1# -*- Mode:Python; indent-tabs-mode:nil; tab-width:4; encoding:utf8 -*-
3# Copyright 2015 Yigal Asnis
5# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
7# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8# option) any later version.
10# It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
11# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13# General Public License for more details.
15# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16# along with duplicity; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
19from builtins import next
20from builtins import str
22import os
24from duplicity import log
25from duplicity import util
26from duplicity.errors import BackendException
27import duplicity.backend
30class PyDriveBackend(duplicity.backend.Backend):
31    u"""Connect to remote store using PyDrive API"""
33    def __init__(self, parsed_url):
34        duplicity.backend.Backend.__init__(self, parsed_url)
35        try:
36            import httplib2
37            from apiclient.discovery import build
38        except ImportError as e:
39            raise BackendException(u"""\
40PyDrive backend requires PyDrive and Google API client installation.
41Please read the manpage for setup details.
42Exception: %s""" % str(e))
44        # Shared Drive ID specified as a query parameter in the backend URL.
45        # Example: pydrive://developer.gserviceaccount.com/target-folder/?driveID=<SHARED DRIVE ID>
46        self.api_params = {}
47        self.shared_drive_id = None
48        if u'driveID' in parsed_url.query_args:
49            self.shared_drive_id = parsed_url.query_args[u'driveID'][0]
50            self.api_params = {u'corpora': u'teamDrive',
51                               u'teamDriveId': self.shared_drive_id,
52                               u'includeTeamDriveItems': True,
53                               u'supportsTeamDrives': True}
55        try:
56            from pydrive2.auth import GoogleAuth
57            from pydrive2.drive import GoogleDrive
58            from pydrive2.files import ApiRequestError, FileNotUploadedError
59        except ImportError as e:
60            try:
61                from pydrive.auth import GoogleAuth
62                from pydrive.drive import GoogleDrive
63                from pydrive.files import ApiRequestError, FileNotUploadedError
64            except ImportError as e:
65                raise BackendException(u"""\
66PyDrive backend requires PyDrive installation.  Please read the manpage for setup details.
67Exception: %s""" % str(e))
69        # let user get by with old client while he can
70        try:
71            from oauth2client.client import SignedJwtAssertionCredentials
72            self.oldClient = True
73        except:
74            from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
75            from oauth2client import crypt
76            self.oldClient = False
78        if u'GOOGLE_DRIVE_ACCOUNT_KEY' in os.environ:
79            account_key = os.environ[u'GOOGLE_DRIVE_ACCOUNT_KEY']
80            if self.oldClient:
81                credentials = SignedJwtAssertionCredentials(parsed_url.username +
82                                                            u'@' + parsed_url.hostname,
83                                                            account_key,
84                                                            scopes=u'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive')
85            else:
86                signer = crypt.Signer.from_string(account_key)
87                credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials(parsed_url.username + u'@' + parsed_url.hostname, signer,
88                                                        scopes=u'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive')
89            credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http())
90            gauth = GoogleAuth(http_timeout=60)
91            gauth.credentials = credentials
92        elif u'GOOGLE_DRIVE_SETTINGS' in os.environ:
93            gauth = GoogleAuth(settings_file=os.environ[u'GOOGLE_DRIVE_SETTINGS'], http_timeout=60)
94            gauth.CommandLineAuth()
95        elif (u'GOOGLE_SECRETS_FILE' in os.environ and u'GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_FILE' in os.environ):
96            gauth = GoogleAuth(http_timeout=60)
97            gauth.LoadClientConfigFile(os.environ[u'GOOGLE_SECRETS_FILE'])
98            gauth.LoadCredentialsFile(os.environ[u'GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_FILE'])
99            if gauth.credentials is None:
100                gauth.CommandLineAuth()
101            elif gauth.access_token_expired:
102                gauth.Refresh()
103            else:
104                gauth.Authorize()
105            gauth.SaveCredentialsFile(os.environ[u'GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_FILE'])
106        else:
107            raise BackendException(
108                u'GOOGLE_DRIVE_ACCOUNT_KEY or GOOGLE_DRIVE_SETTINGS environment '
109                u'variable not set. Please read the manpage to fix.')
