1# Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Ben Escoto
3# This file is part of rdiff-backup.
5# rdiff-backup is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
7# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8# option) any later version.
10# rdiff-backup is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
11# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13# General Public License for more details.
15# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16# along with rdiff-backup; if not, write to the Free Software
17# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
18# 02110-1301, USA
19"""Read increment files and restore to original"""
21import tempfile
22import io
23from . import rorpiter, FilenameMapping
26class RestoreError(Exception):
27    pass
30def Restore(mirror_rp, inc_rpath, target, restore_to_time):
31    """Recursively restore mirror and inc_rpath to target at restore_to_time
32    in epoch format"""
34    # Store references to classes over the connection
35    MirrorS = mirror_rp.conn.restore.MirrorStruct
36    TargetS = target.conn.restore.TargetStruct
38    MirrorS.set_mirror_and_rest_times(restore_to_time)
39    MirrorS.initialize_rf_cache(mirror_rp, inc_rpath)
40    target_iter = TargetS.get_initial_iter(target)
41    diff_iter = MirrorS.get_diffs(target_iter)
42    TargetS.patch(target, diff_iter)
43    MirrorS.close_rf_cache()
46def get_inclist(inc_rpath):
47    """Returns increments with given base"""
48    dirname, basename = inc_rpath.dirsplit()
49    if Globals.chars_to_quote:
50        basename = FilenameMapping.unquote(basename)
51    parent_dir = inc_rpath.__class__(inc_rpath.conn, dirname, ())
52    if not parent_dir.isdir():
53        return []  # inc directory not created yet
55    inc_list = []
56    for filename in parent_dir.listdir():
57        inc_info = rpath.get_incfile_info(filename)
58        if inc_info and inc_info[3] == basename:
59            inc = parent_dir.append(filename)
60            assert inc.isincfile()
61            inc_list.append(inc)
62    return inc_list
65def ListChangedSince(mirror_rp, inc_rp, restore_to_time):
66    """List the changed files under mirror_rp since rest time
68    Notice the output is an iterator of RORPs.  We do this because we
69    want to give the remote connection the data in buffered
70    increments, and this is done automatically for rorp iterators.
71    Encode the lines in the first element of the rorp's index.
73    """
74    assert mirror_rp.conn is Globals.local_connection, "Run locally only"
75    MirrorStruct.set_mirror_and_rest_times(restore_to_time)
76    MirrorStruct.initialize_rf_cache(mirror_rp, inc_rp)
78    old_iter = MirrorStruct.get_mirror_rorp_iter(MirrorStruct._rest_time, 1)
79    cur_iter = MirrorStruct.get_mirror_rorp_iter(MirrorStruct._mirror_time, 1)
80    collated = rorpiter.Collate2Iters(old_iter, cur_iter)
81    for old_rorp, cur_rorp in collated:
82        if not old_rorp:
83            change = "new"
84        elif not cur_rorp:
85            change = "deleted"
86        elif old_rorp == cur_rorp:
87            continue
88        else:
89            change = "changed"
90        path_desc = (old_rorp and old_rorp.get_safeindexpath()
91                     or cur_rorp.get_safeindexpath())
92        yield rpath.RORPath(("%-7s %s" % (change, path_desc), ))
93    MirrorStruct.close_rf_cache()
96def ListAtTime(mirror_rp, inc_rp, time):
