1# Special abilities
3# type is: (M-manual,A-automatic,R-recurring)
4# event is: (A-armor,D-damage)
6# action,prereq are squirrel functions
8# The prereq function can be slow-ish, but the action should execute
9# fast.
11# TODO: add prereq special skills here to create a rough tree of what
12# sages show. This also helps with not running too many prereq functions.
14# Others not yet implemented:
15# S:Adaptive Mind
16# S:Aura of Fear
17# S:Crazy Wisdom Defense
18# S:Critical hit
19# S:Damaging Aura
20# S:Exploit Lore
21# S:Heal Command Word
22# S:Healing Aura
23# S:Leadership bonus
24# S:Displacement
25# S:Planar Assistance
26# S:Shadow Soul
27# S:Shadow walk
28# S:Silent Kill
29# S:Speedy Casting
30# S:Strict Moral Code
31# S:Weapon Command
32# S:Undead Thralls
33# S:Unseen servant
34# S:Weapon Calling
35# S:Weapon Finesse
36# S:Weapon Level Bonus
37# S:Wilderness survival
40	[ability]
41		name="Superior toughness"
42		display_name=_( "Superior toughness" )
43		description=_( "Having been born and raised for the art of combat, you are a warrior who shakes off pain that would cripple a lesser person. In battle your natural abilities serve as an extra layer of armor. The player must be an at least 3rd level fighter  or rogue type in order to use this capability." )
44		type="A"
45		event="A"
46		prereq_function="prereqSuperTough"
47		action_function="actionSuperTough"
48		icon="1,10"
49	[/ability]
50	[ability]
51		name="Missile Defense"
52		display_name=_( "Missile Defense" )
53		description=_( "You specialize in missile weapons to the point of being able to automatically predict the path of high-speed, incoming missiles. This innate knowledge grants you an extra bonus when defending against missile weapons. The prerequisites for this capability is an at least 3rd level player with the bow skill of 20." )
54		type="A"
55		event="A"
56		prereq_function="prereqMissileDefense"
57		action_function="actionMissileDefense"
58		icon="2,10"
59	[/ability]
60	[ability]
61		name="War-rage"
62		display_name=_( "War-rage" )
63		description=_( "You rejoice in destruction of all who stand in your way. For every attack when using melee weapons, you cause extra damage resulting from your battle- lust. The prerequisites for this capability are having more than 30 skill." )
64		type="A"
65		event="D"
66		prereq_function="prereqWarrage"
67		action_function="actionWarrage"
68		icon="4,10"
69	[/ability]
70	[ability]
71		name="Killer Blow"
72		display_name=_( "Killer Blow" )
73		description=_( "Being a barbarian is hard work. Not only are you not allowed to read, bathe, or act in any way trans-gender, you also subsist on an unhealthy diet lacking in vitamins and fiber. Fortunately you may freely partake in many fittingly, barbaric activities such as the contest of killing an opponent with a single blow. This  training is useful on the battlefield where you may take a bonus to your attacks. Only barbarians are allowed to use this special capability." )
74		type="A"
75		event="A"
76		prereq_function="prereqKillerblow"
77		action_function="actionKillerblow"
78		icon="8,10"
79	[/ability]
80	[ability]
81		name="Smallarm Mastery"
82		display_name=_( "Smallarm Mastery" )
83		description=_( "Spending years fighting for their lives, rogues master the use of small arms (daggers and knives). With this capability, they cause extra points of damage in combat when wielding a small weapon." )
84		type="A"
85		event="A"
86		prereq_function="prereqSmallArmMastery"
87		action_function="actionSmallArmMastery"
88		icon="9,10"
89	[/ability]
90	[ability]
91		name="Neutralize Poison"
92		display_name=_( "Neutralize Poison" )
93		description=_( "The rogue's happy-go-lucky attitude is said to be an attribute to a quick healing physiology. With this skill, a high level rogue character can shake off the effects of poison up to three times a day." )
94		type="M"
95		prereq_function="prereqNeutPoison"
96		action_function="actionNeutPoison"
97		icon="10,10"
98	[/ability]
99	[ability]
100		name="Terminal Energy"
101		display_name=_( "Terminal Energy" )
