3c     ###################################################
4c     ##  COPYRIGHT (C)  1992  by  Jay William Ponder  ##
5c     ##              All Rights Reserved              ##
6c     ###################################################
8c     ##############################################################
9c     ##                                                          ##
10c     ##  subroutine embed  --  structures via distance geometry  ##
11c     ##                                                          ##
12c     ##############################################################
15c     "embed" is a distance geometry routine patterned after the
16c     ideas of Gordon Crippen, Irwin Kuntz and Tim Havel; it takes
17c     as input a set of upper and lower bounds on the interpoint
18c     distances, chirality restraints and torsional restraints,
19c     and attempts to generate a set of coordinates that satisfy
20c     the input bounds and restraints
22c     literature references:
24c     G. M. Crippen and T. F. Havel, "Distance Geometry and Molecular
25c     Conformation", Research Studies Press, Letchworth U.K., 1988,
26c     John Wiley and Sons, U.S. distributor
28c     T. F. Havel, "An Evaluation of Computational Strategies for
29c     Use in the Determination of Protein Structure from Distance
30c     Constraints obtained by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance", Progress
31c     in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 56, 43-78 (1991)
34      subroutine embed
35      use atoms
36      use disgeo
37      use files
38      use inform
39      use iounit
40      use minima
41      use refer
42      implicit none
43      integer maxeigen
44      parameter (maxeigen=5)
45      integer i,j,nvar,nstep
46      integer lext,igeo,freeunit
47      integer maxneg,nneg
48      integer maxinner,ninner
49      integer maxouter,nouter
50      real*8 fctval,grdmin
51      real*8 dt,wall,cpu
52      real*8 temp_start
53      real*8 temp_stop
54      real*8 rg,rmsorig
55      real*8 rmsflip,mass
56      real*8 bounds,contact
57      real*8 chiral,torsion
58      real*8 local,locerr
59      real*8 bnderr,vdwerr
60      real*8 chirer,torser
61      real*8 evl(maxeigen)
62      real*8, allocatable :: v(:)
63      real*8, allocatable :: a(:)
64      real*8, allocatable :: evc(:,:)
65      real*8, allocatable :: matrix(:,:)
66      real*8, allocatable :: derivs(:,:)
67      logical done,valid
68      logical exist,info
69      character*7 errtyp,ext
70      character*240 title
71      character*240 geofile
74c     perform dynamic allocation of some local arrays
76      allocate (evc(n,maxeigen))
77      allocate (matrix(n,n))
79c     initialize any chirality restraints, then smooth the
80c     bounds via triangle and inverse triangle inequalities;
81c     currently these functions are performed by "distgeom"
83c     call kchiral
84c     if (verbose .and. n.le.130) then
85c        title = 'Input Distance Bounds :'
86c        call grafic (n,bnd,title)
87c     end if
88c     call geodesic
89c     if (verbose .and. n.le.130)) then
90c        title = 'Triangle Smoothed Bounds :'
91c        call grafic (n,bnd,title)
92c     end if
94c     generate a distance matrix between the upper and
95c     lower bounds, then convert to a metric matrix
97      maxinner = 3
98      maxouter = 3
99      maxneg = 2
100      nouter = 0
101      valid = .false.
102      do while (.not. valid)
103         ninner = 0
104         done = .false.
105         do while (.not. done)
106            ninner = ninner + 1
107            call dstmat (matrix)
108            call metric (matrix,nneg)
109            if (nneg.le.maxneg .or. ninner.eq.maxinner)  done = .true.
110            compact = 0.0d0
111         end do
112         if (verbose .and. nneg.gt.maxneg) then
113            write (iout,10)  nneg
114   10       format (/,' EMBED  --  Warning, Using Metric Matrix',
115     &                  ' with',i4,' Negative Distances')
116         end if
118c     find the principle components of metric matrix, then
119c     generate the trial Cartesian coordinates
121         nouter = nouter + 1
122         call eigen (evl,evc,matrix,valid)
123         call coords (evl,evc)
124         if (nouter.eq.maxouter .and. .not.valid) then
125            valid = .true.
126            if (verbose) then
127               write (iout,20)
128   20          format (/,' EMBED  --  Warning, Using Poor Initial',
129     &                    ' Coordinates')
130            end if
131         end if
132      end do
134c     superimpose embedded structure and enantiomer on reference
136      info = verbose
137      verbose = .false.
138      call impose (nref(1),xref,yref,zref,n,x,y,z,rmsorig)
139      if (use_invert) then
140         do i = 1, n
141            x(i) = -x(i)
142         end do
143         call impose (nref(1),xref,yref,zref,n,x,y,z,rmsflip)
144         if (rmsorig .lt. rmsflip) then
145            do i = 1, n
146               x(i) = -x(i)
147            end do
148            call impose (nref(1),xref,yref,zref,n,x,y,z,rmsorig)
149         end if
150         write (iout,30)  rmsorig,rmsflip
151   30    format (/,' RMS Superposition for Original and',
152     &              ' Enantiomer : ',2f12.4)
153      end if
154      verbose = info
156c     compute an index of compaction for the embedded structure
158      call chksize
160c     write out the unrefined embedded atomic coordinate set
162      if (debug) then
163         i = 0
164         exist = .true.
165         do while (exist)
166            i = i + 1
167            lext = 3
168            call numeral (i,ext,lext)
169            geofile = filename(1:leng)//'-embed'//'.'//ext(1:lext)
170            inquire (file=geofile,exist=exist)
171         end do
172         igeo = freeunit ()
173         open (unit=igeo,file=geofile,status='new')
174         call prtxyz (igeo)
175         close (unit=igeo)
176         title = 'after Embedding :'
177         call fracdist (title)
178      end if
180c     use majorization to improve initial embedded coordinates
182      do i = 1, n
183         matrix(i,i) = 0.0d0
184         do j = i+1, n
185            matrix(j,i) = matrix(i,j)
186         end do
187      end do
188      call majorize (matrix)
190c     square the bounds for use during structure refinement
192      do i = 1, n
193         do j = 1, n
194            dbnd(j,i) = dbnd(j,i)**2
195         end do
196      end do
198c     perform dynamic allocation of some local arrays
200      if (use_anneal) then
201         nvar = 3 * n
202         allocate (v(nvar))
203         allocate (a(nvar))
204      end if
206c     minimize the error function via simulated annealing
208      if (verbose)  call settime
209      if (use_anneal) then
210         iprint = 0
211         if (verbose)  iprint = 10
212         grdmin = 1.0d0
213         mass = 10000.0d0
214         do i = 1, nvar
215            v(i) = 0.0d0
216            a(i) = 0.0d0
217         end do
218         errtyp = 'FINAL'
219         call refine (errtyp,fctval,grdmin)
220         nstep = 1000
221         dt = 0.04d0
222         temp_start = 200.0d0
223         temp_stop = 200.0d0
224         call explore (errtyp,nstep,dt,mass,temp_start,temp_stop,v,a)
225         nstep = 10000
226         dt = 0.2d0
227         temp_start = 200.0d0
228         temp_stop = 0.0d0
229         call explore (errtyp,nstep,dt,mass,temp_start,temp_stop,v,a)
230         grdmin = 0.01d0
231         call refine (errtyp,fctval,grdmin)
233c     minimize the error function via nonlinear optimization
235      else
236         iprint = 0
237         if (verbose)  iprint = 10
238         grdmin = 0.01d0
239         errtyp = 'INITIAL'
240         call refine (errtyp,fctval,grdmin)
241         errtyp = 'MIDDLE'
242         call refine (errtyp,fctval,grdmin)
243         errtyp = 'FINAL'
244         call refine (errtyp,fctval,grdmin)
245      end if
246      if (verbose) then
247         call gettime (wall,cpu)
248         write (iout,40)  wall
249   40    format (/,' Time Required for Refinement :',10x,f12.2,
250     &              ' seconds')
251      end if
253c     perform deallocation of some local arrays
255      if (use_anneal) then
256         deallocate (v)
257         deallocate (a)
258      end if
260c     perform dynamic allocation of some local arrays
262      allocate (derivs(3,n))
264c     print the final error function and its components
266      bounds = bnderr (derivs)
267      contact = vdwerr (derivs)
268      local = locerr (derivs)
269      chiral = chirer (derivs)
270      torsion = torser (derivs)
271      write (iout,50)  fctval,bounds,contact,local,chiral,torsion
272   50 format (/,' Results of Distance Geometry Protocol :',
273     &        //,' Final Error Function Value :',10x,f16.4,
274     &        //,' Distance Restraint Error :',12x,f16.4,
275     &        /,' Hard Sphere Contact Error :',11x,f16.4,
276     &        /,' Local Geometry Error :',16x,f16.4,
277     &        /,' Chirality-Planarity Error :',11x,f16.4,
278     &        /,' Torsional Restraint Error :',11x,f16.4)
280c     take the root of the currently squared distance bounds
282      do i = 1, n
283         do j = 1, n
284            dbnd(j,i) = sqrt(dbnd(j,i))
285         end do
286      end do
288c     print the final rms deviations and radius of gyration
290      title = 'after Refinement :'
291      call rmserror (title)
292      call gyrate (rg)
293      write (iout,60)  rg
294   60 format (/,' Radius of Gyration after Refinement  :',6x,f16.4)
295      if (verbose .and. n.le.130)  call dmdump (matrix)
297c     print the normalized fractional distance distribution
299      if (debug) then
300         title = 'after Refinement :'
301         call fracdist (title)
302      end if
304c     perform deallocation of some local arrays
306      deallocate (evc)
307      deallocate (matrix)
308      deallocate (derivs)
309      return
310      end
313c     ##############################################################
314c     ##                                                          ##
315c     ##  subroutine kchiral  --  chirality restraint assignment  ##
316c     ##                                                          ##
317c     ##############################################################
320c     "kchiral" determines the target value for each chirality
321c     and planarity restraint as the signed volume of the
322c     parallelpiped spanned by vectors from a common atom to
323c     each of three other atoms
326      subroutine kchiral
327      use atoms
328      use inform
329      use iounit
330      use restrn
331      implicit none
332      integer i,j,ia,ib,ic,id
333      real*8 xad,yad,zad
334      real*8 xbd,ybd,zbd
335      real*8 xcd,ycd,zcd
336      real*8 c1,c2,c3
339c     compute the signed volume of each parallelpiped;
340c     if the defining atoms almost lie in a plane, then
341c     set the signed volume to exactly zero
343      do i = 1, nchir
344         ia = ichir(1,i)
345         ib = ichir(2,i)
346         ic = ichir(3,i)
347         id = ichir(4,i)
348         xad = x(ia) - x(id)
349         yad = y(ia) - y(id)
350         zad = z(ia) - z(id)
351         xbd = x(ib) - x(id)
352         ybd = y(ib) - y(id)
353         zbd = z(ib) - z(id)
354         xcd = x(ic) - x(id)
355         ycd = y(ic) - y(id)
356         zcd = z(ic) - z(id)
357         c1 = ybd*zcd - zbd*ycd
358         c2 = ycd*zad - zcd*yad
359         c3 = yad*zbd - zad*ybd
360         chir(1,i) = 0.1d0
361         chir(2,i) = xad*c1 + xbd*c2 + xcd*c3
362         if (abs(chir(2,i)) .lt. 1.0d0)  chir(2,i) = 0.0d0
363         chir(3,i) = chir(2,i)
364      end do
366c     print out the results for each restraint
368      if (verbose) then
369         if (nchir .ne. 0) then
370            write (iout,10)
371   10       format (/,' Chirality and Planarity Constraints :')
372            write (iout,20)
373   20       format (/,18x,'Atom Numbers',12x,'Signed Volume',/)
374         end if
375         do i = 1, nchir
376            write (iout,30)  i,(ichir(j,i),j=1,4),chir(2,i)
377   30       format (i6,5x,4i6,5x,f12.4)
378         end do
379      end if
380      return
381      end
384c     ##############################################################
385c     ##                                                          ##
386c     ##  subroutine triangle  --  triangle inequality smoothing  ##
387c     ##                                                          ##
388c     ##############################################################
391c     "triangle" smooths the upper and lower distance bounds via
392c     the triangle inequality using a full-matrix variant of the
393c     Floyd-Warshall shortest path algorithm; this routine is
394c     usually much slower than the sparse matrix shortest path
395c     methods in "geodesic" and "trifix", and should be used only
396c     for comparison with answers generated by those routines
398c     literature reference:
400c     A. W. M. Dress and T. F. Havel, "Shortest-Path Problems and
401c     Molecular Conformation", Discrete Applied Mathematics, 19,
402c     129-144 (1988)
405      subroutine triangle
406      use atoms
407      use disgeo
408      use iounit
409      implicit none
410      integer i,j,k
411      integer ik1,ik2
412      integer jk1,jk2
413      real*8 eps
414      real*8 lij,lik,ljk
415      real*8 uij,uik,ujk
418c     use full-matrix algorithm to smooth upper and lower bounds
420      eps = 1.0d-10
421      do k = 1, n
422         do i = 1, n-1
423            ik1 = min(i,k)
424            ik2 = max(i,k)
425            lik = dbnd(ik2,ik1)
426            uik = dbnd(ik1,ik2)
427            do j = i+1, n
428               lij = dbnd(j,i)
429               uij = dbnd(i,j)
430               jk1 = min(j,k)
431               jk2 = max(j,k)
432               ljk = dbnd(jk2,jk1)
433               ujk = dbnd(jk1,jk2)
434               lij = max(lij,lik-ujk,ljk-uik)
435               uij = min(uij,uik+ujk)
436               if (lij-uij .gt. eps) then
437                  write (iout,10)
438   10             format (/,' TRIANGLE  --  Inconsistent Bounds;',
439     &                       ' Geometrically Impossible')
440                  write (iout,20)  i,j,lij,uij
441   20             format (/,' Error at :',6x,2i6,3x,2f9.4)
442                  write (iout,30)  i,k,lik,uik,j,k,ljk,ujk
443   30             format (/,' Traced to :',5x,2i6,3x,2f9.4,
444     &                    /,17x,2i6,3x,2f9.4)
445                  call fatal
446               end if
447               if (lij-dbnd(j,i) .gt. eps) then
448                  write (iout,40)  i,j,dbnd(j,i),lij
449   40             format (' TRIANGLE  --  Altered Lower Bound at',
450     &                       2x,2i6,3x,f9.4,' -->',f9.4)
451               end if
452               if (dbnd(i,j)-uij .gt. eps) then
453                  write (iout,50)  i,j,dbnd(i,j),uij
454   50             format (' TRIANGLE  --  Altered Upper Bound at',
455     &                       2x,2i6,3x,f9.4,' -->',f9.4)
456               end if
457               dbnd(j,i) = lij
458               dbnd(i,j) = uij
459            end do
460         end do
461      end do
462      return
463      end
466c     #################################################################
467c     ##                                                             ##
468c     ##  subroutine geodesic  --  sparse matrix triangle smoothing  ##
469c     ##                                                             ##
470c     #################################################################
473c     "geodesic" smooths the upper and lower distance bounds via
474c     the triangle inequality using a sparse matrix version of a
475c     shortest path algorithm
477c     literature reference:
479c     G. M. Crippen and T. F. Havel, "Distance Geometry and Molecular
480c     Conformation", Research Studies Press, Letchworth U.K., 1988,
481c     John Wiley and Sons, U.S. distributor, see section 6-2
484      subroutine geodesic
485      use atoms
486      use disgeo
487      use restrn
488      implicit none
489      integer i,j,k,nlist
490      integer, allocatable :: list(:)
491      integer, allocatable :: key(:)
492      integer, allocatable :: start(:)
493      integer, allocatable :: stop(:)
494      real*8, allocatable :: upper(:)
495      real*8, allocatable :: lower(:)
498c     perform dynamic allocation of some local arrays
500      nlist = 2 * ndfix
501      allocate (list(nlist))
502      allocate (key(nlist))
503      allocate (start(n))
504      allocate (stop(n))
505      allocate (upper(n))
506      allocate (lower(n))
508c     build an indexed list of atoms in distance restraints
510      do i = 1, n
511         start(i) = 0
512         stop(i) = -1
513      end do
514      do i = 1, ndfix
515         list(i) = idfix(1,i)
516         list(i+ndfix) = idfix(2,i)
517      end do
518      call sort3 (nlist,list,key)
519      j = -1
520      do i = 1, nlist
521         k = list(i)
522         if (k .ne. j) then
523            start(k) = i
524            j = k
525         end if
526      end do
527      j = -1
528      do i = nlist, 1, -1
529         k = list(i)
530         if (k .ne. j) then
531            stop(k) = i
532            j = k
533         end if
534      end do
535      do i = 1, nlist
536         k = key(i)
537         if (k .le. ndfix) then
538            list(i) = idfix(2,k)
539         else
540            list(i) = idfix(1,k-ndfix)
541         end if
542      end do
544c     triangle smooth bounds via sparse shortest path method
546      do i = 1, n
547         call minpath (i,upper,lower,start,stop,list)
548         do j = i+1, n
549            dbnd(i,j) = upper(j)
550            dbnd(j,i) = max(lower(j),dbnd(j,i))
551         end do
552      end do
554c     perform deallocation of some local arrays
556      deallocate (list)
557      deallocate (key)
558      deallocate (start)
559      deallocate (stop)
560      deallocate (upper)
561      deallocate (lower)
562      return
563      end
566c     ################################################################
567c     ##                                                            ##
568c     ##  subroutine minpath  --  triangle smoothed bounds to atom  ##
569c     ##                                                            ##
570c     ################################################################
573c     "minpath" is a routine for finding the triangle smoothed upper
574c     and lower bounds of each atom to a specified root atom using a
575c     sparse variant of the Bellman-Ford shortest path algorithm
577c     literature reference:
579c     D. P. Bertsekas, "A Simple and Fast Label Correcting Algorithm
580c     for Shortest Paths", Networks, 23, 703-709 (1993)
583      subroutine minpath (root,upper,lower,start,stop,list)
584      use atoms
585      use couple
586      use disgeo
587      implicit none
588      integer i,j,k
589      integer narc,root
590      integer head,tail
591      integer, allocatable :: iarc(:)
592      integer, allocatable :: queue(:)
593      integer start(*)
594      integer stop(*)
595      integer list(*)
596      real*8 big,small
597      real*8 upper(*)
598      real*8 lower(*)
599      logical enter
600      logical, allocatable :: queued(:)
603c     perform dynamic allocation of some local arrays
605      allocate (iarc(n))
606      allocate (queue(n))
607      allocate (queued(n))
609c     initialize candidate atom queue and the path lengths
611      do i = 1, n
612         queued(i) = .false.
