1# Building VTK
3This page describes how to build and install VTK. It covers building for
4development, on both Unix-type systems (Linux, HP-UX, Solaris, macOS), and
5Windows. Note that Unix-like environments such as Cygwin and MinGW are not
6officially supported. However, patches to fix problems with these platforms
7will be considered for inclusion. It is recommended that users which require
8VTK to work on these platforms to submit nightly testing results for them.
10A full-featured build of VTK depends on several open source tools and libraries
11such as Python, Qt, CGNS, HDF5, etc. Some of these are included in the VTK
12source itself (e.g., HDF5), while others are expected to be present on the
13machine on which VTK is being built (e.g., Python, Qt).
15## Obtaining the source
17To obtain VTK's sources locally, clone this repository using
21git clone --recursive https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk.git
24## Building
26VTK supports all of the common generators supported by CMake. The Ninja,
27Makefiles, and Visual Studio generators are the most well-tested however.
29Note that VTK does not support in-source builds, so you must have a build tree
30that is not the source tree.
32### Prerequisites
34VTK only requires a few packages in order to build in general, however
35specific features may require additional packages to be provided to VTK's
36build configuration.
40  * [CMake][cmake]
41    - Version 3.12 or newer, however, the latest version is always recommended
42  * Supported compiler
43    - GCC 4.8 or newer
44    - Clang 3.3 or newer
45    - Apple Clang 5.0 (from Xcode 5.0) or newer
46    - Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 or newer
47    - Intel 14.0 or newer
49Optional dependencies:
51  * [Python][python]
52    - When using Python 2, at least 2.7 is required
53    - When using Python 3, at least 3.4 is required
54  * [Qt5][qt]
55    - Version 5.9 or newer
57#### Installing CMake
59CMake is a tool that makes cross-platform building simple. On several systems
60it will probably be already installed or available through system package
61management utilities. If it is not, there are precompiled binaries available on
62[CMake's download page][cmake-download].
64#### Installing Qt
66VTK uses Qt as its GUI library (if the relevant modules are enabled).
67Precompiled binaries are available on [Qt's website][qt-download].
69Note that on Windows, the compiler used for building VTK must match the
70compiler version used to build Qt.
72### Optional Additions
74#### Download And Install ffmpeg (`.avi`) movie libraries
76When the ability to write `.avi` files is desired, and writing these files is
77not supported by the OS, VTK can use the ffmpeg library. This is generally
78true for Unix-like operating systems. Source code for ffmpeg can be obtained
79from [the website][ffmpeg].
81#### MPI
83To run VTK in parallel, an [MPI][mpi] implementation is required. If an MPI
84implementation that exploits special interconnect hardware is provided on your
85system, we suggest using it for optimal performance. Otherwise, on Linux/Mac,
86we suggest either [OpenMPI][openmpi] or [MPICH][mpich]. On Windows, [Microsoft
87MPI][msmpi] is required.
89#### Python
91In order to use scripting, [Python][python] is required (versions 2.7 and 3.3).
93#### OSMesa
95Off-screen Mesa can be used as a software-renderer for running VTK on a server
96without hardware OpenGL acceleration. This is usually available in system
97packages on Linux. For example, the `libosmesa6-dev` package on Debian and
98Ubuntu. However, for older machines, building a newer version of Mesa is
99likely necessary for bug fixes and support. Its source and build instructions
100can be found on [its website][mesa].
102## Creating the Build Environment
104### Linux (Ubuntu/Debian)
106  * `sudo apt install` the following packages:
107    - `build-essential`
108    - `cmake`
109    - `mesa-common-dev`
110    - `mesa-utils`
111    - `freeglut3-dev`
112    - `ninja-build`
113      - `ninja` is a speedy replacement for `make`, highly recommended.
115### Windows
117  * [Visual Studio Community Edition][visual-studio]
118  * Use "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt" for the installed Visual Studio
119    version to configure with CMake and to build with ninja.
120  * Get [ninja][ninja]. Unzip the binary and put it in `PATH`. Note that newer
121    Visual Studio releases come with a version of `ninja` already and should
122    already exist in `PATH` within the command prompt.
124## Building
126In order to build, CMake requires two steps, configure and build. VTK itself
127does not support what are known as in-source builds, so the first step is to
128create a build directory.
