1 // ORIG-DATE:     Dec 2007
2 // -*- Mode : c++ -*-
3 //
4 // SUMMARY  :  Model  mesh 3dL
5 // USAGE    : LGPL
6 // ORG      : LJLL Universite Pierre et Marie Curi, Paris,  FRANCE
7 // AUTHOR   : Frederic Hecht
8 // E-MAIL   : frederic.hecht@ann.jussieu.fr
9 //
11 /*
13   This file is part of Freefem++
15   Freefem++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
16   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
17   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
18   (at your option) any later version.
20   Freefem++  is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
21   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
23   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
25   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
26   along with Freefem++; if not, write to the Free Software
27   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
29   Thank to the ARN ()  FF2A3 grant
30   ref:ANR-07-CIS7-002-01
31 */
33 #include <fstream>
34 #include <iostream>
35 #include <cstring>
36 #include "libmesh5.h"
37 #include "ufunction.hpp"
38 #include "error.hpp"
39 #include "RNM.hpp"
40 namespace Fem2D
41 {
42 }
43 #include "Mesh2dn.hpp"
44 #include "Mesh3dn.hpp"
45 #include "MeshSn.hpp"
46 #include "MeshLn.hpp"
47 #include "rgraph.hpp"
48 #include "fem.hpp"
49 #include "PlotStream.hpp"
53 namespace Fem2D
54 {
55   static const int  nvfaceSeg[1][3]  = {{-1,-1,1}};
56   static const int  nvedgeSeg[1][2] = { {0,1} };
57   static const int  nvadjSeg[2][1] = { {0},{1} };
59   // geometry element for segment ( boundary elements in surface mesh, Rd=3 RdHat=1 )
60   template<> const int (* const GenericElement<DataSeg3>::nvface)[3] = 0 ;
61   template<> const int (* const GenericElement<DataSeg3>::nvedge)[2] = nvedgeSeg; //nvedgeTria ;
62   template<> const int (* const GenericElement<DataSeg3>::nvadj)[1] = nvadjSeg ;
66   template<> const int (* const GenericElement<DataPoint3>::nvface)[3] = 0 ;
67   template<> const int (* const GenericElement<DataPoint3>::nvedge)[2] = 0 ;
68   template<> const int (* const GenericElement<DataPoint3>::nvadj)[1] = 0 ;
70   template<> int  GenericMesh<EdgeL,BoundaryPointL,Vertex3>::kfind=0;
71   template<> int  GenericMesh<EdgeL,BoundaryPointL,Vertex3>::kthrough=0;
73   static const int onWhatIsVertex[2][3] = {  {1,0,0}, // sommet  0
74         {0,1,0}}; // sommet 1
76   template<>
77   const int (* const GenericElement<DataSeg3>::onWhatBorder)[3] = onWhatIsVertex ;
78   template<> const int  GenericElement<DataSeg3>::nitemdim[4] = {2,1,0,0 }  ;
80   const string GsbeginL="MeshS::GSave v0",GsendL="end";
GSave(FILE * ff,int offset) const81   void MeshL::GSave(FILE * ff,int offset) const
82   {
83     PlotStream f(ff);
85     f <<  GsbeginL ;
86     f << nv << nt << nbe;
87     for (int k=0; k<nv; k++) {
88       const  Vertex & P = this->vertices[k];
89       f << P.x <<P.y << P.z << P.lab ;
90     }
92     for (int k=0; k<nt; ++k) {
93       int iv[EdgeL::nv];
94       const Element & K(this->elements[k]);
95       for(int i=0;i<EdgeL::nv;++i)
96 	iv[i]=this->operator()(K[i])+offset;
97       int lab=K.lab;
98       f << iv[0] << iv[1] << lab;
99     }
100     for (int k=0; k<nbe; k++) {
101       const BorderElement & K(this->borderelements[k]);
102       int iv=this->operator()(K[0])+offset;
