3# this shell script provides commands to the common diag system. It enables
4# test scripts to wait for certain conditions and initiate certain actions.
5# needs support in config file.
6# NOTE: this file should be included with ". diag.sh", as it otherwise is
7# not always able to convey back states to the upper-level test driver
8# begun 2009-05-27 by rgerhards
9# This file is part of the rsyslog project, released under GPLv3
11# This file can be customized to environment specifics via environment
12# variables:
13# SUDO		either blank, or the command to use for sudo (usually "sudo").
14#		This env var is sometimes used to increase the chance that we
15#		get extra information, e.g. when trying to analyze running
16#		processes. Bottom line: if sudo is possible and you are OK with
17#		the testbench utilizing this, use
18#		export SUDO=sudo
19#		to activate the extra functionality.
20# RS_SORTCMD    Sort command to use (must support $RS_SORT_NUMERIC_OPT option). If unset,
21#		"sort" is used. E.g. Solaris needs "gsort"
22# RS_SORT_NUMERIC_OPT option to use for numerical sort, If unset "-g" is used.
23# RS_CMPCMD     cmp command to use. If unset, "cmd" is used.
24#               E.g. Solaris needs "gcmp"
25# RS_HEADCMD    head command to use. If unset, "head" is used.
26#               E.g. Solaris needs "ghead"
28#		global input timeout shutdown, default 60000 (60) sec. This should
29#		only be set specifically if there is good need to do so, e.g. if
30#		a test needs to timeout.
31# USE_VALGRIND  if set to "YES", the test will be run under valgrind control, with
32#               "default" settings (memcheck including leak check, termination on error).
33#		This permits to have valgrind and non-valgrind versions of the same test
34#		without the need to write it twice: just have a 2-liner -vg.sh which
35#		does:
36#			export USE_VALGRIND="YES"
37#			source original-test.sh
38#		sample can be seen in imjournal-basic[.vg].sh
39#		You may also use USE_VALGRIND="YES-NOLEAK" to request valgrind without
40#		leakcheck (this sometimes is needed).
42#		if set to "YES" and one test fails, all others are not executed but skipped.
43#		This is useful in long-running CI jobs where we are happy with seeing the
44#		first failure (to save time).
48# 0 - ok
49# 1 - FAIL
50# 77 - SKIP
51# 100 - Testbench failure
52export TB_ERR_TIMEOUT=101
53# 177 - internal state: test failed, but in a way that makes us strongly believe
54#       this is caused by environment. This will lead to exit 77 (SKIP), but report
55#       the failure if failure reporting is active
57# environment variables:
58# USE_AUTO_DEBUG "on" --> enables automatic debugging, anything else
59#                turns it off
61# diag system internal environment variables
62# these variables are for use by test scripts - they CANNOT be
63# overridden by the user
64# TCPFLOOD_EXTRA_OPTS   enables to set extra options for tcpflood, usually
65#                       used in tests that have a common driver where it
66#                       is too hard to set these options otherwise
68export ZOOPIDFILE="$(pwd)/zookeeper.pid"
70#valgrind="valgrind --malloc-fill=ff --free-fill=fe --log-fd=1"
72# **** use the line below for very hard to find leaks! *****
73#valgrind="valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --malloc-fill=ff --free-fill=fe --log-fd=1"
75#valgrind="valgrind --tool=drd --log-fd=1"
76#valgrind="valgrind --tool=helgrind --log-fd=1 --suppressions=$srcdir/linux_localtime_r.supp --gen-suppressions=all"
77#valgrind="valgrind --tool=exp-ptrcheck --log-fd=1"
78#set -o xtrace
79#export RSYSLOG_DEBUG="debug nologfuncflow noprintmutexaction nostdout"
80#export RSYSLOG_DEBUGLOG="log"
81TB_TIMEOUT_STARTSTOP=400 # timeout for start/stop rsyslogd in tenths (!) of a second 400 => 40 sec
82# note that 40sec for the startup should be sufficient even on very slow machines. we changed this from 2min on 2017-12-12
83TB_TEST_TIMEOUT=90  # number of seconds after which test checks timeout (eg. waits)
84TB_TEST_MAX_RUNTIME=${TEST_MAX_RUNTIME:-580} # maximum runtime in seconds for a test;
85			# default TEST_MAX_RUNTIME e.g. for long-running tests or special
86			# testbench use. Testbench will abort test
87			# after that time (iff it has a chance to, not strictly enforced)
88			# Note: 580 is slightly below the rsyslog-ci required max non-stdout writing timeout
89			# This is usually at 600 (10 minutes) and processes will be force-terminated if they
90			# go over it. This is especially bad because we do not receive notifications in this
91			# case.
92export RSYSLOG_DEBUG_TIMEOUTS_TO_STDERR="on"  # we want to know when we loose messages due to timeouts
93if [ "$TESTTOOL_DIR" == "" ]; then
94	export TESTTOOL_DIR="${srcdir:-.}"
97# newer functionality is preferably introduced via bash functions
98# rgerhards, 2018-07-03
99rsyslog_testbench_test_url_access() {
100    local missing_requirements=
101    if ! hash curl 2>/dev/null ; then
102        missing_requirements="'curl' is missing in PATH; Make sure you have cURL installed! Skipping test ..."
103    fi
105    if [ -n "${missing_requirements}" ]; then
106        printf '%s\n' "${missing_requirements}"
107        exit 77
108    fi
110    local http_endpoint="$1"
111    if ! curl --fail --max-time 30 "${http_endpoint}" 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
112        echo "HTTP endpoint '${http_endpoint}' is not reachable. Skipping test ..."
113        exit 77
114    else
115        echo "HTTP endpoint '${http_endpoint}' is reachable! Starting test ..."
116    fi
119# function to skip a test on a specific platform
120# $1 is what we check in uname, $2 (optional) is a reason message
121skip_platform() {
122	if [ "$(uname)" == "$1" ]; then
123		printf 'platform is "%s" - test does not work under "%s"\n' "$(uname)" "$1"
124		if [ "$2" != "" ]; then
125			printf 'reason: %s\n' "$2"
126		fi
127		exit 77
128	fi
133# a consistent format to output testbench timestamps
134tb_timestamp() {
135	printf '%s[%s] ' "$(date +%H:%M:%S)" "$(( $(date +%s) - TB_STARTTEST ))"
138# override the test timeout, but only if the new value is higher
139# than the previous one. This is necessary for slow test systems
140# $1 is timeout in seconds
141override_test_timeout() {
142	if [ "${1:=0}" == "" ]; then
143		printf 'FAIL: invalid testbench call, override_test_timeout needs value\n'
144		error_exit 100
145	fi
146	if [ "$1" -gt "$TB_TEST_TIMEOUT" ]; then
148		printf 'info: TB_TEST_TIMEOUT increased to %s\n' "$TB_TEST_TIMEOUT"
149	fi
152# set special tests status. States ($1) are:
153# unreliable -- as the name says, test does not work reliably; $2 must be github issue URL
154#               depending on CI configuration, "unreliable" tests are skipped and not failed
155#               or not executed at all. Test reports may also be amended to github issue.
156test_status() {
157	if [ "$1" == "unreliable" ]; then
158		if [ "$2" == "" ]; then
159			printf 'TESTBENCH_ERROR: github issue URL must be given\n'
160			error_exit 100
161		fi
162		export TEST_STATUS="$1"
163		export TEST_GITHUB_ISSUE="$2"
164	else
165		printf 'TESTBENCH_ERROR: test_status "%s" unknown\n' "$1"
166		error_exit 100
167	fi
171setvar_RS_HOSTNAME() {
172	printf '### Obtaining HOSTNAME (prerequisite, not actual test) ###\n'
173	generate_conf ""
174	add_conf 'module(load="../plugins/imtcp/.libs/imtcp")
175input(type="imtcp" port="0" listenPortFileName="'$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME'.tcpflood_port")
177$template hostname,"%hostname%"
178local0.* ./'${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}'.HOSTNAME;hostname
181	startup ""
182	tcpflood -m1 -M "\"<128>\""
183	shutdown_when_empty
184	wait_shutdown ""
191# begin a new testconfig
192#	2018-09-07:	Incremented inputs.timeout.shutdown to 60000 because kafka tests may not be
193#			finished under stress otherwise
194# $1 is the instance id, if given
195generate_conf() {
196	if [ "$RSTB_GLOBAL_QUEUE_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT" == "" ]; then
198	fi
199	if [ "$RSTB_GLOBAL_INPUT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT" == "" ]; then
201	fi
202	if [ "$RSTB_ACTION_DEFAULT_Q_TO_SHUTDOWN" == "" ]; then
204	fi
205	if [ "$RSTB_ACTION_DEFAULT_Q_TO_ENQUEUE" == "" ]; then
207	fi
208	export TCPFLOOD_PORT="$(get_free_port)"
209	if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
210		export TESTCONF_NM="${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}_" # this basename is also used by instance 2!
211		export RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG="${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.out.log"
212		export RSYSLOG2_OUT_LOG="${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}_2.out.log"
213		export RSYSLOG_PIDBASE="${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}:" # also used by instance 2!
214		mkdir $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.spool
215	fi
216	echo 'module(load="../plugins/imdiag/.libs/imdiag")
218       default.action.queue.timeoutshutdown="'$RSTB_ACTION_DEFAULT_Q_TO_SHUTDOWN'"
219       default.action.queue.timeoutEnqueue="'$RSTB_ACTION_DEFAULT_Q_TO_ENQUEUE'")
220# use legacy-style for the following settings so that we can override if needed
221$MainmsgQueueTimeoutEnqueue 20000
222$MainmsgQueueTimeoutShutdown '$RSTB_GLOBAL_QUEUE_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT'
223$IMDiagListenPortFileName '$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.imdiag$1.port'
224$IMDiagServerRun 0
225$IMDiagAbortTimeout '$TB_TEST_MAX_RUNTIME'
227:syslogtag, contains, "rsyslogd"  ./'${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}$1'.started
228###### end of testbench instrumentation part, test conf follows:' > ${TESTCONF_NM}$1.conf
231# add more data to config file. Note: generate_conf must have been called
232# $1 is config fragment, $2 the instance id, if given
233add_conf() {
234	printf '%s' "$1" >> ${TESTCONF_NM}$2.conf
238rst_msleep() {
239	$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep $1
243# compare file to expected exact content
244# $1 is file to compare, default $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG
245cmp_exact() {
246	filename=${1:-"$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG"}
247	if [ "$filename" == "" ]; then
248		printf 'Testbench ERROR, cmp_exact() does not have a filename at ALL!\n'
249		error_exit 100
250	fi
251	if [ "$EXPECTED" == "" ]; then
252		printf 'Testbench ERROR, cmp_exact() needs to have env var EXPECTED set!\n'
253		error_exit 100
254	fi
255	printf '%s\n' "$EXPECTED" | cmp - "$filename"
256	if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
257		printf 'invalid response generated\n'
258		printf '################# %s is:\n' "$filename"
259		cat -n $filename
260		printf '################# EXPECTED was:\n'
261		cat -n <<< "$EXPECTED"
262		printf '\n#################### diff is:\n'
263		diff - "$filename" <<< "$EXPECTED"
264		error_exit  1
265	fi;
268# code common to all startup...() functions
269startup_common() {
270	instance=
271	if [ "$1" == "2" ]; then
272	    CONF_FILE="${TESTCONF_NM}2.conf"
273	    instance=2
274	elif [ "$1" == "" ] || [ "$1" == "1" ]; then
275	    CONF_FILE="${TESTCONF_NM}.conf"
276	else
277	    CONF_FILE="$srcdir/testsuites/$1"
278	    instance=$2
279	fi
280	# we need to remove the imdiag port file as there are some
281	# tests that start multiple times. These may get the old port
282	# number if the file still exists AND timing is bad so that
283	# imdiag does not generate the port file quickly enough on
284	# startup.
285	rm -f $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.imdiag$instance.port
286	if [ ! -f $CONF_FILE ]; then
287	    echo "ERROR: config file '$CONF_FILE' not found!"
288	    error_exit 1
289	fi
290	echo config $CONF_FILE is:
291	cat -n $CONF_FILE
294# wait for appearance of a specific pid file, given as $1
295wait_startup_pid() {
296	if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
297		echo "FAIL: testbench bug: wait_startup_called without \$1"
298		error_exit 100
299	fi
300	while test ! -f $1; do
301		$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100 # wait 100 milliseconds
302		if [ $(date +%s) -gt $(( TB_STARTTEST + TB_TEST_MAX_RUNTIME )) ]; then
303		   printf '%s ABORT! Timeout waiting on startup (pid file %s)\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$1"
304		   ls -l "$1"
305		   ps -fp $(cat "$1")
306		   error_exit 1
307		fi
308	done
309	printf '%s %s found, pid %s\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$1" "$(cat $1)"
312# special version of wait_startup_pid() for rsyslog startup
313wait_rsyslog_startup_pid() {
314	wait_startup_pid $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$1.pid
317# wait for startup of an arbitrary process
318# $1 - pid file name
319# $2 - startup file name (optional, only checked if given)
320wait_process_startup() {
321	wait_startup_pid $1.pid
322	i=0
323	if [ "$2" != "" ]; then
324		while test ! -f "$2"; do
325			$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100 # wait 100 milliseconds
326			ps -p $(cat $1.pid) &> /dev/null
327			if [ $? -ne 0 ]
328			then
329			   echo "ABORT! pid in $1 no longer active during startup!"
