1;; tabgroup.jl - tab main
3;; Copyright (C) Yann Hodique <Yann.Hodique@lifl.fr>
5;; This file is an official accepted contribution into sawfish.
7;; This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 22, or (at your option)
10;; any later version.
12;; sawfish is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15;; GNU General Public License for more details.
17;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18;; along with sawfish; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
19;; the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
20;; Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
22(define-structure sawfish.wm.tabs.tabgroup
24    (export window-tabbed-p
25            frame-style-tabs-support-p
26            net-wm-window-type-normal-p
27            tab-refresh-group
28            tab-release-window
29            tab-raise-left-window
30            tab-raise-right-window
31            tab-move-to-beginning
32            tab-move-to-end
33            tab-move-to-right
34            tab-move-to-left
35            tab-window-group-index
36            tab-find-window
37            tab-rank
38            tab-group-window-list
39            tab-group-windows
40            tab-group-windows-stacking-order
41            tab-group-window
42            tab-move-resize-lock)
44    (open rep
45          rep.system
46          rep.io.timers
47          rep.data.records
48          sawfish.wm.gaol
49          sawfish.wm.misc
50          sawfish.wm.custom
51          sawfish.wm.commands
52          sawfish.wm.windows
53          sawfish.wm.frames
54          sawfish.wm.tabs.tab
55          sawfish.wm.events
56          sawfish.wm.state.iconify
57          sawfish.wm.state.shading
58          sawfish.wm.commands.move-resize
59          sawfish.wm.stacking
60          sawfish.wm.util.groups
61          sawfish.wm.util.window-order
62          sawfish.wm.commands.groups
63          sawfish.wm.ext.auto-raise
64          sawfish.wm.ext.shade-hover
65          sawfish.wm.workspace)
67  (define-structure-alias tabgroup sawfish.wm.tabs.tabgroup)
69  (define all-wins nil)
70  (define windows-stacking-order nil)
71  (define oldgroup nil)
72  (define tab-groups nil)
73  (define tab-refresh-lock t)
74  (define tab-move-resize-lock nil)
75  (define destroy nil)
76  (define release-window t)
77  (define last-unmap-id nil)
78  (define in-tab-group-name nil)
79  (define tab-theme-name)
80  (define tab-theme-tabbars)
81  (define timer-raise nil)
83  (defvar tab-group-windows-hook '()
84    "Tab-group-windows-hook called when changing or creating a tabgroup.
85Returning all windows in the current tabgroup")
87  (define (set-tab-theme-name #!key frame-style-supported-tabs)
88    (setq tab-theme-name frame-style-supported-tabs))
90  (define (frame-style-tabs-support-p w)
91    "Returns t if the framestyle from W supports tabs.
92Also need the currect settings in the theme.jl from the theme."
93    (setq tab-theme-name nil)
94    (call-window-hook 'window-state-change-hook w (list '(tab-theme-name)))
95    (eq (window-get w 'current-frame-style) tab-theme-name))
97  (define (set-tab-theme-tabbars #!key frame-style-supported-tabbars)
98    (setq tab-theme-tabbars frame-style-supported-tabbars))
100  (define (frame-style-tabbars-support w)
101    "Returns a list with theme name and tabbars position if the framestyle from W
102has multiple tabbars. Also need the currect settings in the theme.jl from the theme."
103    (setq tab-theme-tabbars nil)
104    (call-window-hook 'window-state-change-hook w (list '(tab-theme-tabbars)))
105    tab-theme-tabbars)
107  (define (net-wm-window-type-normal-p w)
108    "Returns t if _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE by W is true or W has window-property 'force-tab"
109    (or (window-get w 'force-tab)
110        (if (get-x-property w '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE)
111            (equal (aref (nth 2 (get-x-property w '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE)) 0) '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL))))
113  (define (window-tabbed-p w)
114        (window-get w 'tabbed))
116  (define-record-type :tab-group
117    (tab-build-group p d wl)
118    tab-group?
119    (p tab-group-position)
120    (d tab-group-dimensions)
121    (wl tab-group-window-list))
123  (define (tab-move-resize-frame-window-to win x y w h)
124    "Move and resize according to *frame* dimensions."
