2 /******************************************************************************
3 * MODULE     : font.hpp
4 * DESCRIPTION: fonts
5 * COPYRIGHT  : (C) 1999  Joris van der Hoeven
6 *******************************************************************************
7 * This software falls under the GNU general public license version 3 or later.
8 * It comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. For details, see the file LICENSE
9 * in the root directory or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html>.
10 ******************************************************************************/
12 #ifndef FONT_H
13 #define FONT_H
14 #include "space.hpp"
15 #include "renderer.hpp"
17 RESOURCE(font);
19 struct glyph;
21 #define FONT_TYPE_TEX      0
22 #define FONT_TYPE_UNICODE  1
23 #define FONT_TYPE_QT       2
24 #define FONT_TYPE_OTHER    3
26 #define START_OF_LINE         1
27 #define END_OF_LINE           2
28 #define PROTRUSION_MASK      60
29 #define CJK_PROTRUSION_MASK  28
30 #define QUANJIAO              4
31 #define BANJIAO               8
32 #define HANGMOBANJIAO        12
33 #define KAIMING              16
34 #define WESTERN_PROTRUSION   32
35 #define TABLE_CELL           64
37 /******************************************************************************
38 * The font structure
39 ******************************************************************************/
41 struct font_rep: rep<font> {
42   int      type;             // font type
43   SI       size;             // requested size
44   SI       design_size;      // design size in points/256
45   SI       display_size;     // display size in points/PIXEL
46   double   slope;            // italic slope
47   space    spc;              // usual space between words
48   space    extra;            // extra space at end of words
49   SI       sep;              // separation space between close components
51   SI       y1;               // bottom y position
52   SI       y2;               // top y position
53   SI       yx;               // height of the x character
54   SI       yfrac;            // vertical position fraction bar
55   SI       ysub_lo_base;     // base line for subscripts
56   SI       ysub_hi_lim;      // upper limit for subscripts
57   SI       ysup_lo_lim;      // lower limit for supscripts
58   SI       ysup_lo_base;     // base line for supscripts
59   SI       ysup_hi_lim;      // upper limit for supscripts
60   SI       yshift;           // vertical script shift inside fractions
62   SI       wpt;              // width of one point in font
63   SI       wfn;              // wpt * design size in points
64   SI       wline;            // width of fraction bars and so
65   SI       wquad;            // quad space (often width of widest character M)
67   double   last_zoom;        // last rendered zoom
68   font     zoomed_fn;        // zoomed font for last_zoom (or nil)
70   hashmap<int,int> protrusion_maps;  // tables for protrusion
72   font_rep (string name);
73   font_rep (string name, font fn);
74   void copy_math_pars (font fn);
76   virtual bool   supports (string c) = 0;
77   virtual void   get_extents (string s, metric& ex) = 0;
78   virtual void   get_extents (string s, metric& ex, bool ligf);
79   virtual void   get_extents (string s, metric& ex, SI xk);
80   virtual void   get_xpositions (string s, SI* xpos);
81   virtual void   get_xpositions (string s, SI* xpos, bool ligf);
82   virtual void   get_xpositions (string s, SI* xpos, SI xk);
83   virtual void   draw_fixed (renderer ren, string s, SI x, SI y) = 0;
84   virtual void   draw_fixed (renderer ren, string s, SI x, SI y, bool ligf);
85   virtual void   draw_fixed (renderer ren, string s, SI x, SI y, SI xk);
86   virtual font   magnify (double zoom) = 0;
87   virtual void   draw (renderer ren, string s, SI x, SI y, SI xk, bool ext);
88   virtual void   draw (renderer ren, string s, SI x, SI y);
89   virtual void   draw (renderer ren, string s, SI x, SI y, SI xk);
91   virtual double get_left_slope  (string s);
92   virtual double get_right_slope (string s);
93   virtual SI     get_left_correction  (string s);
94   virtual SI     get_right_correction (string s);
95   virtual SI     get_left_protrusion  (string s, int mode);
96   virtual SI     get_right_protrusion (string s, int mode);
98   void var_get_extents (string s, metric& ex);
99   void var_get_xpositions (string s, SI* xpos);
100   void var_draw (renderer ren, string s, SI x, SI y);
101   virtual glyph get_glyph (string s);
102 };
104 string default_chinese_font_name ();
105 string default_japanese_font_name ();
106 string default_korean_font_name ();
