2# Tcl Library for TkCVS
6# Current working directory display.  Handles all of the functions
7# concerned with navigating about the current directory on the main
8# window.
11proc workdir_setup {} {
12  global cwd
13  global module_dir
14  global cvscfg
15  global cvsglb
16  global current_tagname
17  global logclass
18  global tcl_platform
20  gen_log:log T "ENTER"
21  set cwd [pwd]
22  set pid [pid]
24  if {[winfo exists .workdir]} {
25    wm deiconify .workdir
26    raise .workdir
27    return
28  }
30  # Make a new toplevel and unmap . so that the working directory browser
31  # the module browser are equal
32  toplevel .workdir
33  wm title .workdir "TkCVS $cvscfg(version) Working Directory"
34  wm iconname .workdir "TkCVS"
35  if {$tcl_platform(platform) eq "unix"} {
36    wm iconbitmap .workdir @$cvscfg(bitmapdir)/tkcvs48.xbm
37  }
38  wm minsize .workdir 430 300
39  wm protocol .workdir WM_DELETE_WINDOW { .workdir.close invoke }
40  wm withdraw .
42  if {[catch "image type Conflict"]} {
43    workdir_images
44  }
45  if {[info exists cvscfg(workgeom)]} {
46    wm geometry .workdir $cvscfg(workgeom)
47  }
49  workdir_menus
51  #
52  # Top section - where we are, where the module is
53  #
54  frame .workdir.top -relief groove -border 2
55  pack .workdir.top -side top -fill x
57  ::picklist::entry .workdir.top.tcwd cwd directory
58  ::picklist::bind .workdir.top.tcwd <Return> \
59     {if {[pwd] != $cwd} {change_dir "$cwd"}}
61  button .workdir.top.updir_btn -image updir \
62    -command {change_dir ..}
64  label .workdir.top.lmodule -text "Path"
65  label .workdir.top.tmodule -textvariable module_dir -anchor w -relief groove
67  label .workdir.top.ltagname -text "Tag"
68  label .workdir.top.ttagname -textvariable current_tagname \
69     -anchor w -relief groove
71  # Make the Repository Browser button prominent
72  button .workdir.top.bmodbrowse -image Modules \
73     -command modbrowse_run
75  label .workdir.top.lcvsroot -text "CVSROOT"
76  entry .workdir.top.tcvsroot -textvariable cvscfg(cvsroot) \
77     -bd 1 -relief sunk -state readonly
79  grid columnconf .workdir.top 1 -weight 1
80  grid rowconf .workdir.top 3 -weight 1
81  grid .workdir.top.updir_btn -column 0 -row 0 -sticky s
82  grid .workdir.top.tcwd -column 1 -row 0 -columnspan 2 \
83    -sticky sew -padx 4 -pady 1
84  grid .workdir.top.lmodule -column 0 -row 1 -sticky nw
85  grid .workdir.top.tmodule -column 1 -row 1 -columnspan 2\
86     -padx 4 -pady 1 -sticky new
87  grid .workdir.top.bmodbrowse -column 2 -row 2 -rowspan 2 -sticky w
88  grid .workdir.top.ltagname -column 0 -row 2 -sticky nw
89  grid .workdir.top.ttagname -column 1 -row 2 -padx 4 -pady 1 -sticky new
90  grid .workdir.top.lcvsroot -column 0 -row 3 -sticky nw
91  grid .workdir.top.tcvsroot -column 1 -row 3 -padx 3 -sticky new
94  # Pack the bottom before the middle so it doesnt disappear if
95  # the window is resized smaller
96  #frame .workdir.bottom -relief groove -border 2 -height 128
97  frame .workdir.bottom
98  frame .workdir.bottom.filters -relief raised
99  pack .workdir.bottom -side bottom -fill x
100  pack .workdir.bottom.filters -side top -fill x
102  label .workdir.bottom.filters.showlbl -text "Show:" -anchor w
103  entry .workdir.bottom.filters.showentry -textvariable cvscfg(file_filter) -width 12
104  label .workdir.bottom.filters.hidelbl -text "   Hide:" -anchor w
105  entry .workdir.bottom.filters.hideentry -width 12 \
106     -textvariable cvsglb(default_ignore_filter)
107  label .workdir.bottom.filters.space -text "    "
108  button .workdir.bottom.filters.cleanbutton -text "Clean:" \
109     -pady 0 -highlightthickness 0 \
110     -command workdir_cleanup
111  entry .workdir.bottom.filters.cleanentry -width 12 \
112     -textvariable cvscfg(clean_these)
113  bind .workdir.bottom.filters.showentry <Return> {setup_dir}
114  bind .workdir.bottom.filters.hideentry <Return> {
115     set cvsglb(default_ignore_filter) [.workdir.bottom.filters.hideentry get]
116     setup_dir}
117  bind .workdir.bottom.filters.cleanentry <Return> {workdir_cleanup}
118  pack .workdir.bottom.filters.showlbl -side left
119  pack .workdir.bottom.filters.showentry -side left
120  pack .workdir.bottom.filters.hidelbl -side left
121  pack .workdir.bottom.filters.hideentry -side left
122  pack .workdir.bottom.filters.space -side left
123  pack .workdir.bottom.filters.cleanbutton -side left -ipadx 2 -ipady 0
124  pack .workdir.bottom.filters.cleanentry -side left
126  frame .workdir.bottom.buttons -relief groove -bd 2
127  frame .workdir.bottom.buttons.funcs -relief groove -bd 2
128  frame .workdir.bottom.buttons.dirfuncs -relief groove -bd 2
129  frame .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs -relief groove -bd 2
130  frame .workdir.bottom.buttons.oddfuncs -relief groove -bd 2
131  frame .workdir.bottom.buttons.close -relief groove -bd 2
132  pack .workdir.bottom.buttons -side top -fill x -expand yes
133  pack .workdir.bottom.buttons.close -side right -padx 10
134  pack .workdir.bottom.buttons.funcs -side left -expand yes -anchor w
135  pack .workdir.bottom.buttons.dirfuncs -side left -expand yes -anchor w
136  pack .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs -side left -expand yes -anchor w
137  pack .workdir.bottom.buttons.oddfuncs -side left -expand yes -anchor w
139  #
140  # Action buttons along the bottom of the screen.
