285        "           ** The output dataset is short format; thus, the maximum\n"
286        "              count in any bin will be 32767.\n"
287        "           ** The output from this option will probably require further\n"
288        "              processing before it can be useful -- but it is fun to\n"
289        "              surf through these histograms in AFNI's graph viewer.\n"
290        "\n"
291        "----------------\n"
292        "Random Thoughts:\n"
293        "----------------\n"
294        "-- In all output calculations, the correlation of a voxel with itself\n"
295        "   is ignored.  If you don't understand why, step away from the keyboard.\n"
296        "-- This purely experimental program is somewhat time consuming.\n"
297        "   (Of course, it's doing a LOT of calculations.)\n"
298        "-- For Kyle, AKA the new Pat (assuming such a thing were possible).\n"
299        "-- For Steve, AKA the new Kyle (which makes him the newest Pat).\n"
300        "-- RWCox - August 2008 et cetera.\n"
301       ) ;
303       PRINT_AFNI_OMP_USAGE("3dTcorrMap",NULL) ;
304 #ifndef USE_OMP
305       printf(" * You REALLY want to use an OpenMP version of this program,\n"
306              "    and run on a fast multi-CPU computer system!  Otherwise,\n"
307              "    you will wait a LONG LONG time for the results.\n"
308             ) ;
309 #endif
311    return;
312 }
314 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
main(int argc,char * argv[])316 int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
317 {
318    THD_3dim_dataset *xset=NULL ; int nx,ny,nz,nxy,nxyz ;
319    THD_3dim_dataset *sset=NULL ;
320    int nopt=1 , do_automask=0 ;
321    int nvox , nvals , ii,jj,kk , polort=1 , ntime ;
322    float *xsar ; float acc,cc,csum,Mcsum,Zcsum,Qcsum , Tcount ;
323    byte *mask=NULL ; int nxmask=0,nymask=0,nzmask=0 , nmask=0 , vstep=0 ;
324    int nref=0 , iv=0, N_iv=0, Tbone=0;
325    float **ref=NULL, t0=0.0, t1=0.0, ti=0.0;
326    MRI_IMAGE *ortim=NULL ; float *ortar=NULL ;
327    int *indx=NULL ; MRI_IMARR *timar=NULL ; MRI_IMARR *simar=NULL ;
328    char *Mprefix=NULL ; THD_3dim_dataset *Mset=NULL ; float *Mar=NULL ;
329    char *Zprefix=NULL ; THD_3dim_dataset *Zset=NULL ; float *Zar=NULL ;
330    char *Qprefix=NULL ; THD_3dim_dataset *Qset=NULL ; float *Qar=NULL ;
331    char *Tprefix=NULL ; THD_3dim_dataset *Tset=NULL ; float *Tar=NULL ;
332    char *Pprefix=NULL ; THD_3dim_dataset *Pset=NULL ; float *Par=NULL ;
333    char *COprefix=NULL; THD_3dim_dataset *COset=NULL ; short *COar=NULL ;
334    int COmask=0 ;
335    float Thresh=0.0f ;
336    char *Tvprefix=NULL ; THD_3dim_dataset *Tvset=NULL ;
337    float **Tvar=NULL ; float *Threshv=NULL, *Tvcount=NULL ;
338    char stmp[256];
339    int nout=0 ;
340    int isodd ;  /* 29 Apr 2009: for unrolling innermost dot product */
341    struct  timeval  tt;
342    float dtt=0.0;
343    float *ccar=NULL ; /* 29 Apr 2009: for OpenMP usage */
345    float Pcsum ; int nPcsum ;  /* 23 Jun 2009 */
347    char        *expr_string=NULL , expr_type='\0' ;  /* 23 Jun 2009 */
348    PARSER_code *expr_code=NULL ;
349    char *Eprefix=NULL ; THD_3dim_dataset *Eset=NULL ; float *Ear=NULL ;
350    double *atoz[26] ;
351    double *eear=NULL ; float Esum ; int nEsum ;
352    int expr_has_z=0 , expr_has_r=0 ;
354    char *HHprefix=NULL ; THD_3dim_dataset *HHset=NULL ;
355    int   HHnum=0 ; short *HHist=NULL ; float HHdel=0.0f , HHdin=0.0f ;
357    float bpass_L=0.0f , bpass_H=0.0f , dtime ; int do_bpass=0 ;
358    double ctime ;
359    float gblur=0.0f ;
360    float Mseedr=0.0f , dx,dy,dz ; MCW_cluster *Mseed_nbhd=NULL ;
361    float *Mseedar=NULL ;
363    int PCortn=0 , PCnmask=0 ; byte *PCmask=NULL ; int PCnx=0, PCny=0, PCnz=0 ;
364    MRI_IMARR *PCimar=NULL ;
366    int need_acc = 0 ;
368    /*----*/
370 #if defined(USING_MCW_MALLOC) && !defined(USE_OMP)
371    enable_mcw_malloc() ;
372 #endif
373    if( argc > 2 ){
374      mainENTRY("3dTcorrMap main"); machdep(); PRINT_VERSION("3dTcorrMap");
375      AFNI_logger("3dTcorrMap",argc,argv);
376      THD_check_AFNI_version("3dTcorrMap") ;
377      AFNI_SETUP_OMP(0) ;  /* 24 Jun 2013 */
378    }
380    /*-- option processing --*/
382    while( nopt < argc && argv[nopt][0] == '-' ){
383       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-h") == 0 ||
384           strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-help") == 0 ) {
385          usage_3dTcorrMap(strlen(argv[1]) > 3 ? 2:1);
386          exit(0);
387       }
388       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-Mseed") == 0 ){
389         if( sset != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't use -Mseed with -seed!") ;
390         Mseedr = (float)strtod( argv[++nopt] , NULL ) ;
391         if( Mseedr == 0.0f ) ERROR_exit("Illegal value after -Mseed") ;
392         nopt++ ; continue ;
393       }
395       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-Gblur") == 0 ){
396         gblur = (float)strtod( argv[++nopt] , NULL ) ;
397         if( gblur < 0.0f ) ERROR_exit("Illegal value after -Gblur") ;
398         nopt++ ; continue ;
399       }
401       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-ort") == 0 ){
402         if( ortim != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't have 2 -ort options!") ;
403         ortim = mri_read_1D( argv[++nopt] ) ;
404         if( ortim == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't read file after -ort") ;
405         nopt++ ; continue ;
406       }
408 #if 0
409       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-PCort") == 0 ){
410         THD_3dim_dataset *mset ;
411         if( nopt+2 >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need 2 arguments after '-PCort'") ;
412         if( PCortn > 0 ) ERROR_exit("Can't have 2 -PCort options") ;
413         PCortn = (int)strtod(argv[++nopt],NULL) ;
414         if( PCortn <= 0 ) ERROR_exit("Illegal 'n' after -PCort") ;
416         mset = THD_open_dataset( argv[++nopt] ); CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(mset,argv[nopt-1]);
417         DSET_load(mset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(mset) ;
418         PCnx = DSET_NX(mset); PCny = DSET_NY(mset); PCnz = DSET_NZ(mset);
419         PCmask = THD_makemask( mset , 0 , 0.5f, 0.0f ) ; DSET_delete(mset) ;