131mkdir -p vtk/build
132cd vtk/build
133ccmake ../path/to/vtk/source # -GNinja may be added to use the Ninja generator
136CMake's GUI has input entries for the build directory and the generator
137already. Note that on Windows, the GUI must be launched from a "Native Tools
138Command Prompt" available with Visual Studio in the start menu.
140### Missing dependencies
142CMake may not find all dependencies automatically in all cases. The steps
143needed to find any given package depends on the package itself. For general
144assistance, please see the documentation for
145[`find_package`'s search procedure][cmake-find_package-search] and
146[the relevant Find module][cmake-modules-find] (as available).
148### Build Settings
150VTK has a number of settings available for its build. The common variables
151to modify include:
153  * `BUILD_SHARED_LIBS` (default `ON`): If set, shared libraries will be
154    built. This is usually what is wanted.
155  * `VTK_USE_CUDA` (default `OFF`): Whether [CUDA][cuda] support will be available or
156    not.
157  * `VTK_USE_MPI` (default `OFF`): Whether [MPI][mpi] support will be available or
158    not.
159  * `VTK_WRAP_PYTHON` (default `OFF`; requires `VTK_ENABLE_WRAPPING`): Whether
160    Python support will be available or not.
161  * `VTK_PYTHON_VERSION` (default `3`): The major version of Python to
162    support. Must be either `2` or `3`.
164Less common, but variables which may be of interest to some:
166  * `VTK_BUILD_EXAMPLES` (default `OFF`): If set, VTK's example code will be
167    added as tests to the VTK test suite.
168  * `VTK_ENABLE_LOGGING` (default `ON`): If set, enhanced logging will be
169    enabled.
170  * `VTK_BUILD_TESTING` (default `OFF`): Whether to build tests or not. Valid
171    values are `OFF` (no testing), `WANT` (enable tests as possible), and `ON`
172    (enable all tests; may error out if features otherwise disabled are
173    required by test code).
174  * `VTK_ENABLE_KITS` (default `OFF`; requires `BUILD_SHARED_LIBS`): Compile
175    VTK into a smaller set of libraries. Can be useful on platforms where VTK
176    takes a long time to launch due to expensive disk access.
177  * `VTK_ENABLE_WRAPPING` (default `ON`): Whether any wrapping support will be
178    available or not.
179  * `VTK_WRAP_JAVA` (default `OFF`; requires `VTK_ENABLE_WRAPPING`):
180    Whether Java support will be available or not.
181  * `VTK_SMP_IMPLEMENTATION_TYPE` (default `Sequential`): Set which SMPTools
182    will be implemented by default. Must be either `Sequential`, `STDThread`,
183    `OpenMP` or `TBB`. The backend can be changed at runtime if the desired
184    backend has his option `VTK_SMP_ENABLE_<backend_name>` set to `ON`.
186More advanced options:
188  * `VTK_BUILD_DOCUMENTATION` (default `OFF`): If set, VTK will build its API
189    documentation using Doxygen.
190  * `VTK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES` (default `OFF`): If set, VTK will enable all
191    modules not disabled by other features.
192  * `VTK_ENABLE_REMOTE_MODULES` (default `ON`): If set, VTK will try to build
193    remote modules (the `Remote` directory). If unset, no remote modules will
194    build.
195  * `VTK_USE_EXTERNAL` (default `OFF`): Whether to prefer external third
196    party libraries or the versions VTK's source contains.
197  * `VTK_TARGET_SPECIFIC_COMPONENTS` (default `OFF`): Whether to install
198    files into target-specific components (`<TARGET>-runtime`,
199    `<TARGET>-development`, etc.) or general components (`runtime`,
200    `development`, etc.)
201  * `VTK_VERSIONED_INSTALL` (default `ON`): Whether to add version numbers to
202    VTK's include directories and library names in the install tree.
204    The custom suffix for libraries built by VTK. Defaults to either an empty
205    string or `X.Y` where `X` and `Y` are VTK's major and minor version
206    components, respectively.
207  * `VTK_INSTALL_SDK` (default `ON`): If set, VTK will install its headers,
208    CMake API, etc. into its install tree for use.
209  * `VTK_RELOCATABLE_INSTALL` (default `ON`): If set, the install tree will be
210    relocatable to another path. If unset, the install tree may be tied to the
211    build machine with absolute paths, but finding dependencies in
212    non-standard locations may require work without passing extra information
213    when consuming VTK.
