1 /*
2  * $Id: ascio.c,v 1.8 2010-07-03 19:42:31 dhmunro Exp $
3  * Define standard Yorick built-in functions for ASCII I/O
4  *
5  * See std.i for documentation on the interface functions defined here.
6  */
7 /* Copyright (c) 2005, The Regents of the University of California.
8  * All rights reserved.
9  * This file is part of yorick (http://yorick.sourceforge.net).
10  * Read the accompanying LICENSE file for details.
11  */
13 #include "ydata.h"
14 #include "yio.h"
15 #include "defmem.h"
16 #include "pstdlib.h"
17 #include "play.h"
18 #include <string.h>
19 #include <errno.h>
21 extern BuiltIn Y_open, Y_close, Y_read, Y_write, Y_sread, Y_swrite;
22 extern BuiltIn Y_rdline, Y_bookmark, Y_backup, Y_popen, Y_fflush;
23 extern BuiltIn Y_filepath;
25 extern char *MakeErrorLine(long lineNumber, const char *filename);
27 extern void YErrorIO(const char *msg);
29 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
31 static char *CheckBuf(long len);
32 static char *CrackScan(char *format);
33 static char *CrackPrint(char *format);
34 static int CrackFormat(char *format, char *(*Cracker)(char *));
35 static void AddFormat(char *format, int type, int danger);
36 static void FreeFormats(void);
37 static void CheckOps(int nArgs);
38 static char *NextInLine(Operand *op, long n);
39 static void ReadWorker(Operand *sourceOp, Symbol *stack, char *format,
40                        Symbol *stack0);
41 static void WriteWorker(Operand *sinkOp, Symbol *stack, char *format);
42 static char *CheckOut(long len);
44 static char *fmtBuf= 0;
45 static long fmtLen= 0;
46 static int fmtType;
47 #define IO_NONE 0
48 #define IO_STRING 1
49 #define IO_LONG 2
50 #define IO_DOUBLE 3
51 #define IO_POINTER 4
52 #define IO_CHAR 5
54 struct FormatList { char *format; int type; int typeID; int danger; };
55 static struct FormatList *fmtList= 0;
56 static long fmtMax= 0;
57 static long fmtNow= 0;
59 static long fmtAssigns;
60 static long fmtWidth, fmtTotal;
61 static int fmtDanger;
63 struct io_operand {
64   Operand o;
65   Symbol s;
66 };
67 static struct io_operand *ioOps= 0;
68 static long maxIOops= 0;
70 static int typeMatch[]= { IO_LONG, IO_LONG, IO_LONG, IO_LONG,
72 static char *scanDefaults[]= { 0, "%s%n", "%ld%n", "%le%n" };
73 static char *printDefaults[]= { 0, " %s", " %8ld", " %#14.6g", " %8p" };
75 typedef int ScanFunc(Operand *op, char *format, char **text);
76 static ScanFunc CScanner, SScanner, IScanner, LScanner,
77   FScanner, DScanner, QScanner, NilScanner;
78 static ScanFunc *Scanner[]= { &CScanner, &SScanner, &IScanner, &LScanner,
79   &FScanner, &DScanner, 0, &QScanner, &NilScanner };
81 static YgetsLine inputBuffer= { 0, 0, 0 };
83 static Dimension *pDims= 0;
84 static char *outBuf= 0;
85 static long outLen= 0;
86 static long lineSize;
88 typedef void PrtFunc(Operand *op, char *format, char *text);
89 static PrtFunc CPrinter, SPrinter, IPrinter, LPrinter,
90   FPrinter, DPrinter, QPrinter, PPrinter;
91 static PrtFunc *Printer[]= { &CPrinter, &SPrinter, &IPrinter, &LPrinter,
92   &FPrinter, &DPrinter, 0, &QPrinter, &PPrinter };
93 static PrtFunc CPrintC, SPrintC, IPrintC, LPrintC;
94 static PrtFunc *PrintC[]= { &CPrintC, &SPrintC, &IPrintC, &LPrintC };
95 static PrtFunc FPrintD, DPrintD;
96 static PrtFunc *PrintD[]= { &FPrintD, &DPrintD };
98 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
100 /* Two data types which are "foreign" to Yorick are defined in this
101    file: the TextStream and the Bookmark.  */
103 static UnaryOp PrintBM, PrintTX;
105 /* Implement text streams as a foreign Yorick data type.  */
106 struct TextStream {
107   int references;      /* reference counter */
108   Operations *ops;     /* virtual function table */
109   p_file *stream;      /* 0 indicates file has been closed */
110   char *fullname;      /* filename after YExpandName */
111   int permissions;     /* +1 read permission, +2 write permission
112                           +4 append mode, +8 binary mode,
113                           +16 not seekable, +32 pipe */
114   /* ------ begin specific text stream part ------- */
115   long lastLineRead;   /* 1-origin line number of last line read */
116   long readPosition;   /* file position (ftell) after lastLineRead */
117   long lastPosition;   /* file position (ftell) before lastLineRead --
118                           after backup, lastPosition==readPosition,
119                           and lastPosition is not valid */
120   int readWrite;       /* 0 initially, 1 after read, 2 after write */
121   long fileID;         /* unique number used to recognize this file */
122 };
124 extern TextStream *NewTextStream(char *fullname,
125                                  void *stream, int permissions,
126                                  long line, long pos);
127 extern void FreeTextStream(void *ts);  /* ******* Use Unref(ts) ******* */
129 Operations textOps = {
130   &FreeTextStream, T_OPAQUE, 0, T_STRING, "text_stream",
131   {&PromXX, &PromXX, &PromXX, &PromXX, &PromXX, &PromXX, &PromXX, &PromXX},
132   &ToAnyX, &ToAnyX, &ToAnyX, &ToAnyX, &ToAnyX, &ToAnyX, &ToAnyX,
133   &NegateX, &ComplementX, &NotX, &TrueX,
134   &AddX, &SubtractX, &MultiplyX, &DivideX, &ModuloX, &PowerX,
135   &EqualX, &NotEqualX, &GreaterX, &GreaterEQX,
136   &ShiftLX, &ShiftRX, &OrX, &AndX, &XorX,
137   &AssignX, &EvalX, &SetupX, &GetMemberX, &MatMultX, &PrintTX
138 };
140 /* Implement bookmarks as a foreign Yorick data type.  */
141 typedef struct Bookmark Bookmark;
142 struct Bookmark {
143   int references;      /* reference counter */
144   Operations *ops;     /* virtual function table */
145   long lastLineRead;
146   long lastPosition, readPosition;
147   long fileID;
148 };
150 extern Bookmark *NewBookmark(long line, long last, long next, long id);
151 extern void FreeBookmark(void *bm);  /* ******* Use Unref(bm) ******* */
153 Operations bookOps = {
154   &FreeBookmark, T_OPAQUE, 0, T_STRING, "bookmark",
155   {&PromXX, &PromXX, &PromXX, &PromXX, &PromXX, &PromXX, &PromXX, &PromXX},
156   &ToAnyX, &ToAnyX, &ToAnyX, &ToAnyX, &ToAnyX, &ToAnyX, &ToAnyX,
157   &NegateX, &ComplementX, &NotX, &TrueX,
158   &AddX, &SubtractX, &MultiplyX, &DivideX, &ModuloX, &PowerX,
159   &EqualX, &NotEqualX, &GreaterX, &GreaterEQX,
160   &ShiftLX, &ShiftRX, &OrX, &AndX, &XorX,
161   &AssignX, &EvalX, &SetupX, &GetMemberX, &MatMultX, &PrintBM
162 };
164 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Y_open(int nArgs)166 void Y_open(int nArgs)
167 {
168   Symbol *stack= sp-nArgs+1;
169   char *filename, *fmode, *fullname, filemode[8];
170   int errmode, permissions;
171   p_file *file;
173   if (nArgs<1 || nArgs>3) YError("bad argument list to open function");
174   filename= YGetString(stack);
175   if (nArgs<2) fmode= 0;
176   else fmode= YGetString(stack+1);
177   if (nArgs<3) errmode= 0;
178   else errmode= YGetInteger(stack+2);
180   memset(filemode, 0, 8);
181   if (!fmode || !fmode[0])
182     strcpy(filemode, "r");
183   else if (fmode[0]!='r' && fmode[0]!='w' && fmode[0]!='a')
184     YError("2nd argument to open must begin with r, w, or a");
185   else
186     strncat(filemode, fmode, 7);
187   if (filemode[0]=='r') permissions= 1;
188   else if (filemode[0]=='w') permissions= 2;
189   else permissions= 6;
190   if (filemode[1]=='+' || filemode[2]=='+') permissions|= 3;
191   if (filemode[1]=='b' || filemode[2]=='b') {