141  #
142  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.funcs.bedit_files -image Fileedit \
143     -command { workdir_edit_file [workdir_list_files] }
144  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.funcs.bview_files -image Fileview \
145     -command { workdir_view_file [workdir_list_files] }
146  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.funcs.bdelete_file -image Delete \
147     -command { workdir_delete_file [workdir_list_files] }
148  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.funcs.bmkdir -image Dir_new \
149     -command { file_input_and_do "New Directory" workdir_newdir}
151  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.dirfuncs.brefresh -image Refresh \
152     -command { setup_dir }
153  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.dirfuncs.bcheckdir -image Check
155  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.blogfile -image Branches \
156     -command { cvs_branches [workdir_list_files] }
157  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bannotate -image Annotate \
158     -command { cvs_annotate $current_tagname [workdir_list_files] }
159  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bfilelog -image Log \
160    -command { cvs_log [workdir_list_files] }
161  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bdiff -image Diff \
162     -command { comparediff [workdir_list_files] }
163  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bconflict -image Conflict \
164     -command { cvs_merge_conflict [workdir_list_files] }
166  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.btag -image Tag \
167     -command { file_tag_dialog "tag" }
168  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bbranchtag -image Branchtag \
169     -command { file_tag_dialog "branch" }
170  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.badd_files -image Add \
171     -command { add_dialog [workdir_list_files] }
172  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bremove -image Remove \
173     -command { subtract_dialog [workdir_list_files] }
174  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bcheckin -image Checkin \
175      -command cvs_commit_dialog
176  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bupdate -image Checkout
177  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bupdateopts -image CheckoutOpts \
178     -command { cvs_update_options }
179  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.brevert -image Revert \
180     -command { cvs_revert [workdir_list_files] }
181  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bjoin -image DirBranches \
182     -command cvs_joincanvas
184  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.oddfuncs.bcvsedit_files -image Edit \
185     -command { cvs_edit [workdir_list_files] }
186  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.oddfuncs.bunedit_files -image Unedit \
187     -command { cvs_unedit [workdir_list_files] }
188  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.oddfuncs.block -image Lock
189  button .workdir.bottom.buttons.oddfuncs.bunlock -image UnLock
190  button .workdir.close -text "Close" \
191      -command {
192        global cvscfg
193        set cvscfg(workgeom) [wm geometry .workdir]
194        destroy .workdir
195        exit_cleanup 0
196      }
198  # These buttons work in any directory
199  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.funcs.bdelete_file -column 0 -row 0 \
200    -ipadx 4
201  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.funcs.bedit_files -column 1 -row 0 \
202     -ipadx 4
203  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.funcs.bmkdir -column 0 -row 1 \
204     -ipadx 4
205  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.funcs.bview_files -column 1 -row 1 \
206     -ipadx 4
208  # Directory functions
209  grid rowconf .workdir.bottom.buttons.dirfuncs 0 -weight 1
210  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.dirfuncs.brefresh       -column 0 -row 0 \
211     -ipadx 4 -ipady 4
212  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.dirfuncs.bcheckdir      -column 1 -row 0 \
213     -ipadx 4 -ipady 4
215  # Revcontrol functions
216  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.blogfile      -column 0 -row 0 \
217    -ipadx 4
218  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bjoin         -column 0 -row 1 \
219    -ipadx 4
220  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bdiff         -column 1 -row 0 \
221    -ipadx 2
222  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bconflict     -column 1 -row 1 \
223    -ipadx 2
224  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bfilelog      -column 2 -row 0
225  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bannotate     -column 2 -row 1
226  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bupdate       -column 3 -row 0 \
227    -ipadx 4
228  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bcheckin      -column 3 -row 1 \
229    -ipadx 4
230  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bupdateopts   -column 4 -row 0 \
231    -ipadx 4
232  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.brevert       -column 4 -row 1 \
233    -ipadx 4
234  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.badd_files    -column 5 -row 0
235  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bremove       -column 5 -row 1
236  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.btag          -column 6 -row 0 \
237    -ipadx 4
238  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bbranchtag    -column 6 -row 1 \
239    -ipadx 4
241  # These are specialized an not always available
242  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.oddfuncs.block          -column 0 -row 0
243  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.oddfuncs.bunlock        -column 0 -row 1
244  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.oddfuncs.bcvsedit_files -column 1 -row 0
245  grid .workdir.bottom.buttons.oddfuncs.bunedit_files  -column 1 -row 1
247  pack .workdir.close -in .workdir.bottom.buttons.close \
248    -side right -fill both -expand yes
250  set_tooltips .workdir.top.updir_btn \
251     {"Go up (..)"}
252  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.funcs.bedit_files \
253     {"Edit the selected files"}
254  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.funcs.bview_files \
255     {"View the selected files"}
256  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.funcs.bdelete_file \
257     {"Delete the selected files from the current directory"}
258  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.funcs.bmkdir \
259     {"Make a new directory"}
261  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.dirfuncs.brefresh \
262     {"Re-read the current directory"}
263  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bjoin \
264     {"Directory Branch Diagram and Merge Tool"}
265  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.dirfuncs.bcheckdir \
266     {"Check the status of the directory"}
268  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.blogfile \
269     {"Graphical Branch Diagram of the selected files"}
270  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bfilelog \
271     {"Revision Log of the selected files"}
272  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bannotate \
273     {"Revision where each line was modified (annotate/blame)"}
274  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bdiff \
275     {"Compare the selected files with the repository version"}
276  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bconflict \
277     {"Merge Conflicts using TkDiff"}
278  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.badd_files \
279     {"Add the selected files to the repository"}
280  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.btag \
281     {"Tag the selected files"}
282  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bbranchtag \
283     {"Branch the selected files"}
284  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bremove \
285     {"Remove the selected files from the repository"}
286  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bcheckin \
287     {"Check in (commit) the selected files to the repository"}
288  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bupdate \
289     {"Update (checkout, patch) the selected files from the repository"}
290  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.brevert \
291     {"Revert the selected files, discarding local edits"}
292  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bupdateopts \
293     {"Update with options (-A, -r, -f, -d, -kb)"}
295  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.oddfuncs.block \
296     {"Lock the selected files"}
297  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.oddfuncs.bunlock \
298     {"Unlock the selected files"}
299  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.oddfuncs.bcvsedit_files \
300     {"Set the Edit flag on the selected files"}
301  set_tooltips .workdir.bottom.buttons.oddfuncs.bunedit_files \
302     {"Reset the Edit flag on the selected files"}
304  set_tooltips .workdir.top.bmodbrowse \
305     {"Open the Repository Browser"}
306  set_tooltips .workdir.close \
307     {"Close the Working Directory Browser"}
310  frame .workdir.main
311  pack .workdir.main -side bottom -fill both -expand 1 -fill both
312  update idletasks
314  if {! [winfo ismapped .workdir]} {
315    wm deiconify .workdir
