1 /*
2  * Copyright © 2008 Kristian Høgsberg
3  *
4  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
5  * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
6  * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
7  * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
8  * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
9  * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
10  * the following conditions:
11  *
12  * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
13  * next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial
14  * portions of the Software.
15  *
24  */
26 /** \file wayland-util.h
27  *
28  * \brief Utility classes, functions, and macros.
29  */
31 #ifndef WAYLAND_UTIL_H
32 #define WAYLAND_UTIL_H
34 #include <math.h>
35 #include <stddef.h>
36 #include <inttypes.h>
37 #include <stdarg.h>
39 #ifdef  __cplusplus
40 extern "C" {
41 #endif
43 /** Visibility attribute */
44 #if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4
45 #define WL_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
46 #else
47 #define WL_EXPORT
48 #endif
50 /** Deprecated attribute */
51 #if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4
52 #define WL_DEPRECATED __attribute__ ((deprecated))
53 #else
54 #define WL_DEPRECATED
55 #endif
57 /**
58  * Printf-style argument attribute
59  *
60  * \param x Ordinality of the format string argument
61  * \param y Ordinality of the argument to check against the format string
62  *
63  * \sa https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-3.2.1/gcc/Function-Attributes.html
64  */
65 #if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4
66 #define WL_PRINTF(x, y) __attribute__((__format__(__printf__, x, y)))
67 #else
68 #define WL_PRINTF(x, y)
69 #endif
71 /** \class wl_object
72  *
73  * \brief A protocol object.
74  *
75  * A `wl_object` is an opaque struct identifying the protocol object
76  * underlying a `wl_proxy` or `wl_resource`.
77  *
78  * \note Functions accessing a `wl_object` are not normally used by client code.
79  * Clients should normally use the higher level interface generated by the
80  * scanner to interact with compositor objects.
81  *
82  */
83 struct wl_object;
85 /**
86  * Protocol message signature
87  *
88  * A wl_message describes the signature of an actual protocol message, such as a
89  * request or event, that adheres to the Wayland protocol wire format. The
90  * protocol implementation uses a wl_message within its demarshal machinery for
91  * decoding messages between a compositor and its clients. In a sense, a
92  * wl_message is to a protocol message like a class is to an object.
93  *
94  * The `name` of a wl_message is the name of the corresponding protocol message.
95  *
96  * The `signature` is an ordered list of symbols representing the data types
97  * of message arguments and, optionally, a protocol version and indicators for
98  * nullability. A leading integer in the `signature` indicates the _since_
99  * version of the protocol message. A `?` preceding a data type symbol indicates
100  * that the following argument type is nullable. While it is a protocol violation
101  * to send messages with non-nullable arguments set to `NULL`, event handlers in
102  * clients might still get called with non-nullable object arguments set to
103  * `NULL`. This can happen when the client destroyed the object being used as
104  * argument on its side and an event referencing that object was sent before the
105  * server knew about its destruction. As this race cannot be prevented, clients
106  * should - as a general rule - program their event handlers such that they can
107  * handle object arguments declared non-nullable being `NULL` gracefully.
108  *
109  * When no arguments accompany a message, `signature` is an empty string.
110  *
111  * Symbols:
112  *
113  * * `i`: int
114  * * `u`: uint
115  * * `f`: fixed
116  * * `s`: string
117  * * `o`: object
118  * * `n`: new_id
119  * * `a`: array
120  * * `h`: fd
121  * * `?`: following argument is nullable
122  *
123  * While demarshaling primitive arguments is straightforward, when demarshaling
124  * messages containing `object` or `new_id` arguments, the protocol
125  * implementation often must determine the type of the object. The `types` of a
126  * wl_message is an array of wl_interface references that correspond to `o` and
127  * `n` arguments in `signature`, with `NULL` placeholders for arguments with
128  * non-object types.
129  *
130  * Consider the protocol event wl_display `delete_id` that has a single `uint`
131  * argument. The wl_message is:
132  *
133  * \code
134  * { "delete_id", "u", [NULL] }
135  * \endcode
136  *
137  * Here, the message `name` is `"delete_id"`, the `signature` is `"u"`, and the
138  * argument `types` is `[NULL]`, indicating that the `uint` argument has no
139  * corresponding wl_interface since it is a primitive argument.
