1{-# LANGUAGE NondecreasingIndentation #-}
3{-| Compile-time irrelevance.
5In type theory with compile-time irrelevance à la Pfenning (LiCS 2001),
6variables in the context are annotated with relevance attributes.
8  Γ = r₁x₁:A₁, ..., rⱼxⱼ:Aⱼ
10To handle irrelevant projections, we also record the current relevance
11attribute in the judgement.  For instance, this attribute is equal to
12to 'Irrelevant' if we are in an irrelevant position, like an
13irrelevant argument.
15  Γ ⊢r t : A
17Only relevant variables can be used:
20  (Relevant x : A) ∈ Γ
21  --------------------
22  Γ  ⊢r  x  :  A
24Irrelevant global declarations can only be used if @r = Irrelevant@.
26When we enter a @r'@-relevant function argument, we compose the @r@ with @r'@
27and (left-)divide the attributes in the context by @r'@.
29  Γ  ⊢r  t  :  (r' x : A) → B      r' \ Γ  ⊢(r'·r)  u  :  A
30  ---------------------------------------------------------
31  Γ  ⊢r  t u  :  B[u/x]
33No surprises for abstraction:
36  Γ, (r' x : A)  ⊢r  :  B
37  -----------------------------
38  Γ  ⊢r  λxt  :  (r' x : A) → B
41This is different for runtime irrelevance (erasure) which is ``flat'',
42meaning that once one is in an irrelevant context, all new assumptions will
43be usable, since they are turned relevant once entering the context.
44See Conor McBride (WadlerFest 2016), for a type system in this spirit:
46We use such a rule for runtime-irrelevance:
48  Γ, (q \ q') x : A  ⊢q  t  :  B
49  ------------------------------
50  Γ  ⊢q  λxt  :  (q' x : A) → B
53Conor's system is however set up differently, with a very different
54variable rule:
58  (q x : A) ∈ Γ
59  --------------
60  Γ  ⊢q  x  :  A
62  Γ, (q·p) x : A  ⊢q  t  :  B
63  -----------------------------
64  Γ  ⊢q  λxt  :  (p x : A) → B
66  Γ  ⊢q  t  :  (p x : A) → B       Γ'  ⊢qp  u  :  A
67  -------------------------------------------------
68  Γ + Γ'  ⊢q  t u  :  B[u/x]
74module Agda.TypeChecking.Irrelevance where
76import Control.Arrow (second)
78import Control.Monad.Except
80import qualified Data.Map as Map
82import Agda.Interaction.Options
84import Agda.Syntax.Common
85import Agda.Syntax.Internal
87import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
88import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
89import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce
90import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute.Class
92import Agda.Utils.Function
93import Agda.Utils.Lens
94import Agda.Utils.Maybe
95import Agda.Utils.Monad
97-- | data 'Relevance'
98--   see "Agda.Syntax.Common".
100-- * Operations on 'Dom'.
102-- | Prepare parts of a parameter telescope for abstraction in constructors
103--   and projections.
104hideAndRelParams :: (LensHiding a, LensRelevance a) => a -> a
105hideAndRelParams = hideOrKeepInstance . mapRelevance nonStrictToIrr
107-- * Operations on 'Context'.
109-- | Modify the context whenever going from the l.h.s. (term side)
110--   of the typing judgement to the r.h.s. (type side).
111workOnTypes :: (MonadTCEnv m, HasOptions m, MonadDebug m)
112            => m a -> m a
113workOnTypes cont = do
114  allowed <- optExperimentalIrrelevance <$> pragmaOptions
115  verboseBracket "tc.irr" 60 "workOnTypes" $ workOnTypes' allowed cont
117-- | Internal workhorse, expects value of --experimental-irrelevance flag
118--   as argument.
