1 /* xlmath - xlisp built-in arithmetic functions */
2 /*	Copyright (c) 1985, by David Michael Betz
3         All Rights Reserved
4         Permission is granted for unrestricted non-commercial use	*/
7  * --------------------------------------------------------------------
8  * 28Apr03  dm  eliminate some compiler warnings
9  */
11 #include "xlisp.h"
12 #include <math.h>
14 /* external variables */
15 extern LVAL s_true;
17 /* forward declarations */
18 FORWARD LOCAL LVAL unary(int fcn);
19 FORWARD LOCAL LVAL binary(int fcn);
20 FORWARD LOCAL LVAL predicate(int fcn);
21 FORWARD LOCAL LVAL compare(int fcn);
22 FORWARD LOCAL void badiop(void);
23 FORWARD LOCAL void badfop(void);
26 /* binary functions */
xadd(void)27 LVAL xadd(void)    { return (binary('+')); } /* + */
xsub(void)28 LVAL xsub(void)    { return (binary('-')); } /* - */
xmul(void)29 LVAL xmul(void)    { return (binary('*')); } /* * */
xdiv(void)30 LVAL xdiv(void)    { return (binary('/')); } /* / */
xrem(void)31 LVAL xrem(void)    { return (binary('%')); } /* rem */
xmin(void)32 LVAL xmin(void)    { return (binary('m')); } /* min */
xmax(void)33 LVAL xmax(void)    { return (binary('M')); } /* max */
xexpt(void)34 LVAL xexpt(void)   { return (binary('E')); } /* expt */
xlogand(void)35 LVAL xlogand(void) { return (binary('&')); } /* logand */
xlogior(void)36 LVAL xlogior(void) { return (binary('|')); } /* logior */
xlogxor(void)37 LVAL xlogxor(void) { return (binary('^')); } /* logxor */
xatan(void)38 LVAL xatan(void)   { return (binary('A')); } /* atan */
40 /* xgcd - greatest common divisor */
xgcd(void)41 LVAL xgcd(void)
42 {
43     FIXTYPE m,n,r;
44     LVAL arg;
46     if (!moreargs())			/* check for identity case */
47         return (cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)0));
48     arg = xlgafixnum();
49     n = getfixnum(arg);
50     if (n < (FIXTYPE)0) n = -n;		/* absolute value */
51     while (moreargs()) {
52         arg = xlgafixnum();
53         m = getfixnum(arg);
54         if (m < (FIXTYPE)0) m = -m;	/* absolute value */
55         for (;;) {			/* euclid's algorithm */
56             r = m % n;
57             if (r == (FIXTYPE)0)
58                 break;
59             m = n;
60             n = r;
61         }
62     }
63     return (cvfixnum(n));
64 }
66 /* binary - handle binary operations */
binary(int fcn)67 LOCAL LVAL binary(int fcn)
68 {
69     FIXTYPE ival=0,iarg=0;
70     FLOTYPE fval=0,farg=0;
71     LVAL arg;
72     int mode=0;
74     /* get the first argument */
75     arg = xlgetarg();
77     /* set the type of the first argument */
78     if (fixp(arg)) {
79         ival = getfixnum(arg);
80         mode = 'I';
81     }
82     else if (floatp(arg)) {
83         fval = getflonum(arg);
84         mode = 'F';
85     }
86     else
87         xlerror("bad argument type",arg);
89     /* treat a single argument as a special case */
90     if (!moreargs()) {
91         switch (fcn) {
92         case '-':
93             switch (mode) {
94             case 'I':
95                 ival = -ival;
96                 break;
97             case 'F':
98                 fval = -fval;
99                 break;
100             }
101             break;
102         case '/':
103             switch (mode) {
104             case 'I':
105                 checkizero(ival);
106                 ival = 1 / ival;
107                 break;
108             case 'F':
109                 checkfzero(fval);
110                 fval = 1.0 / fval;
111                 break;
112             }
113             break;
114         case 'A':
115             switch (mode) {
116             case 'I':
117                 mode = 'F';
118                 fval = (double) ival;
