1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name:        plotmark.h
3 // Purpose:     wxPlotMarker
4 // Author:      John Labenski
5 // Modified by:
6 // Created:     6/5/2002
7 // Copyright:   (c) John Labenski
8 // Licence:     wxWindows licence
9 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
11 #ifndef _WX_PLOTMARK_H_
12 #define _WX_PLOTMARK_H_
14 #include "wx/bitmap.h"
15 #include "wx/geometry.h"
16 #include "wx/plotctrl/plotdefs.h"
17 #include "wx/wxthings/genergdi.h"
20 class WXDLLIMPEXP_PLOTCTRL wxPlotMarker;
24 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 // wxPlotMarker - a marker to draw in the plot window
26 //   This is a catch all class, containing info to draw various marker types.
27 //   Therefore, some parts may not be used for some markers.
28 //   Use a two part construction to ensure it's created properly
29 //      wxPlotMarker marker; marker.CreateXXX(...)
30 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 enum wxPlotMarkerType
33 {
34     wxPLOTMARKER_NONE,      // invalid, don't draw it
35     wxPLOTMARKER_POINT,     // single pixel point, only position & pen used
36                             //   size, brush, bitmap unused
37     wxPLOTMARKER_LINE,      // line from upper left to lower right of rect
38                             //   rect may be inverted to draw at any angle
39                             //   size, brush, bitmap unused
40     wxPLOTMARKER_HORIZ_LINE,// horizontal line, full width
41                             //   only vert position and pen used
42                             //   size, brush, bitmap unused
43     wxPLOTMARKER_VERT_LINE, // vertical line, full height
44                             //   only horiz position and pen used
45                             //   size, brush, bitmap unused
46     wxPLOTMARKER_CROSS,     // vertical and horizontal line, full height & width
47                             //   position used for center of cross
48                             //   size, brush, bitmap unused
49     wxPLOTMARKER_RECT,      // rectangle - see plot rect conditions
50                             //   pen draws outline and brush fills (if set)
51                             //   bitmap unused
52                             //   rect drawn centered on position
53                             //   size is size of the rect
54     wxPLOTMARKER_ELLIPSE,   // ellipse   - see plot rect conditions
55     wxPLOTMARKER_BITMAP     // the bitmap is drawn at the position
56 };
58 class WXDLLIMPEXP_PLOTCTRL wxPlotMarker : public wxObject
59 {
60 public:
wxPlotMarker()61     wxPlotMarker() : wxObject() {}
62     // Create a full marker (see CreateXXX functions)
63     wxPlotMarker(int marker_type,
64                  const wxRect2DDouble& rect,
65                  const wxSize& size,
66                  const wxGenericPen& pen,
67                  const wxGenericBrush& brush = wxNullGenericBrush,
wxObject()68                  const wxBitmap& bitmap = wxNullBitmap) : wxObject()
69         { Create(marker_type, rect, size, pen, brush, bitmap); }
70     // Create a shape marker to be drawn at the point with the given size
71     //   in pixels
72     wxPlotMarker(int marker_type,
73                  const wxPoint2DDouble& pt,
74                  const wxSize& size,
75                  const wxGenericPen& pen,
wxObject()76                  const wxGenericBrush& brush = wxNullGenericBrush) : wxObject()
77         { Create(marker_type, wxRect2DDouble(pt.m_x, pt.m_y, 0, 0), size, pen, brush); }
78     // Create a bitmap marker
wxPlotMarker(const wxPoint2DDouble & pt,const wxBitmap & bitmap)79     wxPlotMarker(const wxPoint2DDouble& pt,
80                  const wxBitmap& bitmap) : wxObject()
81         { CreateBitmapMarker(pt, bitmap); }
~wxPlotMarker()83     virtual ~wxPlotMarker() {}
85     // is the marker created
Ok()86     bool Ok() const { return m_refData != NULL; }
88     // Generic create function
89     void Create(int marker_type, const wxRect2DDouble& rect,
90                 const wxSize& size, const wxGenericPen& pen,
91                 const wxGenericBrush& brush = wxNullGenericBrush,
92                 const wxBitmap& bitmap = wxNullBitmap);
94     // Simplified methods (use these)
CreatePointMarker(const wxPoint2DDouble & pt,const wxGenericPen & pen)95     void CreatePointMarker(const wxPoint2DDouble& pt,
96                            const wxGenericPen& pen)
97         { Create(wxPLOTMARKER_POINT, wxRect2DDouble(pt.m_x, pt.m_y, 0, 0), wxSize(-1, -1), pen); }