214  * `VTK_UNIFIED_INSTALL_TREE` (default `OFF`): If set, the install tree is
215    stipulated to be a unified install tree of VTK and all of its dependencies;
216    a unified tree usually simplifies things including, but not limited to,
217    the Python module paths, library search paths, and plugin searching. This
218    option is irrelevant if a relocatable install is requested as such setups
219    assume that dependencies are set up either via a unified tree or some other
220    mechanism such as modules).
221  * `VTK_ENABLE_SANITIZER` (default `OFF`): Whether to enable sanitization of
222    the VTK codebase or not.
223  * `VTK_SANITIZER` (default `address`; requires `VTK_ENABLE_SANITIZER`): The
224    sanitizer to use.
225  * `VTK_USE_LARGE_DATA` (default `OFF`; requires `VTK_BUILD_TESTING`):
226    Whether to enable tests which use "large" data or not (usually used to
227    reduce the amount of data downloading required for the test suite).
228  * `VTK_LEGACY_REMOVE` (default `OFF`): If set, VTK will disable legacy,
229    deprecated APIs.
230  * `VTK_LEGACY_SILENT` (default `OFF`; requires `VTK_LEGACY_REMOVE` to be
231    `OFF`): If set, usage of legacy, deprecated APIs will not cause warnings.
232  * `VTK_USE_TK` (default `OFF`; requires `VTK_WRAP_PYTHON`): If set, VTK will
233    enable Tkinter support for VTK widgets.
234  * `VTK_BUILD_COMPILE_TOOLS_ONLY` (default `OFF`): If set, VTK will compile
235    just its compile tools for use in a cross-compile build.
236  * `VTK_SERIAL_TESTS_USE_MPIEXEC` (default `OFF`): Used on HPC to run
237    serial tests on compute nodes. If set, it prefixes serial tests with
239  * `VTK_WINDOWS_PYTHON_DEBUGGABLE` (default `OFF`): Set to `ON` if using a
240    debug build of Python.
241  * `VTK_DLL_PATHS` (default `""`): If set, these paths will be added via
242    Python 3.8's `os.add_dll_directory` mechanism in order to find dependent
243    DLLs when loading VTK's Python modules.
244  * `VTK_ENABLE_VR_COLLABORATION` (default `OFF`): If `ON`, includes support
245    for multi client VR collaboration. Requires libzmq and cppzmq external libraries.
246  * `VTK_SMP_ENABLE_<backend_name>` (default `OFF` if needs an external library otherwise `ON`):
247    If set, builds with the specified SMPTools backend implementation that can be
248    changed on runtime with `VTK_SMP_BACKEND_IN_USE` environment variable.
249  * `VTK_USE_VIDEO_FOR_WINDOWS` (default `OFF`; requires Windows): Enable the
250    `vtkAVIWriter` class in the `VTK::IOMovie` module.
251  * `VTK_USE_VIDEO_FOR_WINDOWS_CAPTURE` (default `OFF`; requires Windows):
252    Enable the `vtkWin32VideoSource` class in the `VTK::IOVideo` module.
253  * `VTK_USE_MICROSOFT_MEDIA_FOUNDATION` (default `OFF`; requires Windows):
254    Enable the `vtkMP4Writer` class in the `VTK::IOMovie` module.
255  * `VTK_USE_64BIT_TIMESTAMPS` (default `OFF`; forced on for 64-bit builds):
256    Build with 64-bit `vtkMTimeType`.
257  * `VTK_USE_64BIT_IDS` (default `OFF` for 32-bit builds; `ON` for 64-bit
258    builds): Whether `vtkIdType` should be 32-bit or 64-bit.
259  * `VTK_DEBUG_LEAKS` (default `OFF`): Whether VTK will report leaked
260    `vtkObject` instances at process destruction or not.
261  * `VTK_DEBUG_RANGE_ITERATORS` (default `OFF`; requires a `Debug` build):
262    Detect errors with `for-range` iterators in VTK (note that this is very
263    slow).
264  * `VTK_ALWAYS_OPTIMIZE_ARRAY_ITERATORS` (default `OFF`; requires `NOT
265    VTK_DEBUG_RANGE_ITERATORS`): Optimize `for-range` array iterators even in
266    `Debug` builds.
267  * `VTK_ALL_NEW_OBJECT_FACTORY` (default `OFF`): If `ON`, classes using
268    `vtkStandardNewMacro` will use `vtkObjectFactoryNewMacro` allowing
269    overrides to be available even when not explicitly requested through
270    `vtkObjectFactoryNewMacro` or `vtkAbstractObjectFactoryNewMacro`.
