1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3# Copyright (c) 2020, the cclib development team
5# This file is part of cclib (http://cclib.github.io) and is distributed under
6# the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
7import collections
9"""Parser for Turbomole output files."""
11import re
13import numpy
15from cclib.parser import logfileparser
16from cclib.parser import utils
17from cclib.parser import data
19class AtomBasis:
20    def __init__(self, atname, basis_name, inputfile):
21        self.symmetries=[]
22        self.coefficients=[]
23        self.atname=atname
24        self.basis_name=basis_name
26        self.parse_basis(inputfile)
28    def parse_basis(self, inputfile):
29        i=0
30        line=inputfile.next()
32        while(line[0]!="*"):
33            (nbasis_text, symm)=line.split()
34            self.symmetries.append(symm)
36            nbasis=int(nbasis_text)
37            coeff_arr=numpy.zeros((nbasis, 2), float)
39            for j in range(0, nbasis, 1):
40                line=inputfile.next()
41                (e1_text, e2_text)=line.split()
42                coeff_arr[j][0]=float(e1_text)
43                coeff_arr[j][1]=float(e2_text)
45            self.coefficients.append(coeff_arr)
46            line=inputfile.next()
48class Turbomole(logfileparser.Logfile):
49    """A Turbomole log file."""
51    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
52        super(Turbomole, self).__init__(logname="Turbomole", *args, **kwargs)
54        # Flag for whether this calc is DFT.
55        self.is_DFT = False
57        # A Regex that we use to extract version info.
58        self.version_regex = re.compile(r"TURBOMOLE(?: rev\.)? V([\d]+)[.-]([\d]+)(?:[.-]([\d]))?(?: \( ?([0-9A-z]+) ?\))?")
60        # A list of previous lines to allow look-behind functionality.
61        self.last_lines = collections.deque([""] * 10, 10)
63    def __str__(self):
64        """Return a string representation of the object."""
65        return "Turbomole output file %s" % (self.filename)
67    def __repr__(self):
68        """Return a representation of the object."""
69        return 'Turbomole("%s")' % (self.filename)
71    def normalisesym(self, label):
72        """Normalise the symmetries used by Turbomole.
74        The labels are standardized except for the first character being lowercase.
75        """
76        # TODO more work could be required, but we don't have any logfiles
77        # with non-C1 symmetry.
78        return label.capitalize()
80    def before_parsing(self):
82        self.periodic_table = utils.PeriodicTable()
84    @staticmethod
85    def split_molines(inline):
86        """Splits the lines containing mocoeffs (each of length 20)
87        and converts them to float correctly.
88        """
89        line = inline.replace("D", "E")
90        f1 = line[0:20]
91        f2 = line[20:40]
92        f3 = line[40:60]
93        f4 = line[60:80]
95        if(len(f4) > 1):
96            return [float(f1), float(f2), float(f3), float(f4)]
97        if(len(f3) > 1):
98            return [float(f1), float(f2), float(f3)]
99        if(len(f2) > 1):
100            return [float(f1), float(f2)]
101        if(len(f1) > 1):
102            return [float(f1)]
104    def extract(self, inputfile, line):
105        """Extract information from the file object inputfile."""
107        ## This information is in the control file.
108        #   $rundimensions
109        #   dim(fock,dens)=1860
110        #   natoms=20
111        #   nshell=40
112        #   nbf(CAO)=60
113        #   nbf(AO)=60
114        #   dim(trafo[SAO<-->AO/CAO])=60
115        #   rhfshells=1
116        if line[3:10]=="natoms=":
117            self.natom=int(line[10:])
119        if line[3:11] == "nbf(AO)=":
120            nmo = int(line.split('=')[1])
121            self.set_attribute('nbasis', nmo)
123        # The DFT functional.
124        # This information is printed by dscf but not in an easily parsable format, so we'll take it from the control file instead...
125        # Additionally, turbomole stores functional names in lower case. This looks odd, so we'll convert to uppercase (?)
126        # We are parsing this section from the control file.
127        if line[3:13] == "functional":
128            self.metadata['functional'] = line.split()[1].upper()
129            self.is_DFT = True
131        # Information about DFT is also printed by dscf in the main .log file.
132        # We don't parse this at the moment, but it is still important to know
133        # if we are using DFT for parsing later on (to distinguish between DFT
134        # Vs HF etc). If we don't have the control file available, we will
135        # need this check:
136        if "density functional" in line:
137            self.is_DFT = True
139        # Extract the version number and optionally the build number.
140        version_match = self.version_regex.search(line)
141        if version_match:
142            # We only combine the parts of the version string we actually got.
143            # Our regex ensures we have at least the first two parts (x.y), and optionally a third part (x.y.z).
144            # This line could look like any of the following:
145            # - TURBOMOLE rev. V7.4.1 (2bfdd732)
146            # - TURBOMOLE V7.2 ( 21471 ) 11 Oct 2017 at 17:04:51
147            # - TURBOMOLE V5-9-0 29 Nov 2006 at 22:06:41
148            version = ".".join([version_part for version_part in version_match.group(1,2,3) if version_part is not None])
150            # We may also have a build ID.
151            build_id = version_match.group(4)
153            self.metadata["legacy_package_version"] = version
154            self.metadata["package_version"] = "{}.r{}".format(version, build_id) if build_id is not None else version
156            # We have entered a new module (sub program); reset our success flag.
157            self.metadata['success'] = False
159        ## Orbital occupation info from dscf.
160        #  orbitals $scfmo  will be written to file mos
161        #
162        #     irrep                  1a          2a          3a          4a          5a
163        #  eigenvalues H        -20.25992    -1.24314    -0.57053    -0.46144    -0.39295
164        #             eV        -551.3047    -33.8279    -15.5250    -12.5564    -10.6929
165        #  occupation              2.0000      2.0000      2.0000      2.0000      2.0000
166        #
167        #     irrep                  6a          7a
168        #  eigenvalues H          0.55091     0.64409
169        #             eV          14.9910     17.5268
170        ## Or
171        #  orbitals $uhfmo_beta  will be written to file beta
172        #
173        #  orbitals $uhfmo_alpha  will be written to file alpha
174        #
175        #  alpha:
176        #
177        #     irrep                 31a         32a         33a         34a         35a
178        #  eigenvalues H         -0.47570    -0.46573    -0.40741    -0.39213    -0.35411
179        #             eV         -12.9446    -12.6733    -11.0862    -10.6705     -9.6358
180        #  occupation              1.0000      1.0000      1.0000      1.0000      1.0000
181        #
182        #     irrep                 36a         37a         38a         39a         40a
183        #  eigenvalues H         -0.18634    -0.10035    -0.09666    -0.02740     0.06072
184        #             eV          -5.0705     -2.7306     -2.6303     -0.7455      1.6522
185        #
186        #  beta:
187        #
188        #     irrep                 30a         31a         32a         33a         34a
189        #  eigenvalues H         -0.49118    -0.47348    -0.44470    -0.39020    -0.37919
190        #             eV         -13.3658    -12.8842    -12.1009    -10.6181    -10.3184
191        #  occupation              1.0000      1.0000      1.0000      1.0000      1.0000
192        #
193        #     irrep                 35a         36a         37a         38a         39a
194        #  eigenvalues H         -0.28091    -0.15088    -0.09343    -0.07531    -0.00688
195        #             eV          -7.6440     -4.1058     -2.5424     -2.0493     -0.1873
196        # There's no point parsing HOMO/LUMO if we don't already have orbitals.
197        if hasattr(self, "mosyms"):
198            if "will be written to file mos" in line:
199                orbitals, line = self.parse_dscf_orbitals(inputfile, line)
200                self.set_attribute("homos", [self.determine_homo(self.mosyms[0], orbitals)])
202            if "alpha:" in line:
203                orbitals, line = self.parse_dscf_orbitals(inputfile, line)
204                if len(orbitals) > 0:
205                    homo = self.determine_homo(self.mosyms[0], orbitals)
206                    if not hasattr(self, "homos"):
207                        self.set_attribute('homos', [homo])
208                    else:
209                        self.homos[0] = homo
211            if "beta:" in line:
212                orbitals, line = self.parse_dscf_orbitals(inputfile, line)
213                if len(orbitals) > 0:
214                    homo = self.determine_homo(self.mosyms[1], orbitals)
215                    if not hasattr(self, "homos"):
216                        self.set_attribute('homos', [homo])
217                    elif len(self.homos) == 1:
218                        self.homos.append(homo)
219                    else:
220                        self.homos[1] = homo
222        # Molecular charge and dipole info from dscf.
