1 /*
2 For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
3 to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
4 a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
5 for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
6 */
11 #include <QPair>
13 #include "undoobject.h"
14 #include "scribusapi.h"
16 class QColor;
17 class ScPage;
18 class ScPainter;
19 class UndoManager;
20 class ScribusDoc;
21 typedef QList<double> Guides;
23 /*! \brief Core manipulation with the guides.
24 Basic idea:
25 - guides are handled "on the fly", no by modal dialog.
26 - 2 types of guides: Standard = created one by one.
27 Auto = created by automatic division algorithms.
28 Automatic guides are kept by 2 ways: 1st its parameters (m_horizontalAutoCount etc.)
29 to setup the GUI and compute guides itself. 2nd the horizontalAutoG etc. set
30 with precomputed values from GUI actions for drawing.
31 - user can move only Stnadard ones
32 - Auto guides can be deleted only in manipulation dialog
33 - Auto guides are painted in different color / (probably) with diff. line.
34 \author Petr vanek <petr@scribus.info>
35 */
36 class SCRIBUS_API GuideManagerCore
37 {
38 public:
39 	GuideManagerCore();
40 	GuideManagerCore(ScPage* parentPage);
41 	~GuideManagerCore() = default;
43 	typedef enum {Standard, Auto} GuideType;
45 	void addHorizontal(double value, GuideType type);
46 	void addHorizontals(Guides values, GuideType type);
47 	void addVertical(double value, GuideType type);
48 	void addVerticals(Guides values, GuideType type);
49 	void deleteHorizontal(double value, GuideType type);
50 	void deleteVertical(double value, GuideType type);
51 	void moveHorizontal(double from, double to, GuideType type);
52 	void moveVertical(double from, double to, GuideType type);
54 	Guides horizontals(GuideType type);
55 	Guides verticals(GuideType type);
56 	double horizontal(uint ix, GuideType type);
57 	double vertical(uint ix, GuideType type);
59 	Guides getAutoHorizontals(ScPage* page = nullptr);
60 	Guides getAutoVerticals(ScPage* page = nullptr);
62 	void clearHorizontals(GuideType type);
63 	void clearVerticals(GuideType type);
65 	void copy(GuideManagerCore *target);
66 	void copy(GuideManagerCore *target, GuideType type);
68 	void drawPage(ScPainter *p, ScribusDoc *doc, double lineWidth);
70 	int isMouseOnHorizontal(double low, double high, GuideType type);
71 	int isMouseOnVertical(double low, double high, GuideType type);
73 	void setPage(ScPage *p);
75 	QPair<double, double> topLeft(double x, double y);// const;
76 	QPair<double, double> topRight(double x, double y);// const;
77 	QPair<double, double> bottomLeft(double x, double y);// const;
78 	QPair<double, double> bottomRight(double x, double y);// const;
80 	//! \brief Properties for Auto guides remembrance. See GuideManager.
horizontalAutoCount()81 	int horizontalAutoCount() { return m_horizontalAutoCount; }
82 	//! \brief Properties for Auto guides remembrance. See GuideManager.
setHorizontalAutoCount(int val)83 	void setHorizontalAutoCount(int val) { m_horizontalAutoCount = val; }
84 	//! \brief Properties for Auto guides remembrance. See GuideManager.
verticalAutoCount()85 	int verticalAutoCount() { return m_verticalAutoCount; }
86 	//! \brief Properties for Auto guides remembrance. See GuideManager.
setVerticalAutoCount(int val)87 	void setVerticalAutoCount(int val) { m_verticalAutoCount = val; }
88 	//! \brief Properties for Auto guides remembrance. See GuideManager.
horizontalAutoGap()89 	double horizontalAutoGap(){ return m_horizontalAutoGap; }
90 	//! \brief Properties for Auto guides remembrance. See GuideManager.
verticalAutoGap()91 	double verticalAutoGap(){return m_verticalAutoGap; }
92 	//! \brief Properties for Auto guides remembrance. See GuideManager.
setHorizontalAutoGap(double gap)93 	void setHorizontalAutoGap(double gap){ m_horizontalAutoGap = gap; }
94 	//! \brief Properties for Auto guides remembrance. See GuideManager.