103       int lab=K.lab;
104       f << iv << lab;
105     }
106     f << GsendL;
107   }
read(istream & f)111   void  MeshL::read(istream &f)
112   { // read the mesh
113     int i;
114     string str;
115     int err=0;
116     while(!f.eof())
117       {
118 	f >> str;
119 	//cout << str << endl;
120 	if( str== "Vertices")
121 	  {
122 	    f >> nv;
123 	    assert(!this->vertices );
124 	    if(verbosity>2)
125 	      cout << "  -- Nb of Vertex " << nv << endl;
126 	    this->vertices = new Vertex[nv];
127 	    for (i=0;i<nv;i++)
128 	      {
129 		f >> this->vertices[i];
130 		assert(f.good());
131 	      }
132 	  }
133 	else if (str=="Edges")
134 	  {
135 	    f >> nt;
136 	    assert(this->vertices && !this->elements);
137 	    this->elements = new Element [nt];
138 	    mes=0;
139 	    assert(this->elements);
140 	    if(verbosity>2)
141 	      cout <<   "  -- Nb of Elements " << nt << endl;
142 	    for (int i=0;i<nt;i++)
143 	      {
144 		this->t(i).Read1(f,this->vertices,this->nv);
145 		if(this->t(i).mesure()<=0) err++; // Modif FH nov 2014
146 		mes += this->t(i).mesure();
147 	      }
148 	  }
149     // np present for the moment
150 	else if (str=="Points")
151 	  {
152 	    mesb=0;
153         cout <<   "  -- No boundary points in ff .mesh format  " << endl;
154 	    /*int kmv=0,ij;
155 	    f >> nbe;
156 	    assert(vertices);
157 	    this->borderelements = new BorderElement[nbe];
158 	    if(verbosity>2)
159 	      cout <<   "  -- Nb of border Triangles " << nbe << endl;
160 	    for (i=0;i<nbe;i++)
161 	      {
162 		this->be(i).Read1(f,this->vertices,this->nv);
163 		//mesb += this->be(i).mesure();
164 		for(int j=0;j<BorderElement::nv;++j)
165 		  if(!vertices[ij=this->be(i,j)].lab)
166 		    {
167 		      vertices[ij].lab=1;
168 		      kmv++;
169 		    }
170 	      }*/
171 	  }
172 	else if(str[0]=='#') {
173 	    int c;
174 	    while ( (c=f.get()) != '\n' &&  c != EOF)
175 	      ;
176 	  }
177       }
178     assert( (nt >= 0 || nbe>=0)  && nv>0) ;
179     if(err!=0) {
180 	cerr << " MeshL::read: sorry bad mesh. Number of negative Edges " << err << endl;
181 	this->~MeshL();
182 	ffassert(0);
183       }
184   }
186   // no points border in this format
readmsh(ifstream & f,int offset)187   void MeshL::readmsh(ifstream & f,int offset)
188   {
189     int err=0;
190       f >> nv >> nt ; //>> nbe;
191     if(verbosity>2)
192         cout << " GRead : nv " << nv << " " << nt << endl; //" " << nbe << endl;
193     this->vertices = new Vertex[nv];
194     this->elements = new Element[nt];
195     //this->borderelements = new BorderElement[nbe];
196     for (int k=0; k<nv; k++) {
197       Vertex & P = this->vertices[k];
198       f >> P.x >>P.y >> P.z >> P.lab ;
199     }
200     mes=0.;
201     mesb=0.;
203     if(nt == 0) {
204       cerr << "  A meshL type must have elements  " << endl;
205       ffassert(0);exit(1);
207     }
209     for (int k=0; k<nt; k++) {
210       int i[2],lab;
211       Element & K(this->elements[k]);
212       f >> i[0] >> i[1] >> lab;
213       Add(i,2,offset);
214       K.set(this->vertices,i,lab);
215       mes += K.mesure();
216       err += K.mesure() <0;
218     }
219     cout <<   "  -- No boundary points in .msh format  " << endl;
220     /*for (int k=0; k<nbe; k++) {