613         upper(i) = 1000000.0d0
614         lower(i) = 0.0d0
615      end do
617c     put the root atom into the queue of candidate atoms
619      head = root
620      tail = root
621      queue(root) = 0
622      queued(root) = .true.
623      upper(root) = 0.0d0
625c     get the next candidate atom from head of queue
627      do while (head .ne. 0)
628         j = head
629         queued(j) = .false.
630         head = queue(head)
632c     make a list of arcs to the current candidate atom
634         narc = 0
635         do i = 1, n12(j)
636            k = i12(i,j)
637            if (k .ne. root) then
638               narc = narc + 1
639               iarc(narc) = k
640            end if
641         end do
642         do i = 1, n13(j)
643            k = i13(i,j)
644            if (k .ne. root) then
645               narc = narc + 1
646               iarc(narc) = k
647            end if
648         end do
649         do i = 1, n14(j)
650            k = i14(i,j)
651            if (k .ne. root) then
652               narc = narc + 1
653               iarc(narc) = k
654            end if
655         end do
656         do i = start(j), stop(j)
657            k = list(i)
658            if (k .ne. root) then
659               narc = narc + 1
660               iarc(narc) = k
661            end if
662         end do
664c     check each arc for alteration of the path length bounds
666         do i = 1, narc
667            k = iarc(i)
668            if (k .lt. j) then
669               big = upper(j) + dbnd(k,j)
670               small = max(dbnd(j,k)-upper(j),lower(j)-dbnd(k,j))
671            else
672               big = upper(j) + dbnd(j,k)
673               small = max(dbnd(k,j)-upper(j),lower(j)-dbnd(j,k))
674            end if
675            enter = .false.
676            if (upper(k) .gt. big) then
677               upper(k) = big
678               if (.not. queued(k))  enter = .true.
679            end if
680            if (lower(k) .lt. small) then
681               lower(k) = small
682               if (.not. queued(k))  enter = .true.
683            end if
685c     enter a new candidate atom at the tail of the queue
687            if (enter) then
688               queued(k) = .true.
689               if (head .eq. 0) then
690                  head = k
691                  tail = k
692                  queue(k) = 0
693               else
694                  queue(tail) = k
695                  queue(k) = 0
696                  tail = k
697               end if
698            end if
699         end do
700      end do
702c     perform deallocation of some local arrays
704      deallocate (iarc)
705      deallocate (queue)
706      deallocate (queued)
707      return
708      end
711c     ################################################################
712c     ##                                                            ##
713c     ##  subroutine trifix  --  update triangle inequality bounds  ##
714c     ##                                                            ##
715c     ################################################################
718c     "trifix" rebuilds both the upper and lower distance bound
719c     matrices following tightening of one or both of the bounds
720c     between a specified pair of atoms, "p" and "q", using a
721c     modification of Murchland's shortest path update algorithm
723c     literature references:
725c     P. A. Steenbrink, "Optimization of Transport Networks", John
726c     Wiley and Sons, Bristol, 1974; see section 7.7
728c     R. Dionne, "Etude et Extension d'un Algorithme de Murchland",
729c     Infor, 16, 132-146 (1978)
732      subroutine trifix (p,q)
733      use atoms
734      use disgeo
735      use inform
736      use iounit
737      implicit none
738      integer i,k,p,q
739      integer ip,iq,np,nq
740      integer, allocatable :: pt(:)
741      integer, allocatable :: qt(:)
742      real*8 eps,ipmin,ipmax
743      real*8 iqmin,iqmax
744      real*8, allocatable :: pmin(:)
745      real*8, allocatable :: pmax(:)
746      real*8, allocatable :: qmin(:)
747      real*8, allocatable :: qmax(:)
748      logical, allocatable :: pun(:)
749      logical, allocatable :: qun(:)
752c     perform dynamic allocation of some local arrays
754      allocate (pt(n))
755      allocate (qt(n))
756      allocate (pmin(n))
757      allocate (pmax(n))
758      allocate (qmin(n))
759      allocate (qmax(n))
760      allocate (pun(n))
761      allocate (qun(n))
763c     initialize the set of nodes that may have changed bounds
765      eps = 1.0d-10
766      np = 0
767      nq = 0
768      do i = 1, n
769         pun(i) = .true.
770         qun(i) = .true.
771      end do
773c     store the upper and lower bounds to "p" and "q"
775      do i = 1, p
776         pmin(i) = dbnd(p,i)
777         pmax(i) = dbnd(i,p)
778      end do
779      do i = p+1, n
780         pmin(i) = dbnd(i,p)
781         pmax(i) = dbnd(p,i)
782      end do
783      do i = 1, q
784         qmin(i) = dbnd(q,i)
785         qmax(i) = dbnd(i,q)
786      end do
787      do i = q+1, n
788         qmin(i) = dbnd(i,q)
789         qmax(i) = dbnd(q,i)
790      end do
792c     check for changes in the upper bounds to "p" and "q"
794      do i = 1, n
795         ipmax = qmax(p) + qmax(i)
796         if (pmax(i) .gt. ipmax+eps) then
797            np = np + 1
798            pt(np) = i
799            pmax(i) = ipmax
800            pun(i) = .false.
801         end if
802         iqmax = pmax(q) + pmax(i)
803         if (qmax(i) .gt. iqmax+eps) then
804            nq = nq + 1
805            qt(nq) = i
806            qmax(i) = iqmax
807            qun(i) = .false.
808         end if
809      end do
811c     for node pairs whose bounds to "p" and "q" have changed,
812c     make any needed changes to upper bound of the pair
814      do ip = 1, np
815         i = pt(ip)
816         ipmax = pmax(i)
817         do iq = 1, nq
818            k = qt(iq)
819            if (i .lt. k) then
820               dbnd(i,k) = min(dbnd(i,k),ipmax+pmax(k))
821            else
822               dbnd(k,i) = min(dbnd(k,i),ipmax+pmax(k))
823            end if
824         end do
825      end do
827c     check for changes in the lower bounds to "p" and "q"
829      do i = 1, n
830         ipmin = max(qmin(p)-qmax(i),qmin(i)-qmax(p))
831         if (pmin(i) .lt. ipmin-eps) then
832            if (pun(i)) then
833               np = np + 1
834               pt(np) = i
835            end if
836            pmin(i) = ipmin
837         end if
838         iqmin = max(pmin(q)-pmax(i),pmin(i)-pmax(q))
839         if (qmin(i) .lt. iqmin-eps) then
840            if (qun(i)) then
841               nq = nq + 1
842               qt(nq) = i
843            end if
844            qmin(i) = iqmin
845         end if
846      end do
848c     for node pairs whose bounds to "p" and "q" have changed,
849c     make any needed changes to lower bound of the pair
851      do ip = 1, np
852         i = pt(ip)
853         ipmin = pmin(i)
854         ipmax = pmax(i)
855         do iq = 1, nq
856            k = qt(iq)
857            if (i .lt. k) then
858               dbnd(k,i) = max(dbnd(k,i),ipmin-pmax(k),pmin(k)-ipmax)
859            else
860               dbnd(i,k) = max(dbnd(i,k),ipmin-pmax(k),pmin(k)-ipmax)
861            end if
862         end do
863      end do
865c     update the upper and lower bounds to "p" and "q"
867      do i = 1, p
868         dbnd(p,i) = pmin(i)
869         dbnd(i,p) = pmax(i)
870      end do
871      do i = p+1, n
872         dbnd(i,p) = pmin(i)
873         dbnd(p,i) = pmax(i)
874      end do
875      do i = 1, q
876         dbnd(q,i) = qmin(i)
877         dbnd(i,q) = qmax(i)
878      end do
879      do i = q+1, n
880         dbnd(i,q) = qmin(i)
881         dbnd(q,i) = qmax(i)
882      end do
884c     output the atoms updated and amount of work required
886c     if (debug) then
887c        write (iout,10)  p,q,np*nq
888c  10    format (' TRIFIX  --  Bounds Update for Atoms',2i6,
889c    &              ' with',i8,' Searches')
890c     end if
892c     perform deallocation of some local arrays
894      deallocate (pt)
895      deallocate (qt)
896      deallocate (pmin)
897      deallocate (pmax)
898      deallocate (qmin)
899      deallocate (qmax)
900      deallocate (pun)
901      deallocate (qun)
902      return
903      end
906c     ################################################################
907c     ##                                                            ##
908c     ##  subroutine grafic  --  schematic graphical matrix output  ##
909c     ##                                                            ##
910c     ################################################################
913c     "grafic" outputs the upper & lower triangles and diagonal
914c     of a square matrix in a schematic form for visual inspection
917      subroutine grafic (n,a,title)
918      use iounit
919      implicit none
920      integer i,j,k,m,n
921      integer maxj,nrow,ndash
922      integer minrow,maxrow
923      integer trimtext
924      real*8 big,v
925      real*8 amin,dmin,bmin
926      real*8 amax,dmax,bmax
927      real*8 rcl,scl,tcl
928      real*8 ca,cb,cc,cd
929      real*8 cw,cx,cy,cz
930      real*8 a(n,*)
931      character*1 dash
932      character*1 ta,tb,tc,td,te
933      character*1 digit(0:9)
934      character*1 symbol(130)
935      character*240 title
936      data dash   / '-' /
937      data ta,tb,tc,td,te  / ' ','.','+','X','#' /
938      data digit  / '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9' /
941c     set bounds of length of print row and write the header
943      minrow = 54
944      maxrow = 130
945      ndash = min(max(n,minrow),maxrow)
946      write (iout,10)  (dash,i=1,ndash)
947   10 format (/,1x,130a1)
948      write (iout,20)  title(1:trimtext(title))
949   20 format (/,1x,a)
951c     find the maximum and minimum elements of the matrix
953      big = 1.0d6
954      dmax = -big
955      dmin = big
956      amax = -big
957      amin = big
958      bmax = -big
959      bmin = big
960      do i = 1, n
961         if (a(i,i) .gt. dmax)  dmax = a(i,i)
962         if (a(i,i) .lt. dmin)  dmin = a(i,i)
963         do j = 1, i-1
964            if (a(j,i) .gt. amax)  amax = a(j,i)
965            if (a(j,i) .lt. amin)  amin = a(j,i)
966            if (a(i,j) .gt. bmax)  bmax = a(i,j)
967            if (a(i,j) .lt. bmin)  bmin = a(i,j)
968         end do
969      end do
970      write (iout,30)  amin,amax,dmin,dmax,bmin,bmax
971   30 format (/,' Range of Above Diag Elements : ',f13.4,' to',f13.4,
972     &        /,' Range of Diagonal Elements :   ',f13.4,' to',f13.4,
973     &        /,' Range of Below Diag Elements : ',f13.4,' to',f13.4)
975c     now, print out the graphical representation
977      write (iout,40)
978   40 format (/,' Symbol Magnitude Ordering :',14x,
979     &          '# > X > + > . > '' ''',/)
980      rcl = (bmax-bmin) / 5.0d0
981      scl = (amax-amin) / 5.0d0
982      tcl = (dmax-dmin) / 9.0d0
983      if (rcl .eq. 0.0d0)  rcl = 1.0d0
984      if (scl .eq. 0.0d0)  scl = 1.0d0
985      if (tcl .eq. 0.0d0)  tcl = 1.0d0
986      ca = amin + scl
987      cb = ca + scl
988      cc = cb + scl
989      cd = cc + scl
990      cw = bmin + rcl
991      cx = cw + rcl
992      cy = cx + rcl
993      cz = cy + rcl
994      do j = 1, n, maxrow
995         maxj = j + maxrow - 1
996         if (maxj .gt. n)  maxj = n
997         nrow = maxj - j + 1
998         do i = 1, n
999            do k = j, maxj
1000               m = k - j + 1
1001               if (k .lt. i) then
1002                  v = abs(a(i,k))
1003                  if (v .le. cw) then
1004                     symbol(m) = ta
1005                  else if (v .le. cx) then
1006                     symbol(m) = tb
1007                  else if (v .le. cy) then
1008                     symbol(m) = tc
1009                  else if (v .le. cz) then
1010                     symbol(m) = td
1011                  else
1012                     symbol(m) = te
1013                  end if
1014               else if (k .eq. i) then
1015                  symbol(m) = digit(nint((a(i,i)-dmin)/tcl))
1016               else if (k .gt. i) then
1017                  v = abs(a(i,k))
1018                  if (v .le. ca) then
1019                     symbol(m) = ta
1020                  else if (v .le. cb) then
1021                     symbol(m) = tb
1022                  else if (v .le. cc) then
1023                     symbol(m) = tc
1024                  else if (v .le. cd) then
1025                     symbol(m) = td
1026                  else
1027                     symbol(m) = te
1028                  end if
1029               end if
1030            end do
1031            write (iout,50)  (symbol(k),k=1,nrow)
1032   50       format (1x,130a1)
1033         end do
1034         write (iout,60)  (dash,i=1,ndash)
1035   60    format (/,1x,130a1)
1036         if (maxj .lt. n) then
1037            write (iout,70)
1038   70       format ()
1039         end if
1040      end do
1041      return
1042      end
1045c     ################################################################
1046c     ##                                                            ##
1047c     ##  subroutine dstmat  --  choose values for distance matrix  ##
1048c     ##                                                            ##
1049c     ################################################################
1052c     "dstmat" selects a distance matrix containing values between
1053c     the previously smoothed upper and lower bounds; the distance
1054c     values are chosen from uniform distributions, in a triangle
1055c     correlated fashion, or using random partial metrization
1058      subroutine dstmat (dmx)
1059      use atoms
1060      use disgeo
1061      use inform
1062      use iounit
1063      use keys
1064      implicit none
1065      integer i,j,k,m
1066      integer index,next
1067      integer npart,npair
1068      integer nmetrize
1069      integer mik,mjk,nik,njk
1070      integer, allocatable :: list(:)
1071      real*8 random,fraction
1072      real*8 invbeta,alpha,beta
1073      real*8 corr,mean,stdev
1074      real*8 denom,swap,delta
1075      real*8 percent,eps,gap
1076      real*8 wall,cpu
1077      real*8, allocatable :: value(:)
1078      real*8 dmx(n,*)
1079      logical first,uniform
1080      logical update
1081      character*8 method
1082      character*20 keyword
1083      character*240 record
1084      character*240 string
1085      external random,invbeta
1086      save first,method,update
1087      save npart,percent
1088      save mean,stdev
1089      save alpha,beta
1090      data first  / .true. /
1093c     initialize the method for distance element selection
1095      if (first) then
1096         first = .false.
