3 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
4  *                      OpenSim:  Property_Deprecated.h                       *
5  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
6  * The OpenSim API is a toolkit for musculoskeletal modeling and simulation.  *
7  * See http://opensim.stanford.edu and the NOTICE file for more information.  *
8  * OpenSim is developed at Stanford University and supported by the US        *
9  * National Institutes of Health (U54 GM072970, R24 HD065690) and by DARPA    *
10  * through the Warrior Web program.                                           *
11  *                                                                            *
12  * Copyright (c) 2005-2017 Stanford University and the Authors                *
13  * Author(s): Frank C. Anderson                                               *
14  *                                                                            *
15  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may    *
16  * not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a  *
17  * copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.         *
18  *                                                                            *
19  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software        *
20  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,          *
21  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.   *
22  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and        *
23  * limitations under the License.                                             *
24  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
26 /* Note: This code was originally developed by Realistic Dynamics Inc.
27  * Author: Frank C. Anderson
28  */
32 #include "osimCommonDLL.h"
33 #include "AbstractProperty.h"
34 #include "Exception.h"
36 #include <string>
38 namespace OpenSim {
39 /**
40  * A property consists of a type, name, and a value or an array of values.
41  *
42  * Class Property is an abstract base class that provides the functionality
43  * common to all property types.
44  *
45  * At the time of the first formulation of the property classes, the only
46  * property types that were envisioned are for a few fundamental data types
47  * and for Object:\n\n
48  * \tbool\n
49  * \tint\n
50  * \tfloat\n
51  * \tdouble\n
52  * \tstring\n
53  * \tObject\n
54  * \tObject pointer\n
55  * \tarray of bools\n
56  * \tarray of ints\n
57  * \tarray of floats\n
58  * \tarray of doubles\n
59  * \tarray of strings\n
60  * \tarray of Objects\n\n
61  *
62  * As additional property types are needed, they may be added however.
63  *
64  * @todo Make default constructors for all derived classes
65  * @version 1.0
66  * @author Frank C. Anderson
67  */
69 class Object;
70 template <class T> class Array;
72 #ifdef SWIG
73     #ifdef OSIMCOMMON_API
74         #undef OSIMCOMMON_API
75     #endif
76     #define OSIMCOMMON_API
77 #endif
79 #ifdef _WIN32
80 #pragma warning( disable : 4290 )   // VC++ non-ANSI Exception handling
81 #pragma warning( disable : 4251 )   // VC2010 no-dll export of std::string
83 #endif
85 #define Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH() \
86     throw Exception(std::string(__FUNCTION__)+": Property type mismatch. This property is of type "+getTypeName()+".",__FILE__,__LINE__);
88 class OSIMCOMMON_API Property_Deprecated : public AbstractProperty
89 {
90 public:
91     /** Enumeration of recognized types. */
92     enum PropertyType
93     {
94         None=0, Bool, Int, Dbl, Str, Obj, ObjPtr,
95         BoolArray, IntArray, DblArray, StrArray, ObjArray,
96         DblVec, DblVec3,
97         Transform // 3 BodyFixed X,Y,Z Rotations followed by 3 Translations
98     };
100 //=============================================================================
101 // DATA
102 //=============================================================================
103 private:
104     /** Type of the property. */
105     PropertyType _propertyType;
106     bool         _matchName;
108 //=============================================================================
109 // METHODS
110 //=============================================================================
111     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
113     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
114 public:
115     Property_Deprecated();
116     Property_Deprecated(PropertyType aType,const std::string &aName);
117     Property_Deprecated(const Property_Deprecated &aProperty);
120     /** Return the enum value corresponding to the concrete property. **/
getPropertyType()121     virtual PropertyType getPropertyType() const {return _propertyType;}
123     /** Return true if this is an array property. **/
isArrayProperty()124     virtual bool isArrayProperty() const {return false;}
126     /** By default deprecated PropertyObj properties will ignore the name
127     associated with the read-in object. This forces the name to match one
128     specified for the property. Note that this is handled differently in
129     the new Property system. */
setMatchName(bool aMatchName)130     void setMatchName(bool aMatchName) { _matchName = aMatchName; }
131     /** Return the value of the matchName flag for this (deprecated)
132     property. **/
getMatchName()133     bool getMatchName() const { return _matchName; }
135     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
136     // Implement the AbstractProperty interface.
isEqualTo(const AbstractProperty & other)138     bool isEqualTo(const AbstractProperty& other) const override {
139         return operator==(dynamic_cast<const Property_Deprecated&>(other));
140     }
142     // Property_Deprecated does not implement AbstractProperty::clone(); that
143     // is left to concrete Property_Deprecated objects like PropertyInt.