420         if( PCmask == NULL )
421           ERROR_exit("Can't make -PCort mask from dataset '%s'",argv[nopt]) ;
422         PCnmask = THD_countmask( PCnx*PCny*PCnz , PCmask ) ;
423         INFO_message("Number of voxels in -PCort mask = %d",PCnmask) ;
424         if( nmask < 9 ) ERROR_exit("-PCort mask is too small to process") ;
425         nopt++ ; continue ;
426       }
427 #endif
429       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-automask") == 0 ){
430          if( mask != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't use -automask and -mask!") ;
431          do_automask = 1 ; nopt++ ; continue ;
432       }
434       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-prefix") == 0 ){
435          WARNING_message("-prefix option is converted to -Mean in 3dTcorrMap") ;
436          Mprefix = argv[++nopt] ; nout++ ;
437          if( !THD_filename_ok(Mprefix) ) ERROR_exit("Illegal string after -prefix!\n") ;
438          nopt++ ; continue ;
439       }
440       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-Mean") == 0 || strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-Mmean") == 0 ){
441          Mprefix = argv[++nopt] ; nout++ ;
442          if( !THD_filename_ok(Mprefix) ) ERROR_exit("Illegal prefix after %s!\n",argv[nopt-1]) ;
443          nopt++ ; continue ;
444       }
445       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-Zmean") == 0 ){
446          Zprefix = argv[++nopt] ; nout++ ;
447          if( !THD_filename_ok(Zprefix) ) ERROR_exit("Illegal prefix after -Zmean!\n") ;
448          nopt++ ; continue ;
449       }
450       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-Qmean") == 0 ){
451          Qprefix = argv[++nopt] ; nout++ ;
452          if( !THD_filename_ok(Qprefix) ) ERROR_exit("Illegal prefix after -Qmean!\n") ;
453          nopt++ ; continue ;
454       }
455       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-Pmean") == 0 ){
456          Pprefix = argv[++nopt] ; nout++ ;
457          if( !THD_filename_ok(Pprefix) ) ERROR_exit("Illegal prefix after -Pmean!\n") ;
458          nopt++ ; continue ;
459       }
460       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-Thresh") == 0 ){
461          Thresh = (float)strtod(argv[++nopt],NULL) ;
462          if( Thresh <= 0.0f || Thresh >= 0.99f )
463            ERROR_exit("Illegal -Thresh value %g",Thresh) ;
464          Tprefix = argv[++nopt] ; nout++ ;
465          if( !THD_filename_ok(Tprefix) )
466            ERROR_exit("Illegal prefix after -Thresh!\n") ;
467          nopt++ ; need_acc = 1 ; continue ;
468       }
469       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-VarThresh") == 0 ||
470           strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-VarThreshN") == 0 ){
472          if (nopt+4 >= argc) {
473             ERROR_exit("Need three values and a prefix after -VarThresh*");
474          }
476          Tbone = !strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-VarThreshN");
478          t0 = (float)strtod(argv[++nopt],NULL) ;
479          t1 = (float)strtod(argv[++nopt],NULL) ;
480          ti = (float)strtod(argv[++nopt],NULL) ;
481          N_iv = (int)((t1-t0)/ti)+1;
482          if( t0 <= 0.0f || t0 >= 0.99f )
483             ERROR_exit("Illegal 1st value of %g after -VarThresh* ",t0) ;
484          if( t1 <= 0.0f || t1 >= 0.99f )
485             ERROR_exit("Illegal 2nd value of %g after -VarThresh* ",t1) ;
486          if( ti <= 0.0f || ti >= 0.99f )
487             ERROR_exit("Illegal 3rd value of %g after -VarThresh* ",ti) ;
488          if (N_iv <= 0)
489             ERROR_exit("Bad combination of values after -VarThresh* ") ;
491          Threshv = (float *)calloc(N_iv+1, sizeof(float));
492          for (iv=0; iv < N_iv; ++iv)
493            Threshv[iv] = t0 + (float)iv*ti;
495          Tvprefix = argv[++nopt] ; nout++ ;
496          if( !THD_filename_ok(Tvprefix) )
497             ERROR_exit("Illegal prefix after %s",argv[nopt-4]) ;
498          if( Tvprefix[0] == '-' )
499             WARNING_message("%s prefix '%s' starts with '-' :: is this a mistake?",
500                            argv[nopt-4] , Tvprefix ) ;
502          INFO_message("VarThresh mode with %d levels: %.3f .. %.3f\n",
503                       N_iv , Threshv[0] , Threshv[N_iv-1] ) ;
505          nopt++ ; need_acc = 1 ; continue ;
506       }
507       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-CorrMask") == 0 ){  /* 25 Feb 2011 */
508         COmask++ ; nopt++ ; continue ;
509       }
510       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-CorrMap") == 0 ){
512          if (nopt+1 >= argc)
513             ERROR_exit("Need a prefix after -CorrMap");
515          COprefix = argv[++nopt] ; nout++ ;
516          if( !THD_filename_ok(COprefix) )
517             ERROR_exit("Illegal prefix after %s",argv[nopt-1]) ;
518          if( COprefix[0] == '-' )
519             WARNING_message(
520                "%s prefix '%s' starts with '-' :: is this a mistake?",
521                argv[nopt-1] , COprefix ) ;
523          nopt++ ; continue ;
524       }
526       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-Aexpr") == 0 ||
527           strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-Cexpr") == 0 ||
528           strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-Sexpr") == 0   ){
530         if( expr_type != '\0' ) ERROR_exit("Can't have 2 'expr' options!") ;
531         expr_type   = argv[nopt][1] ; nopt++ ;
532         expr_string = strdup(argv[nopt]) ;
533         expr_code   = PARSER_generate_code( expr_string ) ;
534         if( expr_code == NULL )
535           ERROR_exit("Illegal expression in option '%s'",argv[nopt-1]) ;
536         expr_has_r = PARSER_has_symbol("r",expr_code ) ;
537         expr_has_z = PARSER_has_symbol("z",expr_code ) ;
538         if( !expr_has_r && !expr_has_z )
539           ERROR_exit("Expression doesn't have 'r' and/or 'z' symbol!") ;
540         Eprefix = argv[++nopt] ; nout++ ;
541         if( !THD_filename_ok(Eprefix) )
542           ERROR_exit("Illegal prefix after '%s'",argv[nopt-2]) ;
543         nopt++ ; continue ;
544       }
546       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-Hist") == 0 ){
547         if( nopt+2 >= argc ) ERROR_exit("need 2 args after -Hist") ;