97    """List the files in archive at the given time
99    Output is a RORP Iterator with info in index.  See ListChangedSince.
101    """
102    assert mirror_rp.conn is Globals.local_connection, "Run locally only"
103    MirrorStruct.set_mirror_and_rest_times(time)
104    MirrorStruct.initialize_rf_cache(mirror_rp, inc_rp)
105    old_iter = MirrorStruct.get_mirror_rorp_iter()
106    for rorp in old_iter:
107        yield rorp
110class MirrorStruct:
111    """Hold functions to be run on the mirror side"""
112    # If selection command line arguments given, use Select here
113    _select = None
114    # This will be set to the time of the current mirror
115    _mirror_time = None
116    # This will be set to the exact time to restore to (not restore_to_time)
117    _rest_time = None
119    @classmethod
120    def set_mirror_and_rest_times(cls, restore_to_time):
121        """Set class variables _mirror_time and _rest_time on mirror conn"""
122        MirrorStruct._mirror_time = cls.get_mirror_time()
123        MirrorStruct._rest_time = cls.get_rest_time(restore_to_time)
125    @classmethod
126    def get_mirror_time(cls):
127        """Return time (in seconds) of latest mirror"""
128        cur_mirror_incs = get_inclist(Globals.rbdir.append(b"current_mirror"))
129        if not cur_mirror_incs:
130            log.Log.FatalError("Could not get time of current mirror")
131        elif len(cur_mirror_incs) > 1:
132            log.Log("Warning, two different times for current mirror found", 2)
133        return cur_mirror_incs[0].getinctime()
135    @classmethod
136    def get_rest_time(cls, restore_to_time):
137        """Return older time, if restore_to_time is in between two inc times
139        There is a slightly tricky reason for doing this: The rest of the
140        code just ignores increments that are older than restore_to_time.
141        But sometimes we want to consider the very next increment older
142        than rest time, because rest_time will be between two increments,
143        and what was actually on the mirror side will correspond to the
144        older one.
146        So if restore_to_time is inbetween two increments, return the
147        older one.
149        """
150        inctimes = cls.get_increment_times()
151        older_times = [time for time in inctimes if time <= restore_to_time]
152        if older_times:
153            return max(older_times)
154        else:  # restore time older than oldest increment, just return that
155            return min(inctimes)
157    @classmethod
158    def get_increment_times(cls, rp=None):
159        """Return list of times of backups, including current mirror
161        Take the total list of times from the increments.<time>.dir
162        file and the mirror_metadata file.  Sorted ascending.
164        """
165        # use dictionary to remove dups
166        if not cls._mirror_time:
167            d = {cls.get_mirror_time(): None}
168        else:
169            d = {cls._mirror_time: None}
170        if not rp or not rp.index:
171            rp = Globals.rbdir.append(b"increments")
172        for inc in get_inclist(rp):
173            d[inc.getinctime()] = None
174        for inc in get_inclist(Globals.rbdir.append(b"mirror_metadata")):
175            d[inc.getinctime()] = None
176        return_list = list(d.keys())
177        return_list.sort()
178        return return_list
180    @classmethod
181    def initialize_rf_cache(cls, mirror_base, inc_base):
182        """Set cls.rf_cache to CachedRF object"""
183        inc_list = get_inclist(inc_base)
184        rf = RestoreFile(mirror_base, inc_base, inc_list)
185        cls.mirror_base, cls.inc_base = mirror_base, inc_base
186        cls.root_rf = rf
187        cls.rf_cache = CachedRF(rf)
189    @classmethod
190    def close_rf_cache(cls):
191        """Run anything remaining on CachedRF object"""
192        cls.rf_cache.close()
194    @classmethod
195    def get_mirror_rorp_iter(cls, rest_time=None, require_metadata=None):
196        """Return iter of mirror rps at given restore time
198        Usually we can use the metadata file, but if this is
199        unavailable, we may have to build it from scratch.
201        If the cls._select object is set, use it to filter out the
202        unwanted files from the metadata_iter.