316  }
318  #change_dir "[pwd]"
319  setup_dir
320  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
323proc workdir_images {} {
324  global cvscfg
326  image create photo arr_up \
327    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) arrow_up.gif]
328  image create photo arr_dn \
329    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) arrow_dn.gif]
330  image create photo arh_up \
331    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) arrow_hl_up.gif]
332  image create photo arh_dn \
333    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) arrow_hl_dn.gif]
334  image create photo updir \
335    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) updir.gif]
336  image create photo Folder \
337    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) dir.gif]
338  image create photo Check \
339    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) check.gif]
340  image create photo Fileview \
341    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) fileview.gif]
342  image create photo Fileedit \
343    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) fileedit.gif]
344  image create photo Annotate \
345    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) annotate.gif]
346  image create photo Delete \
347    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) delete.gif]
348  image create photo Dir_new \
349    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) dir_new.gif]
350  image create photo Refresh \
351    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) loop-glasses.gif]
352  image create photo Branches \
353    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) branch.gif]
354  image create photo DirBranches \
355    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) dirbranch.gif]
356  image create photo Add \
357    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) add.gif]
358  image create photo Remove \
359    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) remove.gif]
360  image create photo Diff \
361    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) diff.gif]
362  image create photo Checkin \
363    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) checkin.gif]
364  image create photo Revert \
365    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) loop-ball.gif]
366  image create photo Edit \
367    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) edit.gif]
368  image create photo Unedit \
369    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) unedit.gif]
370  image create photo Modules \
371    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) modbrowse.gif]
372  image create photo Modules_cvs \
373    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) modbrowse_cvs.gif]
374  image create photo Modules_svn \
375    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) modbrowse_svn.gif]
376  image create photo Lock \
377    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) locked.gif]
378  image create photo UnLock \
379    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) unlocked.gif]
380  image create photo Tags \
381    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) tags.gif]
382  image create photo Mergebranch \
383    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) newmerge_simple.gif]
384  image create photo Mergediff \
385    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) newmerge.gif]
386  image create photo Conflict \
387    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) conflict.gif]
389  image create photo Man \
390    -format gif -file [file join $cvscfg(bitmapdir) man.gif]
393proc workdir_menus {} {
394  global cvscfg
395  global cvsglb
396  global cvsmenu
397  global usermenu
398  global execmenu
399  global bookmarks
401  gen_log:log T "ENTER"
402  set startdir "[pwd]"
404  .workdir configure -menu .workdir.menubar
405  menu .workdir.menubar
407  #
408  # Create the Menu bar
409  #
410  .workdir.menubar add cascade -label "File" -menu .workdir.menubar.file -underline 0
411  menu .workdir.menubar.file -tearoff 0
412  .workdir.menubar add cascade -label "CVS" -menu .workdir.menubar.cvs -underline 0
413  menu .workdir.menubar.cvs -tearoff 0
414  .workdir.menubar add cascade -label "SVN" -menu .workdir.menubar.svn -underline 0
415  menu .workdir.menubar.svn -tearoff 0
416  .workdir.menubar add cascade -label "RCS" -menu .workdir.menubar.rcs -underline 0
417  menu .workdir.menubar.rcs -tearoff 0
418  .workdir.menubar add cascade -label "Reports" -menu .workdir.menubar.reports -underline 2
419  menu .workdir.menubar.reports -tearoff 0
420  .workdir.menubar add cascade -label "Options" -menu .workdir.menubar.options -underline 0
421  menu .workdir.menubar.options -tearoff 0
423  if { [info exists cvsmenu] || \
424       [info exists usermenu] || \
425       [info exists execmenu]} {
426    .workdir.menubar add cascade -label "User Defined" -menu .workdir.menubar.user -underline 0
427    menu .workdir.menubar.user -tearoff 0
428    gen_log:log T "Adding user defined menu"
429  }
430  .workdir.menubar add cascade -label "Go" -menu .workdir.menubar.goto -underline 0
431  menu .workdir.menubar.goto -tearoff 0
433  menu_std_help .workdir.menubar
435  #
436  # Create the Menus
437  #
439  # File
440  .workdir.menubar.file add command -label "Open Selection" -underline 0 \
441     -command { workdir_edit_file [workdir_list_files] }
442  .workdir.menubar.file add command -label "Print Selected File" -underline 0 \
443     -command { workdir_print_file  [workdir_list_files ] }
444  .workdir.menubar.file add command -label "Make New Directory" -underline 0 \
445     -command { file_input_and_do "New Directory" workdir_newdir}
446  .workdir.menubar.file add separator
447  .workdir.menubar.file add command -label "Browse Modules" -underline 0 \
448     -command modbrowse_run
449  .workdir.menubar.file add command -label "Cleanup Directory" -underline 4 \
450     -command workdir_cleanup
451  .workdir.menubar.file add separator
452  .workdir.menubar.file add command -label "Shell window" -underline 0 \
453     -command { exec::new $cvscfg(shell) }
454  .workdir.menubar.file add separator
455  .workdir.menubar.file add command -label Close -underline 1 \
456     -command {.workdir.close invoke}
457  .workdir.menubar.file add command -label Exit -underline 1 \
458     -command { exit_cleanup 1 }
460  # CVS
461  .workdir.menubar.cvs add command -label "Update" -underline 0 \
462     -command { \
463        cvs_update {BASE} {Normal} {Remove} {recurse} {prune} {No} { } [workdir_list_files] }
464  .workdir.menubar.cvs add command -label "Update with Options" -underline 7 \
465     -command cvs_update_options
466  .workdir.menubar.cvs add command -label "Commit/Checkin" -underline 0 \
467     -command cvs_commit_dialog
468  .workdir.menubar.cvs add command -label "Add Files" -underline 0 \
469     -command { add_dialog [workdir_list_files] }
470  .workdir.menubar.cvs add command -label "Add Recursively" \
471     -command { addir_dialog [workdir_list_files] }
472  .workdir.menubar.cvs add command -label "Remove Files" -underline 0 \
473     -command { subtract_dialog [workdir_list_files] }
474  .workdir.menubar.cvs add command -label "Remove Recursively" \
475     -command { subtractdir_dialog [workdir_list_files] }
476  .workdir.menubar.cvs add command -label "Set Binary Flag" \
477     -command { cvs_binary [workdir_list_files] }
478  .workdir.menubar.cvs add command -label "Unset Binary Flag" \
479     -command { cvs_ascii [workdir_list_files] }
480  .workdir.menubar.cvs add command -label "Set Edit Flag (Edit)" -underline 15 \
481     -command { cvs_edit [workdir_list_files] }
482  .workdir.menubar.cvs add command -label "Unset Edit Flag (Unedit)" -underline 11 \
483     -command { cvs_unedit [workdir_list_files] }
484  .workdir.menubar.cvs add command -label "Tag Files" -underline 0 \
485     -command { file_tag_dialog "tag" }
486  .workdir.menubar.cvs add command -label "Browse the Log Diagram" \
487     -command { cvs_branches [workdir_list_files] }
488  .workdir.menubar.cvs add command -label "Resolve Conflicts" \
489     -command { cvs_merge_conflict [workdir_list_files] }
490  .workdir.menubar.cvs add separator
491  .workdir.menubar.cvs add command -label "Release" \
492     -command { release_dialog [workdir_list_files] }
493  .workdir.menubar.cvs add command -label "Join (Merge) Directory" \
494     -underline 0 -command { cvs_directory_merge }
495  .workdir.menubar.cvs add command -label "Import CWD into Repository" \
496     -underline 0 -command import_run
498  # SVN
499  .workdir.menubar.svn add command -label "Update" -underline 0 \
500     -command {svn_update [workdir_list_files]}
501  .workdir.menubar.svn add command -label "Resolve (Un-mark Conflict)" -underline 0 \
502     -command {svn_resolve [workdir_list_files]}
503  .workdir.menubar.svn add command -label "Commit/Checkin" -underline 0 \
504     -command svn_commit_dialog
505  .workdir.menubar.svn add command -label "Add Files" -underline 0 \
506     -command { add_dialog [workdir_list_files] }
507  .workdir.menubar.svn add command -label "Remove Files" -underline 0 \
508     -command { subtract_dialog [workdir_list_files] }
509  .workdir.menubar.svn add command -label "Browse the Log Diagram" \
510     -command { svn_branches [workdir_list_files] }
511  .workdir.menubar.svn add separator
512  .workdir.menubar.svn add command -label "Import CWD into Repository" \