221       int i[1],lab;
222       BorderElement & K(this->borderelements[k]);
223       f >> i[0] >> lab;
224       Add(i,1,offset);
225       K.set(this->vertices,i,lab);
226       mesb += K.mesure();
228     }*/
229     if(err!=0)
230       {
231 	cerr << " MeshL::readmsh : sorry bad mesh. Number of negative Edges " << err << endl;
232 	this->~MeshL();
233 	ffassert(0);
234       }
236   }
MeshL(const string filename)239   MeshL::MeshL(const string filename)
240     :mapSurf2Curv(0),mapCurv2Surf(0)    {
241     int ok=load(filename);
242     if(verbosity) {
243       cout << "read meshL ok " << ok ;
244       cout << "curve Mesh, num element Edges:= " << nt << ", num Vertice:= " << nv << " num boundary Points:= " << nbe << endl;
245     }
247     if (ok) {
248       ifstream f(filename.c_str());
249       if(!f) {
250 	cerr << "  --  MeshL::MeshL Erreur opening " << filename<<endl;ffassert(0);exit(1);}
251       if(verbosity>2)
252 	cout << "  -- MeshL:  Read On file \"" <<filename<<"\""<<  endl;
253       if(filename.rfind(".msh")==filename.length()-4)
254 	readmsh(f,-1);
255       else
256 	read(f);
257     }
259     BuildBound();
260     BuildAdj();
261     Buildbnormalv();
262     BuildjElementConteningVertex();
263     if (nbe==0) {
264         if(verbosity>5)
265         cout << " building of boundary " << endl;
266         BuildBdElem();
267         delete [] TheAdjacencesLink;
268         delete [] BoundaryElementHeadLink;
269         TheAdjacencesLink=0;
270         BoundaryElementHeadLink=0;
271         BuildBound();
272         BuildAdj();
273         Buildbnormalv();
274         BuildjElementConteningVertex();
275     }
277     if(verbosity>2) cout << "  -- End of read: MeshL mesure = " << mes << endl;
279     if(verbosity) cout << "  -- MeshL : "<<filename  << ", space dimension "<< 3  << ", num Edges elts " << nt << ", num Vertice "
280 		       << nv << " num Bondary Points " << nbe << endl;
283     ffassert(mes>=0);
285   }
load(const string & filename)290   int MeshL::load(const string & filename)
291   {
292     int bin;
293     int ver,inm,dim;
294     int lf=filename.size()+20;
295     KN<char>  fileb(lf),filef(lf);
296     char *data = new char[filename.size()+1];
297     size_t ssize = filename.size()+1;
298     char *ptr;
299     char *pfile=data;
300     strncpy( data, filename.c_str(),ssize);
301     ptr = strstr(data,".mesh");
302     if( !ptr ){
303       strcpy(filef,filename.c_str());
304       strcpy(fileb,filef);
305       strcat(filef,".mesh");
306       strcat(fileb,".meshb");
307       if( (inm=GmfOpenMesh(pfile=fileb, GmfRead,&ver,&dim)) )
308 	bin=true;
309       else if( (inm=GmfOpenMesh(pfile=filef, GmfRead,&ver,&dim)) )
310 	bin=false;
311       else
312 	if(verbosity>5){
313 	  cerr << " Erreur ouverture file " << (char *) fileb  << " " << (char *) filef  <<endl;
314 	  return   1;
315 	}
316     }
317     else{
318       if( !(inm=GmfOpenMesh(data, GmfRead,&ver,&dim)) ){
319 	if(verbosity>5)
320 	  cerr << " Erreur ouverture file " << (char *) data  << endl;
321 	return   1;
322       }
323     }
324     // data file is readed and the meshes are initilized
325     int nv=-1,nEdge=-1,nPts=-1;
326     nv=GmfStatKwd(inm,GmfVertices);  // vertice
327     nEdge=GmfStatKwd(inm,GmfEdges); // segment elements