125    (let* ((dim1 (window-dimensions win))
126           (dim2 (window-frame-dimensions win))
127           (dw (- (car dim2) (car dim1)))
128           (dh (- (cdr dim2) (cdr dim1))))
129      (move-resize-window-to win x y (- w dw) (- h dh))))
131  (define (tab-make-new-group win)
132    "Return a new group containing only WIN."
133    (let* ((pos (window-position win))
134           (dim (window-frame-dimensions win))
135           (group (tab-build-group pos dim (list win))))
136      (setq tab-groups (append tab-groups (cons group nil)))
137      group))
139  (define (tab-find-window win)
140    "Return the group containing WIN."
141    (let loop ((gr tab-groups))
142      (cond
143       ((null gr)
144        (tab-make-new-group win)
145        )
146       ((member win (tab-group-window-list (car gr)))
147        (car gr))
148       (t
149        (loop (cdr gr))))))
151  (define (tab-window-group-index win)
152    "Return the index of the group containing WIN."
153    (let loop ((index 0))
154      (cond
155       ((eq index (length tab-groups))
156        (tab-make-new-group win)
157        index)
158       ((member win (tab-group-window-list (nth index tab-groups)))
159        index)
160       (t
161        (loop (+ index 1))))))
163  (define (tab-group-windows win)
164    "Return the windows of the group containing WIN."
165    (let* ((index (tab-window-group-index win))
166           (wins (tab-group-window-list (nth index tab-groups))))
167      wins))
169  (define (tab-group-windows-stacking-order win)
170    "Return the windows of the group containing WIN sort by stacking order."
171    (let* ((tabs (tab-group-windows win))
172           (all-wins (stacking-order))
173           order)
174      (mapcar (lambda (w)
175                (if (member w tabs)
176                    (setq order (append order (list w))))) all-wins)
177      order))
179  (define (tab-rank elem list)
180    "Returns the nth position from elem (tab) in a list (tabbar)"
181    (if (eq elem (car list))
182        0
183      (+ 1 (tab-rank elem (cdr list)))))
185  (define (destroy-hook w)
186    (setq destroy 't)
187    (tab-delete-window-from-tab-groups w))
189  (define (tab-delete-window-from-group win index)
190    "Remove WIN from the group at given index."
191    (let* ((old (nth index tab-groups))
192           (l (remove win (tab-group-window-list old))))
193      (if (null l)
194          (setq tab-groups (delete old tab-groups))
195        (rplaca (nthcdr index tab-groups)
196                (tab-build-group (tab-group-position old) (tab-group-dimensions old) l))
197        (window-put win 'tabbed nil)
198        (if (not (cdr l))
199            (window-put (car l) 'tabbed nil))
200        (setq oldgroup (car l)))))
202  (define (tab-delete-window-from-tab-groups w)
203    "Find window's group and remove it."
204    (if release-window
205        (remove-from-tab-group w))
206    (setq release-window t)
207    (when (window-tabbed-p w)
208      (let ((wins (list (remove w (tab-group-windows w)))))
209        (tab-delete-window-from-group w (tab-window-group-index w))
210        (window-put w 'fixed-position nil)
211        (tab-refresh-group oldgroup 'frame)
212        (unshade-window (nth 0 (tab-group-windows-stacking-order oldgroup)))
213        (window-order-push (nth 0 (tab-group-windows-stacking-order oldgroup)))
214        (when (eq destroy 't)
215          (set-input-focus (nth 0 (tab-group-windows-stacking-order oldgroup)))
216          (setq destroy nil))
217        (call-hook 'tab-group-windows-hook wins)
218        (reframe-window w))))
220  (define (tab-put-window-in-group win index)
221    "Put window in group at given index."
222    (let* ((group (nth index tab-groups)))
223      (rplaca (nthcdr index tab-groups)
224              (tab-build-group (tab-group-position group)
225                               (tab-group-dimensions group)
226                               (append (tab-group-window-list group) (list win))))
227      (window-order-push win)))
229  (define (tab-refresh-group win prop)
230    "Refresh the entire group containing WIN according to PROP.
231PROP can be one of the symbols: raise, frame, reframe, reframe-all, style, move,
232resize, title-position, type, depth, shade, unshade, iconify, uniconify, maximized,
233sticky, unsticky, fixed-position fixed-size."