140  *
141  * In contrast, consider a `wl_foo` interface supporting protocol request `bar`
142  * that has existed since version 2, and has two arguments: a `uint` and an
143  * object of type `wl_baz_interface` that may be `NULL`. Such a `wl_message`
144  * might be:
145  *
146  * \code
147  * { "bar", "2u?o", [NULL, &wl_baz_interface] }
148  * \endcode
149  *
150  * Here, the message `name` is `"bar"`, and the `signature` is `"2u?o"`. Notice
151  * how the `2` indicates the protocol version, the `u` indicates the first
152  * argument type is `uint`, and the `?o` indicates that the second argument
153  * is an object that may be `NULL`. Lastly, the argument `types` array indicates
154  * that no wl_interface corresponds to the first argument, while the type
155  * `wl_baz_interface` corresponds to the second argument.
156  *
157  * \sa wl_argument
158  * \sa wl_interface
159  * \sa <a href="https://wayland.freedesktop.org/docs/html/ch04.html#sect-Protocol-Wire-Format">Wire Format</a>
160  */
161 struct wl_message {
162 	/** Message name */
163 	const char *name;
164 	/** Message signature */
165 	const char *signature;
166 	/** Object argument interfaces */
167 	const struct wl_interface **types;
168 };
170 /**
171  * Protocol object interface
172  *
173  * A wl_interface describes the API of a protocol object defined in the Wayland
174  * protocol specification. The protocol implementation uses a wl_interface
175  * within its marshalling machinery for encoding client requests.
176  *
177  * The `name` of a wl_interface is the name of the corresponding protocol
178  * interface, and `version` represents the version of the interface. The members
179  * `method_count` and `event_count` represent the number of `methods` (requests)
180  * and `events` in the respective wl_message members.
181  *
182  * For example, consider a protocol interface `foo`, marked as version `1`, with
183  * two requests and one event.
184  *
185  * \code
186  * <interface name="foo" version="1">
187  *   <request name="a"></request>
188  *   <request name="b"></request>
189  *   <event name="c"></event>
190  * </interface>
191  * \endcode
192  *
193  * Given two wl_message arrays `foo_requests` and `foo_events`, a wl_interface
194  * for `foo` might be:
195  *
196  * \code
197  * struct wl_interface foo_interface = {
198  *         "foo", 1,
199  *         2, foo_requests,
200  *         1, foo_events
201  * };
202  * \endcode
203  *
204  * \note The server side of the protocol may define interface <em>implementation
205  *       types</em> that incorporate the term `interface` in their name. Take
206  *       care to not confuse these server-side `struct`s with a wl_interface
207  *       variable whose name also ends in `interface`. For example, while the
208  *       server may define a type `struct wl_foo_interface`, the client may
209  *       define a `struct wl_interface wl_foo_interface`.
210  *
211  * \sa wl_message
212  * \sa wl_proxy
213  * \sa <a href="https://wayland.freedesktop.org/docs/html/ch04.html#sect-Protocol-Interfaces">Interfaces</a>
214  * \sa <a href="https://wayland.freedesktop.org/docs/html/ch04.html#sect-Protocol-Versioning">Versioning</a>
215  */
216 struct wl_interface {
217 	/** Interface name */
218 	const char *name;
219 	/** Interface version */
220 	int version;
221 	/** Number of methods (requests) */
222 	int method_count;
223 	/** Method (request) signatures */
224 	const struct wl_message *methods;
225 	/** Number of events */
226 	int event_count;
227 	/** Event signatures */
228 	const struct wl_message *events;
229 };
231 /** \class wl_list
232  *
233  * \brief Doubly-linked list
234  *
235  * On its own, an instance of `struct wl_list` represents the sentinel head of
236  * a doubly-linked list, and must be initialized using wl_list_init().
237  * When empty, the list head's `next` and `prev` members point to the list head
238  * itself, otherwise `next` references the first element in the list, and `prev`
239  * refers to the last element in the list.
240  *
241  * Use the `struct wl_list` type to represent both the list head and the links
242  * between elements within the list. Use wl_list_empty() to determine if the
243  * list is empty in O(1).