330			   error_exit 1
331			fi
332			(( i++ ))
333			if [ $(date +%s) -gt $(( TB_STARTTEST + TB_TEST_MAX_RUNTIME )) ]; then
334			   printf '%s ABORT! Timeout waiting on file %s\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$2"
335			   error_exit 1
336			fi
337		done
338		printf '%s %s seen, associated pid %s\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$2" "$(cat $1)"
339	fi
343# wait for the pid in $1 to terminate, abort on timeout
344wait_pid_termination() {
345		out_pid="$1"
346		if [[ "$out_pid" == "" ]]; then
347			printf 'TESTBENCH error: pidfile name not specified in wait_pid_termination\n'
348			error_exit 100
349		fi
350		terminated=0
351		while [[ $terminated -eq 0 ]]; do
352			ps -p $out_pid &> /dev/null
353			if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
354				terminated=1
355			fi
356			$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100
357			if [ $(date +%s) -gt $(( TB_STARTTEST + TB_TEST_MAX_RUNTIME )) ]; then
358			   printf '%s ABORT! Timeout waiting on shutdown (pid %s)\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" $out_pid
359			   ps -fp $out_pid
360			   printf 'Instance is possibly still running and may need manual cleanup.\n'
361			   error_exit 1
362			fi
363		done
364		unset terminated
365		unset out_pid
368# wait for file $1 to exist AND be non-empty
369# $1 : file to wait for
370# $2 (optional): error message to show if timeout occurs
371wait_file_exists() {
372	echo waiting for file $1
373	i=0
374	while true; do
375		if [ -f $1 ] && [ "$(cat $1 2> /dev/null)" != "" ]; then
376			break
377		fi
378		$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100 # wait 100 milliseconds
379		((i++))
380		if test $i -gt $TB_TIMEOUT_STARTSTOP; then
381		   echo "ABORT! Timeout waiting for file $1"
382		   ls -l $1
383		   if [ "$2" != "" ]; then
384			echo "$2"
385		   fi
386		   error_exit 1
387		fi
388	done
391# kafka special wait function: we wait for the output file in order
392# to ensure Kafka/Zookeeper is actually ready to go. This is NOT
393# a generic check function and must only used with those kafka tests
394# that actually need it.
395kafka_wait_group_coordinator() {
396echo We are waiting for kafka/zookeeper being ready to deliver messages
397wait_file_exists $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG "
399Non-existence of $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG can be caused
400by a problem inside zookeeper. If debug output in the receiver is enabled, one
401may see this message:
403\"GroupCoordinator response error: Broker: Group coordinator not available\"
405In this case you may want to do a web search and/or have a look at
406    https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka/issues/799
408The question, of course, is if there is nevertheless a problem in imkafka.
409Usually, the wait we do inside the testbench is sufficient to handle all
410Zookeeper/Kafka startup. So if the issue reoccurs, it is suggested to enable
411debug output in the receiver and check for actual problems.
415# check if kafka itself failed. $1 is the message file name.
416kafka_check_broken_broker() {
417	failed=0
418	if grep "Broker transport failure" < "$1" ; then
419		failed=1
420	fi
421	if grep "broker connections are down" < "$1" ; then
422		failed=1
423	fi
424	if [ $failed -eq 1 ]; then
425		printf '\n\nenvironment-induced test error - kafka broker failed - skipping test\n'
426		printf 'content of %s:\n' "$1"
427		cat -n "$1"
428		error_exit 177
429	fi
432# inject messages via kafkacat tool (for imkafka tests)
433# $1 == "--wait" means wait for rsyslog to receive TESTMESSAGES lines in RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG
434# $TESTMESSAGES contains number of messages to inject
435# $RANDTOPIC contains topic to produce to
436injectmsg_kafkacat() {
437	if [ "$1" == "--wait" ]; then
438		wait="YES"
439		shift
440	fi
441	if [ "$TESTMESSAGES" == "" ]; then
442		printf 'TESTBENCH ERROR: TESTMESSAGES env var not set!\n'
443		error_exit 1
444	fi
445	MAXATONCE=25000 # how many msgs should kafkacat send? - hint: current version errs out above ~70000
446	i=1
447	while (( i<=TESTMESSAGES )); do
448		currmsgs=0
449		while ((i <= $TESTMESSAGES && currmsgs != MAXATONCE)); do
450			printf ' msgnum:%8.8d\n' $i;
451			i=$((i + 1))
452			currmsgs=$((currmsgs+1))
453		done  > "$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.kafkacat.in"
454		set -e
455		kafkacat -P -b localhost:29092 -t $RANDTOPIC <"$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.kafkacat.in" 2>&1 | tee >$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.kafkacat.log
456		set +e
457		printf 'kafkacat injected %d msgs so far\n' $((i - 1))
458		kafka_check_broken_broker $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.kafkacat.log
459		check_not_present "ERROR" $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.kafkacat.log
460		cat $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.kafkacat.log
461	done
463	if [ "$wait" == "YES" ]; then
464		wait_seq_check "$@"
465	fi
469# wait for rsyslogd startup ($1 is the instance)
470wait_startup() {
471	wait_rsyslog_startup_pid $1
472	while test ! -f ${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}$1.started; do
473		$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100 # wait 100 milliseconds
474		ps -p $(cat $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$1.pid) &> /dev/null
475		if [ $? -ne 0 ]
476		then
477		   echo "ABORT! rsyslog pid no longer active during startup!"
478		   error_exit 1 stacktrace
479		fi
480		if [ $(date +%s) -gt $(( TB_STARTTEST + TB_TEST_MAX_RUNTIME )) ]; then
481		   printf '%s ABORT! Timeout waiting startup file %s\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.started"
482		   error_exit 1
483		fi
484	done
485	echo "$(tb_timestamp) rsyslogd$1 startup msg seen, pid " $(cat $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$1.pid)
486	wait_file_exists $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.imdiag$1.port
487	eval export IMDIAG_PORT$1=$(cat $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.imdiag$1.port)
488	eval PORT=$IMDIAG_PORT$1
489	echo "imdiag$1 port: $PORT"
490	if [ "$PORT" == "" ]; then
491		echo "TESTBENCH ERROR: imdiag port not found!"
492		ls -l $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME*
493		exit 100
494	fi
497# reassign ports after rsyslog startup; must be called from all
498# functions that startup rsyslog
499reassign_ports() {
500	if grep -q 'listenPortFileName="'$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME'\.tcpflood_port"' $CONF_FILE; then
501		assign_tcpflood_port $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.tcpflood_port
502	fi
503	if grep -q '$InputTCPServerListenPortFile.*\.tcpflood_port' $CONF_FILE; then
504		assign_tcpflood_port $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.tcpflood_port
505	fi
508# start rsyslogd with default params. $1 is the config file name to use
509# returns only after successful startup, $2 is the instance (blank or 2!)
510# RS_REDIR maybe set to redirect rsyslog output
511# env var RSTB_DAEMONIZE" == "YES" means rsyslogd shall daemonize itself;
512# any other value or unset means it does not do that.
513startup() {
514	if [ "$USE_VALGRIND" == "YES" ]; then
515		startup_vg "$1" "$2"
516		return
517	elif [ "$USE_VALGRIND" == "YES-NOLEAK" ]; then
518		startup_vg_noleak "$1" "$2"
519		return
520	fi
521	startup_common "$1" "$2"
522	if [ "$RSTB_DAEMONIZE" == "YES" ]; then
523		n_option=""
524	else
525		n_option="-n"
526	fi
527	eval LD_PRELOAD=$RSYSLOG_PRELOAD $valgrind ../tools/rsyslogd -C $n_option -i$RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$instance.pid -M../runtime/.libs:../.libs -f$CONF_FILE $RS_REDIR &
528	wait_startup $instance
529	reassign_ports
533# assign TCPFLOOD_PORT from port file
534# $1 - port file
535assign_tcpflood_port() {
536	wait_file_exists "$1"
537	export TCPFLOOD_PORT=$(cat "$1")
539	if [ "$TCPFLOOD_PORT" == "" ]; then
540		echo "TESTBENCH ERROR: TCPFLOOD_PORT not found!"
541		ls -l $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME*
542		exit 100
543	fi
547# assign TCPFLOOD_PORT2 from port file
548# $1 - port file
549assign_tcpflood_port2() {
550	wait_file_exists "$1"
551	export TCPFLOOD_PORT2=$(cat "$1")
553	if [ "$TCPFLOOD_PORT2" == "" ]; then
554		echo "TESTBENCH ERROR: TCPFLOOD_PORT2 not found!"
555		ls -l $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME*
556		exit 100
557	fi
559# assign RS_PORT from port file - this is meant as generic way to
560# obtain additional port variables
561# $1 - port file
562assign_rs_port() {
563	wait_file_exists "$1"
564	export RS_PORT=$(cat "$1")
565	echo "RS_PORT now: $RS_PORT"
566	if [ "$RS_PORT" == "" ]; then
567		echo "TESTBENCH ERROR: RS_PORT not found!"
568		ls -l $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME*
569		exit 100
570	fi
573# wait for a file to exist, then export it's content to env var
574# intended to be used for very small files, e.g. listenPort files
575# $1 - env var name
576# $2 - port file
577assign_file_content() {
578	wait_file_exists "$2"
579	content=$(cat "$2")
580	if [ "$content" == "" ]; then
581		echo "TESTBENCH ERROR: get_file content had empty file $2"
582		ls -l $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME*
583		exit 100
584	fi
585	eval export $1="$content"
586	printf 'exported: %s=%s\n' $1 "$content"
589# same as startup_vg, BUT we do NOT wait on the startup message!
590startup_vg_waitpid_only() {
591	startup_common "$1" "$2"
592	if [ "$RS_TESTBENCH_LEAK_CHECK" == "" ]; then
594	fi
595	# add --keep-debuginfo=yes for hard to find cases; this cannot be used generally,
596	# because it is only supported by newer versions of valgrind (else CI will fail
597	# on older platforms).
598	LD_PRELOAD=$RSYSLOG_PRELOAD valgrind $RS_TEST_VALGRIND_EXTRA_OPTS $RS_TESTBENCH_VALGRIND_EXTRA_OPTS --suppressions=$srcdir/known_issues.supp ${EXTRA_VALGRIND_SUPPRESSIONS:-} --gen-suppressions=all --log-fd=1 --error-exitcode=10 --malloc-fill=ff --free-fill=fe --leak-check=$RS_TESTBENCH_LEAK_CHECK ../tools/rsyslogd -C -n -i$RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$2.pid -M../runtime/.libs:../.libs -f$CONF_FILE &
599	wait_rsyslog_startup_pid $1
602# start rsyslogd with default params under valgrind control. $1 is the config file name to use
603# returns only after successful startup, $2 is the instance (blank or 2!)
604startup_vg() {
605		startup_vg_waitpid_only $1 $2
606		wait_startup $2
607		reassign_ports
610# same as startup-vg, except that --leak-check is set to "none". This
611# is meant to be used in cases where we have to deal with libraries (and such
612# that) we don't can influence and where we cannot provide suppressions as
613# they are platform-dependent. In that case, we can't test for leak checks
614# (obviously), but we can check for access violations, what still is useful.
615startup_vg_noleak() {
617	startup_vg "$@"
620# same as startup-vgthread, BUT we do NOT wait on the startup message!
621startup_vgthread_waitpid_only() {
622	startup_common "$1" "$2"
623	valgrind --tool=helgrind $RS_TEST_VALGRIND_EXTRA_OPTS $RS_TESTBENCH_VALGRIND_EXTRA_OPTS --log-fd=1 --error-exitcode=10 --suppressions=$srcdir/linux_localtime_r.supp --suppressions=$srcdir/known_issues.supp ${EXTRA_VALGRIND_SUPPRESSIONS:-} --suppressions=$srcdir/CI/gcov.supp --gen-suppressions=all ../tools/rsyslogd -C -n -i$RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$2.pid -M../runtime/.libs:../.libs -f$CONF_FILE &
624	wait_rsyslog_startup_pid $2
627# start rsyslogd with default params under valgrind thread debugger control.
628# $1 is the config file name to use, $2 is the instance (blank or 2!)
629# returns only after successful startup
630startup_vgthread() {
631	startup_vgthread_waitpid_only $1 $2
632	wait_startup $2
633	reassign_ports
637# inject messages via our inject interface (imdiag)
638# $1 is start message number, env var NUMMESSAGES is number of messages to inject
639injectmsg() {
640	if [ "$3" != "" ] ; then
641		printf 'error: injectmsg only has two arguments, extra arg is %s\n' "$3"
642	fi
643	msgs=${2:-$NUMMESSAGES}
644	echo injecting $msgs messages
645	echo injectmsg "${1:-0}" "$msgs" | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT || error_exit  $?
648# inject messages in INSTANCE 2 via our inject interface (imdiag)
649injectmsg2() {
650	msgs=${2:-$NUMMESSAGES}
651	echo injecting $2 messages into instance 2
652	echo injectmsg "$1:-0" "$msgs" $3 $4 | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT2 || error_exit  $?
653	# TODO: some return state checking? (does it really make sense here?)
656# inject literal payload  via our inject interface (imdiag)
657injectmsg_literal() {
658	printf 'injecting msg payload: %s\n' "$1"
659	sed -e 's/^/injectmsg literal /g' <<< "$1" | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT || error_exit $?
662# inject literal payload  via our inject interface (imdiag)
663injectmsg_file() {
664	printf 'injecting msg payload: %s\n' "$1"
665	sed -e 's/^/injectmsg literal /g' < "$1" | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT || error_exit $?
669# show the current main queue size. $1 is the instance.
670get_mainqueuesize() {
671	if [ "$1" == "2" ]; then
672		echo getmainmsgqueuesize | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT2 || error_exit  $?
673	else
674		echo getmainmsgqueuesize | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT || error_exit  $?