328     nPts=0; // GmfStatKwd(inm,GmfVertices);  // points border element
329     this->set(nv,nEdge,nPts);
331     if(nEdge == 0) {
332       cerr << "  A meshL type must have elements  " << endl;
333       ffassert(0);exit(1);}
335     if(verbosity>1)
336       cout << "  -- MeshL(load): "<< (char *) data <<  ", MeshVersionFormatted:= " << ver << ", space dimension:= "<< dim
337 	   << ", num Edge elts:= " << nEdge << ", num vertice:= " << nv << " num Points boundaries:= " << nPts << endl;
339     if(dim  != 3) {
340       cerr << "Err dim == " << dim << " !=3 " <<endl;
341       return 2; }
342     if( nv<=0 && (nEdge <=0 || nPts <0) ) {
343       cerr << " missing data "<< endl;
344       return 3;
345     }
346     int iv[3],lab;
347     float cr[3];
348     int mxlab=0, mnlab=0;
349     // read vertices
350     GmfGotoKwd(inm,GmfVertices);
351     for(int i=0;i<this->nv;++i) {
352       if(ver<2) {
353 	GmfGetLin(inm,GmfVertices,&cr[0],&cr[1],&cr[2],&lab);
354 	vertices[i].x=cr[0];
355 	vertices[i].y=cr[1];
356 	vertices[i].z=cr[2];}
357       else
358 	GmfGetLin(inm,GmfVertices,&vertices[i].x,&vertices[i].y,&vertices[i].z,&lab);
359       vertices[i].lab=lab;
360       mxlab= max(mxlab,lab);
361       mnlab= min(mnlab,lab);
362     }
363     if(mnlab==0 && mxlab==0 ) {
364         int kmv=0;
365         mes=0;
366         GmfGotoKwd(inm,GmfEdges);
367         for(int i=0;i<nEdge;++i) {
368             GmfGetLin(inm,GmfEdges,&iv[0],&iv[1],&lab);
369             assert( iv[0]>0 && iv[0]<=nv && iv[1]>0 && iv[1]<=nv);
370             for(int j=0;j<2;++j)
371                 if(!vertices[iv[j]-1].lab) {
372                     vertices[iv[j]-1].lab=1;
373                     kmv++;
374                 }
375             for (int j=0;j<2;++j) iv[j]--;
376                 elements[i].set(vertices,iv,lab);
377           mes += elements[i].mesure();
378         }
379         if(kmv&& verbosity>1) cout << "    Aucun label Hack (FH)  ??? => 1 sur les triangle frontiere "<<endl;
380     }
381     else {
382         mes=0;
383         GmfGotoKwd(inm,GmfEdges);
384         for(int i=0;i<nEdge;++i) {
385             GmfGetLin(inm,GmfEdges,&iv[0],&iv[1],&lab);
386             assert( iv[0]>0 && iv[0]<=nv && iv[1]>0 && iv[1]<=nv);
387             for (int j=0;j<2;++j) iv[j]--;
388                 elements[i].set(this->vertices,iv,lab);
389             mes += elements[i].mesure();
390         }
391     }
392     // unused loop...not border points in .mesh
393     mesb=0;
394     GmfGotoKwd(inm,GmfVertices);
395     for(int i=0;i<nPts;++i) {
396         GmfGetLin(inm,GmfVertices,&iv[0],&lab);
397         assert( iv[0]>0 && iv[0]<=nv);
398         borderelements[i].set(this->vertices,iv,lab);
399         mesb += this->borderelements[i].mesure();
400     }
403     if(verbosity>1)
404         cout << "  -- MeshL(load): "<< (char *) data <<  ", MeshVersionFormatted:= " << ver << ", space dimension:= "<< dim
405 	    << ", Edges elts:= " << nt << ", num vertice:= " << nv << ", num Points boundaries:= " << nbe << endl;
407     GmfCloseMesh(inm);
408     delete[] data;
409     return 0; // OK
410   }