204        """
205        if rest_time is None:
206            rest_time = cls._rest_time
208        metadata.SetManager()
209        rorp_iter = metadata.ManagerObj.GetAtTime(rest_time,
210                                                  cls.mirror_base.index)
211        if not rorp_iter:
212            if require_metadata:
213                log.Log.FatalError("Mirror metadata not found")
214            log.Log(
215                "Warning: Mirror metadata not found, "
216                "reading from directory", 2)
217            rorp_iter = cls.get_rorp_iter_from_rf(cls.root_rf)
219        if cls._select:
220            rorp_iter = selection.FilterIter(cls._select, rorp_iter)
221        return rorp_iter
223    @classmethod
224    def set_mirror_select(cls, target_rp, select_opts, *filelists):
225        """Initialize the mirror selection object"""
226        assert select_opts, "If no selection options, don't use selector"
227        cls._select = selection.Select(target_rp)
228        cls._select.ParseArgs(select_opts, filelists)
230    @classmethod
231    def get_rorp_iter_from_rf(cls, rf):
232        """Recursively yield mirror rorps from rf"""
233        rorp = rf.get_attribs()
234        yield rorp
235        if rorp.isdir():
236            for sub_rf in rf.yield_sub_rfs():
237                for attribs in cls.get_rorp_iter_from_rf(sub_rf):
238                    yield attribs
240    @classmethod
241    def subtract_indices(cls, index, rorp_iter):
242        """Subtract index from index of each rorp in rorp_iter
244        subtract_indices is necessary because we
245        may not be restoring from the root index.
247        """
248        if index == ():
249            return rorp_iter
251        def get_iter():
252            for rorp in rorp_iter:
253                assert rorp.index[:len(index)] == index, (rorp.index, index)
254                rorp.index = rorp.index[len(index):]
255                yield rorp
257        return get_iter()
259    @classmethod
260    def get_diffs(cls, target_iter):
261        """Given rorp iter of target files, return diffs
263        Here the target_iter doesn't contain any actual data, just
264        attribute listings.  Thus any diffs we generate will be
265        snapshots.
267        """
268        mir_iter = cls.subtract_indices(cls.mirror_base.index,
269                                        cls.get_mirror_rorp_iter())
270        collated = rorpiter.Collate2Iters(mir_iter, target_iter)
271        return cls.get_diffs_from_collated(collated)
273    @classmethod
274    def get_diffs_from_collated(cls, collated):
275        """Get diff iterator from collated"""
276        for mir_rorp, target_rorp in collated:
277            if Globals.preserve_hardlinks and mir_rorp:
278                Hardlink.add_rorp(mir_rorp, target_rorp)
279            if (not target_rorp or not mir_rorp or not mir_rorp == target_rorp
280                    or (Globals.preserve_hardlinks
281                        and not Hardlink.rorp_eq(mir_rorp, target_rorp))):
282                diff = cls.get_diff(mir_rorp, target_rorp)
283            else:
284                diff = None
285            if Globals.preserve_hardlinks and mir_rorp:
286                Hardlink.del_rorp(mir_rorp)
287            if diff:
288                yield diff
290    @classmethod
291    def get_diff(cls, mir_rorp, target_rorp):
292        """Get a diff for mir_rorp at time"""
293        if not mir_rorp:
294            mir_rorp = rpath.RORPath(target_rorp.index)
295        elif Globals.preserve_hardlinks and Hardlink.islinked(mir_rorp):
296            mir_rorp.flaglinked(Hardlink.get_link_index(mir_rorp))
297        elif mir_rorp.isreg():
298            expanded_index = cls.mirror_base.index + mir_rorp.index
299            file_fp = cls.rf_cache.get_fp(expanded_index, mir_rorp)
300            mir_rorp.setfile(hash.FileWrapper(file_fp))
301        mir_rorp.set_attached_filetype('snapshot')
302        return mir_rorp
305class TargetStruct:
306    """Hold functions to be run on the target side when restoring"""
307    _select = None
309    @classmethod
310    def set_target_select(cls, target, select_opts, *filelists):
311        """Return a selection object iterating the rorpaths in target"""
312        cls._select = selection.Select(target)
313        cls._select.ParseArgs(select_opts, filelists)
315    @classmethod
316    def get_initial_iter(cls, target):
317        """Return selector previously set with set_initial_iter"""
318        if cls._select:
319            return cls._select.set_iter()
320        else:
321            return selection.Select(target).set_iter()
323    @classmethod
324    def patch(cls, target, diff_iter):
325        """Patch target with the diffs from the mirror side
327        This function and the associated ITRB is similar to the
328        patching code in backup.py, but they have different error
329        correction requirements, so it seemed easier to just repeat it
330        all in this module.
