1# -*- Mode:Python; indent-tabs-mode:nil; tab-width:4; encoding:utf8 -*-
3# Copyright 2002 Ben Escoto <ben@emerose.org>
4# Copyright 2007 Kenneth Loafman <kenneth@loafman.com>
5# Copyright 2013 Edgar Soldin
6#                 - ssl cert verification, some robustness enhancements
8# This file is part of duplicity.
10# Duplicity is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
12# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
13# option) any later version.
15# Duplicity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
16# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18# General Public License for more details.
20# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21# along with duplicity; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
22# Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
24from future import standard_library
26from builtins import str
27from builtins import range
28import base64
29import http.client
30import os
31import re
32import shutil
33import urllib.request  # pylint: disable=import-error
34import urllib.parse  # pylint: disable=import-error
35import urllib.error  # pylint: disable=import-error
36import xml.dom.minidom
38import duplicity.backend
39from duplicity import config
40from duplicity import log
41from duplicity import util
42from duplicity.errors import BackendException, FatalBackendException
45class CustomMethodRequest(urllib.request.Request):
46    u"""
47    This request subclass allows explicit specification of
48    the HTTP request method. Basic urllib.request.Request class
49    chooses GET or POST depending on self.has_data()
50    """
51    def __init__(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
52        self.method = method
53        urllib.request.Request.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
55    def get_method(self):
56        return self.method
59class VerifiedHTTPSConnection(http.client.HTTPSConnection):
60    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
61        try:
62            global socket, ssl
63            import socket
64            import ssl
65        except ImportError:
66            raise FatalBackendException(_(u"Missing socket or ssl python modules."))
68        http.client.HTTPSConnection.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
70        self.cacert_file = config.ssl_cacert_file
71        self.cacert_candidates = [u"~/.duplicity/cacert.pem",
72                                  u"~/duplicity_cacert.pem",
73                                  u"/etc/duplicity/cacert.pem"]
74        # if no cacert file was given search default locations
75        if not self.cacert_file:
76            for path in self.cacert_candidates:
77                path = os.path.expanduser(path)
78                if (os.path.isfile(path)):
79                    self.cacert_file = path
80                    break
82        # check if file is accessible (libssl errors are not very detailed)
83        if self.cacert_file and not os.access(self.cacert_file, os.R_OK):
84            raise FatalBackendException(_(u"Cacert database file '%s' is not readable.") %
85                                        self.cacert_file)
87    def connect(self):
88        # create new socket
89        sock = socket.create_connection((self.host, self.port),
90                                        self.timeout)
91        if self._tunnel_host:
92            self.sock = sock
93            self.tunnel()
95        # python 2.7.9+ supports default system certs now
96        if u"create_default_context" in dir(ssl):
97            context = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH,
98                                                 cafile=self.cacert_file,
99                                                 capath=config.ssl_cacert_path)
100            self.sock = context.wrap_socket(sock, server_hostname=self.host)
101        # the legacy way needing a cert file
102        else:
103            if config.ssl_cacert_path:
104                raise FatalBackendException(
105                    _(u"Option '--ssl-cacert-path' is not supported "
106                      u"with python 2.7.8 and below."))
108            if not self.cacert_file:
109                raise FatalBackendException(_(u"""\
110For certificate verification with python 2.7.8 or earlier a cacert database
111file is needed in one of these locations: %s
113Consult the man page, chapter 'SSL Certificate Verification'.
114Consider using the options --ssl-cacert-file, --ssl-no-check-certificate .""") %
115                                            u", ".join(self.cacert_candidates))
117            # wrap the socket in ssl using verification
118            self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock,
119                                        cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_REQUIRED,
120                                        ca_certs=self.cacert_file,
121                                        )
123    def request(self, *args, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=method-hidden
124        try:
125            return http.client.HTTPSConnection.request(self, *args, **kwargs)
126        except ssl.SSLError as e:
127            # encapsulate ssl errors
128            raise BackendException(u"SSL failed: %s" % util.uexc(e),
129                                   log.ErrorCode.backend_error)
132class WebDAVBackend(duplicity.backend.Backend):
133    u"""Backend for accessing a WebDAV repository.
135    webdav backend contributed in 2006 by Jesper Zedlitz <jesper@zedlitz.de>
136    """
138    u"""
139    Request just the names.
140    """
141    listbody = u'<?xml version="1.0"?><D:propfind xmlns:D="DAV:"><D:prop><D:resourcetype/></D:prop></D:propfind>'
143    u"""Connect to remote store using WebDAV Protocol"""
144    def __init__(self, parsed_url):
145        duplicity.backend.Backend.__init__(self, parsed_url)
146        self.headers = {u'Connection': u'keep-alive'}
147        self.parsed_url = parsed_url
148        self.digest_challenge = None
149        self.digest_auth_handler = None
151        self.username = parsed_url.username
152        self.password = self.get_password()
153        self.directory = self.sanitize_path(parsed_url.path)
155        log.Info(_(u"Using WebDAV protocol %s") % (config.webdav_proto,))
156        log.Info(_(u"Using WebDAV host %s port %s") % (parsed_url.hostname,
157                                                       parsed_url.port))
158        log.Info(_(u"Using WebDAV directory %s") % (self.directory,))
160        self.conn = None
162    def sanitize_path(self, path):
163        if path:
164            foldpath = re.compile(u'/+')
165            return foldpath.sub(u'/', path + u'/')
166        else:
167            return u'/'
169    def getText(self, nodelist):
170        rc = u""
171        for node in nodelist:
172            if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
173                rc = rc + node.data
174        return rc
176    def _retry_cleanup(self):
177        self.connect(forced=True)
179    def connect(self, forced=False):
180        u"""
181        Connect or re-connect to the server, updates self.conn
182        # reconnect on errors as a precaution, there are errors e.g.
183        # "[Errno 32] Broken pipe" or SSl errors that render the connection unusable
184        """
185        if not forced and self.conn \
186                and self.conn.host == self.parsed_url.hostname:
187            return
189        log.Info(_(u"WebDAV create connection on '%s'") % (self.parsed_url.hostname))
190        self._close()
191        # http schemes needed for redirect urls from servers
192        if self.parsed_url.scheme in [u'webdav', u'http']:
193            self.conn = http.client.HTTPConnection(self.parsed_url.hostname, self.parsed_url.port)
194        elif self.parsed_url.scheme in [u'webdavs', u'https']:
195            if config.ssl_no_check_certificate:
196                self.conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(self.parsed_url.hostname, self.parsed_url.port)
197            else:
198                self.conn = VerifiedHTTPSConnection(self.parsed_url.hostname, self.parsed_url.port)
199        else:
200            raise FatalBackendException(_(u"WebDAV Unknown URI scheme: %s") % (self.parsed_url.scheme))
202    def _close(self):
203        if self.conn:
204            self.conn.close()
206    def request(self, method, path, data=None, redirected=0):
207        u"""
208        Wraps the connection.request method to retry once if authentication is
209        required
210        """
211        self._close()  # or we get previous request's data or exception
212        self.connect()
214        quoted_path = urllib.parse.quote(path, u"/:~")
216        if self.digest_challenge is not None:
217            self.headers[u'Authorization'] = self.get_digest_authorization(path)
219        log.Info(_(u"WebDAV %s %s request with headers: %s ") % (method, quoted_path, self.headers))
220        log.Info(_(u"WebDAV data length: %s ") % len(str(data)))
221        self.conn.request(method, quoted_path, data, self.headers)
222        response = self.conn.getresponse()
223        log.Info(_(u"WebDAV response status %s with reason '%s'.") % (response.status, response.reason))
224        # resolve redirects and reset url on listing requests (they usually come before everything else)
225        if response.status in [301, 302] and method == u'PROPFIND':
226            redirect_url = response.getheader(u'location', None)
227            response.close()
228            if redirect_url:
229                log.Notice(_(u"WebDAV redirect to: %s ") % urllib.parse.unquote(redirect_url))
230                if redirected > 10:
231                    raise FatalBackendException(_(u"WebDAV redirected 10 times. Giving up."))
232                self.parsed_url = duplicity.backend.ParsedUrl(redirect_url)
233                self.directory = self.sanitize_path(self.parsed_url.path)
234                return self.request(method, self.directory, data, redirected + 1)
235            else:
236                raise FatalBackendException(_(u"WebDAV missing location header in redirect response."))
237        elif response.status == 401:
238            response.read()
239            response.close()
240            self.headers[u'Authorization'] = self.get_authorization(response, quoted_path)
241            log.Info(_(u"WebDAV retry request with authentification headers."))
242            log.Info(_(u"WebDAV %s %s request2 with headers: %s ") % (method, quoted_path, self.headers))
243            log.Info(_(u"WebDAV data length: %s ") % len(str(data)))
244            self.conn.request(method, quoted_path, data, self.headers)
245            response = self.conn.getresponse()
246            log.Info(_(u"WebDAV response2 status %s with reason '%s'.") % (response.status, response.reason))
248        return response
250    def get_authorization(self, response, path):
251        u"""
252        Fetches the auth header based on the requested method (basic or digest)
253        """
254        try:
255            auth_hdr = response.getheader(u'www-authenticate', u'')
256            token, challenge = auth_hdr.split(u' ', 1)
257        except ValueError:
258            return None
259        if token.split(u',')[0].lower() == u'negotiate':
260            try:
261                return self.get_kerberos_authorization()
262            except ImportError:
263                log.Warn(_(u"python-kerberos needed to use kerberos \
264                          authorization, falling back to basic auth."))
265                return self.get_basic_authorization()
266            except Exception as e:
267                log.Warn(_(u"Kerberos authorization failed: %s.\
268                          Falling back to basic auth.") % e)
269                return self.get_basic_authorization()
270        elif token.lower() == u'basic':
271            return self.get_basic_authorization()
272        else:
273            self.digest_challenge = self.parse_digest_challenge(challenge)
274            return self.get_digest_authorization(path)
276    def parse_digest_challenge(self, challenge_string):
277        return urllib.request.parse_keqv_list(urllib.request.parse_http_list(challenge_string))
279    def get_kerberos_authorization(self):
280        import kerberos  # pylint: disable=import-error
281        _, ctx = kerberos.authGSSClientInit(u"HTTP@%s" % self.conn.host)
282        kerberos.authGSSClientStep(ctx, u"")
283        tgt = kerberos.authGSSClientResponse(ctx)
284        return u'Negotiate %s' % tgt
286    def get_basic_authorization(self):
287        u"""
288        Returns the basic auth header
289        """
290        auth_string = u'%s:%s' % (self.username, self.password)
291        return u'Basic %s' % base64.b64encode(auth_string.encode()).strip().decode()
293    def get_digest_authorization(self, path):
294        u"""
295        Returns the digest auth header
296        """
297        u = self.parsed_url
298        if self.digest_auth_handler is None:
299            pw_manager = urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
300            pw_manager.add_password(None, self.conn.host, self.username, self.password)
301            self.digest_auth_handler = urllib.request.HTTPDigestAuthHandler(pw_manager)
303        # building a dummy request that gets never sent,
304        # needed for call to auth_handler.get_authorization
305        scheme = u.scheme == u'webdavs' and u'https' or u'http'
306        hostname = u.port and u"%s:%s" % (u.hostname, u.port) or u.hostname
307        dummy_url = u"%s://%s%s" % (scheme, hostname, path)
308        dummy_req = CustomMethodRequest(self.conn._method, dummy_url)
309        auth_string = self.digest_auth_handler.get_authorization(dummy_req,
310                                                                 self.digest_challenge)
311        return u'Digest %s' % auth_string
313    def _list(self):
314        response = None
315        try:
316            self.headers[u'Depth'] = u"1"
317            response = self.request(u"PROPFIND", self.directory, self.listbody)
318            del self.headers[u'Depth']
319            # if the target collection does not exist, create it.
320            if response.status == 404:
321                response.close()  # otherwise next request fails with ResponseNotReady
322                self.makedir()
323                # just created an empty folder, so return empty
324                return []
325            elif response.status in [200, 207]:
326                document = response.read()
327                response.close()
328            else:
329                status = response.status
330                reason = response.reason
331                response.close()
332                raise BackendException(u"Bad status code %s reason %s." % (status, reason))
334            log.Debug(u"%s" % (document,))
335            dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(document)
336            result = []
337            for href in dom.getElementsByTagName(u'd:href') + dom.getElementsByTagName(u'D:href'):
338                filename = self.taste_href(href)
339                if filename:
340                    result.append(filename)
341            return result
342        except Exception as e:
343            raise e
344        finally:
345            if response:
346                response.close()
348    def makedir(self):
349        u"""Make (nested) directories on the server."""
350        dirs = self.directory.split(u"/")
351        # url causes directory to start with /, but it might be given
352        # with or without trailing / (which is required)
353        if dirs[-1] == u'':
354            dirs = dirs[0:-1]
355        for i in range(1, len(dirs)):
356            d = u"/".join(dirs[0:i + 1]) + u"/"
358            self.headers[u'Depth'] = u"1"
359            response = self.request(u"PROPFIND", d)
360            del self.headers[u'Depth']
362            log.Info(u"Checking existence dir %s: %d" % (d, response.status))
364            if response.status == 404:
365                log.Info(_(u"Creating missing directory %s") % d)
367                res = self.request(u"MKCOL", d)
368                if res.status != 201:
369                    raise BackendException(_(u"WebDAV MKCOL %s failed: %s %s") %
370                                           (d, res.status, res.reason))
372    def taste_href(self, href):
373        u"""
374        Internal helper to taste the given href node and, if
375        it is a duplicity file, collect it as a result file.
377        @return: A matching filename, or None if the href did not match.
378        """
379        raw_filename = self.getText(href.childNodes).strip()
380        parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(urllib.parse.unquote(raw_filename))
381        filename = parsed_url.path
382        log.Debug(_(u"WebDAV path decoding and translation: "
383                  u"%s -> %s") % (raw_filename, filename))
385        # at least one WebDAV server returns files in the form
386        # of full URL:s. this may or may not be
387        # according to the standard, but regardless we
388        # feel we want to bail out if the hostname
389        # does not match until someone has looked into
390        # what the WebDAV protocol mandages.
391        if parsed_url.hostname is not None \
392           and not (parsed_url.hostname == self.parsed_url.hostname):
393            m = u"Received filename was in the form of a "\
394                u"full url, but the hostname (%s) did "\
395                u"not match that of the webdav backend "\
396                u"url (%s) - aborting as a conservative "\
397                u"safety measure. If this happens to you, "\
398                u"please report the problem"\
399                u"" % (parsed_url.hostname,
400                       self.parsed_url.hostname)
401            raise BackendException(m)
403        if filename.startswith(self.directory):
404            filename = filename.replace(self.directory, u'', 1)
405            return filename
406        else:
407            return None
409    def _get(self, remote_filename, local_path):
410        url = self.directory + util.fsdecode(remote_filename)
411        response = None
412        try:
413            target_file = local_path.open(u"wb")
414            response = self.request(u"GET", url)
415            if response.status == 200:
416                # data=response.read()
417                shutil.copyfileobj(response, target_file)
418                # import hashlib
419                # log.Info("WebDAV GOT %s bytes with md5=%s" %
420                # (len(data),hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()) )
421                assert not target_file.close()
422                response.close()
423            else:
424                status = response.status
425                reason = response.reason
426                response.close()
427                raise BackendException(_(u"WebDAV GET Bad status code %s reason %s.") %
428                                       (status, reason))
429        except Exception as e:
430            raise e
431        finally:
432            if response:
433                response.close()
435    def _put(self, source_path, remote_filename):
436        url = self.directory + util.fsdecode(remote_filename)
437        response = None
438        try:
439            source_file = source_path.open(u"rb")
440            response = self.request(u"PUT", url, source_file.read())
441            # 200 is returned if a file is overwritten during restarting
442            if response.status in [200, 201, 204]:
443                response.read()
444                response.close()
445            else:
446                status = response.status
447                reason = response.reason
448                response.close()
449                raise BackendException(_(u"WebDAV PUT Bad status code %s reason %s.") %
450                                       (status, reason))
451        except Exception as e:
452            raise e
453        finally:
454            if response:
455                response.close()
457    def _delete(self, filename):
458        url = self.directory + util.fsdecode(filename)
459        response = None
460        try:
461            response = self.request(u"DELETE", url)
462            if response.status in [200, 204]:
463                response.read()
464                response.close()
465            else:
466                status = response.status
467                reason = response.reason
468                response.close()
469                raise BackendException(_(u"WebDAV DEL Bad status code %s reason %s.") %
470                                       (status, reason))
471        except Exception as e:
472            raise e
473        finally:
474            if response:
475                response.close()
478duplicity.backend.register_backend(u"http", WebDAVBackend)
479duplicity.backend.register_backend(u"https", WebDAVBackend)
480duplicity.backend.register_backend(u"webdav", WebDAVBackend)
481duplicity.backend.register_backend(u"webdavs", WebDAVBackend)
482duplicity.backend.uses_netloc.extend([u'http', u'https', u'webdav', u'webdavs'])