1 #ifndef WALLY_CORE_H
2 #define WALLY_CORE_H
4 #include <stdlib.h>
5 #include <stdint.h>
7 #ifdef __cplusplus
8 extern "C" {
9 #endif
11 #ifndef WALLY_CORE_API
12 # if defined(_WIN32)
13 #  ifdef WALLY_CORE_BUILD
14 #   define WALLY_CORE_API __declspec(dllexport)
15 #  else
16 #   define WALLY_CORE_API
17 #  endif
18 # elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(WALLY_CORE_BUILD)
19 #  define WALLY_CORE_API __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
20 # else
21 #  define WALLY_CORE_API
22 # endif
23 #endif
25 /** Return codes */
26 #define WALLY_OK      0 /** Success */
27 #define WALLY_ERROR  -1 /** General error */
28 #define WALLY_EINVAL -2 /** Invalid argument */
29 #define WALLY_ENOMEM -3 /** malloc() failed */
31 /**
32  * Initialize wally.
33  *
34  * This function must be called once before threads are created by the application.
35  *
36  * :param flags: Flags controlling what to initialize. Currently must be zero.
37  */
38 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_init(uint32_t flags);
40 /**
41  * Free any internally allocated memory.
42  *
43  * :param flags: Flags controlling what to clean up. Currently must be zero.
44  */
45 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_cleanup(uint32_t flags);
47 #ifndef SWIG
48 /**
49  * Fetch the wally internal secp256k1 context object.
50  *
51  * By default, a single global context is created on demand. This behaviour
52  * can be overriden by providing a custom context fetching function when
53  * calling `wally_set_operations`.
54  */
55 WALLY_CORE_API struct secp256k1_context_struct *wally_get_secp_context(void);
57 /**
58  * Create a new wally-suitable secp256k1 context object.
59  *
60  * The created context is initialised to be usable by all wally functions.
61  */
62 WALLY_CORE_API struct secp256k1_context_struct *wally_get_new_secp_context(void);
64 /**
65  * Free a secp256k1 context object created by `wally_get_new_secp_context`.
66  *
67  * This function must only be called on context objects returned from
68  * `wally_get_new_secp_context`, it should not be called on the default
69  * context returned from `wally_get_secp_context`.
70  */
71 WALLY_CORE_API void wally_secp_context_free(struct secp256k1_context_struct *ctx);
72 #endif
74 /**
75  * Securely wipe memory.
76  *
77  * :param bytes: Memory to wipe
78  * :param bytes_len: Size of ``bytes`` in bytes.
79  */
80 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_bzero(
81     void *bytes,
82     size_t bytes_len);
84 /**
85  * Securely wipe and then free a string allocated by the library.
86  *
87  * :param str: String to free (must be NUL terminated UTF-8).
88  */
89 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_free_string(
90     char *str);
92 /** Length of entropy required for ``wally_randomize_context`` */
95 /**
96  * Provide entropy to randomize the libraries internal libsecp256k1 context.
97  *
98  * Random data is used in libsecp256k1 to blind the data being processed,
99  * making side channel attacks more difficult. By default, Wally uses a single
100  * internal context for secp functions that is not initially randomized.
101  *
102  * The caller should call this function before using any functions that rely on
103  * libsecp256k1 (i.e. Anything using public/private keys). If the caller
104  * has overriden the library's default libsecp context fetching using
105  * `wally_set_operations`, then it may be necessary to call this function
106  * before calling wally functions in each thread created by the caller.
107  *
108  * If wally is used in its default configuration, this function should either
109  * be called before threads are created or access to wally functions wrapped
110  * in an application level mutex.
111  *
112  * :param bytes: Entropy to use.
113  * :param bytes_len: Size of ``bytes`` in bytes. Must be ``WALLY_SECP_RANDOMIZE_LEN``.
114  */
115 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_secp_randomize(
116     const unsigned char *bytes,
117     size_t bytes_len);
119 /**
120  * Convert bytes to a (lower-case) hexadecimal string.
121  *
122  * :param bytes: Bytes to convert.
123  * :param bytes_len: Size of ``bytes`` in bytes.
124  * :param output: Destination for the resulting hexadecimal string.
125  *|    The string returned should be freed using `wally_free_string`.
126  */
127 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_hex_from_bytes(
128     const unsigned char *bytes,
129     size_t bytes_len,
130     char **output);
132 /**
133  * Convert a hexadecimal string to bytes.
134  *
135  * :param hex: String to convert.
136  * :param bytes_out: Where to store the resulting bytes.
137  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes.
138  * :param written: Destination for the number of bytes written to ``bytes_out``.
139  */
140 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_hex_to_bytes(
141     const char *hex,
142     unsigned char *bytes_out,
143     size_t len,
144     size_t *written);
146 /* For ``wally_base58_from_bytes``, indicates that a checksum should
147  * be generated. For ``wally_base58_to_bytes``, indicates that the
148  * embedded checksum should be validated and stripped off the returned
149  * bytes.
150  */
151 #define BASE58_FLAG_CHECKSUM 0x1
153 /** The number of extra bytes required to hold a base58 checksum */
154 #define BASE58_CHECKSUM_LEN 4
156 /**
157  * Create a base 58 encoded string representing binary data.
158  *
159  * :param bytes: Binary data to convert.
160  * :param bytes_len: The length of ``bytes`` in bytes.
161  * :param flags: Pass ``BASE58_FLAG_CHECKSUM`` if ``bytes`` should have a
162  *|    checksum calculated and appended before converting to base 58.
163  * :param output: Destination for the base 58 encoded string representing ``bytes``.
164  *|    The string returned should be freed using `wally_free_string`.
