1 /* This file is part of the Calligra Suite project
2    Copyright (C) 2011 Matus Uzak <matus.uzak@ixonos.com>
4    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5    modify it under the terms of the Library GNU General Public
6    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) version 3 or,
7    at the discretion of KDE e.V (which shall act as a proxy as in
8    section 14 of the GPLv3), any later version..
10    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13    Library General Public License for more details.
15    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
17    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
18    Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
19 */
21 #ifndef MSDOC_H
22 #define MSDOC_H
24 /**
25  * Standard sti codes - invariant identifiers for built-in styles, which MUST
26  * remain the same (i.e. don't renumber them, or old files will be messed up.)
27  * NOTE: sti and istd are the same for Normal and level styles
28  *
29  * If you want to define a new built-in style:
30  *   1) Decide if you really need one--it will exist in all future versions!
31  *   2) Add a new sti below.  You can take the first available slot.
32  *   3) Change stiMax, and stiPapMax or stiChpMax
33  *   4) Add entry to _dnsti, and the two ids's in strman.pp
34  *   5) Add case in GetDefaultUpdForSti
35  *   6) Change cstiMaxBuiltinDependents if necessary
36  *
37  * If you want to change the definition of a built-in style
38  *   1) In order to make WinWord 2 documents that use the style look like they
39  *      did in WinWord 2, add a case in GetDefaultUpdForSti to handle fOldDef.
40  *      This definition will be used when converting WinWord 2 stylesheets.
41  *   2) If you change the name of a built-in style, increment nVerBuiltInNames
42  *
43  * SRC: wv2/src/generator/generator_wword8.htm
44  */
46 #define stiNormal      0     // 0x0000  Default paragraph style
48 #define stiLev1        1     // 0x0001
49 #define stiLev2        2     // 0x0002
50 #define stiLev3        3     // 0x0003
51 #define stiLev4        4     // 0x0004
52 #define stiLev5        5     // 0x0005
53 #define stiLev6        6     // 0x0006
54 #define stiLev7        7     // 0x0007
55 #define stiLev8        8     // 0x0008
56 #define stiLev9        9     // 0x0009
57 #define stiLevFirst    stiLev1
58 #define stiLevLast     stiLev9
60 #define stiIndex1      10    // 0x000A
61 #define stiIndex2      11    // 0x000B
62 #define stiIndex3      12    // 0x000C
63 #define stiIndex4      13    // 0x000D
64 #define stiIndex5      14    // 0x000E
65 #define stiIndex6      15    // 0x000F
66 #define stiIndex7      16    // 0x0010
67 #define stiIndex8      17    // 0x0011
68 #define stiIndex9      18    // 0x0012
69 #define stiIndexFirst  stiIndex1
70 #define stiIndexLast   stiIndex9
72 #define stiToc1        19    // 0x0013
73 #define stiToc2        20    // 0x0014
74 #define stiToc3        21    // 0x0015
75 #define stiToc4        22    // 0x0016
76 #define stiToc5        23    // 0x0017
77 #define stiToc6        24    // 0x0018
78 #define stiToc7        25    // 0x0019
79 #define stiToc8        26    // 0x001A
80 #define stiToc9        27    // 0x001B
81 #define stiTocFirst    stiToc1
82 #define stiTocLast     stiToc9
84 #define stiNormIndent  28    // 0x001C
85 #define stiFtnText     29    // 0x001D
86 #define stiAtnText     30    // 0x001E
87 #define stiHeader      31    // 0x001F
88 #define stiFooter      32    // 0x0020
89 #define stiIndexHeading 33   // 0x0021
90 #define stiCaption     34    // 0x0022
91 #define stiToCaption   35    // 0x0023
92 #define stiEnvAddr     36    // 0x0024
