1 #ident "$Id: run_tbl.c,v 4.1 1997/01/12 14:54:22 gert Exp $ Copyright (c) 1994 Gert Doering"
3 /* run_tbl.c
4  *
5  * this file is part of the mgetty+sendfax distribution
6  *
7  * compute a set of arrays that will speed up finding the run length
8  * of black or white bits in a byte enourmously
9  * (I do not include the array as it is larger than the source and
10  * computation is fast enough - 0.005 secs on my machine...)
11  */
13 #include "ugly.h"
15 static unsigned char tab[9] = { 0x00,
16 		 	0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0f,
17 		 	0x1f, 0x3f, 0x7f, 0xff };
19 char w_rtab[8][256];
20 char b_rtab[8][256];
_P0(void)22 void make_run_tables _P0( void )
23 {
24 int i, j, k, m;		/* byte = kkkjjjmm, "j" starts at bit "i" */
25 int mask;		/* black mask (all ones), start bit i, j bits wide */
27     for ( i=0; i<8; i++ )		/* for (all starting bits) */
28     {
29 	for ( j=i+1; j>=0; j-- )	/* for (all possible run lengths) */
30 	{
31 	    mask = tab[j] << ((i-j)+1);
33 	    if ( i == 7 )		/* no fill bits to the left */
34 	    {
35 		if ( j == i+1 )		/* no fill bits to the right */
36 		{
37 		    w_rtab[i][0   ] = j;
38 		    b_rtab[i][mask] = j;
39 		}
40 		else			/* fill bits to the right */
41 		for ( m = ( 1 << (i-j) ) -1 ; m >= 0; m-- )
42 		{
43 		    w_rtab[i][0   + (1<<(i-j)) + m ] = j;
44 		    b_rtab[i][mask+ 0          + m ] = j;
45 		}
46 	    }
47 	    else			/* i != 7 -> fill higher bits */
48 	    for ( k = (0x80>>i) -1; k>= 0; k-- )
49 	    {
50 		if ( j == i+1 )		/* no noise to the right */
51 		{
52 		    w_rtab[i][ (k << (i+1)) + 0    ] = j;
53 		    b_rtab[i][ (k << (i+1)) + mask ] = j;
54 		}
55 		else			/* fill bits to left + right */
56 		for ( m = ( 1 << (i-j) ) -1; m >= 0; m-- )
57 		{
58 		    w_rtab[i][ (k << (i+1)) + 0    + (1<<(i-j)) + m ] = j;
59 		    b_rtab[i][ (k << (i+1)) + mask +     0      + m ] = j;
60 		}
61 	    }		/* end for (k) [noise left of top bit] */
62 	} 		/* end for (j) [span] */
63     }			/* end for (i) [top bit] */
64 }