244  *
245  * All elements in the list must be of the same type. The element type must have
246  * a `struct wl_list` member, often named `link` by convention. Prior to
247  * insertion, there is no need to initialize an element's `link` - invoking
248  * wl_list_init() on an individual list element's `struct wl_list` member is
249  * unnecessary if the very next operation is wl_list_insert(). However, a
250  * common idiom is to initialize an element's `link` prior to removal - ensure
251  * safety by invoking wl_list_init() before wl_list_remove().
252  *
253  * Consider a list reference `struct wl_list foo_list`, an element type as
254  * `struct element`, and an element's link member as `struct wl_list link`.
255  *
256  * The following code initializes a list and adds three elements to it.
257  *
258  * \code
259  * struct wl_list foo_list;
260  *
261  * struct element {
262  *         int foo;
263  *         struct wl_list link;
264  * };
265  * struct element e1, e2, e3;
266  *
267  * wl_list_init(&foo_list);
268  * wl_list_insert(&foo_list, &e1.link);   // e1 is the first element
269  * wl_list_insert(&foo_list, &e2.link);   // e2 is now the first element
270  * wl_list_insert(&e2.link, &e3.link); // insert e3 after e2
271  * \endcode
272  *
273  * The list now looks like <em>[e2, e3, e1]</em>.
274  *
275  * The `wl_list` API provides some iterator macros. For example, to iterate
276  * a list in ascending order:
277  *
278  * \code
279  * struct element *e;
280  * wl_list_for_each(e, foo_list, link) {
281  *         do_something_with_element(e);
282  * }
283  * \endcode
284  *
285  * See the documentation of each iterator for details.
286  * \sa http://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/include/linux/list.h
287  */
288 struct wl_list {
289 	/** Previous list element */
290 	struct wl_list *prev;
291 	/** Next list element */
292 	struct wl_list *next;
293 };
295 /**
296  * Initializes the list.
297  *
298  * \param list List to initialize
299  *
300  * \memberof wl_list
301  */
302 void
303 wl_list_init(struct wl_list *list);
305 /**
306  * Inserts an element into the list, after the element represented by \p list.
307  * When \p list is a reference to the list itself (the head), set the containing
308  * struct of \p elm as the first element in the list.
309  *
310  * \note If \p elm is already part of a list, inserting it again will lead to
311  *       list corruption.
312  *
313  * \param list List element after which the new element is inserted
314  * \param elm Link of the containing struct to insert into the list
315  *
316  * \memberof wl_list
317  */
318 void
319 wl_list_insert(struct wl_list *list, struct wl_list *elm);
321 /**
322  * Removes an element from the list.
323  *
324  * \note This operation leaves \p elm in an invalid state.
325  *
326  * \param elm Link of the containing struct to remove from the list
327  *
328  * \memberof wl_list
329  */
330 void
331 wl_list_remove(struct wl_list *elm);
333 /**
334  * Determines the length of the list.
335  *
336  * \note This is an O(n) operation.
337  *
338  * \param list List whose length is to be determined
339  *
340  * \return Number of elements in the list
341  *
342  * \memberof wl_list
343  */
344 int
345 wl_list_length(const struct wl_list *list);
347 /**
348  * Determines if the list is empty.
349  *
350  * \param list List whose emptiness is to be determined
351  *
352  * \return 1 if empty, or 0 if not empty
353  *
354  * \memberof wl_list
355  */
356 int
357 wl_list_empty(const struct wl_list *list);
359 /**
360  * Inserts all of the elements of one list into another, after the element
361  * represented by \p list.
362  *
363  * \note This leaves \p other in an invalid state.
364  *
365  * \param list List element after which the other list elements will be inserted
366  * \param other List of elements to insert
367  *
368  * \memberof wl_list
369  */
370 void
371 wl_list_insert_list(struct wl_list *list, struct wl_list *other);
373 /**
374  * Retrieves a pointer to a containing struct, given a member name.
375  *
376  * This macro allows "conversion" from a pointer to a member to its containing
377  * struct. This is useful if you have a contained item like a wl_list,
378  * wl_listener, or wl_signal, provided via a callback or other means, and would
379  * like to retrieve the struct that contains it.