setVerticalAutoGap(double gap)95 	void setVerticalAutoGap(double gap){ m_verticalAutoGap = gap; }
96 	//! \brief Properties for Auto guides remembrance. See GuideManager.
horizontalAutoRefer()97 	int horizontalAutoRefer() { return m_horizontalAutoRefer; }
98 	//! \brief Properties for Auto guides remembrance. See GuideManager.
setHorizontalAutoRefer(int val)99 	void setHorizontalAutoRefer(int val) { m_horizontalAutoRefer = val; }
100 	//! \brief Properties for Auto guides remembrance. See GuideManager.
verticalAutoRefer()101 	int verticalAutoRefer() { return m_verticalAutoRefer; }
102 	//! \brief Properties for Auto guides remembrance. See GuideManager.
setVerticalAutoRefer(int val)103 	void setVerticalAutoRefer(int val) { m_verticalAutoRefer = val; }
105 	/*! \brief Selection/group coordinates
106 	It's used to simulate the original selection "freezed in time"
107 	for parent page */
108 	double gx {0.0};
109 	double gy {0.0};
110 	double gw {0.0};
111 	double gh {0.0};
114 private:
115 	UndoManager * const m_undoManager;
116 	ScPage* m_page {nullptr};
117 	Guides m_horizontalStdG;
118 	Guides m_verticalStdG;
119 	Guides m_horizontalAutoG;
120 	Guides m_verticalAutoG;
122 	double m_horizontalAutoGap {0.0};
123 	double m_verticalAutoGap {0.0};
124 	int m_horizontalAutoCount {0};
125 	int m_verticalAutoCount {0};
126 	int m_horizontalAutoRefer {0};
127 	int m_verticalAutoRefer {0};
129 	double closestHorAbove(double y);// const;
130 	double closestHorBelow(double y);// const;
131 	double closestVertLeft(double x);// const;
132 	double closestVertRight(double x);// const;
133 };
136 /*! \brief A separate class for Guides IO operations in reading or closing
137 the documents.
138 \author Petr Vanek <petr@scribus.info>
139 */
140 class SCRIBUS_API GuideManagerIO
141 {
142 	public:
143 		GuideManagerIO() = default;
144 		~GuideManagerIO() = default;
146 		/*! \brief Read the guides from XML attribute (file opening).
147 		It's statis method sou you can call it without instance initialized:
148 		GuideManagerIO::readHorizontalGuides(foo blah);
149 		\param guideString a string with all values separated by space (' '). E.g. "1.0 23.17 6"
150 		\param page a reference to the Page object to append the separated guideString values
151 		\param type Guide type to load
152 		\param useOldGuides A little bit hacking here. The guides were stored in a little mess
153 		in the ancient times. So when is the obsolete XML attribute found in reading document
154 		the old reading method is used. All guides are saved in new format then. */
155 		static void readHorizontalGuides(const QString& guideString,
156 										 ScPage *page,
157 										 GuideManagerCore::GuideType type,
158 										 bool useOldGuides=false);
160 		/*! \brief Read the guides from XML attribute (file opening).
161 		It's statis method sou you can call it without instance initialized:
162 		GuideManagerIO::readVerticalGuides(foo blah);
163 		\param guideString a string with all values separated by space (' '). E.g. "1.0 23.17 6"
164 		\param page a reference to the Page object to append the separated guideString values
165 		\param type Guide type to load
166 		\param useOldGuides A little bit hacking here. The guides were stored in a little mess
167 		in the ancient times. So when is the obsolete XML attribute found in reading document
168 		the old reading method is used. All guides are saved in new format then. */
169 		static void readVerticalGuides(const QString& guideString,
170 									   ScPage *page,
171 									   GuideManagerCore::GuideType type,
172 									   bool useOldGuides=false);
174 		static QString writeHorizontalGuides(ScPage *page, GuideManagerCore::GuideType type);
175 		static QString writeVerticalGuides(ScPage *page, GuideManagerCore::GuideType type);
177 		static void readSelection(const QString& guideString, ScPage *page);
178 		static QString writeSelection(ScPage *page);
179 };
181 #endif