234    (when tab-refresh-lock
235      (setq tab-refresh-lock nil)
236      (unwind-protect
237          (let* ((index (tab-window-group-index win))
238                 (wins (tab-group-window-list (nth index tab-groups)))
239                 (focus (tab-group-offset win 0))
240                 (unfocus (remove focus wins))
241                 not-shaded)
242            (mapcar (lambda (w)
243                      (if (not (window-get w 'shaded)) (setq not-shaded 't))) wins)
244            (if not-shaded
245                (mapcar (lambda (w)
246                          (unshade-window w)) wins))
247            (cond
248             ((eq prop 'raise)
249              (raise-windows win (remove win (tab-group-windows-stacking-order win))))
250             ((eq prop 'title-position)
251              (let ((group-title-position (window-get win 'title-position)))
252                (mapcar (lambda (w)
253                          (window-put w 'title-position group-title-position)) unfocus)
254               (window-put focus 'title-position group-title-position)))
255             ((eq prop 'frame)
256              (mapcar (lambda (w)
257                        (reframe-window w)) unfocus)
258              (reframe-window focus))
259             ((eq prop 'reframe)
260              (mapcar (lambda (w)
261                        (reframe-window w)) unfocus))
262             ((eq prop 'reframe-all)
263              (mapcar (lambda (w)
264                        (reframe-window w)) unfocus)
265              (reframe-window focus))
266             ((or (eq prop 'move) (eq prop 'resize))
267              (let ((dim (window-frame-dimensions win))
268                    (pos (window-position win)))
269                (mapcar (lambda (w)
270                          (tab-move-resize-frame-window-to w (car pos) (cdr pos) (car dim) (cdr dim))) unfocus)))
271             ((eq prop 'style)
272              (let ((group-frame-style (window-get win 'frame-style))
273                    (dim (window-frame-dimensions win))
274                    (pos (window-position win)))
275                (mapcar (lambda (w)
276                          (set-frame-style w group-frame-style)
277                          (tab-move-resize-frame-window-to w (car pos) (cdr pos) (car dim) (cdr dim))) unfocus)))
278             ((eq prop 'fixed-position)
279              (let ((group-frame-fixed-position (window-get win 'fixed-position)))
280                (mapcar (lambda (w)
281                          (window-put w 'fixed-position group-frame-fixed-position)) unfocus)))
282             ((eq prop 'fixed-size)
283              (let ((group-frame-fixed-size (window-get win 'fixed-size)))
284                (mapcar (lambda (w)
285                          (window-put w 'fixed-size group-frame-fixed-size)) unfocus)))
286             ((eq prop 'type)
287              (let ((group-frame-type (window-get win 'type)))
288                (mapcar (lambda (w)
289                          (window-put w 'type group-frame-type)) unfocus)))
290             ((eq prop 'depth)
291              (let ((group-frame-depth (window-get win 'depth)))
292                (mapcar (lambda (w)
293                          (window-put w 'depth group-frame-depth)) unfocus)
294                (raise-window win)
295                (set-input-focus win)))
296             ((eq prop 'iconify)
297              (mapcar (lambda (w)
298                        (iconify-window w)) unfocus))
299             ((eq prop 'uniconify)
300              (mapcar (lambda (w)
301                        (uniconify-window w)) unfocus))
302             ((eq prop 'maximized)
303              (let ((dim (window-frame-dimensions win))
304                    (pos (window-position win))
305                    (group-frame-maximized-vertically (window-get win 'maximized-vertically))
306                    (group-frame-maximized-horizontally (window-get win 'maximized-horizontally))
307                    (group-frame-maximized-fullscreen (window-get win 'maximized-fullscreen))
308                    (group-frame-unmaximized-type (window-get win 'unmaximized-type))
309                    (group-frame-unmaximized-geometry (window-get win 'unmaximized-geometry)))
310                (mapcar (lambda (w)
311                          (window-put w 'maximized-vertically group-frame-maximized-vertically)
312                          (window-put w 'maximized-horizontally group-frame-maximized-horizontally)
313                          (window-put w 'maximized-fullscreen group-frame-maximized-fullscreen)
314                          (window-put w 'unmaximized-type group-frame-unmaximized-type)
315                          (window-put w 'unmaximized-geometry group-frame-unmaximized-geometry)
316                          (tab-move-resize-frame-window-to w (car pos) (cdr pos) (car dim) (cdr dim))) unfocus)))
317             ((eq prop 'sticky)
318              (let ((workspace-sticky (window-sticky-p/workspace win))
319                    (viewport-sticky (window-sticky-p/viewport win))
320                    tab-workspace-sticky tab-viewport-sticky)
321                (mapcar (lambda (w)
322                          (setq tab-workspace-sticky (window-sticky-p/workspace w))
323                          (setq tab-viewport-sticky (window-sticky-p/viewport w))
324                          (if (not (eq workspace-sticky tab-workspace-sticky))
325                              (if workspace-sticky
326                                  (make-window-sticky/workspace w)
327                                (make-window-unsticky/workspace w)))
328                          (if (not (eq viewport-sticky tab-viewport-sticky))
329                              (if viewport-sticky
330                                  (make-window-sticky/viewport w)
331                                (make-window-unsticky/viewport w)))) unfocus))))
332            (when (cdr (tab-group-windows win))
333              (if not-shaded (unshade-window win))
334              (mapcar (lambda (w)
335                        (shade-window w)) (remove win (tab-group-windows win)))))
336        (setq tab-refresh-lock t))))
338  ;; Entry points
339  (define (tab-group-window w win)
340    "Add window W to tabgroup containing WIN."