380  *
381  * To demonstrate, the following example retrieves a pointer to
382  * `example_container` given only its `destroy_listener` member:
383  *
384  * \code
385  * struct example_container {
386  *         struct wl_listener destroy_listener;
387  *         // other members...
388  * };
389  *
390  * void example_container_destroy(struct wl_listener *listener, void *data)
391  * {
392  *         struct example_container *ctr;
393  *
394  *         ctr = wl_container_of(listener, ctr, destroy_listener);
395  *         // destroy ctr...
396  * }
397  * \endcode
398  *
399  * \note `sample` need not be a valid pointer. A null or uninitialised pointer
400  *       is sufficient.
401  *
402  * \param ptr Valid pointer to the contained member
403  * \param sample Pointer to a struct whose type contains \p ptr
404  * \param member Named location of \p ptr within the \p sample type
405  *
406  * \return The container for the specified pointer
407  */
408 #define wl_container_of(ptr, sample, member)				\
409 	(__typeof__(sample))((char *)(ptr) -				\
410 			     offsetof(__typeof__(*sample), member))
412 /**
413  * Iterates over a list.
414  *
415  * This macro expresses a for-each iterator for wl_list. Given a list and
416  * wl_list link member name (often named `link` by convention), this macro
417  * assigns each element in the list to \p pos, which can then be referenced in
418  * a trailing code block. For example, given a wl_list of `struct message`
419  * elements:
420  *
421  * \code
422  * struct message {
423  *         char *contents;
424  *         wl_list link;
425  * };
426  *
427  * struct wl_list *message_list;
428  * // Assume message_list now "contains" many messages
429  *
430  * struct message *m;
431  * wl_list_for_each(m, message_list, link) {
432  *         do_something_with_message(m);
433  * }
434  * \endcode
435  *
436  * \param pos Cursor that each list element will be assigned to
437  * \param head Head of the list to iterate over
438  * \param member Name of the link member within the element struct
439  *
440  * \relates wl_list
441  */
442 #define wl_list_for_each(pos, head, member)				\
443 	for (pos = wl_container_of((head)->next, pos, member);	\
444 	     &pos->member != (head);					\
445 	     pos = wl_container_of(pos->member.next, pos, member))
447 /**
448  * Iterates over a list, safe against removal of the list element.
449  *
450  * \note Only removal of the current element, \p pos, is safe. Removing
451  *       any other element during traversal may lead to a loop malfunction.
452  *
453  * \sa wl_list_for_each()
454  *
455  * \param pos Cursor that each list element will be assigned to
456  * \param tmp Temporary pointer of the same type as \p pos
457  * \param head Head of the list to iterate over
458  * \param member Name of the link member within the element struct
459  *
460  * \relates wl_list
461  */
462 #define wl_list_for_each_safe(pos, tmp, head, member)			\
463 	for (pos = wl_container_of((head)->next, pos, member),		\
464 	     tmp = wl_container_of((pos)->member.next, tmp, member);	\
465 	     &pos->member != (head);					\
466 	     pos = tmp,							\
467 	     tmp = wl_container_of(pos->member.next, tmp, member))
469 /**
470  * Iterates backwards over a list.
471  *
472  * \sa wl_list_for_each()
473  *
474  * \param pos Cursor that each list element will be assigned to
475  * \param head Head of the list to iterate over
476  * \param member Name of the link member within the element struct
477  *
478  * \relates wl_list
479  */
480 #define wl_list_for_each_reverse(pos, head, member)			\
481 	for (pos = wl_container_of((head)->prev, pos, member);	\
482 	     &pos->member != (head);					\
483 	     pos = wl_container_of(pos->member.prev, pos, member))
485 /**
486  * Iterates backwards over a list, safe against removal of the list element.
487  *
488  * \note Only removal of the current element, \p pos, is safe. Removing
489  *       any other element during traversal may lead to a loop malfunction.