1097         method = 'PAIRWISE'
1098         uniform = .false.
1099         update = .true.
1100         npart = 0
1101         percent = 0.0d0
1102         mean = 0.0d0
1103         compact = 0.0d0
1104         beta = 4.0d0
1106c     search each line of the keyword file for options
1108         do i = 1, nkey
1109            next = 1
1110            record = keyline(i)
1111            call gettext (record,keyword,next)
1112            call upcase (keyword)
1114c     get a distance selection method and extent of metrization
1116            if (keyword(1:15) .eq. 'TRIAL-DISTANCE ') then
1117               call gettext (record,method,next)
1118               call upcase (method)
1119               if (method .eq. 'HAVEL') then
1120                  call getnumb (record,npart,next)
1121               else if (method .eq. 'PARTIAL') then
1122                  call getnumb (record,npart,next)
1123               else if (method .eq. 'PAIRWISE') then
1124                  string = record(next:240)
1125                  read (string,*,err=10,end=10)  percent
1126   10             continue
1127               end if
1129c     get a choice of initial mean for the trial distribution
1131            else if (keyword(1:19) .eq. 'TRIAL-DISTRIBUTION ') then
1132               string = record(next:240)
1133               read (string,*,err=20,end=20)  mean
1134   20          continue
1135               update = .false.
1136            end if
1137         end do
1139c     set extent of partial metrization during distance selection
1141         if (method .eq. 'HAVEL') then
1142            if (npart.le.0 .or. npart.ge.n-1)  npart = n
1143         else if (method .eq. 'PARTIAL') then
1144            if (npart.le.0 .or. npart.ge.n-1)  npart = 4
1145         else if (method .eq. 'PAIRWISE') then
1146            if (percent.le.0.0d0 .or. percent.ge.100.0d0)
1147     &         percent = min(100.0d0,2000.0d0/dble(n))
1148         end if
1150c     set the initial distribution for selection of trial distances
1152         if (method .eq. 'CLASSIC')  uniform = .true.
1153         if (method .eq. 'TRICOR')  uniform = .true.
1154         if (method .eq. 'HAVEL')  uniform = .true.
1155         if (uniform)  update = .false.
1156         if (update) then
1157c           mean = 2.35d0 / log(pathmax)
1158            mean = 1.65d0 / (pathmax)**0.25d0
1159c           mean = 1.30d0 / (pathmax)**0.20d0
1160         end if
1161         alpha = beta*mean / (1.0d0-mean)
1162         stdev = sqrt(alpha*beta/(alpha+beta+1.0d0)) / (alpha+beta)
1163      end if
1165c     write out the final choice for distance matrix generation
1167      if (verbose) then
1168         call settime
1169         if (method .eq. 'CLASSIC') then
1170            write (iout,30)
1171   30       format (/,' Distance Matrix via Uniform Random',
1172     &                 ' Fractions without Metrization :')
1173         else if (method .eq. 'RANDOM') then
1174            write (iout,40)
1175   40       format (/,' Distance Matrix Generated via Normal',
1176     &                 ' Fractions without Metrization :')
1177         else if (method .eq. 'TRICOR') then
1178            write (iout,50)
1179   50       format (/,' Distance Matrix Generated via Triangle',
1180     &                 ' Correlated Fractions :')
1181         else if (method.eq.'HAVEL' .and. npart.lt.n) then
1182            write (iout,60)  npart
1183   60       format (/,' Distance Matrix Generated via',i4,'-Atom',
1184     &                 ' Partial Metrization :')
1185         else if (method .eq. 'HAVEL') then
1186            write (iout,70)
1187   70       format (/,' Distance Matrix Generated via Randomized',
1188     &                 ' Atom-Based Metrization :')
1189         else if (method .eq. 'PARTIAL') then
1190            write (iout,80)  npart
1191   80       format (/,' Distance Matrix Generated via',i4,'-Atom',
1192     &                 ' Partial Metrization :')
1193         else if (method.eq.'PAIRWISE' .and. percent.lt.100.0d0) then
1194            write (iout,90)  percent
1195   90       format (/,' Distance Matrix Generated via',f6.2,'%',
1196     &                 ' Random Pairwise Metrization :')
1197         else
1198            write (iout,100)
1199  100       format (/,' Distance Matrix Generated via Randomized',
1200     &                 ' Pairwise Metrization :')
1201         end if
1202      end if
1204c     adjust the distribution for selection of trial distances
1206      if (uniform) then
1207         write (iout,110)
1208  110    format (/,' Trial Distances Selected at Random from',
1209     &              ' Uniform Distribution')
1210      else
1211         if (update) then
1212            alpha = alpha - 0.2d0*sign(sqrt(abs(compact)),compact)
1213            mean = alpha / (alpha+beta)
1214            stdev = sqrt(alpha*beta/(alpha+beta+1.0d0)) / (alpha+beta)
1215         end if
1216         write (iout,120)  mean,stdev,alpha,beta
1217  120    format (/,' Trial Distance Beta Distribution :',
1218     &              4x,f5.2,' +/-',f5.2,3x,'Alpha-Beta',2f6.2)
1219      end if
1221c     perform dynamic allocation of some local arrays
1223      npair = n*(n-1) / 2
1224      allocate (list(npair))
1225      allocate (value(npair))
1227c     uniform or Gaussian distributed distances without metrization
1229      if (method.eq.'CLASSIC' .or. method.eq.'RANDOM') then
1230         do i = 1, n
1231            dmx(i,i) = 0.0d0
1232         end do
1233         do i = 1, n-1
1234            do j = i+1, n
1235               fraction = random ()
1236               if (method .eq. 'RANDOM') then
1237                  fraction = invbeta (alpha,beta,fraction)
1238               end if
1239               delta = dbnd(i,j) - dbnd(j,i)
1240               dmx(j,i) = dbnd(j,i) + delta*fraction
1241               dmx(i,j) = dmx(j,i)
1242            end do
1243         end do
1245c     Crippen's triangle correlated distance selection
1247      else if (method .eq. 'TRICOR') then
1248         do i = 1, n
1249            dmx(i,i) = 0.0d0
1250         end do
1251         do i = 1, n-1
1252            do j = i+1, n
1253               dmx(j,i) = random ()
1254               dmx(i,j) = dmx(j,i)
1255            end do
1256         end do
1257         do i = 1, n-1
1258            do j = i+1, n
1259               denom = 0.0d0
1260               dmx(i,j) = 0.0d0
1261               do k = 1, n
1262                  if (k .ne. i) then
1263                     mik = max(i,k)
1264                     mjk = max(j,k)
1265                     nik = min(i,k)
1266                     njk = min(j,k)
1267                     if (k .eq. j) then
1268                        dmx(i,j) = dmx(i,j) + dmx(j,i)
1269                        denom = denom + 1.0d0
1270                     else if (dbnd(njk,mjk) .le.
1271     &                        0.2d0*dbnd(nik,mik)) then
1272                        if (i .gt. k)  corr = 0.9d0 * dmx(i,k)
1273                        if (k .gt. i)  corr = 0.9d0 * dmx(k,i)
1274                        dmx(i,j) = dmx(i,j) + corr
1275                        denom = denom + 0.9d0
1276                     else if (dbnd(nik,mik) .le.
1277     &                        0.2d0*dbnd(njk,mjk)) then
1278                        if (j .gt. k)  corr = 0.9d0 * dmx(j,k)
1279                        if (k .gt. j)  corr = 0.9d0 * dmx(k,j)
1280                        dmx(i,j) = dmx(i,j) + corr
1281                        denom = denom + 0.9d0
1282                     else if (dbnd(mik,nik) .ge.
1283     &                        0.9d0*dbnd(njk,mjk)) then
1284                        if (j .gt. k)  corr = 0.5d0 * (1.0d0-dmx(j,k))
1285                        if (k .gt. j)  corr = 0.5d0 * (1.0d0-dmx(k,j))
1286                        dmx(i,j) = dmx(i,j) + corr
1287                        denom = denom + 0.5d0
1288                     else if (dbnd(mjk,njk) .ge.
1289     &                        0.9d0*dbnd(nik,mik)) then
1290                        if (i .gt. k)  corr = 0.5d0 * (1.0d0-dmx(i,k))
1291                        if (k .gt. i)  corr = 0.5d0 * (1.0d0-dmx(k,i))
1292                        dmx(i,j) = dmx(i,j) + corr
1293                        denom = denom + 0.5d0
1294                     end if
1295                  end if
1296               end do
1297               dmx(i,j) = dmx(i,j) / denom
1298            end do
1299         end do
1300         do i = 1, n-1
1301            do j = i+1, n
1302               delta = dbnd(i,j) - dbnd(j,i)
1303               dmx(i,j) = dbnd(j,i) + delta*dmx(i,j)
1304               dmx(j,i) = dmx(i,j)
1305            end do
1306         end do
1308c     Havel/XPLOR atom-based metrization over various distributions
1310      else if (method.eq.'HAVEL' .or. method.eq.'PARTIAL') then
1311         do i = 1, n
1312            do j = 1, n
1313               dmx(j,i) = dbnd(j,i)
1314            end do
1315         end do
1316         do i = 1, n
1317            value(i) = random ()
1318         end do
1319         call sort2 (n,value,list)
1320         gap = 0.0d0
1321         do i = 1, n-1
1322            k = list(i)
1323            do j = i+1, n
1324               m = list(j)
1325               fraction = random ()
1326               if (method .eq. 'PARTIAL') then
1327                  fraction = invbeta (alpha,beta,fraction)
1328               end if
1329               delta = abs(dbnd(k,m) - dbnd(m,k))
1330               if (k .lt. m) then
1331                  dbnd(k,m) = dbnd(m,k) + delta*fraction
1332                  dbnd(m,k) = dbnd(k,m)
1333               else
1334                  dbnd(k,m) = dbnd(k,m) + delta*fraction
1335                  dbnd(m,k) = dbnd(k,m)
1336               end if
1337               if (i .le. npart)  call trifix (k,m)
1338               if (i .gt. npart)  gap = gap + delta
1339            end do
1340         end do
1341         do i = 1, n
1342            do j = 1, n
1343               swap = dmx(j,i)
1344               dmx(j,i) = dbnd(j,i)
1345               dbnd(j,i) = swap
1346            end do
1347         end do
1348         if (verbose .and. npart.lt.n-1) then
1349            write (iout,130)  gap/dble((n-npart)*(n-npart-1)/2)
1350  130       format (/,' Average Bound Gap after Partial Metrization :',
1351     &                 3x,f12.4)
1352         end if
1354c     use partial randomized pairwise distance-based metrization
1356      else if (method.eq.'PAIRWISE' .and. percent.le.10.0d0) then
1357         npair = n*(n-1) / 2
1358         nmetrize = nint(0.01d0*percent*dble(npair))
1359         do i = 1, n
1360            do j = 1, n
1361               dmx(j,i) = dbnd(j,i)
1362            end do
1363         end do
1364         do i = 1, nmetrize
1365  140       continue
1366            k = int(dble(n)*random()) + 1
1367            m = int(dble(n)*random()) + 1
1368            if (dbnd(k,m) .eq. dbnd(m,k))  goto 140
1369            if (k .gt. m) then
1370               j = k
1371               k = m
1372               m = j
1373            end if
1374            fraction = random ()
1375            fraction = invbeta (alpha,beta,fraction)
1376            delta = dbnd(k,m) - dbnd(m,k)
1377            dbnd(k,m) = dbnd(m,k) + delta*fraction
1378            dbnd(m,k) = dbnd(k,m)
1379            call trifix (k,m)
1380         end do
1381         gap = 0.0d0
1382         do i = 1, n-1
1383            do j = i, n
1384               delta = dbnd(i,j) - dbnd(j,i)
1385               if (delta .ne. 0.0d0) then
1386                  gap = gap + delta
1387                  fraction = random ()
1388                  fraction = invbeta (alpha,beta,fraction)
1389                  dbnd(i,j) = dbnd(j,i) + delta*fraction
1390                  dbnd(j,i) = dbnd(i,j)
1391               end if
1392            end do
1393         end do
1394         do i = 1, n
1395            do j = 1, n
1396               swap = dmx(j,i)
1397               dmx(j,i) = dbnd(j,i)
1398               dbnd(j,i) = swap
1399            end do
1400         end do
1401         if (verbose .and. nmetrize.lt.npair) then
1402            write (iout,150)  gap/dble(npair-nmetrize)
1403  150       format (/,' Average Bound Gap after Partial Metrization :',
1404     &                 3x,f12.4)
1405         end if
1407c     use randomized pairwise distance-based metrization
1409      else if (method .eq. 'PAIRWISE') then
1410         npair = n*(n-1) / 2
1411         nmetrize = nint(0.01d0*percent*dble(npair))
1412         do i = 1, n
1413            do j = 1, n
1414               dmx(j,i) = dbnd(j,i)
1415            end do
1416         end do
1417         do i = 1, npair
1418            value(i) = random ()
1419         end do
1420         call sort2 (npair,value,list)
1421         eps = 1.0d-10
1422         gap = 0.0d0
1423         do i = 1, npair
1424            index = list(i)
1425            k = int(0.5d0 * (dble(2*n+1)
1426     &                 - sqrt(dble(4*n*(n-1)-8*index+9))) + eps)
1427            m = n*(1-k) + k*(k+1)/2 + index
1428            fraction = random ()
1429            fraction = invbeta (alpha,beta,fraction)
1430            delta = dbnd(k,m) - dbnd(m,k)
1431            dbnd(k,m) = dbnd(m,k) + delta*fraction
1432            dbnd(m,k) = dbnd(k,m)
1433            if (i .le. nmetrize)  call trifix (k,m)
1434            if (i .gt. nmetrize)  gap = gap + delta
1435         end do
1436         do i = 1, n
1437            do j = 1, n
1438               swap = dmx(j,i)
1439               dmx(j,i) = dbnd(j,i)
1440               dbnd(j,i) = swap
1441            end do
1442         end do
1443         if (verbose .and. nmetrize.lt.npair) then
1444            write (iout,160)  gap/dble(npair-nmetrize)
1445  160       format (/,' Average Bound Gap after Partial Metrization :',
1446     &                 3x,f12.4)
1447         end if
1448      end if
1450c     perform deallocation of some local arrays
1452      deallocate (list)
1453      deallocate (value)
1455c     get the time required for distance matrix generation
1457      if (verbose) then
1458         call gettime (wall,cpu)
1459         write (iout,170)  wall
1460  170    format (/,' Time Required for Distance Matrix :',5x,f12.2,
1461     &              ' seconds')
1462      end if
1463      return
1464      end
1467c     ###############################################################
1468c     ##                                                           ##
1469c     ##  subroutine metric  --  computation of the metric matrix  ##
1470c     ##                                                           ##
1471c     ###############################################################
1474c     "metric" takes as input the trial distance matrix and computes
1475c     the metric matrix of all possible dot products between the atomic
1476c     vectors and the center of mass using the law of cosines and the
1477c     following formula for the distances to the center of mass:
1479c        dcm(i)**2 = (1/n) * sum(j=1,n)(dist(i,j)**2)
1480c                          - (1/n**2) * sum(j<k)(dist(j,k)**2)
1482c     upon output, the metric matrix is stored in the lower triangle
1483c     plus diagonal of the input trial distance matrix, the upper
1484c     triangle of the input matrix is unchanged
1486c     literature reference:
1488c     G. M. Crippen and T. F. Havel, "Stable Calculation of Coordinates
1489c     from Distance Information", Acta Cryst., A34, 282-284 (1978)
1492      subroutine metric (gmx,nneg)
1493      use atoms
1494      use disgeo
1495      use inform
1496      use iounit
1497      implicit none
1498      integer i,j,nneg
1499      real*8 total,sum,rg
1500      real*8 gmx(n,*)
1501      real*8, allocatable :: dsq(:)
1502      real*8, allocatable :: dcm(:)
1505c     square and sum trial distances to get radius of gyration
1507      total = 0.0d0
1508      do i = 1, n
1509         do j = i, n
1510            gmx(j,i) = gmx(j,i)**2
1511            total = total + gmx(j,i)
1512         end do
1513      end do
1514      total = total / dble(n**2)
1515      rg = sqrt(total)
1516      if (verbose) then