223        #  ==============================================================================
224        #                            electrostatic moments
225        #  ==============================================================================
226        #
227        #  reference point for electrostatic moments:    0.00000   0.00000   0.00000
228        #
229        #
230        #               nuc           elec       ->  total
231        #  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
232        #                           charge
233        #  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
234        #           70.000000     -70.000000      -0.000000
235        #
236        #  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
237        #                        dipole moment
238        #  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
239        #    x      -0.000000       0.000000      -0.000000
240        #    y       0.001384      -0.001340       0.000044
241        #    z      -0.000000       0.000000      -0.000000
242        #
243        #    | dipole moment | =     0.0000 a.u. =     0.0001 debye
244        #
245        #  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
246        #                      quadrupole moment
247        #  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
248        #   xx    1499.472650   -1537.186938     -37.714287
249        #   yy       0.000002     -43.588053     -43.588051
250        #   zz     244.507989    -281.855472     -37.347483
251        #   xy      -0.000000       0.000000      -0.000000
252        #   xz      -5.011477       5.064680       0.053203
253        #   yz      -0.000000       0.000000       0.000000
254        #
255        #      1/3  trace=     -39.549940
256        #      anisotropy=       6.066190
257        if "reference point for electrostatic moments:" in line:
258            # This indicates the start of a new dipole section.
259            # Safe to overwrite any old dipoles.
260            parts = line.split()
261            self.moments = [[
262                utils.convertor(float(parts[-3]), "bohr", "Angstrom"),
263                utils.convertor(float(parts[-2]), "bohr", "Angstrom"),
264                utils.convertor(float(parts[-1]), "bohr", "Angstrom")
265            ]]
267        if "nuc           elec       ->  total" in line:
268            line = next(inputfile)
269            line = next(inputfile)
270            if "charge" in line:
271                line = next(inputfile)
272                line = next(inputfile)
274                total_charge = float(line.split()[2])
275                total_charge_int = round(total_charge)
277                # Check we won't loose information converting to int.
278                if total_charge != total_charge_int:
279                    self.logger.warning("Converting non integer total charge '{}' to integer".format(total_charge))
281                # Set regardless.
282                self.set_attribute("charge", total_charge_int)
284        if line.strip() == "dipole moment":
285            line = next(inputfile)
286            if set(line.strip()) == {"-"}:
287                line = next(inputfile)
288                x_coord =  utils.convertor(float(line.split()[-1]), "ebohr", "Debye")
289                line = next(inputfile)
290                y_coord =  utils.convertor(float(line.split()[-1]), "ebohr", "Debye")
291                line = next(inputfile)
292                z_coord =  utils.convertor(float(line.split()[-1]), "ebohr", "Debye")
294                # Assume 0,0,0 as origin if not given.
295                if not hasattr(self, "moments"):
296                    self.moments = [[0,0,0]]
297                self.moments.append([x_coord, y_coord, z_coord])
299        if line.strip() == "quadrupole moment":
300            line = next(inputfile)
301            if set(line.strip()) == {"-"}:
302                line = next(inputfile)
303                xx_coord  = utils.convertor(float(line.split()[-1]), "ebohr2", "Buckingham")
304                line = next(inputfile)
305                yy_coord  = utils.convertor(float(line.split()[-1]), "ebohr2", "Buckingham")
306                line = next(inputfile)
307                zz_coord  = utils.convertor(float(line.split()[-1]), "ebohr2", "Buckingham")
308                line = next(inputfile)
309                xy_coord  = utils.convertor(float(line.split()[-1]), "ebohr2", "Buckingham")
310                line = next(inputfile)
311                xz_coord  = utils.convertor(float(line.split()[-1]), "ebohr2", "Buckingham")
312                line = next(inputfile)
313                yz_coord  = utils.convertor(float(line.split()[-1]), "ebohr2", "Buckingham")
314                self.moments.append([xx_coord, xy_coord, xz_coord, yy_coord, yz_coord, zz_coord])
316        ## Basis set info from dscf.
317        #               +--------------------------------------------------+
318        #               |               basis set information              |
319        #               +--------------------------------------------------+
320        #
321        #               we will work with the 1s 3p 5d 7f 9g ... basis set
322        #               ...i.e. with spherical basis functions...
323        #
324        #    type   atoms  prim   cont   basis
325        #    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
326        #     o        1     15      5   sto-3g hondo  [2s1p|6s3p]
327        #     h        2      3      1   sto-3g hondo  [1s|3s]
328        #    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
329        if "type   atoms  prim   cont   basis" in line:
330            line = next(inputfile)
331            line = next(inputfile)
332            basis_sets = []
333            while set(line.strip()) != {"-"}:
334                basis_sets.append(" ".join(line.split()[4:-1]))
335                line = next(inputfile)
337            # Turbomole gives us the basis set for each atom, but we're only interested if the same basis set is used throughout (for now).
338            if len(set(basis_sets)) == 1:
339                self.metadata["basis_set"] = list(set(basis_sets))[0]
341        # Coordinates and gradients from statpt.
342        #   *************************************************************************
343        #  ATOM                      CARTESIAN COORDINATES
344        #   1 c      -2.67642286424381      0.00038527796998     -0.44566112589039
345        #   2 c      -1.69183504162310      0.00075591605173      2.05352357416443
346        #   3 c       0.92311977253458      0.00052122921704      2.48381308900370
347        #   4 c       2.67642286424491      0.00038528140768      0.44566112589851
348        #   5 c       1.69183504161656      0.00075592009652     -2.05352357415432
349        #   6 h      -2.98983238801665      0.00149374762706      3.67174843088014
350        #   7 h       1.64279730150941      0.00038458181684      4.43158185858240
351        #   8 h       2.98983238800216      0.00149376082387     -3.67174843087059
352        #   9 c       5.44975417206469     -0.00039526372012      1.01184691031725
353        #  10 c       7.34299179214000     -0.00071986894317     -0.68271530533475
354        #  11 h       7.01332300460381     -0.00029648805084     -2.72785997302809
355        #  12 h       5.91422629512709     -0.00052260839470      3.03917498747826
356        #  13 h       9.32456490822245     -0.00139866158379     -0.07769877084777
357        #  14 c      -5.44975417205833     -0.00039526324514     -1.01184691032156
358        #  15 h      -5.91422629512079     -0.00052260600240     -3.03917498748360
359        #  16 c      -7.34299179213657     -0.00071986698481      0.68271530532303
360        #  17 h      -7.01332300460557     -0.00029648750734      2.72785997301777
361        #  18 h      -9.32456490821458     -0.00139865699894      0.07769877082649
362        #  19 c      -0.92311977253569      0.00052122610063     -2.48381308899233
363        #  20 h      -1.64279730151053      0.00038457006746     -4.43158185856859
364        # *************************************************************************
365        #  ATOM                      CARTESIAN GRADIENTS
366        #   1 c       0.00001122250995      0.00000667056223      0.00001828623085
367        #   2 c       0.00000193381649     -0.00001184358472      0.00001337145426
368        #   3 c      -0.00000578603102      0.00000187474419      0.00000987215044
369        #   4 c      -0.00001122250794      0.00000667041002     -0.00001828623169
370        #   5 c      -0.00000193381900     -0.00001184350870     -0.00001337145668
371        #   6 h      -0.00001402399615      0.00001821929428     -0.00000611193875
372        #   7 h       0.00001742260704     -0.00000462667818     -0.00000195847724
373        #   8 h       0.00001402399610      0.00001821957100      0.00000611193919
374        #   9 c      -0.00006557131494     -0.00002136001589      0.00002475454295
375        #  10 c       0.00006109842779     -0.00000007565809     -0.00004223963891
376        #  11 h      -0.00002879535900      0.00000574108155     -0.00000337279221
377        #  12 h       0.00004754086240      0.00000863480152     -0.00000658955451
378        #  13 h      -0.00000914653785     -0.00000320753859      0.00003066647865
379        #  14 c       0.00006557131503     -0.00002135978825     -0.00002475454202
380        #  15 h      -0.00004754086227      0.00000863481272      0.00000658955373
381        #  16 c      -0.00006109842855     -0.00000007566316      0.00004223963942
382        #  17 h       0.00002879535887      0.00000574109116      0.00000337279251
383        #  18 h       0.00000914653868     -0.00000320756462     -0.00003066647871
384        #  19 c       0.00000578603127      0.00000187466275     -0.00000987214898
385        #  20 h      -0.00001742260682     -0.00000462696679      0.00000195847629
386        # *************************************************************************
387        #
388        # In older versions (5.9)
389        # ATOM               CARTESIAN GRADIENTS
390        #  1 c      -0.00006249573129     -0.00001452041025     -0.00002380577094
391        #  2 c       0.00007390978833     -0.00000084052225      0.00000584172986
392        #  3 c      -0.00000362984325      0.00000466314052     -0.00002733252443
393        #  4 c       0.00006249783071     -0.00001452158676      0.00002380177091
394        #  5 c      -0.00007390342509     -0.00000084270316     -0.00000584066725
395        #  6 h      -0.00005950589946      0.00000095087455      0.00005137853319
396        #  7 h      -0.00000645073463     -0.00000179899463      0.00003328307243
397        #  8 h       0.00005950123260      0.00000095090879     -0.00005137678599
398        #  9 c      -0.00004885046058     -0.00002593955699     -0.00004887642413
399        # 10 c       0.00000015222157      0.00004027444288      0.00003204866033
400        # 11 h       0.00001239310045      0.00001308636889     -0.00000092060218
401        # 12 h       0.00001561988506     -0.00001608132438      0.00002717833564
402        # 13 h      -0.00000616830304      0.00000016851704     -0.00003103539353
403        # 14 c       0.00004884621752     -0.00002593547764      0.00004887866674
404        # 15 h      -0.00001561780942     -0.00001607888272     -0.00002718198410
405        # 16 c      -0.00000015329549      0.00004026946593     -0.00003204885735
406        # 17 h      -0.00001239289077      0.00001308531162      0.00000092210161
407        # 18 h       0.00000616838338      0.00000016858902      0.00003103523777
408        # 19 c       0.00000362187006      0.00000466096401      0.00002733645543
409        # 20 h       0.00000645786975     -0.00000179869042     -0.00003328556910
410        #     Optint: norm of internal gradient       0.00029710
411        #
412        if "CARTESIAN GRADIENTS" in line:
413            atomcoords = []
414            atomnos = []
415            line = next(inputfile)
416            while len(line.split()) == 5:
417                atomnos.append(self.periodic_table.number[line.split()[-4].capitalize()])
418                atomcoords.append([utils.convertor(float(x), "bohr", "Angstrom")
419                                   for x in line.split()[-3:]])
420                line = next(inputfile)
422            self.set_attribute('atomnos', atomnos)
423            self.set_attribute('natom', len(atomcoords))
424            self.append_attribute("grads", atomcoords)
426        ## Atomic coordinates in job.last:
427        #              +--------------------------------------------------+
428        #              | Atomic coordinate, charge and isotop information |
429        #              +--------------------------------------------------+
430        #
431        #
432        #              atomic coordinates              atom shells charge pseudo isotop
433        #    -2.69176330   -0.00007129   -0.44712612    c      3    6.000    0     0
434        #    -1.69851645   -0.00007332    2.06488947    c      3    6.000    0     0
435        #     0.92683848   -0.00007460    2.49592179    c      3    6.000    0     0
436        #     2.69176331   -0.00007127    0.44712612    c      3    6.000    0     0
437        #     1.69851645   -0.00007331   -2.06488947    c      3    6.000    0     0
438        #...