548         HHnum = (int)strtod(argv[++nopt],NULL) ;
549              if( HHnum <   20 ) ERROR_exit("-Hist count must be at least 20") ;
550         else if( HHnum > 1000 ) ERROR_exit("-Hist count must be at most 1000");
551         HHist = (short *)malloc(sizeof(short)*(HHnum+1)) ;
552         HHprefix = argv[++nopt] ; nout++ ;
553         HHdel = 2.0f / HHnum ; HHdin = HHnum / 2.0f ;
554         if( !THD_filename_ok(HHprefix) )
555           ERROR_exit("Illegal prefix after '%s'",argv[nopt-2]) ;
556         nopt++ ; continue ;
557       }
559       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-polort") == 0 ){
560          char *cpt ;
561          int val = (int)strtod(argv[++nopt],&cpt) ;
562          if( *cpt != '\0' || val < -1 || val > 19 )
563             ERROR_exit("Illegal value '%s' after -polort!",argv[nopt]) ;
564          polort = val ; nopt++ ; continue ;
565       }
567       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-bpass") == 0 ){
568         if( nopt+2 >= argc ) ERROR_exit("need 2 args after -bpass") ;
569         bpass_L = (float)strtod(argv[++nopt],NULL) ;
570         bpass_H = (float)strtod(argv[++nopt],NULL) ;
571         if( bpass_L < 0.0f || bpass_H <= bpass_L )
572           ERROR_exit("Illegal values after -bpass") ;
573         nopt++ ; continue ;
574       }
576       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-input") == 0 ){
577         if( xset != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't use -input twice!") ;
578         xset = THD_open_dataset(argv[++nopt]); CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(xset,argv[nopt]);
579         nopt++ ; continue ;
580       }
582       if(   (strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-base") == 0) ||
583             (strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-seed") == 0)    ){
584                      /* Added -seed to fit with -help text. Don't know how -base
585                      got in here.      ZSS: Emergency patch. Jan 25 09 */
586         if( sset != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't use -seed twice!") ;
587         if( Mseedr != 0.0f ) ERROR_exit("Can't use -seed with -Mseed!") ;
588         sset = THD_open_dataset(argv[++nopt]); CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(sset,argv[nopt]);
589         nopt++ ; continue ;
590       }
592       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-mask") == 0 ){
593         THD_3dim_dataset *mset ;
594         if( do_automask ) ERROR_exit("Can't use -automask and -mask") ;
595         if( mask != NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't use -mask twice") ;
596         if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("Need argument after '-mask'") ;
597         mset = THD_open_dataset( argv[nopt] ); CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(mset,argv[nopt]);
598         DSET_load(mset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(mset) ;
599         nxmask = DSET_NX(mset); nymask = DSET_NY(mset); nzmask = DSET_NZ(mset);
600         mask = THD_makemask( mset , 0 , 0.5f, 0.0f ) ; DSET_delete(mset) ;
601         if( mask == NULL )
602             ERROR_exit("Can't make mask from dataset '%s'",argv[nopt]) ;
603         nmask = THD_countmask( nxmask*nymask*nzmask , mask ) ;
604         INFO_message("Number of voxels in mask = %d",nmask) ;
605         if( nmask < 9 ) ERROR_exit("Mask is too small to process") ;
606         nopt++ ; continue ;
607       }
609       ERROR_message("Unknown option: %s",argv[nopt]) ;
610       suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[nopt]);
611       exit(1);
612    }
613    if( argc < 2 ){
614       ERROR_message("Too few options");
615       usage_3dTcorrMap(0);
616       exit(1) ;
617    }
620    /*-- open dataset, check for legality --*/
622    if( nout == 0 ) ERROR_exit("Don't you want any output datasets?") ;
624    if( nopt >= argc && xset == NULL)
625      ERROR_exit("No -input option and no dataset in final position?!") ;
627    if( xset == NULL ){
628      xset = THD_open_dataset(argv[nopt]); CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(xset,argv[nopt]);
629    }
630    ntime = DSET_NVALS(xset) ;
631    if( ntime < 9 )
632      ERROR_exit("Input dataset '%s' is too short: %d time points" ,
633                 DSET_HEADNAME(xset) , ntime ) ;
634    if( ortim != NULL && ortim->nx < ntime )
635      ERROR_exit("-ort file is shorter than input dataset!") ;
637    DSET_UNMSEC(xset) ;
638    dtime = DSET_TR(xset) ;
639    if( dtime <= 0.0f ) dtime = 1.0f ;
640    do_bpass = (bpass_L < bpass_H) ;
641    if( do_bpass ){
642      kk = THD_bandpass_OK( ntime , dtime , bpass_L , bpass_H , 1 ) ;
643      if( kk <= 0 ) ERROR_exit("Can't continue since -bpass setup is illegal") ;
644      polort = -1 ;
645    }
647    if( sset != NULL ){
648      if( DSET_NVALS(sset) != ntime )
649        ERROR_exit("-seed dataset time series length %d doesn't match -input %d",
650                   DSET_NVALS(sset) , ntime ) ;
652      if( DSET_NVOX(sset) != DSET_NVOX(xset) )
653        ERROR_exit("-seed dataset doesn't match -input dataset in space") ;
654    }
656    /*-- compute references, if any --*/
658    if( polort >= 0 ){
659      nref = polort + 1 ; ref = THD_build_polyref( nref , ntime ) ;
660    }
661    if( ortim != NULL ){
662      jj = ortim->ny ; ortar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(ortim) ;
663      ref = (float **)realloc( ref , sizeof(float *)*(nref+jj) ) ;
664      for( ii=0 ; ii < jj ; ii++ )
665        ref[ii+nref] = ortar + (ii*ortim->nx) ;
666      nref += jj ;
667    }
669    /*-- compute mask array, if desired --*/
671    nx = DSET_NX(xset) ;
672    ny = DSET_NY(xset) ; nxy  = nx*ny ;
673    nz = DSET_NZ(xset) ; nxyz = nvox = nxy*nz ;
675    if( do_automask ){
676      if (!DSET_IS_VOL(xset)) {
677       ERROR_exit("Can't use -automask with non-volumetric input datasets");
678      }
679      mask  = THD_automask( xset ) ;
680      nmask = THD_countmask( nvox , mask ) ;
681      if( nmask > 9 )
682        INFO_message("%d voxels survive -automask",nmask) ;
683      else
684        ERROR_exit("only %d voxels survive -automask",nmask) ;
685    } else if( mask != NULL ){
686      if( nxmask != nx || nymask != ny || nzmask != nz )
687        ERROR_exit("-mask and -input datasets differ in voxel grids!") ;