341    ;; don't add a window as tab, if it already
342    ;; exists on another workspace or window type
343    ;; is not a "normal" window (e.g. dock panel ...)
344    ;; and framestyle supported tabs
345    (when (and (not (cdr (window-get win 'workspaces)))
346               (net-wm-window-type-normal-p w)
347               (net-wm-window-type-normal-p win)
348               (frame-style-tabs-support-p win))
349      (let* ((index (tab-window-group-index win))
350             (index2 (tab-window-group-index w))
351             (pos (window-position win))
352             (dim (window-dimensions win))
353             ;; adopt window settings for the new tab
354             (group-frame-style (window-get win 'frame-style))
355             (group-frame-type (window-get win 'type))
356             (group-frame-shade-hover (window-get win 'shade-hover))
357             (group-frame-focus-mode (window-get win 'focus-mode))
358             (group-frame-gravity (window-get win 'gravity))
359             (group-frame-never-iconify (window-get win 'never-iconify))
360             (group-frame-fixed-position (window-get win 'fixed-position))
361             (group-frame-fixed-size (window-get win 'fixed-size))
362             (group-frame-title-position (window-get win 'title-position))
363             (group-frame-depth (window-get win 'depth))
364             (group-frame-never-maximize (window-get win 'never-maximize))
365             (group-frame-maximized-vertically (window-get win 'maximized-vertically))
366             (group-frame-maximized-horizontally (window-get win 'maximized-horizontally))
367             (group-frame-maximized-fullscreen (window-get win 'maximized-fullscreen))
368             (group-frame-unmaximized-type (window-get win 'unmaximized-type))
369             (group-frame-unmaximized-geometry (window-get win 'unmaximized-geometry))
370             group-frame-to-workspaces group-frame-from-workspaces is-sticky-w is-sticky-v)
371        (when (not (eq index index2))
372          ;; tabgroup to tabgroup
373          (when (window-tabbed-p w)
374            (setq release-window nil)
375            (tab-delete-window-from-tab-groups w)
376            (setq index2 (tab-window-group-index w)))
377          (if (window-get win 'iconified) (uniconify-window win))
378          (if (window-get win 'shaded) (unshade-window win))
379          (setq tab-refresh-lock nil)
380          (if (window-sticky-p/workspace win) (setq is-sticky-w 't))
381          (if (window-sticky-p/viewport win) (setq is-sticky-v 't))
382          (if (window-sticky-p win) (make-window-unsticky win))
383          (setq group-frame-to-workspaces (car (window-workspaces win)))
384          (if (window-sticky-p w) (make-window-unsticky w))
385          (setq group-frame-from-workspaces (car (window-workspaces w)))
386          (if (window-get w 'iconified) (uniconify-window w))
387          (if (window-get w 'shaded) (unshade-window w))
388          (window-put w 'frame-style group-frame-style)
389          (window-put w 'type group-frame-type)
390          (window-put w 'shade-hover group-frame-shade-hover)
391          (window-put w 'focus-mode group-frame-focus-mode)
392          (window-put w 'gravity group-frame-gravity)
393          (window-put w 'title-position group-frame-title-position)
394          (window-put w 'never-iconify group-frame-never-iconify)
395          (window-put w 'depth group-frame-depth)
396          (window-put w 'fixed-position group-frame-fixed-position)
397          (window-put w 'fixed-size group-frame-fixed-size)
398          (window-put w 'never-maximize group-frame-never-maximize)
399          (window-put w 'maximized-vertically group-frame-maximized-vertically)
400          (window-put w 'maximized-horizontally group-frame-maximized-horizontally)
401          (window-put w 'maximized-fullscreen group-frame-maximized-fullscreen)
402          (window-put w 'unmaximized-type group-frame-unmaximized-type)
403          (window-put w 'unmaximized-geometry group-frame-unmaximized-geometry)
404          ;; reframe w here, tab-refresh-group expectet
405          ;; the same frame for w and win
406          (reframe-window w)
407          (tab-put-window-in-group w index)
408          (tab-delete-window-from-group w index2)
409          (resize-window-to w (car dim) (cdr dim))
410          (move-window-to w (car pos) (cdr pos))