MeshL(const string filename,bool cleanmesh,bool removeduplicate,bool rebuildboundary,int orientation,double precis_mesh,double ridgeangledetection)413   MeshL::MeshL(const string filename, bool cleanmesh, bool removeduplicate, bool rebuildboundary, int orientation, double precis_mesh, double ridgeangledetection)
414     :mapSurf2Curv(0),mapCurv2Surf(0)  {
417     int ok=load(filename);
418     if(verbosity) {
419       cout << "read meshL ok " << ok  << endl;
420       cout << ", nt " << nt << ", nv " << nv << " nbe:  = " << nbe << endl;
421     }
422     if(ok) {
423         ifstream f(filename.c_str());
424         if(!f)
425             cerr << "  --  MeshL Erreur opening " << filename<<endl;ffassert(0);exit(1);
426         if(verbosity>2)
427                 cout << "  -- MeshL:  Read On file \"" <<filename<<"\""<<  endl;
428         if(filename.rfind(".msh")==filename.length()-4)
429             readmsh(f,-1);
430         else
431             read(f);
432     }
434     if (cleanmesh) {
435         if(verbosity>3)
436             cout << "before clean meshL, nv: " <<nv << " nt:" << nt << " nbe:" << nbe << endl;
437         clean_mesh(precis_mesh, nv, nt, nbe, vertices, elements, borderelements, removeduplicate, rebuildboundary, orientation);
438         if(verbosity>3)
439             cout << "after clean meshL, nv: " <<nv << " nt:" << nt << " nbe:" << nbe << endl;
440     }
442     BuildBound();
443     BuildAdj();
444     //Buildbnormalv();
445     BuildjElementConteningVertex();
447     if (nbe==0) {
448         if(verbosity>5)
449         cout << " building of boundary " << endl;
450         BuildBdElem();
451         delete [] TheAdjacencesLink;
452         delete [] BoundaryElementHeadLink;
453         TheAdjacencesLink=0;
454         BoundaryElementHeadLink=0;
455         BuildBound();
456         BuildAdj();
457         Buildbnormalv();
458         BuildjElementConteningVertex();
459     }
460     if(verbosity>2)
461       cout << "  -- End of read: mesure = " << mes << " border mesure " << mesb << endl;
462     if(verbosity)
463       cout << "  -- MeshL : "<<filename  << ", d "<< 3  << ", n Edges " << nt << ", n Vtx "
464 	   << nv << " n Border points " << nbe << endl;
465     ffassert(mes>=0); // add F. Hecht sep 2009.
466   }
MeshL(FILE * f,int offset)470   MeshL::MeshL(FILE *f,int offset)
471   :mapSurf2Curv(0),mapCurv2Surf(0)     {
472     GRead(f,offset);// remove 1
473     assert( (nt >= 0 || nbe>=0)  && nv>0) ;
474     BuildBound();
475     if(verbosity>2)
476     cout << "  -- End of read: mesure = " << mes << " border mesure " << mesb << endl;
478     BuildAdj();
479     Buildbnormalv();
480     BuildjElementConteningVertex();
482     if (nbe==0) {
483         if(verbosity>5)
484                cout << " building of boundary " << endl;
485         BuildBdElem();
486         delete [] TheAdjacencesLink;
487         delete [] BoundaryElementHeadLink;
488         TheAdjacencesLink=0;
489         BoundaryElementHeadLink=0;
490         BuildBound();
491         BuildAdj();
492         Buildbnormalv();
493         BuildjElementConteningVertex();
494     }
495     if(verbosity>2)
496         cout << "  -- End of read: mesure = " << mes << " border mesure " << mesb << endl;
498     if(verbosity>1)
499         cout << "  -- MeshL  (File *), d "<< 3  << ", n Tri " << nt << ", n Vtx " << nv << " n Bord " << nbe << endl;
500     ffassert(mes>=0); // add F. Hecht sep 2009.