688    } else {
689      nmask = nvox ;
690      mask  = (byte *)malloc(sizeof(byte)*nmask) ;
691      memset( mask  , 1 , sizeof(byte)*nmask ) ;
692      INFO_message("computing for all %d voxels!",nmask) ;
693    }
695    /*--- load input data ---*/
697    if( !DSET_LOADED(xset) ){
698      INFO_message("Loading input dataset") ;
699      DSET_load(xset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(xset) ;
700    }
702    /* check for constant voxels, and remove them from the mask */
704    xsar = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float)*ntime ) ;
705    for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){
706      if( mask[ii] == 0 ) continue ;
707      (void)THD_extract_array( ii , xset , 0 , xsar ) ;
708      for( kk=1 ; kk < ntime && xsar[kk] == xsar[0] ; kk++ ) ; /*nada*/
709      if( kk == ntime ) mask[ii] = 0 ; /* xsar is constant */
710    }
711    free(xsar) ;
712    ii = THD_countmask( nvox , mask ) ;
713    if( ii < nmask ){
714      if( ii > 9 ) ININFO_message("only %d voxels in dataset are non-constant"  ,ii);
715      else         ERROR_exit    ("only %d voxels in dataset are non-constant!?",ii);
716      nmask = ii ;
717    }
719    /* create indx[jj] = voxel index in dataset whence
720                         jj-th extracted time series comes from */
722    indx = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*nmask) ;
723    for( ii=jj=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) if( mask[ii] ) indx[jj++] = ii ;
725    /*-- check PCort mask (if any) for matchingness --*/
727    if( PCortn > 0 ){
728      if( PCnx != nx || PCny != ny || PCnz != nz )
729        ERROR_exit("-PCort mask doesn't match -input dataset voxel grid!") ;
730    }
732    /*-- create output datasets --*/
734    if( Mprefix != NULL ){
735      Mset = EDIT_empty_copy( xset ) ;
736      EDIT_dset_items( Mset ,
737                         ADN_prefix    , Mprefix        ,
738                         ADN_nvals     , 1              ,
739                         ADN_ntt       , 0              ,
740                         ADN_brick_fac , NULL           ,
741                         ADN_type      , HEAD_FUNC_TYPE ,
742                         ADN_func_type , FUNC_BUCK_TYPE ,
743                       ADN_none ) ;
744      EDIT_substitute_brick( Mset , 0 , MRI_float , NULL ) ;
745      Mar = DSET_ARRAY(Mset,0) ;  /* get array  */
746      EDIT_BRICK_TO_NOSTAT(Mset,0) ;
747      if( THD_deathcon() && THD_is_file(DSET_HEADNAME(Mset)) )
748        ERROR_exit("Output dataset %s already exists!",
749                   DSET_HEADNAME(Mset)) ;
750      tross_Make_History( "3dTcorrMap" , argc,argv , Mset ) ;
751    }
753    if( COprefix != NULL ){
754      int iii, jjj, kkk, ijk , dig=0 , nv=(COmask) ? nmask : nxyz ;
755      float *lesfac=(float*)calloc(nv,sizeof(float));
756      for (ii=0; ii<nv; ++ii) lesfac[ii]=1/10000.0;
757      COset = EDIT_empty_copy( xset ) ;
758      EDIT_dset_items( COset ,
759                         ADN_prefix    , COprefix      ,
760                         ADN_nvals     , nv            ,
761                         ADN_ntt       , nv            ,
762                         ADN_ttdel     , 1.0           ,
763                         ADN_nsl       , 0             ,
764                         ADN_brick_fac , lesfac        ,
765                         ADN_type      , HEAD_FUNC_TYPE,
766                         ADN_func_type , FUNC_FIM_TYPE ,
767                       ADN_none ) ;
769      INFO_message  ("CorrMap: this might take a long while and a lot of memory,\n") ;
770      ININFO_message("         and will create big [%s bytes] output dataset ...",
771                        approximate_number_string((double)DSET_TOTALBYTES(COset)) ) ;
772      free(lesfac); lesfac = NULL;
773      dig = (int)ceil(log((double)nv)/log(10.0));
774      for (ii=0; ii<nv; ++ii) {
775       EDIT_substitute_brick( COset , ii , MRI_short , NULL ) ;
776       EDIT_BRICK_TO_NOSTAT(COset,ii) ;
777       if (!DSET_IS_VOL(xset)) {
778          switch (dig) {
779             case 6: sprintf(stmp,"n%06d", ii); break;
780             case 5: sprintf(stmp,"n%05d", ii); break;
781             case 4: sprintf(stmp,"n%04d", ii); break;
782             case 3:
783             case 2:
784             case 1: sprintf(stmp,"n%03d", ii); break;
785            default: sprintf(stmp,"n%07d", ii); break;
786          }
787       } else {
788          ijk = (COmask) ? indx[ii] : ii ;
789          kkk = ijk / nxy ; jjj = ijk % nxy ; iii = jjj % nx  ; jjj = jjj / nx  ;
790          sprintf(stmp,"v%03d.%03d.%03d",iii,jjj,kkk) ;
791       }
792       EDIT_BRICK_LABEL(COset,ii,stmp) ;
793      }
794      if( THD_deathcon() && THD_is_file(DSET_HEADNAME(COset)) )
795        ERROR_exit("Output dataset %s already exists!",
796                   DSET_HEADNAME(COset)) ;
797      tross_Make_History( "3dTcorrMap" , argc,argv , COset ) ;
798    }
800    if( Pprefix != NULL ){
801      Pset = EDIT_empty_copy( xset ) ;
802      EDIT_dset_items( Pset ,
803                         ADN_prefix    , Pprefix        ,
804                         ADN_nvals     , 1              ,
805                         ADN_ntt       , 0              ,
806                         ADN_brick_fac , NULL           ,
807                         ADN_type      , HEAD_FUNC_TYPE ,
808                         ADN_func_type , FUNC_BUCK_TYPE ,
809                       ADN_none ) ;
810      EDIT_substitute_brick( Pset , 0 , MRI_float , NULL ) ;
811      Par = DSET_ARRAY(Pset,0) ;  /* get array  */
812      EDIT_BRICK_TO_NOSTAT(Pset,0) ;
813      if( THD_deathcon() && THD_is_file(DSET_HEADNAME(Pset)) )
814        ERROR_exit("Output dataset %s already exists!",
815                   DSET_HEADNAME(Pset)) ;
816      tross_Make_History( "3dTcorrMap" , argc,argv , Pset ) ;
817    }
819    if( Eprefix != NULL ){
820      Eset = EDIT_empty_copy( xset ) ;
821      EDIT_dset_items( Eset ,
822                         ADN_prefix    , Eprefix        ,
823                         ADN_nvals     , 1              ,
824                         ADN_ntt       , 0              ,
825                         ADN_brick_fac , NULL           ,
826                         ADN_type      , HEAD_FUNC_TYPE ,
827                         ADN_func_type , FUNC_BUCK_TYPE ,