192     permissions|= 8;
193     if (filemode[2]=='c') {
194       if (permissions&2) permissions|= 64;
195       filemode[2]= '\0';
196     } else if (filemode[3]=='c') {
197       if (permissions&2) permissions|= 64;
198       filemode[3]= '\0';
199     }
200   }
202   fullname= YExpandName(filename);
203   file= p_fopen(fullname, filemode);
205   if (file) {
206     /* set permission bits and push result IOStream */
207     if (permissions&8) {
208       IOStream *ios= NewIOStream(fullname, file, permissions);
209       PushDataBlock(ios);
210       if (permissions&64) CLupdate(ios);
211     } else {
212       PushDataBlock(NewTextStream(fullname, file, permissions, 0L, 0L));
213     }
215   } else if (errmode) {
216     /* fail silently if optional errmode flag is set */
217     p_free(fullname);
218     permissions= 0;
219     PushDataBlock(RefNC(&nilDB));
221   } else {
222     /* blow up if optional errmode flag is not set */
223     char *dots= strlen(filename)>100? "..." : "";
224     char message[140];
225     p_free(fullname);
226     sprintf(message, "cannot open file %.100s%s (mode %.6s)",
227             filename, dots, filemode);
228     YErrorIO(message);
229     return;
230   }
232   PopTo(sp-nArgs-1);
233   Drop(nArgs);
234   return;
235 }
237 PLUG_API int psckt_0close(void);  /* from socky.c */
Y_close(int nArgs)239 void Y_close(int nArgs)
240 {
241   DataBlock *db;
242   IOStream *binary= 0;
243   long index = -1;
244   if (nArgs!=1) YError("close function takes exactly one argument");
246   /* If argument is a simple variable reference, nil the variable.  */
247   if (sp->ops==&referenceSym) {
248     Symbol *s= &globTab[(index = sp->index)];
249     ReplaceRef(sp);
250     if (s->ops==&dataBlockSym &&
251         (s->value.db->ops==&textOps || s->value.db->ops==&streamOps)) {
252       s->ops= &intScalar;
253       Unref(s->value.db);
254       s->value.db= RefNC(&nilDB);
255       s->ops= &dataBlockSym;
256     }
257   }
258   db= sp->value.db;
260   if (db->ops==&textOps) {
261     TextStream *text= (TextStream *)db;
262     if (text->stream)
263       p_fclose(text->stream);
264     text->stream= 0;
265   } else if (db->ops==&streamOps) {
266     /* Make sure that the binary->stream gets closed, even if the IOStream
267        itself is not freed by the Drop() below.  */
268     if (db->references) binary= (IOStream *)db;
269   } else if (db->ops!=&voidOps) {
270     if (psckt_0close())
271       YError("bad argument type to close function");
272     if (index >= 0) {
273       ypush_nil();
274       yput_global(index, 0);
275       yarg_drop(1);
276     }
277     yarg_drop(1);
278     ypush_nil();
279     return;
280   }
282   if (db->references && db->ops!=&voidOps) {
283     char message[80];
284     sprintf(message, "%d outstanding references to closed file",
285             db->references);
286     YWarning(message);
287   }
289   Drop(1);
290   if (binary) {
291     HistoryInfo *history = binary->history;
292     ClearPointees(binary, 0);
293     if (history) {
294       IOStream *child = history->child;
295       ClearPointees(child, 0);
296       if (child->CloseHook) {
297         child->CloseHook(child);
298         child->CloseHook = 0;
299       }
300       if (child->stream) {
301         if (child->stream == binary->stream) FlushFile(child, 1);
302         else if (child->stream) child->ioOps->Close(child);
303         child->stream = 0;
304       }
305       if (child->contentsLog != binary->contentsLog) FreeClogFile(child);
306     } else if (binary->CloseHook) {
307       binary->CloseHook(binary);
308       binary->CloseHook = 0;
309     }
310     if (binary->stream) binary->ioOps->Close(binary);
311     binary->stream = 0;
312     if (binary->contentsLog) FreeClogFile(binary);
313   }
314   ypush_nil();
315 }
Y_filepath(int argc)317 void Y_filepath(int argc)
318 {
319   Dimension *dims;
320   Operand op;
321   char **input, **output;
322   long i, n;
324   if (argc != 1) YError("filepath function takes exactly one argument");
325   op.ops= 0;
326   if (sp->ops) sp->ops->FormOperand(sp, &op);
327   if (op.ops == &stringOps) {
328     input = YGet_Q(sp, 0, &dims);
329     n = TotalNumber(dims);
330     output = ((Array *)PushDataBlock(NewArray(&stringStruct, dims)))->value.q;
331     for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
332       output[i] = (input[i] ? YExpandName(input[i]) : 0);
333     }
334   } else if (op.ops == &streamOps) {
335     output = ypush_q(0);
336     output[0] = p_strcpy(((IOStream *)op.value)->fullname);
337   } else if (op.ops == &textOps) {
338     output = ypush_q(0);
339     output[0] = p_strcpy(((TextStream *)op.value)->fullname);
340   } else if (op.ops == &voidOps) {
341     PushDataBlock(RefNC(&nilDB));
342   } else {
343     YError("bad argument: expecting text/binary file or file name(s)");
344   }
345 }
347 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
349 /* a read operation from the keyboard actually suspends the virtual
350  * machine until the next keyboard input event
351  * the pc is saved so that other interpreted tasks can run while waiting
352  * for keyboard input
353  */
355 extern void yr_reader(char *input_line);
356 extern Instruction *ym_suspend(void);
357 extern void ym_resume(Instruction *pc);
358 extern char *y_read_prompt;
359 extern int yp_continue;
360 char *y_read_prompt = 0;
362 static Instruction *yr_pc_resume= 0;
363 static char *yr_dflt_prompts[] = { "read> ", "" };
364 static char **yr_result = 0;
365 static long yr_n, yr_nlines;
366 static int yr_j, yr_nargs;
368 void
yr_reset(void)369 yr_reset(void)
370 {
371   int i;
372   char *prompt = y_read_prompt;
373   y_read_prompt = 0;
374   yr_pc_resume = 0;
375   if (prompt) p_free(prompt);
376   for (i=0 ; i<yr_nargs ; i++) {
377     if (ioOps[i].s.ops == &dataBlockSym) {
378       Unref(ioOps[i].s.value.db);
379       ioOps[i].s.value.db = 0;
380     } else if (ioOps[i].s.index >= 0) {
381       long index = ioOps[i].s.index;
382       if (globTab[index].ops == &dataBlockSym) {
383         /* scalar asynchronously redefined since ym_suspend */
384         globTab[index].ops = &intScalar;
385         Unref(globTab[index].value.db);
386       }
387       globTab[index] = ioOps[i].s;
388     }
389   }
390   yr_nargs = 0;
391   FreeFormats();
392 }
394 void
yr_reader(char * input_line)395 yr_reader(char *input_line)
396 {
397   if (yr_result) {                 /* rdline */
398     *yr_result++ = p_strcpy(input_line);
399     yr_n--;
400   } else if (yr_n > 0) {           /* read */
401     yr_nlines++;
402     /* Scanner returns 0 if found, 1 if not found,
403      * sets input_line==0 on matching failure, which should abort read */
404     while (!Scanner[fmtList[yr_j].typeID](&ioOps[yr_j].o,
405                                           fmtList[yr_j].format,
406                                           &input_line)) {
407       yr_j++;
408       if (yr_j >= yr_nargs) {
409         yr_n--;
410         if (!yr_n) break;
411         yr_j = 0;
412       }
413     }
414     if (!input_line) yr_n = 0;  /* halt on matching failure */
415   }
416   if (p_signalling) p_abort();
417   if (yr_n <= 0) {
418     ym_resume(yr_pc_resume);
419     /* read() returns count -- rdline() already pushed its result */