411          (when (and group-frame-to-workspaces group-frame-from-workspaces
412                     (not (eq group-frame-to-workspaces group-frame-from-workspaces)))
413            (move-window-to-workspace w group-frame-from-workspaces group-frame-to-workspaces))
414          (if (and is-sticky-w is-sticky-v)
415              (progn
416                (make-window-sticky win)
417                (make-window-sticky w))
418            (when is-sticky-w
419              (make-window-sticky/workspace win)
420              (make-window-sticky/workspace w))
421            (when is-sticky-v
422              (make-window-sticky/viewport win)
423              (make-window-sticky/viewport w)))
424          (setq tab-refresh-lock t)
425          (tab-refresh-group w 'frame)
426          (set-input-focus w)
427          (call-hook 'tab-group-windows-hook (list (tab-group-windows w)))
428          (if (not (window-tabbed-p win)) (window-put win 'tabbed t))
429          (window-put w 'tabbed t)
430          (raise-windows w (remove w (tab-group-windows-stacking-order w)))))))
432  (define (tab-release-window w)
433    "Release the window from its group."
434    (setq release-window nil)
435    (tab-delete-window-from-tab-groups w)
436    (tab-make-new-group w))
438  (define-command 'tab-release-window tab-release-window #:spec "%f")
440  (define (tab-group-offset win n)
441    "Return the window at position (pos+n) in window's group."
442    (let* ((gr (tab-group-window-list (tab-find-window win)))
443           (size (length gr))
444           (r (tab-rank win gr)))
445      (nth (modulo (+ r n) size) gr)))
447  (define (tab-same-group-p w1 w2)
448    "Predicate : true <=> w1 and w2 are grouped together."
449    (member w1 (tab-group-window-list (tab-find-window w2))))
451  (define (tab-raise-left-window)
452    "Raise left window in current tab group."
453    (let ((win (tab-group-offset (input-focus) -1)))
454      (raise-window win)
455      (set-input-focus win)))
457  (define-command 'tab-raise-left-window tab-raise-left-window)
459  (define (tab-raise-right-window)
460    "Raise right window in current tab group."
461    (let ((win (tab-group-offset (input-focus) 1)))
462      (raise-window win)
463      (set-input-focus win)))
465  (define-command 'tab-raise-right-window tab-raise-right-window)
467  (define (move-tab w pos)
468    "Move tab W to pos"
469    (when (window-tabbed-p w)
470      (let* ((wins (tab-group-windows w))
471            (rank (tab-rank w wins))
472            (list-end (nthcdr rank wins))
473            (list-start wins)
474            right left current new-list)
475        (mapcar (lambda (w)
476                  (setq list-start (remove w list-start))) list-end)
477        (when (eq pos 'next)
478          (if (not (nth (+ rank 1) wins))
479              (tab-move-to-beginning w)
480            (setq list-end (remove w list-end))
481            (setq right (nth (+ rank 1) wins))
482            (setq list-end (remove (nth (+ rank 1) wins) list-end))
483            (setq current (list w))
484            (if (consp list-start)
485                (setq new-list (append new-list list-start)))
486            (if right
487                (setq new-list (append new-list (list right))))
488            (if (consp current)
489                (setq new-list (append new-list current)))
490            (if (consp list-end)
491                (setq new-list (append new-list list-end)))
492            (setq all-wins (nthcdr 0 new-list))
493            (after-move-resize w)))
494        (when (eq pos 'prev)
495          (setq left (last list-start))
496          (if (not left)
497              (tab-move-to-end w)
498          (setq list-start (remove left list-start))
499            (setq list-end (nthcdr (+ rank 1) wins))
500            (setq current (list w))
501            (if (consp list-start)
502                (setq new-list (append new-list list-start)))
503            (if (consp current)
504                (setq new-list (append new-list current)))
505            (if left
506                (setq new-list (append new-list (list left))))
507            (if (consp list-end)
508                (setq new-list (append new-list list-end)))
509            (setq all-wins (nthcdr 0 new-list))
510            (after-move-resize w))))))
512  (define clicked-frame nil)
513  (define (tab-move-to-right w)
514    "Move tab to right in the tabbar."