828                       ADN_none ) ;
829      EDIT_substitute_brick( Eset , 0 , MRI_float , NULL ) ;
830      Ear = DSET_ARRAY(Eset,0) ;  /* get array  */
831      EDIT_BRICK_TO_NOSTAT(Eset,0) ;
832      if( THD_deathcon() && THD_is_file(DSET_HEADNAME(Eset)) )
833        ERROR_exit("Output dataset %s already exists!",
834                   DSET_HEADNAME(Eset)) ;
835      tross_Make_History( "3dTcorrMap" , argc,argv , Eset ) ;
836    }
838    if( Zprefix != NULL ){
839      Zset = EDIT_empty_copy( xset ) ;
840      EDIT_dset_items( Zset ,
841                         ADN_prefix    , Zprefix        ,
842                         ADN_nvals     , 1              ,
843                         ADN_ntt       , 0              ,
844                         ADN_brick_fac , NULL           ,
845                         ADN_type      , HEAD_FUNC_TYPE ,
846                         ADN_func_type , FUNC_BUCK_TYPE ,
847                       ADN_none ) ;
848      EDIT_substitute_brick( Zset , 0 , MRI_float , NULL ) ;
849      Zar = DSET_ARRAY(Zset,0) ;  /* get array  */
850      EDIT_BRICK_TO_NOSTAT(Zset,0) ;
851      if( THD_deathcon() && THD_is_file(DSET_HEADNAME(Zset)) )
852        ERROR_exit("Output dataset %s already exists!",
853                   DSET_HEADNAME(Zset)) ;
854      tross_Make_History( "3dTcorrMap" , argc,argv , Zset ) ;
855    }
857    if( Qprefix != NULL ){
858      Qset = EDIT_empty_copy( xset ) ;
859      EDIT_dset_items( Qset ,
860                         ADN_prefix    , Qprefix        ,
861                         ADN_nvals     , 1              ,
862                         ADN_ntt       , 0              ,
863                         ADN_brick_fac , NULL           ,
864                         ADN_type      , HEAD_FUNC_TYPE ,
865                         ADN_func_type , FUNC_BUCK_TYPE ,
866                       ADN_none ) ;
867      EDIT_substitute_brick( Qset , 0 , MRI_float , NULL ) ;
868      Qar = DSET_ARRAY(Qset,0) ;  /* get array  */
869      EDIT_BRICK_TO_NOSTAT(Qset,0) ;
870      if( THD_deathcon() && THD_is_file(DSET_HEADNAME(Qset)) )
871        ERROR_exit("Output dataset %s already exists!",
872                   DSET_HEADNAME(Qset)) ;
873      tross_Make_History( "3dTcorrMap" , argc,argv , Qset ) ;
874    }
876    if( Tprefix != NULL ){
877      Tset = EDIT_empty_copy( xset ) ;
878      EDIT_dset_items( Tset ,
879                         ADN_prefix    , Tprefix        ,
880                         ADN_nvals     , 1              ,
881                         ADN_ntt       , 0              ,
882                         ADN_brick_fac , NULL           ,
883                         ADN_type      , HEAD_FUNC_TYPE ,
884                         ADN_func_type , FUNC_BUCK_TYPE ,
885                       ADN_none ) ;
886      EDIT_substitute_brick( Tset , 0 , MRI_float , NULL ) ;
887      Tar = DSET_ARRAY(Tset,0) ;  /* get array  */
888      EDIT_BRICK_TO_NOSTAT(Tset,0) ;
889      if( THD_deathcon() && THD_is_file(DSET_HEADNAME(Tset)) )
890        ERROR_exit("Output dataset %s already exists!",
891                   DSET_HEADNAME(Tset)) ;
892      tross_Make_History( "3dTcorrMap" , argc,argv , Tset ) ;
893    }
895    if( Tvprefix != NULL ){
896      Tvset = EDIT_empty_copy( xset ) ;
897      EDIT_dset_items( Tvset ,
898                         ADN_prefix    , Tvprefix       ,
899                         ADN_nvals     , N_iv           ,
900                         ADN_ntt       , 0              ,
901                         ADN_brick_fac , NULL           ,
902                         ADN_type      , HEAD_FUNC_TYPE ,
903                         ADN_func_type , FUNC_BUCK_TYPE ,
904                       ADN_none ) ;
905      Tvar    = (float **)calloc(N_iv,sizeof(float*));
906      Tvcount = (float * )calloc(N_iv,sizeof(float ));
907      for( iv=0 ; iv < N_iv ; ++iv ){
908       EDIT_substitute_brick( Tvset , iv , MRI_float , NULL ) ;
909       Tvar[iv] = DSET_ARRAY(Tvset,iv) ;  /* get array  */
910       EDIT_BRICK_TO_NOSTAT(Tvset,iv) ;
911       if (Tbone) sprintf(stmp,"nTc%.3f", Threshv[iv]);
912       else       sprintf(stmp,"Tc%.3f" , Threshv[iv]);
913       EDIT_BRICK_LABEL(Tvset, iv, stmp);
914      }
915      if( THD_deathcon() && THD_is_file(DSET_HEADNAME(Tvset)) )
916        ERROR_exit("Output dataset %s already exists!",
917                   DSET_HEADNAME(Tvset)) ;
918      tross_Make_History( "3dTcorrMap" , argc,argv , Tvset ) ;
919    }
921    if( HHprefix != NULL ){
922      HHset = EDIT_empty_copy( xset ) ;
923      EDIT_dset_items( HHset ,
924                         ADN_prefix    , HHprefix       ,
925                         ADN_nvals     , HHnum          ,
926                         ADN_ntt       , 0              ,
927                         ADN_brick_fac , NULL           ,
928                         ADN_type      , HEAD_FUNC_TYPE ,
929                         ADN_func_type , FUNC_BUCK_TYPE ,
930                       ADN_none ) ;
931      for( iv=0 ; iv < HHnum ; iv++ ){
932        EDIT_substitute_brick( HHset , iv , MRI_short , NULL ) ;
933        EDIT_BRICK_TO_NOSTAT(HHset,iv) ;
934        sprintf(stmp,"%+6.3f:%+6.3f",-1.0+iv*HHdel,-1.0+(iv+1)*HHdel) ;
935        EDIT_BRICK_LABEL(HHset,iv,stmp) ;
936      }
937      if( THD_deathcon() && THD_is_file(DSET_HEADNAME(HHset)) )
938        ERROR_exit("Output dataset %s already exists!",
939                   DSET_HEADNAME(HHset)) ;
940      tross_Make_History( "3dTcorrMap" , argc,argv , HHset ) ;
941    }
943    /* make neighborhood mask for -Mseed, if needed */
945    dx = fabsf(DSET_DX(xset)) ;
946    dy = fabsf(DSET_DY(xset)) ;
947    dz = fabsf(DSET_DZ(xset)) ;
949    if ( (Mseedr > 0.0f || Mseedr < 0.0f) &&
950         !DSET_IS_VOL(xset)) {
951       ERROR_exit("Can't use -Mseed with non-volumetric input datasets");
952    }
953    if( Mseedr > 0.0f){
954      Mseed_nbhd = MCW_spheremask( dx,dy,dz , Mseedr ) ;
955      if( Mseed_nbhd == NULL || Mseed_nbhd->num_pt < 2 )
956        ERROR_exit("Can't build -Mseed neighborhood mask!?") ;
957      ININFO_message("%d voxels in -Mseed neighborhood",Mseed_nbhd->num_pt) ;
958    } else if( Mseedr < 0.0f ){
959      Mseedr = -Mseedr ; if( Mseedr < 1.01f ) Mseedr = 1.01f ;
960      Mseed_nbhd = MCW_spheremask( 1.0f,1.0f,1.0f , Mseedr ) ;
961      if( Mseed_nbhd == NULL || Mseed_nbhd->num_pt < 2 )