420     if (!yr_result && sp->ops==&longScalar) sp->value.l = fmtAssigns;
421     yr_reset();
422   }
423 }
Y_read(int nArgs)425 void Y_read(int nArgs)
426 {
427   Symbol *stack, *s;
428   char *format, *keyNames[3];
429   Symbol *keySymbols[2];
430   Operand sourceOp;
431   Symbol *stack0= sp-nArgs;
433   keyNames[0]= "format";
434   keyNames[1]= "prompt";
435   keyNames[2]= 0;
436   stack= YGetKeywords(stack0+1, nArgs, keyNames, keySymbols);
438   /* Get 1st argument if it is an IOStream or nil, otherwise will use
439      nil stream (keyboard).  */
440   if (stack>sp) YError("read function takes at least one argument");
441   /* treat references gently -- don't want to suck reference to
442      scalar int, long, or double onto the stack */
443   if (stack->ops==&referenceSym) s= &globTab[stack->index];
444   else s= stack;
445   if (s->ops==&dataBlockSym &&
446       (s->value.db->ops==&textOps || s->value.db->ops==&voidOps)) {
447     stack->ops->FormOperand(stack, &sourceOp);
448     stack++;
449     if (sourceOp.ops==&voidOps) sourceOp.ops= 0;
450     else {
451       TextStream *ts= sourceOp.value;
452       p_file *file= ts->stream;
453       if (!file)
454         YErrorIO("attempt to read from closed I/O stream");
455       else if (!(ts->permissions & 1))
456         YErrorIO("attempt to read from file opened in w or a mode");
457       if (ts->readWrite&2 && p_fseek(file, ts->readPosition)) {
458         p_ferror(file);       /* don't prejudice future I/O attempts */
459         YErrorIO("fseek failed to find current position in ASCII read");
460       }
461       ts->readWrite= 1;
462     }
463   } else {
464     sourceOp.ops= 0;  /* special form recognized by NextInLine */
465   }
466   if (!sourceOp.ops) {
467     /* set prompt string for NextInLine.  */
468     sourceOp.value=
469       keySymbols[1]? YGetString(keySymbols[1]) : yr_dflt_prompts[0];
470     if (!sourceOp.value) sourceOp.value= yr_dflt_prompts[1];
471   }
473   /* get format keyword, if any */
474   format= keySymbols[0]? YGetString(keySymbols[0]) : 0;
476   ReadWorker(&sourceOp, stack, format, stack0);
477 }
Y_sread(int nArgs)479 void Y_sread(int nArgs)
480 {
481   Symbol *stack;
482   char *format, *keyNames[2];
483   Symbol *keySymbols[1];
484   Operand sourceOp;
486   keyNames[0]= "format";
487   keyNames[1]= 0;
488   stack= YGetKeywords(sp-nArgs+1, nArgs, keyNames, keySymbols);
490   /* Get 1st argument if it is an IOStream or nil, otherwise will use
491      nil stream (keyboard).  */
492   if (stack>sp) YError("sread function takes at least one argument");
493   stack->ops->FormOperand(stack, &sourceOp);
494   if (sourceOp.ops!=&stringOps)
495     YError("1st argument to sread must be source string or string array");
496   stack++;
498   /* get format keyword, if any */
499   format= keySymbols[0]? YGetString(keySymbols[0]) : 0;
501   ReadWorker(&sourceOp, stack, format, 0);
502 }
504 static void
ReadWorker(Operand * sourceOp,Symbol * stack,char * format,Symbol * stack0)505 ReadWorker(Operand *sourceOp, Symbol *stack, char *format, Symbol *stack0)
506 {
507   Symbol *s;
508   char *text;
509   Dimension *dims= 0;
510   Operand *op;
511   long i, number, lineCount;
512   int j, nConversions, nArgs, typeID;
513   int from_keybd = !sourceOp->ops;
515   /* crack format string */
516   nConversions= CrackFormat(format, &CrackScan);
518   /* First pass through arguments counts them, checks data types and
519      conformability, and matches them to conversions in the format list.  */
520   CheckOps((int)(sp-stack+2));
521   nArgs= 0;
522   for ( ; stack<=sp ; stack++) {
523     if (!stack->ops) { /* skip keywords */
524       stack++;
525       continue;
526     }
527     if (stack->ops==&referenceSym &&
528         globTab[stack->index].ops!=&dataBlockSym) s= &globTab[stack->index];
529     else s= stack;
530     op= &ioOps[nArgs].o;
531     s->ops->FormOperand(s, op);
532     typeID= op->ops->typeID;
533     if (typeID>T_DOUBLE && typeID!=T_STRING)
534       YError("read cannot handle non-array, complex, pointer, or structure");
535     if (from_keybd) {
536       ioOps[nArgs].s.value.db = 0;
537       ioOps[nArgs].s.index = -1;
538       ioOps[nArgs].s.ops = ioOps[nArgs].o.owner->ops;
539       if (ioOps[nArgs].s.ops != &dataBlockSym) {
540         /* int, long, double scalars read directly into ioOps */
541         if (s!=stack) ioOps[nArgs].s.index = stack->index,
542                         ioOps[nArgs].s.value = globTab[stack->index].value;
543         ioOps[nArgs].o.value = &ioOps[nArgs].s.value;
544       }
545     }
546     if (nArgs<nConversions) {
547       if (typeMatch[typeID]!=fmtList[nArgs].type)
548         YError("read format/read output data type mismatch");
549     } else if (!nArgs && !nConversions && fmtNow==1) {
550       format= fmtList[0].format;
551       fmtList[0].format= p_strncat(format, scanDefaults[typeMatch[typeID]], 0);
552       p_free(format);
553     } else {
554       AddFormat(scanDefaults[typeMatch[typeID]], typeMatch[typeID], 0);
555     }
556     fmtList[nArgs].typeID= typeID;
557     if (nArgs) {
558       Dimension *tmp= op->type.dims;
559       while (tmp && dims && tmp->number==dims->number) {
560         tmp= tmp->next;
561         dims= dims->next;
562       }
563       if (tmp || dims)
564         YError("all outputs from formatted read must have same dimensions");
565     }
566     dims= op->type.dims;
567     nArgs++;
568   }
569   number= TotalNumber(dims);
571   if (nArgs<fmtNow) {
572     /* must scan for matching junk after all arguments read */
573     fmtList[nArgs].typeID= 8;  /* NilScanner */
574     i= strlen(fmtList[nArgs].format);
575     while (i && (fmtList[nArgs].format[i-1]=='\012' ||
576                  fmtList[nArgs].format[i-1]=='\015' ||
577                  fmtList[nArgs].format[i-1]==' '))
578       fmtList[nArgs].format[--i]= '\0';  /* strip off trailing newlines */
579     if (i) {
580       if (from_keybd) {
581         ioOps[nArgs].s.ops = 0;
582         ioOps[nArgs].s.index = -1;
583       }
584       nArgs++;
585     }
586   }
588   if (from_keybd) {
589     if (p_signalling) p_abort();
590     if (y_read_prompt)
591       YError("read() while waiting for read() or rdline()");
592     if (yp_continue)
593       YError("read() while waiting for continued input for parser");
594     yr_result = 0;
595     yr_n = number;
596     yr_j = 0;
597     yr_nargs = nArgs;
598     yr_nlines = fmtAssigns = 0;
599     y_read_prompt = p_strcpy(sourceOp->value);
600     PushLongValue(0);  /* actual result filled in later */
601     /* get an extra use for result arrays so they will survive
602      * being dropped off stack */
603     for (j=0 ; j<nArgs ; j++)
604       if (ioOps[j].s.ops==&dataBlockSym)
605         ioOps[j].s.value.db = Ref(ioOps[j].o.owner->value.db);
606     yr_pc_resume = ym_suspend();
607     return;
608   }
610   /* outer loop is on input array elements */
611   lineCount= 0;
612   text= NextInLine(sourceOp, lineCount++);
613   fmtAssigns= 0;
614   for (i=0 ; i<number ; i++) {
615     if (p_signalling) p_abort();
616     /* inner loop is on arguments to be read */
617     for (j=0 ; j<nArgs ; j++) {
618       do {
619         while (text && !text[0]) text= NextInLine(sourceOp, lineCount++);
620         /* If input exhausted, NextInLine returns text==0.