675	fi
678# get pid of rsyslog instance $1
679getpid() {
680		printf '%s' "$(cat $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$1.pid)"
683# grep for (partial) content. $1 is the content to check for, $2 the file to check
684# option --check-only just returns success/fail but does not terminate on fail
685#    this is meant for checking during queue shutdown processing.
686# option --regex is understood, in which case $1 is a regex
687content_check() {
688	if [ "$1" == "--check-only" ]; then
689		check_only="yes"
690		shift
691	else
692		check_only="no"
693	fi
694	if [ "$1" == "--regex" ]; then
695		grep_opt=
696		shift
697	else
698		grep_opt=-F
699	fi
700	if [ "$1" == "--output-results" ]; then
701		output_results="yes"
702		shift
703	else
704		output_results="no"
705	fi
706	file=${2:-$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG}
707	if ! grep -q  $grep_opt -- "$1" < "${file}"; then
708	    if [ "$check_only" == "yes" ]; then
709		printf 'content_check did not yet succeed\n'
710		return 1
711	    fi
712	    printf '\n============================================================\n'
713	    printf 'FILE "%s" content:\n' "$file"
714	    cat -n ${file}
715	    printf 'FAIL: content_check failed to find "%s"\n' "$1"
716	    error_exit 1
717	else
718	    if [ "$output_results" == "yes" ]; then
719		# Output GREP results
720		echo "SUCCESS: content_check found results for '$1'\n"
721		grep "$1" "${file}"
722	    fi
723	fi
724	if [ "$check_only" == "yes" ]; then
725	    return 0
726	fi
730# grep for (partial) content. this checks the count of the content
731# $1 is the content to check for
732# $2 required count
733# $3 the file to check (if default not used)
734# option --regex is understood, in which case $1 is a regex
735content_count_check() {
736	if [ "$1" == "--regex" ]; then
737		grep_opt=
738		shift
739	else
740		grep_opt=-F
741	fi
742	file=${3:-$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG}
743	count=$(grep -c $grep_opt -- "$1" <${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG})
744	if [ ${count:=0} -ne "$2" ]; then
745	    grep -c -F -- "$1" <${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG}
746	    printf '\n============================================================\n'
747	    printf 'FILE "%s" content:\n' "$file"
748	    cat -n ${file}
749	    printf 'FAIL: content count required %d but was %d\n' "$2" $count
750	    printf 'FAIL: content_check failed to find "%s"\n' "$1"
751	    error_exit 1
752	fi
757# $1 - content to check for
758# $2 - number of times content must appear
759# $3 - timeout (default: 1)
760content_check_with_count() {
761	timeoutend=${3:-1}
762	timecounter=0
763	while [  $timecounter -lt $timeoutend ]; do
764		(( timecounter=timecounter+1 ))
765		count=0
766		if [ -f "${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG}" ]; then
767			count=$(grep -c -F -- "$1" <${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG})
768		fi
769		if [ ${count:=0} -eq $2 ]; then
770			echo content_check_with_count SUCCESS, \"$1\" occured $2 times
771			break
772		else
773			if [ "$timecounter" == "$timeoutend" ]; then
774				shutdown_when_empty ""
775				wait_shutdown ""
777				echo "$(tb_timestamp)" content_check_with_count failed, expected \"$1\" to occur $2 times, but found it "$count" times
778				echo file $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG content is:
779				if [ $(wc -l < "$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG") -gt 10000 ]; then
780					printf 'truncation, we have %d lines, which is way too much\n' \
781						$(wc -l < "$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG")
782					printf 'showing first and last 5000 lines\n'
783					head -n 5000 < "$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG"
784					print '\n ... CUT ..................................................\n\n'
785					tail -n 5000 < "$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG"
786				else
787					cat -n "$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG"
788				fi
789				error_exit 1
790			else
791				printf '%s content_check_with_count, try %d have %d, wait for %d, search for: "%s"\n' \
792					"$(tb_timestamp)" "$timecounter" "$count" "$2" "$1"
793				$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 1000
794			fi
795		fi
796	printf '%s **** content_check_with_count DEBUG (timeout %s, need %s lines):\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$3"  "$2" # rger: REMOVE ME when problems are fixed
797	if [ -f "${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG}" ]; then cat -n "$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG"; fi
798	done
802custom_content_check() {
803	grep -qF -- "$1" < $2
804	if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
805	    echo FAIL: custom_content_check failed to find "'$1'" inside "'$2'"
806	    echo "file contents:"
807	    cat -n $2
808	    error_exit 1
809	fi
812# check that given content $1 is not present in file $2 (default: RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG)
813# regular expressions may be used
814check_not_present() {
815	if [ "$2" == "" ]; then
816		file=$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG
817	else
818		file="$2"
819	fi
820	grep -q -- "$1" < "$file"
821	if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
822		echo FAIL: check_not present found
823		echo $1
824		echo inside file $file of $(wc -l < $file) lines
825		echo samples:
826		cat -n "$file" | grep -- "$1" | head -10
827		error_exit 1
828	fi
832# check if mainqueue spool files exist, if not abort (we just check .qi).
833check_mainq_spool() {
834	printf 'There must exist some files now:\n'
835	ls -l $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.spool
836	printf '.qi file:\n'
837	cat $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.spool/mainq.qi
838	if [ ! -f $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.spool/mainq.qi ]; then
839		printf 'error: mainq.qi does not exist where expected to do so!\n'
840		error_exit 1
841	fi
843# check that no spool file exists. Abort if they do.
844# This situation must exist after a successful termination of rsyslog
845# where the disk queue has properly been drained and shut down.
846check_spool_empty() {
847	if [ "$(ls $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.spool/* 2> /dev/null)" != "" ]; then
848		printf 'error: spool files exists where they are not permitted to do so:\n'
849		ls -l $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.spool/*
850		error_exit 1
851	fi
854# general helper for imjournal tests: check that we got hold of the
855# injected test message. This is pretty lengthy as the journal has played
856# "a bit" with us and also seems to sometimes have a heavy latency in
857# forwarding messages. So let's centralize the check code.
859# $TESTMSG must contain the test message
860check_journal_testmsg_received() {
861	printf 'checking that journal indeed contains test message - may take a short while...\n'
862	# search reverse, gets us to our message (much) faster .... if it is there...
863	journalctl -a -r | grep -qF "$TESTMSG"
864	if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
865		print 'SKIP: cannot read journal - our testmessage not found via journalctl\n'
866		exit 77
867	fi
868	printf 'journal contains test message\n'
870	echo "INFO: $(wc -l < $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG) lines in $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG"
872	grep -qF "$TESTMSG" < $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG
873	if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
874	  echo "FAIL:  $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG content (tail -n200):"
875	  tail -n200 $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG
876	  echo "======="
877	  echo "searching journal for testbench messages:"
878	  journalctl -a | grep -qF "TestBenCH-RSYSLog imjournal"
879	  echo "======="
880	  echo "NOTE: showing only last 200 lines, may be insufficient on busy systems!"
881	  echo "last entries from journal:"
882	  journalctl -an 200
883	  echo "======="
884	  echo "NOTE: showing only last 200 lines, may be insufficient on busy systems!"
885	  echo "However, the test check all of the journal, we are just limiting the output"
886	  echo "to 200 lines to not spam CI systems too much."
887	  echo "======="
888	  echo "FAIL: imjournal test message could not be found!"
889	  echo "Expected message content was:"
890	  echo "$TESTMSG"
891	  error_exit 1
892	fi;
895# wait for main message queue to be empty. $1 is the instance.
896# we run in a loop to ensure rsyslog is *really* finished when a
897# function for the "finished predicate" is defined. This is done
898# by setting env var QUEUE_EMPTY_CHECK_FUNC to the bash
899# function name.
900wait_queueempty() {
901	while [ $(date +%s) -le $(( TB_STARTTEST + TB_TEST_MAX_RUNTIME )) ]; do
902		if [ "$1" == "2" ]; then
903			echo WaitMainQueueEmpty | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT2 || error_exit  $?
904		else
905			echo WaitMainQueueEmpty | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT || error_exit  $?
906		fi
907		if [ "$QUEUE_EMPTY_CHECK_FUNC" == "" ]; then
908			return
909		else
910			if $QUEUE_EMPTY_CHECK_FUNC ; then
911				return
912			fi
913		fi
914	done
915	error_exit $TB_ERR_TIMEOUT
919# shut rsyslogd down when main queue is empty. $1 is the instance.
920shutdown_when_empty() {
921	echo Shutting down instance ${1:-1}
922	wait_queueempty $1
923	if [ "$RSYSLOG_PIDBASE" == "" ]; then
924		echo "RSYSLOG_PIDBASE is EMPTY! - bug in test? (instance $1)"
925		error_exit 1
926	fi
927	cp $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$1.pid $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$1.pid.save
928	$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 500 # wait a bit (think about slow testbench machines!)
929	kill $(cat $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$1.pid) # note: we do not wait for the actual termination!
932# shut rsyslogd down without emptying the queue. $2 is the instance.
933shutdown_immediate() {
934	pidfile=$RSYSLOG_PIDBASE${1:-}.pid
935	cp $pidfile $pidfile.save
936	kill $(cat $pidfile)
940# actually, we wait for rsyslog.pid to be deleted.
941# $1 is the instance
942wait_shutdown() {
943	if [ "$USE_VALGRIND" == "YES" ] || [ "$USE_VALGRIND" == "YES-NOLEAK" ]; then
944		wait_shutdown_vg "$1"
945		return
946	fi
947	out_pid=$(cat $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$1.pid.save)
948	printf '%s wait on shutdown of %s\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$out_pid"
949	if [[ "$out_pid" == "" ]]
950	then
951		terminated=1
952	else
953		terminated=0
954	fi
955	while [[ $terminated -eq 0 ]]; do
956		ps -p $out_pid &> /dev/null
957		if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
958			terminated=1
959		fi
960		$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100 # wait 100 milliseconds
961		if [ $(date +%s) -gt $(( TB_STARTTEST + TB_TEST_MAX_RUNTIME )) ]; then
962		   printf '%s wait_shutdown ABORT! Timeout waiting on shutdown (pid %s)\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" $out_pid
963		   ps -fp $out_pid
964		   echo "Instance is possibly still running and may need"
965		   echo "manual cleanup."
966		   echo "TRYING TO capture status via gdb from hanging process"
967		   $SUDO gdb ../tools/rsyslogd <<< "attach $out_pid
968set pagination off
969inf thr
970thread apply all bt
972		   echo "trying to kill -9 process"
973		   kill -9 $out_pid
974		   error_exit 1
975		fi
976	done
977	unset terminated
978	unset out_pid
979	if [ "$(ls core.* 2>/dev/null)" != "" ]; then
980	   printf 'ABORT! core file exists (maybe from a parallel run!)\n'
981	   pwd
982	   ls -l core.*
983	   error_exit  1
984	fi
988# wait for all pending lookup table reloads to complete $1 is the instance.
989await_lookup_table_reload() {
990	if [ "$1" == "2" ]; then
991		echo AwaitLookupTableReload | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -pIMDIAG_PORT2 || error_exit  $?
992	else
993		echo AwaitLookupTableReload | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT || error_exit  $?
994	fi
997# $1 filename, default $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG
998# $2 expected nbr of lines, default $NUMMESSAGES
999# $3 timeout in seconds
1000# options (need to be specified in THIS ORDER if multiple given):
1001# --delay ms              -- if given, delay to use between retries
1002# --abort-on-oversize     -- error_exit if more lines than expected are present
1003# --count-function func   -- function to call to obtain current count
1004#                    this permits to override the default predicate and makes
1005#                    the wait really universally usable.
1006wait_file_lines() {
1007	delay=200
1008	if [ "$1" == "--delay" ]; then
1009		delay="$2"
1010		shift 2
1011	fi
1012	abort_oversize=NO
1013	if [ "$1" == "--abort-on-oversize" ]; then
1014		abort_oversize="YES"
1015		shift
1016	fi
1017	count_function=
1018	if [ "$1" == "--count-function" ]; then
1019		count_function="$2"
1020		shift 2
1021	fi
1022	timeout=${3:-$TB_TEST_TIMEOUT}
1023	timeoutbegin=$(date +%s)
1024	timeoutend=$(( timeoutbegin + timeout ))
1025	# TODO: change this to support odl mode, if needed: timeoutend=${3:-200}
1026	file=${1:-$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG}
1027	waitlines=${2:-$NUMMESSAGES}
1029	while true ; do
1030		count=0
1031		if [ "$count_function" == "" ]; then
1032			if [ -f "$file" ]; then
1033				if [ "$COUNT_FILE_IS_ZIPPED" == "yes" ]; then
1034					issue_HUP ""
1035					count=$(gunzip < "$file" | wc -l)
1036				else
1037					count=$(wc -l < "$file")
1038				fi
1039			fi
1040		else
1041			count=$($count_function)
1042		fi
1043		if [ ${count} -gt $waitlines ]; then
1044			if [ $abort_oversize == "YES" ] && [ ${count} -gt $waitlines ]; then
1045				printf 'FAIL: wait_file_lines, too many lines, expected %d, current %s, took %s seconds\n' \
1046					$waitlines $count "$(( $(date +%s) - timeoutbegin ))"
1047				error_exit 1
1048			else
1049				printf 'wait_file_lines success, target %d or more lines, have %d, took %d seconds\n' \
1050					"$waitlines" $count "$(( $(date +%s) - timeoutbegin ))"
1051				return
1052			fi
1053		fi
1054		if [ ${count} -eq $waitlines ]; then
1055			echo wait_file_lines success, have $waitlines lines, took $(( $(date +%s) - timeoutbegin )) seconds, file "$file"
1056			break
1057		else
1058			if [ $(date +%s) -ge $timeoutend  ]; then
1059				echo wait_file_lines failed, expected $waitlines got $count after $timeoutend retries, took $(( $(date +%s) - timeoutbegin )) seconds
1060				error_exit 1
1061			else
1062				echo $(date +%H:%M:%S) wait_file_lines waiting, expected $waitlines, current $count lines
1063				$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep $delay
1064			fi
1065		fi
1066	done
1072# wait until seq_check succeeds. This is used to synchronize various
1073# testbench timing-related issues, most importantly rsyslog shutdown
1074# all parameters are passed to seq_check
1075wait_seq_check() {
1076	timeoutend=$(( $(date +%s) + TB_TEST_TIMEOUT ))
1077	if [ "$SEQ_CHECK_FILE" == "" ]; then
1078		filename="$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG"
1079	else
1080		filename="$SEQ_CHECK_FILE"
1081	fi
1083	while true ; do
1084		if [ "$PRE_SEQ_CHECK_FUNC" != "" ]; then
1086		fi
1087		if [ "${filename##.*}" != "gz" ]; then
1088			if [ -f "$filename" ]; then
1089				count=$(wc -l < "$filename")
1090			fi
1091		fi
1092		seq_check --check-only "$@" #&>/dev/null
1093		ret=$?