1517         write (iout,10)  rg
1518   10    format (/,' Radius of Gyration before Embedding :',7x,f16.4)
1519      end if
1521c     perform dynamic allocation of some local arrays
1523      allocate (dsq(n))
1524      allocate (dcm(n))
1526c     sum squared distances from each atom; the center
1527c     of mass is derived using the formula shown above
1529      nneg = 0
1530      do i = 1, n
1531         sum = 0.0d0
1532         do j = 1, i-1
1533            sum = sum + gmx(i,j)
1534         end do
1535         do j = i, n
1536            sum = sum + gmx(j,i)
1537         end do
1538         dsq(i) = sum/dble(n) - total
1539         dcm(i) = sqrt(abs(dsq(i)))
1540         if (dsq(i) .lt. 0.0d0) then
1541            nneg = nneg + 1
1542            dcm(i) = -dcm(i)
1543         end if
1544      end do
1545      if (verbose .and. n.le.130) then
1546         write (iout,20)
1547   20    format (/,' Atomic Distances to the Center of Mass :',/)
1548         write (iout,30)  (dcm(i),i=1,n)
1549   30    format (6f13.4)
1550      end if
1552c     calculate the metric matrix using the law of cosines, and
1553c     place into the lower triangle of the input distance matrix
1555      do i = 1, n
1556         do j = i, n
1557            gmx(j,i) = 0.5d0 * (dsq(i)+dsq(j)-gmx(j,i))
1558         end do
1559      end do
1561c     perform deallocation of some local arrays
1563      deallocate (dsq)
1564      deallocate (dcm)
1565      return
1566      end
1569c     ##################################################################
1570c     ##                                                              ##
1571c     ##  subroutine eigen  --  largest eigenvalues of metric metrix  ##
1572c     ##                                                              ##
1573c     ##################################################################
1576c     "eigen" uses the power method to compute the largest eigenvalues
1577c     and eigenvectors of the metric matrix, "valid" is set true if the
1578c     first three eigenvalues are positive
1581      subroutine eigen (evl,evc,gmx,valid)
1582      use atoms
1583      use inform
1584      use iounit
1585      implicit none
1586      integer i,j,neigen
1587      real*8 wall,cpu
1588      real*8 evl(*)
1589      real*8 evc(n,*)
1590      real*8 gmx(n,*)
1591      logical valid
1594c     initialize number of eigenvalues and convergence criteria
1596      if (verbose)  call settime
1597      neigen = 3
1599c     compute largest eigenvalues via power method with deflation
1601      call deflate (n,neigen,gmx,evl,evc)
1603c     check to see if the first three eigenvalues are positive
1605      valid = .true.
1606      do i = 1, 3
1607         if (evl(i) .lt. 0.0d0)  valid = .false.
1608      end do
1610c     print out the eigenvalues and their eigenvectors
1612      if (verbose) then
1613         write (iout,10)
1614   10    format (/,' Eigenvalues from Metric Matrix :',/)
1615         write (iout,20)  (evl(i),i=1,neigen)
1616   20    format (5f15.4)
1617      end if
1618      if (debug) then
1619         write (iout,30)
1620   30    format (/,' Eigenvectors from Metric Matrix :',/)
1621         do i = 1, n
1622            write (iout,40)  (evc(i,j),j=1,neigen)
1623   40       format (5f15.4)
1624         end do
1625      end if
1627c     get the time required for partial matrix diagonalization
1629      if (verbose) then
1630         call gettime (wall,cpu)
1631         write (iout,50)  wall
1632   50    format (/,' Time Required for Eigenvalues :',9x,f12.2,
1633     &              ' seconds')
1634      end if
1635      return
1636      end
1639c     ##################################################################
1640c     ##                                                              ##
1641c     ##  subroutine coords  --  converts eigenvalues to coordinates  ##
1642c     ##                                                              ##
1643c     ##################################################################
1646c     "coords" converts the three principal eigenvalues/vectors from
1647c     the metric matrix into atomic coordinates, and calls a routine
1648c     to compute the rms deviation from the bounds
1651      subroutine coords (evl,evc)
1652      use atoms
1653      use disgeo
1654      use inform
1655      use iounit
1656      implicit none
1657      integer i,j,neigen
1658      real*8 rg
1659      real*8 evl(*)
1660      real*8 evc(n,*)
1661      character*240 title
1664c     compute coordinates from the largest eigenvalues and vectors
1666      neigen = 3
1667      do j = 1, neigen
1668         evl(j) = sqrt(abs(evl(j)))
1669      end do
1670      do j = 1, neigen
1671         do i = 1, n
1672            evc(i,j) = evl(j) * evc(i,j)
1673         end do
1674      end do
1676c     transfer the final coordinates back to atomic vectors
1678      do i = 1, n
1679         x(i) = evc(i,1)
1680         y(i) = evc(i,2)
1681         z(i) = evc(i,3)
1682      end do
1684c     find the rms bounds deviations and radius of gyration
1686      if (verbose) then
1687         title = 'after Embedding :'
1688         call rmserror (title)
1689         call gyrate (rg)
1690         write (iout,10)  rg
1691   10    format (/,' Radius of Gyration after Embedding :',8x,f16.4)
1692      end if
1693      return
1694      end
1697c     ################################################################
1698c     ##                                                            ##
1699c     ##  subroutine chksize  --  estimate compaction or expansion  ##
1700c     ##                                                            ##
1701c     ################################################################
1704c     "chksize" computes a measure of overall global structural
1705c     expansion or compaction from the number of excess upper
1706c     or lower bounds matrix violations
1709      subroutine chksize
1710      use atoms
1711      use couple
1712      use disgeo
1713      use inform
1714      use iounit
1715      implicit none
1716      integer i,k,npair,nskip
1717      integer nlarge,nsmall
1718      integer, allocatable :: skip(:)
1719      real*8 xi,yi,zi
1720      real*8 dstsq,bupsq,blosq
1723c     perform dynamic allocation of some local arrays
1725      allocate (skip(n))
1727c     zero out the list of atoms locally connected to each atom
1729      nskip = 0
1730      do i = 1, n
1731         skip(i) = 0
1732      end do
1734c     initialize counters, total pair number, and cutoff distance
1736      nlarge = 0
1737      nsmall = 0
1738      npair = n*(n-1) / 2
1740c     count the number of excess upper or lower bound violations
1742      do i = 1, n-1
1743         xi = x(i)
1744         yi = y(i)
1745         zi = z(i)
1746c        do k = 1, n12(i)
1747c           skip(i12(k,i)) = i
1748c        end do
1749c        do k = 1, n13(i)
1750c           skip(i13(k,i)) = i
1751c        end do
1752c        do k = 1, n14(i)
1753c           skip(i14(k,i)) = i
1754c        end do
1755         do k = i+1, n
1756            if (skip(k) .eq. i) then
1757               nskip = nskip + 1
1758            else
1759               dstsq = (x(k)-xi)**2 + (y(k)-yi)**2 + (z(k)-zi)**2
1760               bupsq = dbnd(i,k)**2
1761               blosq = dbnd(k,i)**2
1762               if (dstsq .gt. bupsq) then
1763                  nlarge = nlarge + 1
1764               else if (blosq .gt. dstsq) then
1765                  nsmall = nsmall + 1
1766               end if
1767            end if
1768         end do
1769      end do
1771c     perform deallocation of some local arrays
1773      deallocate (skip)
1775c     set the value for the overall index of compaction
1777      compact = 100.0d0 * dble(nlarge-nsmall)/dble(npair-nskip)
1778      if (verbose) then
1779         write (iout,10)  compact
1780   10    format (/,' Index of Structure Expansion/Compaction :',
1781     &              7x,f12.4)
1782      end if
1783      return
1784      end
1787c     ###############################################################
1788c     ##                                                           ##
1789c     ##  subroutine majorize  --  Guttman transform majorization  ##
1790c     ##                                                           ##
1791c     ###############################################################
1794c     "majorize" refines the projected coordinates by attempting to
1795c     minimize the least square residual between the trial distance
1796c     matrix and the distances computed from the coordinates
1798c     literature reference:
1800c     T. F. Havel, "An Evaluation of Computational Strategies for
1801c     Use in the Determination of Protein Structure from Distance
1802c     Constraints obtained by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance", Progress
1803c     in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 56, 43-78 (1991)
1806      subroutine majorize (dmx)
1807      use atoms
1808      use inform
1809      use iounit
1810      implicit none
1811      integer i,k,iter
1812      integer niter,period
1813      real*8 pairs,rg
1814      real*8 dn1,dn2
1815      real*8 wall,cpu
1816      real*8 target,dist,error
1817      real*8 rmserr,average
1818      real*8 xi,yi,zi
1819      real*8, allocatable :: b(:)
1820      real*8, allocatable :: xx(:)
1821      real*8, allocatable :: yy(:)
1822      real*8, allocatable :: zz(:)
1823      real*8 dmx(n,*)
1824      character*240 title
1827c     set number of iterations and some other needed values
1829      if (verbose)  call settime
1830      niter = 20
1831      period = 5
1832      pairs = dble(n*(n-1)/2)
1833      dn1 = dble(n-1)
1834      dn2 = dble(n*n)
1836c     find the average and rms error from trial distances
1838      iter = 0
1839      rmserr = 0.0d0
1840      average = 0.0d0
1841      do i = 1, n-1
1842         xi = x(i)
1843         yi = y(i)
1844         zi = z(i)
1845         do k = i+1, n
1846            target = dmx(k,i)
1847            dist = sqrt((x(k)-xi)**2+(y(k)-yi)**2+(z(k)-zi)**2)
1848            error = dist - target
1849            rmserr = rmserr + error**2
1850            average = average + error/target
1851         end do
1852      end do
1853      rmserr = sqrt(rmserr/pairs)
1854      average = 100.0d0 * average / pairs
1856c     write a header with the initial error values
1858      if (verbose) then
1859         write (iout,10)
1860   10    format (/,' Majorization to Trial Distances using',
1861     &              ' Constant Weights :',
1862     &           //,4x,'Iteration',6x,'RMS Error',5x,'Ave % Error',/)
1863         write (iout,20)  iter,rmserr,average
1864   20    format (5x,i5,2f16.4)
1865      end if
1867c     perform dynamic allocation of some local arrays
1869      allocate (b(n))
1870      allocate (xx(n))
1871      allocate (yy(n))
1872      allocate (zz(n))
1874c     initialize the transformed coordinates for each atom
1876      do iter = 1, niter
1877         do i = 1, n
1878            xi = x(i)
1879            yi = y(i)
1880            zi = z(i)
1881            b(i) = 0.0d0
1882            xx(i) = 0.0d0
1883            yy(i) = 0.0d0
1884            zz(i) = 0.0d0
1886c     form a single row of the B matrix assuming unity weights
1888            do k = 1, i-1
1889               dist = sqrt((x(k)-xi)**2+(y(k)-yi)**2+(z(k)-zi)**2)
1890               b(k) = -dmx(k,i) / dist
1891               b(i) = b(i) - b(k)
1892            end do
1893            do k = i+1, n
1894               dist = sqrt((x(k)-xi)**2+(y(k)-yi)**2+(z(k)-zi)**2)
1895               b(k) = -dmx(k,i) / dist
1896               b(i) = b(i) - b(k)
1897            end do
1899c     multiply the row of the B matrix by the atomic coordinates
1901            do k = 1, n
1902               xx(i) = xx(i) + b(k)*x(k)
1903               yy(i) = yy(i) + b(k)*y(k)
1904               zz(i) = zz(i) + b(k)*z(k)
1905            end do
1906         end do
1908c     move the intermediate values into the coordinate arrays
1910         do i = 1, n
1911            x(i) = xx(i)
1912            y(i) = yy(i)
1913            z(i) = zz(i)
1914         end do
1916c     multiply the inverse weight matrix S+ by the coordinates
1918         do i = 1, n
1919            xx(i) = (dn1/dn2) * x(i)
1920            yy(i) = (dn1/dn2) * y(i)
1921            zz(i) = (dn1/dn2) * z(i)
1922            do k = 1, i-1
1923               xx(i) = xx(i) - x(k)/dn2
1924               yy(i) = yy(i) - y(k)/dn2
1925               zz(i) = zz(i) - z(k)/dn2
1926            end do
1927            do k = i+1, n
1928               xx(i) = xx(i) - x(k)/dn2
1929               yy(i) = yy(i) - y(k)/dn2
1930               zz(i) = zz(i) - z(k)/dn2
1931            end do
1932         end do
1934c     copy the new coordinates into their permanent arrays
1936         do i = 1, n
1937            x(i) = xx(i)
1938            y(i) = yy(i)
1939            z(i) = zz(i)
1940         end do
1942c     find the average and rms error from trial distances
1944         rmserr = 0.0d0
1945         average = 0.0d0
1946         do i = 1, n-1
1947            xi = x(i)
1948            yi = y(i)
1949            zi = z(i)
1950            do k = i+1, n
1951               target = dmx(k,i)
1952               dist = sqrt((x(k)-xi)**2+(y(k)-yi)**2+(z(k)-zi)**2)
1953               error = dist - target
1954               rmserr = rmserr + error**2
1955               average = average + error/target
1956            end do
1957         end do
1958         rmserr = sqrt(rmserr/pairs)
1959         average = 100.0d0 * average / pairs
1960         if (verbose .and. mod(iter,period).eq.0) then
1961            write (iout,30)  iter,rmserr,average
1962   30       format (5x,i5,2f16.4)
1963         end if
1964      end do
1966c     perform deallocation of some local arrays
1968      deallocate (b)
1969      deallocate (xx)
1970      deallocate (yy)
1971      deallocate (zz)
1973c     find the rms bounds deviations and radius of gyration
1975      if (verbose) then
1976         title = 'after Majorization :'
1977         call rmserror (title)
1978         call gyrate (rg)
1979         write (iout,40)  rg
1980   40    format (/,' Radius of Gyration after Majorization :',5x,f16.4)
1982c     get the time required for the majorization procedure
1984         call gettime (wall,cpu)
1985         write (iout,50)  wall
1986   50    format (/,' Time Required for Majorization :',8x,f12.2,
1987     &              ' seconds')
1988      end if
1989      return
1990      end
1993c     ################################################################
1994c     ##                                                            ##
1995c     ##  subroutine refine  --  minimization of initial embedding  ##
1996c     ##                                                            ##
1997c     ################################################################
2000c     "refine" performs minimization of the atomic coordinates
2001c     of an initial crude embedded distance geometry structure versus
2002c     the bound, chirality, planarity and torsional error functions
2005      subroutine refine (mode,fctval,grdmin)
2006      use atoms
2007      use disgeo
2008      use inform
2009      use iounit
2010      use minima
2011      use output
2012      implicit none
2013      integer i,nvar
2014      real*8 initerr,miderr,toterr
2015      real*8 fctval,grdmin
2016      real*8, allocatable :: xx(:)
2017      character*7 mode
2018      external initerr,miderr
2019      external toterr,optsave
2022c     perform dynamic allocation of some local arrays
2024      nvar = 3 * n
2025      allocate (xx(nvar))
2027c     convert atomic coordinates to optimization parameters
2029      nvar = 0
2030      do i = 1, n
2031         nvar = nvar + 1
2032         xx(nvar) = x(i)
2033         nvar = nvar + 1
2034         xx(nvar) = y(i)
2035         nvar = nvar + 1
2036         xx(nvar) = z(i)
2037      end do
2039c     set values of parameters needed for optimization
2041      coordtype = 'NONE'
2042      cyclesave = .true.