439        #    -7.04373606    0.00092244    2.74543891    h      1    1.000    0     0
440        #    -9.36352819    0.00017229    0.07445322    h      1    1.000    0     0
441        #    -0.92683849   -0.00007461   -2.49592179    c      3    6.000    0     0
442        #    -1.65164853   -0.00009927   -4.45456858    h      1    1.000    0     0
443        #
444        # During a jobex driven optimisation, the above geometry section will be printed at the start of each module (subprogram).
445        # We only want one coord entry per step, so we need to be careful not to add the same geometry multiple times.
446        #
447        # For 'large' molecules (probably >= 100 atoms), certain turbomole modules (eg, STATP) will only print a truncated
448        # coordinate section here, with some lines being cut and replaced with 3 lines consisting only of whitespace and
449        # full stops (.):
450        #   5.98651205   -2.33496770   -0.80565619    c      6.000     0
451        #   9.67800538   -0.33507410    1.19593467    c      6.000     0
452        #   6.76781184    0.69969618    5.52907043    c      6.000     0
453        #    .             .             .            .      .         .
454        #    .             .             .            .      .         .
455        #    .             .             .            .      .         .
456        #  21.85796486    5.25815448    5.52575969    h      1.000     0
457        #  16.70506498    7.08657699   13.19684279    h      1.000     0
458        #  25.54043040    7.25266316    7.52378680    h      1.000     0
459        #
460        # This is very annoying, but not disastrous as it is likely the coordinates from this step will have been already printed
461        # from another module, so we can just ignore sections like this.
462        try:
463            if 'Atomic coordinate, charge and isotop information' in line:
464                while 'atomic coordinates' not in line:
465                    line = next(inputfile)
467                atomcoords = []
468                atomnos = []
469                line = next(inputfile)
470                while len(line.split()) >= 3:
471                    atomnos.append(self.periodic_table.number[line.split()[3].capitalize()])
472                    atomcoords.append([utils.convertor(float(x), "bohr", "Angstrom")
473                                       for x in line.split()[:3]])
474                    line = next(inputfile)
476                # Check the coordinates we just parsed are not already in atomcoords.
477                if not hasattr(self, 'atomcoords') or self.atomcoords[-1] != atomcoords:
478                    self.append_attribute('atomcoords', atomcoords)
479                    self.set_attribute('atomnos', atomnos)
480                    self.set_attribute('natom', len(atomcoords))
481        except Exception as e:
482            # Something went wrong, check to see if the coord line we parsed was garbage, or if something else happened.
483            if set(line.strip()).issubset({' ', '.'}):
484                # This line is a truncated coord line, we can skip this coord section.
485                pass
486            else:
487                # Panic.
488                raise e
490        # Flag that indicates we are doing an opt.
491        if "OPTIMIZATION CYCLE" in line:
492            self.append_attribute("optstatus", data.ccData.OPT_UNKNOWN)
494            if "OPTIMIZATION CYCLE 1" in line:
495                # This is the start of the opt.
496                self.optstatus[-1] += data.ccData.OPT_NEW
498        # Optimisation convergence criteria using statpt.
499        #
500        # ******************************************************************
501        #                     CONVERGENCE INFORMATION
502        #
503        #                          Converged?     Value      Criterion
504        #        Energy change         no       0.0000011   0.0000010
505        #        RMS of displacement   yes      0.0001152   0.0005000
506        #        RMS of gradient       yes      0.0000548   0.0005000
507        #        MAX displacement      yes      0.0001409   0.0010000
508        #        MAX gradient          yes      0.0000670   0.0010000
509        # ******************************************************************
510        if "CONVERGENCE INFORMATION" in line:
511            # This is an optimisation.
512            # Skip lines.
513            line = next(inputfile)
514            line = next(inputfile)
515            line = next(inputfile)
517            convergence = []
518            geovalues = []
519            geotargets = []
521            # There are a variable number of criteria.
522            while len(line.split()) > 3:
523                parts = line.split()
524                # lower() is for (unnecessary?) future proofing...
525                converged = parts[-3].lower() == "yes"
526                value = float(parts[-2])
527                criterion = float(parts[-1])
529                # TODO: possibly require some unit conversions?
530                convergence.append(converged)
531                geovalues.append(value)
532                geotargets.append(criterion)
534                # Next.
535                line = next(inputfile)
537            self.set_attribute("geotargets", geotargets)
538            self.append_attribute("geovalues", geovalues)
540            if all(convergence):
541                # This iteration has converged.
542                self.append_attribute("optdone", len(self.geovalues) -1)
543                self.optstatus[-1] += data.ccData.OPT_DONE
544            else:
545                # Not converged.
546                if not hasattr(self, 'optdone'):
547                    self.set_attribute("optdone", [])
548                #self.optstatus[-1] += data.ccData.OPT_UNCONVERGED
551        # Frequency values in aoforce.out
552        #        mode               7        8        9       10       11       12
553        #
554        #      frequency          53.33    88.32   146.85   171.70   251.75   289.44
555        #
556        #      symmetry            a        a        a        a        a        a
557        #
558        #         IR               YES      YES      YES      YES      YES      YES
559        # |dDIP/dQ|   (a.u.)     0.0002   0.0000   0.0005   0.0004   0.0000   0.0000
560        # intensity (km/mol)       0.05     0.00     0.39     0.28     0.00     0.00
561        # intensity (  %   )       0.05     0.00     0.40     0.28     0.00     0.00
562        #
563        #        RAMAN             YES      YES      YES      YES      YES      YES
564        #
565        #   1   c           x   0.00000  0.00001  0.00000 -0.01968 -0.04257  0.00001
566        #                   y  -0.08246 -0.08792  0.02675 -0.00010  0.00000  0.17930
567        #                   z   0.00001  0.00003  0.00004 -0.10350  0.11992 -0.00003
568        # ....
569        #
570        # reduced mass(g/mol)     3.315    2.518    2.061    3.358    3.191    2.323
572        if 'NORMAL MODES and VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCIES (cm**(-1))' in line:
573            has_raman = False
574            while line[7:11] != 'mode':
575                line = next(inputfile)
576                if line.startswith(" differential RAMAN cross sections"):
577                    has_raman = True
578            vibfreqs, vibsyms, vibirs, vibdisps, vibrmasses = [], [], [], [], []
579            while 'all done  ****' not in line:
581                if line.strip().startswith('mode'):
582                    self.skip_line(inputfile, 'b')
583                    line = next(inputfile)
584                    assert line.strip().startswith('frequency')
585                    freqs = [float(i.replace('i', '-')) for i in line.split()[1:]]
586                    vibfreqs.extend(freqs)
587                    self.skip_lines(inputfile, ['b'])
588                    line = next(inputfile)
589                    assert line.strip().startswith('symmetry')
590                    syms = [self.normalisesym(sym) for sym in line.split()[1:]]
591                    vibsyms.extend(syms)
593                    self.skip_lines(inputfile, ['b', 'IR', 'dDIP/dQ'])
594                    line = next(inputfile)
595                    assert line.strip().startswith('intensity (km/mol)')
596                    irs = [utils.float(f) for f in line.split()[2:]]
597                    vibirs.extend(irs)
599                    self.skip_lines(inputfile, ['intensity %', 'b', 'RAMAN'])
600                    if has_raman:
601                        self.skip_lines(
602                            inputfile,
603                            ['(par,par)', '(ort,ort)', '(ort,unpol)', 'depol. ratio']
604                        )
605                    line = next(inputfile)
606                    assert not line.strip()
607                    line = next(inputfile)
608                    x, y, z = [], [], []
609                    atomcounter = 0
610                    while atomcounter < self.natom:
611                        x.append([float(i) for i in line.split()[3:]])
612                        line = next(inputfile)
613                        y.append([float(i) for i in line.split()[1:]])
614                        line = next(inputfile)
615                        z.append([float(i) for i in line.split()[1:]])
616                        line = next(inputfile)
617                        atomcounter += 1
619                    for j in range(len(x[0])):
620                        disps = []
621                        for i in range(len(x)):
622                            disps.append([x[i][j], y[i][j], z[i][j]])
623                        vibdisps.append(disps)
625                    line = next(inputfile)
626                    assert line.startswith('reduced mass(g/mol)')
627                    rmasses = [utils.float(f) for f in line.split()[2:]]
628                    vibrmasses.extend(rmasses)
630                if "zero point VIBRATIONAL energy" in line:
631                    self.set_attribute("zpve", float(line.split()[6]))
633                line = next(inputfile)
635            self.set_attribute('vibfreqs', vibfreqs)
636            self.set_attribute('vibsyms', vibsyms)
637            self.set_attribute('vibirs', vibirs)
638            self.set_attribute('vibdisps', vibdisps)
639            self.set_attribute('vibrmasses', vibrmasses)
641        # In this section we are parsing mocoeffs and moenergies from
642        # the files like: mos, alpha and beta.