332        """
333        ITR = rorpiter.IterTreeReducer(PatchITRB, [target])
334        for diff in rorpiter.FillInIter(diff_iter, target):
335            log.Log("Processing changed file %s" % diff.get_safeindexpath(), 5)
336            ITR(diff.index, diff)
337        ITR.Finish()
338        target.setdata()
341class CachedRF:
342    """Store RestoreFile objects until they are needed
344    The code above would like to pretend it has random access to RFs,
345    making one for a particular index at will.  However, in general
346    this involves listing and filtering a directory, which can get
347    expensive.
349    Thus, when a CachedRF retrieves an RestoreFile, it creates all the
350    RFs of that directory at the same time, and doesn't have to
351    recalculate.  It assumes the indices will be in order, so the
352    cache is deleted if a later index is requested.
354    """
356    def __init__(self, root_rf):
357        """Initialize CachedRF, self.rf_list variable"""
358        self.root_rf = root_rf
359        self.rf_list = []  # list should filled in index order
360        if Globals.process_uid != 0:
361            self.perm_changer = PermissionChanger(root_rf.mirror_rp)
363    def list_rfs_in_cache(self, index):
364        """Used for debugging, return indices of cache rfs for printing"""
365        s1 = "-------- Cached RF for %s -------" % (index, )
366        s2 = " ".join([str(rf.index) for rf in self.rf_list])
367        s3 = "--------------------------"
368        return "\n".join((s1, s2, s3))
370    def get_rf(self, index, mir_rorp=None):
371        """Get a RestoreFile for given index, or None"""
372        while 1:
373            if not self.rf_list:
374                if not self.add_rfs(index, mir_rorp):
375                    return None
376            rf = self.rf_list[0]
377            if rf.index == index:
378                if Globals.process_uid != 0:
379                    self.perm_changer(index, mir_rorp)
380                return rf
381            elif rf.index > index:
382                # Try to add earlier indices.  But if first is
383                # already from same directory, or we can't find any
384                # from that directory, then we know it can't be added.
385                if (index[:-1] == rf.index[:-1]
386                        or not self.add_rfs(index, mir_rorp)):
387                    return None
388            else:
389                del self.rf_list[0]
391    def get_fp(self, index, mir_rorp):
392        """Return the file object (for reading) of given index"""
393        rf = longname.update_rf(
394            self.get_rf(index, mir_rorp), mir_rorp, self.root_rf.mirror_rp)
395        if not rf:
396            log.Log(
397                "Error: Unable to retrieve data for file %s!\nThe "
398                "cause is probably data loss from the backup repository." %
399                (index and "/".join(index) or '.', ), 2)
400            return io.BytesIO()
401        return rf.get_restore_fp()
403    def add_rfs(self, index, mir_rorp=None):
404        """Given index, add the rfs in that same directory
406        Returns false if no rfs are available, which usually indicates
407        an error.