93 #define stiEnvRet      37    // 0x0025
94 #define stiFtnRef      38    // 0x0026  char style
95 #define stiAtnRef      39    // 0x0027  char style
96 #define stiLnn         40    // 0x0028  char style
97 #define stiPgn         41    // 0x0029  char style
98 #define stiEdnRef      42    // 0x002A  char style
99 #define stiEdnText     43    // 0x002B
100 #define stiToa         44    // 0x002C
101 #define stiMacro       45    // 0x002D
102 #define stiToaHeading  46    // 0x002E
103 #define stiList        47    // 0x002F
104 #define stiListBullet  48    // 0x0030
105 #define stiListNumber  49    // 0x0031
106 #define stiList2       50    // 0x0032
107 #define stiList3       51    // 0x0033
108 #define stiList4       52    // 0x0034
109 #define stiList5       53    // 0x0035
110 #define stiListBullet2 54    // 0x0036
111 #define stiListBullet3 55    // 0x0037
112 #define stiListBullet4 56    // 0x0038
113 #define stiListBullet5 57    // 0x0039
114 #define stiListNumber2 58    // 0x003A
115 #define stiListNumber3 59    // 0x003B
116 #define stiListNumber4 60    // 0x003C
117 #define stiListNumber5 61    // 0x003D
118 #define stiTitle       62    // 0x003E
119 #define stiClosing     63    // 0x003F
120 #define stiSignature   64    // 0x0040
121 #define stiNormalChar  65    // 0x0041  Default char style
122 #define stiBodyText    66    // 0x0042
123 #define stiBodyText2   67    // 0x0043
124 #define stiListCont    68    // 0x0044
125 #define stiListCont2   69    // 0x0045
126 #define stiListCont3   70    // 0x0046
127 #define stiListCont4   71    // 0x0047
128 #define stiListCont5   72    // 0x0048
129 #define stiMsgHeader   73    // 0x0049
130 #define stiSubtitle    74    // 0x004A
131 #define stiSalutation  75    // 0x004B
132 #define stiDate        76    // 0X004C
133 #define stiBodyText1I  77    // 0x004D
134 #define stiBodyText1I2 78    // 0x004E
135 #define stiNoteHeading 79    // 0x004F
136 /* #define stiBodyText2   80    // 0x0050 */
137 #define stiBodyText3   81    // 0x0051
138 #define stiBodyTextInd2 82   // 0x0052
139 #define stiBodyTextInd3 83   // 0x0053
140 #define stiBlockQuote  84    // 0x0054
141 #define stiHyperlink   85    // 0x0055  char style
142 #define stiHyperlinkFollowed 86 // 0x0056   char style
143 #define stiStrong      87    // 0x0057  char style
144 #define stiEmphasis    88    // 0x0058  char style
145 #define stiNavPane     89    // 0x0059  char style
146 #define stiPlainText   90    // 0x005A
147 #define stiMax         91    // number of defined sti's
149 #define stiUser      0x0ffe  // user styles are distinguished by name
150 #define stiNil       0x0fff  // max for 12 bits
152 /**
153  * Specifies the version number of the file format used.  Superseded by
154  * FibRgCswNew.nFibNew if it is present.
155  */
156 enum nFib
157 {
158     Word2nFib = 0x0063,
159     Word6nFib = 0x0065,
160     Word7nFib = 0x0067,   //also 0x0068
161     Word8nFib = 0x00c1,
162     Word8nFib0 = 0x00c0,
163     Word8nFib2 = 0x00c2,
164     Word2knFib = 0x00D9,
165     Word2k2nFib = 0x0101,
166     Word2k3nFib = 0x010c, //also 0x10b
167     Word2k7nFib = 0x0112
168 };
170 /**
171  * Specifies the location from which the offset of a page border is measured.
172  * [MS-DOC] — v20101219
173  */
174 enum PgbOffsetFrom
175 {
176     pgbFromText = 0x0,  //offset measured from the text
177     pgbFromEdge         //offset measured from the edge of the page
178 };
180 /**
181  * An unsigned integer that specifies the type of border.  Values that are
182  * larger than 0x1B are not valid unless they describe a page border, in which
183  * case they can be a value in the range of 0x40 to 0xE3, inclusive.