643        # $scfmo    scfconv=6   format(4d20.14)
644        # # SCF total energy is     -382.3457535740 a.u.
645        # #
646        #      1  a      eigenvalue=-.97461484059799D+01   nsaos=60
647        # 0.69876828353937D+000.32405121159405D-010.87670894913921D-03-.85232349313288D-07
648        # 0.19361534257922D-04-.23841194890166D-01-.81711001390807D-020.13626356942047D-02
649        # ...
650        # ...
651        # $end
652        if (line.startswith('$scfmo') or line.startswith('$uhfmo')) and line.find('scfconv') > 0:
653            if line.strip().startswith('$uhfmo_alpha'):
654                self.unrestricted = True
656            # Need to skip the first line to start with lines starting with '#'.
657            line = next(inputfile)
658            while line.strip().startswith('#') and not line.find('eigenvalue') > 0:
659                line = next(inputfile)
661            moirreps = []
662            moenergies = []
663            mocoeffs = []
664            mosyms = []
666            while not line.strip().startswith('$'):
667                number, sym = line.split()[:2]
668                number = int(number)
669                sym = self.normalisesym(sym)
671                info = re.match(r".*eigenvalue=(?P<moenergy>[0-9D\.+-]{20})\s+nsaos=(?P<count>\d+).*", line)
672                eigenvalue = utils.float(info.group('moenergy'))
673                orbital_energy = utils.convertor(eigenvalue, 'hartree', 'eV')
675                moenergies.append(orbital_energy)
676                mosyms.append(sym)
677                moirreps.append((number, sym))
679                single_coeffs = []
680                nsaos = int(info.group('count'))
682                while(len(single_coeffs) < nsaos):
683                    line = next(inputfile)
684                    single_coeffs.extend(Turbomole.split_molines(line))
686                mocoeffs.append(single_coeffs)
687                line = next(inputfile)
689            max_nsaos = max([len(i) for i in mocoeffs])
690            for i in mocoeffs:
691                while len(i) < max_nsaos:
692                    i.append(numpy.nan)
694            # We now need to sort our orbitals (because Turbomole groups them by symm).
695            mos = list(zip(moenergies, mocoeffs, mosyms, moirreps))
696            mos.sort(key = lambda mo: mo[0])
697            moenergies, mocoeffs, mosyms, moirreps = zip(*mos)
699            # MO irreps is not actually recognised as a cclib attribute,
700            # but we may need this info to parse other sections.
701            self.append_attribute("moirreps", moirreps)
702            self.append_attribute("moenergies", moenergies)
703            self.append_attribute("mocoeffs", mocoeffs)
704            self.append_attribute("mosyms", mosyms)
705            self.set_attribute("nmo", len(moenergies))
707        # Parsing the scfenergies, scfvalues and scftargets from job.last file.
708        # scf convergence criterion : increment of total energy < .1000000D-05
709        #                  and increment of one-electron energy < .1000000D-02
710        #
711        # ...
712        # ...
713        #                                              current damping :  0.700
714        # ITERATION  ENERGY          1e-ENERGY        2e-ENERGY     NORM[dD(SAO)]  TOL
715        #   1  -382.34543727790    -1396.8009423     570.56292464    0.000D+00 0.556D-09
716        #                            Exc =   -57.835278090846     N = 69.997494722
717        #          max. resid. norm for Fia-block=  2.782D-05 for orbital     33a
718        # ...
719        # ...
720        #                                              current damping :  0.750
721        # ITERATION  ENERGY          1e-ENERGY        2e-ENERGY     NORM[dD(SAO)]  TOL
722        #   3  -382.34575357399    -1396.8009739     570.56263988    0.117D-03 0.319D-09
723        #                            Exc =   -57.835593208072     N = 69.999813370
724        #          max. resid. norm for Fia-block=  7.932D-06 for orbital     33a
725        #          max. resid. fock norm         =  8.105D-06 for orbital     33a
726        #
727        # convergence criteria satisfied after  3 iterations
728        #
729        #
730        #                  ------------------------------------------
731        #                 |  total energy      =   -382.34575357399  |
732        #                  ------------------------------------------
733        #                 :  kinetic energy    =    375.67398458525  :
734        #                 :  potential energy  =   -758.01973815924  :
735        #                 :  virial theorem    =      1.98255043001  :
736        #                 :  wavefunction norm =      1.00000000000  :
737        #                  ..........................................
738        if 'scf convergence criterion' in line:
739            total_energy_threshold = utils.float(line.split()[-1])
740            one_electron_energy_threshold = utils.float(next(inputfile).split()[-1])
741            scftargets = [total_energy_threshold, one_electron_energy_threshold]
742            self.append_attribute('scftargets', scftargets)
744            # Get ready for SCF iteration energies.
745            self.iter_energy = []
746            self.iter_one_elec_energy = []
748        if 'ITERATION  ENERGY' in line:
749            while 'convergence criteria satisfied' not in line:
750                # nbasis
751                # Doesn't appear to do anything, number of basis functions does not appear in this section?
752                #if  "number of basis functions" in line:
753                #    self.set_attribute("nbasis", int(line.split()[-1]))
755                if 'ITERATION  ENERGY' in line:
756                    line = next(inputfile)
757                    info = line.split()
758                    self.iter_energy.append(utils.float(info[1]))
759                    self.iter_one_elec_energy.append(utils.float(info[2]))
760                line = next(inputfile)
762            assert len(self.iter_energy) == len(self.iter_one_elec_energy), \
763                'Different number of values found for total energy and one electron energy.'
764            scfvalues = [[x - y, a - b] for x, y, a, b in
765                         zip(self.iter_energy[1:], self.iter_energy[:-1], self.iter_one_elec_energy[1:], self.iter_one_elec_energy[:-1])]
766            self.append_attribute('scfvalues', scfvalues)
767            while 'total energy' not in line:
768                line = next(inputfile)
770            scfenergy = utils.convertor(utils.float(line.split()[4]), 'hartree', 'eV')
771            self.append_attribute('scfenergies', scfenergy)
773            # We need to determine whether this is a HF or DFT energy for metadata.
774            if self.is_DFT:
775                self.metadata['methods'].append("DFT")
776            else:
777                self.metadata['methods'].append("HF")
779        #  **********************************************************************
780        #  *                                                                    *
781        #  *   RHF  energy                             :    -74.9644564256      *
782        #  *   MP2 correlation energy (doubles)        :     -0.0365225363      *
783        #  *                                                                    *
784        #  *   Final MP2 energy                        :    -75.0009789619      *
785        # ...
786        #  *   Norm of MP1 T2 amplitudes               :      0.0673494687      *
787        #  *                                                                    *
788        #  **********************************************************************
789        # OR
790        #  **********************************************************************
791        #  *                                                                    *
792        #  *   RHF  energy                             :    -74.9644564256      *
793        #  *   correlation energy                      :     -0.0507799360      *
794        #  *                                                                    *
795        #  *   Final CCSD energy                       :    -75.0152363616      *
796        #  *                                                                    *
797        #  *   D1 diagnostic                           :      0.0132            *
798        #  *                                                                    *
799        #  **********************************************************************
800        if 'Final CCSD energy' in line or 'Final CC2 energy' in line:
801            self.append_attribute(
802                'ccenergies',
803                utils.convertor(utils.float(line.split()[5]), 'hartree', 'eV')
804            )
805            self.metadata['methods'].append("CCSD")
807        # Look for MP energies.