515    (setq clicked-frame (clicked-frame-part))
516    (move-tab w 'next))
518  (define-command 'tab-move-to-right tab-move-to-right #:spec "%f")
520  (define (tab-move-to-left w)
521    "Move tab to left in the tabbar."
522    (setq clicked-frame (clicked-frame-part))
523    (move-tab w 'prev))
525  (define-command 'tab-move-to-left tab-move-to-left #:spec "%f")
527  (define (move-tab-edge w pos)
528    "Move tab W to pos"
529    (when (window-tabbed-p w)
530      (let ((tabs (remove w (tab-group-windows w))))
531        (if (eq pos 'end)
532            (setq all-wins (append tabs (cons w nil))))
533        (if (eq pos 'beg)
534            (setq all-wins (append (cons w nil) tabs)))
535        (after-move-resize w))))
537  (define (tab-move-to-end w)
538    "Move tab to the end in the tabbar."
539    (setq clicked-frame (clicked-frame-part))
540    (move-tab-edge w 'end))
542  (define-command 'tab-move-to-end tab-move-to-end #:spec "%f")
544  (define (tab-move-to-beginning w)
545    "Move tab to the beginning in the tabbar."
546    (setq clicked-frame (clicked-frame-part))
547    (move-tab-edge w 'beg))
549  (define-command 'tab-move-to-beginning tab-move-to-beginning #:spec "%f")
551  (define (map-other-grouped-windows win func)
552    ""
553    (mapcar func
554            (delete-if
555             (lambda (w) (eq w win))
556             (tab-group-window-list (tab-find-window win)))) )
558  (define (before-move win)
559    (when (not (window-get win 'fixed-position))
560      (before-move-resize win)))
562  (define (before-move-resize win)
563    "Releas WIN from the tabgroup and iconify the rest from the group."
564    (let* ((default-window-animator 'none)
565           (index (tab-window-group-index win))
566           (wins (tab-group-windows win))
567           (order (tab-group-windows-stacking-order win))
568           (tabs (remove win (tab-group-windows win))))
569      (setq tab-move-resize-lock 't)
570      (tab-delete-window-from-group win index)
571      (reframe-window win)
572      (setq tab-refresh-lock nil)
573      (mapcar (lambda (w)
574                (when (window-get w 'never-iconify)
575                  (window-put w 'never-iconify nil)
576                  (window-put w 'never-iconify-opaque t))
577                (iconify-window w)) tabs)
578      (setq windows-stacking-order order)
579      (setq all-wins wins))
580    (setq tab-refresh-lock t))
582  (define (after-move-resize win)
583    "Add all tabs to the tabgroup from WIN. (Releas and iconify by before-move-resize)"
584    (setq tab-refresh-lock nil)
585    (let* ((default-window-animator 'none)
586           (wins all-wins)
587           (pos (window-position win))
588           (dim (window-dimensions win))
589           index index-old)
590      (when (cdr wins)
591        (setq index (tab-window-group-index (car wins)))
592        (mapcar (lambda (w)
593                  (setq index-old (tab-window-group-index w))
594                  (tab-put-window-in-group w index)
595                  (tab-delete-window-from-group w index-old)
596                  (setq index (tab-window-group-index w))
597                  (move-window-to w (car pos) (cdr pos))
598                  (resize-window-to w (car dim) (cdr dim))
599                  (uniconify-window w)
600                  (when (window-get w 'never-iconify-opaque)
601                    (window-put w 'never-iconify-opaque nil)
602                    (window-put w 'never-iconify t))
603                  (window-put w 'tabbed t)) wins)
604        (call-hook 'tab-group-windows-hook (list (tab-group-windows win)))
605        (raise-windows win (remove win windows-stacking-order))
606        (tab-refresh-group win 'raise)
607        (setq all-wins nil))