409        """
410        if not index:
411            return self.root_rf
412        if mir_rorp.has_alt_mirror_name():
413            return  # longname alias separate
414        parent_index = index[:-1]
415        if Globals.process_uid != 0:
416            self.perm_changer(parent_index)
417        temp_rf = RestoreFile(
418            self.root_rf.mirror_rp.new_index(parent_index),
419            self.root_rf.inc_rp.new_index(parent_index), [])
420        new_rfs = list(temp_rf.yield_sub_rfs())
421        if not new_rfs:
422            return 0
423        self.rf_list[0:0] = new_rfs
424        return 1
426    def close(self):
427        """Finish remaining rps in PermissionChanger"""
428        if Globals.process_uid != 0:
429            self.perm_changer.finish()
432class RestoreFile:
433    """Hold data about a single mirror file and its related increments
435    self.relevant_incs will be set to a list of increments that matter
436    for restoring a regular file.  If the patches are to mirror_rp, it
437    will be the first element in self.relevant.incs
439    """
441    def __init__(self, mirror_rp, inc_rp, inc_list):
442        self.index = mirror_rp.index
443        self.mirror_rp = mirror_rp
444        self.inc_rp, self.inc_list = inc_rp, inc_list
445        self.set_relevant_incs()
447    def __str__(self):
448        return "Index: %s, Mirror: %s, Increment: %s\nIncList: %s\nIncRel: %s" % (
449            self.index, self.mirror_rp, self.inc_rp,
450            list(map(str, self.inc_list)), list(map(str, self.relevant_incs)))
452    def relevant_incs_string(self):
453        """Return printable string of relevant incs, used for debugging"""
454        inc_header = ["---- Relevant incs for %s" % ("/".join(self.index), )]
455        inc_header.extend([
456            "%s %s %s" % (inc.getinctype(), inc.lstat(), inc.path)
457            for inc in self.relevant_incs
458        ])
459        inc_header.append("--------------------------------")
460        return "\n".join(inc_header)
462    def set_relevant_incs(self):
463        """Set self.relevant_incs to increments that matter for restoring
465        relevant_incs is sorted newest first.  If mirror_rp matters,
466        it will be (first) in relevant_incs.
468        """
469        self.mirror_rp.inc_type = b'snapshot'
470        self.mirror_rp.inc_compressed = 0
471        if (not self.inc_list
472                or MirrorStruct._rest_time >= MirrorStruct._mirror_time):
473            self.relevant_incs = [self.mirror_rp]
474            return
476        newer_incs = self.get_newer_incs()
477        i = 0
478        while (i < len(newer_incs)):
479            # Only diff type increments require later versions
480            if newer_incs[i].getinctype() != b"diff":
481                break
482            i = i + 1
483        self.relevant_incs = newer_incs[:i + 1]
484        if (not self.relevant_incs
485                or self.relevant_incs[-1].getinctype() == b"diff"):
486            self.relevant_incs.append(self.mirror_rp)
487        self.relevant_incs.reverse()  # return in reversed order
489    def get_newer_incs(self):
490        """Return list of newer incs sorted by time (increasing)
492        Also discard increments older than rest_time (rest_time we are
493        assuming is the exact time rdiff-backup was run, so no need to
494        consider the next oldest increment or any of that)
496        """
497        incpairs = []
498        for inc in self.inc_list:
499            time = inc.getinctime()
500            if time >= MirrorStruct._rest_time:
501                incpairs.append((time, inc))
502        incpairs.sort()
503        return [pair[1] for pair in incpairs]
505    def get_attribs(self):
506        """Return RORP with restored attributes, but no data
508        This should only be necessary if the metadata file is lost for
509        some reason.  Otherwise the file provides all data.  The size
510        will be wrong here, because the attribs may be taken from
511        diff.
513        """
514        last_inc = self.relevant_incs[-1]
515        if last_inc.getinctype() == b'missing':
516            return rpath.RORPath(self.index)
518        rorp = last_inc.getRORPath()
519        rorp.index = self.index
520        if last_inc.getinctype() == b'dir':
521            rorp.data['type'] = 'dir'
522        return rorp
524    def get_restore_fp(self):
525        """Return file object of restored data"""
527        def get_fp():
528            current_fp = self.get_first_fp()
529            for inc_diff in self.relevant_incs[1:]:
530                log.Log("Applying patch %s" % (inc_diff.get_safeindexpath(), ),
531                        7)
532                assert inc_diff.getinctype() == b'diff'
533                delta_fp = inc_diff.open("rb", inc_diff.isinccompressed())
534                new_fp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
535                Rdiff.write_patched_fp(current_fp, delta_fp, new_fp)
536                new_fp.seek(0)
537                current_fp = new_fp
538            return current_fp
540        def error_handler(exc):
541            log.Log(
542                "Error reading %s, substituting empty file." %
543                (self.mirror_rp.path, ), 2)
544            return io.BytesIO(b'')
546        if not self.relevant_incs[-1].isreg():
547            log.Log(
548                """Warning: Could not restore file %s!