272The VTK module system provides a number of variables to control modules which
273are not otherwise controlled by the other options provided.
275  * `VTK_MODULE_USE_EXTERNAL_<name>` (default depends on `VTK_USE_EXTERNAL`):
276    Use an external source for the named third-party module rather than the
277    copy contained within the VTK source tree.
279    > **_WARNING:_**
280    >
281    > Activating this option within an interactive cmake configuration (i.e. ccmake, cmake-gui)
282    > could end up finding libraries in the standard locations rather than copies
283    > in non-standard locations.
284    >
285    > It is recommended to pass the variables necessary to find the intended external package to
286    > the first configure to avoid finding unintended copies of the external package.
287    > The variables which matter depend on the package being found, but those ending with
288    > `_LIBRARY` and `_INCLUDE_DIR` as well as the general CMake `find_package` variables ending
289    > with `_DIR` and `_ROOT` are likely candidates.
290    >
291    > ```
292    > Example:
293    > ccmake -D HDF5_ROOT:PATH=/home/user/myhdf5 ../vtk/sources
294    > ```
296  * `VTK_MODULE_ENABLE_<name>` (default `DEFAULT`): Change the build settings
297    for the named module. Valid values are those for the module system's build
298    settings (see below).
299  * `VTK_GROUP_ENABLE_<name>` (default `DEFAULT`): Change the default build
300    settings for modules belonging to the named group. Valid values are those
301    for the module system's build settings (see below).
303For variables which use the module system's build settings, the valid values are as follows:
305  * `YES`: Require the module to be built.
306  * `WANT`: Build the module if possible.
307  * `DEFAULT`: Use the settings by the module's groups and
309  * `DONT_WANT`: Don't build the module unless required as a dependency.
310  * `NO`: Do not build the module.
312If any `YES` module requires a `NO` module, an error is raised.
314#### Mobile devices
316VTK supports mobile devices in its build. These are triggered by a top-level
317flag which then exposes some settings for a cross-compiled VTK that is
318controlled from the top-level build.
320iOS builds may be enabled by setting the `VTK_IOS_BUILD` option. The following
321settings than affect the iOS build:
328Android builds may be enabled by setting the `VTK_ANDROID_BUILD` option. The
329following settings affect the Android build:
331  * `ANDROID_NDK`
335#### Python wheels
337VTK also supports creating a Python wheel containing its Python wrappers for
338Python3 (Python2 wheels are no longer supported). This is supported by setting
339the `VTK_WHEEL_BUILD` flag. This changes the build directory structure around
340to match that expected by wheels. Once configured, the build tree may be built
341as it would be normally and then the generated `setup.py` file used to create
342the wheel.
345cmake -GNinja -DVTK_WHEEL_BUILD=ON -DVTK_WRAP_PYTHON=ON path/to/vtk/source
347python3 setup.py bdist_wheel
350Any modules may be turned on or off as in a normal VTK build. Certain modules
351add features to the generated wheel to indicate their availability. These flags
352are not meant to be comprehensive, but any reasonable feature flags may be
353added to `CMake/vtkWheelFinalization.cmake` as needed.
355Note that the wheel will not include any external third party libraries in its
356wheel (e.g., X11, OpenGL, etc.) to avoid conflicts with systems or other wheels
357doing the same.
359## Building documentation
361The following targets are used to build documentation for VTK:
363  * `DoxygenDoc` - build the doxygen documentation from VTK's C++ source files.
365[cmake]: https://cmake.org
366[cmake-download]: https://cmake.org/download
367[cmake-find_package-search]: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/command/find_package.html#search-procedure
368[cmake-modules-find]: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/manual/cmake-modules.7.html#find-modules
369[cuda]: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-zone
370[ffmpeg]: https://ffmpeg.org
371[git]: https://git-scm.org
372[mesa]: https://www.mesa3d.org
373[mpi]: https://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/projects/mpi
374[ninja]: https://ninja-build.org
375[msmpi]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/message-passing-interface/microsoft-mpi
376[mpich]: https://www.mpich.org
377[nvpipe]: https://github.com/NVIDIA/NvPipe
378[openmpi]: https://www.open-mpi.org
379[python]: https://python.org
380[qt]: https://qt.io
381[qt-download]: https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt
382[visual-studio]: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs