1function ware_helptext(tribe)
2   local helptext = {
3      -- TRANSLATORS: Helptext for a ware: Hammer
4      default = pgettext("ware", "The hammer is an essential tool."),
5      -- TRANSLATORS: Helptext for a ware: Hammer
6      atlanteans = pgettext("atlanteans_ware", "Geologists, builders, weaponsmiths and armorsmiths all need a hammer. Make sure you’ve always got some in reserve! They are produced by the toolsmith."),
7      -- TRANSLATORS: Helptext for a ware: Hammer
8      barbarians = pgettext("barbarians_ware", "Geologists, builders, blacksmiths and helmsmiths all need a hammer. Make sure you’ve always got some in reserve! They are one of the basic tools produced at the metal workshop (but cease to be produced by the building if it is enhanced to an ax workshop and war mill)."),
9      -- TRANSLATORS: Helptext for a ware: Hammer
10      empire = pgettext("empire_ware", "Geologists, builders, weaponsmiths and armorsmiths all need a hammer. Make sure you’ve always got some in reserve! They are produced by the toolsmith."),
11      -- TRANSLATORS: Helptext for a ware: Hammer
12      frisians = pgettext("frisians_ware", "Geologists, builders and blacksmiths all need a hammer. Make sure you’ve always got some in reserve! They are produced by the blacksmithy.")
13   }
14   local result = ""
15   if tribe then
16      result = helptext[tribe]
17   else
18      result = helptext["default"]
19   end
20   if (result == nil) then result = "" end
21   return result