550A regular file was indicated by the metadata, but could not be
551constructed from existing increments because last increment had type
552%s.  Instead of the actual file's data, an empty length file will be
553created.  This error is probably caused by data loss in the
554rdiff-backup destination directory, or a bug in rdiff-backup""" %
555                (self.mirror_rp.get_safeindexpath(),
556                 self.relevant_incs[-1].lstat()), 2)
557            return io.BytesIO()
558        return robust.check_common_error(error_handler, get_fp)
560    def get_first_fp(self):
561        """Return first file object from relevant inc list"""
562        first_inc = self.relevant_incs[0]
563        assert first_inc.getinctype() == b'snapshot'
564        if not first_inc.isinccompressed():
565            return first_inc.open("rb")
567        # current_fp must be a real (uncompressed) file
568        current_fp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
569        fp = first_inc.open("rb", compress=1)
570        rpath.copyfileobj(fp, current_fp)
571        assert not fp.close()
572        current_fp.seek(0)
573        return current_fp
575    def yield_sub_rfs(self):
576        """Return RestoreFiles under current RestoreFile (which is dir)"""
577        if not self.mirror_rp.isdir() and not self.inc_rp.isdir():
578            return
579        if self.mirror_rp.isdir():
580            mirror_iter = self.yield_mirrorrps(self.mirror_rp)
581        else:
582            mirror_iter = iter([])
583        if self.inc_rp.isdir():
584            inc_pair_iter = self.yield_inc_complexes(self.inc_rp)
585        else:
586            inc_pair_iter = iter([])
587        collated = rorpiter.Collate2Iters(mirror_iter, inc_pair_iter)
589        for mirror_rp, inc_pair in collated:
590            if not inc_pair:
591                inc_rp = self.inc_rp.new_index(mirror_rp.index)
592                inc_list = []
593            else:
594                inc_rp, inc_list = inc_pair
595            if not mirror_rp:
596                mirror_rp = self.mirror_rp.new_index_empty(inc_rp.index)
597            yield self.__class__(mirror_rp, inc_rp, inc_list)
599    def yield_mirrorrps(self, mirrorrp):
600        """Yield mirrorrps underneath given mirrorrp"""
601        assert mirrorrp.isdir()
602        for filename in robust.listrp(mirrorrp):
603            rp = mirrorrp.append(filename)
604            if rp.index != (b'rdiff-backup-data', ):
605                yield rp
607    def yield_inc_complexes(self, inc_rpath):
608        """Yield (sub_inc_rpath, inc_list) IndexedTuples from given inc_rpath
610        Finds pairs under directory inc_rpath.  sub_inc_rpath will just be
611        the prefix rp, while the rps in inc_list should actually exist.
613        """
614        if not inc_rpath.isdir():
615            return
617        def get_inc_pairs():
618            """Return unsorted list of (basename, inc_filenames) pairs"""
619            inc_dict = {}  # dictionary of basenames:inc_filenames
620            dirlist = robust.listrp(inc_rpath)
622            def add_to_dict(filename):
623                """Add filename to the inc tuple dictionary"""
624                rp = inc_rpath.append(filename)
625                if rp.isincfile() and rp.getinctype() != b'data':
626                    basename = rp.getincbase_bname()
627                    inc_filename_list = inc_dict.setdefault(basename, [])
628                    inc_filename_list.append(filename)
629                elif rp.isdir():
630                    inc_dict.setdefault(filename, [])
632            for filename in dirlist:
633                add_to_dict(filename)
634            return list(inc_dict.items())
636        def inc_filenames2incrps(filenames):
637            """Map list of filenames into increment rps"""
638            inc_list = []
639            for filename in filenames:
640                rp = inc_rpath.append(filename)
641                assert rp.isincfile(), rp.path
642                inc_list.append(rp)
643            return inc_list
645        items = get_inc_pairs()
646        items.sort()  # Sorting on basis of basename now
647        for (basename, inc_filenames) in items:
648            sub_inc_rpath = inc_rpath.append(basename)
649            yield rorpiter.IndexedTuple(
650                sub_inc_rpath.index,
651                (sub_inc_rpath, inc_filenames2incrps(inc_filenames)))
654class PatchITRB(rorpiter.ITRBranch):
655    """Patch an rpath with the given diff iters (use with IterTreeReducer)
657    The main complication here involves directories.  We have to
658    finish processing the directory after what's in the directory, as
659    the directory may have inappropriate permissions to alter the
660    contents or the dir's mtime could change as we change the
661    contents.