102		description=_( "A mage when caught in battle and reduced to very few hit points will gain back magic points in a final desperate act of survival. The prerequisite  to this capability is to be a magic user or student of lore teetering on the verge of death." )
103		type="A"
104		event="A"
105		prereq_function="prereqTerminal"
106		action_function="actionTerminal"
107		icon="5,10"
108	[/ability]
109	[ability]
110		name="Mystic Defense"
111		display_name=_( "Mystic Defense" )
112		description=_( "Using this capability, a mage or student of lore can extend the effectiveness of the armor worn by connecting with the  mystic energies of the deity Xelphate. The prerequisite to this capability is being a magic user and having at least 25" )
113		type="A"
114		event="A"
115		prereq_function="prereqMystic"
116		action_function="actionMystic"
117		icon="6,10"
118	[/ability]
119	[ability]
120		name="Speedy Casting"
121		display_name=_( "Speedy Casting" )
122		description=_( "You have studied the art of spell casting since an early age. The basics of this discipline are second nature to you and therefore you are able to conjure up magic faster than others. The prerequisites to this skill is high levels in the magical skills." )
123		type="A"
124		event="A"
125		prereq_function="prereqSpeedyCast"
126		action_function="actionSpeedyCast"
127		icon="13,10"
128	[/ability]
129	[ability]
130		name="Natural Healing"
131		display_name=_( "Natural Healing" )
132		description=_( "Your closeness to nature imbues your being with raw energy. You can  innately transform this into a healing force and cure your minor ailments twice a day. The prerequisite for this capability is having at least 25  points of nature magic skill." )
133		type="M"
134		prereq_function="prereqNaturalHealing"
135		action_function="actionNaturalHealing"
136		icon="3,10"
137	[/ability]
138	[ability]
139		name="Vitality Transfer"
140		display_name=_( "Vitality Transfer" )
141		description=_( "When invoked, this capability attempts to balance everyone's health scores in your party. The healer temporarily joins everyone's fate and shares hit points from healthy party members with those who need it. It is rumored that players also take on some of each others' personalities. The prerequisite of this capability is 25 points of Awareness magic and having at least 5 levels." )
142		type="M"
143		prereq_function="prereqVitality"
144		action_function="actionVitality"
145		icon="7,10"
146	[/ability]
147	[ability]
148		name="Healing Aura"
149		display_name=_( "Healing Aura" )
150		description=_( "A palpable aura of holy innocence surround you. This force originates from celestial powers as long as you remain favored by your deity. While you travel with this aura, you and those around you naturally recover from injuries. The prerequisite to obtaining this capability is a noble profession such as a healer or certain types of high level warriors." )
151		type="R"
152		prereq_function="prereqHealingAura"
153		action_function="actionHealingAura"
154		icon="14,10"
155	[/ability]
156	[ability]
157		name="Arcane Stance"
158		display_name=_( "Arcane Stance" )
159		description=_( "In your years of research you came across a lost treatiese on the art of defensive body movements in combat. Armed with this knowledge, the scholar can face an enemy in combat showing a least vulnerable side." )
160		type="A"
161		event="A"
162		prereq_function="prereqArcaneStance"
163		action_function="actionArcaneStance"
164		icon="11,10"
165	[/ability]
166	[ability]
167		name="Bow Mastery"
168		display_name=_( "Bow Mastery" )
169		description=_( "Many years of research teaches the scholar the perfect way to rain ranged attacks upon their enemies. Using the bow is as much about the contemplation of one's spirit as it is an execution of forms gleaned from ancient tomes. The high-level scholar receives an attack bonus with this capability." )
170		type="A"
171		event="A"
172		prereq_function="prereqBowMastery"
173		action_function="actionBowMastery"
174		icon="12,10"
175	[/ability]