621          * If matching failure, Scanner returns text==0.  */
623         /* Scanner returns zero if object was found, non-zero if not
624          * found.  The text pointer is advanced past the number of
625          * characters scanned, or set to zero if a matching failure
626          * occurred.  */
627       } while (Scanner[fmtList[j].typeID](&ioOps[j].o, fmtList[j].format,
628                                           &text));
629     }
630   }
632   /* release excessive temporary space */
633   FreeFormats();
635   /* return total number of objects actually assigned */
636   PushLongValue(fmtAssigns);
637 }
Y_rdline(int nArgs)639 void Y_rdline(int nArgs)
640 {
641   Symbol *stack;
642   Operand op;
643   long i, nLines= 0;
644   Array *result;
645   Dimension *dims;
646   char *keyNames[2], *q;
647   Symbol *keySymbols[1];
648   Symbol *stack0= sp-nArgs;
650   keyNames[0]= "prompt";
651   keyNames[1]= 0;
652   stack= YGetKeywords(stack0+1, nArgs, keyNames, keySymbols);
654   for (nArgs=0 ; stack<=sp ; stack++) {
655     if (!stack->ops) {
656       stack++;
657       continue;
658     }
659     if (nArgs==1) nLines= YGetInteger(stack);
660     else if (nArgs==0) {
661       stack->ops->FormOperand(stack, &op);
662       if (op.ops!=&textOps && op.ops!=&voidOps)
663         YError("1st argument to rdline function not a text stream or nil");
664     } else {
665       YError("rdline function takes exactly one or two arguments");
666     }
667     nArgs++;
668   }
670   if (!nArgs || op.ops==&voidOps) op.ops= 0;
671   else {
672     TextStream *ts= op.value;
673     p_file *file= ts->stream;
674     if (!file)
675       YErrorIO("attempt to read from closed I/O stream");
676     else if (!(ts->permissions & 1))
677       YErrorIO("attempt to read from file opened in w or a mode");
678     if (ts->readWrite&2 && p_fseek(file, ts->readPosition)) {
679       p_ferror(file);         /* don't prejudice future I/O attempts */
680       YErrorIO("fseek failed to find current position in ASCII read");
681     }
682     ts->readWrite= 1;
683   }
684   if (!op.ops) {
685     /* set prompt string for keyboard input */
686     op.value= keySymbols[0]? YGetString(keySymbols[0]) : yr_dflt_prompts[0];
687     if (!op.value) op.value= yr_dflt_prompts[1];
688   }
690   dims= tmpDims;
691   tmpDims= 0;
692   FreeDimension(dims);
693   if (nLines>0) tmpDims= NewDimension(nLines, 1L, tmpDims);
694   else nLines= 1;
695   result= PushDataBlock(NewArray(&stringStruct, tmpDims));
697   if (!op.ops) {
698     if (p_signalling) p_abort();
699     if (y_read_prompt)
700       YError("rdline() while waiting for read() or rdline()");
701     if (yp_continue)
702       YError("rdline() while waiting for continued input for parser");
703     yr_result = result->value.q;
704     yr_n = nLines;
705     y_read_prompt = p_strcpy(op.value);
706     yr_pc_resume = ym_suspend();
707     return;
708   }
710   for (i=0 ; i<nLines ; i++) {
711     q = NextInLine(&op, i);
712     if (!q) break;
713     result->value.q[i] = p_strcpy(q);
714   }
715 }
717 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Y_write(int nArgs)719 void Y_write(int nArgs)
720 {
721   Symbol *stack;
722   char *format, *keyNames[3];
723   Symbol *keySymbols[2];
724   Operand sinkOp;
726   keyNames[0]= "format";
727   keyNames[1]= "linesize";
728   keyNames[2]= 0;
729   stack= YGetKeywords(sp-nArgs+1, nArgs, keyNames, keySymbols);
731   /* Get 1st argument if it is an IOStream or nil, otherwise will use
732      nil stream (keyboard).  */
733   if (stack>sp) YError("write function takes at least one argument");
734   stack->ops->FormOperand(stack, &sinkOp);
735   if (sinkOp.ops==&textOps) {
736     TextStream *ts= sinkOp.value;
737     p_file *file= ts->stream;
738     stack++;
739     if (!file)
740       YErrorIO("attempt to write to closed I/O stream");
741     else if (!(ts->permissions & 2))
742       YErrorIO("attempt to write to file opened in r mode");
743     if (ts->readWrite&1 && p_fseek(file, p_fsize(file))) {
744       p_ferror(file);          /* don't prejudice future I/O attempts */
745       YErrorIO("fseek failed to find current position in ASCII write");
746     }
747     ts->readWrite= 2;
748   } else {
749     if (sinkOp.ops==&voidOps) stack++;
750     sinkOp.ops= 0;
751   }
753   /* get format keyword, if any */
754   format= keySymbols[0]? YGetString(keySymbols[0]) : 0;
756   /* get linesize keyword, if any */
757   lineSize= keySymbols[1]? YGetInteger(keySymbols[1]) : 80;
759   WriteWorker(&sinkOp, stack, format);
760 }
Y_swrite(int nArgs)762 void Y_swrite(int nArgs)
763 {
764   Symbol *stack;
765   char *format, *keyNames[2];
766   Symbol *keySymbols[1];
768   keyNames[0]= "format";
769   keyNames[1]= 0;
770   stack= YGetKeywords(sp-nArgs+1, nArgs, keyNames, keySymbols);
772   /* get format keyword, if any */
773   format= keySymbols[0]? YGetString(keySymbols[0]) : 0;
775   WriteWorker((Operand *)0, stack, format);
776 }
778 static void
WriteWorker(Operand * sinkOp,Symbol * stack,char * format)779 WriteWorker(Operand *sinkOp, Symbol *stack, char *format)
780 {
781   Dimension *dims;
782   Operand *op;
783   long i, number;
784   int j, nConversions, nArgs, typeID, nChars, nLine;
785   char *text;
786   Array *result;  /* for swrite only (sinkOp==0) */
787   p_file *file= (sinkOp && sinkOp->ops)?