608      (setq tab-refresh-lock t)
609      (when (window-tabbed-p win)
610        (tab-refresh-group win 'move)
611        (tab-refresh-group win 'frame)
612        (set-input-focus (nth 0 (tab-group-windows-stacking-order win)))
613        (when clicked-frame
614          (move-cursor-in-tabbar (input-focus))
615          (setq clicked-frame nil)))
616      (setq tab-move-resize-lock nil)))
618  (define (move-cursor-in-tabbar win)
619    (let* ((group (tab-find-window win))
620           (tabnum (tab-rank win (tab-group-window-list group)))
621           (tab-pos-list (tab-pos group tabnum win))
622           (start-right
623            (if (or (eq (window-get win 'type) 'transient)
624                    (eq (window-get win 'type) 'shaped-transient))
625                tabbar-left-margin-transient
626              tabbar-left-margin)))
627      (if (not (eq (window-get win 'current-frame-style) (nth 0 (frame-style-tabbars-support win))))
628          (warp-cursor (+ (car (window-position win)) start-right (nth 4 tab-pos-list) (quotient (nth 6 tab-pos-list) 2))
629                       (+ (quotient (- (cdr (window-frame-dimensions win)) (cdr (window-dimensions win)) 4) 2) (cdr (window-position win))))
630        (let ((current-pos
631               (if (window-get win 'title-position)
632                   (window-get win 'title-position)
633                 (nth 1 (frame-style-tabbars-support win)))))
634          (case current-pos
635                ((top) (warp-cursor (+ (car (window-position win)) start-right (nth 4 tab-pos-list) (quotient (nth 6 tab-pos-list) 2))
636                                    (+ (quotient (- (cdr (window-frame-dimensions win)) (cdr (window-dimensions win)) 4) 2) (cdr (window-position win)))))
637                ((bottom) (warp-cursor (+ (car (window-position win)) start-right (nth 4 tab-pos-list) (quotient (nth 6 tab-pos-list) 2))
638                                       (+ (quotient (- (cdr (window-frame-dimensions win)) (cdr (window-dimensions win))) 2)
639                                          (cdr (window-position win)) (cdr (window-dimensions win)))))
640                ((left) (warp-cursor (+ (quotient (- (car (window-frame-dimensions win)) (car (window-dimensions win)) 4) 2) (car (window-position win)))
641                                     (- (+ (cdr (window-position win)) (cdr (window-dimensions win))) start-right (nth 7 tab-pos-list)
642                                        (quotient (nth 9 tab-pos-list) 2))))
643                ((right) (warp-cursor (+ (quotient (- (car (window-frame-dimensions win)) (car (window-dimensions win))) 2)
644                                         (car (window-position win)) (car (window-dimensions win)) 2)
645                                      (- (+ (cdr (window-position win)) (cdr (window-dimensions win))) start-right (nth 7 tab-pos-list)
646                                         (quotient (nth 9 tab-pos-list) 2)))))))))
648  (define (unmap-id win)
649    (setq last-unmap-id (window-id win)))
651  (define (in-tab-group win)
652    "Add a new window WIN as tab if have one (the first created if more as one)
653of the windows the same 'tab-group property"
654     (when (window-get win 'tab-group)
655       (setq in-tab-group-name (append in-tab-group-name (cons (cons (window-id win) (window-get win 'tab-group)))))
656       (let ((open-win-tabgroup (get-window-by-id (car (rassoc (window-get win 'tab-group) in-tab-group-name)))))
657        ;; unmap-notify-hook gets not always a window-id for all
658        ;; windows e.g. gimp (it will close more as one window and
659        ;; also not all call the unmap-notify-hook and/or we get the window-id).
660        ;; This next "if" will clean the list and remove the "ghosts".