184  * [MS-DOC] — v20101219
185  */
186 enum BrcType
187 {
188     BorderNone,                  // 0x00  No border.
189     BorderSingle,                // 0x01  A single line.
190     BorderDouble = 0x03,         // 0x03  A double line.
191     BorderThin = 0x05,           // 0x05  A thin single solid line.
192     BorderDotted,                // 0x06  A dotted border.
193     BorderDashed,                // 0x07  A dashed border with large gaps between the dashes.
194     BorderDotDash,               // 0x08  A border of alternating dots and dashes.
195     BorderDotDotDash,            // 0x09  A border of alternating sets of two dots and one dash.
196     BorderTriple,                // 0x0A  A triple line border.
197     BorderThinThickSmallGap,     // 0x0B  A thin outer border and a thick inner border with a small gap between them.
198     BorderThickThinSmallGap,     // 0x0C  A thin outer border and thick inner border with a small gap between them.
199     BorderThinThickThinSmallGap, // 0x0D  A thin outer border, a thick middle border, and a thin inner border with a small gap between them.
200     BorderThinThickMediumGap,    // 0x0E  A thin outer border and a thick inner border with a medium gap between them.
201     BorderThickThinMediumGap,    // 0x0F  A thin outer border and a thick inner border and a medium gap between them.
202     BorderThinThickThinMediumGap,// 0x10  A thin outer border, a thick middle border, and a thin inner border with a medium gaps between them.
203     BorderThinThickLargeGap,     // 0x11  A thick outer border and a thin inner border with a large gap between them.
204     BorderThickThinLargeGap,     // 0x12  A thin outer border and a thick inner border with a large gap between them.
205     BorderThinThickThinLargeGap, // 0x13  A thin outer border, a thick middle border, and a thin inner border with large gaps between them.
206     BorderWave,                  // 0x14  A single wavy line.
207     BorderDoubleWave,            // 0x15  A double wavy line.
208     BorderDashSmallGap,          // 0x16  A dashed border with small gaps between the dashes.
209     BorderDashDotStroked,        // 0x17  A border consisting of alternating groups of 5 and 1 thin diagonal lines.
210     BorderThreeDEmboss,          // 0x18  A thin light gray outer border, a thick medium gray middle border, and a thin black inner border with no gaps between them.
211     BorderThreeDEngrave,         // 0x19  A thin black outer border, a thick medium gray middle border, and a thin light gray inner border with no gaps between them.
212     BorderOutset,                // 0x1A  A thin light gray outer border and a thin medium gray inner border with a large gap between them.
213     BorderInset,                 // 0x1B  A thin medium gray outer border and a thin light gray inner border with a large gap between them.
214                                  // 0x40 - 0xE3  An image border.
215     BorderNil = 0xFF             // 0xFF  This MUST be ignored.
216 };
218 /**
219  * Specifies the type of the section break that is being described.