808        for mp_level in range(2,6):
809            if "Final MP{} energy".format(mp_level) in line:
810                mpenergy = utils.convertor(utils.float(line.split()[5]), 'hartree', 'eV')
811                if mp_level == 2:
812                    self.append_attribute('mpenergies', [mpenergy])
813                else:
814                    self.mpenergies[-1].append(mpenergy)
815                self.metadata['methods'].append("MP{}".format(mp_level))
817        #  *****************************************************
818        #  *                                                   *
819        #  *      SCF-energy   :     -74.49827196840999        *
820        #  *      MP2-energy   :      -0.19254365976227        *
821        #  *      total        :     -74.69081562817226        *
822        #  *                                                   *
823        #  *     (MP2-energy evaluated from T2 amplitudes)     *
824        #  *                                                   *
825        #  *****************************************************
826        if 'MP2-energy' in line:
827            line = next(inputfile)
828            if 'total' in line:
829                mp2energy = [utils.convertor(utils.float(line.split()[3]), 'hartree', 'eV')]
830                self.append_attribute('mpenergies', mp2energy)
831                self.metadata['methods'].append("MP2")
833        # Support for the now outdated (?) rimp2
834        # ------------------------------------------------
835        #     Method          :  MP2
836        #     Total Energy    :    -75.0009789796
837        # ------------------------------------------------
838        if "Method          :  MP2" in line:
839            line = next(inputfile)
840            mp2energy = [utils.convertor(utils.float(line.split()[3]), 'hartree', 'eV')]
841            self.append_attribute('mpenergies', mp2energy)
842            self.metadata['methods'].append("MP2")
845        # Excited state info from escf.
846        #                          1 singlet a excitation
847        #
848        #
849        #  Total energy:                           -112.9060086800507
850        #
851        #  Excitation energy:                      0.3111453714493050
852        #
853        #  Excitation energy / eV:                  8.466699968968847
854        #
855        #  Excitation energy / nm:                  146.4375074832943
856        #
857        #  Excitation energy / cm^(-1):             68288.51549285055
858        #
859        #
860        #  Oscillator strength:
861        #
862        #     velocity representation:             0.1011193926229111
863        #
864        #     length representation:               0.9461905579062439E-01
865        #
866        #     mixed representation:                0.9781524141002400E-01
867        #
868        #
869        #  Rotatory strength:
870        #
871        #     velocity representation:             0.1282566570726007E-10
872        #
873        #     velocity rep. / 10^(-40)erg*cm^3:    0.8285997783054736E-06
874        #
875        #     length representation:               0.1242930160103103E-10
876        #
877        #     length rep. / 10^(-40)erg*cm^3:      0.8029927479925187E-06
878        #
879        #
880        #  Dominant contributions:
881        #
882        #       occ. orbital   energy / eV   virt. orbital     energy / eV   |coeff.|^2*100
883        #         7 a             -10.76           9 a              -0.78       96.7
884        #
885        ## For UHF:
886        #       occ. orbital   energy / eV   virt. orbital     energy / eV   |coeff.|^2*100
887        #         7 a   alpha          -15.12     12 a   alpha            4.74       24.5
888        #         7 a   beta           -15.12     12 a   beta             4.74       24.5
889        if "Excitation energy:" in line and "excitation" in self.last_lines[-5].split():
890            # The irrep of the state is a few lines back.
891            symm_parts = self.last_lines[-5].split()
892            # We don't always have the multiplicity available.
893            if len(symm_parts) < 4:
894                # No mult.
895                mult = "???"
896            else:
897                mult = symm_parts[1].capitalize()
899            symmetry = "{}-{}".format(mult, symm_parts[-2].capitalize())
900            self.append_attribute("etsyms", symmetry)
902            # Energy should be in cm-1...
903            energy = utils.convertor(utils.float(line.split()[-1]), 'hartree', 'wavenumber')
904            self.append_attribute("etenergies", energy)
906            # Oscillator strength.
907            while "length representation:" not in line:
908                line = next(inputfile)
909            oscillator_strength = utils.float(line.split()[-1])
910            self.append_attribute("etoscs", oscillator_strength)
912            line = next(inputfile)
914            # Rotatory strength.
915            while "length representation:" not in line:
916                line = next(inputfile)
917            rotatory_strength = utils.float(line.split()[-1])
918            self.append_attribute("etrotats", rotatory_strength)
920            while "Dominant contributions:" not in line:
921                line = next(inputfile)
922            line = next(inputfile)
923            line = next(inputfile)
924            line = next(inputfile)
926            # We can't get transitions if we don't have any orbitals.
927            if hasattr(self, 'moirreps'):
928                transitions = []
930                while len(line.split()) > 0:
931                    parts = line.split()
933                    # Get alpha/beta, deleting "alpha" or "beta" from the line so
934                    # our indexes are aligned for both RHF and UHF.
935                    if parts[2] == "alpha":
936                        start_AB = 0
937                        parts.pop(2)
938                    if parts[2] == "beta":
939                        start_AB = 1
940                        parts.pop(2)
941                    else:
942                        start_AB = 0
944                    # Determine our start orbital.
945                    start_MO_irrep = (int(parts[0]), self.normalisesym(parts[1]))
946                    start_MO = self.moirreps[start_AB].index(start_MO_irrep)
948                    if parts[5] == "beta":
949                        end_AB = 1
950                    else:
951                        end_AB = 0
953                    # And end orbital.
954                    end_MO_irrep = (int(parts[3]), self.normalisesym(parts[4]))
955                    end_MO = self.moirreps[end_AB].index(end_MO_irrep)
957                    # Finally, get our coefficient.
958                    # Sadly, Turbomole only prints |coeff.|^2*100, so we can't determine whether
959                    # the coefficient is negative or positive...
960                    coeff = (utils.float(parts[-1]) /100) ** 0.5
962                    # Add to list.
963                    transitions.append((
964                        (start_MO, start_AB),
965                        (end_MO, end_AB),
966                        coeff
967                    ))
969                    # Go again.
970                    line = next(inputfile)
972                # Print a warning because we're missing the sign (+/-) of etsecs.
973                self.logger.warning("The sign (+/-) of the coefficient for singly-excited configurations is not available")
974                self.append_attribute("etsecs", transitions)
976            # Transition dipoles.
977            while "Electric transition dipole moment (length rep.):" not in line:
978                line = next(inputfile)
979            line = next(inputfile)
981            # Unlike PDM, we leave TDMs in units of au (based on the implementation for Gaussian).
982            line = next(inputfile)
983            tdm_x = float(line.split()[1])
984            line = next(inputfile)
985            tdm_y = float(line.split()[1])
986            line = next(inputfile)
987            tdm_z = float(line.split()[1])
989            self.append_attribute("etdips", [tdm_x, tdm_y, tdm_z])
991        # Excitation energies with ricc2.
992        #  +================================================================================+
993        #  | sym | multi | state |          CC2 excitation energies       |  %t1   |  %t2   |
994        #  |     |       |       +----------------------------------------+--------+--------+
995        #  |     |       |       |   Hartree    |    eV      |    cm-1    |    %   |    %   |
996        #  +================================================================================+
997        #  | a   |   1   |   1   |    0.3257471 |    8.86403 |  71493.234 |  94.89 |   5.11 |
998        #  | a   |   1   |   2   |    0.3257471 |    8.86403 |  71493.232 |  94.89 |   5.11 |
999        #  | a   |   1   |   3   |    0.3864541 |   10.51595 |  84816.880 |  95.05 |   4.95 |
1000        #  | a   |   1   |   4   |    0.3938325 |   10.71673 |  86436.241 |  94.09 |   5.91 |
1001        #  | a   |   1   |   5   |    0.3938325 |   10.71673 |  86436.241 |  94.09 |   5.91 |
1002        #  | a   |   1   |   6   |    0.4122171 |   11.21700 |  90471.202 |  93.32 |   6.68 |
1003        #  | a   |   1   |   7   |    0.4351537 |   11.84114 |  95505.195 |  94.16 |   5.84 |
1004        #  | a   |   1   |   8   |    0.4454969 |   12.12259 |  97775.278 |  94.26 |   5.74 |
1005        #  | a   |   1   |   9   |    0.4454969 |   12.12259 |  97775.273 |  94.26 |   5.74 |
1006        #  | a   |   1   |  10   |    0.5036295 |   13.70446 | 110533.909 |  93.51 |   6.49 |
1007        #  +================================================================================+
1008        # TODO: Perhaps need a more general way to look for lines like this?
1009        if "| sym | multi | state |          CC2 excitation energies       |  %t1   |  %t2   |" in line \
1010        or "| sym | multi | state |          ADC(2) excitation energies    |  %t1   |  %t2   |" in line:
1011            self.skip_lines(inputfile, ["divider", "units", "divider"])
1012            line = next(inputfile)
1014            # Reset in case we've parsed this section before for some reason...
1015            for attr in ("etenergies", "etsyms", "etoscs", "etsecs"):
1016                if hasattr(self, attr):
1017                    delattr(self, attr)
1019            while len(line.split("|")) > 1:
1020                # Split.
1021                parts = [part.strip() for part in line.split("|")]
1023                if parts[2] == "1":
1024                    mult = "Singlet"
1025                elif parts[2] == "2":
1026                    mult = "Doublet"
1027                elif parts[2] == "3":
1028                    mult = "Triplet"
1029                elif parts[2] == "4":
1030                    mult = "Quartet"
1031                elif parts[2] == "-":
1032                    mult = "???"