119workOnTypes' :: (MonadTCEnv m) => Bool -> m a -> m a
120workOnTypes' experimental
121  = modifyContextInfo (mapRelevance f)
122  . applyQuantityToContext zeroQuantity
123  . typeLevelReductions
124  . localTC (\ e -> e { envWorkingOnTypes = True })
125  where
126    f | experimental = irrToNonStrict
127      | otherwise    = id
129-- | (Conditionally) wake up irrelevant variables and make them relevant.
130--   For instance,
131--   in an irrelevant function argument otherwise irrelevant variables
132--   may be used, so they are awoken before type checking the argument.
134--   Also allow the use of irrelevant definitions.
135applyRelevanceToContext :: (MonadTCEnv tcm, LensRelevance r) => r -> tcm a -> tcm a
136applyRelevanceToContext thing =
137  case getRelevance thing of
138    Relevant -> id
139    rel      -> applyRelevanceToContextOnly   rel
140              . applyRelevanceToJudgementOnly rel
142-- | (Conditionally) wake up irrelevant variables and make them relevant.
143--   For instance,
144--   in an irrelevant function argument otherwise irrelevant variables
145--   may be used, so they are awoken before type checking the argument.
147--   Precondition: @Relevance /= Relevant@
148applyRelevanceToContextOnly :: (MonadTCEnv tcm) => Relevance -> tcm a -> tcm a
149applyRelevanceToContextOnly rel = localTC
150  $ over eContext     (map $ inverseApplyRelevance rel)
151  . over eLetBindings (Map.map . fmap . second $ inverseApplyRelevance rel)
153-- | Apply relevance @rel@ the the relevance annotation of the (typing/equality)
154--   judgement.  This is part of the work done when going into a @rel@-context.
156--   Precondition: @Relevance /= Relevant@
157applyRelevanceToJudgementOnly :: (MonadTCEnv tcm) => Relevance -> tcm a -> tcm a
158applyRelevanceToJudgementOnly = localTC . over eRelevance . composeRelevance
160-- | Like 'applyRelevanceToContext', but only act on context if
161--   @--irrelevant-projections@.
162--   See issue #2170.
163applyRelevanceToContextFunBody :: (MonadTCM tcm, LensRelevance r) => r -> tcm a -> tcm a
164applyRelevanceToContextFunBody thing cont =
165  case getRelevance thing of
166    Relevant -> cont
167    rel -> applyWhenM (optIrrelevantProjections <$> pragmaOptions)
168      (applyRelevanceToContextOnly rel) $    -- enable local irr. defs only when option
169      applyRelevanceToJudgementOnly rel cont -- enable global irr. defs alway
171-- | Sets the current quantity (unless the given quantity is 1).
172applyQuantityToContext :: (MonadTCEnv tcm, LensQuantity q) => q -> tcm a -> tcm a
173applyQuantityToContext thing =
174  case getQuantity thing of
175    Quantity1{} -> id
176    q           -> applyQuantityToJudgementOnly q
178-- | Apply quantity @q@ the the quantity annotation of the (typing/equality)
179--   judgement.  This is part of the work done when going into a @q@-context.
181--   Precondition: @Quantity /= Quantity1@
182applyQuantityToJudgementOnly :: (MonadTCEnv tcm) => Quantity -> tcm a -> tcm a
183applyQuantityToJudgementOnly = localTC . over eQuantity . composeQuantity
185-- | Apply inverse composition with the given cohesion to the typing context.
186applyCohesionToContext :: (MonadTCEnv tcm, LensCohesion m) => m -> tcm a -> tcm a
187applyCohesionToContext thing =
188  case getCohesion thing of
189    m | m == unitCohesion -> id
190      | otherwise         -> applyCohesionToContextOnly   m
191                             -- Cohesion does not apply to the judgment.
193applyCohesionToContextOnly :: (MonadTCEnv tcm) => Cohesion -> tcm a -> tcm a
194applyCohesionToContextOnly q = localTC
195  $ over eContext     (map $ inverseApplyCohesion q)
196  . over eLetBindings (Map.map . fmap . second $ inverseApplyCohesion q)
198-- | Can we split on arguments of the given cohesion?