962        ERROR_exit("Can't build -Mseed neighborhood mask!?") ;
963      ININFO_message("%d voxels in -Mseed neighborhood",Mseed_nbhd->num_pt) ;
964    }
966    if( Mseedr > 0.0f ) Mseedar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*ntime) ;
968    /* Gblur inside the mask */
970    if( gblur > 0.0f ){
971       if (DSET_IS_VOL(xset)) {
972         float fx,fy,fz ; int nrep=0 ;
973         MRI_IMAGE *bim ; float *bar ;
975         if( nx == 1 ) dx = 0.0f ;
976         if( ny == 1 ) dy = 0.0f ;
977         if( nz == 1 ) dz = 0.0f ;
979         mri_blur3D_getfac( gblur , dx,dy,dz , &nrep , &fx,&fy,&fz ) ;
980         if( nrep > 0 && fx > 0.0f && fy > 0.0f && fz >= 0.0f ){
981           ININFO_message("-Gblur-ing parameters: "
982                          "#iter=%d fx=%.5f fy=%.5f fz=%.5f" ,
983                          nrep , fx , fy , fz ) ;
984           for( iv=0 ; iv < ntime ; iv++ ){
985             bim = THD_extract_float_brick( iv , xset ) ;
986             mri_blur3D_inmask( bim , mask , fx,fy,fz , nrep ) ;
987             EDIT_substitute_brick( xset , iv , MRI_float , MRI_FLOAT_PTR(bim) ) ;
988             EDIT_BRICK_FACTOR( xset,iv,0.0f ) ;
989             mri_clear_data_pointer(bim) ; mri_free(bim) ;
990           }
991         } else {
992           WARNING_message("Can't -Gblur input dataset for some reason") ;
993         }
994       } else {
995          if (!DSET_IS_VOL(xset)) {
996             ERROR_exit("Can't use -Gblur with non-volumetric "
997                           "input datasets");
998          }
999       }
1000    }
1002    /* remove trends (-polort and -ort) now (if not bandpassing later) */
1004    if( nref > 0 && !do_bpass ){
1005      THD_3dim_dataset *yset ; byte *rmask=mask ;
1006      ININFO_message("Detrending input dataset with %d references",nref) ;
1007      if( PCmask != NULL ){
1008        rmask = (byte *)malloc(sizeof(byte)*nvox) ;
1009        for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) rmask[ii] = (mask[ii] || PCmask[ii]) ;
1010      }
1011      yset = THD_detrend_dataset( xset , nref,ref , 2,0 , rmask , NULL ) ;
1012      if( yset == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Detrending fails!?") ;
1013      DSET_delete(xset) ; xset = yset ;
1014      if( rmask != mask ) free(rmask) ;
1015    }
1017    /* extract dataset time series into an array of
1018       time series vectors, for ease and speed of access */
1020    ININFO_message("extracting mask-ed time series") ;
1021    timar = THD_extract_many_series( nmask , indx , xset ) ;
1022    if( timar == NULL ) ERROR_exit("-input extraction failed!?") ;
1024    /* extract PCmask time series from xset */
1025    /* if -polort was invoked, then these will already be detrended above */
1027    if( PCortn > 0 ){
1028      int *pcdx = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*PCnmask) ;
1029      for( ii=jj=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ) if( PCmask[ii] ) pcdx[jj++] = ii ;
1030      PCimar = THD_extract_many_series( PCnmask , pcdx , xset ) ;
1031      if( PCimar == NULL )                               /* should not happen */
1032        ERROR_exit("Can't get -PCort data from -input dataset!?") ;
1033      free(pcdx) ;
1034    }
1036    /* done with -input dataset */
1038    DSET_delete(xset) ;
1040    /* if -seed was given, get that set of time series as well */
1042    if( sset != NULL ){
1043      DSET_load(sset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(sset) ;
1044      simar = THD_extract_many_series( nmask , indx , sset ) ;
1045      if( simar == NULL ) ERROR_exit("-seed extraction failed!?") ;
1046      DSET_delete(sset) ;
1047    }
1049    /* only need the mask later if doing spatial
1050       processing inside the voxel processing loop */
1052    if( Mseedr == 0.0f ){ free(mask); mask = NULL; }
1054    /* do bandpass now, if so desired */
1056    if( do_bpass ){
1057      float **vec = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*nmask) ;
1058      ININFO_message("Bandpassing input dataset") ;
1059      for( kk=0 ; kk < nmask ; kk++ )
1060        vec[kk] = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( IMARR_SUBIM(timar,kk) ) ;
1062      (void)THD_bandpass_vectors( ntime , nmask   , vec     ,
1063                                  dtime , bpass_L , bpass_H ,
1064                                  2     , nref    , ref      ) ;
1066      /* bandpass PCort vectors also */
1068      if( PCortn > 0 ){
1069        vec = (float **)realloc(vec,sizeof(float *)*PCnmask) ;
1070        for( kk=0 ; kk < PCnmask ; kk++ )
1071          vec[kk] = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( IMARR_SUBIM(PCimar,kk) ) ;
1073        (void)THD_bandpass_vectors( ntime , PCnmask , vec     ,
1074                                    dtime , bpass_L , bpass_H ,
1075                                    2     , nref    , ref      ) ;
1076      }
1078      free(vec) ;
1079    }
1081    /* Now remove PCort trends from timar */
1083    if( PCortn > 0 ){
1084      float *uvec = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*ntime*PCortn) ;
1085      float *svec = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*PCortn) ;
1086      int    nvec ; register float sum ; float *usar ;
1088      nvec = mri_principal_vectors( PCimar , PCortn , svec,uvec ) ;
1089      if( nvec <= 0 )
1090        ERROR_exit("Can't compute -PCort SVD!?") ;
1091      else if( nvec < PCortn )
1092        WARNING_message("-PCort: only have %d components, not %d",nvec,PCortn) ;
1093      DESTROY_IMARR(PCimar) ;
1095      fprintf(stderr,"++ -PCort singular values:") ;
1096      for( kk=0 ; kk < nvec ; kk++ ) fprintf(stderr," %.4g",svec[kk]) ;
1097      fprintf(stderr,"\n") ; free(svec) ;
1099      /* in the loop below, recall that the vectors [usar]
1100         are L2-normalized and orthogonal, so they can be
1101         projected out sequentially and by a simple dot product */
1103      for( ii=0 ; ii < nmask ; ii++ ){
1104        xsar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( IMARR_SUBIM(timar,kk) ) ;
1105        for( kk=0 ; kk < nvec ; kk++ ){
1106          sum = 0.0f ; usar = uvec + kk*ntime ;
1107          for( jj=0 ; jj < ntime ; jj++ ) sum += xsar[jj]*usar[jj] ;
1108          for( jj=0 ; jj < ntime ; jj++ ) xsar[jj] -= sum*usar[jj] ;
1109        }
1110      }