1033                else:
1034                    mult = parts[2]
1036                symmetry = "{}-{}".format(mult, parts[1].capitalize())
1037                self.append_attribute("etsyms", symmetry)
1039                energy = utils.float(parts[6])
1040                self.append_attribute("etenergies", energy)
1042                # Go again.
1043                line = next(inputfile)
1045        # Singly excited configurations are printed separately with ricc2.
1046        #      +=======================================================================+
1047        #      | type: RE0                    symmetry: a               state:    1    |
1048        #      +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
1049        #      | occ. orb.  index spin | vir. orb.  index spin |  coeff/|amp|     %    |
1050        #      +=======================+=======================+=======================+
1051        #      |    7 a        7       |    9 a        9       |   0.65683      43.1   |
1052        #      |    7 a        7       |   13 a       13       |   0.47926      23.0   |
1053        #      |    7 a        7       |   12 a       12       |  -0.44814      20.1   |
1054        #      |    7 a        7       |   10 a       10       |  -0.24445       6.0   |
1055        #      |    7 a        7       |   16 a       16       |  -0.14810       2.2   |
1056        #      |    4 a        4       |   13 a       13       |   0.11053       1.2   |
1057        #      +=======================+=======================+=======================+
1058        #      norm of printed elements:  0.95585
1059        # for UHF:
1060        #      +=======================================================================+
1061        #      | type: RE0                    symmetry: a               state:    1    |
1062        #      +-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
1063        #      | occ. orb.  index spin | vir. orb.  index spin |  coeff/|amp|     %    |
1064        #      +=======================+=======================+=======================+
1065        #      |    7 a        7 (b)   |   12 a       12 (b)   |   0.49335      24.3   |
1066        #      |    7 a        7 (a)   |   12 a       12 (a)   |  -0.49335      24.3   |
1067        #      |    7 a        7 (a)   |    9 a        9 (a)   |   0.42257      17.9   |
1068        #      |    7 a        7 (b)   |    9 a        9 (b)   |  -0.42257      17.9   |
1069        #      |    7 a        7 (b)   |   13 a       13 (b)   |   0.20077       4.0   |
1070        #      |    7 a        7 (a)   |   13 a       13 (a)   |  -0.20077       4.0   |
1071        #      |    7 a        7 (a)   |   15 a       15 (a)   |   0.11607       1.3   |
1072        #      |    7 a        7 (b)   |   15 a       15 (b)   |  -0.11607       1.3   |
1073        #      +=======================+=======================+=======================+
1074        if "| occ. orb.  index spin | vir. orb.  index spin |  coeff/|amp|     %    |" in line:
1075            self.skip_lines(inputfile, ["divider"])
1076            line = next(inputfile)
1078            transitions = []
1080            while len(line.split()) > 1:
1081                parts = line.split()
1083                # Determine our start orbital.
1084                # Unlike the HF/DFT level excited states printed by escf, ricc2 prints
1085                # the orbital index directly.
1086                start_MO = int(parts[3]) -1
1088                # Get alpha/beta, deleting "alpha" or "beta" from the line so our
1089                # indexes are aligned for both RHF and UHF.
1090                if parts[4] == "(a)":
1091                    start_AB = 0
1092                    parts.pop(4)
1093                if parts[4] == "(b)":
1094                    start_AB = 1
1095                    parts.pop(4)
1096                else:
1097                    start_AB = 0
1099                # And end orbital.
1100                end_MO = int(parts[7]) -1
1102                if parts[8] == "(b)":
1103                    end_AB = 1
1104                else:
1105                    end_AB = 0
1107                # Finally, get our coefficient.
1108                # Once again, ricc2 beats escf and we have both the coefficient and %
1109                # available.
1110                coeff = utils.float(parts[-3])
1112                # Add to list.
1113                transitions.append((
1114                    (start_MO, start_AB),
1115                    (end_MO, end_AB),
1116                    coeff
1117                ))
1119                # Go again.
1120                line = next(inputfile)
1122            self.append_attribute("etsecs", transitions)
1124        # Oscillator strengths are also printed separately with ricc2,
1125        # and may be missing entirely.
1126        #
1127        #        oscillator strength (length gauge)   :      0.09614727
1128        #
1129        if "oscillator strength (length gauge)   :" in line:
1130            self.append_attribute("etoscs", utils.float(line.split()[-1]))
1133        # All done for this loop.
1134        # Keep track of last lines.
1135        self.last_lines.append(line)
1137        if ": all done  ****" in line:
1138            # End of module, set success flag.
1139            self.metadata['success'] = True
1143    def split_irrep(self, irrep):
1144        """
1145        Split a Turbomole irrep into number and symmetry.
1146        """
1147        rematch = re.match(r"^([0-9]+)(.+)$", irrep)
1148        number = int(rematch.group(1))
1149        sym = self.normalisesym(rematch.group(2))
1150        return (number, sym)
1152    def parse_dscf_orbitals(self, inputfile, line):
1153        """
1154        Extract orbital occupation and energies from a dscf logfile.
1156        Returns
1157        -------
1158        tuple
1159            a two membered tuple where the first element is a list of dictionaries of the the orbitals parsed, while the second is the line on which parsing should continue.
1160        """
1161        ## Orbital occupation info from dscf.
1162        #  orbitals $scfmo  will be written to file mos
1163        #
1164        #     irrep                  1a          2a          3a          4a          5a
1165        #  eigenvalues H        -20.25992    -1.24314    -0.57053    -0.46144    -0.39295
1166        #             eV        -551.3047    -33.8279    -15.5250    -12.5564    -10.6929
1167        #  occupation              2.0000      2.0000      2.0000      2.0000      2.0000
1168        # ...
1169        #     irrep                  6a          7a
1170        #  eigenvalues H          0.55091     0.64409
1171        #             eV          14.9910     17.5268
1172        ## Or
1173        #  orbitals $uhfmo_beta  will be written to file beta
1174        #
1175        #  orbitals $uhfmo_alpha  will be written to file alpha
1176        #
1177        #  alpha:
1178        #
1179        #     irrep                 31a         32a         33a         34a         35a
1180        #  eigenvalues H         -0.47570    -0.46573    -0.40741    -0.39213    -0.35411
1181        #             eV         -12.9446    -12.6733    -11.0862    -10.6705     -9.6358
1182        #  occupation              1.0000      1.0000      1.0000      1.0000      1.0000
1183        # ...
1184        #     irrep                 36a         37a         38a         39a         40a
1185        #  eigenvalues H         -0.18634    -0.10035    -0.09666    -0.02740     0.06072
1186        #             eV          -5.0705     -2.7306     -2.6303     -0.7455      1.6522
1187        #
1188        #  beta:
1189        #
1190        #     irrep                 30a         31a         32a         33a         34a
1191        #  eigenvalues H         -0.49118    -0.47348    -0.44470    -0.39020    -0.37919
1192        #             eV         -13.3658    -12.8842    -12.1009    -10.6181    -10.3184
1193        #  occupation              1.0000      1.0000      1.0000      1.0000      1.0000
1194        # ...
1195        #     irrep                 35a         36a         37a         38a         39a
1196        #  eigenvalues H         -0.28091    -0.15088    -0.09343    -0.07531    -0.00688
1197        #             eV          -7.6440     -4.1058     -2.5424     -2.0493     -0.1873
1198        # Skip blank line.
1199        line = next(inputfile)
1201        orbitals = []
1202        while True:
1203            irreps = []
1204            energies_hartree = []
1205            energies_eV = []
1206            occupations = []
1208            # MO index
1209            line = next(inputfile)
1211            # Check we're still in the right section.
1212            if "irrep" not in line:
1213                # All done.
1214                break
1215            else:
1216                # Turbomole lists orbitals of different symmetry separately.
1217                irreps = line.split()[1:]
1219            # Energy in H.
1220            line = next(inputfile)
1221            energies_hartree = [float(energy) for energy in line.split()[2:]]
1223            # Energy in eV.
1224            line = next(inputfile)
1225            energies_eV = [float(energy) for energy in line.split()[1:]]
1227            # Occupation.
1228            # This line will be missing if the orbitals are virtual (unoccupied).
1229            line = next(inputfile)
1230            if "occupation" in line:
1231                occupations = [float(occupation) for occupation in line.split()[1:]]
1232                line = next(inputfile)
1234            # If we have any missing occupations, fill with 0
1235            occupations.extend([0.0] * (len(irreps) - len(occupations)))
1237            # Add to list.
1238            orbitals.extend([
1239                 {'irrep': irrep, 'energy_H': energy_H, 'energy_eV': energy_eV, 'occupancy': occupation}
1240                 for irrep, energy_H, energy_eV, occupation
1241                 in zip(irreps, energies_hartree, energies_eV, occupations)
1242            ])
1244        return orbitals, line
1247    def determine_homo(self, mosyms, dscf_mos):
1248        """
1249        Determine the highest occupied molecular orbital.
1251        Returns
1252        -------
1253        int
1254            the index of the HOMO.
1255        """
1256        # First, we need a mapping between each irrep and its index in mosyms etc.