220  * [MS-DOC] — v20101219
221  */
222 enum SBkcOperand
223 {
224     bkcContinuous = 0x00,
225     bkcNewColumn,
226     bkcNewPage,
227     bkcEvenPage,
228     bkcOddPage
229 };
231 /**
232  * The Ipat enumeration is an index to a shading pattern.  [MS-DOC] — v20101219
233  */
234 enum IPAT
235 {
236     ipatAuto,             //0x0000  Clear, ST_Shd: clear
237     ipatSolid,            //0x0001  Solid, ST_Shd: solid
238     ipatPct5,             //0x0002  5%,    ST_Shd: pct5
239     ipatPct10,            //0x0003  10%,   ST_Shd: pct10
240     ipatPct20,            //0x0004  20%,   ST_Shd: pct20
241     ipatPct25,            //0x0005  25%,   ST_Shd: pct25
242     ipatPct30,            //0x0006  30%,   ST_Shd: pct30
243     ipatPct40,            //0x0007  40%,   ST_Shd: pct40
244     ipatPct50,            //0x0008  50%,   ST_Shd: pct50
245     ipatPct60,            //0x0009  60%,   ST_Shd: pct60
246     ipatPct70,            //0x000A  70%,   ST_Shd: pct70
247     ipatPct75,            //0x000B  75%,   ST_Shd: pct75
248     ipatPct80,            //0x000C  80%,   ST_Shd: pct80
249     ipatPct90,            //0x000D  90%,   ST_Shd: pct90
250     ipatDkHorizontal,     //0x000E  Horizontal Stripe,            ST_Shd: horzStripe
251     ipatDkVertical,       //0x000F  Vertical Stripe,              ST_Shd: vertStripe
252     ipatDkForeDiag,       //0x0010  Reverse Diagonal Stripe,      ST_Shd: reverseDiagStripe
253     ipatDkBackDiag,       //0x0011  Diagonal Stripe,              ST_Shd: diagStripe
254     ipatDkCross,          //0x0012  Horizontal Cross,             ST_Shd: horzCross
255     ipatDkDiagCross,      //0x0013  Diagonal Cross,               ST_Shd: diagCross
256     ipatHorizontal,       //0x0014  Thin Horizontal Stripe,       ST_Shd: thinHorzStripe
257     ipatVertical,         //0x0015  Thin Vertical Stripe,         ST_Shd: thinVertStripe
258     ipatForeDiag,         //0x0016  Thin Reverse Diagonal Stripe, ST_Shd: thinReverseDiagStripe
259     ipatBackDiag,         //0x0017  Thin Diagonal Stripe,         ST_Shd: thinDiagStripe
260     ipatCross,            //0x0018  Thin Horizontal Cross,        ST_Shd: thinHorzCross
261     ipatDiagCross,        //0x0019  Thin Diagonal Cross,          ST_Shd: thinDiagCross
262     ipatPctNew2 = 0x0023, //0x0023  2.5% fill pattern
263     ipatPctNew7,          //0x0024  7.5% fill pattern
264     ipatPctNew12,         //0x0025  12.5%,               ST_Shd: pct12
265     ipatPctNew15,         //0x0026  15%,                 ST_Shd: pct15
266     ipatPctNew17,         //0x0027  17.5% fill pattern
267     ipatPctNew22,         //0x0028  22.5% fill pattern
268     ipatPctNew27,         //0x0029  27.5% fill pattern
269     ipatPctNew32,         //0x002A  32.5% fill pattern
270     ipatPctNew35,         //0x002B  35%,                 ST_Shd: pct35
271     ipatPctNew37,         //0x002C  37.5%,               ST_Shd: pct37
272     ipatPctNew42,         //0x002D  42.5% fill pattern
273     ipatPctNew45,         //0x002E  45%,                 ST_Shd: pct45
274     ipatPctNew47,         //0x002F  47.5% fill pattern
275     ipatPctNew52,         //0x0030  52.5% fill pattern
276     ipatPctNew55,         //0x0031  55%,                 ST_Shd: pct55
277     ipatPctNew57,         //0x0032  57.5% fill pattern
278     ipatPctNew62,         //0x0033  62.5%,               ST_Shd: pct62
279     ipatPctNew65,         //0x0034  65%,                 ST_Shd: pct65
280     ipatPctNew67,         //0x0035  67.5% fill pattern
281     ipatPctNew72,         //0x0036  72.5% fill pattern
282     ipatPctNew77,         //0x0037  77.5% fill pattern
283     ipatPctNew82,         //0x0038  82.5% fill pattern
284     ipatPctNew85,         //0x0039  85%,                 ST_Shd: pct85
285     ipatPctNew87,         //0x003A  87.5%,               ST_Shd: pct87
286     ipatPctNew92,         //0x003B  92.5% fill pattern
287     ipatPctNew95,         //0x003C  95%,                 ST_Shd: pct95
288     ipatPctNew97,         //0x003D  97.5% fill pattern
289     ipatNil = 0xFFFF      //0xFFFF  Nil,                 ST_Shd: nil
290 };
292 /**
293  * The Kul enumeration specifies the style of underlining for text.  [MS-DOC] —
294  * v20101219
295  */
296 enum KUL
297 {
298     kulNone,                //0x00 No underlining.