513     -underline 0 -command svn_import_run
515  # RCS
516  .workdir.menubar.rcs add command -label "Checkout" -underline 0 \
517     -command { rcs_checkout [workdir_list_files] }
518  .workdir.menubar.rcs add command -label "Checkin" -underline 0 \
519     -command { rcs_checkin [workdir_list_files] }
520  .workdir.menubar.rcs add command -label "Browse the Log Diagram" \
521     -command { rcs_branches [workdir_list_files] }
523  # These commands will vary according to revision system.  Does it still make sense to
524  # keep them in their own menu?
525  .workdir.menubar.reports add command -label "Check Directory" -underline 0
526  .workdir.menubar.reports add command -label "Status" -underline 0
527  .workdir.menubar.reports add command -label "Log" -underline 0
528  .workdir.menubar.reports add command -label "Annotate/Blame" -underline 0
529  .workdir.menubar.reports add command -label "Info" -underline 0
531  .workdir.menubar.options add checkbutton -label "Show hidden files" \
532     -variable cvscfg(allfiles) -onvalue true -offvalue false \
533     -command setup_dir
534  .workdir.menubar.options add checkbutton -label "Automatic directory status" \
535     -variable cvscfg(auto_status) -onvalue true -offvalue false
536  .workdir.menubar.options add checkbutton -label "Confirmation Dialogs" \
537     -variable cvscfg(confirm_prompt) -onvalue true -offvalue false
538  .workdir.menubar.options add separator
539  .workdir.menubar.options add checkbutton -label "Editor/Author/Locker Column" \
540     -variable cvscfg(showeditcol) -onvalue true -offvalue false \
541     -command { if {($incvs || $insvn || $inrcs) && $cvscfg(showeditcol)} {
542                  DirCanvas:map_column .workdir.main editcol
543                } else {
544                  DirCanvas:unmap_column .workdir.main editcol
545                }
546              }
547  .workdir.menubar.options add checkbutton -label "Status Column" \
548     -variable cvscfg(showstatcol) -onvalue true -offvalue false \
549     -command { if {($incvs || $insvn || $inrcs) && $cvscfg(showstatcol)} {
550                  DirCanvas:map_column .workdir.main statcol
551                } else {
552                  DirCanvas:unmap_column .workdir.main statcol
553                }
554              }
555  .workdir.menubar.options add checkbutton -label "Date Column" \
556     -variable cvscfg(showdatecol) -onvalue true -offvalue false \
557     -command { if {$cvscfg(showdatecol)} {
558                  DirCanvas:map_column .workdir.main datecol
559                } else {
560                  DirCanvas:unmap_column .workdir.main datecol
561                }
562              }
563  .workdir.menubar.options add radiobutton -label "Sort by Name" \
564     -variable cvscfg(sortcol) -value filecol \
565     -command "DirCanvas:sort_by_col .workdir.main filecol -decreasing"
566  .workdir.menubar.options add radiobutton -label "Sort by Status" \
567     -variable cvscfg(sortcol) -value statcol \
568     -command "DirCanvas:sort_by_col .workdir.main statcol -decreasing"
569  .workdir.menubar.options add separator
570  .workdir.menubar.options add checkbutton -label "Report->Check Shows Unknown Files" \
571     -variable cvscfg(status_filter) -onvalue false -offvalue true
572  .workdir.menubar.options add checkbutton -label "Report->Check/Status are Recursive" \
573     -variable cvscfg(recurse) -onvalue true -offvalue false
574  .workdir.menubar.options add cascade -label "Status Detail" \
575     -menu .workdir.menubar.options.report_detail
576  .workdir.menubar.options add cascade -label "Log Detail" \
577     -menu .workdir.menubar.options.logfile_detail
578  .workdir.menubar.options add separator
579  .workdir.menubar.options add checkbutton -label "Tracing On/Off" \
580     -variable cvscfg(logging) -onvalue true -offvalue false \
581     -command log_toggle
582  .workdir.menubar.options add cascade -label "Trace Level" \
583     -menu .workdir.menubar.options.loglevel
584  .workdir.menubar.options add separator
585  .workdir.menubar.options add command -label "Save Options" -underline 0 \
586     -command save_options
588  menu .workdir.menubar.options.loglevel
589  .workdir.menubar.options.loglevel add checkbutton -label "commands (C)" \
590     -variable logclass(C) -onvalue "C" -offvalue "" \
591     -command gen_log:changeclass
592  .workdir.menubar.options.loglevel add checkbutton -label "stderr (E)" \
593     -variable logclass(E) -onvalue "E" -offvalue "" \
594     -command gen_log:changeclass
595  .workdir.menubar.options.loglevel add checkbutton -label "stdout and file creation/deletion (F)"\
596     -variable logclass(F) -onvalue "F" -offvalue "" \
597     -command gen_log:changeclass
598  .workdir.menubar.options.loglevel add checkbutton -label "Function entry/exit (T)" \
599     -variable logclass(T) -onvalue "T" -offvalue "" \
600     -command gen_log:changeclass
601  .workdir.menubar.options.loglevel add checkbutton -label "Debugging (D)" \
602     -variable logclass(D) -onvalue "D" -offvalue "" \
603     -command gen_log:changeclass
605  menu .workdir.menubar.options.report_detail
606  .workdir.menubar.options.report_detail add radiobutton -label "Verbose" \
607     -variable cvscfg(rdetail) -value "verbose"
608  .workdir.menubar.options.report_detail add radiobutton -label "Summary" \
609     -variable cvscfg(rdetail) -value "summary"
610  .workdir.menubar.options.report_detail add radiobutton -label "Terse" \
611     -variable cvscfg(rdetail) -value "terse"
613  menu .workdir.menubar.options.logfile_detail
614  .workdir.menubar.options.logfile_detail add radiobutton -label "Summary" \
615     -variable cvscfg(ldetail) -value "summary"
616  .workdir.menubar.options.logfile_detail add radiobutton -label "Latest" \
617     -variable cvscfg(ldetail) -value "latest"
618  .workdir.menubar.options.logfile_detail add radiobutton -label "Verbose" \
619     -variable cvscfg(ldetail) -value "verbose"
621  .workdir.menubar.goto add command -label "Go Home" \
622     -command {change_dir $cvscfg(home)}
623  .workdir.menubar.goto add command -label "Add Bookmark" \
624     -command add_bookmark
625  .workdir.menubar.goto add command -label "Delete Bookmark" \
626     -command delete_bookmark_dialog
627  .workdir.menubar.goto add separator
628  foreach mark [lsort [array names bookmarks]] {
629    # Backward compatibility.  Value used to be a placeholder, is now a revsystem type
630    if {$bookmarks($mark) == "t"} {set bookmarks($mark) ""}
631    .workdir.menubar.goto add command -label "$mark $bookmarks($mark)" \
632       -command "change_dir \"$mark\""
633  }
636  #
637  # Add user commands to the menu.
638  #
639  if {[info exists cvsmenu]} {
640    foreach item [array names cvsmenu] {
641      .workdir.menubar.user add command -label $item \
642         -command "eval cvs_usercmd $cvsmenu($item) \[workdir_list_files\]"
643    }
644  }
645  if {[info exists usermenu]} {
646    .workdir.menubar.user add separator
647    foreach item [array names usermenu] {
648      .workdir.menubar.user add command -label $item \
649         -command "eval cvs_catchcmd $usermenu($item) \[workdir_list_files\]"
650    }
651  }
652  if {[info exists execmenu]} {
653    .workdir.menubar.user add separator
654    foreach item [array names execmenu] {
655      .workdir.menubar.user add command -label $item \
656         -command "eval cvs_execcmd $execmenu($item) \[workdir_list_files\]"
657    }
658  }
659  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
662proc workdir_list_files {} {
663  global cvscfg
664  global cvsglb
666  gen_log:log T "ENTER (cvsglb(current_selection) = $cvsglb(current_selection))"
668  for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $cvsglb(current_selection)]} {incr i} {
669    set item [lindex $cvsglb(current_selection) $i]
670    regsub {^no file } $item "" item
671    # regsub here causes file isfile to return 0.  You have to do it in each
672    # proc, just before the cvs command, after file tests have been done.
673    #regsub -all {\$} $item {\$} item
674    set cvsglb(current_selection) [lreplace $cvsglb(current_selection) $i $i $item]
675  }
676  gen_log:log T "LEAVE -- ($cvsglb(current_selection))"
677  return $cvsglb(current_selection)
680proc workdir_edit_command {file} {
681  global cvscfg
683  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($file)"
684  if {[info exists cvscfg(editors)]} {
685    foreach {editor pattern} $cvscfg(editors) {
686      if {[string match $pattern $file]} {
687        return "$editor \"$file\""
688      }
689    }
690  }
691  return "$cvscfg(editor) \"$file\""
694proc workdir_newdir {file} {
695  global cvscfg
697  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($file)"
699  file mkdir $file
701  if {$cvscfg(auto_status)} {
702    setup_dir
703  }
704  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
707proc workdir_edit_file {args} {
708  global cvscfg
709  global cwd
711  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($args)"
713  set filelist [join $args]
714  if {$filelist == ""} {
715    file_input_and_do "Edit File" workdir_edit_file
716    return
717  }
719  gen_log:log D "$filelist"
720  foreach file $filelist {
721    if {[file isdirectory $file]} {
722      change_dir "$file"
723    } else {
724      if {![file exists $file] || [file isfile $file]} {
725        # If the file doesn't exist it's tempting to touch the file and
726        # trigger a reread, but is an empty file of this type valid?