1111      free(uvec) ; free(PCmask) ;
1112    }
1114    /* normalize -input vectors so sum of squares is 1,
1115       for speed in computing correlations (and we need speed) */
1117    ININFO_message("normalizing extracted time series") ;
1118    for( ii=0 ; ii < nmask ; ii++ ){
1119      xsar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( IMARR_SUBIM(timar,ii) ) ;
1120      csum = 0.0f ;
1121      for( jj=0 ; jj < ntime ; jj++ ) csum += xsar[jj]*xsar[jj] ;
1122      if( csum > 0.0f ){  /* should always be true */
1123        csum = 1.0f / sqrtf(csum) ;
1124        for( jj=0 ; jj < ntime ; jj++ ) xsar[jj] *= csum ;
1125      }
1126    }
1127    if( simar != NULL ){               /* ditto for -seed vectors */
1128      for( ii=0 ; ii < nmask ; ii++ ){
1129        xsar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( IMARR_SUBIM(simar,ii) ) ;
1130        csum = 0.0f ;
1131        for( jj=0 ; jj < ntime ; jj++ ) csum += xsar[jj]*xsar[jj] ;
1132        if( csum > 0.0f ){  /* should always be true */
1133          csum = 1.0f / sqrtf(csum) ;
1134          for( jj=0 ; jj < ntime ; jj++ ) xsar[jj] *= csum ;
1135        }
1136      }
1137    }
1139    /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1140    /*--- loop over voxels, correlate (lots and lots of CPU time now) ---*/
1142    vstep = (nmask > 999) ? nmask/50 : 0 ;
1144    isodd = (ntime%2 == 1) ;
1145    ccar = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*nmask) ;  /* 29 Apr 2009 */
1147    for( ii=0 ; ii < 26 ; ii++ ) atoz[ii] = NULL ;
1148    if( expr_type != '\0' ){  /* 23 Jun 2009 */
1149      eear = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*nmask) ;
1150      if( expr_has_r )
1151        atoz[17] = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*nmask) ;
1152      if( expr_has_z )
1153        atoz[25] = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*nmask) ;
1154    }
1156    /* initialize timer */
1157    etime(&tt,0);
1159    /* 29 Apr 2009: print # of threads message to amuse the user */
1161    ctime = 2.0 * (double)nmask * (double)nmask * (double)ntime
1162           + 100.0 * (double)nmask * (double)ntime ;
1163    if( HHnum > 0 )
1164      ctime += HHnum * (double)nmask * (double)nmask ;
1165    if( expr_type != '\0' )
1166      ctime += 111.0 * (double)nmask * (double)nmask ;
1167    if( Threshv )
1168      ctime += 2.0 * N_iv * (double)nmask * (double)nmask ;
1170 #ifdef USE_OMP
1171 #pragma omp parallel
1172  {
1173   if( omp_get_thread_num() == 0 )
1174     INFO_message("Starting long long loop: OpenMP threads=%d  %s Flops" ,
1175                  omp_get_num_threads() , approximate_number_string(ctime) ) ;
1176  }
1177 #else
1178  INFO_message("Starting long long loop through all voxels: %s Flops" ,
1179               approximate_number_string(ctime) ) ;
1180  ININFO_message(" [You would be happier if you  used an OpenMP-ized version]") ;
1181  ININFO_message(" [of this program, and had a multiple CPU computer system.]") ;
1182 #endif
1184    for( ii=0 ; ii < nmask ; ii++ ){  /* outer loop over voxels: */
1185                                      /* seed time series to correlate with */
1187      if( vstep && ii%vstep == vstep-1 ){  /* palliate the user's pain */
1188        if( ii < vstep ){
1189          dtt = etime(&tt,1) ;
1190          ININFO_message("Single loop (1/50) duration: %.1f secs = %.2f mins\n"
1191                      "   Remaining (49/50) time est.: %.0f secs = %.1f mins = %.2f hrs = %.3f days\n",
1192                         dtt,dtt/60.0, dtt*49.0 , dtt/60.0*49.0 ,
1193                                       dtt/3600.0*49.0 , dtt/86400.0*49.0 ) ;
1194          fprintf(stderr,"++ Voxel loop: ") ;
1195        }
1196        vstep_print() ;
1197      }
1199      /* get the ii-th time series */
1201      if( simar != NULL ){                              /* from -seed dataset */
1202        xsar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( IMARR_SUBIM(simar,ii) ) ;
1204      } else if( Mseedr == 0.0f ){                     /* from -input dataset */
1205        xsar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( IMARR_SUBIM(timar,ii) ) ;
1207      } else {                          /* from -input dataset, then averaged */
1208        int mm , xc,yc,zc , xm,ym,zm , uu , nuu ;
1209        xsar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( IMARR_SUBIM(timar,ii) ) ;      /* central voxel */
1210        for( uu=0 ; uu < ntime ; uu++ ) Mseedar[uu] = xsar[uu] ;
1211        IJK_TO_THREE(indx[ii],xc,yc,zc,nx,nxy) ; /* 3D index of central voxel */
1212        for( nuu=mm=1 ; mm < Mseed_nbhd->num_pt ; mm++ ){
1213          xm = xc + Mseed_nbhd->i[mm] ; if( xm < 0 || xm >= nx ) continue ;
1214          ym = yc + Mseed_nbhd->j[mm] ; if( ym < 0 || ym >= ny ) continue ;
1215          zm = zc + Mseed_nbhd->k[mm] ; if( zm < 0 || zm >= nz ) continue ;
1216          jj = THREE_TO_IJK(xm,ym,zm,nx,nxy) ;    /* 3D index of offset voxel */
1217          if( !mask[jj] ) continue ;               /* not in mask ==> skip it */
1218          kk = mybsearch_int( jj , nmask , indx ) ;   /* find in indx[] array */
1219          if( kk < 0 ) continue ;                        /* should not happen */
1220          xsar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( IMARR_SUBIM(timar,kk) ) ;    /* add add it in */
1221          for( uu=0 ; uu < ntime ; uu++ ) Mseedar[uu] += xsar[uu] ;
1222          nuu++ ;                      /* count of number of vectors added in */
1223        }
1224        if( nuu > 1 ) THD_normalize( ntime , Mseedar ) ;      /* L2 normalize */
1225        xsar = Mseedar ;             /* assign computed array to seed pointer */
1226      }
1229 #pragma omp parallel
1230  { int vv,uu ; float *ysar ; float qcc ;
1231 #pragma omp for
1232      for( vv=0 ; vv < nmask ; vv++ ){ /*------- inner loop over voxels -------*/
1234        if( vv==ii ){ ccar[vv] = 0.0f ; continue ; }
1235        ysar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR( IMARR_SUBIM(timar,vv) ) ;
1237        /** dot products (unrolled by 2 on 29 Apr 2009) **/
1239        if( isodd ){
1240          for( qcc=xsar[0]*ysar[0],uu=1 ; uu < ntime ; uu+=2 )
1241            qcc += xsar[uu]*ysar[uu] + xsar[uu+1]*ysar[uu+1] ;
1242        } else {
1243          for( qcc=0.0f,uu=0 ; uu < ntime ; uu+=2 )