1257        symm_count = {}
1258        irreps = []
1260        for symm in mosyms:
1261            try:
1262                symm_count[symm] += 1
1263            except KeyError:
1264                symm_count[symm] = 1
1266            irreps.append((symm_count[symm], symm))
1268        # We also have occupancy info from dscf (but probably only for those orbitals close to the HOMO/LUMO gap).
1269        # We now need to determine which orbital with occupancy is highest.
1270        homo = 0
1271        for mo in dscf_mos:
1272            if mo['occupancy'] > 0:
1273                # This orbital has electrons, determine its position out of all orbitals.
1274                index = irreps.index(self.split_irrep(mo['irrep']))
1275                if index > homo:
1276                    homo = index
1278        return homo
1280    def deleting_modes(self, vibfreqs, vibdisps, vibirs, vibrmasses):
1281        """Deleting frequencies relating to translations or rotations"""
1282        i = 0
1283        while i < len(vibfreqs):
1284            if vibfreqs[i] == 0.0:
1285                # Deleting frequencies that have value 0 since they
1286                # do not correspond to vibrations.
1287                del vibfreqs[i], vibdisps[i], vibirs[i], vibrmasses[i]
1288                i -= 1
1289            i += 1
1291    def after_parsing(self):
1292        if hasattr(self, 'vibfreqs'):
1293            self.deleting_modes(self.vibfreqs, self.vibdisps, self.vibirs, self.vibrmasses)
1295        # Try and determine our multiplicity from our orbitals.
1296        if hasattr(self, "homos"):
1297            if len(self.homos) == 1:
1298                # If we are restricted (len(homos) == 1); assume we have to be singlet.
1299                self.set_attribute("mult", 1)
1300            else:
1301                # Unrestricted, the difference in homos should tell us the no. of unpaired e-.
1302                unpaired_e = abs(self.homos[0] - self.homos[1])
1303                self.set_attribute("mult", unpaired_e +1)
1305        # Set a flag if we stopped part way through an opt.
1306        if hasattr(self, "optstatus") and self.optstatus[-1] != data.ccData.OPT_DONE:
1307            self.optstatus[-1] += data.ccData.OPT_UNCONVERGED
1310class OldTurbomole(logfileparser.Logfile):
1311    """A Turbomole output file. Code is outdated and is not being used."""
1313    def __init__(self, *args):
1314        # Call the __init__ method of the superclass
1315        super(Turbomole, self).__init__(logname="Turbomole", *args)
1317    def __str__(self):
1318        """Return a string representation of the object."""
1319        return "Turbomole output file %s" % (self.filename)
1321    def __repr__(self):
1322        """Return a representation of the object."""
1323        return 'Turbomole("%s")' % (self.filename)
1325    def atlist(self, atstr):
1326        # turn atstr from atoms section into array
1328        fields=atstr.split(',')
1329        list=[]
1330        for f in fields:
1331            if(f.find('-')!=-1):
1332                rangefields=f.split('-')
1333                start=int(rangefields[0])
1334                end=int(rangefields[1])
1336                for j in range(start, end+1, 1):
1337                    list.append(j-1)
1338            else:
1339                list.append(int(f)-1)
1340        return(list)
1342    def normalisesym(self, label):
1343        """Normalise the symmetries used by Turbomole."""
1344        return ans
1346    def before_parsing(self):
1347        self.geoopt = False # Is this a GeoOpt? Needed for SCF targets/values.
1349    def split_molines(self, inline):
1350        line=inline.replace("D", "E")
1351        f1=line[0:20]
1352        f2=line[20:40]
1353        f3=line[40:60]
1354        f4=line[60:80]
1356        if(len(f4)>1):
1357            return( (float(f1), float(f2), float(f3), float(f4)) )
1358        if(len(f3)>1):
1359            return( (float(f1), float(f2), float(f3)) )
1360        if(len(f2)>1):
1361            return( (float(f1), float(f2)) )
1362        if(len(f1)>1):
1363            return([float(f1)])
1364        return
1366    def extract(self, inputfile, line):
1367        """Extract information from the file object inputfile."""
1369        if line[3:11]=="nbf(AO)=":
1370            nmo=int(line[11:])
1371            self.nbasis=nmo
1372            self.nmo=nmo
1373        if line[3:9]=="nshell":
1374            temp=line.split('=')
1375            homos=int(temp[1])
1377        if line[0:6] == "$basis":
1378            print("Found basis")
1379            self.basis_lib=[]
1380            line = inputfile.next()
1381            line = inputfile.next()
1383            while line[0] != '*' and line[0] != '$':
1384                temp=line.split()
1385                line = inputfile.next()
1386                while line[0]=="#":
1387                    line = inputfile.next()
1388                self.basis_lib.append(AtomBasis(temp[0], temp[1], inputfile))
1389                line = inputfile.next()
1390        if line == "$ecp\n":
1391            self.ecp_lib=[]
1393            line = inputfile.next()
1394            line = inputfile.next()
1396            while line[0] != '*' and line[0] != '$':
1397                fields=line.split()
1398                atname=fields[0]
1399                ecpname=fields[1]
1400                line = inputfile.next()
1401                line = inputfile.next()
1402                fields=line.split()
1403                ncore = int(fields[2])
1405                while line[0] != '*':
1406                    line = inputfile.next()
1407                self.ecp_lib.append([atname, ecpname, ncore])
1409        if line[0:6] == "$coord":
1410            if line[0:11] == "$coordinate":
1411#                print "Breaking"
1412                return
1414#            print "Found coords"
1415            self.atomcoords = []
1416            self.atomnos = []
1417            atomcoords = []
1418            atomnos = []
1420            line = inputfile.next()
1421            if line[0:5] == "$user":
1422#                print "Breaking"
1423                return
1425            while line[0] != "$":
1426                temp = line.split()
1427                atsym=temp[3].capitalize()
1428                atomnos.append(self.table.number[atsym])
1429                atomcoords.append([utils.convertor(float(x), "bohr", "Angstrom")
1430                                   for x in temp[0:3]])
1431                line = inputfile.next()
1432            self.atomcoords.append(atomcoords)
1433            self.atomnos = numpy.array(atomnos, "i")
1435        if line[14:32] == "atomic coordinates":
1436            atomcoords = []
1437            atomnos = []
1439            line = inputfile.next()
1441            while len(line) > 2:
1442                temp = line.split()
1443                atsym = temp[3].capitalize()
1444                atomnos.append(self.table.number[atsym])
1445                atomcoords.append([utils.convertor(float(x), "bohr", "Angstrom")
1446                                    for x in temp[0:3]])
1447                line = inputfile.next()
1449            if not hasattr(self,"atomcoords"):
1450                self.atomcoords = []
1452            self.atomcoords.append(atomcoords)
1453            self.atomnos = numpy.array(atomnos, "i")
1455        if line[0:6] == "$atoms":
1456            print("parsing atoms")
1457            line = inputfile.next()
1458            self.atomlist=[]
1459            while line[0]!="$":
1460                temp=line.split()
1461                at=temp[0]
1462                atnosstr=temp[1]
1463                while atnosstr[-1] == ",":
1464                    line = inputfile.next()
1465                    temp=line.split()
1466                    atnosstr=atnosstr+temp[0]
1467#                print "Debug:", atnosstr
1468                atlist=self.atlist(atnosstr)
1470                line = inputfile.next()
1472                temp=line.split()
1473#                print "Debug basisname (temp):",temp
1474                basisname=temp[2]
1475                ecpname=''
1476                line = inputfile.next()
1477                while(line.find('jbas')!=-1 or line.find('ecp')!=-1 or
1478                      line.find('jkbas')!=-1):
1479                    if line.find('ecp')!=-1:
1480                        temp=line.split()
1481                        ecpname=temp[2]
1482                    line = inputfile.next()
1484                self.atomlist.append( (at, basisname, ecpname, atlist))
1486# I have no idea what this does, so "comment" out
1487        if line[3:10]=="natoms=":
1488#        if 0:
1490            self.natom=int(line[10:])
1492            basistable=[]
1494            for i in range(0, self.natom, 1):
1495                for j in range(0, len(self.atomlist), 1):
1496                    for k in range(0, len(self.atomlist[j][3]), 1):
1497                        if self.atomlist[j][3][k]==i:
1498                            basistable.append((self.atomlist[j][0],
1499                                                   self.atomlist[j][1],
1500                                               self.atomlist[j][2]))
1501            self.aonames=[]
1502            counter=1
1503            for a, b, c in basistable:
1504                ncore=0
1505                if len(c) > 0:
1506                    for i in range(0, len(self.ecp_lib), 1):
1507                        if self.ecp_lib[i][0]==a and \
1508                           self.ecp_lib[i][1]==c:
1509                            ncore=self.ecp_lib[i][2]
1511                for i in range(0, len(self.basis_lib), 1):
1512                    if self.basis_lib[i].atname==a and self.basis_lib[i].basis_name==b:
1513                        pa=a.capitalize()
1514                        basis=self.basis_lib[i]
1516                        s_counter=1
1517                        p_counter=2
1518                        d_counter=3
1519                        f_counter=4
1520                        g_counter=5
1521# this is a really ugly piece of code to assign the right labels to
1522# basis functions on atoms with an ecp
1523                        if ncore == 2:
1524                            s_counter=2
1525                        elif ncore == 10:
1526                            s_counter=3
1527                            p_counter=3
1528                        elif ncore == 18:
1529                            s_counter=4
1530                            p_counter=4
1531                        elif ncore == 28:
1532                            s_counter=4
1533                            p_counter=4
1534                            d_counter=4
1535                        elif ncore == 36:
1536                            s_counter=5
1537                            p_counter=5
1538                            d_counter=5
1539                        elif ncore == 46:
1540                            s_counter=5
1541                            p_counter=5
1542                            d_counter=6
1544                        for j in range(0, len(basis.symmetries), 1):
1545                            if basis.symmetries[j]=='s':
1546                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1547                                              (pa, counter, s_counter, "S"))
