1 /*
2  *
3  *  Copyright (C) 2015-2017, OFFIS e.V.
4  *  All rights reserved.  See COPYRIGHT file for details.
5  *
6  *  This software and supporting documentation were developed by
7  *
8  *    OFFIS e.V.
9  *    R&D Division Health
10  *    Escherweg 2
11  *    D-26121 Oldenburg, Germany
12  *
13  *
14  *  Module:  dcmdata
15  *
16  *  Author:  Joerg Riesmeier
17  *
18  *  Purpose: Interface of class DcmUnlimitedCharacters
19  *
20  */
23 #ifndef DCVRUC_H
24 #define DCVRUC_H
26 #include "dcmtk/config/osconfig.h"    /* make sure OS specific configuration is included first */
28 #include "dcmtk/dcmdata/dctypes.h"
29 #include "dcmtk/dcmdata/dcchrstr.h"
32 /** a class representing the DICOM value representation 'Unlimited Characters' (UC)
33  */
34 class DCMTK_DCMDATA_EXPORT DcmUnlimitedCharacters
35   : public DcmCharString
36 {
38   public:
40     /** constructor
41      *  @param tag attribute tag
42      *  @param len length of the attribute value
43      */
44     DcmUnlimitedCharacters(const DcmTag &tag,
45                            const Uint32 len = 0);
47     /** copy constructor
48      *  @param old element to be copied
49      */
50     DcmUnlimitedCharacters(const DcmUnlimitedCharacters &old);
52     /** destructor
53      */
54     virtual ~DcmUnlimitedCharacters();
56     /** copy assignment operator
57      *  @param obj element to be copied
58      *  @return reference to this object
59      */
60     DcmUnlimitedCharacters &operator=(const DcmUnlimitedCharacters &obj);
62     /** clone method
63      *  @return deep copy of this object
64      */
clone()65     virtual DcmObject *clone() const
66     {
67       return new DcmUnlimitedCharacters(*this);
68     }
70     /** Virtual object copying. This method can be used for DcmObject
71      *  and derived classes to get a deep copy of an object. Internally
72      *  the assignment operator is called if the given DcmObject parameter
73      *  is of the same type as "this" object instance. If not, an error
74      *  is returned. This function permits copying an object by value
75      *  in a virtual way which therefore is different to just calling the
76      *  assignment operator of DcmElement which could result in slicing
77      *  the object.
78      *  @param rhs - [in] The instance to copy from. Has to be of the same
79      *                    class type as "this" object
80      *  @return EC_Normal if copying was successful, error otherwise
81      */
82     virtual OFCondition copyFrom(const DcmObject& rhs);
84     /** get element type identifier
85      *  @return type identifier of this class (EVR_UC)
86      */
87     virtual DcmEVR ident() const;
89     /** check whether stored value conforms to the VR and to the specified VM.
90      *  Currently, the VR checker only supports ASCII (ISO_IR 6) and Latin-1 (ISO_IR 100).
91      *  All other specific character sets disable the check of the value representation.
92      *  @param vm value multiplicity (according to the data dictionary) to be checked for.
93      *    (See DcmElement::checkVM() for a list of valid values.)
94      *  @param oldFormat parameter not used for this VR (only for DA, TM)
95      *  @return status of the check, EC_Normal if value is correct, an error code otherwise
96      */
97     virtual OFCondition checkValue(const OFString &vm = "",
98                                    const OFBool oldFormat = OFFalse);
100     /** get a copy of a particular string component
101      *  @param stringVal variable in which the result value is stored
102      *  @param pos index of the value in case of multi-valued elements (0..vm-1)
103      *  @param normalize delete leading and trailing spaces if OFTrue
104      *  @return status, EC_Normal if successful, an error code otherwise
105      */
106     virtual OFCondition getOFString(OFString &stringVal,
107                                     const unsigned long pos,
108                                     OFBool normalize = OFTrue);
110     /* --- static helper functions --- */
112     /** check whether given string value conforms to the VR "UC" (Unlimited Characters)
113      *  and to the specified VM.
114      *  @param value string value to be checked
115      *  @param vm value multiplicity (according to the data dictionary) to be checked for.
116      *    (See DcmElement::checkVM() for a list of valid values.)
117      *  @param charset character set (according to the value of the SpecificCharacterSet
118      *    element) to be used for checking the string value. The default is ASCII (7-bit).
119      *    Currently, the VR checker only supports ASCII (ISO_IR 6) and Latin-1 (ISO_IR 100).
120      *    All other values disable the check of the value representation, e.g. "UNKNOWN".
121      *  @return status of the check, EC_Normal if value is correct, an error code otherwise
122      */
123     static OFCondition checkStringValue(const OFString &value,
124                                         const OFString &vm = "1-n",
125                                         const OFString &charset = "");
126 };
129 #endif // DCVRUC_H