110        self.drive = GoogleDrive(gauth)
112        if self.shared_drive_id:
113            parent_folder_id = self.shared_drive_id
114        else:
115            # Dirty way to find root folder id
116            file_list = self.drive.ListFile({u'q': u"'Root' in parents and trashed=false"}).GetList()
117            if file_list:
118                parent_folder_id = file_list[0][u'parents'][0][u'id']
119            else:
120                file_in_root = self.drive.CreateFile({u'title': u'i_am_in_root'})
121                file_in_root.Upload()
122                parent_folder_id = file_in_root[u'parents'][0][u'id']
123                file_in_root.Delete()
125        # Fetch destination folder entry and create hierarchy if required.
126        folder_names = parsed_url.path.split(u'/')
127        for folder_name in folder_names:
128            if not folder_name:
129                continue
130            list_file_args = {u'q': u"'" + parent_folder_id +
131                              u"' in parents and trashed=false"}
132            list_file_args.update(self.api_params)
133            file_list = self.drive.ListFile(list_file_args).GetList()
134            folder = next((item for item in file_list if item[u'title'] == folder_name and
135                           item[u'mimeType'] == u'application/vnd.google-apps.folder'), None)
136            if folder is None:
137                create_file_args = {u'title': folder_name,
138                                    u'mimeType': u"application/vnd.google-apps.folder",
139                                    u'parents': [{u'id': parent_folder_id}]}
140                create_file_args[u'parents'][0].update(self.api_params)
141                create_file_args.update(self.api_params)
142                folder = self.drive.CreateFile(create_file_args)
143                if self.shared_drive_id:
144                    folder.Upload(param={u'supportsTeamDrives': True})
145                else:
146                    folder.Upload()
147            parent_folder_id = folder[u'id']
148        self.folder = parent_folder_id
149        self.id_cache = {}
151    def file_by_name(self, filename):
152        try:
153            from pydrive2.files import ApiRequestError  # pylint: disable=import-error
154        except ImportError:
155            from pydrive.files import ApiRequestError  # pylint: disable=import-error
157        filename = util.fsdecode(filename)  # PyDrive deals with unicode filenames
159        if filename in self.id_cache:
160            # It might since have been locally moved, renamed or deleted, so we
161            # need to validate the entry.
162            file_id = self.id_cache[filename]
163            drive_file = self.drive.CreateFile({u'id': file_id})
164            try:
165                if drive_file[u'title'] == filename and not drive_file[u'labels'][u'trashed']:
166                    for parent in drive_file[u'parents']:
167                        if parent[u'id'] == self.folder:
168                            log.Info(u"PyDrive backend: found file '%s' with id %s in ID cache" %
169                                     (filename, file_id))
170                            return drive_file
171            except ApiRequestError as error:
172                # A 404 occurs if the ID is no longer valid
173                if error.args[0].resp.status != 404:
174                    raise
175            # If we get here, the cache entry is invalid
176            log.Info(u"PyDrive backend: invalidating '%s' (previously ID %s) from ID cache" %
177                     (filename, file_id))
178            del self.id_cache[filename]
180        # Not found in the cache, so use directory listing. This is less
181        # reliable because there is no strong consistency.