788     ((TextStream *)sinkOp->value)->stream : (p_file *)0;
790   /* crack format string, set fmtTotal */
791   nConversions= CrackFormat(format, &CrackPrint);
793   dims= pDims;
794   pDims= 0;
795   FreeDimension(dims);
797   /* First pass through arguments counts them, checks data types and
798      conformability, and matches them to conversions in the format list.  */
799   CheckOps((int)(sp-stack+1));
800   nArgs= 0;
801   for ( ; stack<=sp ; stack++) {
802     if (!stack->ops) { /* skip keywords */
803       stack++;
804       continue;
805     }
806     op= &ioOps[nArgs].o;
807     stack->ops->FormOperand(stack, op);
808     typeID= op->ops->typeID;
809     if (typeID>T_DOUBLE && typeID!=T_STRING && typeID!=T_POINTER)
810       YError("write cannot handle non-array, complex, or structure");
811     if (nArgs<nConversions) {
812       int ftype= fmtList[nArgs].type;
813       if (ftype==IO_CHAR) ftype= IO_LONG;
814       if (typeMatch[typeID]!=ftype)
815         YError("write format/write input data type mismatch");
816     } else if (!nArgs && !nConversions && fmtNow==1) {
817       format= fmtList[0].format;
818       fmtList[0].format=
819         p_strncat(format, printDefaults[typeMatch[typeID]], 0);
820       p_free(format);
821     } else {
822       AddFormat(printDefaults[typeMatch[typeID]], typeMatch[typeID], 0);
823     }
824     fmtList[nArgs].typeID= typeID;
825     if (typeID==T_STRING) {
826       /* A string field might expand by as much as the length
827          of the longest string to be printed.  */
828       char **q= op->value;
829       long len;
830       fmtWidth= 0;
831       number= op->type.number;
832       for (i=0 ; i<number ; i++)
833         if (q[i] && (len= strlen(q[i]))>fmtWidth) fmtWidth= len;
834       fmtTotal+= fmtWidth;
835     } else {
836       fmtTotal+= 25;  /* difficult to imagine longer numeric field */
837     }
838     if (nArgs) {
839       if (Conform(pDims, op->type.dims) & 4)
840         YError("all inputs to formatted write must be conformable");
841       dims= pDims;
842       pDims= Ref(tmpDims);
843       FreeDimension(dims);
844     } else {
845       pDims= Ref(op->type.dims);
846     }
847     nArgs++;
848   }
849   number= TotalNumber(pDims);
851   /* second pass broadcasts arguments to same size */
852   for (j=0 ; j<nArgs ; j++) RightConform(pDims, &ioOps[j].o);
854   /* Make sure the outBuf has at least fmtTotal characters, which should
855      be a very conservative estimate of the maximum number of characters
856      required by the Printer output routines.  */
857   CheckOut(fmtTotal>80? fmtTotal : 80);
858   outBuf[0]= '\0';
860   if (!sinkOp)
861     /* this is swrite call -- it's time to create the result array */
862     result= PushDataBlock(NewArray(&stringStruct, pDims));
863   else
864     result= 0;
866   /* outer loop is on output array elements */
867   nLine= 0;
868   fmtTotal= 0;
869   for (i=0 ; i<number ; i++) {
870     if (p_signalling) p_abort();
871     /* inner loop is on arguments to be written */
872     text= outBuf;
873     text[0]= '\0';
874     nChars= 0;
875     for (j=0 ; j<nArgs ; j++) {
876       if (fmtList[j].type == IO_CHAR)
877         PrintC[fmtList[j].typeID](&ioOps[j].o, fmtList[j].format, text);
878       else if (fmtList[j].danger)
879         PrintD[fmtList[j].typeID-T_FLOAT](&ioOps[j].o,
880                                           fmtList[j].format, text);
881       else
882         Printer[fmtList[j].typeID](&ioOps[j].o, fmtList[j].format, text);
883       nChars= (int)strlen(text);  /* can't rely on sprintf to return this */
884       text+= nChars;
885       fmtTotal+= nChars;
886       nLine+= nChars;
887     }
889     /* one result printed/stored per array element */
890     if (!sinkOp) {
891       result->value.q[i]= p_strcpy(outBuf);
892     } else {
893       /* extra line break explained in help,write documentation
894        * nLine>nChars not mentioned in documentation prevents
895        * extra line break if single argument is longer than lineSize
896        */
897       if (i && ((nArgs>nConversions && nArgs>1) ||
898                 (nLine>lineSize && nLine>nChars))) {
899         if (sinkOp->ops && file) p_fputs(file, "\n");
900         else p_stdout("\n");
901         fmtTotal++;
902         nLine= strlen(outBuf);
903       }
904       if (sinkOp->ops && file) p_fputs(file, outBuf);
905       else p_stdout(outBuf);
906       if (nChars && text[-1]=='\n') nLine= 0;
907     }
908   }
910   /* add trailing newline if it seems reasonable to do so */
911   if (sinkOp && nArgs>nConversions) {
912     if (sinkOp->ops && file) p_fputs(file, "\n");
913     else p_stdout("\n");
914     fmtTotal++;
915   }
917   /* release excessive temporary space */
918   FreeFormats();
919   CheckOut(0L);
921   /* if this is write (not swrite), result is character count */
922   if (!result) PushLongValue(fmtTotal);
923 }
925 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
927 static long aFileID= 0;  /* unique file ID number for ASCII files */
928 IOFileLink *yTextFiles= 0;
930 /* Set up a block allocator which grabs space for 16 TextStream objects
931    at a time.  Since TextStream contains several pointers, the alignment
932    of an TextStream must be at least as strict as a void*.  */
933 static MemryBlock txtsBlock= {0, 0, sizeof(TextStream),
934                               16*sizeof(TextStream)};
NewTextStream(char * fullname,void * stream,int permissions,long line,long pos)936 TextStream *NewTextStream(char *fullname, void *stream, int permissions,
937                           long line, long pos)
938 {
939   TextStream *ios= NextUnit(&txtsBlock);
940   p_file *file= stream;
942   ios->references= 0;
943   ios->ops= &textOps;
944   ios->stream= file;
945   ios->fullname= fullname;
946   ios->permissions= permissions;
947   ios->lastLineRead= line;
948   ios->readPosition= ios->lastPosition= pos;
949   if (file && !(permissions&16) &&
950       p_fseek(file, pos)) ios->permissions|= 16;
951   ios->readWrite= 0;
952   ios->fileID= aFileID++;
954   AddIOLink(&yTextFiles, ios);
955   return ios;
956 }
FreeTextStream(void * ios)958 void FreeTextStream(void *ios)
959 {
960   TextStream *io= ios;
961   p_file *stream= io->stream;
962   if (stream) p_fclose(stream);
963   p_free(io->fullname);
964   RemoveIOLink(yTextFiles, io);
965   FreeUnit(&txtsBlock, io);
966 }
968 static char *txStatus[]=
969   { "<illegal>", "read-only", "write-only", "read-write" };
PrintTX(Operand * op)971 static void PrintTX(Operand *op)
972 {
973   TextStream *ts= op->value;
974   long line= ts->lastLineRead+1;
975   ForceNewline();
976   if (ts->stream) {
977     char text[32];
978     sprintf(text, "%s text stream at:", txStatus[ts->permissions&3]);
979     PrintFunc(text);
980   } else {
981     PrintFunc("text stream <closed> was:");
982     line= 0;
983   }
984   ForceNewline();
985   PrintFunc(MakeErrorLine(line, ts->fullname));
986   ForceNewline();
987 }
989 /* Set up a block allocator which grabs space for 16 bookmark objects
990    at a time.  Since Bookmark contains an ops pointer, the alignment
991    of a Bookmark must be at least as strict as a void*.  */
992 static MemryBlock bookBlock= {0, 0, sizeof(Bookmark),
993                                  16*sizeof(Bookmark)};