2043c     grdmin = 0.01d0
2044      maxiter = 2 * nvar
2045      iwrite = 0
2046c     iprint = 0
2047c     if (verbose)  iprint = 10
2049c     minimize initially only on the local geometry and torsions,
2050c     then on local geometry and chirality, torsions, and finally
2051c     minimize on all distance bounds, chirality and torsions
2053      if (mode .eq. 'INITIAL') then
2054         call lbfgs (nvar,xx,fctval,grdmin,initerr,optsave)
2055      else if (mode .eq. 'MIDDLE') then
2056         call lbfgs (nvar,xx,fctval,grdmin,miderr,optsave)
2057      else if (mode .eq. 'FINAL') then
2058         call lbfgs (nvar,xx,fctval,grdmin,toterr,optsave)
2059      end if
2061c     convert optimization parameters to atomic coordinates
2063      nvar = 0
2064      do i = 1, n
2065         nvar = nvar + 1
2066         x(i) = xx(nvar)
2067         nvar = nvar + 1
2068         y(i) = xx(nvar)
2069         nvar = nvar + 1
2070         z(i) = xx(nvar)
2071      end do
2073c     perform deallocation of some local arrays
2075      deallocate (xx)
2076      return
2077      end
2080c     ##############################################################
2081c     ##                                                          ##
2082c     ##  subroutine explore  --  simulated annealing refinement  ##
2083c     ##                                                          ##
2084c     ##############################################################
2087c     "explore" uses simulated annealing on an initial crude
2088c     embedded distance geoemtry structure to refine versus the
2089c     bound, chirality, planarity and torsional error functions
2092      subroutine explore (mode,nstep,dt,mass,temp_start,temp_stop,v,a)
2093      use atoms
2094      use inform
2095      use iounit
2096      use math
2097      use units
2098      implicit none
2099      integer i,istep,nstep
2100      integer nvar,period
2101      real*8 error,total
2102      real*8 prior,change
2103      real*8 dt,dt2,dt_2,dt2_2
2104      real*8 xbig,xrms,mass,kinetic
2105      real*8 temp_start,temp_stop
2106      real*8 tau_start,tau_stop
2107      real*8 ratio,sigmoid,scale
2108      real*8 target,temp,tautemp
2109      real*8 initerr,miderr,toterr
2110      real*8 v(*)
2111      real*8 a(*)
2112      real*8, allocatable :: xx(:)
2113      real*8, allocatable :: xmove(:)
2114      real*8, allocatable :: g(:)
2115      character*7 mode
2118c     set values of the basic simulated annealing parameters
2120c     nstep = 5000
2121c     dt = 0.1d0
2122c     temp_start = 200.0d0
2123c     temp_stop = 0.0d0
2124c     mass = 1000.0d0
2126c     perform dynamic allocation of some local arrays
2128      nvar = 3 * n
2129      allocate (xx(nvar))
2130      allocate (xmove(nvar))
2131      allocate (g(nvar))
2133c     convert atomic coordinates to annealing variables
2135      nvar = 0
2136      do i = 1, n
2137         nvar = nvar + 1
2138         xx(nvar) = x(i)
2139         nvar = nvar + 1
2140         xx(nvar) = y(i)
2141         nvar = nvar + 1
2142         xx(nvar) = z(i)
2143      end do
2145c     initialize the velocities, accelerations and other parameters
2147      dt2 = dt * dt
2148      dt_2 = dt / 2.0d0
2149      dt2_2 = dt2 / 2.0d0
2150      period = 100
2151      tau_start = 100.0d0 * dt
2152      tau_stop = 10.0d0 * dt
2153      tautemp = tau_start
2155c     print a header for the simulated annealing protocol
2157      write (iout,10)
2158   10 format (/,' Molecular Dynamics Simulated Annealing Refinement :')
2159      write (iout,20)  nstep,dt,log(mass)/logten,temp_start,temp_stop
2160   20 format (/,' Steps:',i6,3x,'Time/Step:',f6.3,' ps',3x,
2161     &           'LogMass:',f5.2,3x,'Temp:',f6.1,' to',f6.1)
2163c     get the total error and temperature at start of dynamics
2165      if (mode .eq. 'INITIAL') then
2166         error = initerr (xx,g)
2167      else if (mode .eq. 'MIDDLE') then
2168         error = miderr (xx,g)
2169      else if (mode .eq. 'FINAL') then
2170         error = toterr (xx,g)
2171      end if
2172      kinetic = 0.0d0
2173      do i = 1, nvar
2174         kinetic = kinetic + mass*v(i)**2
2175      end do
2176      kinetic = 0.5d0 * kinetic / ekcal
2177      temp = 2.0d0 * kinetic / (dble(nvar) * gasconst)
2178      total = error + kinetic
2179      prior = total
2180      if (verbose) then
2181         write (iout,30)
2182   30    format (/,' MD Step    E Total   E Potential   E Kinetic',
2183     &              '     Temp    MaxMove   RMS Move',/)
2184         write (iout,40)  0,total,error,kinetic,temp
2185   40    format (i6,2f13.4,f12.4,f11.2)
2186      end if
2188c     find new positions and half-step velocities via Verlet
2190      do istep = 1, nstep
2191         xbig = 0.0d0
2192         xrms = 0.0d0
2193         do i = 1, nvar
2194            xmove(i) = v(i)*dt + a(i)*dt2_2
2195            xx(i) = xx(i) + xmove(i)
2196            v(i) = v(i) + a(i)*dt_2
2197            if (abs(xmove(i)) .gt. xbig)  xbig = abs(xmove(i))
2198            xrms = xrms + xmove(i)**2
2199         end do
2200         xrms = sqrt(xrms/dble(nvar))
2202c     get the error function value and gradient
2204         if (mode .eq. 'INITIAL') then
2205            error = initerr (xx,g)
2206         else if (mode .eq. 'MIDDLE') then
2207            error = miderr (xx,g)
2208         else if (mode .eq. 'FINAL') then
2209            error = toterr (xx,g)
2210         end if
2212c     use Newton's second law to get the next accelerations;
2213c     find the full-step velocities using the Verlet recursion
2215         do i = 1, nvar
2216            a(i) = -ekcal * g(i) / mass
2217            v(i) = v(i) + a(i)*dt_2
2218         end do
2220c     find the total kinetic energy and system temperature
2222         kinetic = 0.0d0
2223         do i = 1, nvar
2224            kinetic = kinetic + mass*v(i)**2
2225         end do
2226         kinetic = 0.5d0 * kinetic / ekcal
2227         temp = 2.0d0 * kinetic / (dble(nvar) * gasconst)
2228         if (temp .eq. 0.0d0)  temp = 0.1d0
2230c     set target temperature and coupling via a sigmoidal cooling
2232         ratio = dble(istep) / dble(nstep)
2233         ratio = sigmoid (3.5d0,ratio)
2234         target = temp_start*(1.0d0-ratio) + temp_stop*ratio
2235         tautemp = tau_start*(1.0d0-ratio) + tau_stop*ratio
2237c     couple to external temperature bath via velocity scaling
2239         scale = sqrt(1.0d0 + (dt/tautemp)*(target/temp-1.0d0))
2240         do i = 1, nvar
2241            v(i) = scale * v(i)
2242         end do
2244c     write results for the current annealing step
2246         total = error + kinetic
2247         if (verbose .and. mod(istep,period).eq.0) then
2248            write (iout,50)  istep,total,error,kinetic,temp,xbig,xrms
2249   50       format (i6,2f13.4,f12.4,f11.2,2f10.4)
2250         end if
2252c     check the energy change for instability in the dynamics
2254         change = total - prior
2255         if (change .gt. dble(n)) then
2256            do i = 1, nvar
2257               xx(i) = xx(i) - xmove(i)
2258            end do
2259            if (verbose .and. mod(istep,period).ne.0) then
2260               write (iout,60)  istep,total,error,kinetic,temp,xbig,xrms
2261   60          format (i6,2f13.4,f12.4,f11.2,2f10.4)
2262            end if
2263            write (iout,70)
2264   70       format (/,' EXPLORE  --  Simulated Annealing Unstable;',
2265     &                 ' Switching to Minimization')
2266            goto 80
2267         end if
2268      end do
2270c     convert annealing variables to atomic coordinates
2272   80 continue
2273      nvar = 0
2274      do i = 1, n
2275         nvar = nvar + 1
2276         x(i) = xx(nvar)
2277         nvar = nvar + 1
2278         y(i) = xx(nvar)
2279         nvar = nvar + 1
2280         z(i) = xx(nvar)
2281      end do
2283c     perform deallocation of some local arrays
2285      deallocate (xx)
2286      deallocate (xmove)
2287      deallocate (g)
2288      return
2289      end
2292c     #################################################################
2293c     ##                                                             ##
2294c     ##  subroutine fracdist  --  fractional distance distribution  ##
2295c     ##                                                             ##
2296c     #################################################################
2299c     "fracdist" computes a normalized distribution of the pairwise
2300c     fractional distances between the smoothed upper and lower bounds
2302c     literature reference:
2304c     C. M. Oshiro, J. Thomason and I. D. Kuntz, "Effects of Limited
2305c     Input Distance Constraints Upon the Distance Geometry Algorithm",
2306c     Biopolymers, 31, 1049-1064 (1991)
2309      subroutine fracdist (title)
2310      use atoms
2311      use disgeo
2312      use iounit
2313      implicit none
2314      integer start,stop
2315      parameter (start=-20)
2316      parameter (stop=120)
2317      integer i,j,k,sum
2318      integer trimtext
2319      integer bin(start:stop)
2320      integer bin2(start:stop)
2321      real*8 xi,yi,zi,size
2322      real*8 dist,range,fraction
2323      real*8 fdist(start:stop)
2324      real*8 fdist2(start:stop)
2325      character*240 title
2328c     set the bin size and zero out the individual bins
2330      size = 0.01d0
2331      do i = start, stop
2332         bin(i) = 0
2333         bin2(i) = 0
2334      end do
2336c     get distribution of fractional distances between bounds
2338      do i = 1, n-1
2339         xi = x(i)
2340         yi = y(i)
2341         zi = z(i)
2342         do j = i+1, n
2343            dist = sqrt((x(j)-xi)**2 + (y(j)-yi)**2 + (z(j)-zi)**2)
2344            range = dbnd(i,j) - dbnd(j,i)
2345            if (range .ge. 1.0d0) then
2346               fraction = (dist-dbnd(j,i)) / range
2347               k = nint(fraction / size)
2348               k = max(start,min(stop,k))
2349               bin(k) = bin(k) + 1
2350               if (range .ge. 0.8d0*pathmax)  bin2(k) = bin2(k) + 1
2351            end if
2352         end do
2353      end do
2355c     normalize the fractional distance frequency distribution
2357      sum = 0
2358      do i = start, stop
2359         sum = sum + bin(i)
2360      end do
2361      do i = start, stop
2362         fdist(i) = dble(bin(i)) / (size*dble(sum))
2363      end do
2364      sum = 0
2365      do i = start, stop
2366         sum = sum + bin2(i)
2367      end do
2368      do i = start, stop
2369         fdist2(i) = dble(bin2(i)) / (size*dble(sum))
2370      end do
2372c     print the normalized fractional distance probability
2374      write (iout,10)  title(1:trimtext(title))
2375   10 format (/,' Fractional Distance Distribution ',a,/)
2376      do i = start, stop
2377         write (iout,20)  size*dble(i),fdist(i),fdist2(i)
2378   20    format (8x,f8.4,8x,f8.4,8x,f8.4)
2379      end do
2380      return
2381      end
2384c     ##############################################################
2385c     ##                                                          ##
2386c     ##  subroutine rmserror  --  rms bound and restraint error  ##
2387c     ##                                                          ##
2388c     ##############################################################
2391c     "rmserror" computes the maximum absolute deviation and the
2392c     rms deviation from the distance bounds, and the number and
2393c     rms value of the distance restraint violations
2396      subroutine rmserror (title)
2397      use atoms
2398      use disgeo
2399      use iounit
2400      use restrn
2401      implicit none
2402      integer i,j,k,npair
2403      integer nhierr,nloerr
2404      integer ihi,jhi,ilo,jlo
2405      integer trimtext
2406      real*8 rms,himax,lomax
2407      real*8 dist,hierr,loerr
2408      character*240 title
2411c     search all atom pairs for maximal bounds deviations
2413      npair = n*(n-1) / 2
2414      nloerr = 0
2415      nhierr = 0
2416      ilo = 0
2417      jlo = 0
2418      ihi = 0
2419      jhi = 0
2420      rms = 0.0d0
2421      lomax = 0.0d0
2422      himax = 0.0d0
2423      do i = 1, n-1
2424         do j = i+1, n
2425            dist = (x(i)-x(j))**2 + (y(i)-y(j))**2 + (z(i)-z(j))**2
2426            dist = sqrt(dist)
2427            hierr = dist - dbnd(i,j)
2428            if (hierr .gt. 0.0d0) then
2429               nhierr = nhierr + 1
2430               rms = rms + hierr**2
2431               if (hierr .gt. himax) then
2432                  himax = hierr
2433                  ihi = i
2434                  jhi = j
2435               end if
2436            end if
2437            loerr = dbnd(j,i) - dist
2438            if (loerr .gt. 0.0d0) then
2439               nloerr = nloerr + 1
2440               rms = rms + loerr**2
2441               if (loerr .gt. lomax) then
2442                  lomax = loerr
2443                  ilo = i
2444                  jlo = j
2445               end if
2446            end if
2447         end do
2448      end do
2449      rms = sqrt(rms/dble(n*(n-1)/2))
2451c     print the maximal and rms bound deviations
2453      write (iout,10)  title(1:trimtext(title))
2454   10 format (/,' Fit to Bounds ',a)
2455      write (iout,20)  nhierr,npair,nloerr,npair,himax,
2456     &                 ihi,jhi,lomax,ilo,jlo,rms
2457   20 format (/,' Num Upper Bound Violations :',4x,i11,'  of ',i12,
2458     &        /,' Num Lower Bound Violations :',4x,i11,'  of ',i12,
2459     &        /,' Max Upper Bound Violation :',4x,f12.4,'  at ',2i6,
2460     &        /,' Max Lower Bound Violation :',4x,f12.4,'  at ',2i6,
2461     &        /,' RMS Deviation from Bounds :',4x,f12.4)
2463c     search the list of distance restraints for violations
2465      if (ndfix .gt. 0) then
2466         nloerr = 0
2467         nhierr = 0
2468         ilo = 0
2469         jlo = 0
2470         ihi = 0
2471         jhi = 0
2472         rms = 0.0d0
2473         himax = 0.0d0
2474         lomax = 0.0d0
2475         do k = 1, ndfix
2476            i = idfix(1,k)
2477            j = idfix(2,k)
2478            dist = (x(i)-x(j))**2 + (y(i)-y(j))**2 + (z(i)-z(j))**2
2479            dist = sqrt(dist)
2480            if (dist .lt. dfix(2,k)) then
2481               nloerr = nloerr + 1
2482               loerr = dfix(2,k) - dist
2483               rms = rms + loerr**2
2484               if (loerr .gt. lomax) then
2485                  lomax = loerr
2486                  ilo = i
2487                  jlo = j
2488               end if
2489            else if (dist .gt. dfix(3,k)) then
2490               nhierr = nhierr + 1
2491               hierr = dist - dfix(3,k)
2492               rms = rms + hierr**2
2493               if (hierr .gt. himax) then
2494                  himax = hierr