119             case 'F':
120                 fval = atan(fval);
121                 break;
122             }
123             break;
124         }
125     }
127     /* handle each remaining argument */
128     while (moreargs()) {
130         /* get the next argument */
131         arg = xlgetarg();
133         /* check its type */
134         if (fixp(arg)) {
135             switch (mode) {
136             case 'I':
137                 iarg = getfixnum(arg);
138                 break;
139             case 'F':
140                 farg = (FLOTYPE)getfixnum(arg);
141                 break;
142             }
143         }
144         else if (floatp(arg)) {
145             switch (mode) {
146             case 'I':
147                 fval = (FLOTYPE)ival;
148                 farg = getflonum(arg);
149                 mode = 'F';
150                 break;
151             case 'F':
152                 farg = getflonum(arg);
153                 break;
154             }
155         }
156         else
157             xlerror("bad argument type",arg);
159         /* accumulate the result value */
160         switch (mode) {
161         case 'I':
162             switch (fcn) {
163             case '+':	ival += iarg; break;
164             case '-':	ival -= iarg; break;
165             case '*':	ival *= iarg; break;
166             case '/':	checkizero(iarg); ival /= iarg; break;
167             case '%':	checkizero(iarg); ival %= iarg; break;
168             case 'M':	if (iarg > ival) ival = iarg; break;
169             case 'm':	if (iarg < ival) ival = iarg; break;
170             case '&':	ival &= iarg; break;
171             case '|':	ival |= iarg; break;
172             case '^':	ival ^= iarg; break;
173             case 'A':   fval = atan2((double) ival, (double) iarg);
174                         mode = 'F';
175                         xllastarg();
176                         break;
177             default:	badiop();
178             }
179             break;
180         case 'F':
181             switch (fcn) {
182             case '+':	fval += farg; break;
183             case '-':	fval -= farg; break;
184             case '*':	fval *= farg; break;
185             case '/':	checkfzero(farg); fval /= farg; break;
186             case 'M':	if (farg > fval) fval = farg; break;
187             case 'm':	if (farg < fval) fval = farg; break;
188             case 'E':	fval = pow(fval,farg); break;
189             case 'A':   fval = atan2(fval, farg);
190 	                xllastarg();
191 			break;
192             default:	badfop();
193             }
194                 break;
195         }
196     }
198     /* return the result */
199     switch (mode) {
200     case 'I':	return (cvfixnum(ival));
201     case 'F':	return (cvflonum(fval));
202     }
204     /* This shouldn't fall through, but just in case, this will
205        catch it and make the compiler happy... */
206     xlerror("bad argument type",arg);
207     return NULL;
208 }
210 /* checkizero - check for integer division by zero */
checkizero(FIXTYPE iarg)211 void checkizero(FIXTYPE iarg)
212 {
213     if (iarg == 0)
214         xlfail("division by zero");
215 }
217 /* checkfzero - check for floating point division by zero */
checkfzero(FLOTYPE farg)218 void checkfzero(FLOTYPE farg)
219 {
220     if (farg == 0.0)
221         xlfail("division by zero");
222 }
224 /* checkfneg - check for square root of a negative number */
checkfneg(FLOTYPE farg)225 void checkfneg(FLOTYPE farg)
226 {
227     if (farg < 0.0)
228         xlfail("square root of a negative number");
229 }
231 /* real-random */
xrealrand(void)232 LVAL xrealrand(void)
233 {
234     xllastarg();
235     return cvflonum(xlrealrand());