501   }
hmin() const504   double MeshL::hmin() const {
505     R3 Pinf(1e100,1e100,1e100),Psup(-1e100,-1e100,-1e100);   // Extremite de la boite englobante
506     double hmin=1e10;
508     for (int ii=0;ii< this->nv;ii++) {
509       R3 P( vertices[ii].x, vertices[ii].y, vertices[ii].z);
510       Pinf=Minc(P,Pinf);
511       Psup=Maxc(P,Psup);
512     }
514     for (int k=0;k<this->nt;k++) {
516         if( this->elements[k].mesure() < Norme2(Psup-Pinf)/1e9 ) {
517             const EdgeL & K(this->elements[k]);
518             int iv[2];
519             for(int jj=0; jj <2; jj++)
520                 iv[jj] = this->operator()(K[jj]);
521             if(verbosity>2)
522                 cout << "EdgeL: " << k << " lenght "<<  this->elements[k].mesure() << endl;
523             if(verbosity>2) cout << " A triangleS with a very small edge was created " << endl;
524             return 1;
525         }
526         hmin=min(hmin,this->elements[k].mesure());   // calcul de .lenEdge pour un Mesh3
528     }
529     ffassert(hmin>Norme2(Psup-Pinf)/1e9);
530     return hmin;
531   }
534   // brute force method
GRead(FILE * ff,int offset)535   void MeshL::GRead(FILE * ff,int offset)
536   {
537     PlotStream f(ff);
538     string s;
539     f >> s;
540     ffassert( s== GsbeginL);
541     f >> nv >> nt >> nbe;
542     if(verbosity>2)
543       cout << " GRead : nv " << nv << " " << nt << " " << nbe << endl;
544     this->vertices = new Vertex[nv];
545     this->elements = new Element [nt];
546     this->borderelements = new BorderElement[nbe];
547     for (int k=0; k<nv; k++) {
548       Vertex & P = this->vertices[k];
549       f >> P.x >>P.y >> P.z >> P.lab ;
550     }
551     mes=0.;
552     mesb=0.;
554     if(nt == 0) {
555       cerr << "  A meshL type must have elements  " << endl;
556       ffassert(0);exit(1);}
559     for (int k=0; k<nt; k++) {
560       int i[2],lab;
561       Element & K(this->elements[k]);
562       f >> i[0] >> i[1] >> lab;
563       Add(i,2,offset);
564       K.set(this->vertices,i,lab);
565       mes += K.mesure();
567     }
568     for (int k=0; k<nbe; k++) {
569       int i[2],lab;
570       BorderElement & K(this->borderelements[k]);
571       f >> i[0] >> lab;
572       Add(i,1,offset);
573       K.set(this->vertices,i,lab);
574       mesb += K.mesure();
576     }
577     f >> s;
578     ffassert( s== GsendL);
579   }
Find(Rd P,R1 & Phat,bool & outside,const Element * tstart) const582   const MeshL::Element * MeshL::Find( Rd P, R1 & Phat,bool & outside,const Element * tstart) const
584   {
585       if(searchMethod != 2)
586       {
587           GenericDataFindBoundary<GMesh> * gdfb=Buildgdfb();
588           if(gdfb )
589           {
590               double l[2];
591               int loutside;// 0 inside, 1 out close, 2, out fare, , -1 inside
592               int itt =gdfb->Find(P,l,loutside);
593               outside=loutside;
594               Phat=R1(l[1]);
595               Element &K=(this->elements)[itt];
596               if( verbosity > 9)
597                   cout << " - Find "<< P << " -> " << K(Phat) << " " << loutside << " k= " << itt
598                   << " dist =" << (P-K(Phat)).norme() << " :: " << Phat << endl;
599               return itt<0 ? 0: this->elements + itt; // outside
601           }
602       }
603       // rewritie FH 31 jan 2020 ..
604       static int count =0;
605       if( verbosity && count++< 5  )
606           cerr << " MeshL::Find warning brute force to day " << endl;
607       //  find the neast points ..
608       double dmin2 = 1e200;
609       R1 Phm;
610       bool out = true;
611       int nopt=-1;
612       for (int i=0;i<nt;i++) {
613           kthrough++;
614           const EdgeL & K(this->elements[i]);
615           R3 A(K[0]),B(K[1]), AB(A,B);
616           R3 AP(A,P);
617           double lab2 = AB.norme2();
618           double l = min(1.,max(0.,(AB,AP)/lab2));
619           R1 Ph(l);
620           R3 Pt=K(Ph);
621           double d2=R3(P,Pt).norme2();
622           if(dmin2>d2)
623           {
624               dmin2 = d2;
625               Phm=Ph;
626               nopt =i;
627               out = d2 < lab2*1e-5; // BofBof FH ...