165  */
166 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_base58_from_bytes(
167     const unsigned char *bytes,
168     size_t bytes_len,
169     uint32_t flags,
170     char **output);
172 /**
173  * Decode a base 58 encoded string back into into binary data.
174  *
175  * :param str_in: Base 58 encoded string to decode.
176  * :param flags: Pass ``BASE58_FLAG_CHECKSUM`` if ``bytes_out`` should have a
177  *|    checksum validated and removed before returning. In this case, ``len``
178  *|    must contain an extra ``BASE58_CHECKSUM_LEN`` bytes to calculate the
179  *|    checksum into. The returned length will not include the checksum.
180  * :param bytes_out: Destination for converted binary data.
181  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes.
182  * :param written: Destination for the length of the decoded bytes.
183  */
184 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_base58_to_bytes(
185     const char *str_in,
186     uint32_t flags,
187     unsigned char *bytes_out,
188     size_t len,
189     size_t *written);
191 /**
192  * Return the length of a base 58 encoded string once decoded into bytes.
193  *
194  * Returns the exact number of bytes that would be required to store ``str_in``
195  * as decoded binary, including any embedded checksum. If the string contains
196  * invalid characters then WALLY_EINVAL is returned. Note that no checksum
197  * validation takes place.
198  *
199  * In the worst case (an all zero buffer, represented by a string of '1'
200  * characters), this function will return strlen(``str_in``). You can therefore
201  * safely use the length of ``str_in`` as a buffer size to avoid calling this
202  * function in most cases.
203  *
204  * :param str_in: Base 58 encoded string to find the length of.
205  * :param written: Destination for the length of the decoded bytes.
206  *
207  */
208 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_base58_get_length(
209     const char *str_in,
210     size_t *written);
212 /**
213  * Create a base64 encoded string representing binary data.
214  *
215  * :param bytes: Binary data to convert.
216  * :param bytes_len: The length of ``bytes`` in bytes.
217  * :param flags: Must be 0.
218  * :param output: Destination for the base64 encoded string representing ``bytes``.
219  *|    The string returned should be freed using `wally_free_string`.
220  */
221 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_base64_from_bytes(
222     const unsigned char *bytes,
223     size_t bytes_len,
224     uint32_t flags,
225     char **output);
227 /**
228  * Decode a base64 encoded string back into into binary data.
229  *
230  * :param str_in: Base64 encoded string to decode.
231  * :param flags: Must be 0.
232  * :param bytes_out: Destination for converted binary data.
233  * :param len: The length of ``bytes_out`` in bytes. See ``wally_base64_get_maximum_length`.
234  * :param written: Destination for the length of the decoded bytes.
235  */
236 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_base64_to_bytes(
237     const char *str_in,
238     uint32_t flags,
239     unsigned char *bytes_out,
240     size_t len,
241     size_t *written);
243 /**
244  * Return the maximum length of a base64 encoded string once decoded into bytes.
245  *
246  * Since base64 strings may contain line breaks and padding, it is not
247  * possible to compute their decoded length without fully decoding them.
248  * This function cheaply calculates the maximum possible decoded length,
249  * which can be used to allocate a buffer for ``wally_base64_to_bytes``.
250  * In most cases the decoded data will be shorter than the value returned.
251  *
252  * :param str_in: Base64 encoded string to find the length of.
253  * :param flags: Must be 0.
254  * :param written: Destination for the maximum length of the decoded bytes.
255  *
256  */
257 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_base64_get_maximum_length(
258     const char *str_in,
259     uint32_t flags,
260     size_t *written);
263 #ifndef SWIG
264 /** The type of an overridable function to allocate memory */
265 typedef void *(*wally_malloc_t)(
266     size_t size);
268 /** The type of an overridable function to free memory */
269 typedef void (*wally_free_t)(
270     void *ptr);
272 /** The type of an overridable function to clear memory */
273 typedef void (*wally_bzero_t)(
274     void *ptr, size_t len);
276 /** The type of an overridable function to generate an EC nonce */
277 typedef int (*wally_ec_nonce_t)(
278     unsigned char *nonce32,
279     const unsigned char *msg32,
280     const unsigned char *key32,
281     const unsigned char *algo16,
282     void *data,
283     unsigned int attempt
284     );
286 /** The type of an overridable function to return a secp context */
287 typedef struct secp256k1_context_struct *(*secp_context_t)(
288     void);
290 /** Structure holding function pointers for overridable wally operations */
291 struct wally_operations {
292     uintptr_t struct_size; /* Must be initialised to sizeof(wally_operations) */
293     wally_malloc_t malloc_fn;
294     wally_free_t free_fn;
295     wally_bzero_t bzero_fn;
296     wally_ec_nonce_t ec_nonce_fn;
297     secp_context_t secp_context_fn;
298     void *reserved_1; /* reserved_ pointers are reserved for future use */
299     void *reserved_2;
300     void *reserved_3;
301     void *reserved_4;
302 };
304 /**
305  * Fetch the current overridable operations used by wally.
306  *
307  * :param output: Destination for the overridable operations.
308  */
309 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_get_operations(
310     struct wally_operations *output);
312 /**
313  * Set the current overridable operations used by wally.
314  *
315  * :param ops: The overridable operations to set.
316  *
317  * .. note:: Any NULL members in the passed structure are ignored.
318  */
319 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_set_operations(
320     const struct wally_operations *ops);
322 #endif /* SWIG */
324 /**
325  * Determine if the library was built with elements support.
326  *
327  * :param written: 1 if the library supports elements, otherwise 0.
328  */
329 WALLY_CORE_API int wally_is_elements_build(size_t *written);
331 #ifdef __cplusplus
332 }
333 #endif
335 #endif /* WALLY_CORE_H */