236 }
238 /* unary functions */
xlognot(void)239 LVAL xlognot(void) { return (unary('~')); } /* lognot */
xabs(void)240 LVAL xabs(void)    { return (unary('A')); } /* abs */
xadd1(void)241 LVAL xadd1(void)   { return (unary('+')); } /* 1+ */
xsub1(void)242 LVAL xsub1(void)   { return (unary('-')); } /* 1- */
xsin(void)243 LVAL xsin(void)    { return (unary('S')); } /* sin */
xcos(void)244 LVAL xcos(void)    { return (unary('C')); } /* cos */
xtan(void)245 LVAL xtan(void)    { return (unary('T')); } /* tan */
xexp(void)246 LVAL xexp(void)    { return (unary('E')); } /* exp */
xsqrt(void)247 LVAL xsqrt(void)   { return (unary('R')); } /* sqrt */
xfix(void)248 LVAL xfix(void)    { return (unary('I')); } /* truncate */
xfloat(void)249 LVAL xfloat(void)  { return (unary('F')); } /* float */
xrand(void)250 LVAL xrand(void)   { return (unary('?')); } /* random */
xsrand(void)251 LVAL xsrand(void)  { return (unary('@')); } /* random seed */
253 /* unary - handle unary operations */
unary(int fcn)254 LOCAL LVAL unary(int fcn)
255 {
256     FLOTYPE fval;
257     FIXTYPE ival;
258     LVAL arg;
260     /* get the argument */
261     arg = xlgetarg();
262     xllastarg();
264     /* check its type */
265     if (fixp(arg)) {
266         ival = getfixnum(arg);
267         switch (fcn) {
268         case '~':	ival = ~ival; break;
269         case 'A':	ival = (ival < 0 ? -ival : ival); break;
270         case '+':	ival++; break;
271         case '-':	ival--; break;
272         case 'I':	break;
273         case 'F':	return (cvflonum((FLOTYPE)ival));
274         case '?':	ival = (FIXTYPE)xlrand((int)ival); break;
275         case '@':       ival = (FIXTYPE)xlsrand((int)ival); break;
276         default:	badiop();
277         }
278         return (cvfixnum(ival));
279     }
280     else if (floatp(arg)) {
281         fval = getflonum(arg);
282         switch (fcn) {
283         case 'A':	fval = (fval < 0.0 ? -fval : fval); break;
284         case '+':	fval += 1.0; break;
285         case '-':	fval -= 1.0; break;
286         case 'S':	fval = sin(fval); break;
287         case 'C':	fval = cos(fval); break;
288         case 'T':	fval = tan(fval); break;
289         case 'E':	fval = exp(fval); break;
290         case 'R':	checkfneg(fval); fval = sqrt(fval); break;
291         case 'I':	return (cvfixnum((FIXTYPE)fval));
292         case 'F':	break;
293         default:	badfop();
294         }
295         return (cvflonum(fval));
296     }
297     else {
298         xlerror("bad argument type",arg);
299         return NULL;
300     }
301 }
303 /* unary predicates */
xminusp(void)304 LVAL xminusp(void) { return (predicate('-')); } /* minusp */
xzerop(void)305 LVAL xzerop(void)  { return (predicate('Z')); } /* zerop */
xplusp(void)306 LVAL xplusp(void)  { return (predicate('+')); } /* plusp */
xevenp(void)307 LVAL xevenp(void)  { return (predicate('E')); } /* evenp */
xoddp(void)308 LVAL xoddp(void)   { return (predicate('O')); } /* oddp */
310 /* predicate - handle a predicate function */
predicate(int fcn)311 LOCAL LVAL predicate(int fcn)
312 {
313     FLOTYPE fval;
314     FIXTYPE ival=0;
315     LVAL arg;
317     /* get the argument */
318     arg = xlgetarg();
319     xllastarg();
321     /* check the argument type */
322     if (fixp(arg)) {
323         ival = getfixnum(arg);
324         switch (fcn) {
325         case '-':	ival = (ival < 0); break;
326         case 'Z':	ival = (ival == 0); break;
327         case '+':	ival = (ival > 0); break;
328         case 'E':	ival = ((ival & 1) == 0); break;
329         case 'O':	ival = ((ival & 1) != 0); break;
330         default:	badiop();
331         }
332     }
333     else if (floatp(arg)) {