199splittableCohesion :: (HasOptions m, LensCohesion a) => a -> m Bool
200splittableCohesion a = do
201  let c = getCohesion a
202  pure (usableCohesion c) `and2M` (pure (c /= Flat) `or2M` do optFlatSplit <$> pragmaOptions)
204-- | (Conditionally) wake up irrelevant variables and make them relevant.
205--   For instance,
206--   in an irrelevant function argument otherwise irrelevant variables
207--   may be used, so they are awoken before type checking the argument.
209--   Also allow the use of irrelevant definitions.
211--   This function might also do something for other modalities.
212applyModalityToContext :: (MonadTCEnv tcm, LensModality m) => m -> tcm a -> tcm a
213applyModalityToContext thing =
214  case getModality thing of
215    m | m == unitModality -> id
216      | otherwise         -> applyModalityToContextOnly   m
217                           . applyModalityToJudgementOnly m
219-- | (Conditionally) wake up irrelevant variables and make them relevant.
220--   For instance,
221--   in an irrelevant function argument otherwise irrelevant variables
222--   may be used, so they are awoken before type checking the
223--   argument.
225--   This function might also do something for other modalities, but
226--   not for quantities.
228--   Precondition: @Modality /= Relevant@
229applyModalityToContextOnly :: (MonadTCEnv tcm) => Modality -> tcm a -> tcm a
230applyModalityToContextOnly m = localTC
231  $ over eContext (map $ inverseApplyModalityButNotQuantity m)
232  . over eLetBindings
233      (Map.map . fmap . second $ inverseApplyModalityButNotQuantity m)
235-- | Apply modality @m@ the the modality annotation of the (typing/equality)
236--   judgement.  This is part of the work done when going into a @m@-context.
238--   Precondition: @Modality /= Relevant@
239applyModalityToJudgementOnly :: (MonadTCEnv tcm) => Modality -> tcm a -> tcm a
240applyModalityToJudgementOnly = localTC . over eModality . composeModality
242-- | Like 'applyModalityToContext', but only act on context (for Relevance) if
243--   @--irrelevant-projections@.
244--   See issue #2170.
245applyModalityToContextFunBody :: (MonadTCM tcm, LensModality r) => r -> tcm a -> tcm a
246applyModalityToContextFunBody thing cont = do
247    ifM (optIrrelevantProjections <$> pragmaOptions)
248      {-then-} (applyModalityToContext m cont)                -- enable global irr. defs always
249      {-else-} (applyRelevanceToContextFunBody (getRelevance m)
250               $ applyCohesionToContext (getCohesion m)
251               $ applyQuantityToContext (getQuantity m) cont) -- enable local irr. defs only when option
252  where
253    m = getModality thing
255-- | Wake up irrelevant variables and make them relevant. This is used
256--   when type checking terms in a hole, in which case you want to be able to
257--   (for instance) infer the type of an irrelevant variable. In the course
258--   of type checking an irrelevant function argument 'applyRelevanceToContext'
259--   is used instead, which also sets the context relevance to 'Irrelevant'.
260--   This is not the right thing to do when type checking interactively in a
261--   hole since it also marks all metas created during type checking as
262--   irrelevant (issue #2568).
264--   Also set the current quantity to 0.
265wakeIrrelevantVars :: (MonadTCEnv tcm) => tcm a -> tcm a
267  = applyRelevanceToContextOnly Irrelevant
268  . applyQuantityToJudgementOnly zeroQuantity
270-- | Check whether something can be used in a position of the given relevance.
272--   This is a substitute for double-checking that only makes sure
273--   relevances are correct.  See issue #2640.
275--   Used in unifier (@ unifyStep Solution{}@).
277--   At the moment, this implements McBride-style irrelevance,
278--   where Pfenning-style would be the most accurate thing.