1094		if [ $ret == 0 ]; then
1095			printf 'wait_seq_check success (%d lines)\n' "$count"
1096			break
1097		else
1098			if [ $(date +%s) -ge $timeoutend  ]; then
1099				printf 'wait_seq_check failed, no success before timeout\n'
1100				error_exit 1
1101			else
1102				printf 'wait_seq_check waiting (%d lines)\n' $count
1103				$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 500
1104			fi
1105		fi
1106	done
1107	unset count
1111# wait until some content appears in the specified file.
1112# This is used to synchronize various
1113# testbench timing-related issues, most importantly rsyslog shutdown
1114# all parameters are passed to seq_check
1115# $1 - content to search for
1116# $2 - file to check
1117wait_content() {
1118	file=${2:-$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG}
1119	timeoutend=$(( $(date +%s) + TB_TEST_TIMEOUT ))
1120	count=0
1122	while true ; do
1123		if [ -f "$file" ]; then
1124			count=$(wc -l < "$file")
1125			if grep -q "$1" < "$file"; then
1126				printf 'expected content found, continue test (%d lines)\n' "$count"
1127				break
1128			fi
1129		fi
1130		if [ $(date +%s) -ge $timeoutend  ]; then
1131			printf 'wait_content failed, no success before timeout (%d lines)\n' "$count"
1132			printf 'searched content was:\n%s\n' "$1"
1133			error_exit 1
1134		else
1135			printf 'wait_content still waiting... (%d lines)\n' "$count"
1136			tail "$file"
1137			$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 500
1138		fi
1139	done
1140	unset count
1144assert_content_missing() {
1145	grep -qF -- "$1" < ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG}
1146	if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
1147		echo content-missing assertion failed, some line matched pattern "'$1'"
1148		error_exit 1
1149	fi
1153custom_assert_content_missing() {
1154	grep -qF -- "$1" < $2
1155	if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
1156		echo content-missing assertion failed, some line in "'$2'" matched pattern "'$1'"
1157		cat -n "$2"
1158		error_exit 1
1159	fi
1163# shut rsyslogd down when main queue is empty. $1 is the instance.
1164issue_HUP() {
1165	if [ "$1" == "--sleep" ]; then
1166		sleeptime="$2"
1167		shift 2
1168	else
1169		sleeptime=1000
1170	fi
1171	kill -HUP $(cat $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$1.pid)
1172	printf 'HUP issued to pid %d\n' $(cat $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$1.pid)
1173	$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep $sleeptime
1177# actually, we wait for rsyslog.pid to be deleted. $1 is the instance
1178wait_shutdown_vg() {
1179	wait $(cat $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE$1.pid)
1180	export RSYSLOGD_EXIT=$?
1181	echo rsyslogd run exited with $RSYSLOGD_EXIT
1183	if [ "$(ls vgcore.* 2>/dev/null)" != "" ]; then
1184	   printf 'ABORT! core file exists:\n'
1185	   ls -l vgcore.*
1186	   error_exit 1
1187	fi
1188	if [ "$USE_VALGRIND" == "YES" ] || [ "$USE_VALGRIND" == "YES-NOLEAK" ]; then
1189		check_exit_vg
1190	fi
1193check_file_exists() {
1194	if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
1195		printf 'FAIL: file "%s" must exist, but does not\n' "$1"
1196		error_exit 1
1197	fi
1200check_file_not_exists() {
1201	if [ -f "$1" ]; then
1202		printf 'FILE %s CONTENT:\n' "$1"
1203		cat -n -- "$1"
1204		printf 'FAIL: file "%s" must NOT exist, but does\n' "$1"
1205		error_exit 1
1206	fi
1209# check exit code for valgrind error
1211	if [ "$RSYSLOGD_EXIT" -eq "10" ]; then
1212		printf 'valgrind run FAILED with exceptions - terminating\n'
1213		error_exit 1
1214	fi
1218# do cleanup during exit processing
1219do_cleanup() {
1220	if [ "$(type -t test_error_exit_handler)" == "function" ]; then
1221		test_error_exit_handler
1222	fi
1224	if [ -f $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE.pid ]; then
1225		printf 'rsyslog pid file still exists, trying to shutdown...\n'
1226		shutdown_immediate ""
1227	fi
1228	if [ -f ${RSYSLOG_PIDBASE}1.pid ]; then
1229		printf 'rsyslog pid file still exists, trying to shutdown...\n'
1230		shutdown_immediate 1
1231	fi
1232	if [ -f ${RSYSLOG_PIDBASE}2.pid ]; then
1233		printf 'rsyslog pid file still exists, trying to shutdown...\n'
1234		shutdown_immediate 2
1235	fi
1239# this is called if we had an error and need to abort. Here, we
1240# try to gather as much information as possible. That's most important
1241# for systems like Travis-CI where we cannot debug on the machine itself.
1242# our $1 is the to-be-used exit code. if $2 is "stacktrace", call gdb.
1244# NOTE: if a function test_error_exit_handler is defined, error_exit will
1245#       call it immediately before termination. This may be used to cleanup
1246#       some things or emit additional diagnostic information.
1247error_exit() {
1248	if [ $1 -eq $TB_ERR_TIMEOUT ]; then
1249		printf '%s Test %s exceeded max runtime of %d seconds\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$0" $TB_TEST_MAX_RUNTIME
1250	fi
1251	if [ "$(ls core* 2>/dev/null)" != "" ]; then
1252		echo trying to obtain crash location info
1253		echo note: this may not be the correct file, check it
1254		CORE=$(ls core*)
1255		echo "bt" >> gdb.in
1256		echo "q" >> gdb.in
1257		gdb ../tools/rsyslogd $CORE -batch -x gdb.in
1258		CORE=
1259		rm gdb.in
1260	fi
1261	if [[ "$2" == 'stacktrace' || ( ! -e IN_AUTO_DEBUG &&  "$USE_AUTO_DEBUG" == 'on' ) ]]; then
1262		if [ "$(ls core* 2>/dev/null)" != "" ]; then
1263			CORE=$(ls core*)
1264			printf 'trying to analyze core "%s" for main rsyslogd binary\n' "$CORE"
1265			printf 'note: this may not be the correct file, check it\n'
1266			$SUDO gdb ../tools/rsyslogd "$CORE" -batch <<- EOF
1267				bt
1268				echo === THREAD INFO ===
1269				info thread
1270				echo === thread apply all bt full ===
1271				thread apply all bt full
1272				q
1273				EOF
1274			$SUDO gdb ./tcpflood "$CORE" -batch <<- EOF
1275				bt
1276				echo === THREAD INFO ===
1277				info thread
1278				echo === thread apply all bt full ===
1279				thread apply all bt full
1280				q
1281				EOF
1282		fi
1283	fi
1284	if [[ ! -e IN_AUTO_DEBUG &&  "$USE_AUTO_DEBUG" == 'on' ]]; then
1285		touch IN_AUTO_DEBUG
1286		# OK, we have the testname and can re-run under valgrind
1287		echo re-running under valgrind control
1288		current_test="./$(basename $0)" # this path is probably wrong -- theinric
1289		$current_test
1290		# wait a little bit so that valgrind can finish
1291		$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 4000
1292		# next let's try us to get a debug log
1294		export RSYSLOG_DEBUG="debug nologfuncflow noprintmutexaction"
1295		$current_test
1296		$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 4000
1298		rm IN_AUTO_DEBUG
1299	fi
1300	# output listening ports as a temporary debug measure (2018-09-08 rgerhards), now disables, but not yet removed (2018-10-22)
1301	#if [ $(uname) == "Linux" ]; then
1302	#	netstat -tlp
1303	#else
1304	#	netstat
1305	#fi
1307	# Extended debug output for dependencies started by testbench
1308	if [ "$EXTRA_EXITCHECK" == 'dumpkafkalogs' ] && [ "$TEST_OUTPUT" == "VERBOSE" ]; then
1309		# Dump Zookeeper log
1310		dump_zookeeper_serverlog
1311		# Dump Kafka log
1312		dump_kafka_serverlog
1313	fi
1315	# Extended Exit handling for kafka / zookeeper instances
1316	kafka_exit_handling "false"
1318	error_stats $1 # Report error to rsyslog testbench stats
1319	do_cleanup
1321	exitval=$1
1322	if [ "$TEST_STATUS" == "unreliable" ] && [ "$1" -ne 100 ]; then
1323		# TODO: log github issue
1324		printf 'Test flagged as unreliable, exiting with SKIP. Original exit code was %d\n' "$1"
1325		printf 'GitHub ISSUE: %s\n' "$TEST_GITHUB_ISSUE"
1326		exitval=77
1327	else
1328		if [ "$1" -eq 177 ]; then
1329			exitval=77
1330		fi
1331	fi
1332	printf '%s FAIL: Test %s (took %s seconds)\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$0" "$(( $(date +%s) - TB_STARTTEST ))"
1333	if [ $exitval -ne 77 ]; then
1334		echo $0 > testbench_test_failed_rsyslog
1335	fi
1336	exit $exitval
1340# skip a test; do cleanup when we detect it is necessary
1342	do_cleanup
1343	exit 77
1347# Helper function to call rsyslog project test error script
1348# $1 is the exit code
1349error_stats() {
1350	if [ "$RSYSLOG_STATSURL" == "" ]; then
1351		printf 'not reporting failure as RSYSLOG_STATSURL is not set\n'
1352	else
1353		echo reporting failure to $RSYSLOG_STATSURL
1354		testname=$($PYTHON $srcdir/urlencode.py "$RSYSLOG_TESTNAME")
1355		testenv=$($PYTHON $srcdir/urlencode.py "${VCS_SLUG:-$PWD}")
1356		testmachine=$($PYTHON $srcdir/urlencode.py "$HOSTNAME")
1357		logurl=$($PYTHON $srcdir/urlencode.py "${CI_BUILD_URL:-}")
1358		wget -nv -O/dev/null $RSYSLOG_STATSURL\?Testname=$testname\&Testenv=$testenv\&Testmachine=$testmachine\&exitcode=${1:-1}\&logurl=$logurl\&rndstr=jnxv8i34u78fg23
1359	fi
1362# do the usual sequence check to see if everything was properly received.
1363# $4... are just to have the ability to pass in more options...
1364# add -v to chkseq if you need more verbose output
1365# argument --check-only can be used to simply do a check without abort in fail case
1366# env var SEQ_CHECK_FILE permits to override file name to check
1367# env var SEQ_CHECK_OPTIONS provide the ability to add extra options for check program
1368seq_check() {
1369	if [ "$SEQ_CHECK_FILE" == "" ]; then
1371	fi
1372	if [ "$1" == "--check-only" ]; then
1373		check_only="YES"
1374		shift
1375	else
1376		check_only="NO"
1377	fi
1378	if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
1379		if [ "$NUMMESSAGES" == "" ]; then
1380			printf 'FAIL: seq_check called without parameters but NUMMESSAGES is unset!\n'
1381			error_exit 100
1382		fi
1383		# use default parameters
1384		startnum=0
1385		endnum=$(( NUMMESSAGES - 1 ))
1386	else
1387		startnum=$1
1388		endnum=$2
1389	fi
1390	if [ ! -f "$SEQ_CHECK_FILE" ]; then
1391		if [ "$check_only"  == "YES" ]; then
1392			return 1
1393		fi
1394		printf 'FAIL: %s does not exist in seq_check!\n' "$SEQ_CHECK_FILE"
1395		error_exit 1
1396	fi
1397	if [ "${SEQ_CHECK_FILE##*.}" == "gz" ]; then
1398		gunzip -c "${SEQ_CHECK_FILE}" | $RS_SORTCMD $RS_SORT_NUMERIC_OPT | ./chkseq -s$startnum -e$endnum $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $SEQ_CHECK_OPTIONS
1399	else
1400		$RS_SORTCMD $RS_SORT_NUMERIC_OPT < "${SEQ_CHECK_FILE}" | ./chkseq -s$startnum -e$endnum $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $SEQ_CHECK_OPTIONS
1401	fi
1402	ret=$?