2495                  ihi = i
2496                  jhi = j
2497               end if
2498            end if
2499         end do
2500         rms = sqrt(rms/dble(ndfix))
2502c     print total number and rms value of restraint violations
2504         write (iout,30)  nhierr,ndfix,nloerr,ndfix,himax,
2505     &                    ihi,jhi,lomax,ilo,jlo,rms
2506   30    format (/,' Num Upper Restraint Violations :',i11,'  of ',i12,
2507     &           /,' Num Lower Restraint Violations :',i11,'  of ',i12,
2508     &           /,' Max Upper Restraint Violation :',f12.4,'  at ',2i6,
2509     &           /,' Max Lower Restraint Violation :',f12.4,'  at ',2i6,
2510     &           /,' RMS Restraint Dist Violation : ',f12.4)
2511      end if
2512      return
2513      end
2516c     ##############################################################
2517c     ##                                                          ##
2518c     ##  subroutine dmdump  --  final distance and error matrix  ##
2519c     ##                                                          ##
2520c     ##############################################################
2523c     "dmdump" puts the distance matrix of the final structure
2524c     into the upper half of a matrix, the distance of each atom
2525c     to the centroid on the diagonal, and the individual terms
2526c     of the bounds errors into the lower half of the matrix
2529      subroutine dmdump (dmd)
2530      use atoms
2531      use disgeo
2532      use iounit
2533      implicit none
2534      integer i,j
2535      real*8 sum,rgsq
2536      real*8 dist,dist2
2537      real*8 dmd(n,*)
2538      character*240 title
2541c     store the final distance matrix and bound violations
2543      do i = 1, n
2544         dmd(i,i) = 0.0d0
2545      end do
2546      sum = 0.0d0
2547      do i = 1, n-1
2548         do j = i+1, n
2549            dist2 = (x(i)-x(j))**2 + (y(i)-y(j))**2 + (z(i)-z(j))**2
2550            sum = sum + dist2
2551            dmd(i,i) = dmd(i,i) + dist2
2552            dmd(j,j) = dmd(j,j) + dist2
2553            dist = sqrt(dist2)
2554            dmd(i,j) = dist
2555            if (dist .gt. dbnd(i,j)) then
2556               dmd(j,i) = dist - dbnd(i,j)
2557            else if (dist .lt. dbnd(j,i)) then
2558               dmd(j,i) = dbnd(j,i) - dist
2559            else
2560               dmd(j,i) = 0.0d0
2561            end if
2562         end do
2563      end do
2565c     put the distance to the centroid on the diagonal
2567      rgsq = sum / dble(n**2)
2568      do i = 1, n
2569         dmd(i,i) = sqrt(dmd(i,i)/dble(n) - rgsq)
2570      end do
2572c     write out the interatomic distance and error matrices
2574      title = 'Final Dist Matrix Above; DCM on Diag; Error Below :'
2575      call grafic (n,dmd,title)
2576      return
2577      end
2580c     #################################################################
2581c     ##                                                             ##
2582c     ##  function initerr  --  initial error function and gradient  ##
2583c     ##                                                             ##
2584c     #################################################################
2587c     "initerr" is the initial error function and derivatives for
2588c     a distance geometry embedding; it includes components from
2589c     the local geometry and torsional restraint errors
2592      function initerr (xx,g)
2593      use atoms
2594      implicit none
2595      integer i,j,nvar
2596      real*8 initerr
2597      real*8 local,locerr
2598      real*8 torsion,torser
2599      real*8 xx(*)
2600      real*8 g(*)
2601      real*8, allocatable :: derivs(:,:)
2604c     convert optimization parameters to atomic coordinates
2606      nvar = 0
2607      do i = 1, n
2608         nvar = nvar + 1
2609         x(i) = xx(nvar)
2610         nvar = nvar + 1
2611         y(i) = xx(nvar)
2612         nvar = nvar + 1
2613         z(i) = xx(nvar)
2614      end do
2616c     perform dynamic allocation of some local arrays
2618      allocate (derivs(3,n))
2620c     zero out the values of the atomic gradient components
2622      do i = 1, n
2623         do j = 1, 3
2624            derivs(j,i) = 0.0d0
2625         end do
2626      end do
2628c     compute the local geometry and the torsional
2629c     components of the error function and its gradient
2631      local = locerr (derivs)
2632      torsion = torser (derivs)
2633      initerr = local + torsion
2635c     store the atomic gradients as the optimization gradient
2637      nvar = 0
2638      do i = 1, n
2639         nvar = nvar + 1
2640         g(nvar) = derivs(1,i)
2641         nvar = nvar + 1
2642         g(nvar) = derivs(2,i)
2643         nvar = nvar + 1
2644         g(nvar) = derivs(3,i)
2645      end do
2647c     perform deallocation of some local arrays
2649      deallocate (derivs)
2650      return
2651      end
2654c     ###############################################################
2655c     ##                                                           ##
2656c     ##  function miderr  --  second error function and gradient  ##
2657c     ##                                                           ##
2658c     ###############################################################
2661c     "miderr" is the secondary error function and derivatives
2662c     for a distance geometry embedding; it includes components
2663c     from the distance bounds, local geometry, chirality and
2664c     torsional restraint errors
2667      function miderr (xx,g)
2668      use atoms
2669      implicit none
2670      integer i,j,nvar
2671      real*8 miderr
2672      real*8 bounds,bnderr
2673      real*8 local,locerr
2674      real*8 chiral,chirer
2675      real*8 torsion,torser
2676      real*8 xx(*)
2677      real*8 g(*)
2678      real*8, allocatable :: derivs(:,:)
2681c     convert optimization parameters to atomic coordinates
2683      nvar = 0
2684      do i = 1, n
2685         nvar = nvar + 1
2686         x(i) = xx(nvar)
2687         nvar = nvar + 1
2688         y(i) = xx(nvar)
2689         nvar = nvar + 1
2690         z(i) = xx(nvar)
2691      end do
2693c     perform dynamic allocation of some local arrays
2695      allocate (derivs(3,n))
2697c     zero out the values of the atomic gradient components
2699      do i = 1, n
2700         do j = 1, 3
2701            derivs(j,i) = 0.0d0
2702         end do
2703      end do
2705c     compute the local geometry, chirality and torsional
2706c     components of the error function and its gradient
2708      bounds = bnderr (derivs)
2709      local = locerr (derivs)
2710      chiral = chirer (derivs)
2711      torsion = torser (derivs)
2712      miderr = bounds + local + chiral + torsion
2714c     store the atomic gradients as the optimization gradient
2716      nvar = 0
2717      do i = 1, n
2718         nvar = nvar + 1
2719         g(nvar) = derivs(1,i)
2720         nvar = nvar + 1
2721         g(nvar) = derivs(2,i)
2722         nvar = nvar + 1
2723         g(nvar) = derivs(3,i)
2724      end do
2726c     perform deallocation of some local arrays
2728      deallocate (derivs)
2729      return
2730      end
2733c     ##############################################################
2734c     ##                                                          ##
2735c     ##  function toterr  --  total error function and gradient  ##
2736c     ##                                                          ##
2737c     ##############################################################
2740c     "toterr" is the error function and derivatives for a distance
2741c     geometry embedding; it includes components from the distance
2742c     bounds, hard sphere contacts, local geometry, chirality and
2743c     torsional restraint errors
2746      function toterr (xx,g)
2747      use atoms
2748      implicit none
2749      integer i,j,nvar
2750      real*8 toterr
2751      real*8 bounds,bnderr
2752      real*8 local,locerr
2753      real*8 chiral,chirer
2754      real*8 torsion,torser
2755      real*8 contact,vdwerr
2756      real*8 xx(*)
2757      real*8 g(*)
2758      real*8, allocatable :: derivs(:,:)
2761c     convert optimization parameters to atomic coordinates
2763      nvar = 0
2764      do i = 1, n
2765         nvar = nvar + 1
2766         x(i) = xx(nvar)
2767         nvar = nvar + 1
2768         y(i) = xx(nvar)
2769         nvar = nvar + 1
2770         z(i) = xx(nvar)
2771      end do
2773c     perform dynamic allocation of some local arrays
2775      allocate (derivs(3,n))
2777c     zero out the values of the atomic gradient components
2779      do i = 1, n
2780         do j = 1, 3
2781            derivs(j,i) = 0.0d0
2782         end do
2783      end do
2785c     compute the distance bound, vdw, chirality and torsional
2786c     components of the error function and its gradient
2788      bounds = bnderr (derivs)
2789      contact = vdwerr (derivs)
2790      local = locerr (derivs)
2791      chiral = chirer (derivs)
2792      torsion = torser (derivs)
2793      toterr = bounds + contact + local + chiral + torsion
2795c     store the atomic gradients as the optimization gradient
2797      nvar = 0
2798      do i = 1, n
2799         nvar = nvar + 1
2800         g(nvar) = derivs(1,i)
2801         nvar = nvar + 1
2802         g(nvar) = derivs(2,i)
2803         nvar = nvar + 1
2804         g(nvar) = derivs(3,i)
2805      end do
2807c     perform deallocation of some local arrays
2809      deallocate (derivs)
2810      return
2811      end
2814c     ################################################################
2815c     ##                                                            ##
2816c     ##  function bnderr  --  computes total distance bound error  ##
2817c     ##                                                            ##
2818c     ################################################################
2821c     "bnderr" is the distance bound error function and derivatives;
2822c     this version implements the original and Havel's normalized
2823c     lower bound penalty, the normalized version is preferred when
2824c     lower bounds are small (as with NMR NOE restraints), the
2825c     original penalty is needed if large lower bounds are present
2828      function bnderr (derivs)
2829      use atoms
2830      use restrn
2831      implicit none
2832      integer i,j,k
2833      real*8 bnderr,error,cutsq
2834      real*8 scale,chain,term
2835      real*8 gap,buffer,weigh
2836      real*8 dx,dy,dz,gx,gy,gz
2837      real*8 dstsq,bupsq,blosq
2838      real*8 derivs(3,*)
2841c     zero out the distance bounds error function
2843      bnderr = 0.0d0
2844      scale = 10.0d0
2845      cutsq = 40.0d0
2847c     calculate the pairwise distances between atoms
2849      do k = 1, ndfix
2850         i = idfix(1,k)
2851         j = idfix(2,k)
2852         dx = x(i) - x(j)
2853         dy = y(i) - y(j)
2854         dz = z(i) - z(j)
2856c     calculate squared actual distance and bound distances;
2857c     use of a small "buffer" cleans up the final error count
2859         dstsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz
2860         gap = dfix(3,k) - dfix(2,k)
2861         buffer = 0.05d0 * min(1.0d0,gap)
2862         blosq = (dfix(2,k) + buffer)**2
2863         bupsq = (dfix(3,k) - buffer)**2
2865c     error and derivatives for upper bound violation
2867         if (dstsq .gt. bupsq) then
2868            weigh = scale * dfix(1,k)
2869            term = (dstsq-bupsq) / bupsq
2870            chain = 4.0d0 * weigh * term / bupsq
2871            error = weigh * term**2
2872            gx = dx * chain
2873            gy = dy * chain
2874            gz = dz * chain
2875            bnderr = bnderr + error
2876            derivs(1,i) = derivs(1,i) + gx
2877            derivs(2,i) = derivs(2,i) + gy
2878            derivs(3,i) = derivs(3,i) + gz
2879            derivs(1,j) = derivs(1,j) - gx
2880            derivs(2,j) = derivs(2,j) - gy
2881            derivs(3,j) = derivs(3,j) - gz
2883c     error and derivatives for lower bound violation
2885         else if (dstsq .lt. blosq) then
2886            weigh = scale * dfix(1,k)
2887            if (blosq .gt. cutsq) then
2888               term = (blosq-dstsq) / dstsq
2889               chain = -4.0d0 * weigh * term * (blosq/dstsq**2)
2890            else
2891               term = (blosq-dstsq) / (blosq+dstsq)
2892               chain = -8.0d0 * weigh * term * (blosq/(blosq+dstsq)**2)
2893            end if
2894            error = weigh * term**2
2895            gx = dx * chain
2896            gy = dy * chain
2897            gz = dz * chain
2898            bnderr = bnderr + error
2899            derivs(1,i) = derivs(1,i) + gx
2900            derivs(2,i) = derivs(2,i) + gy
2901            derivs(3,i) = derivs(3,i) + gz
2902            derivs(1,j) = derivs(1,j) - gx
2903            derivs(2,j) = derivs(2,j) - gy
2904            derivs(3,j) = derivs(3,j) - gz
2905         end if
2906      end do
2907      return
2908      end
2911c     ###############################################################
2912c     ##                                                           ##
2913c     ##  function vdwerr  --  computes van der Waals bound error  ##
2914c     ##                                                           ##
2915c     ###############################################################
2918c     "vdwerr" is the hard sphere van der Waals bound error function
2919c     and derivatives that penalizes close nonbonded contacts,
2920c     pairwise neighbors are generated via the method of lights
2923      function vdwerr (derivs)
2924      use atoms
2925      use couple
2926      use disgeo
2927      use light
2928      implicit none
2929      integer i,j,k,kgy,kgz
2930      integer, allocatable :: skip(:)
2931      real*8 vdwerr,error
2932      real*8 scale,chain,term
2933      real*8 xi,yi,zi
2934      real*8 dx,dy,dz,gx,gy,gz
2935      real*8 dstsq,blosq
2936      real*8 radi,radsq
2937      real*8, allocatable :: xsort(:)
2938      real*8, allocatable :: ysort(:)
2939      real*8, allocatable :: zsort(:)
2940      real*8 derivs(3,*)
2941      logical unique
2944c     zero out the distance van der Waals error function
2946      vdwerr = 0.0d0
2947      scale = 1.0d0
2949c     perform dynamic allocation of some local arrays
2951      allocate (skip(n))
2952      allocate (xsort(n))
2953      allocate (ysort(n))
2954      allocate (zsort(n))
2956c     transfer coordinates and zero out atoms to be skipped
2958      do i = 1, n
2959         xsort(i) = x(i)
2960         ysort(i) = y(i)
2961         zsort(i) = z(i)
2962         skip(i) = 0
2963      end do
2965c     use the method of lights to generate neighbors
2967      unique = .true.