279--   However, these two notions only differ how they handle
280--   bound variables in a term.  Here, we are only concerned
281--   in the free variables, used meta-variables, and used
282--   (irrelevant) definitions.
284class UsableRelevance a where
285  usableRel
286    :: (ReadTCState m, HasConstInfo m, MonadTCEnv m, MonadAddContext m, MonadDebug m)
287    => Relevance -> a -> m Bool
289instance UsableRelevance Term where
290  usableRel rel = \case
291    Var i vs -> do
292      irel <- getRelevance <$> domOfBV i
293      let ok = irel `moreRelevant` rel
294      reportSDoc "tc.irr" 50 $
295        "Variable" <+> prettyTCM (var i) <+>
296        text ("has relevance " ++ show irel ++ ", which is " ++
297              (if ok then "" else "NOT ") ++ "more relevant than " ++ show rel)
298      return ok `and2M` usableRel rel vs
299    Def f vs -> do
300      frel <- relOfConst f
301      return (frel `moreRelevant` rel) `and2M` usableRel rel vs
302    Con c _ vs -> usableRel rel vs
303    Lit l    -> return True
304    Lam _ v  -> usableRel rel v
305    Pi a b   -> usableRel rel (a,b)
306    Sort s   -> usableRel rel s
307    Level l  -> return True
308    MetaV m vs -> do
309      mrel <- getMetaRelevance <$> lookupMeta m
310      return (mrel `moreRelevant` rel) `and2M` usableRel rel vs
311    DontCare v -> usableRel rel v -- TODO: allow irrelevant things to be used in DontCare position?
312    Dummy{}  -> return True
314instance UsableRelevance a => UsableRelevance (Type' a) where
315  usableRel rel (El _ t) = usableRel rel t
317instance UsableRelevance Sort where
318  usableRel rel = \case
319    Type l -> usableRel rel l
320    Prop l -> usableRel rel l
321    Inf f n -> return True
322    SSet l -> usableRel rel l
323    SizeUniv -> return True
324    LockUniv -> return True
325    PiSort a s1 s2 -> usableRel rel (a,s1,s2)
326    FunSort s1 s2 -> usableRel rel (s1,s2)
327    UnivSort s -> usableRel rel s
328    MetaS x es -> usableRel rel es
329    DefS d es  -> usableRel rel $ Def d es
330    DummyS{} -> return True
332instance UsableRelevance Level where
333  usableRel rel (Max _ ls) = usableRel rel ls
335instance UsableRelevance PlusLevel where
336  usableRel rel (Plus _ l) = usableRel rel l
338instance UsableRelevance a => UsableRelevance [a] where
339  usableRel rel = andM . map (usableRel rel)
341instance (UsableRelevance a, UsableRelevance b) => UsableRelevance (a,b) where
342  usableRel rel (a,b) = usableRel rel a `and2M` usableRel rel b
344instance (UsableRelevance a, UsableRelevance b, UsableRelevance c) => UsableRelevance (a,b,c) where
345  usableRel rel (a,b,c) = usableRel rel a `and2M` usableRel rel b `and2M` usableRel rel c
347instance UsableRelevance a => UsableRelevance (Elim' a) where
348  usableRel rel (Apply a) = usableRel rel a
349  usableRel rel (Proj _ p) = do
350    prel <- relOfConst p
351    return $ prel `moreRelevant` rel
352  usableRel rel (IApply x y v) = allM [x,y,v] $ usableRel rel
354instance UsableRelevance a => UsableRelevance (Arg a) where
355  usableRel rel (Arg info u) =
356    let rel' = getRelevance info
357    in  usableRel (rel `composeRelevance` rel') u
359instance UsableRelevance a => UsableRelevance (Dom a) where
360  usableRel rel Dom{unDom = u} = usableRel rel u
362instance (Subst a, UsableRelevance a) => UsableRelevance (Abs a) where
363  usableRel rel abs = underAbstraction_ abs $ \u -> usableRel rel u
365-- | Check whether something can be used in a position of the given modality.