299     kulSingle,              //0x01 Normal single underline.
300     kulWords,               //0x02 Underline words only.
301     kulDouble,              //0x03 Double underline.
302     kulDotted,              //0x04 Dotted underline.
303     kulThick = 0x06,        //0x06 Heavy underline.
304     kulDash,                //0x07 Dashed underline.
305     kulDotDash = 0x09,      //0x09 Dot-dash underline.
306     kulDotDotDash,          //0x0A Dot-dot-dash underline.
307     kulWavy,                //0x0B Wavy underline.
308     kulDottedHeavy = 0x14,  //0x14 Heavy dotted underline.
309     kulDashHeavy = 0x17,    //0x17 Heavy dashed underline.
310     kulDotDashHeavy = 0x19, //0x19 Heavy dot-dash underline.
311     kulDotDotDashHeavy,     //0x1A Heavy dot-dot-dash underline.
312     kulWavyHeavy,           //0x1B Heavy wavy underline.
313     kulDashLong = 0x27,     //0x27 Long-dash underline.
314     kulWavyDouble = 0x2B,   //0x2B Wavy double underline.
315     kulDashLongHeavy = 0x37 //0x37 Heavy long-dash underline.
316 };
318 /**
319  * Specifies the list of numbering formats that can be used for a group of
320  * automatically numbered objects.  [MS-OSHARED] — v20101219
321  */
322 enum MSONFC
323 {
324     msonfcArabic = 0x00, //decimal
325     msonfcUCRoman,       //upperRoman
326     msonfcLCRoman,       //lowerRoman
327     msonfcUCLetter,      //upperLetter
328     msonfcLCLetter,      //lowerLetter
329     msonfcOrdinal,       //ordinal
330     msonfcCardtext,      //cardinalText
331     msonfcOrdtext,       //ordinalText
332     msonfcHex,           //hex
333     msonfcChiManSty,     //chicago
334     msonfcDbNum1,        //ideographDigital
335     msonfcDbNum2,        //japaneseCounting
336     msonfcAiueo,         //Aiueo
337     msonfcIroha,         //Iroha
338     msonfcDbChar,        //decimalFullWidth
339     msonfcSbChar,        //decimalHalfWidth
340     msonfcDbNum3 = 0x10, //japaneseLegal
341     msonfcDbNum4,        //japaneseDigitalTenThousand
342     msonfcCirclenum,     //decimalEnclosedCircle
343     msonfcDArabic,       //decimalFullWidth2
344     msonfcDAiueo,        //aiueoFullWidth
345     msonfcDIroha,        //irohaFullWidth
346     msonfcArabicLZ,      //decimalZero
347     msonfcBullet,        //bullet
348     msonfcGanada,        //ganada
349     msonfcChosung,       //chosung
350     msonfcGB1,           //decimalEnclosedFullstop
351     msonfcGB2,           //decimalEnclosedParen
352     msonfcGB3,           //decimalEnclosedCircleChinese
353     msonfcGB4,           //ideographEnclosedCircle
354     msonfcZodiac1,       //ideographTraditional
355     msonfcZodiac2,       //ideographZodiac
356     msonfcZodiac3 = 0x20,//ideographZodiacTraditional
357     msonfcTpeDbNum1,     //taiwaneseCounting
358     msonfcTpeDbNum2,     //ideographLegalTraditional
359     msonfcTpeDbNum3,     //taiwaneseCountingThousand
360     msonfcTpeDbNum4,     //taiwaneseDigital
361     msonfcChnDbNum1,     //chineseCounting
362     msonfcChnDbNum2,     //chineseLegalSimplified
363     msonfcChnDbNum3,     //chineseCountingThousand
364     msonfcChnDbNum4,     //decimal
365     msonfcKorDbNum1,     //koreanDigital