727        regsub -all {\$} $file {\$} file
728        set commandline [workdir_edit_command $file]
729        set editcmd [exec::new $commandline]
730      } else {
731        cvsfail "$file is not a plain file" .workdir
732      }
733    }
734  }
735  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
738proc workdir_view_file {args} {
739  global cvscfg
740  global cwd
742  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($args)"
744  set filelist [join $args]
745  if {$filelist == ""} {
746    cvsfail "Please select some files to view first!" .workdir
747    return
748  }
750  gen_log:log D "$filelist"
751  foreach file $filelist {
752    set filelog ""
753    if {[file isfile $file]} {
754      #regsub -all {\$} $file {\$} file
755      gen_log:log F "OPEN $file"
756      set f [open $file]
757      while { [eof $f] == 0 } {
758        append filelog [gets $f]
759        append filelog "\n"
760      }
761      view_output::new "$file" $filelog
762    } else {
763      cvsfail "$file is not a plain file" .workdir
764    }
765  }
766  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
769# Let the user mark directories they visit often
770proc add_bookmark { } {
771  global incvs inrcs insvn
772  global bookmarks
774  gen_log:log T "ENTER"
775  set dir [pwd]
776  regsub -all {\$} $dir {\$} dir
778  gen_log:log D "directory $dir"
779  foreach mark [array names bookmarks] {
780    gen_log:log D "  $mark \"$bookmarks($mark)\""
781  }
783  if {[info exists bookmarks($dir)]} {
784    .workdir.menubar.goto delete "$dir $bookmarks($dir)"
785  }
786  set rtype ""
787  if {$inrcs} {
788    set rtype "(RCS)"
789  } elseif {$incvs} {
790    set rtype "(CVS)"
791  } elseif {$insvn} {
792    set rtype "(SVN)"
793  }
794  set bookmarks($dir) $rtype
795  .workdir.menubar.goto add command -label "$dir $rtype" \
796     -command "change_dir \"$dir\""
798  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
801# A listbox to choose a bookmark to delete
802proc delete_bookmark_dialog { } {
803   global cvscfg
804   global cvsglb
805   global bookmarks
807   gen_log:log T "ENTER"
808   set maxlbl 0
809   foreach mark [array names bookmarks] {
810   gen_log:log D "  $mark $bookmarks($mark)"
811     set len [string length "$mark $bookmarks($mark)"]
812     if {$len > $maxlbl} {
813        set maxlbl $len
814     }
815   }
817   set wname .workdir.bookmarkedit
818   toplevel $wname
819   grab set $wname
820   wm title $wname "Delete Bookmarks"
821   listbox $wname.lbx -selectmode multiple \
822     -font $cvscfg(listboxfont) -width $maxlbl
823   pack $wname.lbx -ipadx 10 -ipady 10 -expand y -fill both
824   foreach mark [lsort [array names bookmarks]] {
825     $wname.lbx insert end "$mark $bookmarks($mark)"
826   }
827   frame $wname.buttons
828   pack $wname.buttons -side top -fill x
829   button $wname.delete -text "Delete" \
830     -command "delete_bookmark $wname"
832   button $wname.close -text "Done" \
833     -command "
834       grab release $wname
835       destroy $wname
836       exit_cleanup 0"
837   pack $wname.delete $wname.close -in $wname.buttons \
838     -side right -ipadx 2 -ipady 2 -padx 4 -pady 4 \
839     -expand y
841   gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
844# Do the actual deletion of the bookmark
845proc delete_bookmark {w} {
846  global bookmarks
848  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($w)"
849  set items [$w.lbx curselection]
850  foreach item $items {
851    set itemstring [$w.lbx get $item]
852    #set dir [join [lrange $itemstring 0 end-1]]
853    regsub {\s+$} $itemstring {} dir
854    regsub {\s+\([A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]\)$} $dir {} dir
855    gen_log:log D "$item \"$itemstring\""
856    gen_log:log D "  directory \"$dir\""
857    unset bookmarks($dir)
858    $w.lbx delete $item
859    .workdir.menubar.goto delete $itemstring
860  }
861   gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
864proc change_dir {new_dir} {
865  global cwd
867  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($new_dir)"
868  if {![file exists $new_dir]} {
869    set cwd [pwd]
870    cvsfail "Directory $new_dir doesn\'t exist!" .workdir
871    return
872  }
873  set cwd $new_dir
874  # Deleting the tree discards the saved scroll position
875  # so we start with yview 0 in a new directory
876  DirCanvas:deltree .workdir.main
877  setup_dir
879  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
882proc auto_setup_dir {command} {
883  global cvscfg
885  if {$cvscfg(auto_status)} {
886    $command\::wait
887    setup_dir
888  } else {
889    after 0 "$command\::wait; $command\::destroy"
890  }
893proc setup_dir { } {
894  #
895  # Call this when entering a directory.  It puts all of the file names
896  # in the listbox, and reads the directory.
897  #
898  global cwd
899  global module_dir
900  global incvs
901  global insvn
902  global inrcs
903  global cvscfg
904  global current_tagname
905  global cvsglb
907  gen_log:log T "ENTER"
909  set savyview 0
910  if { ! [winfo exists .workdir.main] } {
911    workdir_setup
912    return
913  } else {
914    if {[winfo exists .workdir.main.filecol.list]} {
915      set savyview [lindex [.workdir.main.filecol.list yview] 0]
916    }
917    DirCanvas:deltree .workdir.main
918  }
919  gen_log:log D "YVIEW $savyview"
921  if {![file isdirectory $cwd]} {
922    gen_log:log D "$cwd is not a directory"
923    gen_log:log T "LEAVE -- $cwd is not a directory"
924    return
925  }
927  cd $cwd
928  gen_log:log F "CD [pwd]"
930  set module_dir ""
931  set current_tagname ""
932  ::picklist::used directory [pwd]
934  foreach {incvs insvn inrcs} [cvsroot_check [pwd]] { break }
935  gen_log:log D "incvs $incvs  inrcs $inrcs  insvn $insvn"
937  .workdir.top.bmodbrowse configure -image Modules
938  .workdir.top.lmodule configure -text "Path"
939  .workdir.top.ltagname configure -text "Tag"
940  # Start with the revision-control menus disabled
941  .workdir.menubar entryconfigure "CVS" -state normal
942  .workdir.menubar entryconfigure "SVN" -state normal
943  .workdir.menubar entryconfigure "RCS" -state normal
944  .workdir.menubar.reports entryconfigure 0 -state disabled
945  .workdir.menubar.reports entryconfigure 1 -state disabled
946  .workdir.menubar.reports entryconfigure 2 -state disabled
947  .workdir.menubar.reports entryconfigure 3 -state disabled
948  .workdir.menubar.reports entryconfigure 4 -state disabled
949  # Start with the revision-control buttons disabled and the
950  .workdir.bottom.buttons.dirfuncs.bcheckdir configure -state disabled
951  foreach widget [grid slaves .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs ] {
952    $widget configure -state disabled
953  }
954  foreach widget [grid slaves .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs ] {
955    $widget configure -state disabled
956  }
957  foreach widget [grid slaves .workdir.bottom.buttons.oddfuncs ] {
958    $widget configure -state disabled
959  }
961  # Now enable them depending on where we are
962  if {$inrcs} {
963    # Top
964    .workdir.top.lcvsroot configure -text "RCS *,v"
965    .workdir.top.tcvsroot configure -textvariable cvscfg(rcsdir)
966    # Buttons
967    .workdir.bottom.buttons.dirfuncs.bcheckdir configure -state normal \
968      -command { rcs_check }
969    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bdiff configure -state normal
970    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.blogfile configure -state normal \
971      -command { rcs_branches [workdir_list_files] }
972    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bfilelog configure -state normal \
973      -command { rcs_log [workdir_list_files] }
974    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bupdate configure -state normal \
975      -command { rcs_checkout [workdir_list_files] }
976    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bcheckin configure -state normal \
977      -command { rcs_checkin [workdir_list_files] }
978    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.brevert configure -state normal \
979      -command { rcs_revert [workdir_list_files] }
980    .workdir.bottom.buttons.oddfuncs.block configure -state normal \
981      -command { rcs_lock lock [workdir_list_files] }
982    .workdir.bottom.buttons.oddfuncs.bunlock configure -state normal \
983      -command { rcs_lock unlock [workdir_list_files] }
984    # Menus
985    .workdir.menubar entryconfigure "CVS" -state disabled
986    .workdir.menubar entryconfigure "SVN" -state disabled
987    .workdir.menubar entryconfigure "RCS" -state normal
988    # Reports Menu
989    # Check Directory (log & rdiff)
990    .workdir.menubar.reports entryconfigure 0 -state normal \
991       -command { rcs_check }
992    .workdir.menubar.reports entryconfigure 1 -state disabled
993    # Log (rlog)
994    .workdir.menubar.reports entryconfigure 2 -state normal \
995       -command { rcs_log [workdir_list_files] }
996    .workdir.menubar.reports entryconfigure 3 -state disabled
997    .workdir.menubar.reports entryconfigure 4 -state disabled
998  } elseif {$insvn} {
999    # Top
1000    .workdir.top.bmodbrowse configure -image Modules_svn \
1001      -command {modbrowse_run svn}
1002    .workdir.top.lmodule configure -text "Path"
1003    .workdir.top.ltagname configure -text "Tag"
1004    .workdir.top.lcvsroot configure -text "SVN URL"
1005    .workdir.top.tcvsroot configure -textvariable cvscfg(url)
1006    # Buttons
1007    .workdir.bottom.buttons.dirfuncs.bcheckdir configure -state normal \
1008      -command { svn_check [workdir_list_files] }
1009    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bjoin configure -state normal \
1010      -command { svn_branches . }
1011    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bdiff configure -state normal
1012    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.blogfile configure -state normal \
1013      -command { svn_branches [workdir_list_files] }
1014    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bfilelog configure -state normal \
1015      -command { svn_log [workdir_list_files] }
1016    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bannotate configure -state normal \
1017      -command { svn_annotate BASE [workdir_list_files] }
1018    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bconflict configure -state normal \
