1# XR Browser Test Details
5## Test Input Architecture
7### Overview
9When a [`MockXRDeviceHookBase`][xr hook base] is constructed, it sets itself as
10the current test hook in [`XRServiceTestHook::SetTestHook()`][xr service hook].
11This then causes the provided test hook to be set as the current hook for each
12runtime. What specifically each runtime does after that differs (covered in each
13runtime's specific section), but the important part is that the runtimes will
14start calling into the test via Mojo to get controller and headset data instead
15of attempting to use the real implementation.
17[xr hook base]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/chrome/browser/vr/test/mock_xr_device_hook_base.h
18[xr service hook]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/HEAD/content/services/isolated_xr_device/xr_service_test_hook.cc
20### WMR
22WMR is handled by mock implementations of the wrapper classes that surround all
23calls to the WMR API. The real wrappers are found in
24[`//device/vr/windows_mixed_reality/wrappers/`][real wmr wrappers] while the
25mocks are in
26[`//device/vr/windows_mixed_reality/wrappers/test/`][mock wmr wrappers].
28[real wmr wrappers]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/HEAD/device/vr/windows_mixed_reality/wrappers
29[mock wmr wrappers]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/HEAD/device/vr/windows_mixed_reality/wrappers/test/
31When [`XRServiceTestHook::SetTestHook()`][xr service hook] is called, it in turn
32calls [`MixedRealityDeviceStatics::SetTestHook()`][wmr statics]. This stores the
33reference to the hook for later use.
35[wmr statics]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/HEAD/device/vr/windows_mixed_reality/mixed_reality_statics.h
37When any of several WMR wrappers are created through the factories in
38[`//device/vr/windows_mixed_reality/wrappers/wmr_wrapper_factories.h`][wmr factories],
39they check [`MixedRealityDeviceStatics::ShouldUseMocks()`][wmr statics]. The
40first time this is called, it returns true if the hook has already been set, or
41false otherwise. Subsequent calls will always return the same value as the first
42call did. This means that usage of the real and mock wrappers are impossible to
43accidentally mix. **Note** This also means that it's currently impossible to
44switch to or from the mock wrappers during a test after the runtime has been
45attempted to be started.
47[wmr factories]: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/HEAD/device/vr/windows_mixed_reality/wrappers/wmr_wrapper_factories.h
49When the mock wrappers are in use, any calls made to them that would require
50data from the headset or controllers calls into the test via the test hook.
51Since multiple wrapper classes could potentially be using the hook at once, the
52hook is actually provided by acquiring a [`LockedVRTestHook`][locked hook] via
53[`MixedRealityDeviceStatics::GetLockedTestHook()`][wmr statics]. This is
54effectively a reference to the currently set
55[`MockXRDeviceHookBase`][xr hook base] that automatically acquires and releases
56a static lock on construction and destruction, making usage of the hook thread
59[locked hook]:https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/HEAD/device/vr/test/locked_vr_test_hook.h