144     Property_Deprecated* clone() const override = 0;
readFromXMLElement(SimTK::Xml::Element & propertyElement,int versionNumber)146     virtual void readFromXMLElement
147        (SimTK::Xml::Element& propertyElement,
148         int                  versionNumber) override
149     {assert(!"Property_Deprecated::readFromXMLElement not implemented");}
writeToXMLElement(SimTK::Xml::Element & propertyElement)151     virtual void writeToXMLElement
152        (SimTK::Xml::Element& propertyElement) const override
153     {assert(!"Property_Deprecated::writeToXMLElement not implemented");}
155     // Override for array types.
getNumValues()156     int getNumValues() const override {return 1;}
clearValues()157     void clearValues() override {assert(!"implemented");}
isUnnamedProperty()159     bool isUnnamedProperty() const override {return false;}
isObjectProperty()160     bool isObjectProperty() const override {return false;}
isAcceptableObjectTag(const std::string & objectTypeTag)161     bool isAcceptableObjectTag
162         (const std::string& objectTypeTag) const override {return false;}
163     const Object& getValueAsObject(int index=-1) const override
164     {   Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
165     Object& updValueAsObject(int index=-1) override
166     {   Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
167     void setValueAsObject(const Object& obj, int index=-1) override
168     {   Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
170     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
172     void setNull();
174     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
175     // OPERATORS
176     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
177 public:
178 #ifndef SWIG
179     Property_Deprecated& operator=(const Property_Deprecated &aProperty);
180     virtual bool operator==(const Property_Deprecated &aProperty) const;
181     virtual bool operator<(const Property_Deprecated &aProperty) const;
182     friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &aOut,const Property_Deprecated &aProperty) {
183         aOut << aProperty.getTypeName() << " " << aProperty.getName();
184         return(aOut);
185     };
186 #endif
187     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
188     // GET AND SET
189     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
190 public:
192     // TYPE
193     void setType(PropertyType aType);
194     PropertyType getType() const;
195     std::string getTypeName() const override =0;
197     // VALUE
198     // Textual representation
199     std::string toString() const override =0;
201     // These methods have been given default implementations, rather than being made pure virtual
202     // so that all classes derived from Property will not have to implement each method.
203     // Bool
setValue(bool aValue)204     virtual void setValue(bool aValue) { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
205 #ifndef SWIG
getValueBool()206     virtual bool& getValueBool() { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
207 #endif
getValueBool()208     virtual const bool& getValueBool() const { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
209     // Int
setValue(int aValue)210     virtual void setValue(int aValue) { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
211 #ifndef SWIG
getValueInt()212     virtual int& getValueInt() { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
213 #endif
getValueInt()214     virtual const int& getValueInt() const { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
215     // Dbl
setValue(double aValue)216     virtual void setValue(double aValue) { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
217 #ifndef SWIG
getValueDbl()218     virtual double& getValueDbl() { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
219 #endif
getValueDbl()220     virtual const double& getValueDbl() const { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
221     // Str
setValue(const std::string & aValue)222     virtual void setValue(const std::string &aValue) { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
223 #ifndef SWIG
getValueStr()224     virtual std::string& getValueStr() { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
225 #endif
getValueStr()226     virtual const std::string& getValueStr() const { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
227     // Bool Array
setValue(int aSize,const bool aArray[])228     virtual void setValue(int aSize,const bool aArray[]) { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
setValue(const Array<bool> & aArray)229     virtual void setValue(const Array<bool> &aArray) { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
getValueBoolArray()230     virtual Array<bool>& getValueBoolArray() { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
231 #ifndef SWIG
getValueBoolArray()232     virtual const Array<bool>& getValueBoolArray() const { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
233 #endif
234     // Int Array
setValue(int aSize,const int aArray[])235     virtual void setValue(int aSize,const int aArray[]) { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
setValue(const Array<int> & aArray)236     virtual void setValue(const Array<int> &aArray) { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
getValueIntArray()237     virtual Array<int>& getValueIntArray() { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
238 #ifndef SWIG
getValueIntArray()239     virtual const Array<int>& getValueIntArray() const { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
240 #endif
241     // Dbl Array
setValue(int aSize,const double aArray[])242     virtual void setValue(int aSize,const double aArray[]) { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
setValue(const Array<double> & aArray)243     virtual void setValue(const Array<double> &aArray) { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
getValueDblArray()244     virtual Array<double>& getValueDblArray() { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
245 #ifndef SWIG
getValueDblArray()246     virtual const Array<double>& getValueDblArray() const { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
247 #endif
248     // Str Array
setValue(int aSize,const std::string aArray[])249     virtual void setValue(int aSize,const std::string aArray[]) { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
setValue(const Array<std::string> & aArray)250     virtual void setValue(const Array<std::string> &aArray) { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
getValueStrArray()251     virtual Array<std::string>& getValueStrArray() { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
252 #ifndef SWIG
getValueStrArray()253     virtual const Array<std::string>& getValueStrArray() const { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
254 #endif
256     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
257     // Obj, ObjPtr, and ObjArray require more careful treatment
258     //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
isValidObject(const Object * aValue)259     virtual bool isValidObject(const Object *aValue) const { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
260     // Obj
261     // Got rid of setValue(Obj) since it would be dangerous to do so given that users of
262     // PropertyObj would continue to hold a reference to the (deleted) object - Eran.