NewBookmark(long line,long last,long next,long id)995 Bookmark *NewBookmark(long line, long last, long next, long id)
996 {
997   Bookmark *bookmark= NextUnit(&bookBlock);
998   bookmark->references= 0;
999   bookmark->ops= &bookOps;
1000   bookmark->lastLineRead= line;
1001   bookmark->lastPosition= last;
1002   bookmark->readPosition= next;
1003   bookmark->fileID= id;
1004   return bookmark;
1005 }
FreeBookmark(void * bm)1007 void FreeBookmark(void *bm)  /* ******* Use Unref(bm) ******* */
1008 {
1009   FreeUnit(&bookBlock , bm);
1010 }
PrintBM(Operand * op)1012 static void PrintBM(Operand *op)
1013 {
1014   Bookmark *bm= op->value;
1015   IOFileLink *iofl;
1016   for (iofl=yTextFiles ; iofl ; iofl=iofl->next)
1017     if (((TextStream *)iofl->ios)->fileID == bm->fileID) break;
1018   if (iofl) {
1019     TextStream *ts= iofl->ios;
1020     ForceNewline();
1021     PrintFunc("bookmark at:");
1022     ForceNewline();
1023     PrintFunc(MakeErrorLine(bm->lastLineRead+1, ts->fullname));
1024     ForceNewline();
1025   } else {
1026     PrintFunc("<lost bookmark>");
1027   }
1028 }
Y_bookmark(int nArgs)1030 void Y_bookmark(int nArgs)
1031 {
1032   Operand op;
1033   TextStream *ios;
1034   if (nArgs!=1) YError("bookmark function takes exactly one argument");
1035   sp->ops->FormOperand(sp, &op);
1036   ios= op.value;
1037   if (op.ops!=&textOps)
1038     YError("argument to bookmark function not a text stream");
1039   if (ios->permissions&16) YError("can't place a bookmark in a pipe");
1040   PushDataBlock(NewBookmark(ios->lastLineRead, ios->lastPosition,
1041                             ios->readPosition, ios->fileID));
1042 }
Y_backup(int nArgs)1044 void Y_backup(int nArgs)
1045 {
1046   Operand op;
1047   TextStream *ios;
1048   Bookmark *bm= 0;
1049   p_file *file;
1051   if (nArgs!=1 && nArgs!=2)
1052     YError("backup function takes exactly one or two arguments");
1053   if (nArgs==2) {
1054     sp->ops->FormOperand(sp, &op);
1055     if (op.ops==&bookOps)
1056       bm= op.value;
1057     else if (op.ops!=&voidOps)
1058       YError("2nd argument to backup function is not nil or bookmark");
1059     Drop(1);
1060   }
1061   sp->ops->FormOperand(sp, &op);
1062   ios= op.value;
1063   if (op.ops!=&textOps)
1064     YError("1st argument to backup function not a text stream");
1065   if (ios->permissions&16) YError("can't backup a pipe");
1066   file= ios->stream;
1068   /* don't try to detect no-op, as side effect of this routine is
1069      to ensure that fseek is called to make a read operation
1070      legal (previous operation may have been a write) */
1072   if (bm) {
1073     /* reset state to bookmark */
1074     struct IOFileLink *iofl;
1075     for (iofl=yTextFiles ; iofl ; iofl=iofl->next)
1076       if (((TextStream *)iofl->ios)->fileID == bm->fileID) break;
1077     if (!iofl) YError("no file for bookmark passed to backup function");
1078     if (iofl->ios!=ios)
1079       YError("wrong file for bookmark passed to backup function");
1080     if (p_fseek(file, bm->readPosition))
1081       YErrorIO("fseek failed in backup function");
1082     ios->lastLineRead= bm->lastLineRead;
1083     ios->lastPosition= bm->lastPosition;
1084     ios->readPosition= bm->readPosition;
1086   } else {
1087     /* back up to previous line */
1088     if (p_fseek(file, ios->lastPosition))
1089       YErrorIO("fseek failed in backup function");
1090     ios->readPosition= ios->lastPosition;
1091     ios->lastLineRead--;
1092   }
1094   ios->readWrite= 1;   /* fseek equivalent to read here */
1095 }
1097 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
NextInLine(Operand * op,long n)1099 static char *NextInLine(Operand *op, long n)
1100 {
1101   char *text;
1102   if (op->ops==&textOps) {
1103     TextStream *stream= op->value;
1104     p_file *file= stream->stream;
1105     text= Ygets(&inputBuffer, file);
1106     if (!text) {
1107       int hadEOF= Yfeof(file);
1108       int hadError= Yferror(file);
1109       p_ferror(file);  /* don't prejudice later I/O attempts */
1110       if (hadError)
1111         YErrorIO("****ABORTING READ**** error reading input file");
1112       if (!hadEOF)
1113         YErrorIO("****ABORTING READ**** input file not ASCII text");
1114     } else {
1115       stream->lastLineRead++;
1116       stream->lastPosition= stream->readPosition;
1117       if (!(stream->permissions&16)) stream->readPosition= p_ftell(file);
1118     }
1119   } else if (op->ops==&stringOps) {
1120     char **q= op->value;
1121     if (n<op->type.number) text= q[n];
1122     else text= 0;
1123   } else {
1124     YError("(BUG) impossible operand to NextInLine");
1125     text= 0;
1126   }
1127   return text;
1128 }
1130 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1132 #undef OPERATION
1133 #define OPERATION(opname, type1, type2) \
1134 static int opname(Operand *op, char *format, char **text) \
1135 { \
1136   type1 *x= op->value; \
1137   type2 v;  int i, n; \
1138   if (*text) { \
1139     i= sscanf(*text, format, &v, &n); \
1140     if (i==1) { *x= (type1)v; fmtAssigns++; *text+= n; i= 0; \
1141     } else if (i==0)    {         *text= 0;     i= 1; \
1142     } else {         *text+= strlen(*text);     i= 1; \
1143     } \
1144   } else { \
1145     *x= 0; i= 0; \
1146   } \
1147   if (!i) op->value= x+1; \
1148   return i; \
1149 }
1151 OPERATION(CScanner, unsigned char, long)
1152 OPERATION(SScanner, short, long)
1153 OPERATION(IScanner, int, long)
1154 OPERATION(LScanner, long, long)
1156 /* floating point read operations cope with Fortran "D" exponent format */
1157 static int retry_sscanf(char *text, char *format, double *pv, int *pn);
1158 #undef OPERATION
1159 #define OPERATION(opname, type1, type2) \
1160 static int opname(Operand *op, char *format, char **text) \
1161 { \
1162   type1 *x= op->value; \
1163   type2 v;  int i, n; \
1164   if (*text) { \
1165     i= retry_sscanf(*text, format, &v, &n); \
1166     if (i==1) { *x= (type1)v; fmtAssigns++; *text+= n; i= 0; \
1167     } else if (i==0)    {         *text= 0;     i= 1; \
1168     } else {         *text+= strlen(*text);     i= 1; \
1169     } \
1170   } else { \
1171     *x= 0; i= 0; \
1172   } \
1173   if (!i) op->value= x+1; \
1174   return i; \
1175 }
OPERATION(FScanner,float,double)1177 OPERATION(FScanner, float, double)
1178 OPERATION(DScanner, double, double)
1180 static int QScanner(Operand *op, char *format, char **text)
1181 {
1182   char **x= op->value;
1183   char *v; int i, n;
1184   if (*x) { p_free(*x); *x= 0; }
1185   if (*text) {
1186     long len= strlen(*text);
1187     v= CheckBuf(len);  /* allow enough space for worst case */
1188     i= sscanf(*text, format, v, &n);
1189     if (i==1) { *x= p_strcpy(v); fmtAssigns++; *text+= n; i= 0;
1190     } else if (i==0)    {                   *text= 0;     i= 1;
1191     } else {                             *text+= len;     i= 1;
1192     }
1193   } else {
1194     i= 0;
1195   }
1196   if (!i) op->value= x+1;
1197   return i;
1198 }
1200 /* ARGSUSED */
NilScanner(Operand * op,char * format,char ** text)1201 static int NilScanner(Operand *op, char *format, char **text)
1202 {
1203   if (!*text) return 0;
1204   if (strcmp(format,*text)) {
1205     *text= 0;
1206     return 1;
1207   } else {
1208     *text+= strlen(*text);
1209     return 0;
1210   }
1211 }
1213 /* Try to recognize things like 1.234d-21 or 1.234D-21 that Fortran emits.