1019      -command { foreach f [workdir_list_files] {svn_merge_conflict \"$f\"} }
1020    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.badd_files configure -state normal
1021    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bremove configure -state normal
1022    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bupdate configure -state normal \
1023      -command { svn_update [workdir_list_files] }
1024    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bupdateopts configure -state normal \
1025     -command { svn_update_options }
1026    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bcheckin configure -state normal \
1027      -command svn_commit_dialog
1028    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.brevert configure -state normal \
1029      -command { svn_revert [workdir_list_files] }
1030    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.btag configure -state normal
1031    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bbranchtag configure -state normal
1032    .workdir.bottom.buttons.oddfuncs.block configure -state normal \
1033      -command { svn_lock lock [workdir_list_files] }
1034    .workdir.bottom.buttons.oddfuncs.bunlock configure -state normal \
1035      -command { svn_lock unlock [workdir_list_files] }
1036    # Menus
1037    .workdir.menubar entryconfigure "CVS" -state disabled
1038    .workdir.menubar entryconfigure "SVN" -state normal
1039    .workdir.menubar entryconfigure "RCS" -state disabled
1040    # Reports Menu
1041    # Check Directory (svn status)
1042    .workdir.menubar.reports entryconfigure 0 -state normal \
1043       -command { svn_check {} }
1044    # Status (svn status <filelist>)
1045    .workdir.menubar.reports entryconfigure 1 -state normal \
1046       -command { svn_check [workdir_list_files] }
1047    # Log (svn log)
1048    .workdir.menubar.reports entryconfigure 2 -state normal \
1049       -command { svn_log [workdir_list_files] }
1050    # Annotate/Blame (svn blame)
1051    .workdir.menubar.reports entryconfigure 3 -state normal \
1052       -command { svn_annotate BASE [workdir_list_files] }
1053    # Info (svn info)
1054    .workdir.menubar.reports entryconfigure 4 -state normal \
1055       -command { svn_info [workdir_list_files] }
1056  } elseif {$incvs} {
1057    # Top
1058    .workdir.top.bmodbrowse configure -image Modules_cvs \
1059      -command {modbrowse_run cvs}
1060    .workdir.top.lmodule configure -text "Module"
1061    .workdir.top.ltagname configure -text "Tag"
1062    .workdir.top.lcvsroot configure -text "CVSROOT"
1063    .workdir.top.tcvsroot configure -textvariable cvscfg(cvsroot)
1064    # Buttons
1065    .workdir.bottom.buttons.dirfuncs.bcheckdir configure -state normal \
1066      -command { cvs_check [workdir_list_files] }
1067    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bjoin configure -state normal \
1068      -command cvs_joincanvas
1069    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bdiff configure -state normal
1070    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bconflict configure -state normal \
1071      -command { cvs_merge_conflict [workdir_list_files] }
1072    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bfilelog configure -state normal \
1073      -command { cvs_log [workdir_list_files] }
1074    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bannotate configure -state normal \
1075      -command { cvs_annotate $current_tagname [workdir_list_files] }
1076    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.badd_files configure -state normal
1077    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bremove configure -state normal
1078    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bupdate configure -state normal \
1079       -command { \
1080       cvs_update {BASE} {Normal} {Remove} {recurse} {prune} {No} { } [workdir_list_files] }
1081    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bupdateopts configure -state normal \
1082     -command { cvs_update_options }
1083    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bcheckin configure -state normal \
1084      -command cvs_commit_dialog
1085    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.brevert configure -state normal \
1086      -command {cvs_revert [workdir_list_files] }
1087    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.btag configure -state normal
1088    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bbranchtag configure -state normal
1089    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.blogfile configure -state normal \
1090      -command { cvs_branches [workdir_list_files] }
1091    .workdir.bottom.buttons.cvsfuncs.bfilelog configure -state normal \
1092      -command { cvs_log [workdir_list_files] }
1093    if {$cvscfg(econtrol)} {
1094      .workdir.bottom.buttons.oddfuncs.bcvsedit_files configure -state normal
1095      .workdir.bottom.buttons.oddfuncs.bunedit_files configure -state normal
1096    }
1097    if {$cvscfg(cvslock)} {
1098      .workdir.bottom.buttons.oddfuncs.block configure -state normal \
1099        -command { cvs_lock lock [workdir_list_files] }
1100      .workdir.bottom.buttons.oddfuncs.bunlock configure -state normal \
1101        -command { cvs_lock unlock [workdir_list_files] }
1102    }
1103    # Menus
1104    .workdir.menubar entryconfigure "CVS" -state normal
1105    .workdir.menubar entryconfigure "SVN" -state disabled
1106    .workdir.menubar entryconfigure "RCS" -state disabled
1107    # Reports Menu
1108    # Check Directory (cvs -n -q update)
1109    .workdir.menubar.reports entryconfigure 0 -state normal \
1110       -command { cvs_check {} }
1111    # Status (cvs -Q status)
1112    .workdir.menubar.reports entryconfigure 1 -state normal \
1113       -command { cvs_status [workdir_list_files] }
1114    # Log (cvs log)
1115    .workdir.menubar.reports entryconfigure 2 -state normal \
1116       -command { cvs_log [workdir_list_files] }
1117    # Annotate/Blame (cvs annotate)
1118    .workdir.menubar.reports entryconfigure 3 -state normal \
1119       -command { cvs_annotate $current_tagname [workdir_list_files] }
1120    .workdir.menubar.reports entryconfigure 4 -state disabled
1121  }
1123  DirCanvas:create .workdir.main
1124  pack .workdir.main.pw -side bottom -fill both -expand yes
1126  set cvsglb(current_selection) {}
1128  set cvscfg(ignore_file_filter) $cvsglb(default_ignore_filter)
1130  if { [ file exists ".cvsignore" ] } {
1131    set fileId [ open ".cvsignore" "r" ]
1132    while { [ eof $fileId ] == 0 } {
1133      gets $fileId line
1134      append cvscfg(ignore_file_filter) " $line"
1135    }
1136    close $fileId
1137  } else {
1138    if {$insvn} {
1139      # Have to do eval exec because we need the error output
1140      set command "svn propget svn:ignore"
1141      gen_log:log C "$command"
1142      set ret [catch {eval "exec $command"} output]
1143      if {$ret} {
1144        cvsfail $output
1145        return
1146      }
1147      foreach infoline [split $output "\n"] {
1148        append cvscfg(ignore_file_filter) " $infoline"
1149      }
1150    }
1151  }
1153  set filelist [ getFiles ]
1154  directory_list $filelist
1155  # Update, otherwise it won't be mapped before we restore the scroll position
1156  update
1157  DirCanvas:yview_windows .workdir.main $savyview
1159  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
1162proc directory_list { filenames } {
1163  global module_dir
1164  global incvs
1165  global insvn
1166  global inrcs
1167  global cvs
1168  global cwd
1169  global cvscfg
1170  global cvsglb
1171  global cmd
1172  global Filelist
1174  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($filenames)"
1176  if {[info exists Filelist]} {
1177    unset Filelist
1178  }
1180  busy_start .workdir.main
1182  #gen_log:log F "processing files in the local directory"
1183  set cwd [pwd]
1184  set my_cwd $cwd
1186  # If we have commands running they were for a different directory
1187  # and won't be needed now. (i.e. this is a recursive invocation
1188  # triggered by a button click)
1189  if {[info exists cmd(cvs_status)]} {
1190    catch {$cmd(cvs_status)\::abort}
1191    catch {unset cmd(cvs_status)}
1192  }
1193  if {[info exists cmd(cvs_editors)]} {
1194    catch {$cmd(cvs_editors)\::abort}
1195    catch {unset cmd(cvs_editors)}
1196  }
1198  # Select from those files only the ones we want (e.g., no CVS dirs)
1199  foreach i $filenames {
1200    if { $i == "."  || $i == ".."} {
1201      gen_log:log D "SKIPPING $i"
1202      continue
1203    }
1204    if {[file isdirectory $i]} {
1205      if {[isCmDirectory $i]} {
1206        # Read the bookkeeping files but don't list the directory
1207        if {$i == "CVS" || $i == ".svn" || $i == "RCS"} {
1208          continue
1209        }
1210      }
1211      if {[file exists [file join $i "CVS"]]} {
1212        set Filelist($i:status) "<directory:CVS>"
1213      } elseif {[file exists [file join $i ".svn"]]} {
1214        set Filelist($i:status) "<directory:SVN>"
1215      } elseif {[file exists [file join $i "RCS"]]} {
1216        set Filelist($i:status) "<directory:RCS>"
1217      } else {
1218        set Filelist($i:status) "<directory>"
1219      }
1220    } else {
1221      if {$incvs} {
1222        set Filelist($i:status) "Not managed by CVS"
1223      } else {
1224        set Filelist($i:status) "<file>"
1225      }
1226    }
1227    set Filelist($i:wrev) ""
1228    set Filelist($i:stickytag) ""
1229    set Filelist($i:option) ""
1230    # Prepending ./ to the filename prevents tilde expansion
1231    catch {set Filelist($i:date) \
1232       [clock format [file mtime ./$i] -format $cvscfg(dateformat)]}
1233  }
1235  gen_log:log D "incvs=$incvs insvn=$insvn inrcs=$inrcs"
1236  if {$incvs} {
1237    DirCanvas:headtext .workdir.main "editors"
1238    cvs_workdir_status
1239  }
1241  if {$inrcs} {
1242    DirCanvas:headtext .workdir.main "locked by"
1243    rcs_workdir_status
1244  }
1246  if {$insvn} {
1247    DirCanvas:headtext .workdir.main "author"
1248    svn_workdir_status
1249  }
1251  gen_log:log D "Sending all files to the canvas"
1252  foreach i [array names Filelist *:status] {
1253    regsub {:status$} $i "" j
1254    # If it's locally removed or missing, it may not have
1255    # gotten a date especially on a remote client.