1403	if [ "$check_only"  == "YES" ]; then
1404		return $ret
1405	fi
1406	if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
1407		if [ "${SEQ_CHECK_FILE##*.}" == "gz" ]; then
1409				| ./chkseq -s$startnum -e$endnum $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $SEQ_CHECK_OPTIONS \
1410				> $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.error.log
1411		else
1413				> $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.error.log
1414		fi
1415		echo "sequence error detected in $SEQ_CHECK_FILE"
1416		echo "number of lines in file: $(wc -l $SEQ_CHECK_FILE)"
1417		echo "sorted data has been placed in error.log, first 10 lines are:"
1418		cat -n "$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.error.log" | head -10
1419		echo "---last 10 lines are:"
1420		cat -n "$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.error.log" | tail -10
1421		echo "UNSORTED data, first 10 lines are:"
1422		cat -n "$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.error.log" | head -10
1423		echo "---last 10 lines are:"
1424		cat -n "$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.error.log" | tail -10
1425		# for interactive testing, create a static filename. We know this may get
1426		# mangled during a parallel test run
1427		mv -f $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.error.log error.log
1428		error_exit 1
1429	fi
1430	return 0
1434# do the usual sequence check to see if everything was properly received. This is
1435# a duplicateof seq-check, but we could not change its calling conventions without
1436# breaking a lot of exitings test cases, so we preferred to duplicate the code here.
1437# $4... are just to have the ability to pass in more options...
1438# add -v to chkseq if you need more verbose output
1439seq_check2() {
1440	$RS_SORTCMD $RS_SORT_NUMERIC_OPT < ${RSYSLOG2_OUT_LOG}  | ./chkseq -s$1 -e$2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7
1441	if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
1442		echo "sequence error detected"
1443		error_exit 1
1444	fi
1448# do the usual sequence check, but for gzip files
1449# $4... are just to have the ability to pass in more options...
1450gzip_seq_check() {
1451	if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
1452		if [ "$NUMMESSAGES" == "" ]; then
1453			printf 'FAIL: gzip_seq_check called without parameters but NUMMESSAGES is unset!\n'
1454			error_exit 100
1455		fi
1456		# use default parameters
1457		startnum=0
1458		endnum=$(( NUMMESSAGES - 1 ))
1459	else
1460		startnum=$1
1461		endnum=$2
1462	fi
1463	ls -l ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG}
1464	gunzip < ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG} | $RS_SORTCMD $RS_SORT_NUMERIC_OPT | ./chkseq -v -s$startnum -e$endnum $3 $4 $5 $6 $7
1465	if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
1466		echo "sequence error detected"
1467		error_exit 1
1468	fi
1472# do a tcpflood run and check if it worked params are passed to tcpflood
1473tcpflood() {
1474	if [ "$1" == "--check-only" ]; then
1475		check_only="yes"
1476		shift
1477	else
1478		check_only="no"
1479	fi
1480	eval ./tcpflood -p$TCPFLOOD_PORT "$@" $TCPFLOOD_EXTRA_OPTS
1481	res=$?
1482	if [ "$check_only" == "yes" ]; then
1483		if [ "$res" -ne "0" ]; then
1484			echo "error during tcpflood on port ${TCPFLOOD_PORT}! But test continues..."
1485		fi
1486		return 0
1487	else
1488		if [ "$res" -ne "0" ]; then
1489			echo "error during tcpflood on port ${TCPFLOOD_PORT}! see ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG}.save for what was written"
1490			cp ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG} ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG}.save
1491			error_exit 1 stacktrace
1492		fi
1493	fi
1497# cleanup
1498# detect any left-over hanging instance
1499exit_test() {
1500	nhanging=0
1501	#for pid in $(ps -eo pid,args|grep '/tools/[r]syslogd ' |sed -e 's/\( *\)\([0-9]*\).*/\2/');
1502	#do
1503		#echo "ERROR: left-over instance $pid, killing it"
1504	#	ps -fp $pid
1505	#	pwd
1506	#	printf "we do NOT kill the instance as this does not work with multiple\n"
1507	#	printf "builds per machine - this message is now informational to show prob exists!\n"
1508	#	#kill -9 $pid
1509	#	let "nhanging++"
1510	#done
1511	if test $nhanging -ne 0
1512	then
1513	   echo "ABORT! hanging instances left at exit"
1514	   #error_exit 1
1515	   #exit 77 # for now, just skip - TODO: reconsider when supporting -j
1516	fi
1517	# now real cleanup
1518	rm -f rsyslog.action.*.include
1519	rm -f work rsyslog.out.* xlate*.lkp_tbl
1520	rm -rf test-logdir stat-file1
1521	rm -f rsyslog.conf.tlscert stat-file1 rsyslog.empty imfile-state:*
1522	rm -f ${TESTCONF_NM}.conf
1523	rm -f tmp.qi nocert
1524	rm -fr $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME*  # delete all of our dynamic files
1527	# Extended Exit handling for kafka / zookeeper instances
1528	kafka_exit_handling "true"
1530	printf '%s Test %s SUCCESSFUL (took %s seconds)\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$0" "$(( $(date +%s) - TB_STARTTEST ))"
1531	echo  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1532	exit 0
1535# finds a free port that we can bind a listener to
1536# Obviously, any solution is race as another process could start
1537# just after us and grab the same port. However, in practice it seems
1538# to work pretty well. In any case, we should probably call this as
1539# late as possible before the usage of the port.
1540get_free_port() {
1541$PYTHON -c 'import socket; s=socket.socket(); s.bind(("", 0)); print(s.getsockname()[1]); s.close()'
1545# return the inode number of file $1; file MUST exist
1546get_inode() {
1547	if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
1548		printf 'FAIL: file "%s" does not exist in get_inode\n' "$1"
1549		error_exit 100
1550	fi
1551	$PYTHON -c 'import os; import stat; print(os.lstat("'$1'")[stat.ST_INO])'
1555# check that logger supports -d option, if not skip test
1556# right now this is a bit dirty, we check distros which do not support it
1557check_logger_has_option_d() {
1558	skip_platform "FreeBSD"  "We need logger -d option, which we do not have on FreeBSD"
1559	skip_platform "SunOS"  "We need logger -d option, which we do not have on (all flavors of) Solaris"
1561	# check also the case for busybox
1562	logger --help 2>&1 | head -n1 | grep -q BusyBox
1563	if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
1564		echo "We need logger -d option, which we do not have have on Busybox"
1565		exit 77
1566	fi
1570require_relpEngineSetTLSLibByName() {
1571	./have_relpEngineSetTLSLibByName
1572	if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
1573	  echo "relpEngineSetTLSLibByName API not available. Test stopped"
1574	  exit 77
1575	fi;
1578require_relpEngineVersion() {
1579	if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
1580		  echo "require_relpEngineVersion missing required parameter  (minimum version required)"
1581		  exit 1
1582	else
1583		./check_relpEngineVersion $1
1584		if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
1585		  echo "relpEngineVersion too OLD. Test stopped"
1586		  exit 77
1587		fi;
1588	fi
1592# check if command $1 is available - will exit 77 when not OK
1593check_command_available() {
1594	have_cmd=0
1595	if [ "$1" == "timeout" ]; then
1596		if timeout --version &>/dev/null ; then
1597			have_cmd=1
1598		fi
1599	else
1600		command -v $1
1601		if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
1602			have_cmd=1
1603		fi
1604	fi
1605	if [ $have_cmd -eq 0 ] ; then
1606		printf 'Testbench requires unavailable command: %s\n' "$1"
1607		exit 77 # do NOT error_exit here!
1608	fi
1612# sort the output file just like we normally do it, but do not call
1613# seqchk. This is needed for some operations where we need the sort
1614# result for some preprocessing. Note that a later seqchk will sort
1615# again, but that's not an issue.
1616presort() {
1617	rm -f $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.presort
1622#START: ext kafka config
1623#dep_cache_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_cache)
1624export RS_ZK_DOWNLOAD=apache-zookeeper-3.6.3-bin.tar.gz
1629export RS_KAFKA_DOWNLOAD=kafka_2.13-2.8.0.tgz
1633if [ -z "$ES_DOWNLOAD" ]; then
1634	export ES_DOWNLOAD=elasticsearch-7.14.1-linux-x86_64.tar.gz #elasticsearch-5.6.9.tar.gz
1636if [ -z "$ES_PORT" ]; then
1637	export ES_PORT=19200
1641# kafka (including Zookeeper)
1645#dep_kafka_log_dump=$(readlink -f rsyslog.out.kafka.log)
1647#	TODO Make dynamic work dir for multiple instances
1648#dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk)
1653#END: ext kafka config
1655kafka_exit_handling() {
1657	# Extended Exit handling for kafka / zookeeper instances
1658	if [[ "$EXTRA_EXIT" == 'kafka' ]]; then
1660		echo "stop kafka instance"
1661		stop_kafka '.dep_wrk' $1
1663		echo "stop zookeeper instance"
1664		stop_zookeeper '.dep_wrk' $1
1665	fi
1667	# Extended Exit handling for kafka / zookeeper instances
1668	if [[ "$EXTRA_EXIT" == 'kafkamulti' ]]; then
1669		echo "stop kafka instances"
1670		stop_kafka '.dep_wrk1' $1
1671		stop_kafka '.dep_wrk2' $1
1672		stop_kafka '.dep_wrk3' $1
1674		echo "stop zookeeper instances"
1675		stop_zookeeper '.dep_wrk1' $1
1676		stop_zookeeper '.dep_wrk2' $1
1677		stop_zookeeper '.dep_wrk3' $1
1678	fi
1681download_kafka() {
1682	if [ ! -d $dep_cache_dir ]; then
1683		echo "Creating dependency cache dir $dep_cache_dir"
1684		mkdir $dep_cache_dir
1685	fi
1686	if [ ! -f $dep_zk_cached_file ]; then
1687		if [ -f /local_dep_cache/$RS_ZK_DOWNLOAD ]; then
1688			printf 'Zookeeper: satisfying dependency %s from system cache.\n' "$RS_ZK_DOWNLOAD"
1689			cp /local_dep_cache/$RS_ZK_DOWNLOAD $dep_zk_cached_file
1690		else
1691			echo "Downloading zookeeper"
1692			echo wget -q $dep_zk_url -O $dep_zk_cached_file
1693			wget -q $dep_zk_url -O $dep_zk_cached_file
1694			if [ $? -ne 0 ]
1695			then
1696				echo error during wget, retry:
1697				wget $dep_zk_url -O $dep_zk_cached_file
1698				if [ $? -ne 0 ]
1699				then
1700					error_exit 1
1701				fi
1702			fi
1703		fi
1704	fi
1705	if [ ! -f $dep_kafka_cached_file ]; then
1706		if [ -f /local_dep_cache/$RS_KAFKA_DOWNLOAD ]; then
1707			printf 'Kafka: satisfying dependency %s from system cache.\n' "$RS_KAFKA_DOWNLOAD"
1708			cp /local_dep_cache/$RS_KAFKA_DOWNLOAD $dep_kafka_cached_file
1709		else
1710			echo "Downloading kafka"
1711			wget -q $dep_kafka_url -O $dep_kafka_cached_file
1712			if [ $? -ne 0 ]
1713			then
1714				echo error during wget, retry:
1715				wget $dep_kafka_url -O $dep_kafka_cached_file
1716				if [ $? -ne 0 ]
1717				then
1718					rm $dep_kafka_cached_file # a 0-size file may be left over
1719					error_exit 1
1720				fi
1721			fi
1722		fi
1723	fi
1726stop_kafka() {
1727	if [ "$KEEP_KAFKA_RUNNING" == "YES" ]; then
1728		return
1729	fi
1730	i=0
1731	if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then
1732		dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk)
1733		dep_work_kafka_config="kafka-server.properties"
1734	else
1735		dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $srcdir/$1)
1736		if [[ ".dep_wrk" !=  "$1" ]]; then
1737			dep_work_kafka_config="kafka-server$1.properties"
1738		else
1739			dep_work_kafka_config="kafka-server.properties"
1740		fi
1741	fi
1742	if [ ! -d $dep_work_dir/kafka ]; then
1743		echo "Kafka work-dir $dep_work_dir/kafka does not exist, no action needed"
1744	else
1745		# shellcheck disable=SC2009  - we do not grep on the process name!
1746		kafkapid=$(ps aux | grep -i $dep_work_kafka_config | grep java | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
1748		echo "Stopping Kafka instance $1 ($dep_work_kafka_config/$kafkapid)"
1749		kill $kafkapid
1751		# Check if kafka instance went down!
1752		while true; do
1753			# shellcheck disable=SC2009  - we do not grep on the process name!
1754			kafkapid=$(ps aux | grep -i $dep_work_kafka_config | grep java | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
1755			if [[ "" !=  "$kafkapid" ]]; then
1756				$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100 # wait 100 milliseconds
1757				if test $i -gt $TB_TIMEOUT_STARTSTOP; then
1758					echo "Kafka instance $dep_work_kafka_config (PID $kafkapid) still running - Performing hard shutdown (-9)"
1759					kill -9 $kafkapid
1760					break
1761				fi
1762				(( i++ ))
1763			else
1764				# Break the loop
1765				break
1766			fi
1767		done
1769		if [[ "$2" == 'true' ]]; then
1770			# Process shutdown, do cleanup now
1771			cleanup_kafka $1
1772		fi
1773	fi
1776cleanup_kafka() {
1777	if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then
1778		dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk)
1779	else
1780		dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $srcdir/$1)
1781	fi
1782	if [ ! -d $dep_work_dir/kafka ]; then
1783		echo "Kafka work-dir $dep_work_dir/kafka does not exist, no action needed"
1784	else
1785		echo "Cleanup Kafka instance $1"
1786		rm -rf $dep_work_dir/kafka
1787	fi
1790stop_zookeeper() {
1791	if [ "$KEEP_KAFKA_RUNNING" == "YES" ]; then
1792		return
1793	fi
1794	i=0
1795	if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then
1796		dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk)
1797		dep_work_tk_config="zoo.cfg"
1798	else
1799		dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $srcdir/$1)
1800		if [[ ".dep_wrk" !=  "$1" ]]; then
1801			dep_work_tk_config="zoo$1.cfg"
1802		else
1803			dep_work_tk_config="zoo.cfg"
1804		fi
1805	fi
1807	if [ ! -d $dep_work_dir/zk ]; then
1808		echo "Zookeeper work-dir $dep_work_dir/zk does not exist, no action needed"
1809	else
1810		# Get Zookeeper pid instance
1811		zkpid=$(ps aux | grep -i $dep_work_tk_config | grep java | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
1812		echo "Stopping Zookeeper instance $1 ($dep_work_tk_config/$zkpid)"
1813		kill $zkpid
1815		# Check if Zookeeper instance went down!