1548                                s_counter=s_counter+1
1549                            elif basis.symmetries[j]=='p':
1550                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1551                                              (pa, counter, p_counter, "PX"))
1552                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1553                                              (pa, counter, p_counter, "PY"))
1554                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1555                                              (pa, counter, p_counter, "PZ"))
1556                                p_counter=p_counter+1
1557                            elif basis.symmetries[j]=='d':
1558                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1559                                         (pa, counter, d_counter, "D 0"))
1560                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1561                                         (pa, counter, d_counter, "D+1"))
1562                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1563                                         (pa, counter, d_counter, "D-1"))
1564                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1565                                         (pa, counter, d_counter, "D+2"))
1566                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1567                                         (pa, counter, d_counter, "D-2"))
1568                                d_counter=d_counter+1
1569                            elif basis.symmetries[j]=='f':
1570                                 self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1571                                       (pa, counter, f_counter, "F 0"))
1572                                 self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1573                                       (pa, counter, f_counter, "F+1"))
1574                                 self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1575                                       (pa, counter, f_counter, "F-1"))
1576                                 self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1577                                       (pa, counter, f_counter, "F+2"))
1578                                 self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1579                                       (pa, counter, f_counter, "F-2"))
1580                                 self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1581                                       (pa, counter, f_counter, "F+3"))
1582                                 self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1583                                        (pa, counter, f_counter, "F-3"))
1584                            elif basis.symmetries[j]=='g':
1585                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1586                                       (pa, counter, f_counter, "G 0"))
1587                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1588                                       (pa, counter, f_counter, "G+1"))
1589                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1590                                       (pa, counter, f_counter, "G-1"))
1591                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1592                                        (pa, counter, g_counter, "G+2"))
1593                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1594                                         (pa, counter, g_counter, "G-2"))
1595                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1596                                         (pa, counter, g_counter, "G+3"))
1597                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1598                                          (pa, counter, g_counter, "G-3"))
1599                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1600                                          (pa, counter, g_counter, "G+4"))
1601                                self.aonames.append("%s%d_%d%s" % \
1602                                          (pa, counter, g_counter, "G-4"))
1603                        break
1604                counter=counter+1
1606        if line=="$closed shells\n":
1607            line = inputfile.next()
1608            temp = line.split()
1609            occs = int(temp[1][2:])
1610            self.homos = numpy.array([occs-1], "i")
1612        if line == "$alpha shells\n":
1613            line = inputfile.next()
1614            temp = line.split()
1615            occ_a = int(temp[1][2:])
1616            line = inputfile.next() # should be $beta shells
1617            line = inputfile.next() # the beta occs
1618            temp = line.split()
1619            occ_b = int(temp[1][2:])
1620            self.homos = numpy.array([occ_a-1,occ_b-1], "i")
1622        if line[12:24]=="OVERLAP(CAO)":
1623            line = inputfile.next()
1624            line = inputfile.next()
1625            overlaparray=[]
1626            self.aooverlaps=numpy.zeros( (self.nbasis, self.nbasis), "d")
1627            while line != "       ----------------------\n":
1628                temp=line.split()
1629                overlaparray.extend(map(float, temp))
1630                line = inputfile.next()
1631            counter=0
1633            for i in range(0, self.nbasis, 1):
1634                for j in range(0, i+1, 1):
1635                    self.aooverlaps[i][j]=overlaparray[counter]
1636                    self.aooverlaps[j][i]=overlaparray[counter]
1637                    counter=counter+1
1639        if ( line[0:6] == "$scfmo" or line[0:12] == "$uhfmo_alpha" ) and line.find("scf") > 0:
1640            temp = line.split()
1642            if temp[1][0:7] == "scfdump":
1643#                self.logger.warning("SCF not converged?")
1644                print("SCF not converged?!")
1646            if line[0:12] == "$uhfmo_alpha": # if unrestricted, create flag saying so
1647                unrestricted = 1
1648            else:
1649                unrestricted = 0
1651            self.moenergies=[]
1652            self.mocoeffs=[]
1654            for spin in range(unrestricted + 1): # make sure we cover all instances
1655                title = inputfile.next()
1656                while(title[0] == "#"):
1657                    title = inputfile.next()
1659#                mocoeffs = numpy.zeros((self.nbasis, self.nbasis), "d")
1660                moenergies = []
1661                moarray=[]
1663                if spin == 1 and title[0:11] == "$uhfmo_beta":
1664                    title = inputfile.next()
1665                    while title[0] == "#":
1666                        title = inputfile.next()
1668                while(title[0] != '$'):
1669                    temp=title.split()
1671                    orb_symm=temp[1]
1673                    try:
1674                        energy = float(temp[2][11:].replace("D", "E"))
1675                    except ValueError:
1676                        print(spin, ": ", title)
1678                    orb_en = utils.convertor(energy,"hartree","eV")
1680                    moenergies.append(orb_en)
1681                    single_mo = []
1683                    while(len(single_mo)<self.nbasis):
1684                        self.updateprogress(inputfile, "Coefficients", self.cupdate)
1685                        title = inputfile.next()
1686                        lines_coeffs=self.split_molines(title)
1687                        single_mo.extend(lines_coeffs)
1689                    moarray.append(single_mo)
1690                    title = inputfile.next()
1692#                for i in range(0, len(moarray), 1):
1693#                    for j in range(0, self.nbasis, 1):
1694#                        try:
1695#                            mocoeffs[i][j]=moarray[i][j]
1696#                        except IndexError:
1697#                            print "Index Error in mocoeffs.", spin, i, j
1698#                            break
1700                mocoeffs = numpy.array(moarray,"d")
1701                self.mocoeffs.append(mocoeffs)
1702                self.moenergies.append(moenergies)
1704        if line[26:49] == "a o f o r c e - program":
1705            self.vibirs = []
1706            self.vibfreqs = []
1707            self.vibsyms = []
1708            self.vibdisps = []
1710#            while line[3:31] != "****  force : all done  ****":
1712        if line[12:26] == "ATOMIC WEIGHTS":
1713#begin parsing atomic weights
1714           self.vibmasses=[]
1715           line=inputfile.next() # lines =======
1716           line=inputfile.next() # notes
1717           line=inputfile.next() # start reading
1718           temp=line.split()
1719           while(len(temp) > 0):
1720                self.vibmasses.append(float(temp[2]))
1721                line=inputfile.next()
1722                temp=line.split()
1724        if line[5:14] == "frequency":
1725            if not hasattr(self,"vibfreqs"):
1726                self.vibfreqs = []
1727                self.vibfreqs = []
1728                self.vibsyms = []
1729                self.vibdisps = []
1730                self.vibirs = []
1732            temp=line.replace("i","-").split()
1734            freqs = [utils.float(f) for f in temp[1:]]
1735            self.vibfreqs.extend(freqs)
1737            line=inputfile.next()
1738            line=inputfile.next()
1740            syms=line.split()
1741            self.vibsyms.extend(syms[1:])
1743            line=inputfile.next()
1744            line=inputfile.next()
1745            line=inputfile.next()
1746            line=inputfile.next()
1748            temp=line.split()
1749            irs = [utils.float(f) for f in temp[2:]]
1750            self.vibirs.extend(irs)
1752            line=inputfile.next()
1753            line=inputfile.next()
1754            line=inputfile.next()
1755            line=inputfile.next()
1757            x=[]
1758            y=[]
1759            z=[]
1761            line=inputfile.next()
1762            while len(line) > 1:
1763                temp=line.split()
1764                x.append(map(float, temp[3:]))
1766                line=inputfile.next()
1767                temp=line.split()
1768                y.append(map(float, temp[1:]))
1770                line=inputfile.next()
1771                temp=line.split()
1772                z.append(map(float, temp[1:]))
1773                line=inputfile.next()
1775# build xyz vectors for each mode
1777            for i in range(0, len(x[0]), 1):
1778                disp=[]
1779                for j in range(0, len(x), 1):
1780                    disp.append( [x[j][i], y[j][i], z[j][i]])
1781                self.vibdisps.append(disp)
1783#        line=inputfile.next()
1785    def after_parsing(self):
1787        # delete all frequencies that correspond to translations or rotations
1789        if hasattr(self,"vibfreqs"):
1790            i = 0
1791            while i < len(self.vibfreqs):
1792                if self.vibfreqs[i]==0.0:
1793                    del self.vibfreqs[i]
1794                    del self.vibdisps[i]
1795                    del self.vibirs[i]
1796                    del self.vibsyms[i]
1797                    i -= 1
1798                i += 1