1256    if {! [info exists Filelist($j:date)]} {
1257      set Filelist($j:date) ""
1258    }
1259    DirCanvas:newitem .workdir.main "$j"
1260  }
1262  busy_done .workdir.main
1264  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
1267proc workdir_cleanup {} {
1268  global cvscfg
1270  gen_log:log T "ENTER"
1271  set rmitem ""
1272  set list [ split $cvscfg(clean_these) " " ]
1273  foreach pattern $list {
1274    gen_log:log D "pattern $pattern"
1275    if { $pattern != "" } {
1276      set items [lsort [glob -nocomplain $pattern]]
1277      gen_log:log D "$items"
1278      if {[llength $items] != 0} {
1279        append rmitem " [concat $items]"
1280      }
1281    }
1282  }
1284  if {$rmitem != ""} {
1285    if { [ are_you_sure "You are about to delete:\n" $rmitem] == 1 } {
1286      gen_log:log F "DELETE $rmitem"
1287      eval file delete -force -- $rmitem
1288    }
1289  } else {
1290    gen_log:log F "No files to delete"
1291    cvsok "Nothing matched $cvscfg(clean_these)" .workdir
1292    return
1293  }
1294  setup_dir
1295  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
1298proc workdir_delete_file {args} {
1299  global cvscfg
1301  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($args)"
1303  set filelist [join $args]
1304  if {$filelist == ""} {
1305    cvsfail "Please select some files to delete first!" .workdir
1306    return
1307  }
1309  if { [ are_you_sure "This will delete these files from your local, working directory:\n" $filelist ] == 1 } {
1310    gen_log:log F "DELETE $filelist"
1311    eval file delete -force -- $filelist
1312    setup_dir
1313  }
1314  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
1317proc are_you_sure {mess args} {
1319# General posting message
1321  global cvscfg
1323  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($mess $args)"
1325  set filelist [join $args]
1326  if {$cvscfg(confirm_prompt)} {
1327    append mess "\n"
1328    set indent "      "
1330    foreach item $filelist {
1331      if { $item != {} } {
1332        append mess " $indent"
1333        append mess " $item\n"
1334      }
1335    }
1336    append mess "\nAre you sure?"
1337    if {[cvsconfirm $mess .workdir] != "ok"} {
1338      gen_log:log T "LEAVE 0"
1339      return 0
1340    }
1341  }
1342  gen_log:log T "LEAVE 1"
1343  return 1
1346proc workdir_print_file {args} {
1347  global cvscfg
1349  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($args)"
1351  set filelist [join $args]
1352  if {$filelist == ""} {
1353    cvsfail "Please select some files to print first!" .workdir
1354    return
1355  }
1357  set mess "This will print these files:\n\n"
1358  foreach file $filelist {
1359    append mess "   $file\n"
1360  }
1361  append mess "\nUsing $cvscfg(print_cmd)\n"
1362  append mess "\nAre you sure?"
1363  if {[cvsconfirm $mess .workdir] == "ok"} {
1364    set final_result ""
1365    foreach file $filelist {
1366      set commandline [concat $cvscfg(print_cmd) \"$file\"]
1367      exec::new $commandline
1368    }
1369  }
1370  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"
1373proc cvsroot_check { dir } {
1374  global cvscfg
1375  global cvsglb
1377  gen_log:log T "ENTER ($dir)"
1379  foreach {incvs insvn inrcs} {0 0 0} {break}
1381  if {[file isfile [file join $dir CVS Root]]} {
1382    set incvs [ read_cvs_dir [file join $dir CVS] ]
1383  } elseif {! [catch {eval "exec svn info"}]} {
1384    set insvn [ read_svn_dir $dir ]
1385  } else {
1386    set rcsdir [file join $dir RCS]
1387    if {[file exists $rcsdir]} {
1388      set cvscfg(rcsdir) $rcsdir
1389      set inrcs 1
1390    } elseif {[llength [glob -nocomplain -dir $dir *,v]] > 0} {
1391      set inrcs 1
1392      set cvscfg(rcsdir) $dir
1393    } else {
1394      set cvscfg(rcsdir) ""
1395    }
1396  }
1398  if {$inrcs} {
1399    # Make sure we have rcs, and bag this (silently) if we don't
1400    set command "rcs -V"
1401    gen_log:log C "$command"
1402    set ret [catch {eval "exec $command"} raw_rcs_log]
1403    if {$ret} {
1404       gen_log:log D "$raw_rcs_log"
1405       if [string match {*Unknown option:*} $raw_rcs_log] {
1406         # An old version of RCS, but it's here
1407         set inrcs 1
1408       } else {
1409         set inrcs 0
1410       }
1411    }
1412  }
1414  gen_log:log T "LEAVE ($incvs $insvn $inrcs)"
1415  return [list $incvs $insvn $inrcs]
1418proc isCmDirectory { file } {
1419  #gen_log:log T "ENTER ($file)"
1420  switch -- $file  {
1421    "CVS"  -
1422    "RCS"  -
1423    ".svn"  -
1424    "SCCS" { set value 1 }
1425    default { set value 0 }
1426  }
1427  #gen_log:log T "LEAVE ($value)"
1428  return $value
1431# Get the files in the current working directory.  Use the file_filter
1432# values Add hidden files if desired by the user.  Sort them to match
1433# the ordering that will be returned by cvs commands (this matches the
1434# default ls ordering.).
1435proc getFiles { } {
1436  global cvscfg
1437  global cvsglb
1439  gen_log:log T "ENTER"
1440  set filelist ""
1442  # make sure the file filter is at least set to "*".