2968      call lights (vdwmax,n,xsort,ysort,zsort,unique)
2970c     now, loop over all atoms computing the interactions
2972      do i = 1, n
2973         radi = georad(i)
2974         xi = xsort(rgx(i))
2975         yi = ysort(rgy(i))
2976         zi = zsort(rgz(i))
2977         do j = 1, n12(i)
2978            skip(i12(j,i)) = i
2979         end do
2980         do j = 1, n13(i)
2981            skip(i13(j,i)) = i
2982         end do
2983         do j = 1, n14(i)
2984            skip(i14(j,i)) = i
2985         end do
2986         do j = kbx(i)+1, kex(i)
2987            k = locx(j)
2988            if (skip(k) .eq. i)  goto 10
2989            kgy = rgy(k)
2990            if (kgy.lt.kby(i) .or. kgy.gt.key(i))  goto 10
2991            kgz = rgz(k)
2992            if (kgz.lt.kbz(i) .or. kgz.gt.kez(i))  goto 10
2994c     calculate squared distances and bounds
2996            dx = xi - xsort(j)
2997            dy = yi - ysort(kgy)
2998            dz = zi - zsort(kgz)
2999            dstsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz
3000            radsq = (radi + georad(k))**2
3001            blosq = min(dbnd(k,i),dbnd(i,k),radsq)
3003c     error and derivatives for lower bound violation
3005            if (dstsq .lt. blosq) then
3006               term = (blosq-dstsq) / (blosq+dstsq)
3007               chain = -8.0d0 * scale * term * (blosq/(blosq+dstsq)**2)
3008               error = scale * term**2
3009               gx = dx * chain
3010               gy = dy * chain
3011               gz = dz * chain
3012               vdwerr = vdwerr + error
3013               derivs(1,i) = derivs(1,i) + gx
3014               derivs(2,i) = derivs(2,i) + gy
3015               derivs(3,i) = derivs(3,i) + gz
3016               derivs(1,k) = derivs(1,k) - gx
3017               derivs(2,k) = derivs(2,k) - gy
3018               derivs(3,k) = derivs(3,k) - gz
3019            end if
3020   10       continue
3021         end do
3022      end do
3024c     perform deallocation of some local arrays
3026      deallocate (skip)
3027      deallocate (xsort)
3028      deallocate (ysort)
3029      deallocate (zsort)
3030      return
3031      end
3034c     ################################################################
3035c     ##                                                            ##
3036c     ##  function locerr  --  computes local geometry error value  ##
3037c     ##                                                            ##
3038c     ################################################################
3041c     "locerr" is the local geometry error function and derivatives
3042c     including the 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4 distance bound restraints
3045      function locerr (derivs)
3046      use angbnd
3047      use atoms
3048      use bndstr
3049      use disgeo
3050      use tors
3051      implicit none
3052      integer i,ia,ib,ic,id
3053      real*8 locerr,error
3054      real*8 scale,chain,term
3055      real*8 dx,dy,dz,gx,gy,gz
3056      real*8 dstsq,bupsq,blosq
3057      real*8 derivs(3,*)
3060c     zero out the local geometry error function
3062      locerr = 0.0d0
3063      scale = 10.0d0
3065c     calculate the bounds error for bond length distances
3067      do i = 1, nbond
3068         ia = min(ibnd(1,i),ibnd(2,i))
3069         ib = max(ibnd(1,i),ibnd(2,i))
3070         dx = x(ia) - x(ib)
3071         dy = y(ia) - y(ib)
3072         dz = z(ia) - z(ib)
3073         dstsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz
3074         bupsq = dbnd(ia,ib)
3075         blosq = dbnd(ib,ia)
3076         if (dstsq .gt. bupsq) then
3077            term = (dstsq-bupsq) / bupsq
3078            chain = 4.0d0 * scale * term / bupsq
3079            error = scale * term**2
3080            gx = dx * chain
3081            gy = dy * chain
3082            gz = dz * chain
3083            locerr = locerr + error
3084            derivs(1,ia) = derivs(1,ia) + gx
3085            derivs(2,ia) = derivs(2,ia) + gy
3086            derivs(3,ia) = derivs(3,ia) + gz
3087            derivs(1,ib) = derivs(1,ib) - gx
3088            derivs(2,ib) = derivs(2,ib) - gy
3089            derivs(3,ib) = derivs(3,ib) - gz
3090         else if (dstsq .lt. blosq) then
3091            term = (blosq-dstsq) / (blosq+dstsq)
3092            chain = -8.0d0 * scale * term * (blosq/(blosq+dstsq)**2)
3093            error = scale * term**2
3094            gx = dx * chain
3095            gy = dy * chain
3096            gz = dz * chain
3097            locerr = locerr + error
3098            derivs(1,ia) = derivs(1,ia) + gx
3099            derivs(2,ia) = derivs(2,ia) + gy
3100            derivs(3,ia) = derivs(3,ia) + gz
3101            derivs(1,ib) = derivs(1,ib) - gx
3102            derivs(2,ib) = derivs(2,ib) - gy
3103            derivs(3,ib) = derivs(3,ib) - gz
3104         end if
3105      end do
3107c     calculate the bounds error for the bond angle distances
3109      do i = 1, nangle
3110         ia = min(iang(1,i),iang(3,i))
3111         ic = max(iang(1,i),iang(3,i))
3112         dx = x(ia) - x(ic)
3113         dy = y(ia) - y(ic)
3114         dz = z(ia) - z(ic)
3115         dstsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz
3116         bupsq = dbnd(ia,ic)
3117         blosq = dbnd(ic,ia)
3118         if (dstsq .gt. bupsq) then
3119            term = (dstsq-bupsq) / bupsq
3120            chain = 4.0d0 * scale * term / bupsq
3121            error = scale * term**2
3122            gx = dx * chain
3123            gy = dy * chain
3124            gz = dz * chain
3125            locerr = locerr + error
3126            derivs(1,ia) = derivs(1,ia) + gx
3127            derivs(2,ia) = derivs(2,ia) + gy
3128            derivs(3,ia) = derivs(3,ia) + gz
3129            derivs(1,ic) = derivs(1,ic) - gx
3130            derivs(2,ic) = derivs(2,ic) - gy
3131            derivs(3,ic) = derivs(3,ic) - gz
3132         else if (dstsq .lt. blosq) then
3133            term = (blosq-dstsq) / (blosq+dstsq)
3134            chain = -8.0d0 * scale * term * (blosq/(blosq+dstsq)**2)
3135            error = scale * term**2
3136            gx = dx * chain
3137            gy = dy * chain
3138            gz = dz * chain
3139            locerr = locerr + error
3140            derivs(1,ia) = derivs(1,ia) + gx
3141            derivs(2,ia) = derivs(2,ia) + gy
3142            derivs(3,ia) = derivs(3,ia) + gz
3143            derivs(1,ic) = derivs(1,ic) - gx
3144            derivs(2,ic) = derivs(2,ic) - gy
3145            derivs(3,ic) = derivs(3,ic) - gz
3146         end if
3147      end do
3149c     calculate the bounds error for the torsion angle distances
3151      do i = 1, ntors
3152         ia = min(itors(1,i),itors(4,i))
3153         id = max(itors(1,i),itors(4,i))
3154         dx = x(ia) - x(id)
3155         dy = y(ia) - y(id)
3156         dz = z(ia) - z(id)
3157         dstsq = dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz
3158         bupsq = dbnd(ia,id)
3159         blosq = dbnd(id,ia)
3160         if (dstsq .gt. bupsq) then
3161            term = (dstsq-bupsq) / bupsq
3162            chain = 4.0d0 * scale * term / bupsq
3163            error = scale * term**2
3164            gx = dx * chain
3165            gy = dy * chain
3166            gz = dz * chain
3167            locerr = locerr + error
3168            derivs(1,ia) = derivs(1,ia) + gx
3169            derivs(2,ia) = derivs(2,ia) + gy
3170            derivs(3,ia) = derivs(3,ia) + gz
3171            derivs(1,id) = derivs(1,id) - gx
3172            derivs(2,id) = derivs(2,id) - gy
3173            derivs(3,id) = derivs(3,id) - gz
3174         else if (dstsq .lt. blosq) then
3175            term = (blosq-dstsq) / (blosq+dstsq)
3176            chain = -8.0d0 * scale * term * (blosq/(blosq+dstsq)**2)
3177            error = scale * term**2
3178            gx = dx * chain
3179            gy = dy * chain
3180            gz = dz * chain
3181            locerr = locerr + error
3182            derivs(1,ia) = derivs(1,ia) + gx
3183            derivs(2,ia) = derivs(2,ia) + gy
3184            derivs(3,ia) = derivs(3,ia) + gz
3185            derivs(1,id) = derivs(1,id) - gx
3186            derivs(2,id) = derivs(2,id) - gy
3187            derivs(3,id) = derivs(3,id) - gz
3188         end if
3189      end do
3190      return
3191      end
3194c     ##############################################################
3195c     ##                                                          ##
3196c     ##  function chirer  --  computes chirality error function  ##
3197c     ##                                                          ##
3198c     ##############################################################
3201c     "chirer" computes the chirality error and its derivatives
3202c     with respect to atomic Cartesian coordinates as a sum the
3203c     squares of deviations of chiral volumes from target values
3206      function chirer (derivs)
3207      use atoms
3208      use restrn
3209      implicit none
3210      integer i,ia,ib,ic,id
3211      real*8 chirer,error,scale
3212      real*8 vol,dt,dedt
3213      real*8 xad,yad,zad
3214      real*8 xbd,ybd,zbd
3215      real*8 xcd,ycd,zcd
3216      real*8 c1,c2,c3
3217      real*8 dedxia,dedyia,dedzia
3218      real*8 dedxib,dedyib,dedzib
3219      real*8 dedxic,dedyic,dedzic
3220      real*8 dedxid,dedyid,dedzid
3221      real*8 derivs(3,*)
3224c     zero the chirality restraint error function
3226      chirer = 0.0d0
3227      scale = 0.1d0
3229c     find signed volume value and compute chirality error
3231      do i = 1, nchir
3232         ia = ichir(1,i)
3233         ib = ichir(2,i)
3234         ic = ichir(3,i)
3235         id = ichir(4,i)
3236         xad = x(ia) - x(id)
3237         yad = y(ia) - y(id)
3238         zad = z(ia) - z(id)
3239         xbd = x(ib) - x(id)
3240         ybd = y(ib) - y(id)
3241         zbd = z(ib) - z(id)
3242         xcd = x(ic) - x(id)
3243         ycd = y(ic) - y(id)
3244         zcd = z(ic) - z(id)
3245         c1 = ybd*zcd - zbd*ycd
3246         c2 = ycd*zad - zcd*yad
3247         c3 = yad*zbd - zad*ybd
3248         vol = xad*c1 + xbd*c2 + xcd*c3
3249         dt = vol - chir(2,i)
3250         error = scale * dt**2
3251         dedt = 2.0d0 * scale * dt
3253c     compute derivative components for this interaction
3255         dedxia = dedt * (ybd*zcd - zbd*ycd)
3256         dedyia = dedt * (zbd*xcd - xbd*zcd)
3257         dedzia = dedt * (xbd*ycd - ybd*xcd)
3258         dedxib = dedt * (zad*ycd - yad*zcd)
3259         dedyib = dedt * (xad*zcd - zad*xcd)
3260         dedzib = dedt * (yad*xcd - xad*ycd)
3261         dedxic = dedt * (yad*zbd - zad*ybd)
3262         dedyic = dedt * (zad*xbd - xad*zbd)
3263         dedzic = dedt * (xad*ybd - yad*xbd)
3264         dedxid = -dedxia - dedxib - dedxic
3265         dedyid = -dedyia - dedyib - dedyic
3266         dedzid = -dedzia - dedzib - dedzic
3268c     increment the chirality restraint error and derivatives
3270         chirer = chirer + error
3271         derivs(1,ia) = derivs(1,ia) + dedxia
3272         derivs(2,ia) = derivs(2,ia) + dedyia
3273         derivs(3,ia) = derivs(3,ia) + dedzia
3274         derivs(1,ib) = derivs(1,ib) + dedxib
3275         derivs(2,ib) = derivs(2,ib) + dedyib
3276         derivs(3,ib) = derivs(3,ib) + dedzib
3277         derivs(1,ic) = derivs(1,ic) + dedxic
3278         derivs(2,ic) = derivs(2,ic) + dedyic
3279         derivs(3,ic) = derivs(3,ic) + dedzic
3280         derivs(1,id) = derivs(1,id) + dedxid
3281         derivs(2,id) = derivs(2,id) + dedyid
3282         derivs(3,id) = derivs(3,id) + dedzid
3283      end do
3284      return
3285      end
3288c     ##############################################################
3289c     ##                                                          ##
3290c     ##  function torser  --  computes torsional error function  ##
3291c     ##                                                          ##
3292c     ##############################################################
3295c     "torser" computes the torsional error function and its first
3296c     derivatives with respect to the atomic Cartesian coordinates
3297c     based on the deviation of specified torsional angles from
3298c     desired values, the contained bond angles are also restrained
3299c     to avoid a numerical instability
3302      function torser (derivs)
3303      use atoms
3304      use couple
3305      use disgeo
3306      use math
3307      use refer
3308      use restrn
3309      implicit none
3310      integer i,j,k,iref
3311      integer ia,ib,ic,id
3312      real*8 torser,error,force
3313      real*8 dt,deddt,dedphi
3314      real*8 angle,target,scale
3315      real*8 xia,yia,zia
3316      real*8 xib,yib,zib
3317      real*8 xic,yic,zic
3318      real*8 xid,yid,zid
3319      real*8 xria,yria,zria
3320      real*8 xrib,yrib,zrib
3321      real*8 xric,yric,zric
3322      real*8 xrid,yrid,zrid
3323      real*8 rba,rcb,rdc
3324      real*8 dot,cosine,sine
3325      real*8 rrba,rrcb,rrdc
3326      real*8 rrca,rrdb
3327      real*8 bndfac,angfac
3328      real*8 xp,yp,zp,rp
3329      real*8 terma,termb
3330      real*8 termc,termd
3331      real*8 angmax,angmin
3332      real*8 cosmax,cosmin
3333      real*8 bamax,bamin
3334      real*8 cbmax,cbmin
3335      real*8 dcmax,dcmin
3336      real*8 camax,camin
3337      real*8 dbmax,dbmin
3338      real*8 xba,yba,zba
3339      real*8 xcb,ycb,zcb
3340      real*8 xdc,ydc,zdc
3341      real*8 xca,yca,zca
3342      real*8 xdb,ydb,zdb
3343      real*8 xt,yt,zt,rt2
3344      real*8 xu,yu,zu,ru2
3345      real*8 xtu,ytu,ztu,rtru
3346      real*8 tf1,tf2,t1,t2
3347      real*8 dedxt,dedyt,dedzt
3348      real*8 dedxu,dedyu,dedzu
3349      real*8 dedxia,dedyia,dedzia
3350      real*8 dedxib,dedyib,dedzib
3351      real*8 dedxic,dedyic,dedzic
3352      real*8 dedxid,dedyid,dedzid
3353      real*8 derivs(3,*)
3354      logical bonded
3357c     zero the torsional restraint error function
3359      torser = 0.0d0
3360      scale = 0.01d0
3362c     compute error value and derivs for torsional restraints
3364      do i = 1, ntfix
3365         ia = itfix(1,i)
3366         ib = itfix(2,i)
3367         ic = itfix(3,i)
3368         id = itfix(4,i)
3369         xia = x(ia)
3370         yia = y(ia)
3371         zia = z(ia)
3372         xib = x(ib)
3373         yib = y(ib)
3374         zib = z(ib)
3375         xic = x(ic)
3376         yic = y(ic)
3377         zic = z(ic)
3378         xid = x(id)
3379         yid = y(id)
3380         zid = z(id)
3381         xba = xib - xia
3382         yba = yib - yia
3383         zba = zib - zia
3384         xcb = xic - xib
3385         ycb = yic - yib
3386         zcb = zic - zib
3387         xdc = xid - xic
3388         ydc = yid - yic
3389         zdc = zid - zic
3391c     find the actual distances between the four atoms
3393         rba = sqrt(xba*xba + yba*yba + zba*zba)
3394         rcb = sqrt(xcb*xcb + ycb*ycb + zcb*zcb)
3395         rdc = sqrt(xdc*xdc + ydc*ydc + zdc*zdc)
3397c     see if the torsion involves four directly bonded atoms
3399         k = 0
3400         do j = 1, n12(ia)
3401            if (i12(j,ia) .eq. ib)  k = k + 1
3402         end do
3403         do j = 1, n12(ib)
3404            if (i12(j,ib) .eq. ic)  k = k + 1
3405         end do
3406         do j = 1, n12(ic)
3407            if (i12(j,ic) .eq. id)  k = k + 1
3408         end do
3409         if (k .eq. 3) then
3410            bonded = .true.