getValueObj()263     virtual Object& getValueObj() { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
264 #ifndef SWIG
getValueObj()265     virtual const Object& getValueObj() const { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
266 #endif
267     // ObjPtr
setValue(Object * aValue)268     virtual void setValue(Object *aValue) { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
getValueObjPtr()269     virtual const Object* getValueObjPtr() const { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
271     // Obj Array
getValueObjPtr(int index)272     virtual const Object* getValueObjPtr(int index) const { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
appendValue(Object * obj)273     virtual void appendValue(Object *obj) { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
clearObjArray()274     virtual void clearObjArray() { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
276     // Generic way to get number of elements
getArraySize()277     virtual int getArraySize() const { Property_PROPERTY_TYPE_MISMATCH(); }
279     // Templates for get & set
280     template<class T> T &getValue();
281     template<class T> const T &getValue() const;
282     template<class T> Array<T> &getValueArray();
283     template<class T> const Array<T> &getValueArray() const;
285 //=============================================================================
286 };  // END of class Property_Deprecated
288 // Specializations of template get/set
289 // Must be inline! (Trying to put function bodies in cpp fails with an internal compiler error in VC7.1)
getValue()290 template<> inline bool& Property_Deprecated::getValue() { return getValueBool(); }
getValue()291 template<> inline const bool& Property_Deprecated::getValue() const { return getValueBool(); }
getValue()292 template<> inline int& Property_Deprecated::getValue() { return getValueInt(); }
getValue()293 template<> inline const int& Property_Deprecated::getValue() const { return getValueInt(); }
getValue()294 template<> inline double& Property_Deprecated::getValue() { return getValueDbl(); }
getValue()295 template<> inline const double& Property_Deprecated::getValue() const { return getValueDbl(); }
getValue()296 template<> inline std::string& Property_Deprecated::getValue() { return getValueStr(); }
getValue()297 template<> inline const std::string& Property_Deprecated::getValue() const { return getValueStr(); }
getValue()299 template<> inline Array<bool>& Property_Deprecated::getValue() { return getValueBoolArray(); }
getValue()300 template<> inline const Array<bool>& Property_Deprecated::getValue() const { return getValueBoolArray(); }
getValue()301 template<> inline Array<int>& Property_Deprecated::getValue() { return getValueIntArray(); }
getValue()302 template<> inline const Array<int>& Property_Deprecated::getValue() const { return getValueIntArray(); }
getValue()303 template<> inline Array<double>& Property_Deprecated::getValue() { return getValueDblArray(); }
getValue()304 template<> inline const Array<double>& Property_Deprecated::getValue() const { return getValueDblArray(); }
getValue()305 template<> inline Array<std::string>& Property_Deprecated::getValue() { return getValueStrArray(); }
getValue()306 template<> inline const Array<std::string>& Property_Deprecated::getValue() const { return getValueStrArray(); }
getValueArray()308 template<> inline Array<bool>& Property_Deprecated::getValueArray() { return getValueBoolArray(); }
getValueArray()309 template<> inline const Array<bool>& Property_Deprecated::getValueArray() const { return getValueBoolArray(); }
getValueArray()310 template<> inline Array<int>& Property_Deprecated::getValueArray() { return getValueIntArray(); }
getValueArray()311 template<> inline const Array<int>& Property_Deprecated::getValueArray() const { return getValueIntArray(); }
getValueArray()312 template<> inline Array<double>& Property_Deprecated::getValueArray() { return getValueDblArray(); }
getValueArray()313 template<> inline const Array<double>& Property_Deprecated::getValueArray() const { return getValueDblArray(); }
getValueArray()314 template<> inline Array<std::string>& Property_Deprecated::getValueArray() { return getValueStrArray(); }
getValueArray()315 template<> inline const Array<std::string>& Property_Deprecated::getValueArray() const { return getValueStrArray(); }
317 }; //namespace
318 //=============================================================================
319 //=============================================================================