628           }
630       }
631       ffassert( nopt>=0);
632       Phat=Phm;
633       return this->elements+nopt; // outside
634   }
MeshL(int nnv,int nnt,int nnbe,Vertex3 * vv,EdgeL * tt,BoundaryPointL * bb,bool cleanmesh,bool removeduplicate,bool rebuildboundary,int orientation,double precis_mesh,double ridgeangledetection)637   MeshL::MeshL(int nnv, int nnt, int nnbe, Vertex3 *vv, EdgeL *tt, BoundaryPointL *bb, bool cleanmesh, bool removeduplicate, bool rebuildboundary, int orientation, double precis_mesh, double ridgeangledetection)
638     :mapSurf2Curv(0),mapCurv2Surf(0)
639   {
640     nv = nnv;
641     nt = nnt;
642     nbe =nnbe;
643     vertices = vv;
644     elements = tt;
645     borderelements = bb;
646     mes=0.;
647     mesb=0.;
649     for (int i=0;i<nt;i++)
650         mes += this->elements[i].mesure();
651     for (int i=0;i<nbe;i++)
652         mesb += this->be(i).mesure();
654     if (cleanmesh) {
655         if(verbosity>3)
656             cout << "before clean meshL, nv: " <<nv << " nt:" << nt << " nbe:" << nbe << endl;
657         clean_mesh(precis_mesh, nv, nt, nbe, vertices, elements, borderelements, removeduplicate, rebuildboundary, orientation);
658         if(verbosity>3)
659             cout << "after clean meshL, nv: " <<nv << " nt:" << nt << " nbe:" << nbe << endl;
660     }
661     // BuildCurvBasis();
662     BuildBound();
663     BuildAdj();
664     Buildbnormalv();
665     BuildjElementConteningVertex();
666     if (nbe==0) {
667         if(verbosity>5)
668                cout << " building of boundary " << endl;
669         BuildBdElem();
670         delete [] TheAdjacencesLink;
671         delete [] BoundaryElementHeadLink;
672         TheAdjacencesLink=0;
673         BoundaryElementHeadLink=0;
674         BuildBound();
675         BuildAdj();
676         Buildbnormalv();
677         BuildjElementConteningVertex();
678     }
680     if(verbosity>1)
681       cout << "  -- End of read meshL: mesure = " << mes << " border mesure " << mesb << endl;
683     assert(mes>=0.);
684     assert(mesb==0.);
685   }
Save(const string & filename) const688   int MeshL::Save(const string & filename) const
689   {
690     int ver = GmfDouble, outm;
691     if ( !(outm = GmfOpenMesh(filename.c_str(),GmfWrite,ver,3)) ) {
692         cerr <<"  -- MeshL**::Save  UNABLE TO OPEN  :"<< filename << endl;
693         return(1);
694     }
695     float fx,fy,fz;
696     // write vertice (meshL)
697     GmfSetKwd(outm,GmfVertices,nv);
698     for (int k=0; k<nv; k++) {
699       const  Vertex & P = vertices[k];
700       GmfSetLin(outm,GmfVertices,fx=P.x,fy=P.y,fz=P.z,P.lab);
701     }
702     // write triangles (meshS)
703     GmfSetKwd(outm,GmfEdges,nt);
704     for (int k=0; k<nt; k++) {
705       const EdgeL & K(elements[k]);
706       int i0=this->operator()(K[0])+1;
707       int i1=this->operator()(K[1])+1;
708       int lab=K.lab;
709       GmfSetLin(outm,GmfEdges,i0,i1,lab);
710     }
715     // no boundary points ?
717     GmfCloseMesh(outm);
718     return (0);
719   }
723     // determine the bounder points list for meshL
BuildBdElem(double angle)724    void MeshL::BuildBdElem(double angle) {
727        delete [] borderelements; // to remove the previous pointers
728        borderelements = new BoundaryPointL[2 * nt]; // 2 * nt upper evaluated
730        HashTable<SortArray<int, 1>, int> pointI(2 * nt, nt);
731        int* AdjLink = new int[2 * nt];
733        int nbeL=0,nbiL=0,nk=0;
734        // Build border points from the edge list
735        for (int i = 0; i < nt; i++)
736            for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
737                int jt = j, it = ElementAdj(i, jt);
738                EdgeL &K(elements[i]);  // current element
739                // True border point -> no adjacence / on domain border
740                if ((it == i || it < 0)) {
741                    int iv[1];
742                        iv[0] = this->operator () (K [EdgeL::nvedge[0][j]]);
743                    if(verbosity>15)
744                        cout << " the edge " << iv[0] << " is a boundary " << endl;