3411         else
3412            bonded = .false.
3413         end if
3415c     get maximum and minimum distances from distance matrix
3417         if (bonded) then
3418            bamax = sqrt(dbnd(min(ib,ia),max(ib,ia)))
3419            bamin = sqrt(dbnd(max(ib,ia),min(ib,ia)))
3420            cbmax = sqrt(dbnd(min(ic,ib),max(ic,ib)))
3421            cbmin = sqrt(dbnd(max(ic,ib),min(ic,ib)))
3422            dcmax = sqrt(dbnd(min(id,ic),max(id,ic)))
3423            dcmin = sqrt(dbnd(max(id,ic),min(id,ic)))
3424            camax = sqrt(dbnd(min(ic,ia),max(ic,ia)))
3425            camin = sqrt(dbnd(max(ic,ia),min(ic,ia)))
3426            dbmax = sqrt(dbnd(min(id,ib),max(id,ib)))
3427            dbmin = sqrt(dbnd(max(id,ib),min(id,ib)))
3429c     get maximum and minimum distances from input structure
3431         else
3432            iref = 1
3433            xria = xref(ia,iref)
3434            yria = yref(ia,iref)
3435            zria = zref(ia,iref)
3436            xrib = xref(ib,iref)
3437            yrib = yref(ib,iref)
3438            zrib = zref(ib,iref)
3439            xric = xref(ic,iref)
3440            yric = yref(ic,iref)
3441            zric = zref(ic,iref)
3442            xrid = xref(id,iref)
3443            yrid = yref(id,iref)
3444            zrid = zref(id,iref)
3445            rrba = sqrt((xrib-xria)**2+(yrib-yria)**2+(zrib-zria)**2)
3446            rrcb = sqrt((xric-xrib)**2+(yric-yrib)**2+(zric-zrib)**2)
3447            rrdc = sqrt((xrid-xric)**2+(yrid-yric)**2+(zrid-zric)**2)
3448            rrca = sqrt((xric-xria)**2+(yric-yria)**2+(zric-zria)**2)
3449            rrdb = sqrt((xrid-xrib)**2+(yrid-yrib)**2+(zrid-zrib)**2)
3450            bndfac = 0.05d0
3451            angfac = 0.05d0
3452            bamax = (1.0d0 + bndfac) * rrba
3453            bamin = (1.0d0 - bndfac) * rrba
3454            cbmax = (1.0d0 + bndfac) * rrcb
3455            cbmin = (1.0d0 - bndfac) * rrcb
3456            dcmax = (1.0d0 + bndfac) * rrdc
3457            dcmin = (1.0d0 - bndfac) * rrdc
3458            camax = (1.0d0 + angfac) * rrca
3459            camin = (1.0d0 - angfac) * rrca
3460            dbmax = (1.0d0 + angfac) * rrdb
3461            dbmin = (1.0d0 - angfac) * rrdb
3462         end if
3464c     compute the ia-ib-ic bond angle and any error
3466         dot = xba*xcb + yba*ycb + zba*zcb
3467         cosine = -dot / (rba*rcb)
3468         cosine = min(1.0d0,max(-1.0d0,cosine))
3469         angle = radian * acos(cosine)
3470         cosmax = (bamin**2+cbmin**2-camax**2) / (2.0d0*bamin*cbmin)
3471         cosmax = min(1.0d0,max(-1.0d0,cosmax))
3472         angmax = radian * acos(cosmax)
3473         cosmin = (bamax**2+cbmax**2-camin**2) / (2.0d0*bamax*cbmax)
3474         cosmin = min(1.0d0,max(-1.0d0,cosmin))
3475         angmin = radian * acos(cosmin)
3476         if (angle .gt. angmax) then
3477            dt = angle - angmax
3478         else if (angle .lt. angmin) then
3479            dt = angle - angmin
3480         else
3481            dt = 0.0d0
3482         end if
3483         error = scale * dt**2
3484         deddt = 2.0d0 * radian * scale * dt
3486c     compute derivative components for this interaction
3488         xp = zcb*yba - ycb*zba
3489         yp = xcb*zba - zcb*xba
3490         zp = ycb*xba - xcb*yba
3491         rp = sqrt(xp*xp + yp*yp + zp*zp)
3492         if (rp .ne. 0.0d0) then
3493            terma = -deddt / (rba*rba*rp)
3494            termc = deddt / (rcb*rcb*rp)
3495            dedxia = terma * (zba*yp-yba*zp)
3496            dedyia = terma * (xba*zp-zba*xp)
3497            dedzia = terma * (yba*xp-xba*yp)
3498            dedxic = termc * (ycb*zp-zcb*yp)
3499            dedyic = termc * (zcb*xp-xcb*zp)
3500            dedzic = termc * (xcb*yp-ycb*xp)
3501            dedxib = -dedxia - dedxic
3502            dedyib = -dedyia - dedyic
3503            dedzib = -dedzia - dedzic
3505c     increment the bond angle restraint error and derivatives
3507            torser = torser + error
3508            derivs(1,ia) = derivs(1,ia) + dedxia
3509            derivs(2,ia) = derivs(2,ia) + dedyia
3510            derivs(3,ia) = derivs(3,ia) + dedzia
3511            derivs(1,ib) = derivs(1,ib) + dedxib
3512            derivs(2,ib) = derivs(2,ib) + dedyib
3513            derivs(3,ib) = derivs(3,ib) + dedzib
3514            derivs(1,ic) = derivs(1,ic) + dedxic
3515            derivs(2,ic) = derivs(2,ic) + dedyic
3516            derivs(3,ic) = derivs(3,ic) + dedzic
3517         end if
3519c     compute the ib-ic-id bond angle and any error
3521         dot = xdc*xcb + ydc*ycb + zdc*zcb
3522         cosine = -dot / (rdc*rcb)
3523         cosine = min(1.0d0,max(-1.0d0,cosine))
3524         angle = radian * acos(cosine)
3525         cosmax = (dcmin**2+cbmin**2-dbmax**2) / (2.0d0*dcmin*cbmin)
3526         cosmax = min(1.0d0,max(-1.0d0,cosmax))
3527         angmax = radian * acos(cosmax)
3528         cosmin = (dcmax**2+cbmax**2-dbmin**2) / (2.0d0*dcmax*cbmax)
3529         cosmax = min(1.0d0,max(-1.0d0,cosmin))
3530         angmin = radian * acos(cosmin)
3531         if (angle .gt. angmax) then
3532            dt = angle - angmax
3533         else if (angle .lt. angmin) then
3534            dt = angle - angmin
3535         else
3536            dt = 0.0d0
3537         end if
3538         error = scale * dt**2
3539         deddt = 2.0d0 * radian * scale * dt
3541c     compute derivative components for this interaction
3543         xp = zdc*ycb - ydc*zcb
3544         yp = xdc*zcb - zdc*xcb
3545         zp = ydc*xcb - xdc*ycb
3546         rp = sqrt(xp*xp + yp*yp + zp*zp)
3547         if (rp .ne. 0.0d0) then
3548            termb = -deddt / (rcb*rcb*rp)
3549            termd = deddt / (rdc*rdc*rp)
3550            dedxib = termb * (zcb*yp-ycb*zp)
3551            dedyib = termb * (xcb*zp-zcb*xp)
3552            dedzib = termb * (ycb*xp-xcb*yp)
3553            dedxid = termd * (ydc*zp-zdc*yp)
3554            dedyid = termd * (zdc*xp-xdc*zp)
3555            dedzid = termd * (xdc*yp-ydc*xp)
3556            dedxic = -dedxib - dedxid
3557            dedyic = -dedyib - dedyid
3558            dedzic = -dedzib - dedzid
3560c     increment the bond angle restraint error and derivatives
3562            torser = torser + error
3563            derivs(1,ib) = derivs(1,ib) + dedxib
3564            derivs(2,ib) = derivs(2,ib) + dedyib
3565            derivs(3,ib) = derivs(3,ib) + dedzib
3566            derivs(1,ic) = derivs(1,ic) + dedxic
3567            derivs(2,ic) = derivs(2,ic) + dedyic
3568            derivs(3,ic) = derivs(3,ic) + dedzic
3569            derivs(1,id) = derivs(1,id) + dedxid
3570            derivs(2,id) = derivs(2,id) + dedyid
3571            derivs(3,id) = derivs(3,id) + dedzid
3572         end if
3574c     compute the value of the ia-ib-ic-id torsional angle
3576         xt = yba*zcb - ycb*zba
3577         yt = zba*xcb - zcb*xba
3578         zt = xba*ycb - xcb*yba
3579         xu = ycb*zdc - ydc*zcb
3580         yu = zcb*xdc - zdc*xcb
3581         zu = xcb*ydc - xdc*ycb
3582         xtu = yt*zu - yu*zt
3583         ytu = zt*xu - zu*xt
3584         ztu = xt*yu - xu*yt
3585         rt2 = xt*xt + yt*yt + zt*zt
3586         ru2 = xu*xu + yu*yu + zu*zu
3587         rtru = sqrt(rt2 * ru2)
3588         if (rtru .ne. 0.0d0) then
3589            rcb = sqrt(xcb*xcb + ycb*ycb + zcb*zcb)
3590            cosine = (xt*xu + yt*yu + zt*zu) / rtru
3591            sine = (xcb*xtu + ycb*ytu + zcb*ztu) / (rcb*rtru)
3592            cosine = min(1.0d0,max(-1.0d0,cosine))
3593            angle = radian * acos(cosine)
3594            if (sine .lt. 0.0d0)  angle = -angle
3596c     calculate the torsional restraint error for this angle
3598            force = tfix(1,i)
3599            tf1 = tfix(2,i)
3600            tf2 = tfix(3,i)
3601            if (angle.gt.tf1 .and. angle.lt.tf2) then
3602               target = angle
3603            else if (angle.gt.tf1 .and. tf1.gt.tf2) then
3604               target = angle
3605            else if (angle.lt.tf2 .and. tf1.gt.tf2) then
3606               target = angle
3607            else
3608               t1 = angle - tf1
3609               t2 = angle - tf2
3610               if (t1 .gt. 180.0d0) then
3611                  t1 = t1 - 360.0d0
3612               else if (t1 .lt. -180.0d0) then
3613                  t1 = t1 + 360.0d0
3614               end if
3615               if (t2 .gt. 180.0d0) then
3616                  t2 = t2 - 360.0d0
3617               else if (t2 .lt. -180.0d0) then
3618                  t2 = t2 + 360.0d0
3619               end if
3620               if (abs(t1) .lt. abs(t2)) then
3621                  target = tf1
3622               else
3623                  target = tf2
3624               end if
3625            end if
3626            dt = angle - target
3627            if (dt .gt. 180.0d0) then
3628               dt = dt - 360.0d0
3629            else if (dt .lt. -180.0d0) then
3630               dt = dt + 360.0d0
3631            end if
3632            error = scale * force * dt**2
3633            dedphi = 2.0d0 * radian * scale * force * dt
3635c     chain rule terms for first derivative components
3637            xca = xic - xia
3638            yca = yic - yia
3639            zca = zic - zia
3640            xdb = xid - xib
3641            ydb = yid - yib
3642            zdb = zid - zib
3643            dedxt = dedphi * (yt*zcb - ycb*zt) / (rt2*rcb)
3644            dedyt = dedphi * (zt*xcb - zcb*xt) / (rt2*rcb)
3645            dedzt = dedphi * (xt*ycb - xcb*yt) / (rt2*rcb)
3646            dedxu = -dedphi * (yu*zcb - ycb*zu) / (ru2*rcb)
3647            dedyu = -dedphi * (zu*xcb - zcb*xu) / (ru2*rcb)
3648            dedzu = -dedphi * (xu*ycb - xcb*yu) / (ru2*rcb)
3650c     compute first derivative components for torsion angle
3652            dedxia = zcb*dedyt - ycb*dedzt
3653            dedyia = xcb*dedzt - zcb*dedxt
3654            dedzia = ycb*dedxt - xcb*dedyt
3655            dedxib = yca*dedzt - zca*dedyt + zdc*dedyu - ydc*dedzu
3656            dedyib = zca*dedxt - xca*dedzt + xdc*dedzu - zdc*dedxu
3657            dedzib = xca*dedyt - yca*dedxt + ydc*dedxu - xdc*dedyu
3658            dedxic = zba*dedyt - yba*dedzt + ydb*dedzu - zdb*dedyu
3659            dedyic = xba*dedzt - zba*dedxt + zdb*dedxu - xdb*dedzu
3660            dedzic = yba*dedxt - xba*dedyt + xdb*dedyu - ydb*dedxu
3661            dedxid = zcb*dedyu - ycb*dedzu
3662            dedyid = xcb*dedzu - zcb*dedxu
3663            dedzid = ycb*dedxu - xcb*dedyu
3665c     increment the torsional restraint error and derivatives
3667            torser = torser + error
3668            derivs(1,ia) = derivs(1,ia) + dedxia
3669            derivs(2,ia) = derivs(2,ia) + dedyia
3670            derivs(3,ia) = derivs(3,ia) + dedzia
3671            derivs(1,ib) = derivs(1,ib) + dedxib
3672            derivs(2,ib) = derivs(2,ib) + dedyib
3673            derivs(3,ib) = derivs(3,ib) + dedzib
3674            derivs(1,ic) = derivs(1,ic) + dedxic
3675            derivs(2,ic) = derivs(2,ic) + dedyic
3676            derivs(3,ic) = derivs(3,ic) + dedzic
3677            derivs(1,id) = derivs(1,id) + dedxid
3678            derivs(2,id) = derivs(2,id) + dedyid
3679            derivs(3,id) = derivs(3,id) + dedzid
3680         end if
3681      end do
3682      return
3683      end