663    This code was originally taken from backup.py.  However, because
664    of different error correction requirements, it is repeated here.
666    """
668    def __init__(self, basis_root_rp):
669        """Set basis_root_rp, the base of the tree to be incremented"""
670        self.basis_root_rp = basis_root_rp
671        assert basis_root_rp.conn is Globals.local_connection
672        self.dir_replacement, self.dir_update = None, None
673        self.cached_rp = None
675    def get_rp_from_root(self, index):
676        """Return RPath by adding index to self.basis_root_rp"""
677        if not self.cached_rp or self.cached_rp.index != index:
678            self.cached_rp = self.basis_root_rp.new_index(index)
679        return self.cached_rp
681    def can_fast_process(self, index, diff_rorp):
682        """True if diff_rorp and mirror are not directories"""
683        rp = self.get_rp_from_root(index)
684        return not diff_rorp.isdir() and not rp.isdir()
686    def fast_process(self, index, diff_rorp):
687        """Patch base_rp with diff_rorp (case where neither is directory)"""
688        rp = self.get_rp_from_root(index)
689        tf = TempFile.new(rp)
690        self.patch_to_temp(rp, diff_rorp, tf)
691        rpath.rename(tf, rp)
693    def check_hash(self, copy_report, diff_rorp):
694        """Check the hash in the copy_report with hash in diff_rorp"""
695        if not diff_rorp.isreg():
696            return
697        if not diff_rorp.has_sha1():
698            log.Log(
699                "Hash for %s missing, cannot check" %
700                (diff_rorp.get_safeindexpath()), 2)
701        elif copy_report.sha1_digest == diff_rorp.get_sha1():
702            log.Log(
703                "Hash %s of %s verified" % (diff_rorp.get_sha1(),
704                                            diff_rorp.get_safeindexpath()), 6)
705        else:
706            log.Log(
707                "Warning: Hash %s of %s\ndoesn't match recorded hash %s!" %
708                (copy_report.sha1_digest, diff_rorp.get_safeindexpath(),
709                 diff_rorp.get_sha1()), 2)
711    def patch_to_temp(self, basis_rp, diff_rorp, new):
712        """Patch basis_rp, writing output in new, which doesn't exist yet"""
713        if diff_rorp.isflaglinked():
714            Hardlink.link_rp(diff_rorp, new, self.basis_root_rp)
715            return
716        if diff_rorp.get_attached_filetype() == 'snapshot':
717            copy_report = rpath.copy(diff_rorp, new)
718        else:
719            assert diff_rorp.get_attached_filetype() == 'diff'
720            copy_report = Rdiff.patch_local(basis_rp, diff_rorp, new)
721        self.check_hash(copy_report, diff_rorp)
722        if new.lstat():
723            rpath.copy_attribs(diff_rorp, new)
725    def start_process(self, index, diff_rorp):
726        """Start processing directory - record information for later"""
727        base_rp = self.base_rp = self.get_rp_from_root(index)
728        assert diff_rorp.isdir() or base_rp.isdir() or not base_rp.index
729        if diff_rorp.isdir():
730            self.prepare_dir(diff_rorp, base_rp)
731        else:
732            self.set_dir_replacement(diff_rorp, base_rp)
734    def set_dir_replacement(self, diff_rorp, base_rp):