490  *
491  * \sa wl_list_for_each()
492  *
493  * \param pos Cursor that each list element will be assigned to
494  * \param tmp Temporary pointer of the same type as \p pos
495  * \param head Head of the list to iterate over
496  * \param member Name of the link member within the element struct
497  *
498  * \relates wl_list
499  */
500 #define wl_list_for_each_reverse_safe(pos, tmp, head, member)		\
501 	for (pos = wl_container_of((head)->prev, pos, member),	\
502 	     tmp = wl_container_of((pos)->member.prev, tmp, member);	\
503 	     &pos->member != (head);					\
504 	     pos = tmp,							\
505 	     tmp = wl_container_of(pos->member.prev, tmp, member))
507 /**
508  * \class wl_array
509  *
510  * Dynamic array
511  *
512  * A wl_array is a dynamic array that can only grow until released. It is
513  * intended for relatively small allocations whose size is variable or not known
514  * in advance. While construction of a wl_array does not require all elements to
515  * be of the same size, wl_array_for_each() does require all elements to have
516  * the same type and size.
517  *
518  */
519 struct wl_array {
520 	/** Array size */
521 	size_t size;
522 	/** Allocated space */
523 	size_t alloc;
524 	/** Array data */
525 	void *data;
526 };
528 /**
529  * Initializes the array.
530  *
531  * \param array Array to initialize
532  *
533  * \memberof wl_array
534  */
535 void
536 wl_array_init(struct wl_array *array);
538 /**
539  * Releases the array data.
540  *
541  * \note Leaves the array in an invalid state.
542  *
543  * \param array Array whose data is to be released
544  *
545  * \memberof wl_array
546  */
547 void
548 wl_array_release(struct wl_array *array);
550 /**
551  * Increases the size of the array by \p size bytes.
552  *
553  * \param array Array whose size is to be increased
554  * \param size Number of bytes to increase the size of the array by
555  *
556  * \return A pointer to the beginning of the newly appended space, or NULL when
557  *         resizing fails.
558  *
559  * \memberof wl_array
560  */
561 void *
562 wl_array_add(struct wl_array *array, size_t size);
564 /**
565  * Copies the contents of \p source to \p array.
566  *
567  * \param array Destination array to copy to
568  * \param source Source array to copy from
569  *
570  * \return 0 on success, or -1 on failure
571  *
572  * \memberof wl_array
573  */
574 int
575 wl_array_copy(struct wl_array *array, struct wl_array *source);
577 /**
578  * Iterates over an array.
579  *
580  * This macro expresses a for-each iterator for wl_array. It assigns each
581  * element in the array to \p pos, which can then be referenced in a trailing
582  * code block. \p pos must be a pointer to the array element type, and all
583  * array elements must be of the same type and size.
584  *
585  * \param pos Cursor that each array element will be assigned to
586  * \param array Array to iterate over
587  *
588  * \relates wl_array
589  * \sa wl_list_for_each()
590  */
591 #define wl_array_for_each(pos, array)					\
592 	for (pos = (array)->data;					\
593 	     (const char *) pos < ((const char *) (array)->data + (array)->size); \
594 	     (pos)++)
596 /**
597  * Fixed-point number
598  *
599  * A `wl_fixed_t` is a 24.8 signed fixed-point number with a sign bit, 23 bits
600  * of integer precision and 8 bits of decimal precision. Consider `wl_fixed_t`
601  * as an opaque struct with methods that facilitate conversion to and from
602  * `double` and `int` types.
603  */
604 typedef int32_t wl_fixed_t;
606 /**
607  * Converts a fixed-point number to a floating-point number.
608  *
609  * \param f Fixed-point number to convert
610  *
611  * \return Floating-point representation of the fixed-point argument
612  */
613 static inline double
wl_fixed_to_double(wl_fixed_t f)614 wl_fixed_to_double(wl_fixed_t f)
615 {
616 	union {
617 		double d;
618 		int64_t i;
619 	} u;
621 	u.i = ((1023LL + 44LL) << 52) + (1LL << 51) + f;
623 	return u.d - (3LL << 43);
624 }
626 /**
627  * Converts a floating-point number to a fixed-point number.
628  *
629  * \param d Floating-point number to convert
630  *
631  * \return Fixed-point representation of the floating-point argument
632  */
633 static inline wl_fixed_t
wl_fixed_from_double(double d)634 wl_fixed_from_double(double d)
635 {
636 	union {
637 		double d;
638 		int64_t i;
639 	} u;
641 	u.d = d + (3LL << (51 - 8));
643 	return u.i;
644 }
646 /**
647  * Converts a fixed-point number to an integer.