182        q = u"title='%s' and '%s' in parents and trashed=false" % (filename, self.folder)
183        fields = u'items(title,id,fileSize,downloadUrl,exportLinks),nextPageToken'
184        list_file_args = {u'q': q, u'fields': fields}
185        list_file_args.update(self.api_params)
186        flist = self.drive.ListFile(list_file_args).GetList()
187        if len(flist) > 1:
188            log.FatalError(_(u"PyDrive backend: multiple files called '%s'.") % (filename,))
189        elif flist:
190            file_id = flist[0][u'id']
191            self.id_cache[filename] = flist[0][u'id']
192            log.Info(u"PyDrive backend: found file '%s' with id %s on server, "
193                     u"adding to cache" % (filename, file_id))
194            return flist[0]
195        log.Info(u"PyDrive backend: file '%s' not found in cache or on server" %
196                 (filename,))
197        return None
199    def id_by_name(self, filename):
200        drive_file = self.file_by_name(filename)
201        if drive_file is None:
202            return u''
203        else:
204            return drive_file[u'id']
206    def _put(self, source_path, remote_filename):
207        remote_filename = util.fsdecode(remote_filename)
208        drive_file = self.file_by_name(remote_filename)
209        if drive_file is None:
210            # No existing file, make a new one
211            create_file_args = {u'title': remote_filename,
212                                u'parents': [{u"kind": u"drive#fileLink",
213                                             u"id": self.folder}]}
214            create_file_args[u'parents'][0].update(self.api_params)
215            drive_file = self.drive.CreateFile(create_file_args)
216            log.Info(u"PyDrive backend: creating new file '%s'" % (remote_filename,))
217        else:
218            log.Info(u"PyDrive backend: replacing existing file '%s' with id '%s'" % (
219                remote_filename, drive_file[u'id']))
220        drive_file.SetContentFile(util.fsdecode(source_path.name))
221        if self.shared_drive_id:
222            drive_file.Upload(param={u'supportsTeamDrives': True})
223        else:
224            drive_file.Upload()
225        self.id_cache[remote_filename] = drive_file[u'id']
227    def _get(self, remote_filename, local_path):
228        drive_file = self.file_by_name(remote_filename)
229        drive_file.GetContentFile(util.fsdecode(local_path.name))
231    def _list(self):
232        list_file_args = {
233            u'q': u"'" + self.folder + u"' in parents and trashed=false",
234            u'fields': u'items(title,id),nextPageToken'}
235        list_file_args.update(self.api_params)
236        drive_files = self.drive.ListFile(list_file_args).GetList()
237        filenames = set(item[u'title'] for item in drive_files)
238        # Check the cache as well. A file might have just been uploaded but
239        # not yet appear in the listing.
240        # Note: do not use iterkeys() here, because file_by_name will modify
241        # the cache if it finds invalid entries.
242        for filename in list(self.id_cache.keys()):
243            if (filename not in filenames) and (self.file_by_name(filename) is not None):
244                filenames.add(filename)
245        return list(filenames)
247    def _delete(self, filename):
248        file_id = self.id_by_name(filename)
249        if file_id == u'':
250            log.Warn(u"File '%s' does not exist while trying to delete it" % (util.fsdecode(filename),))
251        elif self.shared_drive_id:
252            self.drive.auth.service.files().delete(fileId=file_id, param={u'supportsTeamDrives': True}).execute()
253        else:
254            self.drive.auth.service.files().delete(fileId=file_id).execute()
256    def _query(self, filename):
257        drive_file = self.file_by_name(filename)
258        if drive_file is None:
259            size = -1
260        else:
261            size = int(drive_file[u'fileSize'])
262        return {u'size': size}
264    def _error_code(self, operation, error):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
265        try:
266            from pydrive2.files import ApiRequestError, FileNotUploadedError  # pylint: disable=import-error
267        except ImportError:
268            from pydrive.files import ApiRequestError, FileNotUploadedError  # pylint: disable=import-error
269        if isinstance(error, FileNotUploadedError):
270            return log.ErrorCode.backend_not_found
271        elif isinstance(error, ApiRequestError):
272            return log.ErrorCode.backend_permission_denied
273        return log.ErrorCode.backend_error
276duplicity.backend.register_backend(u'pydrive', PyDriveBackend)
277u""" pydrive is an alternate way to access gdocs """
278duplicity.backend.register_backend(u'pydrive+gdocs', PyDriveBackend)
279u""" register pydrive as the default way to access gdocs """
280duplicity.backend.register_backend(u'gdocs', PyDriveBackend)
282duplicity.backend.uses_netloc.extend([u'pydrive', u'pydrive+gdocs', u'gdocs'])