108 font error_font (font fn);
109 font virtual_font (font base, string family, int size, int dpi);
110 font tt_font (string family, int size, int dpi);
111 font unicode_font (string family, int size, int dpi);
112 font unicode_math_font (font up, font it, font bup, font bit, font fb);
113 font rubber_unicode_font (font base);
114 font rubber_stix_font (font base);
115 font rubber_assemble_font (font base);
116 font rubber_font (font base);
117 font x_font (string family, int size, int dpi);
118 font qt_font (string family, int size, int dpi);
119 font tex_font (string fam, int size, int dpi, int dsize=10);
120 font tex_cm_font (string fam, int size, int dpi, int dsize=10);
121 font tex_ec_font (string fam, int size, int dpi, int dsize=10);
122 font tex_la_font (string fam, int size, int dpi, int dsize=10);
123 font tex_gr_font (string fam, int size, int dpi, int dsize=10);
124 font tex_adobe_font (string fam, int size, int dpi, int dsize=10);
125 font tex_rubber_font (string trl_name,
126 		      string fam, int size, int dpi, int dsize=10);
127 font tex_dummy_rubber_font (font base_fn);
129 void font_rule (tree which, tree by);
130 font find_font (scheme_tree t);
131 font find_magnified_font (scheme_tree t, double zf);
132 font find_font (string family, string fn_class,
133 		string series, string shape, int sz, int dpi);
134 bool find_closest (string& family, string& variant,
135                    string& series, string& shape, int attempt= 1);
136 font closest_font (string family, string variant, string series, string shape,
137 		   int sz, int dpi, int attempt= 1);
139 font math_font (scheme_tree t, font base_fn, font error_fn, double zoom= 1.0);
140 font compound_font (scheme_tree def, double zoom= 1.0);
141 font smart_font (string family, string variant, string series, string shape,
142                  int sz, int dpi);
143 font smart_font (string family, string variant, string series, string shape,
144                  string tf, string tv, string tw, string ts, int sz, int dpi);
146 int  script (int sz, int level);
148 // Font database
149 extern bool new_fonts;
150 void set_new_fonts (bool new_val);
151 bool get_new_fonts ();
152 void font_database_build (url u);
153 void font_database_build_local ();
154 void font_database_build_global ();
155 void font_database_build_global (url u);
156 void font_database_build_characteristics (bool force);
157 void font_database_load ();
158 void font_database_global_load ();
159 void font_database_save ();
160 void font_database_filter ();
161 void font_database_save_local_delta ();
162 array<string> font_database_families ();
163 array<string> font_database_delta_families ();
164 array<string> font_database_styles (string family);
165 array<string> font_database_global_styles (string family);
166 array<string> font_database_search (string family, string style);
167 array<string> font_database_search (string fam, string var,
168                                     string series, string shape);
169 array<string> font_database_characteristics (string family, string style);
170 tree font_database_substitutions (string family);
172 // Font selection
173 tree array_as_tuple (array<string> a);
174 array<string> tuple_as_array (tree t);
175 string encode_feature (string s);
176 string family_to_master (string f);
177 array<string> master_to_families (string f);
178 array<string> master_features (string m);
179 array<string> family_features (string f);
180 array<string> family_strict_features (string f);
181 array<string> style_features (string s);
182 array<string> logical_font (string family, string shape);
183 array<string> logical_font_exact (string family, string style);
184 array<string> logical_font (string f, string v, string ser, string sh);
185 array<string> guessed_features (string family, string shape);
186 array<string> guessed_features (string family, bool pure_guess);
187 double guessed_distance (string fam1, string sty1, string fam2, string sty2);
188 double guessed_distance (string master1, string master2);
189 string get_family (array<string> v);
190 string get_variant (array<string> v);
191 string get_series (array<string> v);
192 string get_shape (array<string> v);
193 array<string> search_font (array<string> v, int attempt= 1);
194 array<string> search_font_exact (array<string> v);
195 array<string> search_font_families (array<string> v);
196 array<string> search_font_styles (string s, array<string> v);
197 array<string> patch_font (array<string> v, array<string> w, bool decode= true);
198 array<string> apply_substitutions (array<string> v);
199 string main_family (string f);
201 #endif // defined FONT_H