334         fval = getflonum(arg);
335         switch (fcn) {
336         case '-':	ival = (fval < 0); break;
337         case 'Z':	ival = (fval == 0); break;
338         case '+':	ival = (fval > 0); break;
339         default:	badfop();
340         }
341     }
342     else
343         xlerror("bad argument type",arg);
345     /* return the result value */
346     return (ival ? s_true : NIL);
347 }
349 /* comparison functions */
xlss(void)350 LVAL xlss(void) { return (compare('<')); } /* < */
xleq(void)351 LVAL xleq(void) { return (compare('L')); } /* <= */
xequ(void)352 LVAL xequ(void) { return (compare('=')); } /* = */
xneq(void)353 LVAL xneq(void) { return (compare('#')); } /* /= */
xgeq(void)354 LVAL xgeq(void) { return (compare('G')); } /* >= */
xgtr(void)355 LVAL xgtr(void) { return (compare('>')); } /* > */
357 /* compare - common compare function */
compare(int fcn)358 LOCAL LVAL compare(int fcn)
359 {
360     FIXTYPE icmp,ival=0,iarg=0;
361     FLOTYPE fcmp,fval=0,farg=0;
362     LVAL arg;
363     int mode=0;
365     /* get the first argument */
366     arg = xlgetarg();
368     /* set the type of the first argument */
369     if (fixp(arg)) {
370         ival = getfixnum(arg);
371         mode = 'I';
372     }
373     else if (floatp(arg)) {
374         fval = getflonum(arg);
375         mode = 'F';
376     }
377     else
378         xlerror("bad argument type",arg);
380     /* handle each remaining argument */
381     for (icmp = TRUE; icmp && moreargs(); ival = iarg, fval = farg) {
383         /* get the next argument */
384         arg = xlgetarg();
386         /* check its type */
387         if (fixp(arg)) {
388             switch (mode) {
389             case 'I':
390                 iarg = getfixnum(arg);
391                 break;
392             case 'F':
393                 farg = (FLOTYPE)getfixnum(arg);
394                 break;
395             }
396         }
397         else if (floatp(arg)) {
398             switch (mode) {
399             case 'I':
400                 fval = (FLOTYPE)ival;
401                 farg = getflonum(arg);
402                 mode = 'F';
403                 break;
404             case 'F':
405                 farg = getflonum(arg);
406                 break;
407             }
408         }
409         else
410             xlerror("bad argument type",arg);
412         /* compute result of the compare */
413         switch (mode) {
414         case 'I':
415             icmp = ival - iarg;
416             switch (fcn) {
417             case '<':	icmp = (icmp < 0); break;
418             case 'L':	icmp = (icmp <= 0); break;
419             case '=':	icmp = (icmp == 0); break;
420             case '#':	icmp = (icmp != 0); break;
421             case 'G':	icmp = (icmp >= 0); break;
422             case '>':	icmp = (icmp > 0); break;
423             }
424             break;
425         case 'F':
426             fcmp = fval - farg;
427             switch (fcn) {
428             case '<':	icmp = (fcmp < 0.0); break;
429             case 'L':	icmp = (fcmp <= 0.0); break;
430             case '=':	icmp = (fcmp == 0.0); break;
431             case '#':	icmp = (fcmp != 0.0); break;
432             case 'G':	icmp = (fcmp >= 0.0); break;
433             case '>':	icmp = (fcmp > 0.0); break;
434             }
435             break;
436         }
437     }
439     /* return the result */
440     return (icmp ? s_true : NIL);
441 }
443 /* badiop - bad integer operation */
badiop(void)444 LOCAL void badiop(void)
445 {
446     xlfail("bad integer operation");
447 }
449 /* badfop - bad floating point operation */
badfop(void)450 LOCAL void badfop(void)
451 {
452     xlfail("bad floating point operation");
453 }