1816		zkpid=$(ps aux | grep -i $dep_work_tk_config | grep java | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
1817		if [[ "" !=  "$zkpid" ]]; then
1818			while true; do
1819				zkpid=$(ps aux | grep -i $dep_work_tk_config | grep java | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
1820				if [[ "" !=  "$zkpid" ]]; then
1821					$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100 # wait 100 milliseconds
1822					if test $i -gt $TB_TIMEOUT_STARTSTOP; then
1823						echo "Zookeeper instance $dep_work_tk_config (PID $zkpid) still running - Performing hard shutdown (-9)"
1824						kill -9 $zkpid
1825						break
1826					fi
1827					(( i++ ))
1828				else
1829					break
1830				fi
1831			done
1832		fi
1834		if [[ "$2" == 'true' ]]; then
1835			# Process shutdown, do cleanup now
1836			cleanup_zookeeper $1
1837		fi
1838		rm "$ZOOPIDFILE"
1839	fi
1842cleanup_zookeeper() {
1843	if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then
1844		dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk)
1845	else
1846		dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $srcdir/$1)
1847	fi
1848	rm -rf $dep_work_dir/zk
1851start_zookeeper() {
1852	if [ "$KEEP_KAFKA_RUNNING" == "YES" ] && [ -f "$ZOOPIDFILE" ]; then
1853		if kill -0 "$(cat "$ZOOPIDFILE")"; then
1854			printf 'zookeeper already running, no need to start\n'
1855			return
1856		else
1857			printf 'INFO: zookeeper pidfile %s exists, but zookeeper not running\n' "$ZOOPIDFILE"
1858			printf 'deleting pid file\n'
1859			rm -f "$ZOOPIDFILE"
1860		fi
1861	fi
1862	if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then
1863		dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk)
1864		dep_work_tk_config="zoo.cfg"
1865	else
1866		dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $srcdir/$1)
1867		dep_work_tk_config="zoo$1.cfg"
1868	fi
1870	if [ ! -f $dep_zk_cached_file ]; then
1871			echo "Dependency-cache does not have zookeeper package, did you download dependencies?"
1872			error_exit 77
1873	fi
1874	if [ ! -d $dep_work_dir ]; then
1875			echo "Creating dependency working directory"
1876			mkdir -p $dep_work_dir
1877	fi
1878	if [ -d $dep_work_dir/zk ]; then
1879			(cd $dep_work_dir/zk && ./bin/zkServer.sh stop)
1880			$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 2000
1881	fi
1882	rm -rf $dep_work_dir/zk
1883	(cd $dep_work_dir && tar -zxvf $dep_zk_cached_file --xform $dep_zk_dir_xform_pattern --show-transformed-names) > /dev/null
1884	cp -f $srcdir/testsuites/$dep_work_tk_config $dep_work_dir/zk/conf/zoo.cfg
1885	echo "Starting Zookeeper instance $1"
1886	(cd $dep_work_dir/zk && ./bin/zkServer.sh start)
1887	wait_startup_pid "$ZOOPIDFILE"
1890start_kafka() {
1891	printf '%s starting kafka\n' "$(tb_timestamp)"
1893	# Force IPv4 usage of Kafka!
1894	export KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx256m" # we need to take care for smaller CI systems!
1895	export KAFKA_OPTS="-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=True"
1896	if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then
1897		dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk)
1898		dep_work_kafka_config="kafka-server.properties"
1899	else
1900		dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $1)
1901		dep_work_kafka_config="kafka-server$1.properties"
1902	fi
1904	# shellcheck disable=SC2009  - we do not grep on the process name!
1905	kafkapid=$(ps aux | grep -i $dep_work_kafka_config | grep java | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
1906	if [ "$KEEP_KAFKA_RUNNING" == "YES" ] && [ "$kafkapid" != "" ]; then
1907		printf 'kafka already running, no need to start\n'
1908		return
1909	fi
1911	if [ ! -f $dep_kafka_cached_file ]; then
1912			echo "Dependency-cache does not have kafka package, did you download dependencies?"
1913			error_exit 77
1914	fi
1915	if [ ! -d $dep_work_dir ]; then
1916			echo "Creating dependency working directory"
1917			mkdir -p $dep_work_dir
1918	fi
1919	rm -rf $dep_work_dir/kafka
1920	( cd $dep_work_dir &&
1921	  tar -zxvf $dep_kafka_cached_file --xform $dep_kafka_dir_xform_pattern --show-transformed-names) > /dev/null
1922	cp -f $srcdir/testsuites/$dep_work_kafka_config $dep_work_dir/kafka/config/
1923	#if [ "$(ps aux | grep -i $dep_work_kafka_config | grep java | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')" != "" ]; then
1924	echo "Starting Kafka instance $dep_work_kafka_config"
1925	(cd $dep_work_dir/kafka && ./bin/kafka-server-start.sh -daemon ./config/$dep_work_kafka_config)
1926	$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 4000
1928	# Check if kafka instance came up!
1929	# shellcheck disable=SC2009  - we do not grep on the process name!
1930	kafkapid=$(ps aux | grep -i $dep_work_kafka_config | grep java | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
1931	if [[ "" !=  "$kafkapid" ]];
1932	then
1933		echo "Kafka instance $dep_work_kafka_config (PID $kafkapid) started ... "
1934	else
1935		echo "Starting Kafka instance $dep_work_kafka_config, SECOND ATTEMPT!"
1936		(cd $dep_work_dir/kafka && ./bin/kafka-server-start.sh -daemon ./config/$dep_work_kafka_config)
1937		$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 4000
1939		# shellcheck disable=SC2009  - we do not grep on the process name!
1940		kafkapid=$(ps aux | grep -i $dep_work_kafka_config | grep java | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
1941		if [[ "" !=  "$kafkapid" ]];
1942		then
1943			echo "Kafka instance $dep_work_kafka_config (PID $kafkapid) started ... "
1944		else
1945			echo "Failed to start Kafka instance for $dep_work_kafka_config"
1946			echo "displaying all kafka logs now:"
1947			for logfile in $dep_work_dir/logs/*; do
1948				echo "FILE: $logfile"
1949				cat $logfile
1950			done
1951			error_exit 77
1952		fi
1953	fi
1956create_kafka_topic() {
1957	if [ "x$2" == "x" ]; then
1958		dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk)
1959	else
1960		dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $2)
1961	fi
1962	if [ "x$3" == "x" ]; then
1963		dep_work_port='2181'
1964	else
1965		dep_work_port=$3
1966	fi
1967	if [ ! -d $dep_work_dir/kafka ]; then
1968			echo "Kafka work-dir $dep_work_dir/kafka does not exist, did you start kafka?"
1969			exit 1
1970	fi
1971	if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then
1972			echo "Topic-name not provided."
1973			exit 1
1974	fi
1976	# we need to make sure replication has is working. So let's loop until no more
1977	# errors (or timeout) - see also: https://github.com/rsyslog/rsyslog/issues/3045
1978	timeout_ready=100 # roughly 10 sec
1979	is_retry=0
1980	i=0
1981	while true; do
1982		text=$(cd $dep_work_dir/kafka && ./bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:$dep_work_port/kafka --create --topic $1 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 2 )
1983		grep "Error.* larger than available brokers: 0" <<<"$text"
1984		res=$?
1985		if [ $res -ne 0 ]; then
1986			echo looks like brokers are available - continue...
1987			break
1988		fi
1989		$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100 # wait 100 milliseconds
1990		(( i++ ))
1991		if test $i -gt $timeout_ready; then
1992			echo "ENV ERROR: kafka brokers did not come up:"
1993			cat -n <<< $text
1994			if [ $is_retry == 1 ]; then
1995				echo "SKIPing test as the env is not ready for it"
1996				exit 177
1997			fi
1998			echo "RETRYING kafka startup, doing shutdown and startup"
1999			stop_zookeeper ""; stop_kafka ""
2000			start_zookeeper ""; start_kafka ""
2001			echo "READY for RETRY"
2002			is_retry=1
2003			i=0
2004		fi
2005	done
2007	# we *assume* now all goes well
2008	(cd $dep_work_dir/kafka && ./bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:$dep_work_port/kafka --alter --topic $1 --delete-config retention.ms)
2009	(cd $dep_work_dir/kafka && ./bin/kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper localhost:$dep_work_port/kafka --alter --topic $1 --delete-config retention.bytes)
2012delete_kafka_topic() {
2013	if [ "x$2" == "x" ]; then
2014		dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk)
2015	else
2016		dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $srcdir/$2)
2017	fi
2018	if [ "x$3" == "x" ]; then
2019		dep_work_port='2181'
2020	else
2021		dep_work_port=$3
2022	fi
2024	echo "deleting kafka-topic $1"
2025	(cd $dep_work_dir/kafka && ./bin/kafka-topics.sh --delete --zookeeper localhost:$dep_work_port/kafka --topic $1)
2028dump_kafka_topic() {
2029	if [ "x$2" == "x" ]; then
2030		dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk)
2031		dep_kafka_log_dump=$(readlink -f rsyslog.out.kafka.log)
2032	else
2033		dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $srcdir/$2)
2034		dep_kafka_log_dump=$(readlink -f rsyslog.out.kafka$2.log)
2035	fi
2036	if [ "x$3" == "x" ]; then
2037		dep_work_port='2181'
2038	else
2039		dep_work_port=$3
2040	fi
2042	echo "dumping kafka-topic $1"
2043	if [ ! -d $dep_work_dir/kafka ]; then
2044			echo "Kafka work-dir does not exist, did you start kafka?"
2045			exit 1
2046	fi
2047	if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then
2048			echo "Topic-name not provided."
2049			exit 1
2050	fi
2052	(cd $dep_work_dir/kafka && ./bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh --timeout-ms 2000 --from-beginning --zookeeper localhost:$dep_work_port/kafka --topic $1 > $dep_kafka_log_dump)
2055dump_kafka_serverlog() {
2056	if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then
2057		dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk)
2058	else
2059		dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $srcdir/$1)
2060	fi
2061	if [ ! -d $dep_work_dir/kafka ]; then
2062		echo "Kafka work-dir $dep_work_dir/kafka does not exist, no kafka debuglog"
2063	else
2064		echo "Dumping server.log from Kafka instance $1"
2065		echo "========================================="
2066		cat $dep_work_dir/kafka/logs/server.log
2067		echo "========================================="
2068		printf 'non-info is:\n'
2069		grep --invert-match '^\[.* INFO ' $dep_work_dir/kafka/logs/server.log | grep '^\['
2070	fi
2073dump_zookeeper_serverlog() {
2074	if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then
2075		dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk)
2076	else
2077		dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $srcdir/$1)
2078	fi
2079	echo "Dumping zookeeper.out from Zookeeper instance $1"
2080	echo "========================================="
2081	cat $dep_work_dir/zk/zookeeper.out
2082	echo "========================================="
2083	printf 'non-info is:\n'
2084	grep --invert-match '^\[.* INFO ' $dep_work_dir/zk/zookeeper.out | grep '^\['
2088# download elasticsearch files, if necessary
2089download_elasticsearch() {
2090	if [ ! -d $dep_cache_dir ]; then
2091		echo "Creating dependency cache dir $dep_cache_dir"
2092		mkdir $dep_cache_dir
2093	fi
2094	if [ ! -f $dep_es_cached_file ]; then
2095		if [ -f /local_dep_cache/$ES_DOWNLOAD ]; then
2096			printf 'ElasticSearch: satisfying dependency %s from system cache.\n' "$ES_DOWNLOAD"
2097			cp /local_dep_cache/$ES_DOWNLOAD $dep_es_cached_file
2098		else
2099			dep_es_url="https://www.rsyslog.com/files/download/rsyslog/$ES_DOWNLOAD"
2100			printf 'ElasticSearch: satisfying dependency %s from %s\n' "$ES_DOWNLOAD" "$dep_es_url"
2101			wget -q $dep_es_url -O $dep_es_cached_file
2102		fi
2103	fi
2107# prepare elasticsearch execution environment
2108# this also stops any previous elasticsearch instance, if found
2109prepare_elasticsearch() {
2110	stop_elasticsearch # stop if it is still running
2111	# Heap Size (limit to 128MB for testbench! default is way to HIGH)
2112	export ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms128m -Xmx128m"
2114	dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk)
2115	dep_work_es_config="es.yml"
2116	dep_work_es_pidfile="es.pid"
2118	if [ ! -f $dep_es_cached_file ]; then
2119		echo "Dependency-cache does not have elasticsearch package, did "
2120		echo "you download dependencies?"