1214  * The only reasonably cheap recourse is also a bit dangerous:
1215  *    We temporarily modify the text buffer and attempt a
1216  *    rescan.  Of course, if we're interrupted before we restore
1217  *    the modified text buffer, we may have modified the caller's
1218  *    text illegally.
1219  * Hopefully, a significant performance penalty accrues only if
1220  * the text you are reading contains things like "1.234e-21dumb".
1221  * However, a file full of "1.234D-21" style numbers will take
1222  * twice as long to read as one with ANSI C acceptable formats.
1223  *
1224  * New problem: Strings which overflow, e.g.- "1.e1000", insert Inf
1225  * and potentially mess with SIGFPE trap masking.  According to C9x
1226  * draft, this is supposed to set errno to ERANGE
1227  */
1228 static int
retry_sscanf(char * text,char * format,double * pv,int * pn)1229 retry_sscanf(char *text, char *format, double *pv, int *pn)
1230 {
1231   int i;
1232   errno = 0;
1233   i = sscanf(text, format, pv, pn);
1234   if (i == 1) {
1235     int n = *pn;
1236     char c = text[n];
1237     if (c=='D' || c=='d') {
1238       /* this may represent only limited success if the scan
1239        * stopped at a "d" or "D" character */
1240       text[n] = 'e';
1241       errno = 0;
1242       i = sscanf(text, format, pv, pn);
1243       text[n] = c;
1244     }
1245   }
1246   if (errno) {  /* treat e.g. 1e1000 like non-numeric sequence */
1247 #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__CYGWIN__)
1248     extern void u_fpu_setup(int when);  /* playu.h */
1249     u_fpu_setup(-1);  /* on some Linux platforms resets SIGFPE trap mask */
1250 #endif
1251     i = 0;
1252     *pv = 0.;
1253   }
1254   return i;
1255 }
1257 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1259 #undef OPERATION
1260 #define OPERATION(opname, type1, type2) \
1261 static void opname(Operand *op, char *format, char *text) \
1262 { \
1263   type1 *x= op->value; \
1264   type2 v= *x;  op->value= x+1; \
1265   sprintf(text, format, v); \
1266 }
OPERATION(CPrinter,unsigned char,long)1268 OPERATION(CPrinter, unsigned char, long)
1269 OPERATION(SPrinter, short, long)
1270 OPERATION(IPrinter, int, long)
1271 OPERATION(LPrinter, long, long)
1272 OPERATION(FPrinter, float, double)
1273 OPERATION(DPrinter, double, double)
1274 OPERATION(PPrinter, void *, void *)
1276 static void QPrinter(Operand *op, char *format, char *text)
1277 {
1278   char **x= op->value;
1279   char *v= *x;  op->value= x+1;
1280   sprintf(text, format, v? v : "");
1281 }
1283 #undef OPERATION
1284 #define OPERATION(opname, type1) \
1285 static void opname(Operand *op, char *format, char *text) \
1286 { \
1287   type1 *x= op->value; \
1288   double v= *x;  op->value= x+1; \
1289   if (v>1.e15) v= 1.e15;  else if (v<-1.e15) v= -1.e15; \
1290   sprintf(text, format, v); \
1291 }
OPERATION(FPrintD,float)1293 OPERATION(FPrintD, float)
1294 OPERATION(DPrintD, double)
1296 #undef OPERATION
1297 #define OPERATION(opname, type1) \
1298 static void opname(Operand *op, char *format, char *text) \
1299 { \
1300   type1 *x= op->value; \
1301   int v= *x;  op->value= x+1; \
1302   sprintf(text, format, v); \
1303 }
1305 OPERATION(CPrintC, unsigned char)
1306 OPERATION(SPrintC, short)
1307 OPERATION(IPrintC, int)
1308 OPERATION(LPrintC, long)
1310 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1312 static void CheckOps(int nArgs)
1313 {
1314   if (nArgs >= maxIOops) {
1315     long newMax= maxIOops+16;
1316     while (nArgs >= newMax) newMax+= 16;
1317     ioOps= p_realloc(ioOps, sizeof(struct io_operand)*newMax);
1318     maxIOops= newMax;
1319   }
1320 }
AddFormat(char * format,int type,int danger)1322 static void AddFormat(char *format, int type, int danger)
1323 {
1324   if (fmtNow >= fmtMax) {
1325     fmtList= p_realloc(fmtList, sizeof(struct FormatList)*(fmtMax+16));
1326     fmtMax+= 16;
1327   }
1328   fmtList[fmtNow].format= p_strcpy(format);
1329   fmtList[fmtNow].type= type;
1330   fmtList[fmtNow].typeID= -1;
1331   fmtList[fmtNow++].danger= danger;
1332 }
FreeFormats(void)1334 static void FreeFormats(void)
1335 {
1336   while (fmtNow) p_free(fmtList[--fmtNow].format);
1337   if (fmtMax>32) {
1338     fmtList= p_realloc(fmtList, sizeof(struct FormatList)*32);
1339     fmtMax= 32;
1340   }
1341   if (maxIOops>32) {
1342     ioOps= p_realloc(ioOps, sizeof(struct io_operand)*32);
1343     maxIOops= 32;
1344   }
1345 }
CrackFormat(char * format,char * (* Cracker)(char *))1347 static int CrackFormat(char *format, char *(*Cracker)(char *))
1348 {
1349   int nConversions= 0;
1350   fmtTotal= 0;
1352   /* free fmtList left over from last time, if any */
1353   while (fmtNow) p_free(fmtList[--fmtNow].format);
1355   /* Use either CrackScan or CrackPrint to split the format into pieces
1356      containing a single conversion specification corresponding to one
1357      item in the read or write argument list.  After this, either
1358      fmtNow==nConversions, or possibly fmtNow==1 and nConversions==0.  */
1359   if (format) {
1360     while (format[0]) {
1361       format= Cracker(format);
1362       if (fmtType!=IO_NONE) nConversions++;
1363       AddFormat(fmtBuf, fmtType, fmtDanger);
1364       fmtTotal+= fmtWidth;
1365     }
1366   }
1367   return nConversions;
1368 }
CheckBuf(long len)1370 static char *CheckBuf(long len)
1371 {
1372   if (len+4 > fmtLen) {
1373     long newSize= 80*(1 + (len+4)/80);
1374     fmtBuf= p_realloc(fmtBuf, newSize);
1375     fmtLen= newSize;
1376   } else if (fmtLen>80 && len+4<=80) {
1377     fmtBuf= p_realloc(fmtBuf, 80L);
1378     fmtLen= 80L;
1379   }
1380   return fmtBuf;  /* used by CrackScan and CrackPrint for format strings */
1381 }
CheckOut(long len)1383 static char *CheckOut(long len)
1384 {
1385   if (len > outLen) {
1386     long newSize= 256*(1 + (len-1)/256);
1387     outBuf= p_realloc(outBuf, newSize);
1388     outLen= newSize;
1389   } else if (outLen>512 && len<=512) {
1390     outBuf= p_realloc(outBuf, 512L);
1391     outLen= 512L;
1392   }
1393   return outBuf;  /* used by Printer routines to hold sprintf results */
1394 }
CrackScan(char * format)1396 static char *CrackScan(char *format)
1397 {
1398   int got_one;
1399   long i, n;
1400   char *part= CheckBuf(strlen(format));
1401   part[0]= '\0';
1402   fmtType= IO_NONE;
1403   got_one= 0;
1404   fmtWidth= 0;
1405   fmtDanger= 0;
1407   while (!got_one) { /* loop on conversion specifiers which do not assign */
1408     /* copy format until first conversion specifier */
1409     i= strcspn(format, "%");
1410     strncat(part, format, i);
1411     part+= i;