1244            qcc += xsar[uu]*ysar[uu] + xsar[uu+1]*ysar[uu+1] ;
1245        }
1246        ccar[vv] = qcc ; /* save correlation in ccar for later (OpenMP mod) */
1247      } /* end of inner loop over voxels (vv) */
1248  } /* end OpenMP */
1249  AFNI_OMP_END ;
1251      /** combine results in ccar to give output values **/
1253      Tcount = Mcsum = Zcsum = Qcsum = 0.0f ;
1254      Pcsum = 0.0f ; nPcsum = 0 ;
1255      for( iv=0 ; iv < N_iv ; ++iv ) Tvcount[iv] = 0.0f ;
1257 #if 0
1258   INFO_message("correlations for ii=%d indx=%d",ii,indx[ii]) ;
1259   for( jj=0 ; jj < nmask ; jj++ ) fprintf(stderr," %.3f",ccar[jj]) ;
1260   fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
1261 #endif
1263      if (COset) {
1264          int ijk = (COmask) ? ii : indx[ii] ;
1265          COar = DSET_ARRAY(COset,ijk);
1266          for( jj=0 ; jj < nmask ; jj++ ) {
1267             cc = ccar[jj] * 10000.0f;   /* scale up because output is short */
1268             COar[indx[jj]] = cc < 0.0f ? (short)(cc-0.5f):(short)(cc+0.5f);
1269          }
1270      }
1272      for( jj=0 ; jj < nmask ; jj++ ){
1273        if( jj == ii ) continue ;  /* no self dealing [we're not in Congress] */
1274        cc     = ccar[jj] ;
1275        Mcsum += cc ;
1276        Qcsum += cc*cc ;
1277        if( Par != NULL && cc > 0.0f ){ Pcsum += cc*cc ; nPcsum++ ; }
1278        if( Zar != NULL ) Zcsum += 0.5f * logf((1.0001f+cc)/(1.0001f-cc));
1279        if( need_acc ){
1280          acc = (cc < 0.0f) ? -cc : cc ;
1281          if( acc >= Thresh ) Tcount++ ;
1282          if( Threshv ){
1283            iv = N_iv - 1 ;
1284            while( iv > -1 ){
1285              if( acc >= Threshv[iv] ){
1286                do { Tvcount[iv--]++; } while (iv > -1);
1287              }
1288              --iv;
1289            }
1290          }
1291        }
1292      } /* end of combining */
1294      if( Mar != NULL ) Mar[indx[ii]] = Mcsum / (nmask-1.0f) ;
1295      if( Zar != NULL ) Zar[indx[ii]] = tanh( Zcsum / (nmask-1.0f) ) ;
1296      if( Qar != NULL ) Qar[indx[ii]] = sqrt( Qcsum / (nmask-1.0f) ) ;
1297      if( Tar != NULL ) Tar[indx[ii]] = Tcount ;
1298      if( Tvar != NULL ){
1299        for(iv=0 ; iv < N_iv ; ++iv ) Tvar[iv][indx[ii]] = Tvcount[iv] ;
1300      }
1302      if( Par != NULL )  /* 23 Jun 2009 */
1303        Par[indx[ii]] = Pcsum / MAX(1,nPcsum) ;
1305      if( expr_type != '\0' ){  /* 23 Jun 2009 */
1306        if( expr_has_r ){
1307          for( jj=0 ; jj < nmask ; jj++ ) atoz[17][jj] = (double)ccar[jj] ;
1308        }
1309        if( expr_has_z ){
1310          for( jj=0 ; jj < nmask ; jj++ ) atoz[25][jj] = atanhf(ccar[jj]) ;
1311        }
1312        PARSER_evaluate_vector( expr_code , atoz , nmask, eear ) ;
1313        Esum = 0.0f ; nEsum = 0.0f ;
1314        for( jj=0 ; jj < nmask ; jj++ ){
1315          if( jj == ii ) continue ;
1316          Esum += eear[jj] ; if( eear[jj] != 0.0 ) nEsum++ ;
1317        }
1318        switch( expr_type ){
1319          case 'A': Ear[indx[ii]] = Esum / (nmask-1.0f) ; break ;
1320          case 'C': Ear[indx[ii]] = Esum / MAX(1,nEsum) ; break ;
1321          case 'S': Ear[indx[ii]] = Esum ;                break ;
1322        }
1323      }
1325      if( HHist != NULL ){
1326        memset( HHist , 0 , sizeof(short)*(HHnum+1) ) ;
1327        for( jj=0 ; jj < nmask ; jj++ ){
1328          if( jj == ii ) continue ;
1329          kk = (1.0f + ccar[jj])*HHdin ;
1330          if( HHist[kk] < MRI_maxshort ) HHist[kk]++ ;
1331        }
1332        THD_insert_series( indx[ii], HHset, HHnum, MRI_short, HHist, 1 ) ;
1333      }
1335    } /* end of outer loop over voxels (ii) */
1337    /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1339    if (Tbone) { /* scale by expected number of voxels by chance */
1340       float p[3], sc, pval;
1341       p[0] = (float)ntime;
1342       p[1] = 1.0;
1343       p[2] = (float)nref;
1344       for (iv=0; iv<N_iv; ++iv)  {
1345          pval = THD_stat_to_pval (Threshv[iv], NI_STAT_CORREL, p);
1346          sc =  (float) DSET_NVOX(Tvset) * pval;
1347          if (sc < 0.05) sc = 0.05;
1348          /*
1349          fprintf(stderr,"Scaling sb %d with threshold %.2f\n"
1350                         "and p %.5f by %f\n",
1351                         iv, Threshv[iv],
1352                         pval, sc);
1353          */
1354          for( ii=0 ; ii < nmask ; ii++ ) Tvar[iv][indx[ii]] /= sc;
1355       }
1356    }
1358    if( vstep ) fprintf(stderr,"!\n") ;
1360    /*--- finito ---*/
1362    free(indx) ; DESTROY_IMARR(timar) ; free(ccar) ;
1363    if( simar   != NULL ) DESTROY_IMARR(simar) ;
1364    if( mask    != NULL ) free(mask) ;
1365    if( Mseedar != NULL ) free(Mseedar) ;
1367    if( atoz[17] ) free(atoz[17]) ;
1368    if( atoz[25] ) free(atoz[25]) ;
1369    if( eear     ) free(eear)     ;
1370    if( HHist    ) free(HHist)    ;
1371    if( Tvar     ) free(Tvar)     ;
1372    if( Threshv  ) free(Threshv)  ;
1373    if( Tvcount  ) free(Tvcount)  ;
1375    if( Mset != NULL ){
1376      DSET_write(Mset) ; WROTE_DSET(Mset) ; DSET_delete(Mset) ;
1377    }
1378    if( Pset != NULL ){
1379      DSET_write(Pset) ; WROTE_DSET(Pset) ; DSET_delete(Pset) ;
1380    }
1381    if( Zset != NULL ){
1382      DSET_write(Zset) ; WROTE_DSET(Zset) ; DSET_delete(Zset) ;
1383    }
1384    if( Qset != NULL ){
1385      DSET_write(Qset) ; WROTE_DSET(Qset) ; DSET_delete(Qset) ;
1386    }
1387    if( Tset != NULL ){
1388      DSET_write(Tset) ; WROTE_DSET(Tset) ; DSET_delete(Tset) ;
1389    }
1390    if( Tvset != NULL ){
1391      DSET_write(Tvset) ; WROTE_DSET(Tvset) ; DSET_delete(Tvset) ;
1392    }
1393    if( Eset != NULL ){
1394      DSET_write(Eset) ; WROTE_DSET(Eset) ; DSET_delete(Eset) ;
1395    }
1396    if( HHset != NULL ){
1397      DSET_write(HHset) ; WROTE_DSET(HHset) ; DSET_delete(HHset) ;
1398    }
1399    if ( COset != NULL ) {
1400       THD_set_write_compression(COMPRESS_NONE) ;
1401       AFNI_setenv("AFNI_AUTOGZIP NO") ;
1402       if( DSET_TOTALBYTES(COset) > 1000000000 )
1403         ININFO_message("Writing big [%s bytes] -CorrMap output dataset",
1404                        approximate_number_string((double)DSET_TOTALBYTES(COset)) ) ;
1405       DSET_write(COset) ; WROTE_DSET(COset) ; DSET_delete(COset) ;
1406    }
1407    INFO_message("total CPU time = %.2f s",COX_cpu_time()) ; exit(0) ;
1408 }