CreateLineMarker(const wxRect2DDouble & rect,const wxGenericPen & pen)98     void CreateLineMarker(const wxRect2DDouble& rect, const wxGenericPen& pen)
99         { Create(wxPLOTMARKER_LINE, rect, wxSize(-1, -1), pen); }
CreateHorizLineMarker(double y,const wxGenericPen & pen)100     void CreateHorizLineMarker(double y, const wxGenericPen& pen)
101         { Create(wxPLOTMARKER_HORIZ_LINE, wxRect2DDouble(0, y, -1, 0), wxSize(-1, -1), pen); }
CreateVertLineMarker(double x,const wxGenericPen & pen)102     void CreateVertLineMarker(double x, const wxGenericPen& pen)
103         { Create(wxPLOTMARKER_VERT_LINE, wxRect2DDouble(x, 0, 0, -1), wxSize(-1, -1), pen); }
104     void CreateRectMarker(const wxRect2DDouble& rect,
105                           const wxGenericPen& pen,
106                           const wxGenericBrush& brush = wxNullGenericBrush)
107         { Create(wxPLOTMARKER_RECT, rect, wxSize(-1, -1), pen, brush); }
108     void CreateRectMarker(const wxPoint2DDouble& pt,
109                           const wxSize& size,
110                           const wxGenericPen& pen,
111                           const wxGenericBrush& brush = wxNullGenericBrush)
112         { Create(wxPLOTMARKER_RECT, wxRect2DDouble(pt.m_x, pt.m_y, 0, 0), size, pen, brush); }
113 //    void CreateEllipseMarker(const wxRect2DDouble& rect,
114 //                             const wxGenericPen& pen,
115 //                             const wxGenericBrush& brush = wxNullGenericBrush)
116 //        { Create(wxPLOTMARKER_ELLIPSE, rect, wxSize(-1, -1), pen, brush); }
117     void CreateEllipseMarker(const wxPoint2DDouble& pt,
118                              const wxSize& size,
119                              const wxGenericPen& pen,
120                              const wxGenericBrush& brush = wxNullGenericBrush)
121         { Create(wxPLOTMARKER_ELLIPSE, wxRect2DDouble(pt.m_x, pt.m_y, 0, 0), size, pen, brush); }
CreateBitmapMarker(const wxPoint2DDouble & pt,const wxBitmap & bitmap)122     void CreateBitmapMarker(const wxPoint2DDouble& pt,
123                             const wxBitmap& bitmap)
124         { Create(wxPLOTMARKER_BITMAP, wxRect2DDouble(pt.m_x, pt.m_y, 0, 0), wxSize(-1, -1), wxNullGenericPen, wxNullGenericBrush, bitmap); }
126     // Get/Set the marker type
127     int  GetMarkerType() const;
128     void SetMarkerType(int type);
130     // Get/Set the rect to draw the marker into
131     //   The meaning of the rect is different for each marker type
132     //
133     //   Bitmap markers
134     //     Drawn centered at upper left if width = height = 0
135     //     Drawn into the rect and scaled if width & height != 0
136     //
137     //   Shape markers
138     //     Draws a full rect/ellipse if width & height > 0
139     //     Draws a point if width & height = 0
140     //     Draws a vertical line if width = 0 & height != 0
141     //     Draws a horizontal line if height = 0 & width != 0
142     //     Draws the full width if width < 0
143     //     Draws the full height if height < 0
144     wxRect2DDouble GetPlotRect() const;
145     wxRect2DDouble& GetPlotRect();
146     void SetPlotRect(const wxRect2DDouble& rect);
148     wxPoint2DDouble GetPlotPosition() const;
149     void SetPlotPosition(const wxPoint2DDouble& pos);
151     // for rect/ellipse markers you can set the size in pixels
152     wxSize GetSize() const;
153     void SetSize(const wxSize& size);
155     // Get/Set the pen to draw the lines with
156     wxGenericPen GetPen() const;
157     void SetPen(const wxGenericPen& pen);
158     // Get/Set the brush to fill the area with (null for none)
159     wxGenericBrush GetBrush() const;
160     void SetBrush(const wxGenericBrush& brush);
161     // Get/Set the bitmap to draw (null for none, ignored if not wxPLOTMARKER_BITMAP)
162     wxBitmap GetBitmap() const;
163     void SetBitmap(const wxBitmap& bitmap);
165     // operators
166     bool operator == (const wxPlotMarker& pm) const
167         { return m_refData == pm.m_refData; }
168     bool operator != (const wxPlotMarker& pm) const
169         { return m_refData != pm.m_refData; }
171     wxPlotMarker& operator = (const wxPlotMarker& pm)
172     {
173         if ( (*this) != pm )
174             Ref(pm);
175         return *this;
176     }
178 private:
179     // ref counting code
180     virtual wxObjectRefData *CreateRefData() const;
181     virtual wxObjectRefData *CloneRefData(const wxObjectRefData *data) const;
183     DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxPlotMarker);
184 };
186 #endif // _WX_PLOTMARK_H_