367--   This is a substitute for double-checking that only makes sure
368--   modalities are correct.  See issue #2640.
370--   Used in unifier (@ unifyStep Solution{}@).
372--   This uses McBride-style modality checking.
373--   It does not differ from Pfenning-style if we
374--   are only interested in the modality of the
375--   free variables, used meta-variables, and used
376--   definitions.
378class UsableModality a where
379  usableMod
380    :: (ReadTCState m, HasConstInfo m, MonadTCEnv m, MonadAddContext m, MonadDebug m, MonadReduce m, MonadError Blocker m)
381    => Modality -> a -> m Bool
383instance UsableModality Term where
384  usableMod mod u = do
385   case u of
386    Var i vs -> do
387      imod <- getModality <$> domOfBV i
388      let ok = imod `moreUsableModality` mod
389      reportSDoc "tc.irr" 50 $
390        "Variable" <+> prettyTCM (var i) <+>
391        text ("has modality " ++ show imod ++ ", which is a " ++
392              (if ok then "" else "NOT ") ++ "more usable modality than " ++ show mod)
393      return ok `and2M` usableMod mod vs
394    Def f vs -> do
395      fmod <- modalityOfConst f
396      let ok = fmod `moreUsableModality` mod
397      reportSDoc "tc.irr" 50 $
398        "Definition" <+> prettyTCM (Def f []) <+>
399        text ("has modality " ++ show fmod ++ ", which is a " ++
400              (if ok then "" else "NOT ") ++ "more usable modality than " ++ show mod)
401      return ok `and2M` usableMod mod vs
402    Con c _ vs -> usableMod mod vs
403    Lit l    -> return True
404    Lam info v  -> usableModAbs info mod v
405    -- Even if Pi contains Type, here we check it as a constructor for terms in the universe.
406    Pi a b   -> usableMod domMod (unEl $ unDom a) `and2M` usableModAbs (getArgInfo a) mod (unEl <$> b)
407      where
408        domMod = mapQuantity (composeQuantity $ getQuantity a) $
409                 mapCohesion (composeCohesion $ getCohesion a) mod
410    -- Andrea 15/10/2020 not updating these cases yet, but they are quite suspicious,
411    -- do we have special typing rules for Sort and Level?
412    Sort s   -> usableMod mod s
413    Level l  -> return True
414    MetaV m vs -> do
415      mmod <- getMetaModality <$> lookupMeta m
416      let ok = mmod `moreUsableModality` mod
417      reportSDoc "tc.irr" 50 $
418        "Metavariable" <+> prettyTCM (MetaV m []) <+>
419        text ("has modality " ++ show mmod ++ ", which is a " ++
420              (if ok then "" else "NOT ") ++ "more usable modality than " ++ show mod)
421      (return ok `and2M` usableMod mod vs) `or2M` do
422        u <- instantiate u
423        caseMaybe (isMeta u) (usableMod mod u) $ \ m -> throwError (UnblockOnMeta m)
424    DontCare v -> usableMod mod v
425    Dummy{}  -> return True
427usableModAbs :: (Subst a, MonadAddContext m, UsableModality a,
428                       ReadTCState m, HasConstInfo m, MonadReduce m, MonadError Blocker m) =>
429                      ArgInfo -> Modality -> Abs a -> m Bool
430usableModAbs info mod abs = underAbstraction (setArgInfo info $ __DUMMY_DOM__) abs $ \ u -> usableMod mod u
432instance UsableRelevance a => UsableModality (Type' a) where
433  usableMod mod (El _ t) = usableRel (getRelevance mod) t
435instance UsableModality Sort where
436  usableMod mod s = usableRel (getRelevance mod) s
437  -- usableMod mod s = case s of