648  *
649  * \param f Fixed-point number to convert
650  *
651  * \return Integer component of the fixed-point argument
652  */
653 static inline int
wl_fixed_to_int(wl_fixed_t f)654 wl_fixed_to_int(wl_fixed_t f)
655 {
656 	return f / 256;
657 }
659 /**
660  * Converts an integer to a fixed-point number.
661  *
662  * \param i Integer to convert
663  *
664  * \return Fixed-point representation of the integer argument
665  */
666 static inline wl_fixed_t
wl_fixed_from_int(int i)667 wl_fixed_from_int(int i)
668 {
669 	return i * 256;
670 }
672 /**
673  * Protocol message argument data types
674  *
675  * This union represents all of the argument types in the Wayland protocol wire
676  * format. The protocol implementation uses wl_argument within its marshalling
677  * machinery for dispatching messages between a client and a compositor.
678  *
679  * \sa wl_message
680  * \sa wl_interface
681  * \sa <a href="https://wayland.freedesktop.org/docs/html/ch04.html#sect-Protocol-wire-Format">Wire Format</a>
682  */
683 union wl_argument {
684 	int32_t i;           /**< `int`    */
685 	uint32_t u;          /**< `uint`   */
686 	wl_fixed_t f;        /**< `fixed`  */
687 	const char *s;       /**< `string` */
688 	struct wl_object *o; /**< `object` */
689 	uint32_t n;          /**< `new_id` */
690 	struct wl_array *a;  /**< `array`  */
691 	int32_t h;           /**< `fd`     */
692 };
694 /**
695  * Dispatcher function type alias
696  *
697  * A dispatcher is a function that handles the emitting of callbacks in client
698  * code. For programs directly using the C library, this is done by using
699  * libffi to call function pointers. When binding to languages other than C,
700  * dispatchers provide a way to abstract the function calling process to be
701  * friendlier to other function calling systems.
702  *
703  * A dispatcher takes five arguments: The first is the dispatcher-specific
704  * implementation associated with the target object. The second is the object
705  * upon which the callback is being invoked (either wl_proxy or wl_resource).
706  * The third and fourth arguments are the opcode and the wl_message
707  * corresponding to the callback. The final argument is an array of arguments
708  * received from the other process via the wire protocol.
709  *
710  * \param "const void *" Dispatcher-specific implementation data
711  * \param "void *" Callback invocation target (wl_proxy or `wl_resource`)
712  * \param uint32_t Callback opcode
713  * \param "const struct wl_message *" Callback message signature
714  * \param "union wl_argument *" Array of received arguments
715  *
716  * \return 0 on success, or -1 on failure
717  */
718 typedef int (*wl_dispatcher_func_t)(const void *, void *, uint32_t,
719 				    const struct wl_message *,
720 				    union wl_argument *);
722 /**
723  * Log function type alias
724  *
725  * The C implementation of the Wayland protocol abstracts the details of
726  * logging. Users may customize the logging behavior, with a function conforming
727  * to the `wl_log_func_t` type, via `wl_log_set_handler_client` and
728  * `wl_log_set_handler_server`.
729  *
730  * A `wl_log_func_t` must conform to the expectations of `vprintf`, and
731  * expects two arguments: a string to write and a corresponding variable
732  * argument list. While the string to write may contain format specifiers and
733  * use values in the variable argument list, the behavior of any `wl_log_func_t`
734  * depends on the implementation.
735  *
736  * \note Take care to not confuse this with `wl_protocol_logger_func_t`, which
737  *       is a specific server-side logger for requests and events.
738  *
739  * \param "const char *" String to write to the log, containing optional format
740  *                       specifiers
741  * \param "va_list" Variable argument list
742  *
743  * \sa wl_log_set_handler_client
744  * \sa wl_log_set_handler_server
745  */
746 typedef void (*wl_log_func_t)(const char *, va_list) WL_PRINTF(1, 0);
748 /**
749  * Return value of an iterator function
750  *
751  * \sa wl_client_for_each_resource_iterator_func_t
752  * \sa wl_client_for_each_resource
753  */
754 enum wl_iterator_result {
755 	/** Stop the iteration */
757 	/** Continue the iteration */
759 };
761 #ifdef  __cplusplus
762 }
763 #endif
765 #endif