1412     format+= i;
1413     if (got_one || !format[0]) break;
1414     *part++= '%';
1415     *part= '\0';
1416     format++;
1418     /* find conversion type character */
1419     i= strcspn(format, "diouxXfeEgGs[cpn%");
1420     if (!format[i]) {
1421       strncat(part, format, i);
1422       break;
1423     }
1424     got_one= (format[i]!='%' && format[0]!='*');
1426     switch (format[i]) {
1427     case '%':
1428       i++;
1429       strncat(part, format, i);
1430       part+= i;
1431       format+= i;
1432       break;
1433     case '[':
1434       if (format[i+1]==']') i+= 2;
1435       else if (format[i+1]=='^' && format[i+2]==']') i+= 3;
1436       i+= strcspn(&format[i], "]");
1437     case 's':    /* actually can use case drop through here... */
1438       i++;
1439       strncat(part, format, i);
1440       part+= i;
1441       format+= i;
1442       fmtType= IO_STRING;
1443       break;
1444     case 'd': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u': case 'x': case 'X':
1445       /* all integers are handled as longs */
1446       if (format[i-1]=='h' || format[i-1]=='l') n= i-1;
1447       else n= i;
1448       strncat(part, format, n);
1449       part+= n;
1450       *part++= 'l';
1451       *part++= format[i];
1452       *part= '\0';
1453       format+= i+1;
1454       fmtType= IO_LONG;
1455       break;
1456     case 'e': case 'E': case 'f': case 'g': case 'G':
1457       /* all reals are handled as doubles */
1458       if (format[i-1]=='h' || format[i-1]=='l' ||
1459           format[i-1]=='L') n= i-1;
1460       else n= i;
1461       strncat(part, format, n);
1462       part+= n;
1463       *part++= 'l';
1464       *part++= format[i];
1465       *part= '\0';
1466       format+= i+1;
1467       fmtType= IO_DOUBLE;
1468       break;
1469     case 'p':
1470       YError("Yorick read cannot handle %p format, use %i");
1471       break;
1472     case 'c':
1473       YError("Yorick read cannot handle %c format, use %1s or %1[...]");
1474       break;
1475     case 'n':
1476       YError("Yorick read cannot handle %n format");
1477       break;
1478     }
1479   }
1481   /* append final character count to be able to advance input pointer */
1482   if (got_one) strcat(part, "%n");
1484   return format;
1485 }
CrackPrint(char * format)1487 static char *CrackPrint(char *format)
1488 {
1489   int got_one;
1490   long i, n;
1491   char *part= CheckBuf(strlen(format));
1492   part[0]= '\0';
1493   fmtType= IO_NONE;
1494   got_one= 0;
1495   fmtWidth= 0;
1496   fmtDanger= 0;
1498   for (;;) { /* loop on conversion specifiers which do not eat arguments */
1499     /* copy format until first conversion specifier */
1500     i= strcspn(format, "%");
1501     while (format[i]=='%' && format[i+1]=='%')
1502       i+= 2+strcspn(format+i+2, "%");    /* skip %% immediately */
1503     strncat(part, format, i);
1504     part+= i;
1505     format+= i;
1506     if (got_one || !format[0]) break;
1507     *part++= '%';
1508     *part= '\0';
1509     format++;
1511     /* find conversion type character */
1512     i= strcspn(format, "diouxXfeEgGscpn");
1513     if (!format[i]) break;
1514     for (n=0 ; n<i ; n++) {
1515       if (format[n] == '*')
1516         YError("Yorick write cannot handle %*.* format, compute format");
1517       if (!fmtWidth && format[n]>='1' && format[n]<='9') {
1518         /* get minimum field width, if specified */
1519         fmtWidth= format[n]-'0';
1520         for (n++ ; n<i && format[n]>='0' && format[n]<='9' ; n++)
1521           fmtWidth= 10*fmtWidth + format[n]-'0';
1522       }
1523     }
1524     got_one= 1;
1526     switch (format[i]) {
1527     case 's':
1528       i++;
1529       strncat(part, format, i);
1530       part+= i;
1531       format+= i;
1532       fmtType= IO_STRING;
1533       break;
1534     case 'd': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u': case 'x': case 'X':
1535       /* all integers are handled as longs */
1536       if (format[i-1]=='h' || format[i-1]=='l') n= i-1;
1537       else n= i;
1538       strncat(part, format, n);
1539       part+= n;
1540       *part++= 'l';
1541       *part++= format[i];
1542       *part= '\0';
1543       format+= i+1;
1544       fmtType= IO_LONG;
1545       break;
1546     case 'f':
1547       fmtDanger= 1;
1548     case 'e': case 'E': case 'g': case 'G':
1549       /* all reals are handled as doubles */
1550       if (format[i-1]=='L') n= i-1;
1551       else n= i;
1552       strncat(part, format, n);
1553       part+= n;
1554       *part++= format[i];
1555       *part= '\0';
1556       format+= i+1;
1557       fmtType= IO_DOUBLE;
1558       break;
1559     case 'c':
1560       i++;
1561       strncat(part, format, i);
1562       part+= i;
1563       format+= i;
1564       fmtType= IO_CHAR;
1565       break;
1566     case 'p':
1567       i++;
1568       strncat(part, format, i);
1569       part+= i;
1570       format+= i;
1571       fmtType= IO_POINTER;
1572       break;
1573     case 'n':
1574       YError("Yorick write cannot handle %n format, use strlen(swrite())");
1575       break;
1576     }
1577   }
1579   fmtWidth+= strlen(fmtBuf);
1580   return format;
1581 }
1583 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
YErrorIO(const char * msg)1585 void YErrorIO(const char *msg)
1586 {
1587   extern int y_catch_category;
1588   y_catch_category= 0x02;
1589   YError(msg);
1590 }
1592 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Y_popen(int nArgs)1594 void Y_popen(int nArgs)
1595 {
1596   char *command;
1597   int mode;
1598   p_file *file;
1599   if (nArgs!=2) YError("popen needs exactly two arguments");
1601   command= YGetString(sp-1);
1602   mode= (int)YGetInteger(sp);
1603   Drop(1);
1604   file= p_popen(command, mode?"w":"r");
1605   if (!file) YError("system popen function failed");
1606   PushDataBlock(NewTextStream(p_strcpy(command), file, mode?50:49, 0L, 0L));
1607 }
1609 void
Y_fflush(int nArgs)1610 Y_fflush(int nArgs)
1611 {
1612   Operand op;
1613   if (nArgs!=1) YError("fflush accepts exactly one argument");
1614   sp->ops->FormOperand(sp, &op);
1615   if (sp->value.db->ops==&textOps) {
1616     TextStream *ts = (TextStream *)sp->value.db;
1617     if (ts->stream) p_fflush(ts->stream);
1618   } else if (sp->value.db->ops==&streamOps) {
1619     IOStream *file = (IOStream *)sp->value.db;
1620     if (file->permissions & 2) {
1621       ClearPointees(file, 1);
1622       FlushFile(file, 0);
1623     }
1624   } else {
1625     YError("fflush expecting file handle as argument");
1626   }
1627 }
1629 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/