366     msonfcKorDbNum2,     //koreanCounting
367     msonfcKorDbNum3,     //koreanLegal
368     msonfcKorDbNum4,     //koreanDigital2
369     msonfcHebrew1,       //hebrew1
370     msonfcArabic1,       //arabicAlpha
371     msonfcHebrew2,       //hebrew2
372     msonfcArabic2 = 0x30,//arabicAbjad
373     msonfcHindi1,        //hindiVowels
374     msonfcHindi2,        //hindiConsonants
375     msonfcHindi3,        //hindiNumbers
376     msonfcHindi4,        //hindiCounting
377     msonfcThai1,         //thaiLetters
378     msonfcThai2,         //thaiNumbers
379     msonfcThai3,         //thaiCounting
380     msonfcViet1,         //vietnameseCounting
381     msonfcNumInDash,     //numberInDash
382     msonfcLCRus,         //russianLower
383     msonfcUCRus,         //russianUpper
384     msonfcNone = 0xFF    //Specifies that the sequence will not display any numbering
385 };
387 /**
388  * Specifies the Style Type.
389  * [ECMA-376]
390  */
391 enum ST_StyleType
392 {
393     sgcUnknown = 0,
394     sgcPara = 1,   //Paragraph style
395     sgcChp = 2,    //Character style
396     sgcTbl = 3,    //Table style
397     sgcNmbr = 4    //Numbering style
398 };
400 /**
401  * Specifies the type of alignment which is applied to the text that
402  * is entered at the tab stop.
403  */
404 enum TabJC {
405     jcLeft,      //Left justification.
406     jcCenter,    //Center justification.
407     jcRight,     //Right justification.
408     jcDecimal,   //[1]
409     jcBar,       //Specifies that the current tab is a bar tab.
410     jcList = 0x6 //Specifies that the current tab is a list tab.
411 };
413 //specifies the characters that are used to fill in the space which is created
414 //by a tab that ends at a custom tab stop.
415 enum TabLC {
416     tlcNone,         //No leader.
417     tlcDot,          //Dot leader.
418     tlcHyphen,       //Dashed leader.
419     tlcUnderscore,   //Underscore leader.
420     tlcHeavy,        //Same as tlcUnderscore.
421     tlcMiddleDot,    //Centered dot leader.
422     tlcDefault = 0x7 //Same as tlcNone.
423 };
425 /*
426   [1] - Specifies that the current tab stop results in a location in
427   the document at which all following text is aligned around the first
428   decimal separator in the following text runs.  If there is no
429   decimal separator, text is aligned around the implicit decimal
430   separator after the last digit of the first numeric value that
431   appears in the following text.  All text runs before the first
432   decimal character appear before the tab stop; all text runs after it
433   appear after the tab stop location. */
435 /*
436  * ---------------------------------------------------
437  * Following enumeration are not defined in [MS-DOC]
438  * ---------------------------------------------------
439  */
441 /**
442  * The HALIGN enumeration specifies horizontal alignment.
443  */
444 enum HALIGN
445 {
446     hAlignLeft = 0x0,
447     hAlignCenter = 0x1,
448     hAlignRight = 0x2
449 };
451 /**
452  * The VALIGN enumeration specifies vertical alignment.
453  */
454 enum VALIGN
455 {
456     vAlignTop = 0x0,
457     vAlignMiddle = 0x1,
458     vAlignBottom = 0x2
459 };
461 #endif