735        """Set self.dir_replacement, which holds data until done with dir
737        This is used when base_rp is a dir, and diff_rorp is not.
739        """
740        assert diff_rorp.get_attached_filetype() == 'snapshot'
741        self.dir_replacement = TempFile.new(base_rp)
742        rpath.copy_with_attribs(diff_rorp, self.dir_replacement)
743        if base_rp.isdir():
744            base_rp.chmod(0o700)
746    def prepare_dir(self, diff_rorp, base_rp):
747        """Prepare base_rp to turn into a directory"""
748        self.dir_update = diff_rorp.getRORPath()  # make copy in case changes
749        if not base_rp.isdir():
750            if base_rp.lstat():
751                base_rp.delete()
752            base_rp.mkdir()
753        base_rp.chmod(0o700)
755    def end_process(self):
756        """Finish processing directory"""
757        if self.dir_update:
758            assert self.base_rp.isdir()
759            rpath.copy_attribs(self.dir_update, self.base_rp)
760        else:
761            assert self.dir_replacement
762            self.base_rp.rmdir()
763            if self.dir_replacement.lstat():
764                rpath.rename(self.dir_replacement, self.base_rp)
767class PermissionChanger:
768    """Change the permission of mirror files and directories
770    The problem is that mirror files and directories may need their
771    permissions changed in order to be read and listed, and then
772    changed back when we are done.  This class hooks into the CachedRF
773    object to know when an rp is needed.
775    """
777    def __init__(self, root_rp):
778        self.root_rp = root_rp
779        self.current_index = ()
780        # Below is a list of (index, rp, old_perm) triples in reverse
781        # order that need clearing
782        self.open_index_list = []
784    def __call__(self, index, mir_rorp=None):
785        """Given rpath, change permissions up to and including index"""
786        if mir_rorp and mir_rorp.has_alt_mirror_name():
787            return
788        old_index = self.current_index
789        self.current_index = index
790        if not index or index <= old_index:
791            return
792        self.restore_old(index)
793        self.add_new(old_index, index)
795    def restore_old(self, index):
796        """Restore permissions for indices we are done with"""
797        while self.open_index_list:
798            old_index, old_rp, old_perms = self.open_index_list[0]
799            if index[:len(old_index)] > old_index:
800                old_rp.chmod(old_perms)
801            else:
802                break
803            del self.open_index_list[0]
805    def add_new(self, old_index, index):
806        """Change permissions of directories between old_index and index"""
807        for rp in self.get_new_rp_list(old_index, index):
808            if ((rp.isreg() and not rp.readable())
809                    or (rp.isdir() and not (rp.executable() and rp.readable()))):
810                old_perms = rp.getperms()
811                self.open_index_list.insert(0, (rp.index, rp, old_perms))
812                if rp.isreg():
813                    rp.chmod(0o400 | old_perms)
814                else:
815                    rp.chmod(0o700 | old_perms)
817    def get_new_rp_list(self, old_index, index):
818        """Return list of new rp's between old_index and index
820        Do this lazily so that the permissions on the outer
821        directories are fixed before we need the inner dirs.
823        """
824        for i in range(len(index) - 1, -1, -1):
825            if old_index[:i] == index[:i]:
826                common_prefix_len = i
827                break
828        else:
829            assert 0
831        for total_len in range(common_prefix_len + 1, len(index) + 1):
832            yield self.root_rp.new_index(index[:total_len])
834    def finish(self):
835        """Restore any remaining rps"""
836        for index, rp, perms in self.open_index_list:
837            rp.chmod(perms)
840from . import (  # noqa: E402
841    Globals, Rdiff, Hardlink, selection, rpath,
842    log, robust, metadata, TempFile, hash, longname