2121		error_exit 100
2122	fi
2123	if [ ! -d $dep_work_dir ]; then
2124		echo "Creating dependency working directory"
2125		mkdir -p $dep_work_dir
2126	fi
2127	if [ -d $dep_work_dir/es ]; then
2128		if [ -e $dep_work_es_pidfile ]; then
2129			es_pid=$(cat $dep_work_es_pidfile)
2130			kill -SIGTERM $es_pid
2131			wait_pid_termination $es_pid
2132		fi
2133	fi
2134	rm -rf $dep_work_dir/es
2135	echo TEST USES ELASTICSEARCH BINARY $dep_es_cached_file
2136	(cd $dep_work_dir && tar -zxf $dep_es_cached_file --xform $dep_es_dir_xform_pattern --show-transformed-names) > /dev/null
2137	if [ -n "${ES_PORT:-}" ] ; then
2138		rm -f $dep_work_dir/es/config/elasticsearch.yml
2139		sed "s/^http.port:.*\$/http.port: ${ES_PORT}/" $srcdir/testsuites/$dep_work_es_config > $dep_work_dir/es/config/elasticsearch.yml
2140	else
2141		cp -f $srcdir/testsuites/$dep_work_es_config $dep_work_dir/es/config/elasticsearch.yml
2142	fi
2144	if [ ! -d $dep_work_dir/es/data ]; then
2145			echo "Creating elastic search directories"
2146			mkdir -p $dep_work_dir/es/data
2147			mkdir -p $dep_work_dir/es/logs
2148			mkdir -p $dep_work_dir/es/tmp
2149	fi
2150	echo ElasticSearch prepared for use in test.
2154# ensure that a basic, suitable instance of elasticsearch is running. This is part
2155# of an effort to avoid restarting elasticsearch more often than necessary.
2156ensure_elasticsearch_ready() {
2157	if   printf '%s:%s:%s\n' "$ES_DOWNLOAD" "$ES_PORT" "$(cat es.pid)" \
2158	   | cmp -b - elasticsearch.running
2159	then
2160		printf 'Elasticsearch already running, NOT restarting it\n'
2161	else
2162		cat elasticsearch.running
2163		cleanup_elasticsearch
2164		dep_es_cached_file="$dep_cache_dir/$ES_DOWNLOAD"
2165		download_elasticsearch
2166		prepare_elasticsearch
2167		if [ "$1" != "--no-start" ]; then
2168			start_elasticsearch
2169			printf '%s:%s:%s\n' "$ES_DOWNLOAD" "$ES_PORT" "$(cat es.pid)" > elasticsearch.running
2170		fi
2171	fi
2172	if [ "$1" != "--no-start" ]; then
2173		printf 'running elasticsearch instance: %s\n' "$(cat elasticsearch.running)"
2174		init_elasticsearch
2175	fi
2179# $2, if set, is the number of additional ES instances
2180start_elasticsearch() {
2181	# Heap Size (limit to 128MB for testbench! defaults is way to HIGH)
2182	export ES_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms128m -Xmx128m"
2184	dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk)
2185	dep_work_es_config="es.yml"
2186	dep_work_es_pidfile="$(pwd)/es.pid"
2187	echo "Starting ElasticSearch"
2190	$dep_work_dir/es/bin/elasticsearch -p $dep_work_es_pidfile -d
2191	$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 2000
2192	wait_startup_pid $dep_work_es_pidfile
2193	printf 'elasticsearch pid is %s\n' "$(cat $dep_work_es_pidfile)"
2195	# Wait for startup with hardcoded timeout
2196	timeoutend=60
2197	timeseconds=0
2198	# Loop until elasticsearch port is reachable or until
2199	# timeout is reached!
2200	until [ "$(curl --silent --show-error --connect-timeout 1 http://localhost:${ES_PORT:-19200} | grep 'rsyslog-testbench')" != "" ]; do
2201		echo "--- waiting for ES startup: $timeseconds seconds"
2202		$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 1000
2203		(( timeseconds=timeseconds + 1 ))
2205		if [ "$timeseconds" -gt "$timeoutend" ]; then
2206			echo "--- TIMEOUT ( $timeseconds ) reached!!!"
2207			error_exit 1
2208		fi
2209	done
2210	$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 2000
2211	echo ES startup succeeded
2214# read data from ES to a local file so that we can process
2215# $1 - number of records (ES does not return all records unless you tell it explicitly).
2216# $2 - ES port
2217es_getdata() {
2218	curl --silent -XPUT --show-error -H 'Content-Type: application/json' "http://localhost:${2:-$ES_PORT}/rsyslog_testbench/_settings" -d '{ "index" : { "max_result_window" : '${1:-$NUMMESSAGES}' } }'
2219	# refresh to ensure we get the latest data
2220	curl --silent localhost:${2:-$ES_PORT}/rsyslog_testbench/_refresh
2221	curl --silent localhost:${2:-$ES_PORT}/rsyslog_testbench/_search?size=${1:-$NUMMESSAGES} > $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.work
2222	$PYTHON $srcdir/es_response_get_msgnum.py > ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG}
2225# a standard method to support shutdown & queue empty check for a wide range
2226# of elasticsearch tests. This works if we assume that ES has delivered messages
2227# to the default location.
2228es_shutdown_empty_check() {
2229	es_getdata $NUMMESSAGES $ES_PORT
2230	lines=$(wc -l < "$RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG")
2231	if [ "$lines"  -eq $NUMMESSAGES ]; then
2232		printf '%s es_shutdown_empty_check: success, have %d lines\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" $lines
2233		return 0
2234	fi
2235	printf '%s es_shutdown_empty_check: have %d lines, expecting %d\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" $lines $NUMMESSAGES
2236	return 1
2240stop_elasticsearch() {
2241	dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f $srcdir)
2242	dep_work_es_pidfile="es.pid"
2243	rm elasticsearch.running
2244	if [ -e $dep_work_es_pidfile ]; then
2245		es_pid=$(cat $dep_work_es_pidfile)
2246		printf 'stopping ES with pid %d\n' $es_pid
2247		kill -SIGTERM $es_pid
2248		wait_pid_termination $es_pid
2249	fi
2252# cleanup es leftovers when it is being stopped
2253cleanup_elasticsearch() {
2254		dep_work_dir=$(readlink -f .dep_wrk)
2255		dep_work_es_pidfile="es.pid"
2256		stop_elasticsearch
2257		rm -f $dep_work_es_pidfile
2258		rm -rf $dep_work_dir/es
2261# initialize local Elasticsearch *testbench* instance for the next
2262# test. NOTE: do NOT put anything useful on that instance!
2263init_elasticsearch() {
2264	curl --silent -XDELETE localhost:${ES_PORT:-9200}/rsyslog_testbench
2267omhttp_start_server() {
2268    # Args: 1=port 2=server args
2269    # Args 2 and up are passed along as is to omhttp_server.py
2270    omhttp_server_py=$srcdir/omhttp_server.py
2271    if [ ! -f $omhttp_server_py ]; then
2272        echo "Cannot find ${omhttp_server_py} for omhttp test"
2273        error_exit 1
2274    fi
2276    if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then
2277        omhttp_server_port="8080"
2278    else
2279        omhttp_server_port="$1"
2280    fi
2282    # Create work directory for parallel tests
2283    omhttp_work_dir=$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME/omhttp
2285    omhttp_server_pidfile="${omhttp_work_dir}/omhttp_server.pid"
2286    omhttp_server_logfile="${omhttp_work_dir}/omhttp_server.log"
2287    mkdir -p ${omhttp_work_dir}
2289    server_args="-p $omhttp_server_port ${*:2}"
2291    timeout 30m $PYTHON ${omhttp_server_py} ${server_args} >> ${omhttp_server_logfile} 2>&1 &
2292    if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
2293        echo "Failed to start omhttp test server."
2294        rm -rf $omhttp_work_dir
2295        error_exit 1
2296    fi
2298    omhttp_server_pid=$!
2299    echo ${omhttp_server_pid} > ${omhttp_server_pidfile}
2300    echo "Started omhttp test server with args ${server_args} with pid ${omhttp_server_pid}"
2303omhttp_stop_server() {
2304    # Args: None
2305    omhttp_work_dir=$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME/omhttp
2306    if [ ! -d $omhttp_work_dir ]; then
2307        echo "omhttp server $omhttp_work_dir does not exist, no action needed"
2308    else
2309        echo "Stopping omhttp server"
2310        kill -9 $(cat ${omhttp_work_dir}/omhttp_server.pid) > /dev/null 2>&1
2311        rm -rf $omhttp_work_dir
2312    fi
2315omhttp_get_data() {
2316    # Args: 1=port 2=endpoint 3=batchformat(optional)
2317    if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then
2318        omhttp_server_port=8080
2319    else
2320        omhttp_server_port=$1
2321    fi
2323    if [ "x$2" == "x" ]; then
2324        omhttp_path=""
2325    else
2326        omhttp_path=$2
2327    fi
2329    # The test server returns a json encoded array of strings containing whatever omhttp sent to it in each request
2330    python_init="import json, sys; dat = json.load(sys.stdin)"
2331    python_print="print('\n'.join(out))"
2332    if [ "x$3" == "x" ]; then
2333        # dat = ['{"msgnum":"1"}, '{"msgnum":"2"}', '{"msgnum":"3"}', '{"msgnum":"4"}']
2334        python_parse="$python_init; out = [json.loads(l)['msgnum'] for l in dat]; $python_print"
2335    else
2336       if [ "x$3" == "xjsonarray" ]; then
2337            # dat = ['[{"msgnum":"1"},{"msgnum":"2"}]', '[{"msgnum":"3"},{"msgnum":"4"}]']
2338            python_parse="$python_init; out = [l['msgnum'] for a in dat for l in json.loads(a)]; $python_print"
2339        elif [ "x$3" == "xnewline" ]; then
2340            # dat = ['{"msgnum":"1"}\n{"msgnum":"2"}', '{"msgnum":"3"}\n{"msgnum":"4"}']
2341            python_parse="$python_init; out = [json.loads(l)['msgnum'] for a in dat for l in a.split('\n')]; $python_print"
2342        elif [ "x$3" == "xkafkarest" ]; then
2343            # dat = ['{"records":[{"value":{"msgnum":"1"}},{"value":{"msgnum":"2"}}]}',
2344            #        '{"records":[{"value":{"msgnum":"3"}},{"value":{"msgnum":"4"}}]}']
2345            python_parse="$python_init; out = [l['value']['msgnum'] for a in dat for l in json.loads(a)['records']]; $python_print"
2346        elif [ "x$3" == "xlokirest" ]; then
2347            # dat = ['{"streams":[{"msgnum":"1"},{"msgnum":"2"}]}',
2348            #        '{"streams":[{"msgnum":"3"},{"msgnum":"4"}]}']
2349            python_parse="$python_init; out = [l['msgnum'] for a in dat for l in json.loads(a)['streams']]; $python_print"
2350        else
2351            # use newline parsing as default
2352            python_parse="$python_init; out = [json.loads(l)['msgnum'] for a in dat for l in a.split('\n')]; $python_print"
2353        fi
2355    fi
2357    omhttp_url="localhost:${omhttp_server_port}/${omhttp_path}"
2358    curl -s ${omhttp_url} \
2359        | $PYTHON -c "${python_parse}" | sort -n \
2360        > ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG}
2364# prepare MySQL for next test
2365# each test receives its own database so that we also can run in parallel
2366mysql_prep_for_test() {
2367	mysql -u rsyslog --password=testbench -e "CREATE DATABASE $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME; "
2368	mysql -u rsyslog --password=testbench --database $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME \
2369		-e "CREATE TABLE SystemEvents (ID int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key, CustomerID bigint,ReceivedAt datetime NULL,DeviceReportedTime datetime NULL,Facility smallint NULL,Priority smallint NULL,FromHost varchar(60) NULL,Message text,NTSeverity int NULL,Importance int NULL,EventSource varchar(60),EventUser varchar(60) NULL,EventCategory int NULL,EventID int NULL,EventBinaryData text NULL,MaxAvailable int NULL,CurrUsage int NULL,MinUsage int NULL,MaxUsage int NULL,InfoUnitID int NULL,SysLogTag varchar(60),EventLogType varchar(60),GenericFileName VarChar(60),SystemID int NULL); CREATE TABLE SystemEventsProperties (ID int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,SystemEventID int NULL,ParamName varchar(255) NULL,ParamValue text NULL);"
2370	mysql --user=rsyslog --password=testbench --database $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME \
2371		-e "truncate table SystemEvents;"
2372	# TEST ONLY:
2373	#mysql -s --user=rsyslog --password=testbench --database $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME \
2374		#-e "select substring(Message,9,8) from SystemEvents;"
2375	# END TEST
2376	printf 'mysql ready for test, database: %s\n' $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME
2379# get data from mysql DB so that we can do seq_check on it.
2380mysql_get_data() {
2381	# note "-s" is required to suppress the select "field header"
2382	mysql -s --user=rsyslog --password=testbench --database $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME \
2383		-e "select substring(Message,9,8) from SystemEvents;" \
2384		> $RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG 2> "$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.mysqlerr"
2385	grep -iv "Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure." < "$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME.mysqlerr"
2388# cleanup any temp data from mysql test
2389# if we do not do this, we may run out of disk space
2390# especially in container environment.
2391mysql_cleanup_test() {
2392	mysql --user=rsyslog --password=testbench -e "drop database $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME;" \
2393		2>&1 | grep -iv "Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure."