661        (if (not (eq open-win-tabgroup nil))
662            (if (not (eq win open-win-tabgroup))
663                (tab-group-window win open-win-tabgroup))
664          (setq in-tab-group-name (remove (rassoc (window-get win 'tab-group) in-tab-group-name) in-tab-group-name))
665          (in-tab-group win)))))
667  (define (remove-from-tab-group win)
668    "Remove WIN from in-tab-group-name alist if it have a 'tab-group property"
669    (when (window-get win 'tab-group)
670      (setq in-tab-group-name (remove (assoc last-unmap-id in-tab-group-name) in-tab-group-name))))
672  (define (focus-in-tab win)
673    (let ((timer-wait (if raise-windows-on-focus raise-window-timeout '1)))
674      (if (or (eq focus-mode 'click)
675              (eq (window-get win 'focus-mode) 'click))
676          (setq timer-wait '1))
677      (setq timer-raise
678            (make-timer (lambda ()
679                          (if (or shade-hover-mode (window-get win 'shade-hover))
680                              (raise-windows win (remove win (tab-group-windows-stacking-order win)))
681                            (tab-refresh-group win 'raise)))
682                        (quotient timer-wait 1000) (mod timer-wait 1000)))))
684  (define (focus-out-tab)
685    (when timer-raise
686      (delete-timer timer-raise)
687      (setq timer-raise nil)))
689  (define (unshade-tab win)
690    (let ((unshade-nil))
691      (when (window-get win 'shade-hover-unshaded)
692        (mapcar (lambda (w)
693                  (if (not (window-get w 'shaded)) (setq unshade-nil 't))) (remove win (tab-group-windows win)))
694        (when unshade-nil
695          (window-put win 'shade-hover-unshaded nil)
696          (clean-up)
697          (setq unshade-nil nil)
698          (mapcar (lambda (w)
699                    (shade-window w)) (remove win (tab-group-windows win))))
700        (set-input-focus win))))
702  (unless batch-mode
703    (add-hook 'after-add-window-hook in-tab-group)
704    (add-hook 'unmap-notify-hook unmap-id)
705    (add-hook 'window-state-change-hook
706              (lambda (win args)
707                (when (window-tabbed-p win)
708                  (setq args (car args))
709                  (cond ((eq 'sticky args)
710                         (tab-refresh-group win 'sticky)
711                         (tab-refresh-group win 'frame))
712                        ((eq 'fixed-position args)
713                         (tab-refresh-group win 'fixed-position)
714                         (tab-refresh-group win 'frame))
715                        ((eq 'fixed-size args)
716                         (tab-refresh-group win 'fixed-size)
717                         (tab-refresh-group win 'frame))
718                        ((eq 'frame-style args)
719                         (tab-refresh-group win 'style)
720                         (tab-refresh-group win 'reframe-all)
721                         (tab-refresh-group win 'move))
722                        ((eq 'type args)
723                         (tab-refresh-group win 'type)
724                         (tab-refresh-group win 'reframe))
725                        ((eq 'stacking args)
726                         (tab-refresh-group win 'depth)
727                         (tab-refresh-group win 'frame))))))
729    (when (eq move-outline-mode 'opaque)
730      (add-hook 'before-move-hook (lambda (win) (if (window-tabbed-p win) (before-move win)))))
731    (add-hook 'after-move-hook  (lambda (win) (after-move-resize win)))
732    (when (eq resize-outline-mode 'opaque)
733      (add-hook 'before-resize-hook (lambda (win) (if (window-tabbed-p win) (before-move-resize win)))))
734    (add-hook 'after-resize-hook  (lambda (win) (after-move-resize win)))
735    (add-hook 'focus-in-hook (lambda (win) (if (window-tabbed-p win) (focus-in-tab win))))
736    (add-hook 'focus-out-hook (lambda (win) (if (window-tabbed-p win) (focus-out-tab))))
737    (add-hook 'unshade-window-hook (lambda (win) (if (window-tabbed-p win) (unshade-tab win))))
738    (add-hook 'iconify-window-hook (lambda (win) (if (window-tabbed-p win) (tab-refresh-group win 'iconify))))
739    (add-hook 'uniconify-window-hook (lambda (win) (if (window-tabbed-p win) (tab-refresh-group win 'uniconify))))
740    (add-hook 'window-maximized-hook (lambda (win) (if (window-tabbed-p win) (tab-refresh-group win 'maximized))))
741    (add-hook 'window-unmaximized-hook (lambda (win) (if (window-tabbed-p win) (tab-refresh-group win 'maximized))))
742    (add-hook 'destroy-notify-hook destroy-hook))
744  (gaol-add set-tab-theme-name set-tab-theme-tabbars tab-refresh-group tab-group-windows))