438  --   Type l -> usableMod mod l
439  --   Prop l -> usableMod mod l
440  --   Inf    -> return True
441  --   SizeUniv -> return True
442  --   PiSort a s -> usableMod mod (a,s)
443  --   UnivSort s -> usableMod mod s
444  --   MetaS x es -> usableMod mod es
445  --   DummyS{} -> return True
447instance UsableModality Level where
448  usableMod mod (Max _ ls) = usableRel (getRelevance mod) ls
450-- instance UsableModality PlusLevel where
451--   usableMod mod ClosedLevel{} = return True
452--   usableMod mod (Plus _ l)    = usableMod mod l
454instance UsableModality a => UsableModality [a] where
455  usableMod mod = andM . map (usableMod mod)
457instance (UsableModality a, UsableModality b) => UsableModality (a,b) where
458  usableMod mod (a,b) = usableMod mod a `and2M` usableMod mod b
460instance UsableModality a => UsableModality (Elim' a) where
461  usableMod mod (Apply a) = usableMod mod a
462  usableMod mod (Proj _ p) = do
463    pmod <- modalityOfConst p
464    return $ pmod `moreUsableModality` mod
465  usableMod mod (IApply x y v) = allM [x,y,v] $ usableMod mod
467instance UsableModality a => UsableModality (Arg a) where
468  usableMod mod (Arg info u) =
469    let mod' = getModality info
470    in  usableMod (mod `composeModality` mod') u
472instance UsableModality a => UsableModality (Dom a) where
473  usableMod mod Dom{unDom = u} = usableMod mod u
475usableAtModality :: MonadConstraint TCM => Modality -> Term -> TCM ()
476usableAtModality mod t = catchConstraint (UsableAtModality mod t) $ do
477  res <- runExceptT $ usableMod mod t
478  case res of
479    Right b -> do
480      unless b $
481        typeError . GenericDocError =<< (prettyTCM t <+> "is not usable at the required modality" <+> prettyTCM mod)
482    Left blocker -> patternViolation blocker
485-- * Propositions
487-- | Is a type a proposition?  (Needs reduction.)
490  :: (LensSort a, PrettyTCM a, PureTCM m, MonadBlock m)
491  => a -> m Bool
492isPropM a = do
493  traceSDoc "tc.prop" 80 ("Is " <+> prettyTCM a <+> "of sort" <+> prettyTCM (getSort a) <+> "in Prop?") $ do
494  abortIfBlocked (getSort a) <&> \case
495    Prop{} -> True
496    _      -> False
499  :: (LensRelevance a, LensSort a, PrettyTCM a, PureTCM m, MonadBlock m)
500  => a -> m Bool
501isIrrelevantOrPropM x = return (isIrrelevant x) `or2M` isPropM x
503-- * Fibrant types
505-- | Is a type fibrant (i.e. Type, Prop)?
508  :: (LensSort a, PureTCM m, MonadBlock m)
509  => a -> m Bool
510isFibrant a = abortIfBlocked (getSort a) <&> \case
511  Type{}     -> True
512  Prop{}     -> True
513  Inf f _    -> f == IsFibrant
514  SSet{}     -> False
515  SizeUniv{} -> False
516  LockUniv{} -> False
517  PiSort{}   -> False
518  FunSort{}  -> False
519  UnivSort{} -> False
520  MetaS{}    -> False
521  DefS{}     -> False
522  DummyS{}   -> False
525-- | Cofibrant types are those that could be the domain of a fibrant
526--   pi type. (Notion by C. Sattler).
527isCoFibrantSort :: (LensSort a, PureTCM m, MonadBlock m) => a -> m Bool
528isCoFibrantSort a = abortIfBlocked (getSort a) <&> \case
529  Type{}     -> True
530  Prop{}     -> True
531  Inf f _    -> f == IsFibrant
532  SSet{}     -> False
533  SizeUniv{} -> False
534  LockUniv{} -> True
535  PiSort{}   -> False
536  FunSort{}  -> False
537  UnivSort{} -> False
538  MetaS{}    -> False
539  DefS{}     -> False
540  DummyS{}   -> False