2397# $1 - replacement string
2398# $2 - start search string
2399# $3 - file name
2400# $4 - expected value
2401first_column_sum_check() {
2402	sum=$(grep "$2" < "$3" | sed -e "$1" | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}')
2403	if [ "x${sum}" != "x$4" ]; then
2404	    printf '\n============================================================\n'
2405	    echo FAIL: sum of first column with edit-expr "'$1'" run over lines from file "'$3'" matched by "'$2'" equals "'$sum'" which is NOT equal to EXPECTED value of "'$4'"
2406	    echo "file contents:"
2407	    cat $3
2408	    error_exit 1
2409	fi
2413# Helper functions to start/stop python snmp trap receiver
2415snmp_start_trapreceiver() {
2416    # Args: 1=port 2=outputfilename
2417    # Args 2 and up are passed along as is to snmptrapreceiver.py
2418    snmptrapreceiver=$srcdir/snmptrapreceiver.py
2419    if [ ! -f ${snmptrapreceiver} ]; then
2420        echo "Cannot find ${snmptrapreceiver} for omsnmp test"
2421        error_exit 1
2422    fi
2424    if [ "x$1" == "x" ]; then
2425        snmp_server_port="10162"
2426    else
2427        snmp_server_port="$1"
2428    fi
2430    if [ "x$2" == "x" ]; then
2431        output_file="${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.snmp.out"
2432    else
2433        output_file="$2"
2434    fi
2436    # Create work directory for parallel tests
2437    snmp_work_dir=${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}/snmptrapreceiver
2439    snmp_server_pidfile="${snmp_work_dir}/snmp_server.pid"
2440    snmp_server_logfile="${snmp_work_dir}/snmp_server.log"
2441    mkdir -p ${snmp_work_dir}
2443    server_args="${snmp_server_port} ${output_file}"
2445    $PYTHON ${snmptrapreceiver} ${server_args} ${snmp_server_logfile} >> ${snmp_server_logfile} 2>&1 &
2446    if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
2447        echo "Failed to start snmptrapreceiver."
2448        rm -rf ${snmp_work_dir}
2449        error_exit 1
2450    fi
2452    snmp_server_pid=$!
2453    echo ${snmp_server_pid} > ${snmp_server_pidfile}
2455    while test ! -s "${snmp_server_logfile}"; do
2456	$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100 # wait 100 milliseconds
2457	if [ $(date +%s) -gt $(( TB_STARTTEST + TB_TEST_MAX_RUNTIME )) ]; then
2458	   printf '%s ABORT! Timeout waiting on startup (pid file %s)\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$1"
2459	   ls -l "$1"
2460	   ps -fp $(cat "$1")
2461	   snmp_stop_trapreceiver
2462	   error_exit 1
2463#	else
2464#	   echo "waiting...${snmp_server_logfile}..."
2465	fi
2466    done
2468    echo "Started snmptrapreceiver with args ${server_args} with pid ${snmp_server_pid}"
2471snmp_stop_trapreceiver() {
2472    # Args: None
2473    snmp_work_dir=${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}/snmptrapreceiver
2474    if [ ! -d ${snmp_work_dir} ]; then
2475        echo "snmptrapreceiver server ${snmp_work_dir} does not exist, no action needed"
2476    else
2477        echo "Stopping snmptrapreceiver server"
2478        kill -9 $(cat ${snmp_work_dir}/snmp_server.pid) > /dev/null 2>&1
2479        # Done at testexit already!: rm -rf ${snmp_work_dir}
2480    fi
2483wait_for_stats_flush() {
2484	echo "will wait for stats push"
2485	emitmsg=0
2486	while [[ ! -f $1 ]]; do
2487		if [ $((++emitmsg % 10)) == 0 ]; then
2488			echo waiting for stats file "'$1'" to be created
2489		fi
2490		$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100
2491	done
2492	prev_count=$(grep -c 'BEGIN$' <$1)
2493	new_count=$prev_count
2494	start_loop="$(date +%s)"
2495	emit_waiting=0
2496	while [[ "x$prev_count" == "x$new_count" ]]; do
2497		# busy spin, because it allows as close timing-coordination
2498		# in actual test run as possible
2499		if [ $(date +%s) -gt $(( TB_STARTTEST + TB_TEST_MAX_RUNTIME )) ]; then
2500		   printf '%s ABORT! Timeout waiting on stats push\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$1"
2501		   error_exit 1
2502		else
2503		   # waiting for 1000 is heuristically "sufficiently but not too
2504		   # frequent" enough
2505		   if [ $((++emit_waiting)) == 1000 ]; then
2506		      printf 'still waiting for stats push...\n'
2507		      emit_waiting=0
2508		   fi
2509		 fi
2510		new_count=$(grep -c 'BEGIN$' <"$1")
2511	done
2512	echo "stats push registered"
2516case $1 in
2517   'init')	$srcdir/killrsyslog.sh # kill rsyslogd if it runs for some reason
2518		source set-envvars
2519		# for (solaris) load debugging, uncomment next 2 lines:
2520		#export LD_DEBUG=all
2521		#ldd ../tools/rsyslogd
2523		# environment debug
2524		#find / -name "librelp.so*"
2525		#ps -ef |grep syslog
2526		#netstat -a | grep LISTEN
2528		# cleanup of hanging instances from previous runs
2529		# practice has shown this is pretty useful!
2530		#for pid in $(ps -eo pid,args|grep '/tools/[r]syslogd ' |sed -e 's/\( *\)\([0-9]*\).*/\2/');
2531		#do
2532			#echo "ERROR: left-over previous instance $pid, killing it"
2533			#ps -fp $pid
2534			#pwd
2535			#kill -9 $pid
2536		#done
2537		# end cleanup
2539		# some default names (later to be set in other parts, once we support fully
2540		# parallel tests)
2541		export RSYSLOG_DFLT_LOG_INTERNAL=1 # testbench needs internal messages logged internally!
2542		if [ -f testbench_test_failed_rsyslog ] && [ "$ABORT_ALL_ON_TEST_FAIL" == "YES" ]; then
2543			echo NOT RUNNING TEST as previous test $(cat testbench_test_failed_rsyslog) failed.
2544			exit 77
2545		fi
2546		if [ "$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME" != "" ]; then
2547			echo "FAIL: \$RSYSLOG_DYNNAME already set in init"
2548			echo "hint: was init accidentally called twice?"
2549			exit 2
2550		fi
2551		export RSYSLOG_DYNNAME="rstb_$(./test_id $(basename $0))$(tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' < /dev/urandom | head --bytes 4)"
2552		export RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG="${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}.out.log"
2553		export RSYSLOG2_OUT_LOG="${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}_2.out.log"
2554		export RSYSLOG_PIDBASE="${RSYSLOG_DYNNAME}:" # also used by instance 2!
2555		#export IMDIAG_PORT=13500 DELETE ME
2556		#export IMDIAG_PORT2=13501 DELETE ME
2557		#export TCPFLOOD_PORT=13514 DELETE ME
2559		# Extra Variables for Test statistic reporting
2560		export RSYSLOG_TESTNAME=$(basename $0)
2562		# we create one file with the test name, so that we know what was
2563		# left over if "make distcheck" complains
2564		touch $RSYSLOG_DYNNAME-$(basename $0).test_id
2566		if [ -z $RS_SORTCMD ]; then
2567			RS_SORTCMD="sort"
2568		fi
2569		if [ -z $RS_SORT_NUMERIC_OPT ]; then
2570			if [ "$(uname)" == "AIX" ]; then
2572			else
2574			fi
2575		fi
2576		if [ -z $RS_CMPCMD ]; then
2577			RS_CMPCMD="cmp"
2578		fi
2579		if [ -z $RS_HEADCMD ]; then
2580			RS_HEADCMD="head"
2581		fi
2582		# we assume TZ is set, else most test will fail. So let's ensure
2583		# this really is the case
2584		if [ -z $TZ ]; then
2585			echo "testbench: TZ env var not set, setting it to UTC"
2586			export TZ=UTC
2587		fi
2588		ulimit -c unlimited  &> /dev/null # at least try to get core dumps
2589		export TB_STARTTEST=$(date +%s)
2590		printf '%s\n' '------------------------------------------------------------'
2591		printf '%s Test: %s\n' "$(tb_timestamp)" "$0"
2592		printf '%s\n' '------------------------------------------------------------'
2593		rm -f xlate*.lkp_tbl
2594		rm -f log log* # RSyslog debug output
2595		rm -f work
2596		rm -rf test-logdir stat-file1
2597		rm -f rsyslog.empty imfile-state:* omkafka-failed.data
2598		rm -f tmp.qi nocert
2599		rm -f core.* vgcore.* core*
2600		# Note: rsyslog.action.*.include must NOT be deleted, as it
2601		# is used to setup some parameters BEFORE calling init. This
2602		# happens in chained test scripts. Delete on exit is fine,
2603		# though.
2604		# note: TCPFLOOD_EXTRA_OPTS MUST NOT be unset in init, because
2605		# some tests need to set it BEFORE calling init to accommodate
2606		# their generic test drivers.
2607		if [ "$TCPFLOOD_EXTRA_OPTS" != '' ] ; then
2609                fi
2610		if [ "$USE_AUTO_DEBUG" != 'on' ] ; then
2611			rm -f IN_AUTO_DEBUG
2612                fi
2613		if [ -e IN_AUTO_DEBUG ]; then
2614			export valgrind="valgrind --malloc-fill=ff --free-fill=fe --suppressions=$srcdir/known_issues.supp ${EXTRA_VALGRIND_SUPPRESSIONS:-} --log-fd=1"
2615		fi
2616		;;
2618   'check-ipv6-available')   # check if IPv6  - will exit 77 when not OK
2619		if ip address > /dev/null ; then
2620			cmd="ip address"
2621		else
2622			cmd="ifconfig -a"
2623		fi
2624		echo command used for ipv6 detection: $cmd
2625		$cmd | grep ::1 > /dev/null
2626		if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
2627			printf 'this test requires an active IPv6 stack, which we do not have here\n'
2628			error_exit 77
2629		fi
2630		;;
2631   'kill-immediate') # kill rsyslog unconditionally
2632		kill -9 $(cat $RSYSLOG_PIDBASE.pid)
2633		# note: we do not wait for the actual termination!
2634		;;
2635   'ensure-no-process-exists')
2636    ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep -qF "$2"
2637    if [ "x$?" == "x0" ]; then
2638      echo "assertion failed: process with name-fragment matching '$2' found"
2639		  error_exit 1
2640    fi
2641    ;;
2642   'grep-check') # grep for "$EXPECTED" present in rsyslog.log - env var must be set
2643		 # before this method is called
2644		grep "$EXPECTED" ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG} > /dev/null
2645		if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
2646		  echo "GREP FAIL: ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG} content:"
2647		  cat ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG}
2648		  echo "GREP FAIL: expected text not found:"
2649		  echo "$EXPECTED"
2650		error_exit 1
2651		fi;
2652		;;
2653	 'block-stats-flush')
2654		echo blocking stats flush
2655		echo "blockStatsReporting" | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT || error_exit  $?
2656		;;
2657	 'await-stats-flush-after-block')
2658		echo unblocking stats flush and waiting for it
2659		echo "awaitStatsReport" | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT || error_exit  $?
2660		;;
2661	 'allow-single-stats-flush-after-block-and-wait-for-it')
2662		echo blocking stats flush
2663		echo "awaitStatsReport block_again" | $TESTTOOL_DIR/diagtalker -p$IMDIAG_PORT || error_exit  $?
2664		;;
2665	 'wait-for-dyn-stats-reset')
2666		echo "will wait for dyn-stats-reset"
2667		while [[ ! -f $2 ]]; do
2668				echo waiting for stats file "'$2'" to be created
2669				$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 100
2670		done
2671		prev_purged=$(grep -F 'origin=dynstats' < $2 | grep -F "${3}.purge_triggered=" | sed -e 's/.\+.purge_triggered=//g' | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}')
2672		new_purged=$prev_purged
2673		while [[ "x$prev_purged" == "x$new_purged" ]]; do
2674				new_purged=$(grep -F 'origin=dynstats' < "$2" | grep -F "${3}.purge_triggered=" | sed -e 's/.\+\.purge_triggered=//g' | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}') # busy spin, because it allows as close timing-coordination in actual test run as possible
2675				$TESTTOOL_DIR/msleep 10
2676		done
2677		echo "dyn-stats reset for bucket ${3} registered"
2678		;;
2679   'assert-first-column-sum-greater-than')
2680		sum=$(grep $3 <$4| sed -e $2 | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}')
2681		if [ ! $sum -gt $5 ]; then
2682		    echo sum of first column with edit-expr "'$2'" run over lines from file "'$4'" matched by "'$3'" equals "'$sum'" which is smaller than expected lower-limit of "'$5'"
2683		    echo "file contents:"
2684		    cat $4
2685		    error_exit 1
2686		fi
2687		;;
2688   'content-pattern-check')
2689		grep -q "$2" < ${RSYSLOG_OUT_LOG}
2690		if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
2691		    echo content-check failed, not every line matched pattern "'$2'"
2692		    echo "file contents:"
2693		    cat -n $4
2694		    error_exit 1
2695		fi
2696		;;
2697   'require-journalctl')   # check if journalctl exists on the system
2698		if ! hash journalctl 2>/dev/null ; then
2699		    echo "journalctl command missing, skipping test"
2700		    exit 77
2701		fi
2702		;;
2703	'check-inotify') # Check for inotify/fen support
2704		if [ -n "$(find /usr/include -name 'inotify.h' -print -quit)" ]; then
2705			echo [inotify mode]
2706		elif [ -n "$(find /usr/include/sys/ -name 'port.h' -print -quit)" ]; then
2707			grep -qF "PORT_SOURCE_FILE" < /usr/include/sys/port.h
2708			if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
2709				echo [port.h found but FEN API not implemented , skipping...]
2710				exit 77 # FEN API not available, skip this test
2711			fi
2712			echo [fen mode]
2713		else
2714			echo [inotify/fen not supported, skipping...]
2715			exit 77 # no inotify available, skip this test
2716		fi
2717		;;
2718	'check-inotify-only') # Check for ONLY inotify support
2719		if [ -n "$(find /usr/include -name 'inotify.h' -print -quit)" ]; then
2720			echo [inotify mode]
2721		else
2722			echo [inotify not supported, skipping...]
2723			exit 77 # no inotify available, skip this test
2724		fi
2725		;;
2726   *)		echo "TESTBENCH error: invalid argument" $1
2727		exit 100