745                    be(nbeL++).set(vertices,iv,K.lab);
747                }
748                // internal point -- check angular and no manifold
749                else {
750                    EdgeL &K_adj(elements[it]); // adjacence element
751                    int iv[1];
752                    iv[0] = this->operator () (K [EdgeL::nvedge[0][j]]);
753                    SortArray<int, 1> key(iv[0]);
754                    typename HashTable<SortArray<int,1>,int>::iterator p= pointI.find(key);
755                    if (!p) {
756                        //edge element
757                        R3 A(K[0]),B(K[1]);
758                        R3 E(B-A);
759                        E/=E.norme();
760                        // adj edge element
761                        R3 A_adj(K_adj[0]),B_adj(K_adj[1]);
762                        R3 E_adj(B_adj-A_adj);
763                           E_adj/=E_adj.norme();
765                        R pdt = (E,E_adj); // scalar product
766                        pdt = acos(pdt); // radian angle (Normal,Normal_adj)
767                        if(verbosity>15)
768                            cout << "Element num: " << i << " N " << E << " Element adjacent num: " << it << " E_adj " << E_adj << " angle between N N_adj = " << pdt <<endl;
770                        if(pdt >= angle) {
771                            if(verbosity>15)
772                                cout << " the border point " <<nbeL <<": [" << iv[0] << " " << "] is a boundary with the angular criteria" << endl;
773                            int lab = min(K.lab, K_adj.lab);
774                            be(nbeL).set(vertices,iv,lab);
775                            pointI.add(key, nbeL++);
776                        }
777                    }
778                }
779                nk++;  // increment the total edge jump --- nt * 2
781            }
782        assert(nt*2==nk);
783        delete [] AdjLink;
784        // update the number of border points
785        nbe = nbeL;
786        if (verbosity>5)
787            cout << " Building border point from meshS nbe: "<< nbeL << " nbi: " << nbiL << endl;
789        BuildBound();
790        delete []TheAdjacencesLink;
791        delete [] BoundaryElementHeadLink;
792        TheAdjacencesLink=0;
793        BoundaryElementHeadLink=0;
794        BuildAdj();
795        Buildbnormalv();
796        BuildjElementConteningVertex();
798    }
MeshL(const Serialize & serialized)800   MeshL::MeshL(const  Serialize &serialized)
801   :GenericMesh<EdgeL,BoundaryPointL,Vertex3> (serialized),mapSurf2Curv(0),mapCurv2Surf(0) {
802    BuildBound();
803    if(verbosity>1)
804        cout << "  -- End of serialized: mesure = " << mes << " border mesure " << mesb << endl;
806    if(nt > 0){
807        BuildAdj();
808        Buildbnormalv();
809        BuildjElementConteningVertex();
810    }
811   if(verbosity>1)
812        cout << "  -- MeshL  (serialized), d "<< 3  << ", n Edges " << nt << ", n Vtx "
813        << nv << " n Bord " << nbe << endl;
814    ffassert(mes>=0);
815   }
BuildCurvBasis()818 void MeshL::BuildCurvBasis(){
819     KN<R3> gx(nv), gy(nv), gz(nv);
820     for (int i=0 ; i<nv; i++) {
821         gx[i]=R3(0.,0.,0.);
822         gy[i]=R3(0.,0.,0.);
823         gz[i]=R3(0.,0.,0.);
824     }
826     for (int it=0 ; it<nt; it++) {
827         const EdgeL &K = elements[it];
828         R3 ie1, ie2;
829         ie1 = vertices[this->operator()(K[0])];
830         ie2 = vertices[this->operator()(K[1])];
831         for (int i = 0; i < EdgeL::nv; i++) {
832             int iiv = this->operator()(K[i]);
833             gx[iiv]+= K.mesure()*K.Edge(0);
834             gz[iiv]+=K.mesure()*K.NFrenet();
835             gy[iiv]+=K.mesure()*( K.NFrenet()^K.Edge(0) );  // sens ???
836        }
837     }
838     for (int i=0 ; i<nv; i++) {
839         gx[i]/=gx[i].norme();
840         gy[i]/=gy[i].norme();
841         gz[i]/=gz[i].norme();
842    if (verbosity>5)
843        cout << "NORMALIZE test covariant basis i: "<<i << " gx= " << gx[i] << " gy= " << gy[i] << " gz= " << gz[i] << endl;}
844 }
847 }