1443  if { $cvscfg(file_filter) == "" } {
1444    set cvscfg(file_filter) "* .svn"
1445  }
1447  # get the initial file list, including hidden if requested
1448  if {$cvscfg(allfiles)} {
1449    # get hidden as well
1450    foreach item $cvscfg(file_filter) {
1451      set filelist [ concat [ glob -nocomplain .$item $item ] $filelist ]
1452    }
1453  } else {
1454    foreach item $cvscfg(file_filter) {
1455      set filelist [ concat [ glob -nocomplain $item ] $filelist ]
1456    }
1457  }
1458  #gen_log:log D "filelist ($filelist)"
1460  # ignore files if requested
1461  if { $cvscfg(ignore_file_filter) != "" } {
1462    foreach item $cvscfg(ignore_file_filter) {
1463      # for each pattern
1464      if { $item != "*" } {
1465        # if not "*"
1466        while { [set idx [lsearch $filelist $item]] != -1 } {
1467          # for each occurence, delete
1468          catch { set filelist [ lreplace $filelist $idx $idx ] }
1469        }
1470      }
1471    }
1472  }
1474  # make sure "." is always in the list for 'cd' purposes
1475  if { ( [ lsearch -exact $filelist "." ] == -1 ) } {
1476    set filelist [ concat "." $filelist ]
1477  }
1479  # make sure ".." is always in the list for 'cd' purposes
1480  if { ( [ lsearch -exact $filelist ".." ] == -1 ) } {
1481    set filelist [ concat ".." $filelist ]
1482  }
1484  # sort it
1485  set filelist [ lsort $filelist ]
1487  # if this directory is under CVS and CVS is not in the list, add it. Its
1488  # presence is needed for later processing
1489  if { ( [ file exists "CVS" ] ) &&
1490       ( [ lsearch -exact $filelist "CVS" ] == -1 ) } {
1491    #puts "********* added CVS"
1492    catch { set filelist [ concat "CVS" $filelist ] }
1493  }
1495  set cvscfg(ignore_file_filter) $cvsglb(default_ignore_filter)
1496  gen_log:log T "return ($filelist)"
1497  return $filelist
1500proc log_toggle { } {
1501  global cvscfg
1503  if {$cvscfg(logging)} {
1504    gen_log:init
1505  } else {
1506    gen_log:quit
1507  }
1510proc exit_cleanup { force } {
1511  global cvscfg
1513  # Count the number of toplevels that are currently interacting
1514  # with the user (i.e. exist and are not withdrawn)
1515  set wlist {}
1516  foreach w [winfo children .] {
1517    if {[wm state $w] != {withdrawn}} {
1518      lappend wlist $w
1519    }
1520  }
1522  if {$force == 0 && [llength $wlist] != 0 \
1523    && $wlist != {.trace} && $wlist != {.bgerrorTrace}} {
1524      return
1525  }
1527  # If toplevel windows exist ask them to close gracefully if possible
1528  foreach w $wlist {
1529    # Except .trace!
1530    if {$w != {.trace}} {
1531      catch {$w.close invoke}
1532    } else {
1533      # Invoking trace's close turns off logging. We don't want that,
1534      # but we do want to save its geometry.
1535      if {[winfo exists .trace]} {
1536        set cvscfg(tracgeom) [wm geometry .trace]
1537      }
1538    }
1539  }
1541  save_options
1542  set pid [pid]
1543  gen_log:log F "DELETE $cvscfg(tmpdir)/cvstmpdir.$pid"
1544  catch {file delete -force [file join $cvscfg(tmpdir) cvstmpdir.$pid]}
1545  exit
1548proc save_options { } {
1550# Save the options which are configurable from the GUI
1552  global cvscfg
1553  global logcfg
1554  global bookmarks
1556  gen_log:log T "ENTER"
1558  # There are two kinds of options we can set
1559  set BOOLopts { allfiles auto_status confirm_prompt \
1560                 showstatcol showdatecol showeditcol auto_tag \
1561                 status_filter recurse logging blame_linenums}
1562  set STRGopts { file_filter ignore_file_filter clean_these \
1563                 printer rdetail ldetail log_classes lastdir sortcol \
1564                 workgeom modgeom loggeom tracgeom editor editorargs}
1566  # Plus the logcanvas options
1567  set LOGopts [concat [array names logcfg show_*] scale]
1569  # set this to current directory, so we'll add it to the menu next time
1570  if ([catch pwd]) {
1571    return
1572  }
1573  set cvscfg(lastdir) [pwd]
1575  if {[info exists cvscfg(editorargs)] } {
1576    # editorargs is no longer necessary
1577    if {$cvscfg(editorargs) != ""} {
1578      set cvscfg(editor) [concat $cvscfg(editor) $cvscfg(editorargs)]
1579    }
1580    unset cvscfg(editorargs)
1581  }
1583  # Save the list so we can keep track of what we've done
1584  set BOOLset $BOOLopts
1585  set STRGset $STRGopts
1586  set LOGset $LOGopts
1588  set optfile [file join $cvscfg(home) .tkcvs]
1589  set bakfile [file join $cvscfg(home) .tkcvs.bak]
1590  # Save the old .tkcvs file
1591  gen_log:log F "MOVE $optfile $bakfile"
1592  catch {file rename -force $optfile $bakfile}
1594  gen_log:log F "OPEN $optfile"
1595  if {[catch {set fo [open $optfile w]}]} {
1596    cvsfail "Cannot open $optfile for writing" .workdir
1597    return
1598  }
1599  gen_log:log F "OPEN $bakfile"
1601  if {! [catch {set fi [open $bakfile r]}]} {
1602    while { [eof $fi] == 0 } {
1603      gets $fi line
1604      set match 0
1605      if {[regexp {^#} $line]} {
1606        # Don't try to scan comments.
1607        #gen_log:log D "PASSING \"$line\""
1608        puts $fo "$line"
1609        continue
1610      } elseif {[string match "*set *bookmarks*" $line]} {
1611        # Discard old bookmarks
1612        continue
1613      } else {
1614        foreach opt $BOOLopts {
1615          if {! [info exists cvscfg($opt)]} { continue }
1616          if {[string match "*set *cvscfg($opt)*" $line]} {
1617            # Print it and remove it from the list
1618            gen_log:log D "REPLACING $line  w/ set cvscfg($opt) $cvscfg($opt)"
1619            puts $fo "set cvscfg($opt) $cvscfg($opt)"
1620            set idx [lsearch $BOOLset $opt]
1621            set BOOLset [lreplace $BOOLset $idx $idx]
1622            set match 1
1623            break
1624          }
1625        }
1626        if {[string match "*set *cvscfg(checkrecursive)*" $line]} {
1627          # This helps us recover from a problem left behind by tkcvs 7.2
1628          continue
1629        }
1630        foreach opt $STRGopts {
1631          if {! [info exists cvscfg($opt)]} { continue }
1632          if {[string match "*set *cvscfg($opt)*" $line]} {
1633            # Print it and remove it from the list
1634            gen_log:log D "REPLACING $line  w/ set cvscfg($opt) $cvscfg($opt)"
1635            puts $fo "set cvscfg($opt) \"$cvscfg($opt)\""
1636            set idx [lsearch $STRGset $opt]
1637            set STRGset [lreplace $STRGset $idx $idx]
1638            set match 1
1639            break
1640          }
1641        }
1642        if {[string match "*set *cvscfg(editorargs)*" $line]} {
1643          # editorargs is no longer necessary
1644          continue
1645        }
1646        foreach opt $LOGopts {
1647          if {! [info exists logcfg($opt)]} { continue }
1648          if {[string match "*set *logcfg($opt)*" $line]} {
1649            # Print it and remove it from the list
1650            gen_log:log D "REPLACING \"$line\"  w/ set logcfg($opt) \"$logcfg($opt)\""
1651            puts $fo "set logcfg($opt) \"$logcfg($opt)\""
1652            set idx [lsearch $LOGset $opt]
1653            set LOGset [lreplace $LOGset $idx $idx]
1654            set match 1
1655            break
1656          }
1657        }
1658        if {$match == 0} {
1659          # We didn't do a replacement
1660          gen_log:log D "PASSING \"$line\""
1661          # If we don't check this, we get an extra blank line every time
1662          # we save the file.  Messy.
1663          if {[eof $fi] == 1} { break }
1664          puts $fo "$line"
1665        }
1666      }
1667    }
1668    foreach mark [lsort [array names bookmarks]] {
1669      gen_log:log D "Adding bookmark \"$mark\""
1670      puts $fo "set \"bookmarks($mark)\" \"$bookmarks($mark)\""
1671    }
1673    close $fi
1674  }
1676  # Print what's left over
1677  foreach opt $BOOLset {
1678    if {! [info exists cvscfg($opt)]} { continue }
1679    gen_log:log D "ADDING cvscfg($opt) $cvscfg($opt)"
1680    puts $fo "set cvscfg($opt) $cvscfg($opt)"
1681  }
1683  foreach opt $STRGset {
1684    if {! [info exists cvscfg($opt)]} { continue }
1685    gen_log:log D "ADDING cvscfg($opt) \"$cvscfg($opt)\""
1686    puts $fo "set cvscfg($opt) \"$cvscfg($opt)\""
1687  }
1689  foreach opt $LOGset {
1690    if {! [info exists logcfg($opt)]} { continue }
1691    gen_log:log D "ADDING logcfg($opt) \"$logcfg($opt)\""
1692    puts $fo "set logcfg($opt) \"$logcfg($opt)\""
1693  }
1695  close $fo
1696  ::picklist::save
1697  gen_log:log T "LEAVE"